aubrey young solar oven

Designing a solar oven By:Aubrey Young Monday, May 20, 13

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Page 1: Aubrey young solar oven

Designing a solar oven By:Aubrey Young

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 2: Aubrey young solar oven

Imagine for design #1For our materials we will use 1 unit of Cotten,1 unit of rocks,1 unit of cloth

Some advantages of this Idea is that it is less of an impact on the environment

Some disadvantages of this idea is it will take longer to heat up, cloth and Cotten are not natural, we can only use one unit each

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 3: Aubrey young solar oven

Imagine for design #2

We used 1 unit of rocks,2 units of news paper

Some advantage to this idea is use less material,less impact on environment,good insulator, and it heats faster

Some disadvantages is the news paper has ink,less heather,and it is more toxic

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 4: Aubrey young solar oven

Plan for design #1

Top view

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 5: Aubrey young solar oven

Plan for design #1

Side view

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 6: Aubrey young solar oven

Material UnitsWe will use material by

Rocks 1Placing it on

the bottom of solar oven.

Cloth 1Use to trap and instate


Cotten 1Use to instate


Plan for design#1

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 7: Aubrey young solar oven

Impact score on design #1Material Reduce Natural Reuse Recycle Points

Cloth 1 unit+1





Rocks 1 unit-1

Natural -1



Cotten 1 unit+1







Monday, May 20, 13

Page 8: Aubrey young solar oven

Solar oven testing in the sunTime Tempeture

0 min 25°C

5 min 47.5°C

10 min 49.3°C

15 min 53.1°C

20 min 54.9°C

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 9: Aubrey young solar oven

Solar oven in the shadeTime Tempture

1 49.8°C

2 49.8°C

3 38.5°C

4 38.5°C

5 34.3°C

6 34.3°C

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 10: Aubrey young solar oven

Create for design #1Our heat score is our solar oven maximum temperature subtracted from the control oven:55-55=0

Our time score is the number of minutes it took to cool down witch was 5 minutes

Our total impact score was 2 points

Our total score for the solar oven is 3 points

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 11: Aubrey young solar oven

Improve for design #1The total score for our first dolor oven was 3 points

The parts of our solar oven that worked well were the rocks one Cotten because over time the rocks heat up and help heat the box and the Cotten is spread so it keeps more heat

The cloth did not work as well cause it keep falling

We are going to try to improve our score heat score

We will improve our heat score by removing the cloth and adding sand because it traps the heat

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 12: Aubrey young solar oven

Plan for design #2

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 13: Aubrey young solar oven

Plan for design #2

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 14: Aubrey young solar oven

Plan for design #2Materials Units

How will we use the materials

Sand 1 Unit Place on bottom

Cotten 1 UnitSherd and put on edge of box

Rocks 1 UnitPlace on top of


Monday, May 20, 13

Page 15: Aubrey young solar oven

Impact score for design #2Design

2Reduce Natural or

processed Reuse Recycle Points

Sand 1 Unit-1

natural -1 yes -1 yes -2

Rocks 1 Unit-1

natural -1 yes -1 yes -2

Cotten 1 Unit +1 processed

+1 no +1 no 4

Total points

0 points

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 16: Aubrey young solar oven

Solar oven testing in the sunTime Temperature

0 min 24.4°C

5 min 42.9°C

10 min 65.5°C

15 min 86.5°C

20 min 45.9°C

25 min 49.5°C

30 min 42.2°C

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 17: Aubrey young solar oven

Solar oven testing in the shade Time Temperature 1 min 34.5°C2 min 36.7°C3 min 36.4°C4 min 36.2°C5 min 35.5°C6 min 34.6°C7 min 34.4°C8 min 33.9°C9 min 32.7°C10 min 30.9°C

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 18: Aubrey young solar oven

Create for design #2Our heat score is our solar oven maximum temperature subtracted from the control oven: 87-53=34

Our time score is the number of minutes it took to cool down witch was 10 minutes

Our total impact score was 0 points

Our total score for the solar oven is 44 points

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 19: Aubrey young solar oven

ReflectionOur improved design worked well because the materials that we used trapped the heat really well. We know this because the temperature increased. The material we changed was sand. The sand was a good insulator because It kept the heat in the box.

If we could improve again we would not change anything because with the shredded stuff we have in there like the cotton takes up more space to trap in the heat.

Monday, May 20, 13