
AUDIENCE (indie rock) Audience is a very important element for creating and designing a music magazine which is being targeted for a certain genre of music. All elements which will be created within my music genre of magazine will be aimed at a specific type of audience. This audience will be those interested and who listen to the Indie Rock genre, this would include iconography from the indie rock genre and the way it is stereotyped.

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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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AUDIENCE(indie rock)

Audience is a very important element for creating and designing a music magazine which is being targeted for a certain genre of music. All elements which will be created within my music genre of magazine will be aimed at a specific type of audience. This audience will be those interested and who listen to the Indie Rock genre, this would include iconography from the indie rock genre and the way it is stereotyped.

The type of magazine I am aiming to produce will be targeted at all ages and all genders, as music is such a wide topic anyone and everyone can listen or have an interest. I am aiming to make it appealing to the people only interested in the genre, as it will be a music magazine based around one certain genre.

Name: Sam SmithHobbies: Gigs, playing guitar, writing musicFavourite Bands/ Artists: Arctic Monkeys, The Libertines, Miles Kane, Kasaiban.What you would like from a music magazine?: “I would like to see more gig photos and reviews for the gigs I missed out on”

AUDIENCE PROFILESI have asked a few different people I know who are interested and listen to the Indie Rock genre what they would like from a magazine, what should be included within the content of the magazine.

Name: Tasha NewtonHobbies: Fashion, Listening to music, going outFavourite Bands/ Artists: The Smiths, Bob Dylan, Rolling Stones.What you would like from a music magazine?: “I would love to see more fashion pages with ideas on trends within the indie scene”

Name: Tom VanzetiHobbies: Playing with my band at gigs, spreading the indie musicFavourite Bands/ Artists: The Wombats, The Kooks, TribesWhat you would like from a music magazine?: “I think I would read magazines more if they had more opportunities for competitions and also posters”

Name: Matthew RobinsonHobbies: Record Collecting, Gigs, Meeting indie rock musiciansFavourite Bands/ Artists: The Stone Roses, The CourteenersWhat you would like from a music magazine?: “More gossip about the bands and people in the indie rock industry, and also information on releases and signings”

The articles and stories inside will need to be engaging so they draw in the correct target audience. For example it could be an article which would engage a certain audience about an interview with a popular indie band in the current market. I will achieve this by using gratifications theory


Uses and Gratification



PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS(following fashion and role models)

PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS(using the media for emotional interaction)

SURVEILLIENCE(information gathering)

Diversion to help audience escape which in a music magazine could be photographs from a gig. DIVERSION

PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS Personal relationships which are a story that creates a bond with the audience and emotion. This could be an interview with a band or artist.

PERSONAL IDENTITY Personal identity which could be a fashion page, gossip page about celebrities or stars within the Indie rock genre.

SURVEILLANCE Surveillance, which in a music magazine could be stuff to inform the audience. This could be a time table of upcoming gigs and concerts for which the audience reading may attend.



Personal Relationships

Personal Identity



Personal Identity

Personal Relationships

