audience survey

Audience Survey 1) How old are you? 2) What is your gender? 3) What is your ethnicity? 4) What class would you say you fall into? (Upper, Middle, Lower) 5) Do you enjoy violence in films, video games etc.? (Yes, Partially, No) 6) Do you enjoy action? (Yes, Partially, No) 7) Do you play video games and if so which do you play? 8) What TV shows do you enjoy? 9) How often do you watch films? (One a week or more, One to three a month, One to eleven a year, Never) 10) How do you get the films you watch? (Download, Streaming, Retailer etc.) 11) What is your favourite genre of films?

Upload: peter-bamforth

Post on 01-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Audience survey

Audience Survey

1) How old are you?

2) What is your gender?

3) What is your ethnicity?

4) What class would you say you fall into? (Upper, Middle, Lower)

5) Do you enjoy violence in films, video games etc.? (Yes, Partially, No)

6) Do you enjoy action? (Yes, Partially, No)

7) Do you play video games and if so which do you play?

8) What TV shows do you enjoy?

9) How often do you watch films? (One a week or more, One to three a month, One to eleven a year, Never)

10) How do you get the films you watch? (Download, Streaming, Retailer etc.)

11) What is your favourite genre of films?

Thank you for taking part in this survey