auditions for my cover and double page spread

Auditions for my Cover and Double Page Spread

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Post on 25-Jul-2015




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Auditions for my Cover and Double Page Spread

Dan Harnett

• I chose Dan in the auditions because he is a close friend that is interested in the “indie” genre of music. This means that he owns clothes that fit the category that I’m looking at. The reasons that I didn’t chose him for my magazine is because his skin tone is slightly to tanned for what I’m looking for, ideally I want a model of a paler complexion.

Eve Kerrigan

• Eve was picked to audition because she has a hair length that can be styled in many different ways. Although the photo doesn’t show her dressed in an “indie” style, she does normally dress in this way, which was also part of the reasoning behind auditioning her. The reasons that I didn’t pick Eve as my front cover model is because I am looking to feature a male on the front.

Daniel Walsh

• Daniel was auditioned because he is very photogenic and would be able to pose comfortably in an array of different positions and environments. Daniel would have been my model for my front cover but I felt that he was too short. Also, his typical dress style is not of the “indie” category that I am focusing on and when he is dressed in that way he doesn’t look natural, due to his neat and tidy hair cut.

Ellen Ronan

• I picked Ellen out to audition because I originally thought that she would be ideal as a indie front cover model, due to her long hair, good looks and figure. But, similarly to Dan, her complexion is slightly more tanned than I am looking for, I am also looking to feature a male on the front cover. However, if I was to feature a female model on the front cover, I would have picked Ellen.

My Final Choice –James O’Shea• I chose James as my front cover

model as he fitted the criteria I was looking for, for example, he dresses in an indie style and has a haircut to match, he is photogenic and therefore would be able to be confident in various photos. He also has defined cheekbones, which I wasn’t looking to feature, but I found that it sits in very well with the genre of my magazine, of indie.