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  • 7/29/2019 Aug 2011 Microsolutions


    In T hIs I ssue ... Microcontrollers Digital Signal Controllers Analog Memory Wireless

    Aug 2 0 1 1

    Follow the Chips in Space Blog, to learn more about how the satellite was built and how well it per orms in the vacuum o space:

    Microchip Engineers Built Amateur Satellite That Deployed From The International Space Station August 3rd Satellite Design Team Launches Blog About Project;Deployment Broadcast Live on NASA TV and OnlineMicrochip announced that a volunteer team o Microchip engineers spent nearly our years working on nights and weekends todevelop the ARISSat-1 amateur satellite . Their hard work came to ruition the morning o August 3rd at 11:43 a.m. (Paci c Time),when the crew o the International Space Station (ISS) deployed the satellite during a spacewalk.

    The deployment was broadcast live on NASA TV and online . Additionally, ARISSat-1 design-team leader Steve Bible launched thelimited-series Chips in Space Blog on EE Times Web site, to both educate and enter tain readers by relating the story o how heand his colleagues came to build the satellite, and the challenges they ran into along the way. On a weekly basis, Bible continuesto provide a detailed overview o ARISSat-1's design, along with up-to-the-minute news and analysis o its per ormance.

    ARISSat-1 is the prototype test fight or a proposed series o educational satellites being developed in a partnership with theRadio Amateur Satellite Corp. (AMSAT), the NASA O fce o Education ISS National Lab Project , the Amateur Radio on ISS (ARISS) working group and RSC-Energia. Following the satellite's success ul launch it is per orming the ollowing primary unctions:

    y Two-way communication via UHF uplink and VHF downlink, or use by ham radio operators y Visuals o space rom our cameras y Recharging o the satellites battery using solar panels, enabling operation or months y Transmission o audio greetings in many languages, or reception via simple radios or

    scanners y Telemetry transmissions with updates on the health o the satellite

    y House an experiment rom Russias Kursk State University measuring atmospheric pressure

    ARISSat-1 camera visuals

    1. Microchip EnginEErs Built AMAtEur s AtEllitE t hAt DEployED F roM intErnAtionAl s pAcE s tAtion August 2 nD

    2. Do you n EED inDustry -l EADing AccurAcy in A s ix -c hAnnEl AnAlog F ront EnD For t hrEE -phAsE EnErgy MEtEring s olutions ?

    3. Microchip MAkEs g loBAl s MArt MEtEr intEropErABility EAsy With DlMs u sEr AssociAtion c ErtiFiED s tAck For pic M icrocontrollErs

    4. Microchip u nvEils ADvAncED DEvElopMEnt k it For h igh -QuAlity DigitAl AuDio ApplicAtions

    5. Microchip l AunchEs pic32 B oArD For gui D EvElopMEnt Without An ExtErnAl g rAphics c ontrollEr

    6. t hirD -pArty n EWs

    7. t ry Microchip DirEctp rogrAMMing For F rEE !

    8. Microchip rEcEivEs 2011 B ronzE t Elly AWArD For v iDEo EDiting

    9. F EAturED Microchip AuthorizED DEsign pArtnEr

    10. Join Microchip t Echnology At EMBEDDED s ystEMs c onFErEncE 2011 in Boston

    11 . l ooking to EnhAncE your EMBEDDED c ontrol DEsigns ?

    12 . WhAt ' s n EW in Microchip l itErAturE

    13 . WhAt ' s n EW At Microchip DirEct?
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    Do You Need Industry-Leading Accuracy in a Six-Channel Analog Front End or Three-Phase Energy Metering Solutions?

    The MCP3903 Device Includes Six 16-/24-bit ADCs, Integrated PGAs, Low-Drift Voltage Reference, Phase-Delay Compensation and Modulator Output Block Microchip announced its rst high-accuracy, stand-alone six-channel analog ront end (AFE) orthree-phase energy metering. The MCP3903 AFE includes six 16-/24-bit Delta-Sigma analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and o ers industry-leading accuracy, with a signal-to-noise anddistortion (SINAD) o 89 dB (typical) and total harmonic distortion (THD) o -99 dB (typical).Additional integrated eatures include programmable gain ampli ers (PGAs), a low-dri t voltagere erence and phase-delay compensation, or a reduced external component count thatincreases design fexibility and lowers costs. The MCP3903 AFE is ideal or the utility andindustrial markets, such as in utility meters, power-monitoring devices and instrumentationdevices.

    Government regulations and trends in smart metering, along with the Advanced MeteringIn rastructure, have dramatically increased the need or products that o er precisemeasurements in multi-phase metering, while simpli ying designs and reducing costs. TheMCP3903 delivers this unctionality by providing a highly accurate solution with integratedeatures that enable design fexibility. The MCP3903s six 16-/24-bit Delta-Sigma ADCsenable the simultaneous sampling o six inputs, making it ideal or three-phase powermonitoring and metering, while its industry-leading accuracy allows or higher-accuracy products.

    The MCP3903 AFE provides engineers with a highly accurate solution or the growing smart-metering and power-monitoring market. This devices integrated eatures enable more precisemeasurements than competitive solutions, with reduced design time and lower cost.

    The MCP3903 is available in a 28-pin SSOP package. Samples are available today .

    To learn more about the MCP3903, visit:
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    Microchip Makes Global Smart Meter Interoperability Easy With DLMS User Association Certifed Stack or PIC MicrocontrollersWorlds First Semiconductor Company to Offer DLMS Stack Customized for MCUs, Enabling Interoperability for BroadRange of Energy Types and Communication ProtocolsMicrochip has par tnered with Kalki Communication Technologies, Ltd. to provide a Device Language Message Specifcation (DLMS) protocol stack that is optimized or 16-bitPIC microcontrollers (MCUs). The DLMS protocol has become the worldwide standardo choice among smart meter designers or interoperability among metering systems,including most energy types (electricity, gas, heat and water), multiple applications(residential, transmission and distribution), and numerous communication media (RS232,RS485, PSTN, GSM, GPRS, IPv4, PPP and PLC); as well as secure data access, via AES128 encryption.

    This so tware stack has been tested and veri ed by the DLMS User Association, andis customized to operate on all o Microchips 16-bit PIC microcontrollers and dsPICDigital Signal Controllers (DSCs), making the DLMS certi cation process aster andeasier. Additionally, the stack has been developed to ensure seamless integration withMicrochips communication protocol stacks, including TCP/IP, ZigBeeand PLC, coveringa broad spectrum o smart energy applications. Furthermore, this DLMS stack has beenoptimized to t in a small memory ootprint, enabling the use o the smallest, most cost-e ective MCUs possible. For European applications, the stack provides support or therequired IEC 62056-21 Mode E implementation.

    The addition o this DLMS library to Microchips smart energy o erings rein orces acontinued ocus on providing cost-e ective and comprehensive solutions to customers.Now, customers can leverage Microchips port olio o communication protocol solutions,such as TCP/IP, ZigBee and PLC, to create a ully integrated smar t energy system.

    Customers can use the Explorer 16 Development Board to design their DLMS solutions,based on Microchips vast port olio o industry-leading 16-bit MCUs and DSCs. TheExplorer 16 is available today, in the ollowing con gurations:

    y 100-pin Explorer 16 Development Board (part # DM240001 ) y 44-pin Explorer 16 Development Board (part # DM240002 )

    This new DLMS stack is available today, in the ollowing our favors.

    1. The DLMS Evaluation Library or 16-bit MCU s is a ree evaluation version o theDLMS library.

    2. The DLMS-lite Stack or 16-bit MCUs (part # SW500160 ).

    3. The DLMS Stack or 16-bit MCUs (part # SW500162 ).

    4. The DLMS Explorer (part # SW500164 ) is a Windowsbased DLMS/COSEMclient application.

    To learn more about DLMS, visit:
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    Do You Need a Development Kit or High-Quality Digital Audio Applications? 32-bit Microcontroller-based Dev Kit Provides Complete Solution for the Development of 24-bit Audio and Speech

    Applications With Record, Playback and Mixing CapabilitiesMicrochip announced a 32-bit microcontroller (MCU)-based development kit or the creation o high-quality, 24-bit audio applications. The AudioDevelopment Board or PIC32 MCUs eatures an 80 MIPS PIC32 MCU, a 24-bit Wol son audio codec, a two-inch color LCD Display, a USB inter ace, and anonboard microphone. Supported by Microchips ree so tware libraries, the kit provides a per ect solution or the development o speech and audio recordingand playback products. Target applications include docks or portable audio players, home-entertainment systems and automotive sound systems.

    The 80-MIPS PIC32MX795F512L MCU on the audio development board eatures 512 KB Flash and 128 KB RAM, providing plenty o processing powerand memory to decode, analyze and play back audio and speech. Libraries are available or speech recording and playback, as well as MP3 music decodingapplications. Additionally, an audio Sample Rate Conversion (SRC) library or 33 kHz, 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz is also suppor ted, which enables developers toreduce component costs or playback solutions. There are also libraries available or managing the USB inter ace and driving the on-board color LCD display,which eatures 16-bit color images. For those developers who are enrolled in the AppleMade For iPod (MFi) Licensing Program, the kit also inter aces toMicrochips accessory development plat orm or iPodand iPhone.

    The Audio Development Board or PIC32 MCUs o ers a complete plat orm that doesnt break the budget or high-quality audio development. The board alsoincludes an inter ace or use with our accessory development plat orm or iPod and iPhone, enabling expansion to support these popular devices.

    The Audio Development Board or PIC32 MCUs (part # DM320011 ) is available today. For MFi licensees, the Digital Audio Development Kit or PIC32 MCUs(part # DM320411) adds the accessory development plat orm or iPod and iPhone. This kit will be available by September to MFi licensees via Apple's

    authorized distributor.

    Learn more about this latest development kit, visit:
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    Does Your Project Call or GUI Development Without an External Graphics Controller?

    Low-Cost, Controllerless Graphics Board Enables Developers to Directly Drive 65K (16-bit-per-pixel)-Color Graphical User Interfaces

    Microchip announced the Low-Cost Controllerless (LCC) Graphics PICtail Plus Daughter Board (part # AC164144 ), which enables the development o graphics applications without an external graphics controller.

    Many user inter aces are migrating toward intuitive, easy-to-use graphics-driven systems with touch-screen capability. However, the addition o an externalgraphics controller can be cost prohibitive or applications in highly-competitive markets, such as consumer appliances. The 32-bit PIC32 microcontroller (MCU)-powered LCC Graphics PICtail Plus Daughter Board enables developers to directly drive 256 (8-bit-per-pixel)-color graphical user inter aces utilizing thePIC32 MCUs on-chip memory, Direct Memory Access controller, and Parallel Master Port. This eliminates the need or an external graphics controller andlowers the Bill o Materials cost.

    Additionally, the board enables developers to jumper in the onboard 256 KB o SRAM to support 65K (16-bit-per-pixel)-color WQVGA inter aces.

    With the LCC Graphics PICtail Plus Daughter Board, designers can leverage the power o PIC32 MCUs to do more with less, eliminating the added cost o anexternal graphics controller or lower-end applications

    This new daughter board can be used with an Explorer 16 Development Board or PIC32 Starter Kit, such as the PIC32 USB Starter Kit 2 , and can behooked up to any o the LCD panels available rom Microchip, including the Truly 3.2 QVGA and Powertip 4.3 WQVGA display panels. It is suppor tedby Microchips ree Graphics Library and makes it easy to incorporate graphical user inter aces onto designs in the industrial (e.g. control panels), homeappliance (e.g. co ee machines, washing machines and dr yers), consumer (e.g. thermostats, security-alarm panels, educational toys) and automotive markets (e.g. driver in ormation displays), among others.

    The LCC Graphics PICtail Plus Daughter Board (par t # AC164144) is available today.

    Learn more about the Low-Cost Controllerless (LCC) Graphics PICtail Plus Daughter Board , visit:
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    Third-Party News

    New Products

    Digilent Cerebot 32MX7 Development Board is a power ultool or embedded control and network communicationsprojects. Based on the PIC32MX795F512L , theboard includes built-in programming and debuggingsupport under MPLAB IDE, and also provides numerousconnections or peripheral devices. Ethernet, CAN, andUSB 2.0 Device, Host, and OTG are supported. ( TDGL004 )

    Unagi CM1015 Electronic Compass Module is an electroniccompass module that outputs accurate directional datawithout the need or manual calibration or additionalcomponents. Utilizing a 3 axis magnetometer with atriaxial accelerometer, the CM1015 calculates its positionrelative to terrestrial magnetism, outputting its direction indegrees. Gyroscopic output data is available. ( TUNAG001 )

    Saleae Logic16 USB Logic Analyzer is an enhanced versiono the popular USB Logic analyzer. Like its predecessor,the Logic16 includes highly re ined so tware that is astand intuitive. Decodes many protocols including I2C, AsyncSerial, SPI, 1-Wire, CAN, I2S, PCM, UNI/O, Manchester andMP Mode. Stores up to 10 billion samples at rates up to100 MHz. Up to 16 channels are supported. ( TSAL000 2 )

    chipKIT Basic I/O Shield adds a variety o use ul I/Odevices to the chipKIT Uno32 or the chipKIT Max32. Itprovides simple I/O such as buttons and LEDs, as well asmore complex devices such as a 256kbit EEPROM, digitaltemperature sensor, 4 open drain transistor outputs, and a128x32 OLED graphic display. ( TDGL005 )

    RS232 Gateway to Ethernet provides an easy Ethernetconnection using RS-232 communications. It allows theuse o a TCP/IP stack, without l icenses, suppor ting HTTP,TFTP, DHCP, socket-level UDP and TCP. It integrates with ahost system though high level AT commands, and o ers aweb server with up to 29 variables. ( TIPL402 )

    Special Discounts on MikroElektronika Development Systems

    Easy24-33 v6 Development System is available nowwith 20% discount (expires 9/30/11)

    The Easy24-33 v6 is a general purpose developmentsystem or low pin count PIC24 MCUs and dsPICDSCs . It accepts DIP packages rom 14 to 28pins and comes with a PIC24F16KA102 installed.Includes a boatload o on-board peripherals,integrated programmer/debugger and a largeprototyping area. Demo versions o Mikro C, Basic,

    and Pascal compilers are included (6K program limit); the system is alsocompatible with MPLAB compilers and debuggers. This is the Swiss army kni eo 16-bit development boards.

    Use coupon code TPXM9L7

    LV-32MX v6 Development System is available nowwith 20% discount (expires 9/30/11)

    LV-32MX v6 is a ull- eatured development systemor PIC32 MCU applications. With numerous built-in modules, such as TFT Color Display (320x240)with Touch Screen, Stereo Codec, CAN, Serial Flash,Serial EEPROM, MMC/SD card slot, and many others, the LV-32MX v6 development system o ersmany eatures or developing advanced graphic,

    audio, memory, and storage applications. Compatible with MPLAB compilers and

    debuggers. 64 and 100-pin PIC32MX MCUs are supported on removable MCUcards ( PIC32MX460F512L included).

    Use coupon code TPZM9K6

    So tware Update or Saleae Logic Analyzer

    So tware or the Saleae Logic USB Logic Analyzer ( TSAL0001 ) has beencompletely re-written and is now available or Linux, Mac, and Windows. The newversion is extremely ast and many operations (such as setting triggers) havebeen streamlined. Support or decoding CAN protocol has been added, along withslower sample rates (down to 25 KHz) and more lexible data export capabilities.

    The upgrade is ree and is available online .

    microchipDIRECTMicrochip makes a lot o great development tools, but there are also plenty o unique and innovative tools created by Third-Party

    partners. Here is the latest news about Third-Party tools available on microchipDIRECT:
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    RETURN TO FRONT PAGEBe sure to visit to see the latest videos produced by Microchip:

    Microchip receives 2011 Bronze Telly Award or Video Editing Lights, camera, award! Microchip recently earned a 2011 Bronze Telly Award in the category o Online Video Editing or theSmart Energy Solutions video created by Mike Ballard and Stjepan Alaupovic. The Telly Awards honor the best local, regional,and cable television commercials and programs as well as the inest work created or the web. Winners represent the best worko the most respected advertising agencies, production companies, television stations, cable operators, and corporate video

    departments in the world.

    We were trying to establish Microchip as a credible solutions provider or the quickly emerging Smart Energy market,"said Ballard. "I wanted to create a shor t video that would bring credibility to Microchip by clearly communicating thechallenges that the market will ace through not only the script, but also through distinct visual messages. Stjepan andI were able to come up with a high-level end product that was exactly the result I hoped or. Not only were we able toestablish our credibility, but it also gave viewers a vision into Microchip, our product solutions and our acilities."

    The award de ines Microchip as industry leader in both online video production and marketing. You can check out thevideo by visiting the Smart Energy Design Center . The statuette award is also in display in the Microchip MultimediaProduction studio in Chandler.,lmbmNyMTrAjKxpknCPpd7iSh07se4Eea
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    Microchip Welcomes Gordon Randall Perry Designas its Newest Industrial Design Partner

    GRPD is passionate about design andthrive on thinking, envisioning, creatingand pushing the envelope. Thus they never stop creating new products as weconsider the uture.

    For more in ormation, contact:

    Gordon Randall Perry Design Inc.121 West Third StreetNew York, N.Y. 10012

    Tel: (212) [email protected]

    Gordon Randall Perry Design (GRPD) brings over 35 years o experiencein the design and development o marketable products. Based in NewYork City, GRPD is an industrial design consultancy that designs productsor domestic and international companies that produce consumer,

    medical, laboratory, commercial, o ce, lighting, industrial, contract andarchitectural products. The design solutions provided to our clients aresold worldwide and are widely published in magazines, newspapers anddesign books as well as shown in movie and TV productions. Salability,innovation and quality o design or manu acture are hallmarks o the workcreated.

    "We are extremely pleased to welcome GRPD into Microchips world-classdesign partner network," says Cheri Keller, Sr. Manager o MicrochipsDesign Partner Program. "Gordons industrial and mechanical designexpertise align very well with Microchips existing design partners whoocus on embedded electronics thus, providing our customers a ull-turn

    key solution and speedier time to market."Since 1975, GRPDs ocus is the design, development and engineering o products or clients all ranging rom individual entrepreneurs, mid-sizedcompanies up to Fortune 500 corporations. Because a product's designmust t into the entire marketing mix in order to per orm in a competitiveworld, GRPD provides experienced leadership in branding. As an extensiono these services GRPD's capabilities include creating memorablegraphics and packaging as well as research, human actors engineering,production-ready virtual solids, mechanism development and unctionalpre-production prototypes. GRPD can implement turnkey developmentprograms or ocused product consultation with rapid turn-around. For aresh take on the marketplace GRPD also has experience in ocused newproduct conception. In short GRPD helps clients innovate and get theirproducts to market.

    For more in ormation about Gordon Randall Perry Design, please click here

    Dental curing light

    Personal RF monitor

    Indirect fxtures
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    RETURN TO FRONT PAGERegister online, today at:

    Micro chip Aroun d Town Ge t the l a t e s t upda te s by c l i ck ing HERE!

    Join Microchip Technology at The East Coast'sLeading Embedded Systems Event

    ESC Boston brings together the entire embedded community rom engineers, designers, system

    architects, vendors and suppliers, analysts and media or our days o hands-on training, educationalsessions, an interactive Expo with hundreds o exhibitors eaturing the most important emergingproducts and technologies the embedded community has to o er, networking opportunities, prizesand giveaways, and more.

    Highlights include: y Mr. Jonathan Dillon, Senior Applications Engineer and David

    Martin, Principal Field Applications Engineer will present thelatest semiconductor solutions or "Digital Authentication orMedical Equipment"

    y Mr. John Day, Field Applications Engineer will present aproduct teardown o the IWalk Power oot BIOMTM BionicLower Leg System

    y 8-, 16-, 32-bit PICMCUs y Metering solutions y Lighting solutions y Automotive applications y Motor control solutions

    Dont miss this opportunity to learn more about Microchipsembedded design technologies.

    Visit Microchip's booth, #201

    Click here to register now

    Register today!
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    RETURN TO FRONT PAGEFor a complete list o classes and locations, visit

    In tough economic times, companies o ten look or ways to trim expenses asa means to cope with a downturn in sales. One o the areas o ten targeted orcutbacks is employee training. There is not only the direct cost o the trainingto contend with, but also travel expenses and time an employee spends away rom the job. During this challenging business climate, however, competitivepressures and technology changes dont stop and it is training that can help acompany be better positioned to take advantage o the potential upswing.

    Microchip, with its globalnetwork o Regional TrainingCenters (RTCs) and third-party training partners, is here to helpcompanies stay competitive withcost-e ective, local training. Tohelp companies deal with issueso travel expense and time,classes are given not only inMicrochips acilities, but are alsotaken on the road. Customized

    customer premise sessions can be scheduled o ering the most convenience.Time away can be managed more e ciently with the fexibility o hal or ull day class sessions.

    To be e ective in teaching, instruction must take into account the needs andexpertise level o the attendee. Microchips Regional Training Center classesare developed to provide a coordinated fow, enabling engineers to implementa solution to their product development needs. Instruction is developed andpresented in product, technology and implementation classes that are groupedinto application based curriculum.

    Each curriculum fow enables the individual to engage with the training at a levelthat meets his or her current knowledge and needs. The intent is to provide

    Looking to Enhance Your Embedded Control Designs? training that is relevant to each attendee while eliminating the rustration o tenassociated with attending classes that present too much known in ormation orassume a level o knowledge beyond what the attendee currently possesses.

    Product/tool classes provide knowledge on how Microchips products anddevelopment tools operate. This knowledge provides the oundation upon

    which all application instruction is based. Attendance at one o these classescan provide signi cant value through the reduction in time associated withinstruction manuals and data sheet review or trial and error attempts to learnindividually. Market orces constantly press companies to add unctionality andeatures to their products o ten outside their areas o core competence. As aresult, engineers must continually broaden their knowledge base. Microchipstechnology classes are intended to help engineers gain an understanding o anew eld.

    Implementation classes combine elements o product and technology instructionto teach engineers how to design a real world application. Classes at this levelprovide how-to instruction rather than what or why instruction.

    Microchip is currently o ering classes in the ollowing curriculum: DSP, Ethernet,Human Inter ace, Motor Control, Power Management, Signal Chain, SystemDesign and USB. Future curriculum is expected to include CAN/LIN, IrDA,Lighting and RF.

    With a worldwide network o Regional Training Centers and certi ed third-party trainers, Microchip makes it easy to enhance your technical skills, with locationsin nearly every metropolitan area across the world!

    For those organizations who desire to have a number o employees attenda course at the same time, Microchip can customize any curriculum to meetyour speci c needs. Our instructors arrive at your location with all presentation

    materials and equipment, making it easy or your whole team to bene t roma speci c course topic in one setting. In addition to the instruction, mostRegional Training Center classes o er the opportunity to purchase a set o thedevelopment tools used in the class at a discounted price.

    I the class you are interested in is not scheduled in your area, you can sign upto receive an alert when a session is scheduled.

    For in ormation on scheduling custom in-house training, contact your local RTCdirectly or visit the Microchip RTC web site:
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    Whats New in Microchip Literature? Visit our Technical Documentation page to view the documents.

    The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, dsPIC, K EELOQ, K EELOQ logo, MPLAB,PIC, PICmicro, PICSTART, PIC 32 logo, r PIC and UNI/O are registered trademarkso Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. FilterLab,Hampshire, HI-TECH C, Linear Active Thermistor, MXDEV, MXLAB, SEEVAL and TheEmbedded Control Solutions Company are registered trademarks o MicrochipTechnology Incorporated in the U.S.A. Analog- or-the-Digital Age, Application Maestro,CodeGuard, dsPICDEM,, dsPICworks, dsSPEAK, ECAN, ECONOMONITOR,FanSense, HI-TIDE, In-Circuit Serial Programming, ICSP, Mindi, MiWi, MPASM, MPLABCerti ied logo, MPLIB, MPLINK, mTouch, Octopus, Omniscient Code Generation, PICC,PICC-18, PICDEM,, PICkit, PICtail, REAL ICE, r LAB, Select Mode, TotalEndurance, TSHARC, UniWinDriver, WiperLock and ZENA are trademarks o MicrochipTechnology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. SQTP is a ser vice mark o Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. All other trademarks mentioned hereinare property o their respective companies. 2011, Microchip Technology Incorporated, Printed in the U.S.A., All Rights Reser ved.

    Doc. Type Doc. Title DS No.

    Data Sheet 24AA256 Data Sheet 21203LTC72 Digital Temperature Sensor with SPI Inter ace 21743B25AA128 Data Sheet 21831E24AA1025 Data Sheet 21941JMCP3905A/05L/06A Energy Metering ICs withActive Real Power Pulse Output 22011BMCP7941X I2C RTCC w/EEPROM, SRAM, UniqueID and Battery Switchover Data Sheet


    MCP3903 Six Channel Delta Sigma A/D Converter 25048BPIC18F87K90 Family Data Sheet 39957DPIC10(L)F320/322 Data Sheet 41585AdsPIC33FJ12GP201/202 Data Sheet 70264EdsPIC33FJ12MC201/202 Data Sheet 70265EPIC24HJ12GP201/202 Data Sheet 70282E

    dsPIC33FJ32MC202/204 and dsPIC33FJ16MC304Data Sheet


    PIC24HJ32GP202/204 and PIC24HJ16GP304 DataSheet


    dsPIC33FJ32GP202/204 and dsPIC33FJ16GP304Data Sheet


    MRF89XAM9A Data Sheet 75017A

    Re erenceManual

    16-bit MCU and DSC Programmers Re erenceManual


    Errata PIC18F2XK20/4XK20 Errata 80425H

    PIC18F23/43K20 Errata 80469DPIC18(L)F25/45K22 Errata 80498CPIC18(L)F26/46K22 Errata 80514BPIC16(L)F1904/6/7 Errata 80524B


    dsPIC33F Flash Programming Speci cation orDevices with Volatile Con guration Bits


    Product Brie PIC12(L)F1501/PIC16(L)F150X Product Brie 41454C

    PIC10(L)F320/322 Product Brie 41566C

    Doc. Type Doc. Title DS No.

    FRM Section PIC32 Family Re erence Manual - Section 8. Interrupts 61108F PIC32 Family Re erence Manual - Section 9. WatchdogTimer and Power-up Timer


    PIC32 Family Re erence Manual - Section 12. I/OPorts


    PIC32 Family Re erence Manual - Section 32.Con guration 61124F

    User's Guide ADC Evaluation Board or 16-Bit MCUs User's Guide 51994AdsPICDSC Line Echo Cancellation Library UsersGuide


    dsPIC DSC Equalizer Librar y Users Guide 70347BdsPIC DSC Automatic Gain Control (AGC) UsersGuide


    G.711 Speech Encoding/Decoding Library or 16-bitMCUs and DSCs Users Guide


    ApplicationNote Using Single Supply Operational Ampli ers inEmbedded Systems 00682D

    NiMH Battery Charger Application Library 01384AUsing PIC32 MCUs to Develop Low-CostControllerless (LCC) Graphics Solutions


    Introduction to the BodyCom Technology 01391A
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    13/13i hi Mi t ll Di it l Si l C t ll A l M Wi l 13


    Whats New @ microchipDIRECT

    Are you having problems getting inventory? Buy Direct From Microchip Technology using microchip DIRECT Microchip o ers the most comprehensive on-line resource or pricing, ordering,inventory and suppor t directly rom Microchip Technology. microchip DIRECT o ers:

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    Assign PO and internal part numbers to your orders Schedule and change order delivery dates up to 12 months out Change/add multiple ship to locations to your account Check order history and delivery status on-line and much more...

    Would you also like secure programming

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    Seamlessly integrated into your microchipDIRECT account Code veri cation service prior to production Cost-e ective No unit minimum order requirements Quick-turn ul llment (programmed orders typically ship within 48 hours)

    microchipDIRECT Now Makes It Easier To Find Third-Party and

    Academic-Friendly Development Tools!

    Two new categories have been added making it easier to nd third-party development tools that compliment Microchips solutions and

    low-cost, academic- riendly tools or educators and students.How to access the new categories:

    Select the products pull-down menu:

    Third-Party Tools

    Select 3rd Party Tools rom theDevelopment Tools Menu:

    Academic Tools

    Select Academic Tools rom theDevelopment Tools Menu: