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Aug 2016 Vol: 06 Issue: 02 (20-26)

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Aug 2016

Vol: 06 Issue: 02(20-26)

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Erudition Aug 2016, 6(2), 20-26 20 | P a g e

ISSN 2249-3875

Research Paper

Phytochemical and Pharmacognostic study of Piper nigrum (Black Pepper)

Tailor Chandra Shekhar *, Swati Kuriyal

Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Technology & Science, Patel nagar,Dehradun (Uttarakhand) 248001.

Black pepper (Piper nigrum) is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, which isusually dried and used as a spice and seasoning. Piper species are of great medicinal values in India.Chemical compounds in plants mediate their effect on the human body through processes identical to thosealready well understood for the chemical compounds in conventional drugs; thus herbal medicines do notdiffer greatly from conventional drugs in terms of how they work. This enables herbal medicines to havebeneficial pharmacology, but also gives them the same potential as conventional pharmaceutical drugs tocause harmful side effects. The current study provides Pharmacognostic, Phytochemical, Physiochemicaland Chromatographic details about Piper species namely Piper nigrum. This study will provide completeinformation about Macroscopy, Microscopy and Correct Identification of Plant.

Keywords: Piper nigrum, Pharmacognostic, Chromatography, Identification.

INTRODUCTIONMedicinal plants have been identified and usedthroughout human history. Plants have the abilityto synthesize a wide variety of chemicalcompounds that are used to perform importantbiological functions, and to defend against attackfrom predators such as insect fungi andherbivorous mammals. At least 12,000 suchcompounds have been isolated so far; a numberestimated to be less than 10% of the total(1).Chemical compounds in plants mediate theireffect on the human body through processesidentical to those already well understood for thechemical compounds in conventional drugs; thusherbal medicines do not differ greatly from

conventional drugs in terms of how they work.This enables herbal medicines to have beneficialpharmacology, but also gives them the samepotential as conventional pharmaceutical drugsto cause harmful side effect (2,3).The current study reveals Phamacognostic,Phytochemical, Physiochemical andChromatographic details about Piper speciesnamely Piper nigrum. Black pepper (Pipernigrum) is a flowering vine in the family -Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, which isusually dried and used as a spice and seasoning.When dried, the fruit is known as a peppercorn.When fresh and fully mature, it is approximately 5

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Erudition Aug 2016, 6(2), 20-26 21 | P a g e

ISSN 2249-3875

millimetres (0.20 in) in diameter, dark red, anddrupes, like all, contains a single seed.

Scientific classification of the plant (4)

VarietiesThere are two varieties viz. Black and whitevarieties (procedure and un-procedure) availableat present.

BLACK PEPPER:Black pepper is produced from the green unripedrupe( unripe fruit) of the pepper plant. Theunripe fruits are cooked in water for a few hours,sun dried or machine- dried for many days duringwhich pepper gains black wrinkled skin. Then it iscalled black peppercorn. Some people dry theunripe fruit without boiling it. Such blackpeppercorn can be used to extract essential oilmedicines.

GREEN PEPPER:Is produced from green unripe fruit, wherein, it isnot dried with heat exposure. It is freeze-dried or

using sulphur dioxide.

WHITE PEPPER:White pepper consists of the seed of the pepperfruit. The dark coloured skin in removed from it.

ORANGE PEPPER:Are prepared from ripe pepper fruit, preserved invinegar.

Fig 1: Different varieties of Piper fruits

Chemical Constituents - Piperine, piperidine,caryophyllene, B- alanine, l-Phellandrone.

Macroscopic Characters:The colour of drug is blackish-brown or greyish-black. It is aromatic and pungent. The berries are3.5-6 mm in diameter; globular, and coarselyreticulately wrinkled with remains of stigma atapex. The pericarp is thin with a single whitekernel. The kernel is hollow at the centre, entirelyconsisting of perisperm and a small endospermand embryo.

Microscopic Characters:The transverse section of drug show tubularepidermal cells, followed by thin walled

Kingdom PlantaeDivision AngiospermaeClass DicotyledonsOrder PiperalesFamily PiperaceaeGenus Piper nigrum Linn.

Species Piper trioicum , Piperbaccatum

Synonyms Muldera multinervis,

Common names Kalimirch

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Erudition Aug 2016, 6(2), 20-26 22 | P a g e

ISSN 2249-3875

parenchymatous hypodermis with rectangularstone cells. The inner pericarpic layer is browncoloured and is made up of sclerenchyma. Seedcoat layer is attached to it and is reddish-brown.Pericarp and perisperm contain oil glands andabundant starch are also present.UsesThe fruits as used as a aromatic, stimulant,stomachic and carminative. It is causes feeling ofwarmth and used as condiment. It also stimulanttaste-buds, with increase ini gastric juices. The oilis mainly used as due to pungent taste. It isreported to enhance the bio-availability of certaindrugs.Substitutes:Piper attenuatum is found in Vishakhapatnamdistrict of Andhra Pradesh and Madurai andTirunnelveli district of Tamil Nadu.Piper brachystachyum is found in Tirunnelveliand Nilgiri district of Tamil Nadu (5,6).Material and MethodsFresh fruits of Piper nigrum for the proposedstudy were collected from the foothill ofDehradun in the month of March 2016 . Theplants was identified and authenticated by Dr.Chhaya Singh, Assistant professor, Division oflife science,S.G.R.R.ITS, Patelnagar, Dehradun..A herbarium was preserved in the departmentfor further reference. The fruit were separateddried, coarsely powdered passed through sieve

no 40 and stored in a closed container for furtheruse. All reagent used were of analytical gradeobtained from S.G.R.R.ITS pharmacydepartment laboratory.Dried fruits were used for pharmacognosticevaluation and some preliminary Phytochemicaltests.The dried fruit were powdered and passedthrough sieve no 40. Powder of dried was usedfor the observation of powder microscopiccharacters(7,8).

Physiochemical constant ,phytochemical analysisand chromatographic studies were carried outfrom dried fruit powder following prescribedmethods (9,10,11). TLC studies were carried outon silica gel plates .Extract for TLC was preparedby extracting 2g drug powder in ethanol byheating on water bath for 1 hour .It was filteredand concentrated to 1-2ml which was furtherused for TLC study. Sample were spotted onTLC using Toluene-Ethyl acetate (8:2) as mobilephase.TLC plates were observed under UVchamber(12). Powder samples were subjected tophysiochemical analysis including alcohol solubleextractive, total ash, acid insoluble ash, watersoluble ash and loss on drying.

Phytochemical Study:The Phytochemical studies were performed fortesting different chemical groups present inextracts.

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ISSN 2249-3875

TEST FOR CARBOHYDRATESMolisch test:It consist of treating the compounds of α

naphthol and conc. sulphuric acid along the sidesof the test tube. Purple colour or reddish violetcolour was produced at the junction between twoliquid.Fehling test: Equal quantity of Fehling solution Aand B is added. Heat gently, red precipitate wasobtained.Test for Alkaloid:Dragendroff test:To the extract add 1ml of Dragendroff reagentorange red precipitate was produced.Mayers test:To the extract add 1ml or 2ml of Mayer reagent.

Dull white precipitate was produced.

TEST FOR GLYCOSIDES:Baljet test:To the drug sample sodium picrate solution is

added. Yellow to orange colour was produced.Borntrager test:Add a few ml of dilute sulphuric acid to the testsolution. Boil, filtered and extract the filtrate withether or chloroform. Then organic layer isseparated to which ammonia is added , pink,orange, red coloured was produced in organiclayer.TEST FOR SAPONIN:Foam test:About 1ml of alcoholic sample is diluted

separately with distilled water to 20ml andshaken in graduated cylinder 15 min. 1cm layerof foam indicates the presence of saponin.

blue colour develops indicating the presence of protein, peptide or amino acid

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Erudition Aug 2016, 6(2), 20-26 24 | P a g e

ISSN 2249-3875

Test for protein and amino acid:Ninhydrin test:Add 2 drop of freshly prepared 0.2% ninhydrinreagent to the extract and heat . ATest for Tannins:Ferric chloride test: To 1-2 ml of ethanolicextract, few drop of 5% w/v FeCl3 solution wereadded appearance of green colour the presenceof gallotannins , while brown colour indicated thepresence of pseudotannins (13,14).RESULTSPIPER NIGRUM

Macroscopy :Colour - Blackish-brown or greyish-black.Odour – AromaticTaste – PungentShape – 3.5-6mm in diameterSize – Globular,and coarsely reticulately wrinkled.Microscopy :The transverse section of drug show tubular

epidermal cells, followed by thin walledparenchymatous hypodermis with rectangularstone cells. The inner pericarpic layer is browncoloured and is made up of sclerenchyma. Seedcoat layer is attached to it and is reddish-brown.Pericarp and perisperm contain oil glands andabundant starch are also present.

Powder Microscopy :The powder of fruit is dark brown in colourpungent and heating in taste . the microscopical

Table 1: Physicochemical Parameters OfPiper Species

Parameters ResultsTotal ash 4.45% w/w

Acid insoluble ash 0.45% w/wLoss and drying 3.45% w/wAlcohol solubleextractive value


Water soluble extractivevalue


Table 2: Phytochemical Parameteres of PiperNigrum

Phytochemical AlcoholsolubleExtract


Alkaloids + +Carbohydrates + +

Proteins + +Amino acids + +Glycosides - -

Saponin + -Tannins + +Steroids - -Phenols + +

Flavonoids + -Coumarin + +

Essential oil + +

Table 3: TLC Analysis of Piper NigrumCondition Standared

piperineRf value

Piper nigrumRf value

UV 254 nm 0.43 0.42UV 254nm 0.43 0.40UV 254nm 0.43 0.6

study of powder show fragments of parenchyma,oval to elongated stone cells . oil globules andround to oval, starch grains, measuring 3 to 8micrometer in diameter , vessels , fibres(15).CONCLUSIONIn the present study, powdered dried fruit of

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Erudition Aug 2016, 6(2), 20-26 25 | P a g e

ISSN 2249-3875

Piper nigrum plant were subjected to extractionusing maceration to obtain to aqueous extractand hot continuous percolation methods bysoxhlet apparatus to get ethanolic extracts by thequantity of drugs.Then, these extracts were subjected topreliminary phytochemical screening tests forpresence of various phytoconstituents andresults were tabulated. It revealed that the aerialparts of this plants contained alkaloids, tannins,carbohydrates, proteins, resins, flavonoids,saponins, fats and oils. Aqueous extractscontained glycosides, saponins, triterpenoid,flavonoids.Pharmacognostical study was also performed forthis drug which shows total ash values as4.45%w/w, total acid insoluble value as 0.45%w/w, LOD as 3.45% w/w , etc.The powder of fruits are dark brown in colourpungent and heating in taste. The microscopicalstudy of powder shows fragments ofparenchyma, oval to elongated stone cells. Oilglobules and round to oval, starch grains ,measuring 3 to 8 micrometer in diameter, vesselsfibers.The TLC analysis of piperine was done usingstandard piperine and the isolated piperine bySoxhlet extraction. Hence, Rf values of bothstandard and sample were isolated andcompared.

The current study will serve to become a readyreference for identification and standardization ofPiper nigrum on the basis of microscopy andchemical analysis. The preliminaryphotochemical investigation will further help inisolation of important compounds in future.AcknowledgementsThe authors are thankful to the Management andStaff members of SGRR institute of technology &science, patel nagar, Dehradun and Mahant ShriDevendra Das Ji Maharaj, Chairman, SGRREducation Mission, Dehradun for providing menecessary facilities.REFERENCES1. Kokate C.K. “Textbook of Pharmacognosy”,Nirali Prakashan, 21st edition,2002, 11.57-11.782. Piper nigrum information , on 2 May 20163. Benefit ofnatural medicine.Accessed on 2 May 2016.4. Khandelwal K.R, Practical Pharmacognosytechniques and experiments, NiraliPrakashan,12th edition,2010, 149-155.5. “Pepper”,Tamil on 2May 2016.

6. Douglas Harper's Online EtymologyDictionary entries for Pepper. Accessed on 2May 2016 .7. Black pepper-Cultivation. ThompsonMartinez. Accessed on2 May 2016.

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Erudition Aug 2016, 6(2), 20-26 26 | P a g e

ISSN 2249-3875

8. “Piper nigrum Linnaeus”. Flora of China.

9. Dalby p. 156; also Turner pp. 108–109,though Turner does go on to discuss spices (notpepper specifically) being used to disguise thetaste of partially spoiled wine or ale.10. H. J. D. Dorman and S. G. Deans ."Antimicrobial agents from plants: antibacterialactivity of plant volatile oils". Journal of AppliedMicrobiology,2000, 88 (2): 308–16.11. Evans W. C.’’Pharmacognosy,Elsevier,15edition,2008,Noida,Delhi.Page no-33312. Dalby pp. 74–75. The argument that jujiang

was long pepper goes back to the 4th century CEbotanical writings of Ji Han; Hui-lin Li's 1979translation of and commentary on Ji Han's workmakes the case that it was piper nigrum.13. Dudhatra, GB; Mody, SK; Awale, MM; Patel,

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Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Erudition Aug 2016, 6(2), 20-26 27 | P a g e

ISSN 2249-3875