august 2019 - grace ministries international · 2019. 8. 13. · grasp dispensational truth, and...

August 2019 T hings are a bit hecc for us as we are preparing to leave “home” for four months to come “home” to the US. We are busy planning for certain things to happen during our absence, geng our house ready so a Brish volunteer can live in it for three of those months and help us pay rent (we’ve never even met her!), and looking forward to spending some me with our three grandchil- dren on the way home (#3 is due later this month). Near the end of Sep- tember we’ll start making our way to the NW where we’ll be parcipang in missions conferences and sharing about some of God’s work in Malawi. We’re excited to report that we bought a piece of property and are beginning to build a children’s class- room in Mbewa village. The bricks have been molded and fired and the building project will hopefully be finished before the end of August. The plan is for a 18’ x 21’ room with a dirt floor and a n roof. We’ve been very cramped in the small house we are kindly allowed to use each week and are looking forward to having some room to breathe. Unfortunately, we are sll in need of trained children’s workers in many of our churches. We had hoped to start a weekly children’s program at one of the churches in Lilongwe, but there’s been a lack of interest on the part of the adults in the church. Pas- tor Yamikani has a plan to visit four different areas of Malawi to champion children’s ministry and to rally more volunteers with a heart for children. Then in 2020 we want to visit those areas to train children’s workers and to provide them with some printed materials and big Bible pictures to aract children. We covet your prayers as we seek to raise the necessary people in Malawi and the funds needed to realize this goal. As Mahew 9:37,38 says, “Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plenful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’” The harvest is truly plenful as about 46% of Malawi’s populaon is 0-14 years old! That percentage comes from this website (hps:// graphics_profile.html). God greatly blessed the annual four- day pastor’s conference in southern Malawi this July (a six-hour drive from Lilongwe). We could feel a strong sense of unity, commitment, and good fellowship among the 26 pastors, 11 other church people, and three pas- tors who came from Mozambique. The emphasis was on dispensaonal truth. Joseph Asong spoke on the uniqueness of Paul’s message, Give- more explained the one bapsm of Ephesians 4, and Bill challenged the pastors and elders to follow Paul’s example of church leadership as found in his sermon in Acts 20. Praise God with us that Bill finished wring and teaching a Bible school course on the book of Acts. The students said that it was the first me they understood the dispensaonal plan through the book of Acts. He also Stella Marie Brose, grandchild #2, was born June 19 to couple #2, Chrisna & Aaron. As you can see, she’s a beauty! We really need to plant trees but have to wait unl the rains start in December or January. The church leaders have a hunger to know how to beer understand the Bible.

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Page 1: August 2019 - Grace Ministries International · 2019. 8. 13. · grasp dispensational truth, and older ones sharpen their skills at being able to “rightly divide the word of truth”

August 2019

Things are a bit hectic for us as we are preparing to leave “home” for four months to

come “home” to the US. We are busy planning for certain things to happen during our absence, getting our house ready so a British volunteer can live in it for three of those months and help us pay rent (we’ve never even met her!), and looking forward to spending some time with our three grandchil-dren on the way home (#3 is due later this month). Near the end of Sep-tember we’ll start making our way to the NW where we’ll be participating in missions conferences and sharing about some of God’s work in Malawi.

We’re excited to report that we bought a piece of property and are beginning to build a children’s class-room in Mbewa village. The bricks have been molded and fired and the building project will hopefully be finished before the end of August. The plan is for a 18’ x 21’ room with a dirt floor and a tin roof. We’ve been very cramped in the small house we are kindly allowed to use each week and

are looking forward to having some room to breathe.

Unfortunately, we are still in need of trained children’s workers in many of our churches. We had hoped to start a weekly children’s program at one of the churches in Lilongwe, but there’s been a lack of interest on the part of the adults in the church. Pas-tor Yamikani has a plan to visit four different areas of Malawi to champion children’s ministry and to rally more volunteers with a heart for children. Then in 2020 we want to visit those areas to train children’s workers and to provide them with some printed materials and big Bible pictures to attract children.

We covet your prayers as we seek to raise the necessary people in Malawi and the funds needed to realize this goal. As Matthew 9:37,38 says, “Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’” The harvest is truly plentiful

as about 46% of Malawi’s population is 0-14 years old! That percentage comes from this website (

God greatly blessed the annual four-day pastor’s conference in southern Malawi this July (a six-hour drive from Lilongwe). We could feel a strong sense of unity, commitment, and good fellowship among the 26 pastors, 11 other church people, and three pas-tors who came from Mozambique. The emphasis was on dispensational truth. Joseph Asong spoke on the uniqueness of Paul’s message, Give-more explained the one baptism of Ephesians 4, and Bill challenged the pastors and elders to follow Paul’s example of church leadership as found in his sermon in Acts 20.

Praise God with us that Bill finished writing and teaching a Bible school course on the book of Acts. The students said that it was the first time they understood the dispensational plan through the book of Acts. He also

Stella Marie Brose, grandchild #2, was born June 19 to couple #2, Christina & Aaron.

As you can see, she’s a beauty!

We really need to plant trees but have to wait until the rains start in December or January.

The church leaders have a hunger to know how to better understand the Bible.

Page 2: August 2019 - Grace Ministries International · 2019. 8. 13. · grasp dispensational truth, and older ones sharpen their skills at being able to “rightly divide the word of truth”

Bill and Sue Vinton, c/o Grace Church in Malawi, PO Box 20043, Lilongwe, MALAWI

taught another course entitled, The Seven Essential Ingredients For Good Leadership, and the students said they were eager to apply some of the essentials like developing a mission, vision, and strategy in their churches.

Grace Ministries International and the Grace Churches of Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Malawi are eagerly partnering in a teacher-training program for exist-ing and future Bible School teach-ers. Bill is heading up this training program and Dr. Sam Vinton was the main teacher of the 60-hour course, Advanced Systematic Theology, which took place this past May in Lilongwe, Malawi. Bill was the main teacher of the second session which was a 50-hour course on Advanced Studies in Dispensationalism, held in Kabwe, Zambia, last month. It was encourag-ing to see potential teachers begin to grasp dispensational truth, and older ones sharpen their skills at being able to “rightly divide the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15).

Prayer Requests:l Pray for each of the students in the teacher-training program who is required to teach at least one seminar on dispensational truth in his own country before our third session next year.l After taking the bible school course on discipleship, 4 pastors in Lilongwe

In Kabwe, 23 students marvelled at how dispensational principles helped them really understand the Bible.

The students were astonished at Dr. Sam who taught seven hours each day fortwo weeks and never seemed to get tired.

began discipleship groups in their churches. Pray for these groups which are not progressing well due to a lack of commitment. l Pray for God to move new individu-als who will faithfully commit them-selves to children’s ministry.l Pray for Pastor Yamikani, Sela, Blessings and Mark to be faithful to carry out the children’s ministry in Mbewa village in the coming months. There are transportation and schedul-ing challenges that need to be over-come.l Pray for Pastor Yamikani as he visits churches to stir up God’s people and to encourage those currently doing children’s ministry.l Pray for our teacher training cur-riculum and seminar project—for the people needed to do the work and the funds for printing and traveling.

Thanking God for you,Bill & Sue

Please note our new email addresses in the letterhead!