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Pr. prof. univ. dr. Ioan Tulcan


Diac. Paul-Sebastian P. Orădan



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INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………………… . 4

THE REASON ............................................................................................................................... 5

STATE OF RESEARCH THEME .............................................................................................. 6

METHOD ....................................................................................................................................... 8

RESEARCH OJECTIVES ........................................................................................................... 8

CLARIFCATION OF TERMINOLOGY ................................................................................... 8



CENTURY ................................................................................................................................... 11

1.1. The problem of Western influences ant the overcominf of dogmatic abstractisism....... ... 11

1.2. The matter of developing the own Dogmatic Theology textbooks.....................................28

1.3. The problem of identification and „method”assumption in Romanian Dogmatic

Theology.. .................................................................................................................................. 34

1.4. Congress in Athens: the need to redescover the method and the spirit of Fathers............. 42



THEOLOGY................................................................................................................................ 53

2.1. Church’s thology ‒ mystical theology par excellence........................................................ 53

2.2. The difference between Eastern and Western mysticism................................................... 64

2.3. Nichifor Crainic and the Western mysticsm....................................................................... 78

2.3.1. Nichifor Crainic ‒ the redescovery of Eastern mysticism in the East....................... . 78

2.3.2. Nichifor Crainic ‒ mystic theological branch........................................................... .. 88

2.3.3. Nichifor Crainic ‒ first mystic course in Romanian theology.............................. ...... 95

2.4. Eastern mysticism echoes of theology in Romanian theological education............... . 106

2.4.1. Dumitru Stăniloae ‒ the mystical dogmatic approach.............................................. 106

2.4.2. Ioan Gh. Savin ‒ the mystical apological approach................................................ 115

2.4.3. Nicolae Mladin ‒ the mystic in the theological approach........................................ 119

2.4.4. Ilarion V. Felea ‒ the mystical expression of homiletics......................................... . 121



ORTHODOX DOGMATIC OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY ..................................... 124

3.1. Nichifor Crainic and Dumitru Stăniloae ‒ two theological personalities,

twodestinies......................................................................................................................... .... 124

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3.1.1. Two theologians, two destinies…………………………………………………...... 124

3.1.2. The theology-culture tryst and cooperation........................................... .................. 138

3.1.3. Mutual appreciation........................................................................... ...................... 148

3.2. Common vision over the renewal of Orthodox theology...................... ........................... 155

3.2.1. Overcoming scholastic method................................................................ ................. 155

3.2.2. Assuming pastristic method…............................................................... .................... 162

3.2.3. The unity between dogma and spirituality (mysticism).......................... ................... 172

3.2.4. The unity between dogma-spirituality and Romanian nation................... ................ 180

3.3. Eastern mystic renewing implications of Romanian Dogmatic Theology in the twentieth

century…………………………………………………………… ......................................... 185

3.3.1. Overcomingt he schematism and abstracticism....................................... ................. 185

3.3.2. Asserting a shared vision between dogma and experience.......................... ............. 191



CRAINIC AND DUMITRU STANILOAE.................................................................. ........... 200

4.1. The untribulation................................................................................................. ............. 200

4.2. Cleansing the mind.............................................................................................. ............. 203

4.3. The ecstasy............................................................................................................ ........... 213

4.4. The contemplation............................................................................................... ............. 225

4.5. The view of uncreated light................................................................................. ............. 244

4.6. The defication.................................................................................................. ................. 256



DOGMATICS................................................................................................... ......................... 274

5.1. In gnoseology................................................................................................ ................... 274

5.2. In cosmology................................................................................................. ................... 283

5.3. In anthropology...................................................................................... .......................... 293

5.4. In eshathology.............................................................................................. .................... 298

CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................................ 305

BIBLIOGRAPHY….................................................................................................................. 319

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Mystics relevance in orthodox dogmatics, is a subject that we all should be aware

regardless of the theological-cultural or hystorical-ecclesiastical context that we are into. The

leck of the mystics in orthodox dogmatics means breaking this bond to the patristic Theology

and with the model of patristic theologized, taking leading inevitably to a doctrine based solely

on reason, detached from experience and liturgical experience. Fathers theology, although they

used the technical machine thinking, as well as the benefits of science, it has not been closed to

them. They were not only intellectually informed of God, but exceeded the commands of these

rational schemes aimed at communion and participation in God, in other words the thesis or


The union with God does not mean knowing Him entirely, because we can never know

God fully, He is shrouded in secrecy and mystery - hence the teaching of the Fathers will have a

pronounced accent of mystery and enigma. If we want to follow this theology we will inevitably

have to talk about the notion of mystery in theology or mystical theology, theology that owns to

Christian East. In the Orthodox Church, the whole teaching is comprised of mystery and cannot

be penetrated if the human rationality is not filled with contemplation and meditation. When

theological teaching is subject exclusively to reason and is tried to be explain in detail the divine

mystery, teaching becomes abstract and rationalist because it was removed the mystery. Thus

God remains closed in His transcendence, He could not be accessible to rational human mind.

This model of theologized has been used mainly in the West by scholastic theology and led to

abstraction of theological teaching, turning it into a rationalistic and philosophical theology.

This kind of theology influenced also the Romanian orthodox dogmatics, so at the

beginning of the 20th

century, it existed at theological schools, foreign to the spirit and patristic

method of Christian East. Due to the lack of an original theology and practicing of a theology

inspired by Western-scholastic, orthodox dogmatic was characterized at that time by anexcessive

historicism, and a cold approach, theoretical and abstract, which led to the need for renewal of

Romanian dogmatictheology and the repositioningthis on the vein of patristic and spiritual

theology. This new orientation of theological discourse actually meant retrieving the Fathers

spiritual theology and rediscover the mystical element in the treating and its presentation.

The reason for developing this work is precisely the desire to identify the renewal germs

in Romanian Orthodox dogmatic theology of the 20th

century.NichiforCrainic and father

Stăniloae are the two theologians – one without theological studies, and the other with sound

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theological studies – that connects Orthodox dogmatic thinking at the beginning of spiritual life

and of ever since Orthodox Church. Nichifor Crainic and Father Stăniloae remained unique in

the Romanian theological consciousness, both what meant mystical theology in the 20th


as well as profound alterations made to the Romanian dogmatic. Through their contributions,

they had permanently imprinted Romanian theology, featuring the orthodox dogmatic outline

and specific direction of Eastern theology.

The theme of that approach has not been addressed in this form not in Romanian

Orthodox theology nor in Christian theology in general, but converging contributions towards

this issue were presented especially in the last quarter of century, both in Romanian Orthodox

theology, as well as in Christian theology in general. True, most notable contribution in this way

were those concerning the theological and dogmatic thinking of Father Dumitru Stăniloae

without depriving those relating to Nichifor Crainic's contribution to the renewal of Romanian

Orthodox theology. This thesis is mostly based on the the work of the two great theologians and

especially mystical courses. For a more precise delineation of the major contribution that

theologians aforementioned have had in Romanian dogmatic theology by rediscovering mystical

theology were consulted and the works of other Romanian and foreign theologians, moreover

notable works in this area of theology.

Thus, converging towards the subject of the work I mentioned the following: Maciej

Bielawski – Father Dumitru Stăniloae – A philokalic world vision; Jürgen Henkel - Deification

and ethics of love in Orthodox spirituality. Asceticism and mysticism of Father Dumitru

Staniloae; Father Prof. PhD Stefan Buchiu – Father’s Dumitru Stăniloae apophatic knowledge;

Monk Priest Calinic (Berger),- Teognosia – Father’s Dumitru Stăniloae dogmatic and spiritual

synthesis; Florin Dutu -Orthodox mysticism and the Transfigurationof Romanian theology –

Nichifor Crainic, Arsenie Boca, Dumitru Stăniloae – The best from the best; Father Prof. PhD

Cristinel Ioja, “Father Dumitru Stăniloe (1903-1993) - Restoration of Orthodox dogmatic in the


century”, in Father Professor Dumitru Stăniloae or consonance of dogma, spirituality and

liturgy; Deacon Stefan Iloae, “Ascetic and mystical in Father Dumitru Stăniloe theology”, in

Theological studies; Rev. Ioan C Tesu, “Theology as an ascetic exercise and mystical

experience. Further studies of the Father Stăniloae”, in Theological studies; Dumitru Stăniloae,

“Theologic work of Nichifor Crainic”, in Thinking; Deacon Ioan I. Ica jr., “Nichifor Crainic in

rediscovery of mystics in theology in the first half of the 20th

century”, in Nichifor Crainic,

Courses of mystic. I Mystical Theology. II Mystic German.

The method used in the elaboration of this work is the traditional interpretation of the

dogmatic orthodox theological contribution, with implications throughout the Romanian

Orthodox theological thought. In this thesis I sought, through a historical approach and method

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to highlight the theological contributions of Father Dumitru Stăniloae and of Nichifor Crainic

through Romanian theology has made a unified vision between dogma and mysticism (spiritual).

At the same time, you do not run into the trap of historicism, a sequencing data, I searched

through synthetic method to emphasize the spiritual dimension of dogmatic thought from the

expression of the two theologians about mysticism (Eastern spirituality). Verticalization of the

ideas and of personal contribution in this thesis is largely due to the analytical method by which I

expressed different aspects of the issue and I assumed nuanced theological implications in the

context of renewal Romanian Orthodox theology in the 20th

century. In this research, we intend

to identify on the one hand the historical-church and cultural-theological in that it was possible

realignment of dogmatic theology in a unitary-experimental vision closely with Eastern

spirituality. Also, we intend to interpret, possibly in the context and from the tradition

perspective of our church, exceptional contributions of Father Dumitru Stăniloae and Nichifor

Crainic for the renewal of Romanian Orthodox dogmatic theology in the 20th

century. Very

specifically, we will try to express those ideas presented in Eastern mysticism and the ever since

experience of the Church which always had been influenced by the contributions of the two

theologians, the essential aspects of orthodox dogmatists.

Before I begin the actual development of the work, I found it necessary to make some

clarifications of terminology, for a better understanding of the issues debated. The term

"mysticism" in the title of this thesis has been accepted instead of "spirituality", because in the

interwar period, when it was rediscovered the mysticism in Romanian OrthodoxTheologythe

courses of the two theologians, Dumitru Stăniloae and Nichifor Crainic were called mystical

courses. During the communist regime in Romania, the word "mystic" was forbidden. For the

culture of those times, not only "mystique" had a negative connotation, but its use was

understood even pejorative. So "mysticism" could not be other than "false and dangerous". This

whole situation will make Father Dumitru Stăniloae to change the title for course of mystic into

"Moral Orthodox Theology", which was received by confidence, the content remaining the same.

Also, we blaze abroad that in the content of the thesis we will use also the term spirituality, given

that mysticism in the today’s world involves many non-Christian meanings and nuances.

Regarding the content of the thesis, it is developed over five chapters that I tried to

capture - without claiming to be exhaustive - renewal of Romanian dogmatic Theology, from

mystical writings of Nichifor Crainic and to those of Father Dumitru Stăniloae.

Thus, in Chapter I, Romanian Orthodox Dogmatic Theology at the beginning of the 20th

century, consists of four chapters, we caught the period of the early twentieth century, with

major events that led to the renewal of Romanian Orthodox theology and the ridding it of foreign

influences. Alienation of Romanian theology of patristic theology was done in general due to the

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influences that came by western succession.Training the theology teachers in western-scholastic

space and the translation heavily of dogmatic textbooks influenced by scholastic, have actually

meant the removal of Orthodox theology from Eastern theology peculiarities.

Informational support in this part of the paper was largely provided by the writings of

Nichifor Crainic, published both in his "Memoirs" as well as in his magazine "Thinking". He

presented very detailed the situation existing both in Theological Seminary in Bucharest and in

the Faculty of Theology there. At the same time, he will notes the disagreement developed

between scientific theology, academic and scholastic taught in theological schools and people’s

liturgical and mystical experience, living faithful Orthodox tradition. Noting this, Nichifor

Crainic is the one who proclaims the necessity of "salvation" of Orthodox theology and "renew"

its. In this project, he was the one who discovered the cause of Orthodox theology both the

apparition cause of situation and the solution exit from it. The presence of foreign influences and

Western rationalism in Orthodox theology is possible - in his view - because of lack of

mysticism in theology and overcome these intrusions, like development of a theology that meets

the needs of contemporary man, it can be done by rediscovering mysticism in Orthodox


Next, we presented the period when the Romanian Orthodox theology has moved from

the translation stage from Russian and Greek theology to drawing up their own dogmatic

theology textbooks. The need for such textbooks was obviously due to the establishment of

theology schools, feeling the need for such textbooks that corresponds to the requirements of the

University and Seminary Education. The most notable translations of that time were of

theologians Macarie Bulgakov, Sylvester of Caneva and Hristu Andrutsos and in the

development of new textbooks in Romanian dogmatic, I mentioned briefly on: Melchizedek

Ștefănescu, Calistrat Coca, Ștefan Călinescu, Alexiu Comoroşan, Demetrius Boroianu, Joseph

Olariu, Irenaeus Mihălcescu. As a common feature, all distinguished by its massive, arid and

abstract theological concepts, the lack of spiritual elements and texts of the Church Fathers.

Also in this chapter, I tried to capture that first decades of the 20th

century is a time of

decantation and filtration, in order to discover the authentic method for theologized. Although it

has moved beyond translations and began another period of constructing their own theology

manuals, however, theological method that characterizes them remains scholastic method,

rational, which they displayed also the great theologians’ Russian textbooks. Therefore, attempts

to find the right way to approach dogmatic theology, theologians mentioned above describe their

contributions via three methods: the historical, philosophical and symbolic synthetic. Therefore,

attempts to find the right method to approach dogmatic theology, theologians mentioned above

describe their contributions via three methods: the historical, synthetic-philosophical and

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symbolic. The historical method is the method of the great theologian Macarius Bulgakov, to be

used on the long term, it is characterized by a historical overview over the dogmas, immaterial to

the life of the Church and of man in general. In this framework, dogma is placed in an

intellectual and rational register, separated from spiritual and practical register. The historical

method will be the one to influence the majority of Romanian theologians in developing new

textbooks dogmatic theology.

Another method found in the textbooks of dogmatic occurred in the first half of the

twentieth century is the philosophical synthetic method of Hristu Andrutsos. This has not

influenced so much the Romanian dogmatic theology as a historical method, but through it was

surpassed the stage of old textbooks and was labeled a higher stage which managed to reach

dogmatic theology. If the previous method was relying on a historical presentation of dogmas, it

focuses more on philosophical and synthetic, the spiritual perspective of dogma missing here,

although Andrutsos believes that it has rid of the influence of Western theology.

The third method we talked about, that falls the path of the own method of rediscovery in

dogmatic theology, is symbolic method. Father Mihălcescu is the one who, through the

Soteriological dogma, will contribute very particular in the area of Romanian education,

influencing most of the work occurring in the second half of the twentieth century. Although

even through this thesis is trying to make a step forward in the development of authentic

dogmatic works and rooted in the spirit of Orthodox, however, and it remains dependent on

western influences, especially for often make appeals to existing creeds of faith commonly used

in the past century.

The last part of this chapter, I tried to capture the turmoil in emerging Romanian

Orthodox theology to the discovery of a new theologized method, focusing on the event that

occurred in Athens in 1936, when it was decided to return to Parents and renewal of theological

discourse.Forwards, I presented the conduct of Congress, highlighting the contribution of the

Romanian theologians proposed works, works that were mainly focused on awareness of foreign

influences that marked Orthodox theology. From this moment, Romanian Orthodox theology

begins to take its coordinates of a theology of the Fathers. Intensifying and spiritual affirmation

of Romanian theology was made however by the major contributions of the two theologians who

fingerprinted twentieth century theology, Father Dumitru Stăniloae and Nichifor Crainic. Both,

through the appeal to Fathers, were trying a track refocus on spiritual theology of the Fathers,

denouncing Romanian state theological education deeply influenced by rationalism of Western

theology and its abstraction by removing the own Eastern patristic theology roots.

In Chapter II, Rediscovering Eastern mysticism and its integration into the Romanian

theology, we presented the rediscovery event of Eastern mysticism and its integration into the

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Romanian theology, starting with Nichifor Crainic. From the first chapter, we demonstrated that

Orthodox Church theology is a mystic theology by excellence. In this way, we shaped the

authentic Orthodox patristic theology profile as one that is identified by living and experiencing,

not only by reason and science, though, they have their value. Theology understood as experting,

participation, communion, experience of God and not just gather information about Him, based

on scientific or historical research, it distanced us the significant practice of an abstract, rational

or scholastic theology, and proposes a foundation ofspiritual, clerical, mystical theology.

To define more precisely the characteristics of Orthodox theology and mysticism as a

feature of its importance, we discussed in a few pages of this chapter and some of the Western

theology characteristics and the way mysticism is seen in these frameworks. Due to divisions

that were made between dogma and experience, and because so many different points of view

between the Western and Eastern Church, have reached major differences on how it is

understood the theology practicing. One of them is the excessive use of rationality in the West,

while in the Orthodoxy was kept both light and understanding of Scripture and the mystery of

faith. At the same time, in the West was been made clear distinction between theology and

mysticism, one wanted to be academic and the other was part of a unclear domain, possibly

specific for the monastic space. In the Eastern Church, the two terms are not two distinct

concepts, but mysticism represents a feature of Orthodox theology, with no radical tendency

toward theology generally. Separating from mystical, theology becomes gnosis, this becoming

its goal, reaching only to have such theorizing and information about God, the purpose of

theology is actually human transfiguration and union with Him. Another difference is that the

West has developed more philosophy character of Christianity, while in the East they kept alive

the dialogue of the believer with God. By making these distinctions, I could more easily grasp

both specificity of western scholastic theology and of the Eastern theology and thus can more

easily seen foreign infiltrations coming in Orthodox theology in western branch.

In this chapter, however, I particularly wanted to highlight to what extent the mystique

is found and integrated into the Romanian Orthodox theology at the beginning of the twentieth

century, focusing in particular on the contribution of Crainic, one that assumes the need to

rediscover the method and spirit of the Fathers and mysticism in Orthodox theology in our

country. The research carried out in Vienna, learning the mystic German works, Dostoevsky's

novels and the Western writers of Mystics, the discovery of some manuscripts from Romanian

Philokalia, translated by disciples of Saint Paisius Velichkovsky from Neamt, are the main

sources that led to the rediscovery of Eastern mysticism by Nichifor Crainic. Based on this

research, he managed to convince the leadership of the Faculty of Theology the importance of

Mysticism in the curriculum, finally managing to teach it at the University. Also in this section, I

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presented the academic life of Crainic, underlining his work at the Department of the Faculty of

Theology in Chisinau (1926-1931), and as well at the Faculty of Theology of Bucharest (1932-


At the end of the chapter, I presented some reverberations of mysticism in Romanian

theological education space. At this chapter I considered imperative to remember that besides of

course of Mysticism of Crainic, there were some other course Romanian that have circulated in

the theological space. Thus, I summarized the Courses of Mysticism of Father Dumitru

Stăniloae, Ioan Gh. Savin, Nicolae Mladin și Ilarion Felea. Then I conducted a brief historical

journey where I highlighted the events from the Theological Academy of Sibiu once the

communist regime were barely established. Those events had the repercussion that Father

Stăniloae was transmitted to Faculty of Theology in Bucharest, at the Department of Mysticism.

He continued Crainic’s work and at the same time he developed another Course of Mystic, in

which is observed the vast horizon coming from the Fathers of Theology that he appealed with

the translation of Philokalia. Another Course of Mysticism is the one of Professor Ioan Gh.

Savin, who is also a follower of Crainic at this department. Although he was not a

specialist,Savin demonstrates an exceptional spirit of synthesis, he does not question his own

investigations, but broadens the horizons once opened by Crainic through its course.

In our country there are not so many Theology Professors for Mystic. Among them

there is Nicolae Mladin, Crainic's apprentice, professor of Moral Theology and Mystic in Sibiu

and later Metropolitan of Transylvania. The last Course of Mystic being taught in our country

was therefore “Andreiana Academy” in Sibiu. The course, known as "Orthodox Mystic

Lectures" was based on a synthesis of Crainc’s und Savins’ Courses taught in Bucharest. The

future Metropolitan – Nicolae Mladin will had the merit of the only one who taught Mystic in

Sibiu. His Course it is known for its synthesis and brevity, which makes it extremely easy to be

use, if we take into consideration the extent of it. During the years of the communist oppressors,

when Mystic has been removed from the university education system, however it continues to be

present among priests and believers became an inspiring spiritual strength through the

remarkable work "To Tabor" in four volumes, written by the martyred Father Hilarion Felea

(1903-1961). These treaties will change the picture of the Romanian theology of the last century,

in that will add Courses of Mystic taught in Universities in 30s-40s. Those managed a unique

phenomenon in the Romanian Orthodox theology, the transposition in expression of homiletics

aesthetic and Orthodox Mystic, and philokalial spirituality.

In Chapter III, Nichifor Crainic and Dumitru Stăniloae –The Renewal of Romanian

Orthodox Dogmatic in the Twentieth Century, I analyzed how the Romanian Orthodox theology

developed and renewed itself, not only because of the courses of Mysticism taught by two

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theologians, but also because their entire works . Therefore, the beginning of the chapter has a

comparative study focused on the biographies of two theologians. As conclusion, I deduced that

their destinies often intersected themselves and their aspirations were almost identical. Among

their common concerns that I have noticed, I can mention: the discovery of Orthodox theology in

the light of the Holy Fathers; the change of the method of becoming a theologian; fight against

rational scholastic schemes; gradual accession of theology in Romanian cultural spaces,

including the Romanian Academy; promoting the unique way of the Romanian culture; the

development of new treaties of theology; the discovery of Philocalia; dignified bearing the

atheist communist regime with its penalties and even imprisonment; the conditionings imposed

by the communist regime even after the punishment.

Next, I mentioned that Theology was practiced improper in our country at the

beginning of the twentieth century, starting with the schools of theology, and as well found in

Romanian cultural and intellectual spaces. Thanks to Nichifor Crainic and “Thinking” magazine

- whose mentor he was, Orthodoxy was presented to the world in a new garment proving a lively

character and offering solutions to the challenges of the contemporary world. Here I have

highlighted in particular the vast theological, cultural and political activity, as well as in

journalism and poetry. Crainic put his activity at the service of the Orthodox Church. Here to

outline exactly theological profile of each, I presented some of the mutual appreciation that the

two scholars have made of each other over time. Throughout this chapter, I pointed out that

theological work across both of Crainic and the Priest Stăniloae, there is a common point

regarding the renewal of Theology. This vision is based for both of them on: the overcoming the

scholastic method; the awareness of the patristic method; unity of doctrine and dogma,

mysticism and spirituality and unity of the Romanian people.

The direction which the two theologians have followed to practice theology, had a

number of beneficial effects on the entire Romanian theology of the twentieth century. Two of

the major effects manifested in the Romanian theology which I have analyzed more broadly,

were: the overcome of schematism and abstractism and affirmation of unity between doctrine

and experience. These renewing achievements identified in the Romanian theology, were mainly

possible due to the rediscovery of the theological teaching of Saint Gregorios Palamas – a

teaching ignored by the scholastic theology, and the translation of Philokalia – a special

theological Romanian event. Nevertheless, the innovating element present in dogmatic theology

in our country, was the mystical theology. This will reveal another dimension of dogmas, a

spiritual dimension which combines personal experience with ecclesial practice and social

responsiveness. From this point of view,it is a theology of experience, professing the truth and

not just presenting information and religious knowledge.

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In Chapter IV ”Mystical dominant themes of theological thought byNichifor Crainic and

Dumitru Stăniloae”, I highlighted the specific mystical themes found in courses taught by the

two theologians. For this approach, I based my debate on the mystic themes I have already

analyzed from East Orthodox Church, highlighting how these were understood by our

theologians, but at the same time pointing some of the differences. Each new mystical theme, I

presented its specificity in the Eastern Christian spirituality, and how it was explained in the

theology of the Saints Priests.

In this chapter right at the beginning I analyzed the theme "blameless", identifying some

of the key issues of this state in the thinking of the Saints Fathers. The status of blameless, in the

sense of Father Dumitru Staniloae, it is a state that has no end and also a prerequisite for

contemplation and acceptance of the uncreated light. This theme was not treated in the Courses

of Mysticism of Nichifor Crainic, Father Stăniloae is the only mentioning a few aspects of it,

considering it as a process that continues all the way to union with God, without to mention

where it begins or ends the blameless. Right from the beginning of this chapter, I mentioned that

the Father Staniloae, his approach to Mystical theology is a different one than that one of

Nichifor Crainic. He does not treat the three stages of the ascent toward union with God

separately: purification, illumination and perfection, but explains it as life in faith in Jesus Christ

and the Holy Spirit, life in God, thus exceeding impersonalism intellectualism from western

Mystics. Instead, the Mysticism of Nichifor Crainic is divided into lectures, each debating a

mystical topic, due of that, the course acquired a pronounced emphasis during teaching.

Another mystical theme in this chapter, was the one with reference to "purity of mind." In

this theme, the emphasis was mainly on "Mind Prayer“or "Jesus’ Prayer", because both

theologians, in this chapter presented the prayer and its development in Eastern spirituality.

Compared with Nichifor Crainic, Father Dumitru Stăniloae presents this mystical theme from a

much broader historical-theological perspective. In this work I have allocated more space to

mystical rate of Nichifor Crainic, because for him it was not just about to present a historical-

theological development of the "Jesus Prayer but also to discuss the issue in other aspects. Some

of them are the following: the hesychastic method; historical and psychophysiological

considerations of the “Jesus’ Prayer”. The “Jesus’ Prayer” is the essence of paisianism (N.B.

from Saint Paisie from Neamt) and at the same time this prayer has popularity in Eastern

Orthodox space due to its cosmic meaning. Furthermore, Crainic tryed to depict the eighteenth

century, when at Neamt Monastery was blessed with the presence of the providential figure –

Abbot Paisie Velicikovski. Through these discoveries, Crainic wished to demonstrate the

presence of mysticsism in the Romanian monasticism, even before the spiritual movement of the

abbot Paisie widespread throughout Russia.

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The next mystical topic that I treated here, is the theme of "ecstasy". Here, I mentioned at

the beginning the evolution of the item ="ecstasy" in Eastern theological space, and then I

presented the assuming of this theme in the Romanian theology. In this place, I exclusively used

the courses of Nichifor Crainic, because the Priest Stăniloae analyzed this mystical life matter

from another perspective, much broader, and not so segmented and divided into lectures, as in

the Crainic's courses. Starting from the Greek word “ecstasy” and reaching the idea of deification

of man by divine grace or mystical grace, Crainic understood “ecstasy” as the one who creates

life out of the limits of the natural, a higher form of life which he calls "theanthropic". According

to Crainic, one who loves God, is not satisfied only to love Him, understanding this love in

ordinary terms, and feels the need to address it, to glorify Him, to draw nearer to Him and into

merge in His light. From here, he would realizethe need for mystical life, which people


The possibility of bliss in this life is due - according to research of Crainic to a force that

pulls man out of the natural order of existence and propel him into the divine order. This force is

actually worker grace or mystical grace. Because of grace, man receives a direct angelica

knowledge, which in this world is undone, and the full direct knowledge, it is reserved for the

afterlife, to the angels and the saints who can see God. So the mystical life of Christians not

being able to provide full knowledge or full union here on earth, however, it is a foretaste and

anticipation of the afterlife and angelic knowledge. This melding of soul in God and ecstasies

state that saints’ experience, they are but temporal state and anticipation of heavenly life. For a

better understanding of the phenomenon of ecstatic and to be able to distinguish between divine

ecstasy and other forms of morbid ecstasy, Crainic issued some features of ecstasy: ecstasy does

not depend on our will, it is only God's gift; the mysthical knowledge is partial, half understood,

barely understood or suspected; this is done without the support of the knowledge and without

the intercession of creatures and images; the ecstasy is always accompanied by love, and this is

no ordinary one – but a love that we feel that is given to us directly from up above, the eternal

flame suddenly appearing in our soul; the ecstatic phenomenon occurs at the summit of spiritual

life, mystical, and at this point, it is debated the effects of ecstatic on mystical as phenomenon:

inspiration ecstatic repercussions on the human body (levitation, nimbus of light, stigmas),

finally Crainic mentioned about natural bliss, diabolically ecstasy and divine ecstasy. The way of

dealing ecstasy and in an attempt to provide answers as clear as possible in this situation,

Nichifor Crainic consulted not just the religious literature that he dispoased at the time, even in

his course of Mysticism we could observed the accuracy with which he requested and his

rationalistic psychology findings, of empirical psychology, of pathological psychology and


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In the next chapter, I presented the theme of "contemplation" and the central idea that is

found here, it is reflected in fact the idea that "he who speaks about God, must be able to see God

as well", the mystical view being possible only for the pure-hearted. According to the cours of

Mysticism of Nichifor Crainic the term "contemplation" is synonymous with all expressions

suggesting maximum bond between man and God, such as "experimental knowledge of God",

"the union with Him", "living in Him", "his spiritual image or simple image", the contemplation

is also the goal in order to prepare the ascetic Christian and Christian mysticism target. Unlike

the mystical theology of Priest Dumitru Stăniloae where the patristic horizon is much broadened

and deepened, Crainic's mystical inspiration came mostly from Western mysticism. In support of

its arguments, he often brings into question the Blessed Augustine, Ignaţiu de Loyla, Saint

Tereza from Avila, Juan de la Cruz and Francisc de Sales. Nevertheless, when appropriate, he

detects errors and dogmatic differences between the two Churches and supports his Orthodox

point of view, he brought examples and based his theory on theology of the Saints Priesters.

The study Contemplation of Father Stăniloae is treated in Chapter Enlighting, being part

of the stage of lighting,and at the same time from the perfection or deification. Both purification

and enlightenment and deification are viewed as a whole, not being able to tell when one begins

and the other ends, that includes spiritual ascent from start to finish all three phases. According

to Father Staniloae contemplation is divided into two stages: contemplation of God of things we

can see and contemplation mediated by the human mind, which will culminate with the rest of

mind. This last stage is divided into three parts: negative theology, the best of the clean prayer

and seeing the divine light. Father Stăniloae, throughout his contributions in mystical

theology,over crossedthe Western mystical Theology, contrasting the dark mystics, a mystical

light. He characterizes Western mysticism as more philosophical theology and not a meeting of

man with God.

In subchapter V, where I spoke about "seeing the uncreated light I concluded that the

uncreated light coincides with the deification and union both having the same value and referring

to the same thing. However, the mystery of deification, in the hesychastic Orthodox spirituality,

it is felt most often in the form of a vision of light.

On this issue, Crainic used the presentation of several mystical events occurred in the

area of the Eastern Church, giving as example the Saint Symeon the New Theologian,Nichita

Stithatul, Saint Serafim of Sarov and other elders of Optina Monastery. Through these reports, he

really wants to prove the possibility of divine light vision in Eastern spirituality, even in this life.

Unlike the Catholic doctrine, where the focus is solely on light in the Eastern theology appears

the concept of transfiguration, where light penetrates and transforms the contemplator body. For

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Nichifor Crainic, the aim of Christianity is human transfiguration and not only of it, but all


If Crainic presented in the Course of Mystic more examples of mystics who experienced

to the uncreated light- especially Saint Symeon the New Theologian, without proposing a

theological debate on the subject, Father Stăniloae brings into question the matter from another

point of view of theological thought. It will present priority the teaching of Saint Gregory

Palama, about the uncreated divine energies leading the dogmatic theological discourse the true

value of the patristic tradition.

The last chapter of this part of thesis, I tried to capture that "deification" is a central

theme in Orthodox theology, the dogma of deification having an important place in the Fathers’

teaching tradition. The implications of the two theologians in dogmatic theology and the

rediscovery of mysticism in the Romanian theology, we have again the opportunity to talk

coherently about a transcendent God, which still remains close to our lives and it can bring the

maximum closeness to Him thereby avoiding the rupture bridge between God and man. They all

were done by deepening the theology of Palamas thereby saving and recovering the theology the

trap of philosophical theology that threatens to become heresy.

Father Dumitru Stăniloae believed that deification is a dynamic and spiritual event that

cannot be systematized or defined in a fixed and concentrateddefinition. It is a human intrusion

by God which is carried out beyond its natural powers being possible only by the power of grace.

Deification is seen in two ways: broadly and strictly. Broadly it begins at baptism and continues

throughout life, representing the progress made by the believer, and strictly can take place even

in this life, but only for brief moments. Deification in the strict sense, it requires ascetic effort

and prayer, and if it is provided, this is not due to human effort, but a gift of God. The two stages

of deification, they are actually two phases of the same way. Deification of life here is only

anticipated in brief moments it belongs to future age, as a permanent state of human existence.

Another feature of the doctrine of deification for Father Stăniloae is that of love, because

it is love which highlights best relationship between human and divine. Father Stăniloae

distinguishes three types of love: natural, Christian and as a divine gift. Therefore love is the

deification between man and God and enables maximum bonding between themwithout merging

topics, by welcoming each other in itself and preserving the personal character of each.

Romanian theology of the beginning of sec. XX it is influenced by the rationalist systematizing

of Western scholastic theology not talking about the concept of deification approach and

experience of God. Among the concerns of the theologians of those days, his teaching could not

find the place, the theology being broken early centuries of Christian tradition. The Romanian

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theology begins to shape the identity of patristic the first centuries, only after his involvement

and Father Dumitru Stăniloae and Nichifor Crainic.

In the area of Romanian Orthodox theology of the twentieth century, theme deification

and holiness, far from being outdated and anachronistic, it is current and presents viable for

modern man. On the other hand, the concept of deification is in perfect harmony with the idea of

renewal and the development of dogmatic theology. This theology seeks legacy of the Fathers of

the first centuries, but also by the results involving Father Staniloae’s works, goes one step

further this heritage, updating it to the requirements of contemporary times.

In Chapter V, “Mystical themes related to essential aspects of orthodox Dogmatists”, I

tried to highlight specific mystical themesrediscovered by the two theologians, Nichifor Crainic

and Father Dumitru Stăniloae, which are related with the essential themes of orthodox

dogmatists Which it was actually carried out by the renewing Orthodox dogmatic theology and

return line patristic theology.

In subchapter I, I treated implications Mystics in Gnoseology, highlighting that due to

Father Dumitru Staniloae, the rational commands of the scholastic theology were exceeded,

widening the scope of theological knowledge and changing life and even the way of thinking of

a theologian. Father Stăniloae’ simplications, he mentioned the importance for spiritual

knowledge and insufficient human and rational knowledge, relying his comment on the great

mystics claim who considers that "theognosia" is achieved not through philosophical theological

speculation, but through experience and moral improvement. The need for spiritual knowledge, it

was imposed the more dogmatic theology in the twentieth century, as, the manuals of Dogmatic

of the time, proposing a solely rational knowledge scholastic influences, it comes down to how

affirmative and negative knowledge. Father Stăniloae do not disregard rational knowledge, but

following the methodology of theological Fathers, he shows its limits but at the same time it

justifies its usefulness. By deepening apophatic knowledge, Father Stăniloae, in fact transforms

the gnoseology from dogmatic Orthodox, in direct and mysterious God's experience, which is

converted into knowledge, exceeding the stages of the rational and cataphatic knowledge,

realizing the God’s specific Apophatic experience that is specific to Orthodoxy.

Throughout mystical theology, Father Stăniloae discovers an experimental knowledge of

God requiring ascetic effort. He says that as much as man progresses in spiritual life, by ascetic

effort, intellectual knowledge of God as Creator and Providence of the world, will "merge of his

direct and richer contemplating, the Apophatic knowledge”. However, in resonance with the

Holy Fathers, teognosia is understood as transfiguration of one who knows and the role of

theology is to transmit the testimony of this experience.

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In subchapter II, I kept relying on dogmatic theology of Father Dumitru Staniloae I tried

to capture how they managed the relocation of cosmology based on fundamentals of patristic

teaching. Following these teachings, the chapter on the creation of dogmatic according to Father

Dumitru Stăniloae peaks right from the beginning about the "deification of the created world" as

God’s plan since the creation. Due to uncreated divine energies, God and creation, although there

are two distinct realitiessitting in a closely boundry throughout is realized not only the

preservation of creation,but her deification.According to these energies, man will look at the

world not only from the material point of view, but appreciating its spiritual and mystical

significance, can he it transform. The theme of cosmology, according to Father Stăniloae it is

closely linked to that of anthropology and the mystical themes on the transfiguration and

deification of man, transfers itself in cosmology where the universe is intended to

transfiguration. Father Stăniloae is the one that brings into question the dogmatic Orthodox,

rationality problem of creation, which exceeds human knowledge rationalism, showing that the

world is so rationality and mystery. Only under this rationality with which the world was created

we can talk about the transfiguration of the world the possibility of human of transforming it.

Through its vision of cosmology, Father Stăniloae’s vision is beyond outdated dogmatists school

influenced by scholastic theology, where the items above, or that are lacking orwhether they

were mentioned sporadically. According to cosmology proposed by the dogmatic of cosmology

by Fahter Staniloae. It embodied a Theology hat put particular emphasis without confusion on

the relationship between God and man, man and nature human responsibility towards nature and

"eschatological destiny and transfiguration" of it.

In subchapter III, I wanted to highlight the very special contribution of Father Dumitru

Stăniloae to the Orthodox anthropology in that he introduced the concept of deification of the

human person in dogmatic theology. Furthermore his mystical Theology studies and translations

from Philokalia created an authentical Orthodox Anthropology, shielding the theology of foreign

teachings and rediscover patristic teachings on man's relationship with God. By configuring the

space of Orthodox theology a "theology of holiness," Father Stăniloae fits perfectly the current

neo-patristic twentieth century. According to Father Stăniloae “Ascetic and Mysticism”, we

understand in a way that could not be clearly presented that deification is not regarded as an

alternative to human nature, because human nature is self-insufficient. From creation time,

human existence is necessarily oriented toward God, man thanked him not only to see and

contemplate God, but to join Him in a perfect communion. In scholastic theology of the

nineteenth century and the writings of Orthodox theologians up to Stăniloae, the concept of

sanctity of human participation in God's holiness was missing completely from dogmatic due to

the influence of the Catholic, where the creature is a distance insurmountable to the Creato. In

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Catholic understanding, God is a distant God who has only strictly legal relationship with the

world and not a God present in the world and which man can unite, as in Orthodoxy. In his

Theology, Father Stăniloae supports the direct access of man faithful to union with Christ

through the uncreated divine grace, union with God through participation or deification become

such notions and realities unquestionable.

In subchapter IV, I analyzed the eschatology theme, where as in other chapters of

dogmatic parent Stăniloae elements are mystical elements related to dogmatic Theology. Here,

Father Stăniloae will develop mystical themes about: contemplation, to the uncreated light,

transfiguration of both the man and the entire cosmos, the deification of endless human as well

as perms climb its communion with God that would never fully know Him. Death in Father

Stăniloae’s opinion is seen as a mystery related to the human person, but discovering its mystery.

When death is no longer experienced as a mystery, life flattens therefore 'death should be a

mystery so far the mystery of the human person ". The souls which at the particular judgment

were found worthy of communion with God, will not remain in immobile individual

contemplation of God, but a contemplation of love in communion with the Holy Trinity, a

contemplation much higher than on Earth. So, at eschatology the contemplation will take place at

another coordinates and other allowances. In the chapter about eschatology Father Stăniloae

deals extensively about both icons and relics about as foreshadowing of transfigured and deified

bodies in the next life. God's purpose since the creation of the world, was perfection and its

deification and not leaving it in a relative form. Not only people will be able to reach perfection,

but also worldwide, the transfiguration of the world is not just a matter of change of form but of

content, which will happen in universal eschatology. These profound transformations that will

take place in the next life, that transfiguration of the material and human bodies, is due to "the

mystery of matter spiritually advanced". This, by divine Reasons embedded in it since creation

its makes it possible bodies transfiguration of both resurrected and transformed the universe.

Through the Holy Spirit, this matter will be transfigured modeled on Christ's body, the bodies

remaining unchanged after being only spiritually advanced. The image of dynamism and ever

new eschatological communion of man with God is characteristic of Orthodox theology and is

completely absent from Catholic and Protestant theology. Here, we find only a static conception

of the relationship between man and God, specific legal aspects of Catholicism, which is found

in the doctrine of eschatology.

“The making of” a PhD. thesis that light out rediscovery of mysticism in Romanian

dogmatic I believe it is a necessary one time that we go through and one current matching into a

neo-patristic spirit. However, the present study aims to highlight the fact that theologians’ works

offer by emphasizing a trilogy dogma-spiritual cult, a contemporary collection and a living one;

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dogmatic orthodox sketching profile of a theologian of tomorrow, highlighting his vocation first

liturgical, charismatic and not one purely academic.

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din scrierile Sfinţilor Părinţi care arată cum se poate omul curăţa, lumina şi desăvârşi,

vol. VIII, traducere din greceşte, introduceri şi note de Pr. Prof. Dr. Dumitru Stăniloae,

Membru al Academiei Române, Seria Religie, coordonată de preot Vasile Răducă,

Editura Humanitas, Bucureşti, 2009.

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I.3. The work of Nichifor Crainic.

I.3.1. Works in tomes

1. Crainic, Nichifor, „Şesuri natale, Şesuri natale – Ecouri din străinătate – Zâmbete-n

lacrimi. Sub specie aeternitatis”, Societatea anonimă „Ramuri”, Craiova, 1916.

2. Crainic, Nichifor, „Ţara de peste veac”, Editura Cartea Românească, Bucureşti, 1931.

3. Crainic, Nichifor, Curs de teologie mistică, editarea îngrijită de P. Olteanu doctorand în

litere, Bucureşti, 1936.

4. Crainic, Nichifor, Cursurile de mistică I. Teologie Mistică II. Mistică germană, Studiu

introductiv şi ediţie de diac. Ioan I. Ică jr., Editura Deisis, Sibiu, 2010.

5. Crainic, Nichifor, Dostoievski şi creştinismul rus, volumul de faţă reproduce ediţia din

1998, editată de Arhidiecezana Cluj şi Editura Anastasia cu binecuvântarea IPS

Bartolomeu Mitropolitul Clujului, Albei, Crişanei şi Maramureşului, Editura Sfinţilor

Martiri Brâncoveni.

6. Crainic, Nichifor, Nostalgia Paradisului, Editura Babel, Bacău, 2012.

7. Crainic, Nichifor, Pribeag în ţara mea, Mărturii din închisoare, Memoriu Răspuns la

actul meu de acuzare, Ediţie îngrijită şi cuvânt înainte de Alexandru Condeescu, Editura

Muzeul Literaturii Române „Orfeu”, Bucureşti.

8. Crainic, Nichifor, Puncte cardinale în haos, text integral, Studiu introductiv, îngrijire de

ediţie şi Note, Constantin Schifirneţ, Editura Albatros, Bucureşti, 1998.

9. Crainic, Nichifor, Zile albe, zile negre. Amintiri din viaţa mea 1899-1944, în manuscris

f. 102-103, în Florin Duţu, Mistica ortodoxă şi schimbarea la faţă a Teologiei Româneşti

– Nichifor Crainic, Arsenie Boca, Dumitru Stăniloae – cei mai buni dintre cei mai buni,

Editura Floare Albă de Colţ, Bucureşti, 2014.

10. Crainic, Nichifor, Zile albe-zile negre. Memorii (I), ediţie îngrijită de Nedic Lemnaru,

Casa editorială „Gândirea”, Bucureşti, 1991.

I.3.2. Articles and researches

1. Crainic, Nichifor, „Colaboratorii lui Hristos – cuvinte către studenţi”, în Gândirea, anul

XXI, nr. 10, decembrie 1942, p. 537-542.

2. Crainic, Nichifor, „Convorbire literară între poetul Nichifor Crainic şi scriitorul Pan M.

Vizirescu”, în Revista Gândirea, serie nouă, nr. 4, Sibiu, 1993, p. 4-5.

3. Crainic, Nichifor, „Cronica măruntă”, în Gândirea anul XVII februarie 1938, nr. 2, p.


4. Crainic, Nichifor, „Cronica măruntă”, în Gândirea, anul XXI, ianuarie 1942, nr. 1, p.


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5. Crainic, Nichifor, „Cuibul cu Barză”, în Gândirea, anul III, nr. 11, februarie 1924, p.


6. Crainic, Nichifor, „Despre Iisus Hristos”, în Gândirea, anul XXII, nr. 8, octombrie

1943, p. 487-488.

7. Crainic, Nichifor, „Ecouri târzii ale unei polemici”, în Gândirea, anul III, nr. 16, iulie,

1924, p. 417-418.

8. Crainic, Nichifor, „Filocalia”, în Gândirea, anul XVII, nr. 5, mai 1938, p. 280.

9. Crainic, Nichifor, „Fragment dintr-o scrisoare din 17 septembrie 1937 către Lucian

Blaga”, Manuscriptum, anul XXVI, nr. 98-101/1995, p. 140-141, în Nichifor Crainic,

„Post-scripta” în Cursurile de mistică I Teologie mistică II Mistică germană, Editura

Deisis, Sibiu, 2010, p. 381.

10. Crainic, Nichifor, „Iisus în ţara mea”, în Gândirea, anul II, nr. 11-12, 1923, p. 117-120.

11. Crainic, Nichifor, „Irineu Mihălcescu” în Studii Teologice, anul VII, (1938-1939),

volum omagial închinat profesorilor: Arhiereu Irineu Mihălcescu şi Preot Ioan Popescu-

Mălăieşti, Bucureşti, 1939, p. 5-19.

12. Crainic, Nichifor, „Între Apollo şi Iisus”, în Gândirea, anul VII, nr. 2, februarie 1927, p.


13. Crainic, Nichifor, „Mişcarea de la Sinaxarul”, în Gândirea, anul XXI, nr. 10, decembrie

1942, p. 589-590.

14. Crainic, Nichifor, „Ortodoxia - concepția noastră de viață”, în Studii Teologice, seria a

II-a, anul XLV, nr. 3-4, mai-august, 1993, p. 3-12.

15. Crainic, Nichifor, „Ortodoxie şi clasicism”, în Gândirea, anul XVI, nr. 8, octombrie

1937, p. 369-378.

16. Crainic, Nichifor, „Politică şi Ortodoxie”, în Gândirea, anul III, nr. 5, iulie 1923, p. 77-


17. Crainic, Nichifor, „Spiritualitate”, în Gândirea, anul VIII, nr. 8-9, august-septembrie

1928, p. 307-310.

18. Crainic, Nichifor, „Teologie şi estetică”, în Gândirea, anul XVIII, nr. 4, aprilie 1939, p.


19. Crainic, Nichifor, „Vizită la Maglavit”, în Gândirea, anul XV, nr. 1, ianuarie 1936, p. 1-


I.4. The work of Father Dumitru Stăniloae.

I.4.1 Works in tomes

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1. Stăniloae, Dumitru, Curs de ascetică şi mistică creştină, Bucureşti, Asociaţia

Studenţilor Teologi, 1947, (volum dactilografiat).

2. Stăniloae, Dumitru, Filocalia sau culegere din scrierile Sfinţilor Părinţi care arată cum

se poate omul curăţa, lumina şi desăvârşi, vol. I, ediția a II-a, Institutul de Arte Grafice

„Dacia Traiană” S.A., Sibiu, 1947.

3. Stăniloae, Dumitru, Iisus Hristos, lumina lumii şi îndumnezeitorul omului, Editura

Anastasia, Bucureşti, 1993.

4. Stăniloae, Dumitru, Iisus Hristos, lumina lumii şi îndumnezeitorul omului, în Opere

complete, vol. 6, Editura Basilica a Patriarhiei Române, Bucureşti, 2014.

5. Stăniloae, Dumitru, Teologia Morală Ortodoxă pentru institutele teologice, Vol. III,

Spiritualitatea Ortodoxă, Editura Institutului Biblic şi de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe

Române, Bucureşti, 1981.

6. Stăniloae, Dumitru, Viaţa şi învăţătura Sfântului Grigorie Palama, cu patru tratate

traduse, ediţia a doua cu o prefaţă revăzută de autor, Editura Scripta, Bucureşti, 1993.

7. Stăniloae, Pr. Dumitru, Viaţa şi învăţătura Sfântului Grigorie Palama, Sibiu, 1938.

8. Stăniloae, Pr. prof. dr. Dumitru, în 7 dimineţi cu Părintele Stăniloae convorbiri

realizate de Sorin Dumitrescu, ediţie îngrijită de Răzvan Bucuroi, Editura Anastasia,


9. Stăniloae, Preot Profesor Dumitru, Ascetica şi mistica Bisericii Ortodoxe, Editura

Institutului Biblic şi de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, Bucureşti, 2002.

10. Stăniloae, Preotul Profesor Dumitru, Iisus Hristos sau Restaurarea omului, în Opere

complete, vol. IV, Editura Basilica a Patriarhiei Române, Bucureşti, 2013.

11. Stăniloae, Preotul Profesor Dumitru, Spiritualitate şi comuniune în Liturghia

ortodoxă, ediţia a II-a, Editura Institutului biblic şi de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe

Române, Bucureşti, 2004.

12. Stăniloae, Preotul Profesor Dumitru, Teologia Dogmatică Ortodoxă, vol. I, Editura

Institutului Biblic și de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, Bucureşti, 2003.

13. Stăniloae, Preotul Profesor, Dumitru, Teologia Dogmatică Ortodoxă (I), Ediţia a IV-a,

Editura Institutului Biblic şi de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, Bucureşti, 2010.

14. Stăniloae, Preotul Profesor, Dumitru, Teologia Dogmatică Ortodoxă (III), Ediţia a IV-

a, Editura Institutului Biblic şi de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, Bucureşti,


I.4.2. Articles and researches

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1. Stăniloae, Dumitru, „Fost-a om trimis de Dumnezeu”, în Opere complete, vol. 3,

Editura Basilica a Patriarhiei Române, Bucureşti, 2012, p. 756-760.

2. Stăniloae, Dumitru, „Cuvânt înainte”, în Filocalia sau culegere din scrierile Sfinţilor

Părinţi care arată cum se poate omul curăţa, lumina şi desăvârşi, vol. I, ediţia a II-a,

Institutul de Arte Grafice „Dacia Traiană” S.A., Sibiu, 1947, p. 5-12.

3. Stăniloae, Dumitru, „Darul lui Dumnezeu către noi”, în Mitropolia Moldovei şi Sucevei,

nr. 46, an 1970, nr. 3-6, p. 258-267.

4. Stăniloae, Dumitru, „Gândirea la douăzeci de ani”, în Opere complete, vol. 3, Editura

Basilica a Patriarhiei Române, Bucureşti, p. 32-35.

5. Stăniloae, Dumitru, „Încercare despre teofanii”, în Gândirea, anul XV, nr. 1, ianuarie

1936, p. 14-29.

6. Stăniloae, Dumitru, „Opera teologică a lui Nichifor Crainic”, în Gândirea, anul XIX, nr.

4, aprilie 1940, p. 264-276.

7. Stăniloae, Dumitru, „Ortodoxie și latinitate”, în Gândirea, anul XVIII, aprilie 1939, nr.

4, p. 197-202.

8. Stăniloae, Dumitru, „Ortodoxie şi Naţiune”, în vol. Ortodoxie şi românism, Opere

complete, vol. VIII, Editura Basilica a Patriarhiei Române, Bucureşti, 2014, p. 15-36.

9. Stăniloae, Dumitru, „Profesorul Nichifor Crainic la Academie”, în Opere complete, vol.

2, Editura Basilica a Patriarhiei Române, Bucureşti, 2012, p. 772-773.

10. Stăniloae, Dumitru, „Puncte cardinale în haos”, în Opere complete, vol. 1, Editura

Basilica a Patriarhiei Române, Bucureşti, p. 819-823.

11. Stăniloae, Dumitru, „Reorganizarea facultăţilor de teologie” în Opere complete, vol. I,

Editura Basilica a Patriarhiei Române, Bucureşti, 2012, p. 313-319.

12. Stăniloae, Dumitru, „Rolul Ortodoxiei în formarea şi păstrarea fiinţei poporului român

şi a unităţii naţionale”, în Ortodoxia, an XXX, (1978), nr. 4, p. 584-603.

13. Stăniloae, Dumitru, „Românism și ortodoxie”, în Gândirea, anul XV, octombrie 1936,

nr. 8, p. 400-409.

14. Stăniloae, Dumitru, „Sfântul Grigorie de Nazianz sau ce înseamnă a fi teolog”, în

Dumitru Stăniloae sau paradoxul teologiei, volum coordonat de Teodor Baconsky şi

Bogdan Tătaru-Cazaban, Editura Anastasia, Bucureşti, 2003, p. 23-28.

15. Stăniloae, Dumitru, „Sfinţii Varsanufie şi Ioan”, în Filocalia sau culegere din scrierile

Sfinţilor Părinţi care arată cum se poate omul curăţa, lumina şi desăvârşi, vol. XI,

traducere din greceşte, introduceri şi note de Pr. Prof. Dr. Dumitru Stăniloae, Membru al

Academiei Române, Seria Religie, coordonată de preot Vasile Răducă, Editura

Humanitas, Bucureşti, 2009.

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16. Stăniloae, Pr. Dumitru, „Calea spre lumina dumnezeiască la Sfântul Grigorie Palama”,

în Anuarul Academiei Teologice Andreiane, 9 (1929-1930), p. 55-72

17. Stăniloae, Pr. Dumitru, „Creaţia ca dar şi tainele Bisericii”, în Ortodoxia, nr. 1, anul

1976, p. 10-29.

18. Stăniloae, Pr. Dumitru, „Cunoaşterea lui Dumnezeu la Sfântul Ioan Gură de Aur”, în

Ortodoxia, anul IX, 1957, nr. 4, p. 555-567.

19. Stăniloae, Pr. Dumitru, „Cuvânt la încheierea anului şcolar în Academia Teologică”, în

Opere Complete, vol. II, Editura Basilica a Patriarhiei Române, Bucureşti, 2012, p. 274-


20. Stăniloae, Pr. Dumitru, „Dinamica creaţiei în Biserică”, în Ortodoxia, nr. 3-4, anul

1977, p. 281-291.

21. Stăniloae, Pr. Dumitru, „Două tratate ale Sfântului Grigorie Palama (Triada I, 2 şi 3)”,

în Anuarul Academiei Teologice Andreiane, 9 (1932-1933), p. 5-70.

22. Stăniloae, Pr. Dumitru, „Sfânta Treime şi creaţia lumii din iubire în timp”, în

Mitropolia Olteniei, nr. 2, anul1987; nr. 3, anul 1987, p. 41-70.

23. Stăniloae, Pr. Dumitru, Nicolae Chiţescu, Pr. Isidor Todoran, Ioan Ică, Ion Bria,

„Teologia Dogmatică în Biserica Ortodoxă Română în trecut şi azi”, în Ortodoxia, anul

XXIII, nr. 3, iulie-septembrie, 1971, p. 309-365.

24. Stăniloae, Pr. Prof. dr. Dumitru, „Despre istoria isihasmului în ortodoxia română, cu

câteva texte filocalice ale unor călugări români”, în Filocalia sau culegere din scrierile

Sfinţilor Părinţi care arată cum se poate omul curăţa, lumina şi desăvârşi, vol. VIII,

traducere din greceşte, introduceri şi note de Pr. Prof. Dr. Dumitru Stăniloae, Membru al

Academiei Române, Seria Religie, coordonată de preot Vasile Răducă, Editura

Humanitas, Bucureşti, 2002, p. 523-580.

25. Stăniloae, Pr. Prof. Dumitru, „Câteva trăsături caracteristice ale Ortodoxiei”, în

Mitropolia Olteniei, nr. 7-8, anul 1970, p. 730-742.

26. Stăniloae, Pr. Prof. Dumitru, „Primirea Tradiţiei în timpul de azi din punct de vedere

ortodox”, în Studii Teologice, Seria a II-a, Anul XXVII, nr. 1-2, Bucureşti, ianuarie-

februarie, 1975, p. 5-12.

27. Stăniloae, Pr. Prof. Dumitru, „Scurtă prefață” la Vladimir Lossky, Teologia Mistică a

Bisericii de Răsărit, traducere, studiu introductiv și note, Pr. Vasile Răducă, Editura

Anastasia, 1990, p. 5.

28. Stăniloae, Pr. Prof. Dumitru, „Semnificaţia luminii dumnezeieşti în spiritualitatea şi

cultul Bisericii Ortodoxe”, în Ortodoxia, anul XXVIII, nr. 3-4, iulie-decembrie, 1976, p.


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29. Stăniloae, Pr. prof. Dumitru, „Sfinţenia în Ortodoxie”, în Ortodoxia, anul XXXII, nr. 1,

ianuarie-martie, Bucureşti, 1980, p. 33-43.

30. Stăniloae, Pr. Prof. Dumitru, „Spiritualitatea echilibrată de largă sinteză a poporului

român”, în Opere complete, vol. III, Editura Basilica a Patriarhiei Române, Bucureşti,

2012, p. 817-823.

31. Stăniloae, Preot Dumitru, „Decernarea titlului de Doctor Honoris Cauza, al Facultăţii

de Teologie din Salonic P.C.”, în Studii Teologice, Seria a II-a XXVIII, nr. 7-10,

Bucureşti, septembrie-decembrie, 1976, p. 732.

32. Stăniloae, Preotul Profesor Dumitru, „Între Orient şi Occident”, în, Opere Complete,

vol. II, , Editura Basilica a Patriarhiei Române, Bucureşti, 2012, p. 804-807.

33. Stăniloae, Prof. Dr. Dumitru, „Pastorala mai nouă şi importanţa ei în cadrul

învăţământului teologic”, în Revista Teologică, an XXV, mai-iunie 1935, nr. 5-6, p. 214-



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