aurveda foods1

Ayurveda Cooking - Ayurveda Food Ayurveda Food d and effect of food on the body. The food is categorized according to s). Ayurveda also classifies food on the bases of doshas (body hich food item is favourable or unfavourable for an individual and particular season. Thus, food is a n elaborated subject of Ayurvedic e whole process ajas and Tamas. These gunas are fundamental attributes that hese three gunas are presented in every human being with more or these gunas in body and mind is ayurvedic cooking or food. On the ified as Sattvic, Rajasik, and Tamsik. ype of food. The food contains most of its nutritional values as it is cooked by using minimal heat and modest processing. It provides the n ers survive on sattvic foods. Sattvic food should be taken fresh or immediately after it is prepared. ed or also sprouted beans, grains and nuts, many herbs and spices consumed in their natural and near-natural forms are good examples o hilies and black pepper and such other p ungent and astringent spices are forbidden. . Though buffalo milk is also used widely, it is not considered to be as nourishing, and is usually not form the part of a sattvic diet. In the ab e of cows. Milk products like butter, ghee (cooked and dehydrated butter) also used prominently in sattvic diet as they are prepared with v ation of physical, mental and emotional harmony. Sattvic food increase person’s well-being, and inner peace. Such a person always rema s sensitive to the various nuances of his sensory being. He/she is less affected by exposure to adverse conditions. Even if he/she falls sick

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Post on 15-Apr-2018




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