australian business excellence · australian business excellence conference & awards 2010...

2010 Leveraging continuous improvement to deliver sustainable business success. AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS EXCELLENCE CONFERENCE & AWARDS THURSDAY 18 NOVEMBER, 2010 SOFITEL ON COLLINS, MELBOURNE

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Page 1: AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS ExCELLENCE · Australian Business Excellence Conference & Awards 2010 Leveraging continuous improvement to deliver sustainable business CCE The 2010 Australian


Leveraging continuous improvement to deliver sustainable business success.


tHuRsdAy 18 noveMBeR, 2010 • soFiteL on CoLLins, MeLBouRne

Page 2: AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS ExCELLENCE · Australian Business Excellence Conference & Awards 2010 Leveraging continuous improvement to deliver sustainable business CCE The 2010 Australian

Australian Business Excellence Conference & Awards 2010

Leveraging continuous improvement to deliver sustainable business success

The 2010 Australian Business Excellence Conference & Awards recognises the achievements of outstanding Australian and international organisations that are effectively utilising the globally renowned Business Excellence Framework, and thereby demonstrating a commitment to quality and service, philanthropic ideals, ethical behaviour and environmental sustainability.

Join executives from around the country to hear from business leaders and excellence practitioners on their approaches to continuous improvement through leadership, people, process and innovation.

This prestigious event is packed with opportunities to profit from the invaluable experience of organisations on the excellence path. Join this comprehensive program of plenary, concurrent, technical and interactive discussion sessions to hear how successful businesses are:

• Drivingorganisationalsuccessthroughinnovativecustomerandstakeholderengagement

• Leveragingthevalueofpeopletoachievestrategicgoals

• Maximisinginformation,dataandknowledgetodriveorganisation-widedecision-making

• EmbeddingcontinuousimprovementforsustainedBusinessExcellence

Hear from:

Russell Jenkins Executive, Customer & Community, Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited

Emma Norrish Head of Business Partnerships, People & Culture, World Vision Australia

Tamsin McLean GroupHumanResourcesManager,Woods Bagot

Mandy Whelan ManagerOrganisationalDevelopment,Mildura Rural City Council

Rod McGregor Director&PrincipalConsultant, ValueEdge Consulting

Russell Linwood ASM Principal Advisor (Business Excellence), Department of Community Safety (QLD)

Tanya Davies Manager,GlobalOperatingManagementSystem,Campus Living Villages

Richard Holmes Director,Promapp Solutions Limited

Anton Benc ManagingPartner,Benchmarking Partnerships

Graham Giannini DirectorofOperations–AsiaPacific,Computershare

Cynthia Payne ChiefExecutiveOfficer,SummitCare

Nick Heath GeneralManager,Hobart City Council

And our international guest speaker:

Kenny Yap Kim Lee ExecutiveChairman&ManagingDirector,QIAN HU CORPORATION LIMITED Multiple Winner Singapore Quality Award 2004 & 2009

PRICING Groups (3+) Early-Bird Pay by 30 Sep

Standard Pay after 30 Sep

Conference & Awards (Save $150) $749.00 $824.00 $899.00

Conference Only $600.00 $675.00 $750.00

Awards Only $249.00

Additional Partner Tickets to Awards $200.00

All prices are excluding GST

Page 3: AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS ExCELLENCE · Australian Business Excellence Conference & Awards 2010 Leveraging continuous improvement to deliver sustainable business CCE The 2010 Australian

9.00AM opening

Welcome by tony scotton, Chief executive officer, sAi gLoBAL AustRALiA

9.05AM pLenAry 1: inTernATionAL KeynoTe

Achieving market leadership through a commitment to quality and business excellence

Two-timeSingaporeQualityAwardwinner,QianHuCorporationLimited,accountsformorethan5%oftheglobalfishmarketandistheonlyintegratedornamentalfishserviceproviderlistedontheMainboardoftheSingaporeExchange.Despitetheseverityoftheglobaleconomicchallengesof2009,QianHuCorporationLimitedmanagedtogrowallcorebusinesses:creatinganaccessoriesmanufacturingentityinIndia,expandingitsSingaporefarmoperation,reducingdebtsand,simultaneously,increasingcashgeneratedfromoperations.Thecompany’scost-containingeffortsandincreased productivity helped the Group to grow its profitability at a faster pace than revenue (in percentage terms). QianHu’sachievementsandrecognitiondemonstratethestellarsuccessderivedfromcommittedandfocusedcontinuous improvement, showing how an integrated approach to organisational improvement delivers spectacular and continued success.

Learnfromthisinspirationalcasestudyabout:• Buildingaflexibleandresilientorganisation• Longtermvisionandstrategicdelivery• Truemarketandcustomerresponsiveness• StrategicvalueofapplyingtheBEFasaproductivitymultiplier

Kenny yap Kim Lee, executive Chairman & Managing director, QiAn Hu CoRPoRAtion LiMited

9.55AM pLenAry 2

Driving organisational success through innovative customer and stakeholder engagement

Asaregionalandcommunity-focusedbank,BendigoandAdelaideBankhascreatedtheCommunityBankmodel– acustomer-connectedbankinggroup.Thisinnovativeapproachtocustomerandstakeholderengagementhasseenover $40 million dollars returned to support local community groups and profits right across Australia. This session will outline this fascinating project which truly connects organisational direction and customer/community focus. • Developingsustainableearningsandgrowththroughcustomerandcommunityinitiatives• Exceedingcustomersexpectationsinserviceandproductdelivery• Buildinglongtermrelationshipswithourcustomers,shareholdersandthecommunities• Empoweringstafftomakeadifference• Improvingcustomerprospectsandshareholderreturnsthroughteamwork,integrity,performance,engagement,

leadership and passion

Russell Jenkins, executive, Customer & Community, Bendigo And AdeLAide BAnK LiMited

10.45AM Morning TeA

11.00AM pLenAry 3: pAneL DiSCUSSion

Leveraging the value of your people to achieve strategic goals

Excellent organisations create work environments that are engaging, positive and open, foster creativity and unify the effortsoftheirpeople.Soundutopian?Maybeisitsimplerthanyouthink.Thisinsightfulpaneldiscussionwillexaminehow you can get this happening in your organisation to ensure that people are engaged, aligned with the strategy and enabled to make a meaningful contribution to organisational improvement, goals and success.

Panellists:emma norrish, Head of Partnerships, People & Culture woRLd vision AustRALiAtamsin McLean, group Human Resources Manager, woods BAgotMandy whelan, Manager, organisational development, MiLduRA RuRAL City CounCiL (Bronze Winner 2009)

With a culturally diverse population of 60,000 inhabiting a varied environment, Mildura Rural City covers around 10% of the State of Victoria. Every four years Mildura Rural City Council reviews its 2025 Vision framework through broad consultation across the community. Continuous improvements across planning, benchmarking, and employee satisfaction saw the Mildura Rural City Council receive the 2009 Bronze Award.

Australian Business excellence CONfERENCE

RegisteR now To register for this prestigious event, please fill out the enclosed registration form, or visit our website to download a registration form.

Page 4: AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS ExCELLENCE · Australian Business Excellence Conference & Awards 2010 Leveraging continuous improvement to deliver sustainable business CCE The 2010 Australian

11.50AM ConCUrrenT 4A ConCUrrenT 4B

Moving beyond compliance towards excellenceAchieving breakthrough success and continuous improvement utilising the Business Excellence framework (BEf)

Regulatory compliance is mandatory across most industries,particularlyintheareasofOH&S,process,finance and management. But this is not an end in itself and organisations must understand the goals of compliance and that it is a starting point for business excellence. This session will cover: • Examiningtherelationshipbetweencomplianceand

excellence• Incominglegislationwithinbuiltcontinuousimprovement• Implementingriskscreening• Evolvingthroughcomplianceintoanexcellenceloop

The BEF helps organisations fully understand themselves, their markets and the way forward to sustainable success. This session will explain the key aspects of the BEF for those new to the framework, including: • Globalexcellencemovement• AligningorganisationalgoalsusingtheBEF• HowtheBEFisusedaroundthecountry• Overcomingchallengeswhenuseofthe

BEF gets off track

Russell Linwood AsM, Principal Advisor (Business excellence), dePARtMent oF CoMMunity sAFety (QLd) Business excellence Awards evaluator 1999-2010

Rod Mcgregor, director & Principal Consultant, vALue edge ConsuLting

12.40pM LUnCh

1.40pM ConCUrrenT 5A ConCUrrenT 5B

Overcoming the barriers that stifle process improvement

Delivering a successful benchmarking project: Understanding the key elements

• Demystifyingprocessesandstrivingforsimplicity• Establishinggovernancemechanismsandownershipfor

sustained success• CASESTUDY:CampusLivingVillagesisagloballeader

in the field of student housing. Hear how they’ve overcometheirprocess-relatedchallengesandimprovedperformance through effective process management.

• BenchmarksVsBenchmarking• Knowingwhattobenchmark• Identifyingpotentialbenchmarkingpartners• Collectingandanalysingbenchmarkdata• Implementingimprovementsintoyourorganisation

tanya davies, Manager, global operating Management system, CAMPus Living viLLAges and

Richard Holmes, Manager, director, PRoMAPP soLutions LiMited

Anton J Benc, Managing Partner, BenCHMARKing PARtneRsHiPs

2.30pM pLenAry 6

Maximising Information, data and knowledge to drive organisation-wide decision making

There is always plenty of data and information in any organisation, but the critical question is how much of it is meaningful, insightful andvalue-adding?Howdoyouturndataandinformationintoknowledgeandinsight?Howareyouidentifyingareasofopportunity,weaknessandthreat?Howareyouturningyourexperiencesandresultsintoorganisationallearning?Grahamwilldiscuss:• Turningrawdataintoinsight• Usingthisinsighttolearnfromthepastandpredictthefuture• Matchinginformationtoyouraudiencetomaximiseunderstandingandvalue-addtothedecision-makingprocess• Continuousimprovementofyourinformationmanagementtools,processesandoutputs

graham giannini, director of operations - Asia Pacific, CoMPuteRsHARe

3.20pM AFTernoon TeA

Constituent divisions of the QLD Department of Community Safety (DCS) have been using the BEF effectively since 1997, starting with Ambulance and then progressively across all divisions, culminating with application at departmental level as well. Eight Australian Business Excellence Awards have been received to date, including one to the entire department in 2008. DCS delivers ambulance, fire and rescue, corrective and other emergency services across the state, and frequently operates inter-state, and at times internationally, to assist other jurisdictions respond to large scale emergencies.

sustainable business success

FoR MoRe inFoRMAtion Please visit our website or contact our team on:

Email [email protected] Phone 1300 650 262




Computershare leverages technology to achieve consistently high standards and has developed the capacity to respond quickly to external influences on strategic direction. Computershare Limited – Operations received a Silver Award at the 2009 Australian Business Excellence Awards.

Page 5: AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS ExCELLENCE · Australian Business Excellence Conference & Awards 2010 Leveraging continuous improvement to deliver sustainable business CCE The 2010 Australian

3.35pM pLenAry 7

The Endless Evolution: Embedding continuous improvement for sustained Business Excellence

SilverAwardwinnerSummitCare(Australia)isatrueexponentofBusinessExcellence.Followingtheirprestigious 2009Silverawardtheywentbacktotheplantoevaluatewhereimprovementsshouldcontinueandhonedinonareas to focus for better outcomes. Cynthia will outline how businesses can identify their emphasis point and business priorities to propagate the continuous improvement journey for quality and business excellence, by addressing the following topics:• Self-assessment,benchmarkingwithinandexternalevaluation:theBEFasatooltoassistaggregate

excellence within your own organisation• Realignmentwithstrategicvisiontodeliverrealoutcomesforstakeholdersandshareholders• Betterproductsforcustomersthroughinnovationandorganisationalandindustryimprovement• Bringingthepeoplewithyou:happierandmoreproductiveemployeesarecrucial• BEF–compareyourself,act,improve–thenjointhecontinuousimprovementcontinuousloop

Cynthia Payne, Chief executive officer, suMMitCARe (AustRALiA)

4.25pM pLenAry 8: ThinK TAnK

future Directions, the Big Picture and Business Excellence

InthisinteractivesessionleadbyNickHeath,delegateswillexploreideasandapproachestosteeringasuccessfulorganisationintothefuture.EngagewithNickandyourpeerstouncoverthekeystosuccessfullynavigatingintothefuture,withdiscussionon elements such as:• Visualisingyourorganisation’sbigpicturegoals• Identifyingpotentialfutureinfluences• Accuratelysettingnewhorizonsfortheorganisation• Propellingtheorganisationintoitsnext‘generation’• Movingwithchangeandnotgettingstuck

nick Heath, general Manager, HoBARt City CounCiL

5.15pM CLoSing


Incorporating the Systems Excellence Awards

Come and celebrate the achievement of Australia’s outstanding organisations with the presentation of the Australian Business ExcellenceAwardsandSystemsExcellenceAwards.Thisgalaevent,hostedby‘Australia’slaughterspecialist’ScottWilliams, isguaranteedtobefilledwithexcitementandglamour,withspectacularliveperformances,pre-dinnerdrinks,a3-coursedinnerwithrefreshments,alongwithluckydoorprizes.

6.00pM Pre-dinner networking drinks

7.00pM Dinner service

7.30pM sAi gLoBAL systeMs exCeLLenCe AwARds And AustRALiAn Business exCeLLenCe AwARds

• SAIGlobalSystems Award• CategoryAwardWinners• Business Excellence Award Winners

8.30pM Live entertainment

11.00pM finish

SummitCare (Australia) has provided quality residential aged care in Sydney for more than 40 years. With a model that strives beyond regulatory mandates, SummitCare’s dedication to delivering superior facilities and services has seen each of its homes fully accredited and externally verified as living the essence of ‘continuous improvement’. SummitCare received a Silver Award at the 2009 Australian Business Excellence Awards.

Hobart City Council has demonstrated excellence across the organisation in its strategic vision, information systems, employee engagement, corporate management and leadership. This excellence was acknowledged in 2008 with the GOLD Award and Excellence Medal awarded to the organisation.

continuous improvement


Page 6: AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS ExCELLENCE · Australian Business Excellence Conference & Awards 2010 Leveraging continuous improvement to deliver sustainable business CCE The 2010 Australian

RegisteR now by filling out the enclosed registration form, or visit our website

For more information, please visit our website or contact our team on: Email: [email protected] Phone: 1300 650 262

Business Excellence Framework

The Principles of Business Excellence are the core of the Business Excellence Framework (BEF). They form the basis of a unified theory of management and are supported by a published body of research that underpins all similar frameworks throughout the world. When understood and applied across an organisation, they provide a powerful and integrated philosophy of leadership.

The seven Categories of the BEF form a structure that allows organisations to review, question and analyse their leadership and management system. All the Categories are linked to one another, creating an integrated strategy for the systems and processes.

By harnessing a strategic understanding of your internal and external operating environments, the BEF helps organisations to commence and maintain the journey to business excellence.

Australian Business Excellence Awards Incorporating the SAI Global Systems Excellence Awards

The Australian Business excellence Awards recognises outstanding organisations who demonstrate Business Excellence through the integrated applications of the BEF. They are recognised at gold, silver or Bronze level, with the excellence Medal being awarded to the highest ranking Gold award recipient.

Entrants may also be recognised at the Category Award level, including:

• Leadership • strategy & Planning • Knowledge & information • People • Customer & Market Focus • innovation, Quality & improvement• success & sustainability

The sAi global systems excellence Awards recognises excellence in ManagementSystemsforSAIGlobalcertifiedcompanies.

TheseAwardsincludeManagementSystemscategoriesforQuality, environment, oHs, integrated Management and Food safety.