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  • 8/3/2019 Author Opac



    Authors Title Year

    Workshop on education and research in electro 1982

    Problems & solutions of engineering electroma 1999

    150 circuits :for the experimenter 1984

    Proceedings :9th international conference on at 1992

    Question bank book series 1982

    The middle atmosphere as observed from ballo 1980Hydrological aspects of mountainous watershe 1982

    International conference on nuclear physics 1980

    Behaviour of tritium in the environment : procee 1979

    Fourth national workshop on atomic and molec 1972

    The Indian astronomical ephemeris 1984

    Heavy-ion high-spin states and nuclear structur 1975

    11 international conference on the physics of se1972

    Nuclear physics and solid state physics sympos 1982

    Nuclear energy :.Energy from atoms-10 copies.Ionising radi

    Lineare integrated circuits and MOS/FET's 1982

    ISI hand book, 78 1978

    Compilation abstracts of contributed papers:nati1982Theory of imperfect crystalline solids: Trieste le 1971

    Atomic and electronic structure of metals 1967

    Microcomputer data handbook 1983

    11 international conference on the physics of se1972

    Tata McGraw hill's course in mathamatics for II 1995

    Tata Mcgraw hill's course in physics for IIT joint 1988

    Course in elementary meteorology 1981

    Intel: application notes 8080,8085,8255,8251 1979

    National solar energy convention 1981:proceedi 1982

    Course in physics for IIT-Joint entrance exam. 1995

    Course in physics for IIT joint enterance examin 1989

    150 circuit for experimenter 1984

    Atoms molecules and Lasers 1974

    abstract of pepers 1986

    International symposium on insitu testing of soli 1979

    Computing as a language of physics 1972

    Papers of international conference on groundw 1983

    -- Noblel Lectures :physics 1972

    ., ., Au. Albert Einstein:one hundred authors for einstein2005

    Aavery, S. K. Middle atmosphere program 1981

    Abbey, Michael Oracle A Beginner's Guide 1997

    Abe, Ryuzo Statistical mechanics 1975

    Abeles, F. Optical properties of solids 1972

    Abragam, A. Electron paramagnetic resonence of transition i 1970

    Abramowitz, Milton; Stegun, Irene Handbook of mathematical fonctions:with formu 1972Abrikosov, A. A. Introduction to the theory of normal metals:solid 1972

    Abrikosov, A.A. Methods of quantum field theory in statistical ph 1963

    Abrikosov, A.A. The theory of normal metals 1968

    Adachi, K. International conference on magnetism :Procee 1983

    Addison, P.S., Au. Fractals and chaos 2005

    Adler, David Amophous semiconductors 1972

    Agarwal Thermal physics 1989

    Agarwal, B.K. Quantum mechanics 1997

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    Agarwal, B.S. Optics and atomic physics 1993

    Agarwal, B.S. Mathematical methods and waves 2000

    Agarwal, Bipin K.; Eisner, Melvin Statistical mechanics 1991

    Agarwal, J.P.; Prakash, Satya Elements of mechanics 1995

    Aggarwal, P.K. Fascinating i.c. projects 1978

    Aggarwal, R.S., Au. A modern approach to verbal & non verbal reas 2005

    Aggarwal, S. K. Computer programming and numerical analysis 1986Agranovich, V.M. Spatial dispersion in crystal optics and the theor 1966

    Agrawal, Govind P. Fiber-optic communication systems 2003

    Ahson, S.I. Microprocessors:with applications in process co1984

    Aitken, A.C. Statistical Mathematics 1957

    Aitken, Peter, Au. Sams teach yourself C in 21 days 1999

    Akhiezer, A.I. Methods of statistical physics 1981

    Alder, K. Coulomb exitation 1966

    Alefeld, G. Hydrogen in metals II :application-oriented prop 1978

    Allen, L. Optical resonance & two- level atoms 1975

    Allen, M.P. Computer simulation of liquids 1987

    Alonso, J.A. Electrons in metals and alloys 1989

    Amit, Daniel J. Field theory,the renormalization group,and critic 1978Andersen, Nils Polarization,allignment,andorientation in atomic 2001

    Anderson Concepts in solids lectures on the theory of soli 1997

    Anderson, Elmer E. Introduction to modern physics 1982

    Anderson, Herbert L. Physics vade mechum:aip 50th anniversary 1981

    Anderson, John D.; Bloom, StewarNuclear Isospin 1969

    Anderson, P.W. Basic notation of condenced matter physics 1984

    Anderson, P.W. Cocepts in solids 1992

    Ando, T., Au. Mesoscopic physics and electronics 1998

    Ando, T.; Arakawa, Y. Mesoscopic physics and electronics 1998

    Animalu, Alexander O.E. Inetrmediate quantum theory of crystalline solid 1978

    Anselm, A. Introduction to semiconductor theory 1981

    Antia, H.M. Numerical methods for sc ientists and engineers1991

    Antonio, G.Dell Mathematical problems in theoreticalphysics:lec1978

    Aoki, K Nonlinear dynamics and chaos in semiconducto 2001

    Araki, H. Mathematical problems in theoretical physics:le 1975

    Arecchi, F.T. Laser hand book 1972

    Arecchi, F.T. Laser handbook 1972

    Arfken, George B., Au. Mathematical methods for physicists 2001

    Arons, A.B. Development of concepts of physics :from the r 1965

    Arthurs, A.M. Functional integration and its application 1975

    Aruldhas, G., Au. Quantum mechanics 2002

    Ashcroft, N. W., Au. Solid state physics 2001

    Atk ins, P. W. Solutions manual for molecular quantum mech 1984

    Atk ins, P.W. Molecular quantum mechanics: an introduction 1970

    Auerbach, Assa Interacting electrons and quantum magnetism 1994Auluck, F.C. Frontier of theoretical physics 1978

    Auluck, F.C. Short course in solid state physics 1971

    Ausloos, M. Magnetic phase transitions 1983

    Ausloos, Pierre Interaction between ions and molecules 1975

    Avella, Adolfo; Citro, Roberta Highlights in condensed matter physics 2003

    Avrett, E.H. Frontiers of astrophysics 1971

    Axelson, Jan Parallel port complete:programming, interfacing 1996

    Ayala, Kenneth J. The8051 microcontroller architechture,program 1996

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    Ayres, Frank Theory and problems of differential equations 1952

    Ayres, Frank Theory and problems of matrices. 1983

    Azaroff, L.V. Introduction to solids 1981

    Azaroff, Leonid V. X-ray spectroscopy 1974

    Baarli, J. Health and medical physics 1977

    Babsky, E.; Khodorov, B.; Kositsky Human physiology 1977

    Baeriswyl, D., Ed. The hubbard model:its phy. & math. physicsBaierlein, Ralph, Au. Thermal physics 1999

    Bailey, Robert L. Solar-electrics:research and development 1980

    Baird, Davis, Ed. Diiscovering the nanoscale 2004

    Bajaj, N. K. The physics of waves and oscillations 1988

    Bak, Thor A. Statistical mechanics: foundations and applicati 1967

    Balagurusamy, E., Au. Programming in ansi c 1995

    Balagurusamy, E., Au. Object-oriented programming with C++ 1995

    Balakrishnan, V.; Bottani, C.E. Mechanical properties and behaviour of solids:p1986

    Balashov, Vsevolod V. Polarization and correlation phenomena in atom2000

    Balian, Roger Ill-condensed matter 1979

    Balian, Roger Laser plasma interaction 1982

    Balian, Roger Physics of defects 1981Ball, Bill, Au. Sams teach yourself linux in 24 hours 1999

    Ball, Philip, Au. Made to measure:new materials for the 21st ce 1997

    Ball, Robert Treatise on spherical atronomy 1915

    Bambakidis, Gust Metal hydrides 1981

    Bamberg, Paul; Sternberg, Shlom Course in mathematics for students of physics:11988

    Bancroft, G.M. Mossbauer spectroscopy: Introduction for inorg 1973

    Band, William Introduction to mathematical physics 1959

    Banks, Jerry; Carson II , John S. Discrete-Event System Simulation 2002

    Banwell, Colin N.; McCash, Elaine Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy 1999

    Bapat, Y.N. Electronic devices and circuits: discrete and int 1978

    Baranger, Michel; Vogt, Erich Advances in nuclear physics 1969

    Barbero, G.; Evangelista, L.R. Elementery Course on The Continuum Theory 2001

    Barford, N.C. Experimental measurements:precision,error an 1967

    Barkakati, Nabajyoti Object oriented programming in c++ 1997

    Barnham, Keith, Au. Low -dimensional semiconductor structure 2001

    Baron, V.V.; Savitskii, E.M. Superconducting materials 1973

    Barone, Antonio Josephson effect-achievements and trends 1986

    Barry, R.G.; Chorley, R.J. Atmosphere,weather and climate. 1982

    Barsoukov, E., Ed. Impedance spectroscopy:theory,experiment,&a 2005

    Bartee, T. C. Digital Computer Fundamentals 1997

    Barton, Allan States of matter states of mind 2005

    Bartschat, Klaus Computaional atomic physics 1996

    Basavaraju, G.; Ghosh, Dipan Mechanics and thermodynamics 1984

    Basdevant, J.L. Quantum mechanics solver 2000

    Basdevant, Jean-Louis; Dalibard, Quantum mechanics:including CD-ROM 2002Bashkin, Stanley; Stoner, J.O. Atomic energy-level and grotrian diagrams 1978

    Baskaran, G. Strongly correlated electron systems 1992

    Bassani, F.; Ziman, J. Theory of condensed matter 1968

    Bassett, J.; Denney, R. C.; Jeffery, Vogel,s textbook of quantitive inorganic analysi 1978

    Basting, Dirk, Au. Excimer laser techonology 2005

    Basu, C.R. Atomic & nuclear physics 2001

    Bates, D.R. Quantum theory 1962

    Bates, D.R. Advances in atomic and molecular physics 1969

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    Bates, David; Bederson, Benjamin Advances in atomic, molecular, and optical phy 1993

    Bates, Paul Practical Data Communication 1987

    Bateson, Gregory Mind and nature:a necessary unity 1980

    Bauer, Charles R.; Peluso, Anthon Basic Fortran iv with watfor and watfiv:self-instr 1974

    Bauer, R.S. Surface and interfaces: physics and electronics 1983

    Baumann, Gerd Mathematica in theoritical physics 1996

    Baumslag, Benjamin;; Chandler, BTheory and problems of group theory 1976Baxter, Rodney J. Exactly solved models in statistical mechanics 1982

    Baym, Gordon Lectures on quantum mechanics 1969

    Bazelyan, Eduard M., Au. Lightning physics and lightning protection 2000

    Bechstedt, Friedhelm, Au Principles of surface physics 2003

    Beckett, Leslie Advance practical physics 1982

    Bedeaux, Dick Optical properties of surfaces 2002

    Bederson, Benjamin Advance in atomic,molecularandoptical physics 1994

    Beer, Tom Aerospace enviroment--Xerox Copy 1976

    Beiser, A., Au Perspectives of modern physics 1981

    Beiser, Arthur, Au. Concept of modern physics 1987

    Bell, David A. Electronic devices and circuits 2000

    Bellac, Michel LE, Au. Thermal field theory 1996Beltrametti, Enrico G.; Fraassen, Current issues in quantum logic: Proceedings 1981

    Bender, C.M.; Orszag, S.A. Advanced mathematical methods for scientists 1984

    Berestetskii, V. B., Au. Quantum electrodynamics 1982

    Bernasconi, J. Physics in one dimension 1981

    Bernstein, Jeremy Quantum profiles 1991

    Bernstein, Jeremy Three degrees above zero 1984

    Berry, Michael Principles of cosmology and gravitation 2005

    Bertin, Eugene P. Introduction to X-ray spectrometric analysis 1978

    Bertsch, G.F., Ed. Lecture notes in physics Nuclear spectroscopy 1980

    Bes, Daniel R. Quantum mechanics : a modern and concise in 2004

    Best, A.C. Physics in meteorology 1957

    Bethe, H.A.; ., .. Elementary nuclear theory:a short course on sel1956

    Bethe, H.A.; Salpeter, E.E. Quantum mechanics of one-and two-electron at 1957

    Betts, F. Structural Studies of amorphous germanium-tel 1972

    Bhat, G.R. Concise semiconductor device:data book 1980

    Bhat, S.R.; Shah, A.V. System design using ic's 1980

    Bhatia, V.B. Text book of astronomy and astrophysics with e 2001

    Bhatnagar, P.L. Nonlinear waves in one-dimensional dispersive 1979

    Bhatt, P.C.P. Fundamental algorithms 1992

    Bhattacharya, S.K.; Chatterjee, S. Industrial electronics and control 1995

    Bigelow, Roberta; Moloney, Micha Nuclear and particle physics simulations : cons 1995

    Bimberg, D., Au. Quantum dots heterostructures 1999

    Binder, K. The monte carlo method in condenced matter p 1992

    Binder, K. Monte carlo methods in statis tical physics:topic 1979

    Birkhoff, Garrett Hydrodynamics:a study in logic,fact and similitu 1955Birks, J. B. Progress in dielectric 1962

    Bishop, A.R. Solitons and condensed matter physics 1978

    Bishop,, D.M. Group Theory and Chemistry 1973

    Bitsadze, A.V. Collection of problems on the equations of math1980

    Bjarklev, A., Au. Photonic crystal fibres 2003

    Bjorken, James D., Au. Relativistic quantum mechanics 1964

    Blackburn, David Encyclopedia of modern technology 1987

    Blakemore, J.S. Solid state physics 1985

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    Blatt, F.J. Physics of electronic conduction in solids 1968

    Blatt, J.M.; W eisskopf, V.F. Theoretical nuclear physics 1979

    Bleaney, B.I.; Bleaney, B. Electricity and magnetism 1989

    Bloembergen, Nicolaas Nonlinear optics 1992

    Blum, Karl Density matrix theory and applications 1981

    Blythe, A.. R. Electrical properties of polymers 1979

    Boas, Mary L., Au. Mathematical methods in the physical sciences 2003Bober, William Fluid mechanics 1980

    Bock, R. Heavy ion collisions 1979

    Bodis-Wollner, Ivan Evoked potentials 1982

    Boer, Karl W., Au. Survey of semiconductor physics 2002

    Bogoliubov, N.N. Theory of superconductivity 1962

    Bogoliubov, N.N. New methods in the theory of superconductivir t 1959

    Bohm, Arno Quantum mechanics:foundations and applicatio 2001

    Bohm, David Quantum theory 1989

    Bolton, B. Electromagnetism and its applications:an introd 1980

    Bonnet, A.; Haton, J.P. Expert systems 1988

    Borg, Richard J.; Dienes, G.J. Solid state diffusion 1988

    Borissov, M. Nonlenear phenomena in solids-modern topics 1985Born, Max Ptrinciples of optics 1980

    Born, Max Scientific science 1953

    Born, Max; Dougall, John Atomic physics 1989

    Born, Max; Wolf, Emil Principles of optics:electromagnetic theory of pr 1959

    Borovitskaya, E., Au. Quantum dots 2002

    Bose, B.K. Power electronics and ac drives 1986

    Bose, N.K.; Liang, P. Neural network fundamentals with graphs,algori 1996

    Bose, S.M. High temperature superconductivity 1988

    Bowen, C.D Most dangerous man in america:scenes from th1974

    Bower, David I., Au. An introduction to polymer physics 2002

    Bowhill, S. A. Middle atmosphere program:handbook for map 1986

    Bowron, P.; Stephenson, F.W. Active filters for communications and instrumen 1979

    BPB Editorial Board@FAu. Build your own coils and transformers 1980

    Brady, G.S. Materials handbook: an encyclopedia for mana 1956

    Brandt, Siegmund, Au. Interactive quantum mechanics 2003

    Bransden, B. H.; Joachain, C. J. Physics of atoms and molecules 1983

    Bransden, B. H.; McDowell, M. R. Charge exchange and the theory of ion-atom co1992

    Bransden, B. H.; Moorhouse, R. G Pion-Nucleon System 1973

    Bransden, B.H. Quantum mechanics 2004

    Bransden, B.H., Au. Atomic collision theory 1983

    Brassard, Gilles; Bratley, Paul Algorithmics:theory and practics 1988

    Brennam, Kevin F. The physics of semiconductors:with application 1999

    Brice, J.C. The growth of Crystals from the Melt 1965

    Brink, D. M.; Satchler, G.R. Angular momentum 1968

    Brink, D.M. Semi-Classical methods in nucleus-nucleus sca1985Broglia, R.A., Ed. Frontiers and borderlines in many-part icle physi 1988

    Bromley, D.A. Quantum physics an introduction 1989

    Brooks, Michael Quantum omputing and communications 1999

    Brophy, J.J. Basic electronics for scientists 1977

    Brouillard, F. Physics of ion-ion and electron-ion collision 1983

    Brout, R.; Carruthers, P. Lectures on the many-electron problem 1963

    Brown, F.C. Physics of solids: ionic crystals,iattice vibrations 1967

    Brown, G.E. Many body problem 1972

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    Brown, G.I. New guide to modern valency theory 1975

    Brown, J.A., Au. Digital computer electronics 1993

    Brown, S. C. Electron-molecule scatteing 1979

    Brown, S.Brown, Au. Quantum field theory 1992

    Brown, Thomas Benjamin Advanced undergraduate experiments in physic 1961

    Browne, Edgardo; Firestone, Rich Table of radioactive isotopes 1986

    Bryant, G.W ., Ed. Optics of quantum dots and wires 2005Bube, Richard H. Electronic properties of crystalline solids 1974

    Bueche, Frederick Technical physics 1981

    Bueche, Frederick J., Au. Introduction to physics for scientists and engine 1986

    Bueche, Fredrick J. College physics 1983

    Bullough, R.K. Solitons:topic in current physics 1980

    Bunge, Mario Delaware seminar in the foundation of physics 1967

    Bunge, Mario Scientif ic Research :II the search for truth.Scien 1967

    Bunker, Philip Molecular symmetry and spectroscopy 2005

    Burcham, W.E., Au. Nuclear and particle physics 1998

    Burke, P. G. Potential scattering in atomic physics 1977

    Burke, P. G.; Eissner, W.B.; Hum Atoms in astrophysics 1983

    Burke, P.G.; Moiseiwitsch, B.L. Atomic processes and applications: in honour o 1976Burkhardt, Hugh Dispersion relation dynamics:a phenomenologic1969

    Burnett, George M.; North, Alastai Transfer and storage of energy by molecules 1974

    Burns, Gerald Space groups for solid state scientists 1978

    Burstein, E. Atomic structure and properties of solids 1972

    Buschhorn, Gerd W. Fundamental physics - heisenberg and beyond 2004

    Buschow, K.H.J. Handbook of magnetic materials 1991

    Buschow, K.H.J. Ferromagnetic materials 1990

    Butt, Hans-Jurgen Physics and chemistry of interfaces 2003

    Buttgenbach, S. Hyperfine structure in 4d- and 5d- shell atomic 1982

    Buxo, J.; Simonne, J.J. Insulating films on semiconductors 1986

    Buyana, Theodore Molecular physics 1997

    Byron, F.W.; Fuller, R.W. Mathematics of classical and quantum physics 1969

    C hamberlain, J.W. Theory of planetary atmospheres :an introductio1978

    Cabib, D.; IUPAP Conference on sStatistical physics: statphys 13: 1977

    Caglioti, G. Atomic structure and mechanical properties of 1976

    Callaway, Joseph Quantum theory of the Solid State 1976

    Callen, H.B. Thermodynamics:an introduction to the physical 1960

    Callister, W.D. Materials science and engineering:an introducti 1985

    Canter, Karl F. Positron studies of solids,surfaces,and atoms 1986

    Capra, Fritjof The tao of physics 1975

    Capri, A.Z.; Panat, P.V. Introduction to electrodynamics 2002

    Capri, Anton Z. Nonrelativistic quantum mechanics:Problem an 1985

    Capria, M.M., Ed. Physics before and after Einstein 2005

    Cardona, M. Light scattering in solids:topic in applied physics1975

    Carey, Van P. Statistical thermodynamics and microscale ther 1999Cartmell, E.; Fowles, G.W.A. Valency and molecular structure 1977

    Casey, E.J. Biophysics:concept and mechanisms 1969

    Cassels, J. M. Basic quantum mechanics 1970

    Castellani, C. Disordered system and localization:lecture note 1981

    Ceolin, M.Baldo Weak interaction:proceedings 1979

    Cerullo, G., Au. Problem in laser physics 2001

    Chadan, K.; Sabatier, P.C. Inverse problems in quantum scattering theory 1977

    Chaichian, M. Symmetries in quantum mechanics:from angula 1998

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    Chaichian, M.; Demichev, A. Path integrals in physics 2001

    Chaikin, P.M. Principles of condenced mater physicsv 1998

    Chaitanya, Krishna Physics and chemistry of freedom 1972

    Chakrabarti, P.K. Geometrical and physics optics 2004

    Chakraborty, Tapash, Au. Quantum dots:a survey of the properties of artifi1999

    Chakravarty, A.S. Introduction to the magnetic properties of solids 1980

    Chalmers, Bruce, G.Ed.; Schadler, Progress in material science 1964Chandrasekhar, S. Liquid crystals 1977

    Chaney, J.F.; Putnam, T.M. Electronic properties research literature retrieva 1979

    Chantry, George W. Long wave optics:the science and technology of 1984

    Chapman, S.J., Au. MATLAB :Programming for engineers 2004

    Chapra, Steven C.; Canale, Raym Numerical methods for engineers 1990

    Charap, John M. Explaning the universe:the new age of physics 2002

    Chatterji, Tapan, Ed. Colosal magnetoresistive manganites 2004

    Chattopadhyay, D.; Rakshit, P.C. Electricity and magnetism:with electromagnetic 2004

    Chattopadhyay, D.; Rakshit, P.C. Practical physics:An advanced course in 2003

    Chattopadhyay, P. K. Mathematical physics 1992

    Chazalviel, Jean-Noel Coulomb screening by mobile charges:applicati 1999

    Chen, Francis F. Introduction to plasma physics and controlled fu1984Chen, Min Physics problems with solution 1987

    Cheremisinoff, N.P. Wood for energy production 1980

    Chester, Marvin Primer of quantum mechanics 1987

    Chhabra, Bhupendra Singh Intel 8086/8088 Microprocessor Architectture, P 1998

    Chigrinov, G. Liquid crystal devices:physics and applications 1999

    Child, M.S. Molecular collision theory 1974

    Chilton, Frank Superconductivity:proceedings 1971

    Chilton, J. A. special polymers for electronics & optoelectroni 1995

    Chisholm, Roderick M. Theory of knowledge 1994

    Chopra, K. L. Thin film phenomena 1969

    Chopra, K.K.; Agarwal, G.C. Quantum mechanics 1997

    Chopra, K.L. Optical behaviour of materials :indo-french semi 1973

    Choquard, Philippe The anharmonic crystal 1967

    Chow, T.S., Au. Mesoscopic physics of complex materials 2000

    Chowdhury, Debashish Spin glasses and other frustrated systems 1986

    Chrien, Robert E.; Kane, Walter R.Neutron capture gamma-ray spectroscopy 1979

    Christian, Wolfgang; Antonelli, An Waves and optics simulations :consortium for u 1995

    Christiansen, J. Hyperfine interactions of radioactive nuclei:topic 1983

    Christman, J. Richard Fundamentals of physics 1999

    Christoffersen, Ralph E. Basic principles and techniques of molecular qu1989

    Chruscinski, Dariusz Geometric phases in classical and quantum me 2004

    Cladis, patricia E.; Muhoray, Peter Dynamics and defects in liquid crystals 1998

    Clark, Alfred The chemisorptive bond: basic concepts 1974

    Clark, D. S. Physical metallurgy for engineering 1962

    Clark, K. L.; McCabe, F. G. Micro-prolog: programming in logic 1987Claus, R. Light scattering by phonon-Polaritons 1975

    Clayton, G.B., Au. Operational amplifiers 1980

    Clayton, George; W inder, Steve Operational amplifiers 2000

    Cleland, A.N., Au. Fondations of nanomechanics 2005

    Cochran, W. Dynamics of atoms in crystals 1973

    Cockayne, B.; Jones, D.W. Modern oxide materials: preparation,properties 1972

    Coehoorn, R.; Hartmann, Uwe Magnetic multilayers and giant magnetoresistan2000

    Cohen, Bernard L. Concepts of nulear physics 1971

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    Cohen, E.G.D.; Thirring, W. Boltzmann equation: throry and applications 1973

    Cohen, Harold Mathematics :for scientist and engineers 1992

    Cohen, M.H. Amophours and liquid semiconductors:Proceedi1972

    Cohen, M.R. Reason and nature: an essay on the meaning o 1964

    Cohen, Richard L. Applications of mossbauer spectroscopy 1976

    Cole, G.H.A Statistical theory of classical s imple dense fluid 1967

    Coleman, Sidney, Au. Aspects of symmetry:erice lectures 1985Coles, B.R.; Caplin, A.D. Electronic structures of solids 1976

    Collet, Cary Linux system administration handbook 1999

    Collin, P.H. Harraps mini english dictionary 1983

    Collings, Peter J. Liquid crystals 1990

    Collins, Royal Eugene Mathematical methods for physicsts and engine1968

    Conn, G.K.T. Essays in physics 1970

    Conrady, A.E. Applied optics and optical design 1957

    Constantinides, A. Applied numerical methods with personal comp 1988

    Conte, S.D. Elementary numerical analysis:an algorithmic a 1983

    Cooper, W.D. Electronic instrumentation and measurement te 1985

    Corney, Alan Atomic and laser spectroscopy 1986

    Coroniti, Samule C.; Hughes, Jam Planetary electrodynamics 1969Costa, G. Theory of fundamental interactions 1982

    Cotterill, Rodney Biophysics:An introduction 2002

    Cottingham, W. N.; Greenwood, D Introduction to nuclear physics 2001

    Coughlin, Robert F.; Driscoll, Fred Operational amplifiers and linear integrated circ 1994

    Coughlin, Robert F.; Driscoll, Fred Operational amplifier and linear integrated circu 2000

    Courant, R.; Hilbert, D. Methods of mathematical physics 1975

    Cowan, Robert D. Theory of atomic structure and spectra 1981

    Craig, D. P.; Walmsley, S.H. Excitons in molecular crystals:theory and applic 1968

    Crangle, J. Magnetic properties of solids:structures and pro 1977

    Crawford, Gregory Philip; Zumer, Liquid crystals in complex geomettries formed b 1996

    Crease, Robert P., Au. The second creation:makers of the revolution in 1986

    Cromwell, Leslie; Weibell, Fred J.; Biomedical instrumentation and measurements 2000

    Cronin, J.A. University of Chicago graduate problems in phy 1967

    Crookes, Danny Introduction to programming in prolog 1988

    Crowther, James Arnold Ions,electrons, and ionizing radiations 1957

    Cshiff, Leonard I. Quantum machanics 1986

    Curtis, Lorenzo Atomic Structure and Lifetimes:A Conceptual A 2003

    Cutnell, John D. Physics 1989

    Cvitanovic, Predrag Universality in chaos 1984

    Dadhich, N.; Rao, J.Krishna A random walk :in relativity and cosmology 1985

    Danby, J. M. Anthony; Kouzes, RicAstrophysics simulations: the consortium for up 1995

    Danesh, Arman Mastering linux 1999

    Das, P. Lasers and optical engineering 1991

    Das, Pankaj K. Optical signal processing fundamentals 1993

    Das, Sumitabha, Au. UNIX:concepts and application 1998Dasgupta, A. K. Fundamentals of statistical mechanics 2000

    Dasso, C.H. Nuclear physics 1982

    Date, M. High field magnetism 1983

    Datz, S. Physics of electronic and atomic collisions 1982

    Davidson, Ernest Roy Reduced density matrices in quantum chemistr 1976

    Davidson, J. P. Collective models of the nucleus 1968

    Davies, Paul New Physics 2000

    Davis, Christopher C. laser and electro-optics 1996

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    Davis, H.T. Introduction to nonlinear differential and integral 1962

    Davis, J. C. Statistics and data analysis in geology 1973

    Davison, Sydney G. Progress in surface science 1973

    Davydov, A.S. Theory of molecular exitons 1971

    Davydov, A.S. Biology and quantum mechanics 1982

    Davydov, A.S.; Haar, D.Ter Quantum mechanics 1976

    Day, D.E. Relaxetion processes 1974De Chatel, P.F. International conference on magnetism '76 1977

    Deb, Kalyanmoy, Au. Optimization for engineering design: algorithms 2000

    Deimel, R.F. Mechanics of the gyroscope:the dynamics of rot1950

    Deitel, H.M.; Deitel, P. J. C++ : how to program 2001

    Deitel, H.M.; Deitel, P.J. JAVA: how to program 1999

    Dekeyser, W. Electron emission spectroscopy:proceedings 1973

    Dekker, A. J. Electrical engineering materials 1964

    Dekker, A. J., Au. Solid state physics 1991

    Delaney, C. F. G. Electronics for the physicist with applications 1980

    Delaney, C.F.G. Electronics for the physicist 1969

    Delerue, C., Au. Nanostructures:theory and modelling 2004

    Demianski, M. Physics of the expanding universe:lecture notes 1979Demtroder, Wolfgang Laser spectroscopy:basic concepts and instrum 1982

    Demtroder, Wolfgang Laser Spectroscopy basic concepts and instrum1996

    Dennery, Philippe Introduction to statistical mechanics 1972

    Dennery, Philippe; Krzywicki, Andr Mathematics for physicists 1995

    Deo, Narsingh System simulation with digital computer 2000

    DeShalit, Amos, Au. Theoretical nuclear physics 1974

    Devaney, Robert L., Au. An introduction to chaotic dynamical systems 1989

    Devins, D. W. Momentum wave function-1976 1977

    Devreese, J.T. Elementary excitations in solids molecules and 1974

    Devreese, Jozef T. Polarons in ionic crystals and polar semiconduc 1972

    DeVries, Paul L. First Course in Computational Physics 1948

    Dianov, Ye. M. Fiber optics 1988

    Dick, Samuel Mathematika in the laboratory 1997

    Dicke, R.H. Theoretical significance of experimental relativ it 1964

    Dicke, R.H.; Wittke, J.P. Introduction to quantum mechanics 1960

    Dickinson, W.C.; Cheremisi-noff, Solar energy technology handbook 1980

    Dienes, Sheila S. Microsoft office professional 1998

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