
Autism By: Viga Hsu

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Post on 09-Jun-2015



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By: Viga Hsu

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What is autism?

•Autism is a developmental disorder

•Autism is part of a variety of conditions knows as autistic spectrum disorder (ASD)

•ASD varies from mild to very severe

•Autism affects the way the brain processes information

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What causes autism?

•1 in 88 kids have ASD, scientists aren't sure about what causes ASD.

•Most likely genetics and environment play a role

•Unusual levels of neurotransmitters in the brain suggests that ASD could result from the disturbance of normal brain development early in the fetal stages

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How is autism treated?

•Sadly there is no cure for ASD

•For many children, symptoms improve with treatment and with age

•Therapies and behavioral interventions are designed to help specific symptoms and can bring real improvement

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What research is being done?

•People with autism may have larger brains than average, which grows unusually fast in early childhood

•Scientists are also measuring magnetic and electrical activity in the brain using sensors placed on the outside of the skull.


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InterviewName: Catherine VouvoudakisJob occupation: Health aid at Francis Lewis High School’s medical office

Viga: What is autism?Catherine: 1 out of 77 boys and 1 out of 99 girls have autism. Autism only shows in the early stages of life. They’re not sure what exactly it is yet, but they think it is an auto immune disorder. There are different spectrums in autism. Viga: Do you have anyone related or friends that has autism?Catherine: My grandson is autistic, and he is non verbal.Viga: How old is he? Catherine: 5 ½Viga: When did you find out he had autism?Catherine: I found out when he was 16 months old.Viga: How did you find out?Catherine: He just stopped talking, and therefore he went to get evaluated.

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Viga: Is he going to any therapies or getting any help?Catherine: Yes, he started ABA therapy.Viga: What does ABA stand for ?Catherine: Applied Behavioral Analysis.Viga: Does it help?Catherine: Eh, just a little bit Catherine: You should also know that some people with autism has seizures, food or seasonal allergies, and eczema. Viga: What do you think is causing autism?Catherine: I think it’s the shots, a lot of shots have aluminum , they moved mercury a few years ago, but aluminum still exist in the shots today. Also a lot of the shots are egg based and some kids are allergic to them. Viga: Do you think researchers are still researching deeper into ASD?Catherine: In my opinion, they’re not doing much about it. They should spend more research on autism, because the don’t really research about it anymore.

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Viga: May you tell me more about your grandson?Catherine: He used to speak normally up to 16 months, and he only repeats what you tell him. He’s learning sign language, he works with the computer and iPad very well. He doesn’t know fear, he doesn’t know how to express pain, and he doesn’t know how to ask. For example, he fell down, and he got hurt. However he doesn’t express he’s in pain, he doesn’t cry or make a sad face, he doesn’t tell us he’s hurt, and you know what he does? He just rubs the place he got hurt, thinking it would go away. Viga: What does he eat?Catherine: He only eats two things, pasta, and chicken nuggets. If he doesn’t like certain color foods, he doesn’t touch them.Viga: Can he still make noises though?Catherine: His vocal cords are god, but he just doesn’t speak.Viga: When does he sleep?Catherine: He doesn’t sleep at all at night, he requires very little sleep.Viga: What school does he go to?Catherine: Ps. 177, it’s a special education school, and the students there all have special need problems.Viga: Does he have any friends?Catherine: Nope, no friends, no communication. Viga: Alright thank you for your time.

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Myths about autism

•The myth is that a person who autism has no feelings.

•Wrong. A person with autism feels love, happiness, sadness and pain just like everyone else.

•Just because, some of them may not express their feelings in the same way others do, it does not mean that they do not have feelings.

• It is important that the myth, that autistic people have no feelings is gone .

•The myth is a result of lack of knowledge

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•What does ASD stand for?•What is the amygdala?•Autism affects social communication, physical contact, and __________? •What is one affect of physical contact? •What do they find unpleasant and shocking?•What is the milder form of autism?•Is there any cure for ASD? •Autism will show itself during the first _____ years of a person’s life.•Is it true females are more likely to have ASD than males? •If one twin is affected with ASD what is the percentage that the other twin will be affected? •What do they do to help people with ASD?

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Reference:•"What Is Autism?" BBC News. BBC, 19 Apr. 2013. Web. 14 May 2013.

•"Autism Fact Sheet." : National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). N.p., n.d. Web. 14 May 2013.

•"What Is Autism? What Causes Autism?" Medical News Today. MediLexicon International, 03 May 0032. Web. 14 May 2013.

•"KidsHealth." Autism. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 May 2013.