autism finds space in the workplace

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  • 8/13/2019 Autism Finds Space in the Workplace


    Autism finds space in the workplaceJune 5, 2013

    LONDON: Some call it

    neurological diversity, others see it as autisms fight back. People diagnosed as on the

    spectrum are suddenly in demand by employers seeking a competitive advantage from

    autistic workers more used to being considered disabled than special.

    Expressing a belief that innovationcomes from the edges, German computer softwaregiant

    SAP last month launched a recruitment drive to attract people with autism to join it as

    software testers.

    A week later, US home financing firm Freddie Mac advertised a second round of paid

    internships aimed specifically at autistic students or new graduates.

    The multinationals both say they hope to harness the unique talents of autistic people as well

    as giving people previously marginalized in the workforce a chance to flourish in a job.

    Only by employing people who think differently and spark innovation will SAP be prepared to

    handle the challenges of the 21st Century, SAPs board member for human resources, Luisa

    Delgado, said as she announced the plan.

    For Ari Neeman, president of the Washington DC-based Autistic Self Advocacy Network

    (ASAN) and a member of the US National Council on Disability, the moves are welcome and

    well overdue. Its high time autism fought back, he told Reuters in a telephone interview.

    We need to see neurological diversityin much the same way as weve seen workplace

    diversity efforts in the past on the basis of race, gender and sexual orientation, he said.

    Were now seeing a growing level of interest in this.

    Autistic spectrum disorders, including Aspergers syndrome orhigh-functioning autism, are

    thought to affect around 1% of the population worldwide.

    The disorders are caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors and can

    range from severe mental retardation with a profound inability to communicate, to relatively

    mild symptoms combined with some high levels of function such as those seen in people with

  • 8/13/2019 Autism Finds Space in the Workplace


    Among the core features of autism are poor communication skills and social difficulties. In

    high-functioning autism, features such as intense or obsessive focus and unwavering

    attention to detail are also common.

    These latter qualities, experts say, as well an ability to approach an issue in a different way

    often a creative or counterintuitive onemake autistic people potentially attractive as

    employees in large corporations.

    Historically, there seemed to be a certain perception of this population as being incapable of

    performing corporate level work, Freddie Macs diversity manager Stephanie Roemer told

    Reuters. In reality people on the spectrum offer so much to an organization willing to think

    outside of the box and view this cadre of talent as a value add.

    Obsession and success

    Joshua Kendall, author of Americas Obsessives, which argues that some of historys

    greatest American business and political leaders became successful partly because of

    obsessive personality traits, says the firms that get in first on this trend are likely to reap


    These big companies arent doing it out of the kindness of their heart; they are doing it

    because they now realize theyve been missing something, he said in a telephone interview.

    He said the crucial question if such recruitment drives are to prove successful and

    sustainable is how much society will seek to accommodate people who think differently, or

    how much it would seek to cure them of their disorder.

    These are people who have traditionally been labeled as disabled. So do we want to treat

    them, or do we want to allow them to be as they are and adapt to them?

    SAP says its global autism recruitment drive, which aims to employ 650 autistic people

    around 1 percent of its workforceby 2020, comes after successful pilot projects in India and

    Ireland. It is a collaborative project with Specialisterne, a Danish consultancy that gets people

    with autism into jobs where they can shine.

    Neeman says so far most of the firms expressing interest in autistic workers tend to be in

    science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. In future, he says he hopes

    their success will encourage others to take notice.

    Many of us can and do succeed in a wide variety of professions, he said. I, for instance, am

    an autistic person working in politics and public policy, which is certainly not a stereotypical


    In Britain, only 15 percent of adults with autism are in full-time employment, says Carol

    Povey, a director at the UKs National Autistic Society a fraction, she adds, of those who

    could contribute to the world of work.

    In the United States, according to Neeman, studies of the working lives of autistic people

    have not been done, so no comparable data is available.

    Its great to see organizations not just doing from corporate social responsibility, but actually

    recognizing there is a good business case behind having more people with autism in the

    workforce, Povey said. These people will contribute to the effectiveness and growth of the


  • 8/13/2019 Autism Finds Space in the Workplace


    Yet autism campaigners, and the firms seeking to recruit people on the spectrum, know there

    will be problems, too. Povey notes that the social aspects of being in a workplace or office

    may pose particular challenges for autistic recruits.

    They may be great at doing the task in hand, but really struggle when it comes to water

    cooler moments or lunchtime.

    In fact they may even make other colleagues feel inadequate or awkward. They are unlikely

    to get involved in the banter of the workplace, and more likely to just get on with the job.

    - Reuters