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W h a t ' s I n s i d e ? AutoCAD 2011 AutoCAD 2011 AutoCAD 2011 AutoCAD 2011 AutoCAD 2011 a research paper from upFront.reSearch an imprint of upFront.eZine Publishing, Ltd. Second Edition April 30, 2010 Ralph Grabowski

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W h a t ' sI n s i d e ?AutoCAD 2011AutoCAD 2011AutoCAD 2011AutoCAD 2011AutoCAD 2011

a research paper from upFront.reSearchan imprint of upFront.eZine Publishing, Ltd.

Second Edition • April 30, 2010

Ralph Grabowski

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What’s Inside?AutoCAD 20112


CopyrightCopyright © 2010 by upFront.eZine Publishing, Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide.

The owner of the copyright does not give you permission to make electronic copies or morethan one print copy. You may not claim authorship or ownership of the text or figures herein.

First edition — 25 March 2010

Second edition — 30 April 2010

Technical Writer Ralph Grabowski

Corrections Ignacio Arrúe Matilla

Kent Elrod

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upFront.reSearchThis research paper was pre-pared financially independentof any CAD vendor. Public andprivate sources may have as-sisted in providing the infor-mation reported by this re-search paper. upFront.eZinePublishing, Ltd. provides thisresearch paper as-is and doesnot guarantee its accuracy, andis not liable for any loss result-ing from the use of its content.Note that the information andsummaries may change overtime. upFront.eZine Publishingacknowledges that the trade-marks mentioned in this re-search paper are the propertyof their respective owners.

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Table of ContentsCommand names new to AutoCAD 2011 are shown in blue.


The Top AutoCAD 2011 Features 7

3D Surfacing 7

Instant Hatching 7

Culling 7

Interactive Drafting Previews 8

Useful but Hidden Features 8

Switch Instantly Between Hatches andGradients 8

Expressions 8

Manipulate NURBS Surfaces Directly 9

FBX Import and Export 9

Multitouch Support 11

Future Releases 11

General Executive Statements 11

The AUGI Wishlist 13


User Interface 16

Background Color 16

Grid and Axes 16

AutoCAD in Model Space 18

AutoCAD in Paper Space 20

Workspaces 22

Ribbon 23


Changed GIZMOS and new icons 25

Quick Properties 25

Navigation bar 26

Quick Access Toolbar 27

Navigation Cube 27

Status Bar 27

Rollover transparency 28


Other System Variables 32

Drafting, Editing, Properties, andSelecting 33



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Miscellaneous 52CLIP-TAHOE+1, IMAGE 52

Constraints and Parameters 53CONSTRAINTSETTINGS 53BEDITOR 54



Parameters 58PARAMETERS 58

3D Modeling and Rendering 59LOFT, SWEEP 59

3D Object Snaps 603DOSNAP, -3DOSNAP 60








Customization, Settings, Plotting, andFiles 93

Customization 93AI_EDITCUSTFILE 93CUI 93


Visual Effects Settings Dialog Box 99

Grip Colors Dialog Box 100

Plotting 101PLOT, PAGESETUP 101


Miscellaneous 104



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System Requirements 129

Compatibility with EarlierReleases 130

API 130

DWG 130

New Keyboard Shortcuts 131

New Keyboard Abbreviations 131

New File Types 131

New Terms 132

New Cursor and Editing Icons 132

Nnew Constrain Bar Icons 132

New Polyline and Spline Editing icons 133

New Smoothness Icons 133

New Grips 133

New Aliases 134


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Important Notice To the ReaderThe content of this ebook is accurate to the best of the knowledge of those who prepared it. upFront.eZinePublishing does not, however, warrant the accuracy of the information contained in this ebook.

This ebook was prepared using the RC version of AutoCAD2011. Autodesk is free to change the features of its software

at any time, and may do so without warning. Do not relyon the contents of this ebook; rather, use it as a guideto many of the features that are new and changed fromthe previous release(s) of AutoCAD.

This ebook was prepared independently of Autodesk, Inc.“AutoCAD,” “Autodesk,” and other registered names are

acknowledged as trademarks of their owners.

About upFront.reSearchThis research paper was prepared by upFront.reSearch, an imprint of upFront.eZine Publishing, Ltd.upFront.reSearch has prepared research papers on behalf of clients such as Adobe, Autodesk, Graphisoft,IMAGINiT Technologies, IMSI, IntelliCAD, and SolidWorks.

Its founder, Ralph Grabowski, has 20+ years experience in the computer-aided design industry. He is theauthor of 100+ books on CAD, editor of two industry newsletters, publisher of upFront.eBooks, andmanager of three WorldCAD Access weblogs.

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Chapter 1

Executive Summary

AutoCAD 2011 is the 25th release of Autodesk’s most popular software.

The Top AutoCAD 2011 FeaturesHere, in our opinion, are the most important new features.


Autodesk has promised three releases in a row that concentrated on beefing up AutoCAD’s 3D designcapabilities:

AutoCAD 2010 — added 3D meshes.AutoCAD 2011 — added NURBS-based splines and surfaces, and 3D object snaps.AutoCAD 2012 — 3D dynamic blocks and constraints?

In addition, there are many improvements scattered about existing commands, such as the new MOdeoption that toggles between surface and solids creation.


Hatching is now nearly instant:

1. Type h to start the hatch command.2. Pass the cursor over a closed area to preview the hatching.3. Press Enter, and the hatch pattern is applied.

Total elapsed time: about 1.0 seconds.


Before this release, AutoCAD introduced the concept of subobject selection, which selects the vertices,edges, and faces of 3D objects — instead of the 3D objects themselves. New to AutoCAD 2011 are twomore variations on restricted selections, culling and selection cycling.

Culling determines whether hidden 3D subobjects are selected; normally, you keep the new CullingObjand CullingObjSelection system variables turned on (= 1) to avoid selecting hidden subobjects.

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Selection cycling displays a small menu when the pickbox is on top of two or more objects. The new menulets you choose which overlapping object to select. Curiously enough, the new SelectionCycling systemvariable is turned off, by default.

A new cursor icon alerts you to overlapping objects, as illustrated below.


In addition to instant hatching, a number of new and existing commands provide realtime drawing andediting functions, albeit to a limited extent. For instance, the new ChamferEdge and FilletEdge commandpreview the chamfer distances and fillet radii, and then allow users to interactively adjust them. Unfortu-nately, the interactivity ends after the commands end; users cannot interactively edit chamfers and fillets.As well, the existing Extrude and Revolve commands now interactively preview the extrusion distanceand angle of revolution.

> Our ViewWhile the improvements to AutoCAD’s 3D have been impressive, we wonder if the many methodswill overwhelm the heads-down drafter, who now must choose from 3D solids, 3D surfaces, 3Dmeshes — on top of the collection of legacy objects, such as 3D polyfaces.

The non-3D improvements, such as instant hatching, are of greater interest to the majorityof drafters, but we wonder how many would pay the new steep upgrade fee just for faster hatchcreation. •

Useful but Hidden FeaturesEach release of AutoCAD adds any number of commands, some of which serve utilitarian purposes orare truly useful for drafters. Here are some we think will get a lot of use or are especially intriguing, butmay not be immediately apparent.


The redesigned ribbon tab for hatch patterns is identical to that forgradients. A single droplist lists all patterns and gradients, allowingdrafters to switch existing patterns to gradients and vice versa.


Hidden away in some commands is a new option, Expressions.Autodesk does not explain its purpose, other than to vaguely referto the Parametrics command. Commands like Fillet and Extrudecan now control the fillet radius and extrusion height through for-mulas — algebraic formulas (like 2*4) and parametric ones, such as

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d1 or d1*dia3/pi. This means that the height of an extrusion can match a parametrically-size dobjectelsewhere in the drawing.


AutoCAD 2011 introduces a new gizmo for adjust 3D objects. During certain commands, such as Loftand SurfaceBlend, a triangular grip appears. Clicking the grip reveals a shortcut menu for adjusting thetopology of the surface. Selecting the Draft Angle option displays the new adjustment gizmo.

Preview of change in angle

Drag to increase the magintudeDrag to change the angle

The new 3dEditBar command provides yet another surface editing gizmo, as described in Chapter 2.


Autodesk is positioning its open FBX format as a way to exchange 3D data between AutoCAD 2011 andother programs. Data from AutoCAD includes 3D objects, 2D objects with thickness, lights, and materi-als. (FBX is short for “filmbox,” and is native to Autodesk’s MotionBuilder software.

Other software from Autodesk that reads and writes FBX includes MotionBuilder (natively), Maya and3ds Max (via plug-ins), Softimage (via Crosswalk), and Mudbox. AutoCAD 2011 has the new FbxImport

FFFFFrom Autodesk Marketingrom Autodesk Marketingrom Autodesk Marketingrom Autodesk Marketingrom Autodesk Marketing

Autodesk’s marketing department emphasizes the ability of AutoCAD 2011 to document anddesign. Here’s what they tell us:

“Power your design projects from concept through completion with AutoCAD 2011 software.

“Your ideas can take shape with greater clarity and accuracy than ever before, thanks to newsurface modeling tools and point cloud support. New inferred constraints capabilities makeworking with parametrics easier, and updated productivity tools help you deliver final designdocumentation faster than ever. And major updates to materials and surfaces help youcommunicate design intent with the impact you demand.

“With these and many other new capabilities you’ve been asking for, AutoCAD 2011 helpsyou take design and documentation further.”

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On Autodesk ROn Autodesk ROn Autodesk ROn Autodesk ROn Autodesk Removing VBA from AutoCADemoving VBA from AutoCADemoving VBA from AutoCADemoving VBA from AutoCADemoving VBA from AutoCAD

AutoCAD 2011 and AutoCAD-based verticals do not ship with VBA (Microsoft’s Visual Basicfor Applications), but 32– and 64-bit versions are available as a download VBA will not be supported by AutoCAD 2012; the VBAmodule will not be available as a download then. It still ships with Inventor 2011, however.

The reason is entirely Microsoft’s fault, for they have discontinued the sale of new VBAdistribution licenses back in 2007 and have stated that they plan no more enhancements.This leaves application companies and customers in a lurch. Microsoft had done much topromote the use of VBA as a “universal” programming language, but then abandoned it.

This means that programmers need to (a) stop writing new VBA code now and (b) port theirVBA code to other APIs eventually. At time of writing, Autodesk was unsure which ofMicrosoft’s APIs might be the most future-proof one:

“We are still at an early stage in evaluating what (if any) in-product IDE shouldreplace VBA. However, at this time, we do not expect to be embedding VSTA intoAutodesk products. Revit software is currently the only Autodesk product thatincorporates VSTA. However, our review of in-product IDEs will include anevaluation of whether VSTA is the best long-term IDE solution for Revit. Therefore, weencourage Revit add-in developers to concentrate on creating professional add-insusing Visual Studio rather than VSTA when possible.”

The elimination of VBA does not affect AutoCAD’s ActiveX COM (common object model),which was also designed by Microsoft originally.

The RThe RThe RThe RThe Recommended VBA Recommended VBA Recommended VBA Recommended VBA Recommended VBA Replacementeplacementeplacementeplacementeplacement

Autodesk’s recommends moving your VBA code to a .net language, such as VB.NET usingVisual Studio 2008, including the free Express edition available from

But .net add-ins run differently from VBA macros. Whereas VBA code is embedded in the VBAIDE (integrated development environment) and run using AutoCAD’s VbaRun command, .netcode is more complex:

1. Choose which object model to use*.2. Write the code in the external Visual Studio IDE.3. Compile it to a DLL (dynamic link library).4. Load it using AutoCAD’s NetLoad command.5. Run it by entering its command name at the ‘Command:’ prompt.

*) You have to choose one of the following object models:• When migrating VBA code to .net, use the same ActiveX APIs as before.• When writing new .net code, use AutoCAD’s new native .net APIs. This will involves a learning curve, but allows

operations not possible with VBA.• Or mix COM Interop with native .NET, since it is also possible to employ both object models – familiar and



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VBA Migration GuidesVBA Migration GuidesVBA Migration GuidesVBA Migration GuidesVBA Migration Guides

Autodesk provides the following resources for migrating VBA code to .net, and plans more inthe future:• AutoCAD VBA to VB.NET Migration Basics – on using .net COM Interop to simplify

migration <>.

• AutoCAD .NET Developers Guide – contains many comparative samples of native .NETAPI and the VBA code required to perform the same task ('s%20Guide/index.html>.

• Ask for advice using Autodesk’s ADN DevHelp Online support portal.• Employ a consultant to perform the porting.

and FbxExport commands. Third-party developers can use the C++ and Python programming languagesto integrate FBX into their applications. Autodesk has partially published the FBX specification throughdocumenting the FBX reader/writer source code.

TIP Autodesk provides Mac and Windows QuickTime plug-ins for viewing FBX files exported from AutoCAD at


AutoCAD 2011 rather discretely supports multitouch screens and digitizers, although the capability isnot yet turned on, according to Autodesk.

> Our ViewThe new interactive technology employed by Hatch, Extrude, FilletEdge, and other commandscontinues the ongoing push to make AutoCAD drafting and editing realtime and interactive. (We firstsaw this with the improved 3D solid modeling a few releases ago.) Together with the new expressionsfeature, we foresee powerful new future for this 26-year-old software package. •

Future ReleasesAutodesk executives have mapped out the features for the releases of AutoCAD following 2011, buthave revealed few details to the public. We can guess at future features by general statements, fromsurveys Autodesk carries out, from the AUGI wishlist, and from mid-release feature sets made availableto subscribers.

For example, the Fillet command originally worked with 2D objects only; then Autodesk added supportfor filleting 3D solids. This release of AutoCAD has the new SurfFillet command for filleting surfaces; weexpect surface filleting to be integrated into Fillet in a future release — as well as Extrude, Trim, Extend,and so on.

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FFFFFrom Autodesk Salesrom Autodesk Salesrom Autodesk Salesrom Autodesk Salesrom Autodesk Sales

Autodesk plans to ship the following updated software packages this year:

AutoCAD 2011AutoCAD LT 2011

ArchitectureArchitectureArchitectureArchitectureArchitectureAutoCAD Architecture 2011AutoCAD MEP 2011Revit Architecture 2011Revit MEP 2011Revit Structure 2011

GISGISGISGISGISAutoCAD Civil 3D 2011AutoCAD Map 3D 2011MapGuide Enterprise 2011Topobase 2011

MechanicalMechanicalMechanicalMechanicalMechanicalAutoCAD Electrical 2011AutoCAD Mechanical 2011Inventor Suite 2011Inventor Professional 2011Navisworks 2011Vault 2011

OtherOtherOtherOtherOtherAutoCAD P&ID 2011

Digital EntertainmentDigital EntertainmentDigital EntertainmentDigital EntertainmentDigital Entertainment3ds Max 2011Entertainment Creation Suites 2011FBX 2011HumanIK 4.5 MiddlewareKynapse 7 MiddlewareMaya 2011MotionBuilder 2011Mudbox 2011Softimage 2011

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Autodesk now releases midterm upgrades to AutoCAD for the sole benefit of subscription customers;these enhancements become part of the next release. In addition, Autodesk previews new technologyideas at its site, some of which find their way into future releases of its software.

Autodesk conducts online surveys to ask users their opinions on possible new features. A survey late in2008 asked about the following features. Several years later, some of them made it into AutoCAD 2011:

• Enhanced visual styles.• Transparent hatch fills.• 3D enhancements.

But many did not:

• Batch process drawings in AutoCAD (currently possible through scripts).• Draw order by layer.• Visual comparison of two drawings.• 3D dynamic blocks.• Conversion of PDF to DWG (partially implemented in AutoCAD 2010).• Hatch pattern generator (available as an Express Tool).• Linetype creator (the #1 request by our weblog readers).


The AutoCAD User Group International is another source for learning of Autodesk’s future plans.Autodesk typically includes 70% of the AUGI wishlist in the next release. The user group regularly postslists of the features voted on by members. The most recent one is listed below <>:

1. Join individually created hatch areas into a single hatch object.2. Add tool palettes to the CUI.3. Rotate the window and crossing selection boxes to align with rotated crosshairs.4. Create and change hatch patterns graphically (implemented in AutoCAD 2011).5. Fillet 3D polylines.6. Control whether text/attributes are mirrored with blocks.7. eTransmit to zip drawing packages with multiple formats of the drawing, such as PDF and

DWF.8. Add an editor for the creation of complex linetypes.9. Set attributes horizontally relative to UCS regardless of the rotation of the block.10. Rename anonymous blocks.

In mid-March 2011 we find out about AutoCAD 2012. In the meantime, let’s look at AutoCAD 2011 indetail.

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Chapter 2

261 New and Changed Commands andSystem Variables

AutoCAD 2011 introduces 86 new commands (documented and undocumented) and 89 new sys-tem variables. Around 86 existing commands and system variables experience a change of some kind.

New Commands New System Variables Changed Commands & System Variables

AutoCAD 2011 86 89 86

AutoCAD 2010 58 70 100+

AutoCAD 2009 46 42

AutoCAD 2008 35 40

AutoCAD 2007 77*

*) Includes18 converted from Express Tools.

This chapter details new and changed commands and system variables, grouping them by function. Thefollowing chapters summarize new and changed commands and system variables in alphabetical order.

New commands and system variables are indicated by the blue color in this book.

Existing commands that have changes are shown with boldface names.

Commands and system variables not documented by Autodesk are indicated by italics.

The sole command removed from AutoCAD 2011 is flagged with strikethrough text.

The functional groups are as follows:

• User Interface

• Drafting, Editing, Properties, and Selecting

• Constraints and Parameters

• 3D Modeling and Rendering

• Customization, Settings, Plotting, and Files

• Miscellaneous

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User InterfaceAutoCAD 2011’s user interface looks dramatically different from 2010 due to the change in back-ground color, the new lined grid, and new navigation bar — as well as from other changes that are lessnoticeable.


Reacting to demands from users, Autodesk again changes the background color to dark, this time a verydark blue (RGB = 33,40,48). Many users prefer the dark background for it makes the colors of linesstand out.

AutoCAD’s new default user interface (new 3D Basics workspace shown)

The background in AutoCAD 2010 was a pale yellow, but the Restore Classic Colors button (Op-tions | Display | Colors) changes the background to black.


Several releases ago, the grid had changed from dots to lines for 3D display modes; now the lined gridcomes to 2D display mode: model space, the Block Editor, and layout mode. The 2D version has all thesame attributes as that of 3D: major and minor grid lines, adaptive grid, sizing and colored axes (red = x,green = y). By default, the grid is now turned on.

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AutoCAD’s new default user interface in Block Editor (transparent palette shown)

In layout mode, you can now turn on the grid so that it covers the entire drawing area. This is in additionto the grid in paper space.

Both grids turned on in layout mode

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Changed: Workspacedroplist located to here Changed: SaveAs

added to toolbar

New: Toggle transparency

Changed: Applicationmenu has restyled icons

Changed: Backgroundcolor is dark blue

Changed: 2D grid islined; has subdivisions;is turned on by default

New: 2D space nowhas green (y) and red

(x) axis lines

New: Toggle 3D osnaps

New: Toggle selection cycling


AutoCAD 2011 user interface (at right)

AutoCAD 2010 default user interface (below)

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Changed: Aspects fo theribbon's tabs and panels

Changed: Help now uses HTML

Changed: Navigationcube displays in 2Dworkspace

New: Isolate objectsNew: Toggle hardware graphics acceleration

New: Navigation bar

New: Integratedsupport for 3D micefrom 3Dconnexion

New: Simplified ribbon for3D modeling

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Changed: Backgroundcolor is light gray

Changed: 2D grid islined; has subdivisions;is turned on by default

New: Paper spacehas grid (normally

turned off)


AutoCAD 2011 default user interface (at right)

AutoCAD 2010 default user interface (below)

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New: Navigation bar

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TIP You can change the grid back to the less obtrusive dot pattern, as follows:

1. Enter the DSettings command, and then choose the Snap and Grid tab.

2. In the new Grid Style area, turn on one or more of the following options:

• 2D model space.

• Block editor.

• Sheet/layout.

3. Click OK.


The WorkSpace command’s Settings dialog box and Quick Access toolbar droplist now include a new3D Basics workspace. This workspace displays a ribbon with fewer buttons and options.

Above: The Home tab of the 3D Basics ribbonBelow: Home tab of the full 3D Modeling ribbon

The workspace droplist is moved from the status bar up to the Quick Access toolbar.

Workspace droplist on the Quick Access toolbar.

The Workspace button remains on the status bar, however, and still provides access to workspaces.

Workspace button on the status bar.

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The new WsAutosave system variable allows you to instruct AutoCAD 2011 to automatically savechanges that you make to the current workspace. This new feature is turned off, by default.


WsAutosave toggles automatic saving of changes to workspaces:

0 – off (default).

1 – on.


Autodesk continues to add to the ribbon, for AutoCAD 2011 has new controls and new tabs. As notedabove, the new 3D Basics workspace displays a simplified ribbon layout to help overcome the over-whelming number of buttons and options on the 3D modeling ribbon. The Hatch, Gradient, and HatchEditcommands have redesigned tabs, as described later.

The ribbon has a new panel display mode, helped along by a new menu next to the ribbon controlbutton.

The new ribbon control menu.

The new display mode shows panel buttons (the Minimize to Panel Button option). Click on abutton to view the entire tab in droplist format.

Above: The new Panel Buttons mode.Below: Accessing a panel from its button.


Export FBX is added to the application menu.

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Both the 2D and 3D UCS icons are redesigned in AutoCAD 2011; the paperspace UCS icon is un-changed.

In 2D visual styles, the UCS icon now takes on the red-green colors to indicate the x and y axes:

Left: 2D UCS icon in AutoCAD 2010...Right: ...and in AutoCAD 2011.

In 3D visual styles, the UCS icon loses the optional cones:

Left: 3D UCS icon in AutoCAD 2010...Right: ...and in AutoCAD 2011.

The UcsIcon command’s Properties dialog box has new options:

• The Cone option is removed.• The new Apply Single Color option toggles the icon between tricolored and black.

Left: UCS icon properties dialog box in AutoCAD 2010...Right: ...and in AutoCAD 2011.

The cones appear on the 3D move gizmo:

Left: 3dMove gizmo in AutoCAD 2010...Right: ...and in AutoCAD 2011.

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AutoCAD 2011 changes the look of gizmos and introduces new cursor icons. Gizmos are used for 3Drotation, scaling, and moving, and for applying material mapping; here are the changes to the move andscale gizmos (the rotate gizmo is unchanged):

Move gizmos from AutoCAD 2010 and 2011. Scale gizmos from AutoCAD 2010 and 2011.

The material mapping gizmos have similar-looking changes, as illustrated later in this ebook.

All of the new cursor icons are illustrated in the last chapter of this ebook, and here are a couple ofexamples:

Location of the new control vertices of splines.

G0 level of smoothness on blended surfaces.


The QpMode system variable changes its default values from 1 to -1. This means that the Quick Prop-erties palette is now turned off by default, but remembers its setting (1 or 2).

Quick Properties now support the new NURBS surface objects and transparency property.

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The new NavBar command toggles the display of the new navigation bar.Enter an option [ON/OFF] <ON>: (Enter ON or OFF.)(Enter ON or OFF.)(Enter ON or OFF.)(Enter ON or OFF.)(Enter ON or OFF.)

Turn on Navigation Cube interface(NavSCube)

Close navigation bar

NavBar options

Flyout of additional modes

Start Pan command

Start Zoom command

Start 3D Orbitcommand

Turn on Show Motion interface(NavSMotion)

The navigation bar is the newest “toolbar” in AutoCAD.

The translucent navigation bar appears at the right edge of the drawing area. Several buttons thatpreviously appeared on the status bar are relocated here. You can turn off the navigation bar, and canrelocate it with the options menu.

The options of the navigation bar.


NavBarDisplay toggles the display of the navigation bar; applies to all viewports and layouts (the NavBar command applies

to the current viewport or space):

0 – off.

1 – on (default).

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The Quick Access toolbar gains the Workspaces droplist and the SaveAs button.


The navigation cube is now turned on in 2D display modes. Although it initially appears in plan view, youcan manipulate it to show 3D viewpoints.

The initial appearance of the navigation cube in 2D display mode.


NavVCubeDisplay now allows the ViewCube to be displayed in 2D modes.

0 – not displayed.

1 – displayed in 3D visual styles, but not 2D

2 – displayed in 2D visual styles, but not 3D (new to 2011).

3 – displayed in 2D and 3D visual styles (new to 2011; default).


The status bar gains and loses buttons in AutoCAD 2011. The following buttons are added to the leftend of the status bar:

Infer Constraints toggle (right-click to access Settings).

3D Osnap toggle (right-click to access Settings).

Transparency toggle.

Selection Cycling toggle (right-click to access Settings).

And these are the buttons added to the right end of the status bar:

Hardware Acceleration toggle (right-click to access Settings).

Isolate and Hide Objects toggle.

The Pan, Zoom, Steering Wheel, and ShowMotion buttons move from the status bar to the new naviga-tion bar.

Above: The changed status bar in AutoCAD 2011.Below: The status bar from AutoCAD 2010.

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In previous releases of AutoCAD, the PaletteOpaque system variable determined the translucency ofpalettes. AutoCAD 2011 adds new system variables to set a different level of translucency when thecursor moves over palettes, as illustrated below:


RolloverOpacity specifies the translucency of palettes when cursor moves over them; range is 0 to 100:

0 – (default).

GlobalOpacity sets the default level of translucency for all palettes (when transparency is turned on):

0 – fully transparent (default).

100 – fully opaque.

ApplyGlobalOpacities toggles all palettes between opaque and translucent:

0 – opaque (default).

1 – translucent.



The VsCurrent command gets five new predefined styles:Command: vscurrentvscurrentvscurrentvscurrentvscurrentEnter an option[2dwireframe/Wireframe/Hidden/Realistic/Conceptual/Shaded/shaded withEdges/shades of Gray/SKetchy/X-ray/Other] <2dwireframe> (Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)

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Left: Shaded visual style.Right: Shaded with edges.

Left: Shades of grayRight: Xray

Sketchy visual style

The VisualStyles command’s palette has been redesigned.

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Left: Visual Styles Manger in AutoCAD 2010...Right: ... and in AutoCAD 2011.


VsEdgeLEx specifies the length of line extensions of edges in visual styles (negative number turns off extensions); range is 0

to 100 pixels:

-6 – six pixels, but turned off (default).

Left: 6-pixel extensions.Right: 100-pixel extensions.

VsOccludedColor specifies the color of hidden (occluded) lines in visual styles; uses ACI, RGB, HSL, or ColorBook values:

“Byentity” – default.

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“None” or “.” – no background color (default).

1 through 255 – AutoCAD Color Index

Name – name of the first seven colors, such as “Red.”

RGB: or HSL: – red-green-blue or hue-saturation-luminosity, such as "RGB:130,200,240"; range is 000 to 255.

Colorbook – PANTONE, DIC, or RAL color specifications, such as "DIC COLOR GUIDE(R)$DIC 43".

VsOccludedEdges toggles the display of hidden (occluded) edges in visual styles:

0 – off.

1 – on (default).

Occluded edges shown with dashed linetype in cyan (light blue).

VsOccludedLtype determines the linetype of hidden (occluded) lines in visual styles. Changing this system variable creates

a new unsaved visual style. Range is 1 to 11:

1 – solid lines (default for most visual styles).

2 – dashed lines (default for hidden and shaded with edges).

3 – dotted lines.

4 – short Dash lines.

5 – medium Dash lines.

6 – long Dash lines.

7 – double Short Dash lines.

8 – double Medium Dash lines.

9 – double Long Dash

10 – medium Long Dash

11 – sparse Dot


3dPan2 (undocumented) command pans drawings in realtime.Command: 3dpan2 3dpan2 3dpan2 3dpan2 3dpan2 (Press Esc to exit the command.)(Press Esc to exit the command.)(Press Esc to exit the command.)(Press Esc to exit the command.)(Press Esc to exit the command.)

3dZoom2 (undocumented) command zooms drawings in realtime.Command: 3dzoom2 3dzoom2 3dzoom2 3dzoom2 3dzoom2 (Press Esc to exit the command.)(Press Esc to exit the command.)(Press Esc to exit the command.)(Press Esc to exit the command.)(Press Esc to exit the command.)


ClassicKeys toggles the meaning of Ctrl+C:

0 – copies objects (default).

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1 – cancels commands.

Digitizer reports the style of digitizer attached to AutoCAD (read-only):

0 – none (default).

1 – integrated touch.

2 – external touch.

4 – integrated pen.

8 – external pen.

16 – multiple input.

128 – input devices are ready.

MaxTouches reports the number of touch points supported by multi-touch digitizers (read-only):

1 – (default).

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Drafting, Editing, Properties, and Selecting



The Osnap command’s modes now apply matching constraints automatically when the newInferConstraints option is turned on. For example, turn on CENter osnap and AutoCAD 2011 auto-matically applies the center constraint during drawing and editing commands. See the newConstraintSettings command for more details.

AutoCAD 2011 now separates 3D object snaps from 2D ones. The DSettings command’s dialog box hasa new tab that accommodates 3D osnaps; see the new 3dOsnap command.


The Sketch command now draws splines when the SkPoly system variable is set to 2.

Sketch line(green)

Resulting spline(black)

The resulting splines can be editing with the new spline editing grips and options; see Spline command.When the sketch type is set to 1, the resulting polylines can be edited with the polyline editing grips newto AutoCAD 2011; see PLine/PEdit command.

The prompts have changed from (AutoCAD 2009):Command: sketchsketchsketchsketchsketchRecord increment <1.0000>:Sketch. Pen eXit Quit Record Erase Connect . <Pen down> <Pen up>154 lines recorded.

The old drawings options (Pen, Erase, Connect, etc) no longer work. Instead, you hold down the mousebutton to sketch; green lines appear. Press Enter to end the command; the sketch lines become thecurrent color.

The new prompts are as follows:Command: sketchsketchsketchsketchsketchType = Lines Increment = 0.1000 Tolerance = 0.5000Specify sketch or [Type/Increment/toLerance]: (Hold down left mouse button and(Hold down left mouse button and(Hold down left mouse button and(Hold down left mouse button and(Hold down left mouse button anddraw.)draw.)draw.)draw.)draw.)Specify sketch: (Press Enter to end sketching.)(Press Enter to end sketching.)(Press Enter to end sketching.)(Press Enter to end sketching.)(Press Enter to end sketching.)154 lines recorded.

The Type option chooses the sketching object:Enter sketch type [Lines/Polyline/Spline] <Lines>: (Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)

• Lines option draws line segments.• Polyline option draws connect polyline segments.• Spline option draws splines (new to AutoCAD 2011).

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The Increment option specifies the length of line and polyline segmentsSpecify sketch increment <0.1000>: (Enter any positive real number.)(Enter any positive real number.)(Enter any positive real number.)(Enter any positive real number.)(Enter any positive real number.)

The new toLerance option determines how closely the spline fits the sketch; applies to splines only:Specify spline fit tolerance <0.5000>: (Enter a real number between 0 and 1.)(Enter a real number between 0 and 1.)(Enter a real number between 0 and 1.)(Enter a real number between 0 and 1.)(Enter a real number between 0 and 1.)


SkPoly now allows splines as one of the types of objects created by the Sketch command:

0 – lines (default).

1 – polylines

2 – splines (new to 2011).

SkTolerance specifies how closely a spline fits to a freehand sketch; range is 0 to 1:

0.5000 – (default).


The Spline command’s splines can now be created with control vertices with a range of degrees, andcan have knots and kinks. Control vertices are needed when splines form the basis of the new NURBSsurfaces. (See the SplinEdit command for information on the new methods of editing splines.)

Control vertex


It is no longer necessary to specify start and end tangency points; they are now ignored by default. (In thepast, you pressed Enter at the ‘Specify start tangent’ and ‘Specify end tangent’ prompts to ignore thetangencies.)

The command displays new and reworded prompts in AutoCAD 2011:Command: splinesplinesplinesplinesplineCurrent settings: Method=Fit Knots=ChordSpecify first point or [Method/Knots/Object]: (Pick a point or enter an option.)(Pick a point or enter an option.)(Pick a point or enter an option.)(Pick a point or enter an option.)(Pick a point or enter an option.)Enter next point or [start Tangency/toLerance]: (Pick another point or enter an(Pick another point or enter an(Pick another point or enter an(Pick another point or enter an(Pick another point or enter anoption.)option.)option.)option.)option.)Enter next point or [end Tangency/toLerance/Undo/Close]: (Press Enter to end the(Press Enter to end the(Press Enter to end the(Press Enter to end the(Press Enter to end thecommand.)command.)command.)command.)command.)

The new Method option specifies how the spline is created; prompts you:Enter spline creation method [Fit/CV] <Fit>: (Enter F or C.)(Enter F or C.)(Enter F or C.)(Enter F or C.)(Enter F or C.)

• Fit option draws splines using the method from AutoCAD 2010 and earlier.• CV option (short for “control vertices) is preferred for creating splines that will be used to

create 3D NURBS surfaces using the new

TIP You toggle the display of control vertices with the new CvShow and CvHide commands.

When Method = Fit, then the new Knots option appears, which specifies the spacing of editing pointsalong the spline. Prompts you:

Enter knot parameterization [Chord/Square root/Uniform] <Chord>: (Enter an op-(Enter an op-(Enter an op-(Enter an op-(Enter an op-tion.)tion.)tion.)tion.)tion.)

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• Chord option spaces edit points according to their location on the curve.• Square Root option spaces edit points based on the square root of the chord length

between knots.• Uniform option spaces edit points evenly.

When Method = CV, then the new Degree option appears, which specifies the number of “bends” ineach span; range is 1 to 3. Prompts you:

Enter degree of spline <3>: (Enter 1, 2, or 3.)(Enter 1, 2, or 3.)(Enter 1, 2, or 3.)(Enter 1, 2, or 3.)(Enter 1, 2, or 3.)

• 1 option spans a line; bends = 0; control vertices = 2.• 2 option draws a parabola; bends = 1; control vertices = 3.• 3 option draws a cubic Bezier; bends = 2; control vertices = 4.

The new start Tangency and end Tangency options replace the old ‘Specify start tangent’ and ‘Specifyend tangent’ prompts.


SplDegree specifies the default degree for new splines created with control vertices; range is 1 to 5:

3 – (default).

SplKnots specifies the default knot setting when specifying fit points for new splines:

0 – chords (default).

1 – square root chords.

2 – uniform.

SplMethod toggles the default type of new splines:

0 – fit (default).

1 – control vertices.


The Field command now supports the transparency property.



The Join command now joins 3D polylines to other open objects, such as lines, elliptical arcs, and splines;the most complex curve must be selected first (such as a 3D polyline), because the attached curves areelevated to its status. For example, joining a polyline to a spline turns the polyline into a spline (completewith kinks), as illustrated below:

Join pointSpline


TIP AutoCAD does not let you join a more complex object to a simpler one. Joining the spline to the polyline results in

the following error message: “0 segments added to polyline.” You have to do the reverse: join simpler objects to complex


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Some objects being joined are no longer required to be coplanar.

This command’s prompts vary, depending on the initial object selected:

Source Object PromptStraight objects:

Line Select lines to join to source

Polyline segment Select objects to join to source

3D polyline Select any open curves to join to source (new to AutoCAD 2011)

Curved objects:

Arc Select arcs to join to source or [cLose]

Polyline arc Select objects to join to source

Ellipical arc Select elliptical arcs to join to source or [cLose]

Spline, Helix Select any open curves to join to source


The Pline/PEdit commands’ polylines now have a grip at the mid point of each segment; pausing thecursor over a grip lets you convert between line and arc segments, add a vertex, and stretch.

Right-click menu forpolyline segments

New segment editing grip


Right-click menu forediting polyarcs

Segments can now be selected through the Ctrl key.

Icons now indicate the editing action., as copied from AutoCAD 2010’s cursor icons for editing theboundaries of non-associative hatch patterns. Press Ctrl to switch between editing modes:

Polyline Editing Mode Cursor IconStretching a vertex or segment

Adding a vertex

Removing a vertex

Converting an arc segment to a line

Converting a line segment to an arc

TIP When adding vertices, hold down the Ctrl key to add multiple vertices.

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The SplinEdit command changes the order of prompts and adds more options. The prompt fromAutoCAD 2010:

Enter an option [Fit data/Close/Move vertex/Refine/rEverse/Undo]:

and now in AutoCAD 2011:Enter an option [Close/Join/Fit data/Edit vertex/convert to Polyline/Reverse/Undo/eXit] <eXit>:

The new Join option joins splines with lines, arcs, elliptical arcs, polylines, splines, and other open objectswhose endpoints meet (coincident); the result is a single spline with the new kink feature at the joinpoints.

Select any open curves to join to source: (Choose one or more open objects.)(Choose one or more open objects.)(Choose one or more open objects.)(Choose one or more open objects.)(Choose one or more open objects.)

Coincident end point






Single pline object

Left: Line, arc, and spline with coincident end points.Right: Thee objects joined into a single spline, with kinks.

The new convert to Polyline option converts splines into polylines, after you specify the precisionvalue:

Specify a precision <10>: (Enter an integer between 0 and 99.)(Enter an integer between 0 and 99.)(Enter an integer between 0 and 99.)(Enter an integer between 0 and 99.)(Enter an integer between 0 and 99.)

Precision determines how closely the polyline fits the source spline; higher values are more accurate, butmay slow down AutoCAD. The spline is converted to polyline or polyarc segments, depending on thesetting in the PlineConvertMode system variable. (0 = lines; 1 = arcs). The original spline is retainedwhen the DelObj system variable is set to 0.

Grips editing of splines now displays shortcut menus during grips editing of splines:

Splines have a new grip that displays options for showing fit points or control vertices:

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The CvAdd command adds control vertices to NURBS splines. (This command also applies to NURBSsurfaces, but displays different prompts; see Surfaces.) CV is short for “control vertices.”

Command: cvaddcvaddcvaddcvaddcvaddSelect a NURBS surface or curve to add control vertices: (Choose a spline.)(Choose a spline.)(Choose a spline.)(Choose a spline.)(Choose a spline.)Select point on spline or [insert Edit point]: (Pick a point, or type E.)(Pick a point, or type E.)(Pick a point, or type E.)(Pick a point, or type E.)(Pick a point, or type E.)

The insert Edit point option toggles the type of vertex to be added:Select point on spline or [insert Control vertex]: (Pick a point, or type C.)(Pick a point, or type C.)(Pick a point, or type C.)(Pick a point, or type C.)(Pick a point, or type C.)

• insert Control vertex adds the vertex on the spline; displays a brown circle.• insert Edit point adds the vertex to the frame between two vertices; displays an orange


Left: Orange dot on control frame.Right: Brown circle on spline.

The CvRebuild command rebuilds the shapes of NURBS splines. (This command also applies to NURBSsurfaces, but displays a different dialog box; see Surfaces.)

Command: cvrebuildcvrebuildcvrebuildcvrebuildcvrebuildSelect a NURBS surface or curve to rebuild: (Chose one surface or curve.)(Chose one surface or curve.)(Chose one surface or curve.)(Chose one surface or curve.)(Chose one surface or curve.)Selecting a surface displays the following dialog box:Selecting a surface displays the following dialog box:Selecting a surface displays the following dialog box:Selecting a surface displays the following dialog box:Selecting a surface displays the following dialog box:

The Curve Geometry Details options:

• Control Vertices count specifies number of control vertices; range is Degree+1 to 32767:• Degree specifies number of control vertices per span; range is 1 to ControlVertices-1.

The Options option:

• Delete Original Geometry toggles whether defining geometry (paths and guide curves) isdeleted following editing.

The Maximum Deviation item reports the maximum deviation between the original curve and thenew one.

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The -CvRebuild command rebuilds the shapes of NURBS splines at the command line. This commanduses the values stored in Rebuild2dCv (number of control vertices) and Rebuild2dDegree (the degree ofthe NURBS curve) system variables.

Command: -cvrebuild-cvrebuild-cvrebuild-cvrebuild-cvrebuildSelect a NURBS surface or curve to rebuild: (Pick a spline.)(Pick a spline.)(Pick a spline.)(Pick a spline.)(Pick a spline.)

Given that Rebuild2dCv = 6 and Rebuild2dDegree = 3, the spline is rebuilt as follows:

Left: Original spline with 5 control vertices and degree 2.Right: Rebuilt spline with 6 control vertices and degree 3.

The CvRemove command removes control vertices from NURBS splines:Command: cvremovecvremovecvremovecvremovecvremoveSelect a NURBS surface or curve to remove control vertices: (Choose a spline.)(Choose a spline.)(Choose a spline.)(Choose a spline.)(Choose a spline.)Select point on the curve: (Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)

Left to right: Removing control vertices, from 4 to 3 to 2.

TIP A spline must have at least two control vertices; attempting to reduce a spline to one vertex results in the following

error message, “Not enough Control Vertices to support a remove operation.”

The CvShow and CvHide commands show and hide control vertices of selected NURBS curves. CvShowoperates on selected NURBS objects, while CvHide applies to all.

Command: cvshowcvshowcvshowcvshowcvshowSelect NURBS surfaces or curves to display control Vertices: (Choose one or more(Choose one or more(Choose one or more(Choose one or more(Choose one or moreNURBS objects.)NURBS objects.)NURBS objects.)NURBS objects.)NURBS objects.)Select NURBS surfaces or curves to display control Vertices: (Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)

Command: cvhidecvhidecvhidecvhidecvhide

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The Explode command now explodes NURBS surfaces into splines. The Xplode command does notwork with NURBS surfaces, curiously enough.


The Fillet and Chamfer commands now support expressions when filleting or chamfering 3D solids.Here is an example using the Fillet command:

Command: filletfilletfilletfilletfilletCurrent settings: Mode = TRIM, Radius = 0.0000Select first object or [Undo/Polyline/Radius/Trim/Multiple]: (Choose the edge of(Choose the edge of(Choose the edge of(Choose the edge of(Choose the edge ofa 3D solid.)a 3D solid.)a 3D solid.)a 3D solid.)a 3D solid.)Enter fillet radius or [Expression]: eeeeeEnter expression: 2*pi2*pi2*pi2*pi2*piSelect an edge or [Chain/Radius]: (Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)



The Select command now supports persistent selection sets through the PickAdd system variable’snew 2 option.

PickAdd adds a persistent mode to its options:

0 – off (hold down Shift to add objects to the selection set).

1 – on (hold down Shift to remove objects from the selection set).

2 – persistent; keeps objects selected after the Select command ends (hold down Shift to remove objects from the

selection set; new to 2011; default).

Other new selection modes are controlled through new system variables:

• Subobject selection now has new Ctrl+selection modes through an addition to theLegacyCtrlPick system variable:LagacyCtrlPick adds option 2:

0 – Ctrl+click selects faces, edges, and vertices (subobjects).

1 – Ctrl+click cycles through overlapping objects.

2 – Ctrl+click selects subobjects when SubObjSelectionMode = 0; otherwise, selects subobjects when

Ctrl is not held down.

• Selection cycling displays a context menu listing the names of overlapping objects. As youpass the cursor over each object name, the related object is highlighted in the drawing.

SelectionCycling toggles selection cycling:

0 – off (default).

1 – on but does not display the list dialog box.

2 – on and display the list dialog box of objects that you be selected.

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• Culling highlights only subobjects (faces, edges, and vertices) that are normal to the currentview under these two conditions: (a) when the cursor passes over objects and (b) whenobjects are selected.

CullingObj toggles whether to highlight subobjects when they are not normal to the current view:

0 – not culled.

1 – culled (default).\

PreviewFaceEffect toggles preview selection highlighting of face subobjects:

0 – faces are not highlighted.

1 – faces are highlighted with texture fill (default).

• Multifunctional Grips provide additional editing options when you pause the cursor over agrip on polylines, splines, and non-associative hatch boundaries made of polylines. This typeof grip was introduced in AutoCAD 2010 for the hatch boundary polylines; new toAutoCAD 2011 is the GripMultifunctional system variable that controls what happens.

GripMultifunctional controls multifunctional grips:

0 – disabled.

1 – allows Ctrl cycling and the hot grip shortcut menu.

2 – allows the dynamic menu and the hot grip shortcut menu.

3 – allows Ctrl cycling, the dynamic menu, and the hot grip shortcut menu (default).


The QSelect and Filter commands now have the new Transparency property.

Transparency property added to Quick Select dialog box.

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Transparency property added to Object Selection Filters dialog box.


The SelectSimilar command adds similar objects to the selection set based on their properties. This is asimpler version of the QSelect command.

For example, select a circle when Name and Layer settings are turned on. AutoCAD will then also selectall other circles on the same layer.

Command: selectsimilarselectsimilarselectsimilarselectsimilarselectsimilarSelect objects or [SEttings]: (Select one or more objects, or enter SE for(Select one or more objects, or enter SE for(Select one or more objects, or enter SE for(Select one or more objects, or enter SE for(Select one or more objects, or enter SE forsettings dialog box.)settings dialog box.)settings dialog box.)settings dialog box.)settings dialog box.)Select objects or [SEttings]: (Select additional objects, or press Enter to exit.)(Select additional objects, or press Enter to exit.)(Select additional objects, or press Enter to exit.)(Select additional objects, or press Enter to exit.)(Select additional objects, or press Enter to exit.)

The SEttings option displays the Select Similar Settings dialog box:

Toggle the items whose properties should determine the selection set. “Object Style” refers to textstyles, dimension styles, and the like. “Name” refers to the object type, such as line or circle.


SelectSimilarMode determines the matchable properties for the SelectSimilar command (bitcode):

0 – object type

1 – color

2 – layer

4 – linetype

8 – linetype scale

16 – lineweight

32 – plot style

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64 – text styles, dimension styles, table styles, and so on.

128 – names of referenced objects, such as blocks, xrefs, and images.

130 – (default) 2+128 = layer and name of referenced objects.

The AddSelected command creates new objects based on the object type and properties of the selectedobject.

Command: addselectedSelect object: (Choose one object, such as a line. AutoCAD launches the command(Choose one object, such as a line. AutoCAD launches the command(Choose one object, such as a line. AutoCAD launches the command(Choose one object, such as a line. AutoCAD launches the command(Choose one object, such as a line. AutoCAD launches the commandneeded to create the same object, such as the Line command:)needed to create the same object, such as the Line command:)needed to create the same object, such as the Line command:)needed to create the same object, such as the Line command:)needed to create the same object, such as the Line command:)_line Specify first point:Specify next point or [Undo]:(etc.)(etc.)(etc.)(etc.)(etc.)

The HideObjects command hides selected objects.Command: hideobjectshideobjectshideobjectshideobjectshideobjectsSelect objects: (Choose one or more objects.)(Choose one or more objects.)(Choose one or more objects.)(Choose one or more objects.)(Choose one or more objects.)Select objects: (Press Enter to end command.)(Press Enter to end command.)(Press Enter to end command.)(Press Enter to end command.)(Press Enter to end command.)

TIPS Use the HideObjects and IsolateObjects commands to quickly hide objects without needing the Layers dialog

box. When objects are hidden, the new lightblub icon on the status bar changes from yellow to red:

Left: All objects visible.Right: Drawing contains hidden objects.

Left or right-click the lightbulb icon for a shortcut menu:

The IsolateObjects command displays selected objects across layers; unselected objects are hidden:Command: isolateobjectsisolateobjectsisolateobjectsisolateobjectsisolateobjectsSelect objects: (Choose one or more objects.)(Choose one or more objects.)(Choose one or more objects.)(Choose one or more objects.)(Choose one or more objects.)Select objects: (Press Enter to end command.)(Press Enter to end command.)(Press Enter to end command.)(Press Enter to end command.)(Press Enter to end command.)

The UnisolateObjects command displays objects hidden with the HideObjects and IsolateObjects com-mands:

Command: unisolateobjectsunisolateobjectsunisolateobjectsunisolateobjectsunisolateobjects9 object(s) unisolated.

Alternatively, hidden objects can be revealed when you click the lightbulb icon on the status bar.


CullingObjSelection toggles whether hidden objects are selected when a selection window is dragged. It is not possible to

select hidden objects by picking. Turning off this system variable allows you to select hidden objects through windowed

selection modes.

0 – not culled; hidden objects are selected (default).

1 – culled; hidden objects are not selected

ObjectIsolationMode toggles the display of hidden and isolated objects between drawings sessions:

0 – hidden and isolated for the current drawing session only (default).

1 – hidden and isolated settings saved for the next drawing session.

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The MeasureGeom command now measures surfaces.

The Properties command’s palette now has the new Transparency property.

The Change and ChProp commands now have the new TRansparency property.Command: chpropchpropchpropchpropchpropSelect objects:Enter property to change[Color/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness/TRansparency/Material/Annotative]:

TIP You can toggle transparency by clicking the new button on the status bar:


CeTransparency sets the level of translucency for new objects, except for the hatch pattern, which has its own

translucency setting (new HpTransparency system variable).

ByLayer – determined by the object’s layer (default).

ByBlock– determined by the block in which the object resides.

0 – fully opaque (not translucent)

1 - 90 – range of translucency, as a percentage. Translucency is limited to a maximum of 90% to avoid confusion with

hidden and frozen objects.

TransparencyDisplay toggles the display of translucency in objects, which Autodesk calls “transparent”:

0 – off.

1 – on (default).

The MatchProp command now has a more colorful cursor:,

Left: The old monochrome cursor from AutoCAD 2010.Right: The new colorful cursor in AutoCAD 2011.

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The new Transparency property in its Property Settings dialog box:


The OptChProp (undocumented) command changes the styles of objects at the command line: text, dimension,table, or multiline style. This command is meant for use in macros.

Command: optchpropoptchpropoptchpropoptchpropoptchpropSelect objects: (Choose one or more objects.)(Choose one or more objects.)(Choose one or more objects.)(Choose one or more objects.)(Choose one or more objects.)Select objects: (Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)Enter property to change [Textstyle/Dimstyle/tAblestyle/Mlstyle]: dddddEnter dimension style name: (Enter name of new style.)(Enter name of new style.)(Enter name of new style.)(Enter name of new style.)(Enter name of new style.)


The Hatch and Gradient commands now have a new command-line prompt, additions to their dialogboxes, and new ribbon tabs. Hatch is supported by many new system variables; Autodesk continues toleave the Gradient-related system variables undocumented, even though they are used by the newribbon interface. Hatches can now be grip-edited for pattern rotation and scaling.

When accessed from the ribbon, both commands now display a new command-line prompt, shownbelow. Instead of immediately displaying the Hatch and Gradient dialog box, options are now displayedon the new context-sensitive ribbon tab. (When you enter hatch or gradient at the ‘Command:’ prompt,AutoCAD continues to go to the dialog box.)

Command: hatchhatchhatchhatchhatchPick internal point or [Select objects/seTtings]: (Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)

AutoCAD 2011’s new way of placing hatches works like this:

1. Pause the cursor over closed areas, and AutoCAD 2011 immediately fills the area with apattern of the current settings.

Left to right: Cursor passes over closed areas, instantly displays hatch pattern.

2. Change the pattern’s options through the ribbon tab; the hatch is updated in real-time.

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3. Press Enter to place hatch.

To see the dialog box, enter T. New dialog box options include the following:

• Layer option specifies the name of the layer for the new hatch pattern.• Transparency option specifies the translucency of the hatch pattern.

In addition, the dialog box sports a few redesigned icons and graphics, as highlighted below.

The HatchGenerateBoundary command creates objects from the boundaries of hatch patterns. Theboundary is made from polylines or regions, depending on the setting of the HpBound system variable.

Command: hatchgenerateboundaryhatchgenerateboundaryhatchgenerateboundaryhatchgenerateboundaryhatchgenerateboundarySelect hatch objects: (Select one or more hatches.)(Select one or more hatches.)(Select one or more hatches.)(Select one or more hatches.)(Select one or more hatches.)Select hatch objects: (Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)

Generated boundary shown in black.

The HatchSetBoundary command creates new hatch boundaries from existing objects, and then fills itwith a pattern selected from another object.

Command: hatchsetboundaryhatchsetboundaryhatchsetboundaryhatchsetboundaryhatchsetboundarySelect hatch object: (Select a hatch object.)(Select a hatch object.)(Select a hatch object.)(Select a hatch object.)(Select a hatch object.)Select objects to be used for the new boundary: (Select one or more objects.)(Select one or more objects.)(Select one or more objects.)(Select one or more objects.)(Select one or more objects.)Select objects to be used for the new boundary: (Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)Erase selected linework? [Yes/No] <N>: (Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)

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The HatchSetOrigin command relocates the origin of selected hatch patterns.Command: hatchsetoriginhatchsetoriginhatchsetoriginhatchsetoriginhatchsetoriginSelect hatch objects: (Select one or ore hatch objects.)(Select one or ore hatch objects.)(Select one or ore hatch objects.)(Select one or ore hatch objects.)(Select one or ore hatch objects.)Select hatch objects: (Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)Select new hatch origin: (Pick a point in the drawing.)(Pick a point in the drawing.)(Pick a point in the drawing.)(Pick a point in the drawing.)(Pick a point in the drawing.)

The HatchToBack command sets the draw order for all hatches in the drawing behind all other objects.Command: hatchtobackhatchtobackhatchtobackhatchtobackhatchtoback1 hatch object(s) sent to back


The command-line oriented -Hatch command has these new options:Command: -hatch-hatch-hatch-hatch-hatchCurrent hatch pattern: ANSI31Specify internal point or [Properties/Select objects/draW boundary/removeBoundaries/Advanced/DRaw order/Origin/ANnotative/hatch COlor/LAyer/Transparency]:

The hatch COlor option prompts you:New color [Truecolor/COlorbook/. (for use current)] <use current>: (Specify the(Specify the(Specify the(Specify the(Specify theforeground color.)foreground color.)foreground color.)foreground color.)foreground color.)New background color [Truecolor/COlorbook/. (for none)] <None>: (Specify the(Specify the(Specify the(Specify the(Specify thebackground color.)background color.)background color.)background color.)background color.)

For the foreground and background colors, you can specify the color in many ways:

• “None” or “.” for current foreground or no background color.• 1 through 255 for the AutoCAD Color Index colors.• Name of the first seven colors, such as “Red.”• RGB: or HSL: to specify red-green-blue or hue-saturation-luminosity, such as

"RGB:130,200,240"; range is 000 to 255.• Enter a PANTONE, DIC, or RAL color specification, such as "DIC COLOR GUIDE(R)$DIC


The LAyer option prompts you:Specify layer or [. (for use current)] <use current>: (Enter the name of a layer.)(Enter the name of a layer.)(Enter the name of a layer.)(Enter the name of a layer.)(Enter the name of a layer.)

The Transparency option prompts you:Specify transparency value (0-90) or [. (for use current)] <use current>: (Enter(Enter(Enter(Enter(Enteran integer between 0 and 90.)an integer between 0 and 90.)an integer between 0 and 90.)an integer between 0 and 90.)an integer between 0 and 90.)

Enter 0 for opaque hatch patterns.

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The HatchEdit command displays the HatchEdit dialog box, as before. If you double-click a hatch orgradient, however, AutoCAD 2011 now displays the Hatch Editor tab on the ribbon, and brings up theProperties palette.

The -HatchEdit command gets the same three new options does the -Hatch command:Command: -hatchedit -hatchedit -hatchedit -hatchedit -hatcheditSelect hatch object: (Select a hatch or gradient.)(Select a hatch or gradient.)(Select a hatch or gradient.)(Select a hatch or gradient.)(Select a hatch or gradient.)Enter hatch option [DIsassociate/Style/Properties/DRaw order/ADd boundaries/Re-move boundaries/recreate Boundary/ASsociate/separate Hatches/Origin/ANnotative/hatch COlor/LAyer/Transparency] <Properties>:


The Gradient command has the same changes as the Hatch command. When you now pause thecursor over a closed area, AutoCAD 2011 immediately fills the area with a gradient with the currentsettings. Use the new ribbon tab to modify the settings.

TIP You can switch between gradients and hatch patterns by selecting a different swatch from the Pattern panels of the

Hatch Creation tab.


HpAnnotative determines whether new hatch patterns take on annotative scale factors:

0 – nonannotative (default).

1 – annotative.

HatchBoundSet (undocumented) reports the contents of the hatch boundary set (read-only):

0 – current viewport (default).

1 – existing set.

HatchCreation (undocumented) reports whether the Hatch command is active (read-only):

0 – hatching is not active (default).

1 – hatching is underway (Hatch command is active).

HatchType (undocumented) specifies the type of hatch pattern (read-only):

0 – predefined (default).

1 – user defined.

2 – custom.

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HpBackgroundColor specifies the background fill color for hatch patterns:

“None” or “.” – no background color (default).

1 through 255 – AutoCAD Color Index

Name – name of the first seven colors, such as “Red.”

RGB: or HSL: – red-green-blue or hue-saturation-luminance, such as “RGB:130,200,240”; range is 000 to 255.

Colorbook – PANTONE, DIC, or RAL color specifications, such as “DIC COLOR GUIDE(R)$DIC 43”.




HpBoundRetain toggles whether boundary objects are created for new hatches (HpBound system variable determines

whether the boundaries are region or polylines):

0 – not created (default).

1 – created.

HpColor specifies the default color for new hatch patterns:

“Use Current” or “.”– use the color defined by CeColor system variable (default).

“ByLayer” or “ByBlock” – used color of the associated layer or block.

1 through 255 – AutoCAD Color Index

Name – name of the first seven colors, such as “Red.”

RGB: or HSL: – red-green-blue or hue-saturation-luminance, such as “RGB:130,200,240”; range is 000 to 255.

Colorbook – PANTONE, DIC, or RAL color specifications, such as “DIC COLOR GUIDE(R)$DIC 43”.

HpDlgMode determines when the Hatch and Gradient and the Hatch Edit dialog boxes are displayed by the Hatch,

Gradient, and HatchEdit commands:

0 – dialog boxes are never displayed; enter the seTtings option to display them.

1 – Hatch and Gradient dialog boxes are displayed; Hatch Edit is not.

2 – dialog boxes are displayed when the ribbon is not active (default).

HpIslandDetection determines how islands are hatched:

0 – alternating islands are hatched (Normal mode).

1 – outermost island only is hatched (Outer mode; default).

2 – everything is hatched (Ignore mode).

HpIslandDetectionMode toggles the type of island detection; controls HpIslandDetection:

0 – legacy island detection.

1 – shiny new island detection method (default).

HpLastPattern (undocumented) reports the name of the last hatch pattern used (read-only):

“Ansi31” – (default).

HpLayer specifies the name of the layer to use for new hatches and fills.

“Use Current” – (default).

HpObjWarning now has a default value of 10000, up from 1000 in previous releases; range is 1 to 1073741823.

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HpOriginStoreAsDefault (undocumented) specifies whether the user-defined hatch origin is stored as the default value:

0 – not stored (default).

1 – store specified origin as default.

HpQuickPreview toggles the display of hatch previews when the cursor is inside boundaries:

Off – no preview.

On – preview (default).

HpRelativePs (undocumented) toggles whether hatch pattern scaling is relative to the paper space scale factor (read-only):

Off – hatch patterns are not scaled (default).

On – hatch patterns are scaled

HpTransparency sets the default translucency percentage for new hatches; has no effect on existing patterns:

“Use current” or “.” – uses the translucency specified by the CeTransparency system variable (default).

“ByLayer” or “ByBlock” – uses the translucency specified by the associated layer or block.

0 to 90 – range of translucency from 0 (none) to 90 (mostly transparent).

MirrHatch toggles the mirroring of hatches:

0 – retains hatch angle (default).

1 – mirrors hatch angle.

Original hatch patterns

HpMirror = 1(pattern mirrored)

Mirror line

HpMirror = 0(pattern notmirrored)

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The ClassicLayer dialog box and Layer palette now have the new Transparency and VP Transparencycolumns, as does their Layer Filters Properties sub-dialog box.

The LayerState, LayTrans, and SetByLayer commands also get the new Transparency property intheir dialog boxes.

The -Layer command now has the new TRansparency option:Command: -layer-layer-layer-layer-layerCurrent layer: "0"Enter an option[?/Make/Set/New/Rename/ON/OFF/Color/Ltype/LWeight/TRansparency/MATerial/Plot/Freeze/Thaw/LOck/Unlock/stAte/Description/rEconcile]: trtrtrtrtrEnter transparency value (0-90): (Enter an integer between 0 and 90.)(Enter an integer between 0 and 90.)(Enter an integer between 0 and 90.)(Enter an integer between 0 and 90.)(Enter an integer between 0 and 90.)

The VpLayer command also gets the new TRansparency property:Command: vplayervplayervplayervplayervplayerEnter an option[?/Color/Ltype/LWeight/TRansparency/Freeze/Thaw/Reset/Newfrz/Vpvisdflt]:


SetByLayerMode adds transparency to its list of modes:

128 – includes transparency property.


The Linetype command now supports the new “U” parameter in complex linetypes, which forces textand shapes in linetpes to be displayed “upright.”

*GAS_LINE,Gas line ----GAS----GAS----GAS----GAS----GAS----GAS--A,.5,-.2,["GAS",STANDARD,S=.1,UUUUU=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-.05],-.25

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The List command now has the new Transparency property.

The ScaleListEdit command now allows the creation of customized scale lists.

The Style command’s dialog box now notes which fonts are missing from the drawing.



The Clip-Tahoe+1 (undocumented) command is a placeholder for the unified Clip command from olderreleases of AutoCAD.

Command: clip-tahoe+1AutoCAD unified clip command goes here.

The Image command supports both kinds of transparency, to the background color and to the overallimage:

• Transparency property now applies to the entire image.• Background Transparency is the new name for the property that applies to a single color;

formerly the Transparency property (and command).

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Constraints and Parameters


The ConstraintSettings command’s dialog box’s Geometric tab has new options:

The Infer Geometric Constraints option causes AutoCAD 2011 to infers geometric constraints asyou draw and edit geometry. For example, using the Rectang command to draw a rectangle now auto-matically applies horizontal, parallel, and perpendicular constraints to ensure it remains a rectangle whengrip-editing it.

Parallel contraint

Horizontal constraint

Perpendicular constraint

The Show Constraint Bars When Objects are Selected option displays the constraint bars of theselected objects temporarily. This is useful when you have the display of constraint bars turned off (toreduce clutter in the drawing).

AutoCAD 2011 removes the Show All Dynamic Constraints option.


ConstraintCursorDisplay (undocumented) toggles the display of the constraint icons that appear next to the cursor:

0 – off.

1 – on (default).

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ConstraintInfer toggles the inference of geometric constraints as objects are drawn and edited:

0 – not inferred (default).

1 – inferred.


The BEditor command’s Parameters palette adds the Show and Order columns for toggling the displayand determining the order in which constraints appear in the Properties palette.

Icons are now displayed for action parameters, attributes, and user parameters, as they were in thedrawing editor version of this palette.



The DcDisplay command toggles the display of selected dynamic constraints; it does not work withannotational dimensional constraints (use layers to hide them).

Command: dcdisplaydcdisplaydcdisplaydcdisplaydcdisplaySelect objects: (Select one or more dimensional constraints.)(Select one or more dimensional constraints.)(Select one or more dimensional constraints.)(Select one or more dimensional constraints.)(Select one or more dimensional constraints.)Select objects: (Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)Enter an option [Show/Hide]<Show>: (Type S or H.)(Type S or H.)(Type S or H.)(Type S or H.)(Type S or H.)

TIP This command contains two hidden options, Showall and Hideall, which show and hide all dynamic constraints at

once. Enter either option at the ‘Select objects’ prompt; there is no need to select objects.


The DimConstraint command has a new option, Convert, for converting associative dimensions todimensional constraints:

Command: dimconstraintdimconstraintdimconstraintdimconstraintdimconstraintCurrent settings: Constraint form = DynamicEnter a dimensional constraint option[Linear/Horizontal/Vertical/Aligned/ANgular/Radius/Diameter/Form/Convert]<Convert>:ccccc

Select associative dimensions to convert: (Choose one or more dimensions.)(Choose one or more dimensions.)(Choose one or more dimensions.)(Choose one or more dimensions.)(Choose one or more dimensions.)Select associative dimensions to convert: (Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)4 associative dimensions converted

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This command’s options can now be accessed directly through new commands that begin with DC, suchas DcLinear, as listed below.

The DcAligned command constrains the distance between two points on objects.Command: dcaligneddcaligneddcaligneddcaligneddcalignedSpecify first constraint point or [Object/Point & line/2Lines] <Object>: (Enter(Enter(Enter(Enter(Enteran option.)an option.)an option.)an option.)an option.)Specify second constraint point: (Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)Specify dimension line location: (Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)Dimension text = 16.5897

The DcAngular command constrains the angle between objects.Command: dcangulardcangulardcangulardcangulardcangularSelect first line or arc or [3Point] <3Point>: (Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)Select second line: (Select a point.)(Select a point.)(Select a point.)(Select a point.)(Select a point.)Specify dimension line location: (Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)Dimension text = 90

The DcConvert command converts associative dimensions to dimensional constraints.Command: dcconvertdcconvertdcconvertdcconvertdcconvertSelect associative dimensions to convert: (Choose one or more dimensions.)(Choose one or more dimensions.)(Choose one or more dimensions.)(Choose one or more dimensions.)(Choose one or more dimensions.)Select associative dimensions to convert: (Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)3 associative dimensions converted

The DcDiameter command constrains the diameters of circular objects.Command: dcdiameterdcdiameterdcdiameterdcdiameterdcdiameterSelect arc or circle: (Choose a circle or arc.)(Choose a circle or arc.)(Choose a circle or arc.)(Choose a circle or arc.)(Choose a circle or arc.)Dimension text = 6.5786Specify dimension line location: (Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)

The DcForm command toggles the creation of dimensional constraints between dynamic and annotational,and then carries on with the prompts form the DimConstraint command:

Command: dcformdcformdcformdcformdcformEnter constraint form [Annotational/Dynamic] <Dynamic>: (Type A or D.)(Type A or D.)(Type A or D.)(Type A or D.)(Type A or D.)Current settings: Constraint form = DynamicEnter a dimensional constraint option[Linear/Horizontal/Vertical/Aligned/ANgular/Radius/Diameter/Form/Convert]<Convert>: etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.

The DcHorizontal command constrains the horizontal distance between objects.Command: dchorizontaldchorizontaldchorizontaldchorizontaldchorizontalSpecify first constraint point or [Object] <Object>:Select object: (Select an object.)(Select an object.)(Select an object.)(Select an object.)(Select an object.)Specify dimension line location: (Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)Dimension text = 16.5897

The DcLinear command constrains objects horizontally, vertically, or rotationally.Command: dclineardclineardclineardclineardclinearSpecify first constraint point or [Object] <Object>: (Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)Select object: (Select an object.)(Select an object.)(Select an object.)(Select an object.)(Select an object.)Specify dimension line location: (Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)Dimension text = 9.4634

The DcRadius command constrains the radii of curved objects.Command: dcradiusdcradiusdcradiusdcradiusdcradiusSelect arc or circle: (Choose a circle or arc.)(Choose a circle or arc.)(Choose a circle or arc.)(Choose a circle or arc.)(Choose a circle or arc.)Dimension text = 3.2893Specify dimension line location: (Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)

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The DcVertical command constrains the vertical distance between two objects or two points on anobject.

Command: dcverticaldcverticaldcverticaldcverticaldcverticalSpecify first constraint point or [Object] <Object>: (Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)Select object: (Select an object.)(Select an object.)(Select an object.)(Select an object.)(Select an object.)Specify dimension line location: (Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)Dimension text = 9.4634



The AutoConstrain command now supports the Equal constraint.


The GeomConstraint command’s options can now be accessed directly through new commands thatbegin with GC, such as GcCoincident, as listed below.

Geometric constraints can now applied be applied to ellipses and text.

These constraints are now applied automatically to geometry, such as those created by the Rectang andFillet commands, as illustrated earlier. Ensure the Infer Geometric Constraints option is turned on in thisdialog box’s Geometric tab.

The GcCoincident command constrains selected objects to points: lines, polyline segments and arcs,circles, arcs, ellipses, splines, and two constraint points.

Command: gccoincidentgccoincidentgccoincidentgccoincidentgccoincidentSelect first point or [Object/Autoconstrain] <Object>:

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The GcColinear command constrains selected objects to lie along the same line: lines, polyline seg-ments, ellipses, and multiline text.

Command: gccolineargccolineargccolineargccolineargccolinearSelect first object or [Multiple]:

The GcConcentric command constrains two arcs, circles, or ellipses to the same center point.Command: gcconcentricgcconcentricgcconcentricgcconcentricgcconcentricSelect first object:

The GcEqual command constrains selected objects to the same size or radius: lines, polyline segmentsand arcs, circles, and arcs.

Command: gcequalgcequalgcequalgcequalgcequalSelect first object or [Multiple]:

The GcFix command locks selected objects in one position.Command: gcfixgcfixgcfixgcfixgcfixSelect point or [Object] <Object>:

The GcHorizontal command constrains selected objects to be horizontal: lines, polyline segments, el-lipses, multiline text, and two valid points.

Command: gchorizontalgchorizontalgchorizontalgchorizontalgchorizontalSelect an object or [2Points] <2Points>:

The GcParallel command constrains selected objects to be parallel to each other: lines, polyline seg-ments, ellipses, and multiline text.

Command: gcparallelgcparallelgcparallelgcparallelgcparallelSelect first object:

The GcPerpedicular command constrains selected objects to be perpendicular to one another.Command: gcperpendiculargcperpendiculargcperpendiculargcperpendiculargcperpendicularSelect first object:

The GcSmooth command constrains splines to be contiguous (and maintain G2 continuity) with othersplines, lines, arcs, and polylines.

Command: gcsmoothgcsmoothgcsmoothgcsmoothgcsmoothSelect first spline curve:

The GcSymmetric command constrains selected objects to be symmetrically constrained about a line ofsymmetry.

Command: gcsymmetricgcsymmetricgcsymmetricgcsymmetricgcsymmetricSelect first object or [2Points] <2Points>:

The GcTangent command constrains two curves to maintain tangency to each other, or their exten-sions.

Command: gctangentgctangentgctangentgctangentgctangentSelect first object:

The GcVertical command constrains selected objects to be vertical.Command: gcverticalgcverticalgcverticalgcverticalgcverticalSelect an object or [2Points] <2Points>:

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AutoCAD 2011 adds an orange dot to the cursor icons of fix, horizontal, and vertical constraints so thatyou can distinguish between point and object constraints.

Constraint Point Icon Object Icon




There are now three icons for symmetry constraint, to distinguish between point, object, and line sym-metry:

Constraint Point Icon Object Icon Line Icon




The Parameters command’s palette has a new Filters section for creating groups of parameters, and asearch box for finding parameters. The command-line oriented -Parameters command does not gainthese new features.

(In Block Editor, the palette adds the Show and Order columns for toggling the display and determiningthe order in which constraints appear in the Properties palette.)

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3D Modeling and Rendering


The Loft and Sweep commands can now select subobjects, such as edges, as profiles and curves.

In addition, both have the new MOde option, which allows you to specify solids or surfaces as the resultof the lofting operation. (See the Extrude command.)

A new droplist menu grip that lets you specify the curvature of NURBS surface loft. Surfaces generatedby other commands also feature this new menu:

Some of the variations are illustrated below:

Left to right: Smooth fit; Normal* to all sections; Normal to start and end sections; Draft angle.

(* Normal means at 90 degrees.)

The Draft Angle option allows you to interactively adjust the angle between the surface edge and itsguide.

Preview of change in angle

Drag to increase the magintude

Drag to change the angle

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The 3dOsnap command selects 3D object snap modes in the Drafting Settings dialog box.

The -3dOsnap command sets 3D object snap modes at the command line.Command: -3dosnap -3dosnap -3dosnap -3dosnap -3dosnapEnter list of object snap modes: (Enter the names of modes.)(Enter the names of modes.)(Enter the names of modes.)(Enter the names of modes.)(Enter the names of modes.)

To enter more than one mode at a time, separate them with commas. The modes are:

Icon 3D Osnap Name Abbreviation Meaning

Zvertex ZVER Snaps to vertices.

Zmidpoint ZMID Snaps to the midpoints on face edges.

Zcenter ZCEN Snaps to the centers of faces.

Zknot ZKNO Snaps to spline knots.

Zperpendicular ZPER Snaps to perpendicular faces.

Znear ZNEA Snaps to the objects nearest to a face.

Znone ZNON Turns off all 3D object snap modes.


3dOsMode specifies the current 3D object snaps modes (bitcode):

0 – enables all 3D osnap modes.

1 – temporarily disables all 3D osnap modes (keyboard = ZNON)

2 – snaps to vertices (ZVER)

4 – snaps to midpoints of edges (ZMID)

8 – snaps to centers of faces (ZCEN)

16 – snaps to spline knots (ZKNO)

32 – snaps to the perpendiculars of faces (ZPER).

64 – snaps to objects nearest to faces (ZNEA).

128 – turns on all 3D osnap modes.

11 – (default) 1 + 2 + 8 = center of a face and vertex.

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The AnalysisOptions command changes display options for curvature, draft, and zebra analysis through adialog box. As you change settings, the effects change in realtime.

Zebra Tab

Zebra analysis illustrates three styles surface continuity: G0 (position), G1 (tangent), and G2 (curvature).

Left: Chrome Ball type with thinnest size.Right: Cylinder type with thickest size.

The Select Object to Analyze button selects objects in the drawing.

The Stripe Display options control the look of the zebra stripes:

• Stripe Direction slider specifies the angle of cylindrical stripes; ranges from 0 to 90 degrees.(To change the angle of chrome ball stripes, use the VsZebraDirection system variable.)

• Type droplist selects the type of zebra stripes, either Cylinder or Chrome Ball.• Size droplist selects the width of zebra stripes, ranging from Thinnest to Thickest.• Color 1 and 2 droplists select the strip colors.• Clear Zebra Analysis button removes the stripes from the objects, returning them to their

original color.

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Curvature Tab

Curvature analysis illustrates Gaussian, minimum, maximum, and mean U and V surface curvatures. Posi-tive curvatures are bowl-shaped, and are colored green, while negatives ones are saddle shaped and arecolored blue. Areas of zero curvature are flat (red).

Left: Automatically determined range of curvature.Right: Mean style with maximum range of curvature.

The Select Object to Analyze button selects objects in the drawing.

The Color Mapping options control the look of curvature colors:

• Display Style droplist specifies the display style, Gaussian, Mean, Max Radius, and MinRadius.

• Maximum curvature value displays green areas.• Minimum curvature value displays blue areas.• Auto Range button assigns 80% of values between high and low ranges.• Max Range button determines the maximum and minimum ranges of all objects.• Clear Curvature Analysis button removes the curvature analysis display from the objects

returning them to their original color.

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Draft Analysis Tab

If the surface is parallel to the construction plane with surface normals facing in the same direction as thecurrent UCS, the draft angle is 90.0. When perpendicular, it is 0. If the surface is parallel to the currentUCS with surface normals facing in the opposite direction than the current UCS, the draft angle is -90.0.Maps green to the highest draft angle, red to the medium draft angle, and blue to the lowest draft angle.The draft angle is the angle in degrees between the surface normal and the UCS plane.

The Select Object to Analyze button selects objects in the drawing.

The Color Mapping option controls the color of draft angles:

• Angle sets the high (green) and low (blue) draft angles.• Clear Draft Angle Analysis button removes the analysis colors from the objects, return-

ing them to their original color.

Curvature is greaterthan 1 degree

Curvature is lessthan 1 degree

The AnalysisCurvature command displays color curvature gradients on 3D solid and surface models; thiscommand does not work with meshes and other 3D objects.

Command: analysiscurvatureanalysiscurvatureanalysiscurvatureanalysiscurvatureanalysiscurvatureSelect solids, surfaces to analyze or [Turn off]: allallallallallSelect solids, surfaces to analyze or [Turn off]: (Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)

The Turn off option turns off the analysis colors, returning the model to its original colors.

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VsaCurvatureHigh (short for “visual style analysis”) specifies the value above which surface curvature is displayed in green;

range is any real number:

1.0000 – (default).

VsaCurvatureLow specifies the value below which surface curvature is displayed in blue; range is any real number:

-1.0000 – (default).

VsaCurvatureType determines the type of curvature analysis used by the AnalysisCurvature command:

0 – Gaussian evaluates areas of high and low curvature (default).

1 – Mean evaluates mean curvature of u and v surface values.

2 – Maximum evaluates maximum curvature of u and v surface values.

3 – Minimum evaluates minimum curvature of u and v surface values.

The AnalysisDraft command displays color spacing gradients between parts and molds.Command: analysisdraftanalysisdraftanalysisdraftanalysisdraftanalysisdraftSelect solids, surfaces to analyze or [Turn off]: allallallallallSelect solids, surfaces to analyze or [Turn off]: (Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)

Draft angle is greaterthan 3.0 degrees

Draft angle is less than3.0 degrees

Draft angle is0 degrees

The Turn off option turns off the analysis colors, returning the model to its original colors.

VsaDraftangleHigh specifies the draft angle above which portions of the model is displayed with green during draft analysis:

-90 – surface is parallel to the UCS with surface normal facing the opposite direction from the construction plane.

0 – surface is perpendicular to the construction plane.

3 – (default).

90 – surface is parallel to the construction plane with surface normal facing the same direction as the UCS.

VsaDraftangleLow specifies the draft angle below which portions of the model is displayed with blue during draft analysis:

-90 – surface is parallel to the UCS with surface normal facing the opposite direction from the construction plane.

-3 – (default).

0 – surface is perpendicular to the construction plane.

90 – surface is parallel to the construction plane with surface normal facing the same direction as the UCS.

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The AnalysisZebra command displays black and white surface continuity stripes on 3D models.Command: analysiszebraanalysiszebraanalysiszebraanalysiszebraanalysiszebraSelect solids, surfaces to analyze or [Turn off]: allallallallallSelect solids, surfaces to analyze or [Turn off]: (Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)


VsaZebraColor1 specifies one color of zebra analysis stripes; uses ACI, RGB, HSL, or ColorBook values.

“Rgb:255,255,255” – white (default).

VsaZebraColor2 specifies second color of zebra analysis stripes; uses ACI, RGB, HSL, or ColorBook values:

“Rgb:0,0,0” – black (default).

VsaZzebraDirection specifies the angle of zebra stripes; range is 0 to 90 degrees:

0 – horizontal.

90 – vertical (default).

VsaZebraSize specifies the width of stripes in zebra analysis displays; range is 1 to 100 pixels.

45 – (default).

VsaZebraType determines the type of zebra analysis display:

0 – chrome ball effect.

1 – cylinder effect (default).

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The ChamferEdge command interactively bevels the edges of 3D solids and surfaces.Command: chamferedge chamferedge chamferedge chamferedge chamferedgeDistance1 = 1.0000, Distance2 = 1.0000Select an edge or [Loop/Distance]: (Pick an edge.)(Pick an edge.)(Pick an edge.)(Pick an edge.)(Pick an edge.)

AutoCAD previews the chamfered edge.

Select an edge belongs to the same face or [Loop/Distance]: (Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)

AutoCAD places the chamfer.

TIPS At the ‘Select an edge’ prompt, you can select multiple edges, but they must all be part of the same face.

Instead of entering chamfer distances at the ‘Distance’ prompt, you can drag the chamfer’s grips.

The chamfer cannot, unfortunately, be interactively edited following this command.

Left: Selecting multiple edges of the top face.Right: Dragging the chamfer grips.

• The Loop option chamfers all edges of a single face.• The Distance option prompts you:

Specify Distance1 or [Expression] <1.0000>: (Enter a distance, or type E.)(Enter a distance, or type E.)(Enter a distance, or type E.)(Enter a distance, or type E.)(Enter a distance, or type E.)Specify Distance2 or [Expression] <1.0000>: (Enter a distance, or type E.)(Enter a distance, or type E.)(Enter a distance, or type E.)(Enter a distance, or type E.)(Enter a distance, or type E.)

• The Expression option determines chamfer distances through mathematical expression; seeboxed text.

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The FilletEdge command rounds and fillets the edges of solid objects. (Use SurfFillet on surfaces.)Command: filletedefilletedefilletedefilletedefilletedeRadius = 1.0000Select an edge or [Chain/Radius]: (Select one or more edges.)(Select one or more edges.)(Select one or more edges.)(Select one or more edges.)(Select one or more edges.)

AutoCAD previews the filleted edge.

Press Enter to accept the fillet or [Radius]: (Press Enter or adjust radius.)(Press Enter or adjust radius.)(Press Enter or adjust radius.)(Press Enter or adjust radius.)(Press Enter or adjust radius.)

AutoCAD places the filet .

TIPS At the ‘Select an edge’ prompt, you can select multiple edges, but they must all be part of the same face.

At the ‘Radius’ prompt you can drag the fillet’s grips.

Left: Selecting multiple edges of the top face.Right: Dragging the fillet’s grip.


FilletRad3d reports the current fillet radius used by the new FilletEdge and SurfFillet commands; range is any real number.

1.0000 – default.

Using ExpressionsUsing ExpressionsUsing ExpressionsUsing ExpressionsUsing Expressions

Several commands now support expressions, such as ChamferEdge and Extrude. Enter:

• Basic arithmetic expressions, such as 1+2.• User variables created in the Parameters palette, such as Var1+0.25.• Dimensional constraint parameters, such as D1 and D2.

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The ImpledFaceX (undocumented) command extracts loops from 3D solids to create regions. Curiously,this command lacks a prompt:

Command: impliedfaceximpliedfaceximpliedfaceximpliedfaceximpliedfacex(Select a face...(Select a face...(Select a face...(Select a face...(Select a face...

AutoCAD creates a region of the selected face.

...and then drag it.)...and then drag it.)...and then drag it.)...and then drag it.)...and then drag it.)

AutoCAD extrudes the region as a new part of the body.

The ProjectGeometry command projects points, lines, or curves onto 3D solids and surfaces:Command: projectgeometryprojectgeometryprojectgeometryprojectgeometryprojectgeometrySurfaceAutoTrim = 0Select curves, points to be projected or [PROjection direction]: (Select one or(Select one or(Select one or(Select one or(Select one ormore objects.)more objects.)more objects.)more objects.)more objects.)Select curves, points to be projected or [PROjection direction]: (Press Enter to(Press Enter to(Press Enter to(Press Enter to(Press Enter tocontinue.)continue.)continue.)continue.)continue.)

Select a solid, surface, or region for the target of the projection: (Select an(Select an(Select an(Select an(Select anobject.)object.)object.)object.)object.)Specify the projection direction [View/Ucs/Points] <View>: (Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)1 object(s) projected successfully.

A circle imprinted on a 3D solid.

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The purpose of this command is to project points and curves onto a 3D solid or surface, and thenoptionally trim the 3D object. (To trim surfaces, change SurfaceAutoTrim = 1.) You can project thefollowing objects: points, lines, arcs, circles, ellipses, 2D and 3D polylines (including splined and curve-fitpolylines) splines, and helixes.

The PRojection direction option prompts you:Specify the projection direction [View/Ucs/Points] <View>: (Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)

• Project to UCS option projects the geometry up or down the z axis of the current UCS.• Project to View option projects the geometry along the current view direction.• Project to Two Points projects the geometry along a straight path specified by two points.

You can use object snaps to pick points on objects. You are prompted:Specify start point of direction: (Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)Specify end point of direction: (Pick another point.)(Pick another point.)(Pick another point.)(Pick another point.)(Pick another point.)

TIPS This command differs from the Imprint command, in that Imprint requires the imprintable object to lay on the


Following the ProjectGeometry command, you can use the ImpliedFaceX command to extrude the imprinted object.


The Extrude command now selects subobjects, such as edges, as profiles and curves. It has a new MOdeoption, and can determine extrusion heights parametrically through the new Expression option.

Command: extrudeextrudeextrudeextrudeextrudeCurrent wire frame density: ISOLINES=4, Closed profiles creation mode = SolidSelect objects to extrude or [MOde]: (Select one or more objects.)(Select one or more objects.)(Select one or more objects.)(Select one or more objects.)(Select one or more objects.)Select objects to extrude or [MOde]: (Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)

Specify height of extrusion or [Direction/Path/Taper angle/Expression] <0.4>:(Enter a distance, or enter an option.)(Enter a distance, or enter an option.)(Enter a distance, or enter an option.)(Enter a distance, or enter an option.)(Enter a distance, or enter an option.)

• The MOde option determines whether extruded objects become solids or surfaces:Closed profiles creation mode [SOlid/SUrface] <Solid>: (TypeSO or SU.)(TypeSO or SU.)(TypeSO or SU.)(TypeSO or SU.)(TypeSO or SU.)

The circle (imprinted by the ProjectGeometry command)extruded as a surface by the Extrude command.

TIP When this command extrudes objects as surfaces, then you can control whether they become NURBS or

procedural surfaces through the SurfaceModelngMode system variable.

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The Revolve command now selects subobjects, such as edges, profiles, and curves. It also has the newMOde option, and can determine extrusion heights parametrically thorugh the new Expression option.

Command: revolverevolverevolverevolverevolveCurrent wire frame density: ISOLINES=4, Closed profiles creation mode = SolidSelect objects to revolve or [MOde]: (Select one or more objects.)(Select one or more objects.)(Select one or more objects.)(Select one or more objects.)(Select one or more objects.)Select objects to revolve or [MOde]: (Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)

Specify axis start point or define axis by [Object/X/Y/Z] <Object>: (Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)Specify angle of revolution or [STart angle/Reverse/EXpression] <360>: (Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)

• The MOde option determines whether revolved objects become solids or surfaces:Closed profiles creation mode [SOlid/SUrface] <Solid>: (TypeSO or SU.)(TypeSO or SU.)(TypeSO or SU.)(TypeSO or SU.)(TypeSO or SU.)

The circle (imprinted by the ProjectGeometry command)revolved by the Extrude command.

AutoCAD 2011 Displays Isoparms on SurfacesAutoCAD 2011 Displays Isoparms on SurfacesAutoCAD 2011 Displays Isoparms on SurfacesAutoCAD 2011 Displays Isoparms on SurfacesAutoCAD 2011 Displays Isoparms on Surfaces

The Properties palette allows you to change the wireframe display of surfaces betweenIsolines and isoparms (short for “isoparametric curves”).

LLLLLeft: Blue surface shows isolines; orange surface isoparms.eft: Blue surface shows isolines; orange surface isoparms.eft: Blue surface shows isolines; orange surface isoparms.eft: Blue surface shows isolines; orange surface isoparms.eft: Blue surface shows isolines; orange surface isoparms.Right: Changing display modes in the PRight: Changing display modes in the PRight: Changing display modes in the PRight: Changing display modes in the PRight: Changing display modes in the Properties palette.roperties palette.roperties palette.roperties palette.roperties palette.

Isoparms are lines that run across the width of NURBS surfaces parallel to either the U or Vdirection.

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The MeshCap command creates mesh faces that connect open edges.Command: meshcapmeshcapmeshcapmeshcapmeshcapSelect connecting mesh edges to create a new mesh face: (Choose one or more(Choose one or more(Choose one or more(Choose one or more(Choose one or moreedges.)edges.)edges.)edges.)edges.)Select connecting mesh edges to create a new mesh face: (Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)

Left to right: Mesh cylinder; selecting edges; capped mesh.

The MeshCollapse command merges vertices of 3D mesh faces or edges. This command works with oneface or one edge at a time.

Command: meshcollapseSelect mesh face or edge to collapse: (Choose a face or an edge.)(Choose a face or an edge.)(Choose a face or an edge.)(Choose a face or an edge.)(Choose a face or an edge.)

Left to right: Face selected on mesh cylinder; collapsed face; collapsed edge.

The MeshExtrude command extrudes mesh faces.Command: meshextrudeAdjacent extruded faces set to: JoinSelect mesh face(s) to extrude or [Setting]: (Choose one or more faces, or type(Choose one or more faces, or type(Choose one or more faces, or type(Choose one or more faces, or type(Choose one or more faces, or typeS.)S.)S.)S.)S.)Select mesh face(s) to extrude or [Setting]: (Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)Specify height of extrusion or [Direction/Path/Taper angle] <1>: (Enter an op-(Enter an op-(Enter an op-(Enter an op-(Enter an op-tion, or enter a positive or negative real number.)tion, or enter a positive or negative real number.)tion, or enter a positive or negative real number.)tion, or enter a positive or negative real number.)tion, or enter a positive or negative real number.)

Left to right: Mesh cylinder; selecting faces; joined extruded faces.

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The Setting option determines if adjacent faces are included in the extrusion:Join adjacent mesh faces [Yes/No] <Yes>: (Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)

• Yes means adjacent faces are extruded as a single face.• No means each face is extruded independently.

Adjacent faces extruded independently (not joined).

The MeshMerge command merges adjacent mesh faces into a single face.Command: meshmergemeshmergemeshmergemeshmergemeshmergeSelect adjacent mesh faces to merge: (Select two or more faces.)(Select two or more faces.)(Select two or more faces.)(Select two or more faces.)(Select two or more faces.)Select adjacent mesh faces to merge: (Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)

Left to right: Pyramid mesh; four faces selected (outlined in blue); merged face.

The MeshSpin command rotates adjoining edges of adjacent triangular mesh faces. Note that this com-mand operates only on 3D meshes with triangular faces; use the MeshSplit command to divide rectan-gular faces into triangular ones. (The cylinders illustrated above have rectangular faces.)

Command: meshspinmeshspinmeshspinmeshspinmeshspinSelect first triangular mesh face to spin: (Choose one triangular mesh.)(Choose one triangular mesh.)(Choose one triangular mesh.)(Choose one triangular mesh.)(Choose one triangular mesh.)Select second adjacent triangular mesh face to spin: (Choose adjacent triangular(Choose adjacent triangular(Choose adjacent triangular(Choose adjacent triangular(Choose adjacent triangularmesh.)mesh.)mesh.)mesh.)mesh.)

Left to right: Original mesh; rectangular face split into two (outlined in blue); rotated faces.

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The ConvToMesh command now converts surfaces to 3D mesh objects. (This command is also knownas “MeshSmooth.”)

The ConvToNurbs command converts 3D solids and surfaces into NURBS (nonuniform rational B-spline) surfaces.

Command: convtonurbsconvtonurbsconvtonurbsconvtonurbsconvtonurbsSelect objects to convert to: (Choose one or more solids and surfaces.)(Choose one or more solids and surfaces.)(Choose one or more solids and surfaces.)(Choose one or more solids and surfaces.)(Choose one or more solids and surfaces.)Select objects to convert to: (Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)

Left: 3D solid...Right: ...converted to NURBS surface.


The CvAdd command adds control vertices to NURBS surfaces. (This command also applies to splines,but presents different prompts; see Spline Edit earlier.)

Command: cvaddcvaddcvaddcvaddcvaddSelect a NURBS surface or curve to add control vertices:Select a NURBS surface or curve to add control vertices:Adding control vertices in U directionSelect point on surface or [insert Knots/Direction]:

The CvRebuild command rebuilds the shapes of NURBS surfaces. (This command displays a differentdialog box when a spline is selected.)

Command: cvrebuildcvrebuildcvrebuildcvrebuildcvrebuildSelect a NURBS surface or curve to rebuild: (Chose one surface .)(Chose one surface .)(Chose one surface .)(Chose one surface .)(Chose one surface .)Selecting a surface displays the following dialog box:Selecting a surface displays the following dialog box:Selecting a surface displays the following dialog box:Selecting a surface displays the following dialog box:Selecting a surface displays the following dialog box:

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The Control Vertices Count options specify the number of U and V control vertices; range is 4 to32767:

• In U Direction specifies number of control vertices in U direction (local X).• In V Direction specifies number of control vertices in V direction (local Y).

The Degree option specifies number of control vertices per span.; range is 2 to 3:

• In U Direction specifies degree in U direction.• In V Direction specifies degree in V direction.

The Options options specify the build options:

• Delete Input Geometry toggles whether defining geometry (paths and guide curves) isdeleted following editing.

• Retrim Previously Trimmed Surface toggles whether trim history is maintained .

The Maximum Deviation item reports the maximum deviation between the original surface and thenew one.

The -CvRebuild command rebuilds the shapes of NURBS surfaces at the command line. It uses thevalues stored in the Rebuild2dDegree and Rebuld2dCv system variables.

Command: -cvrebuild -cvrebuild -cvrebuild -cvrebuild -cvrebuildSelect a NURBS surface or curve to rebuild: (Choose a surface.)(Choose a surface.)(Choose a surface.)(Choose a surface.)(Choose a surface.)

The CvRemove command removes control vertices from NURBS surfaces:Command: cvremovecvremovecvremovecvremovecvremoveSelect a NURBS surface or curve to remove control vertices: (Choose a surface.)(Choose a surface.)(Choose a surface.)(Choose a surface.)(Choose a surface.)Removing control vertices in U directionSelect point on surface or [Direction]: (Pick a point or type D.)(Pick a point or type D.)(Pick a point or type D.)(Pick a point or type D.)(Pick a point or type D.)

• Direction option determines whether control vertices are removed from the U or Vdirections.

The CvShow and CvHide commands show and hide control vertices of selected NURBS surfaces. CvShowoperates on selected NURBS objects, while CvHide applies to all.

Command: cvshowcvshowcvshowcvshowcvshowSelect NURBS surfaces or curves to display control Vertices: (Choose one or more(Choose one or more(Choose one or more(Choose one or more(Choose one or moresurfaces and/or curves.)surfaces and/or curves.)surfaces and/or curves.)surfaces and/or curves.)surfaces and/or curves.)Select NURBS surfaces or curves to display control Vertices: (Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)

Command: cvhidecvhidecvhidecvhidecvhide

Left: CvShow displays control vertices of the selected surface.Right: CvHide hides the vertices.

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The SurfBlend command adds continuous blend surfaces between two existing surfaces.Command: surfblendsurfblendsurfblendsurfblendsurfblendContinuity = G1 - tangent, bulge magnitude = 0.5Select first surface edges to blend: (Choose one or more edges of a surface.)(Choose one or more edges of a surface.)(Choose one or more edges of a surface.)(Choose one or more edges of a surface.)(Choose one or more edges of a surface.)Select first surface edges to blend: (Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)

Select second surface edges to blend: (Choose the edges of a second surface.)(Choose the edges of a second surface.)(Choose the edges of a second surface.)(Choose the edges of a second surface.)(Choose the edges of a second surface.)Press Enter to accept the blend surface or [CONtinuity/Bulge magnitude]: (Press(Press(Press(Press(PressEnter, or enter an option.)Enter, or enter an option.)Enter, or enter an option.)Enter, or enter an option.)Enter, or enter an option.)

Left: Two surfaces.Right: Two edges of surfaces blended.

• CONtinuity option determines the level of smoothness of where the blend surfaces meetthe original surfaces; prompts you:

First edge continuity [G0/G1/G2] <G1>: (Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)Second edge continuity [G0/G1/G2] <G1>: (Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)

Icon Levels of Smoothness Meaning

G0 Position (not tangent or curved)

G1 Tangent

G2 Continuous curvature

TIP To set the level of curvature, you can enter a G number, or else click the triangular grip and then choose an option

from the context menu.

• Bulge magnitude option specifies the roundness of where the blend surfaces meet theoriginal surfaces; prompts you:

First edge bulge magnitude <0.5>: (Enter a real number between 0 and 1.)(Enter a real number between 0 and 1.)(Enter a real number between 0 and 1.)(Enter a real number between 0 and 1.)(Enter a real number between 0 and 1.)Second edge bulge magnitude <0.5>: (Enter a real number between 0 and 1.)(Enter a real number between 0 and 1.)(Enter a real number between 0 and 1.)(Enter a real number between 0 and 1.)(Enter a real number between 0 and 1.)


The SurfExtend command lengthens surfaces by specified distances.Command: surfextendsurfextendsurfextendsurfextendsurfextendModes = Extend, Creation = AppendSelect surface edges to extend: (Choose one or more edges.)(Choose one or more edges.)(Choose one or more edges.)(Choose one or more edges.)(Choose one or more edges.)Select surface edges to extend: (Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)

Specify extend distance [Expression/Modes]: (Specify a distance or an option.)(Specify a distance or an option.)(Specify a distance or an option.)(Specify a distance or an option.)(Specify a distance or an option.)

• Expression option allows you to enter a Parametric-like formula.• Modes option switches between Extend and Stretch modes; prompts you:

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Extension mode [Extend/Stretch] <Extend>: (Type E or S.)(Type E or S.)(Type E or S.)(Type E or S.)(Type E or S.)Creation type [Merge/Append] <Append>: (Type M or A.)(Type M or A.)(Type M or A.)(Type M or A.)(Type M or A.)

Extend continues the shape of the surface; Stretch extrudes the surface.Merge extends the surface; Append creates a new surface adjacent to the original.

Left: Appended surface.Right: Merged surface.


The SurfFillet command adds surface fillets between pairs of surfaces. The radius must be equal to orlarger than the gap between them.

Command: surffilletsurffilletsurffilletsurffilletsurffilletRadius = 0.5000, Trim Surface = yesSelect first surface or region to fillet or [Radius/Trim surface]: (Pick an(Pick an(Pick an(Pick an(Pick anobject or enter an option.)object or enter an option.)object or enter an option.)object or enter an option.)object or enter an option.)Select second surface or region to fillet or [Radius/Trim surface]: (Pick an(Pick an(Pick an(Pick an(Pick anobject or enter an option.)object or enter an option.)object or enter an option.)object or enter an option.)object or enter an option.)Press Enter to accept the fillet surface or [Radius/Trim surfaces]: (Press Enter,(Press Enter,(Press Enter,(Press Enter,(Press Enter,or enter an option.)or enter an option.)or enter an option.)or enter an option.)or enter an option.)

Above: Two surfaces before being filleted...Below: ...and after being filleted with automatic trimming.

• Trim option trims the two surfaces at the fillet; prompts you:Automatically trim surfaces to fillet edge [Yes/No] <Yes>: (Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)

• Radius option specifies the fillet radius; prompts you:Specify radius or [Expression] <1.9151>: (Enter a radius or type E.)(Enter a radius or type E.)(Enter a radius or type E.)(Enter a radius or type E.)(Enter a radius or type E.)

TIPS At the ‘Press Enter to accept the fillet surface’ prompt you can interactively adjust the fillet radius by dragging the

blue triangle grip.

The result of this command is an independent surface.

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The SurfNetwork command creates surfaces between several curves defined by surfaces and edges ofsolids (in the U and V directions).

Command: surfnetworksurfnetworksurfnetworksurfnetworksurfnetworkSelect curves or surface edges in first direction: (Choose one or more curves.)(Choose one or more curves.)(Choose one or more curves.)(Choose one or more curves.)(Choose one or more curves.)Select curves or surface edges in first direction: (Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)

Select curves or surface edges in second direction: (Choose one or more curves.)(Choose one or more curves.)(Choose one or more curves.)(Choose one or more curves.)(Choose one or more curves.)Select curves or surface edges in second direction: (Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)

Left: Defining curves...Right: ...and the resulting surface.


The SurfOffset command creates parallel surfaces at a specified distance from the original.Command: surfoffsetsurfoffsetsurfoffsetsurfoffsetsurfoffsetConnect adjacent edges = NoSelect surfaces or regions to offset: (Choose one or more surfaces.)(Choose one or more surfaces.)(Choose one or more surfaces.)(Choose one or more surfaces.)(Choose one or more surfaces.)Select surfaces or regions to offset: (Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)

Specify offset distance or [Flip direction/Both sides/Solid/Connect/Expression]<88.4460>: (Enter a distance or an option.)(Enter a distance or an option.)(Enter a distance or an option.)(Enter a distance or an option.)(Enter a distance or an option.)1 object(s) to offset.1 offset operation(s) successful.

Above: Surface showing normal vectors.Below: Offset surface (colorized in gray to distinguish it from the original surface)

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• Flip direction flips the direction of the arrows, placing the offset in the opposite direction.• Both Sides option creates two offset surface, one above and one below the original.• Solid option creates 3D solid model from the offset by thickening the surface by the offset


The surface offset into a solid.

• Connect option keeps the original and offset surface connected. If multiple surfaces arebeing offset, the offset surfaces will remain connected if the original surfaces are connected.

Keep adjacent edges connected [No/Yes] <Yes>: (Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)

• Expression option specifies the offset distance through an equation:Enter expression: (Enter a parametric equation.)(Enter a parametric equation.)(Enter a parametric equation.)(Enter a parametric equation.)(Enter a parametric equation.)


The SurfPatch command creates new surfaces by fitting caps over surface edges that form closed loops.Command: surfpatchsurfpatchsurfpatchsurfpatchsurfpatchContinuity = G0 - position, bulge magnitude = 0.5Select surface edges to patch or <Select Curves>: (Select one or more edges.)(Select one or more edges.)(Select one or more edges.)(Select one or more edges.)(Select one or more edges.)Select surface edges to patch or <Select Curves>: (Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)

Press Enter to accept the patch surface or [CONtinuity/Bulge magnitude/CONStraingeometry]: (Press Enter or enter an option.)(Press Enter or enter an option.)(Press Enter or enter an option.)(Press Enter or enter an option.)(Press Enter or enter an option.)

See SurfBlend command for details of these options:

• CONtinuity option specifies the level of smoothness between surfaces.• Bulge magnitude option specifies the roundness of the patch.• CONStrain Geometry option selects curves to define the shape of the patch; prompts you:

Select curves or points to constrain patch surface: (Select one or more(Select one or more(Select one or more(Select one or more(Select one or moreobjects.)objects.)objects.)objects.)objects.)

Left: Cylinder.Right: Cap on top of cylinder with bulge set to 1.0.

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The SurfSculpt command creates 3D solids by trimming and combining surfaces (that bound watertightareas), as well as solids and 3D meshes.

Command: surfsculptsurfsculptsurfsculptsurfsculptsurfsculptMesh conversion set to: Smooth and optimized.Select surfaces or solids to sculpt into a solid: (Choose one or more objects.)(Choose one or more objects.)(Choose one or more objects.)(Choose one or more objects.)(Choose one or more objects.)Select surfaces or solids to sculpt into a solid: (Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)

TIP This command fails when surfaces have a continuity of G1 or G2.


The SurfTrim command trims at the intersections of surfaces and other geometry.Command: surftrimsurftrimsurftrimsurftrimsurftrimExtend surfaces = Yes, Projection = Automatic

Select surfaces or regions to trim or [Extend/PROjection direction]: allallallallallSelect surfaces or regions to trim or [Extend/PROjection direction]: (Press Enter(Press Enter(Press Enter(Press Enter(Press Enterto continue.)to continue.)to continue.)to continue.)to continue.)

Select cutting curves, surfaces or regions: allallallallallSelect cutting curves, surfaces or regions: (Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)(Press Enter to continue.)

Select area to trim [Undo]: (Pick surfaces areas to trim.)(Pick surfaces areas to trim.)(Pick surfaces areas to trim.)(Pick surfaces areas to trim.)(Pick surfaces areas to trim.)Select area to trim [Undo]: (Press Enter to exit the command.)(Press Enter to exit the command.)(Press Enter to exit the command.)(Press Enter to exit the command.)(Press Enter to exit the command.)

Left: Intersecting surfaces.Right: Trimmed surfaces.

You use this command to trim surfaces and regions. Cutting objects can be any of the following: lines, arc,circles, ellipses, 2D and 3D polylines (including splined and fit-curve polylines), splines, helixes, surfaces,and regions.

• Extend option trims cutting objects to meet at edges of trimmed surfaces; prompts you:Extend trimming geometry [Yes/No] <Yes>: (Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)

• PROjection direction option projects cutting objects to the surface; prompts you:Specify the projection direction [Automatic/View/Ucs/None] <Automatic>:(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)

Automatic — determines how to project cutting objects based on the currentview type.View — projects cutting objects in the direction of the current viewpoint.UCS — projects cutting objects along the z axis of the current UCS.None — does not project cutting objects; trim works only when they lie on thesurfaces.

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The SurfUntrim command replaces surface areas removed by the SurfTrim command.Command: surfuntrimsurfuntrimsurfuntrimsurfuntrimsurfuntrimSelect edges on surface to un-trim or [SURface]: (Select one or more edges, or(Select one or more edges, or(Select one or more edges, or(Select one or more edges, or(Select one or more edges, ortype SUR.)type SUR.)type SUR.)type SUR.)type SUR.)

• SURface option select surfaces:Select surfaces to un-trim: (Choose one or more surfaces.)(Choose one or more surfaces.)(Choose one or more surfaces.)(Choose one or more surfaces.)(Choose one or more surfaces.)

TIP This command is not reliable. Autodesk notes that this command does not work when trimmed edges are

dependent on other surface edges that are also trimmed; when areas were removed by the SurfAutotrim system variable;

or when removed by the ProjectGeometry command. You may want to use the U command instead, if possible.


The 3dEditBar command reshapes, scales, and edits the tangency of NURBS surfaces.Command: 3deditbar3deditbar3deditbar3deditbar3deditbarSelect a NURBS surface to edit: (Select a NURBS surface.)(Select a NURBS surface.)(Select a NURBS surface.)(Select a NURBS surface.)(Select a NURBS surface.)Select point on NURBS surface. (Pick a point, as illustrated below.)(Pick a point, as illustrated below.)(Pick a point, as illustrated below.)(Pick a point, as illustrated below.)(Pick a point, as illustrated below.)

Selecting a point on the NURBS surface.

Move gizmo to change point location or [Base point/Displacement/Undo/eXit]<exit>:(Manipulate gizmo or enter an option.)(Manipulate gizmo or enter an option.)(Manipulate gizmo or enter an option.)(Manipulate gizmo or enter an option.)(Manipulate gizmo or enter an option.)

The 3D Editbar gizmo.

Manipulating the gizmo.

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The 3D Editbar gizmo has the following functions:

Expander gripMagnitude grip

Move grip

Right-click the triangle Expander grip for the following menu:

• Move Point Location moves the base point to reshapes the surface.• Move Tangent Direction moves the base point to change the tangency.• U Tangent Direction moves the edit bar to the U axis.• V Tangent Direction moves the edit bar to the V axis.• Normal Tangent Direction moves the edit bar to the tangent of the curve normal.• Set Constraint constrains changes to x, y, z planes or xy, yz, zx planes.• Relocate Base Point moves basepoint, and then adds a new control vertex.• Align Gizmo With world UCS, current UCS, or face.


Rebuild2dCv specifies the number of control vertices per spline; range is 2 to 32767:

6 – (default).

Rebuild2dDegree specifies the degree for splines; range is 1 to 11:

1 – splines are like straight lines (no bends).

2 – splines are parabolic (one bend).

3 – splines are cubic Beziers (two bends; default).

Rebuild2dOption toggles how splines are rebuilt:

0 – original curves not deleted.

1 – original curves are deleted (default).

RebuildDegreeU specifies the U-direction degree for NURBS surfaces; range is 2 to 11:

3 – (default).

RebuildDegreeV specifies the V-direction degree for NURBS surfaces; range is 2 to 11:

3 – (default).

RebuildOptions determines the fate of original surfaces and trimmed areas on rebuilt surfaces:

0 – keeps original surfaces; trimmed areas are not applied.

1 – deletes original surfaces; trimmed areas are not applied (default).

2 – keeps original surfaces; trimmed areas are applied to the rebuilt object.

3 – deletes original surfaces; trimmed areas are applied.

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RebuildU specifies default number of lines in the U direction for NURBS surfaces; range is 2 to 32767:

6 – (default).

RebuildV specifies the default number of lines in the V direction for NURBS surfaces; range is 2 to 32767:

6 – (default).

SurfaceAssociativity toggles surface associativity:

0 – no associativity to other surfaces.

1 – surfaces adjust automatically to modifications made to related surfaces (default); value of DelObj is ignored.

SurfaceAssociativityDrag specifies how associative surfaces react during dragging (move) operations:

0 – not previewed; display updated following the drag operations. Use this setting for faster operation.

1 – previews first surface only; other surfaces updated following drag operation (default).

2 – previews all surfaces.

SurfaceAutoTrim toggles the automatic trimming of surfaces by projected geometry:

0 – not trimmed (default).

1 – trimmed.

SurfaceModelingMode determines the default 3D surface type:

0 – creates procedural surfaces (default).

1 – creates NURBS surfaces.

SurfOffsetConnect (undocumented) toggles connection between offset surfaces:

0 – off (default).

1 – on.

SurfTrimAutoExtend (undocumented) toggles automatic extension of trim geometry:

0 – off.

1 – on (default).

SurfTrimProjection (undocumented) toggles projection of trim entities onto surfaces:

0 – off (default).

1 – on.

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AutoCAD 2011 now imports point cloud data directly. (This was possible with older releases of AutoCADby using third-party add-ons.) Point clouds are created by laser scanners, which collected thousands andmillions of 3D points of bridges, chemical plants, and buildings. The result looks ghostly:

The point cloud data is attached to AutoCAD like an externally-referenced drawing, complete withinsertion point, scale, and rotation angle. Acceptable file extensions are Point Cloud (.icd), AutodeskPointcloud Database (.pcg,) .fls, .fws, .las, and .xyb. Once attached, it is used as the basis of new drawings.

You can use the following commands with point clouds: Block, Copy, CopyClip, CutClip, Erase, Move,PasteClip, Rotate, Scale and Stretch. (The Mirror command appears to work, but does not actuallymirror the cloud.) Clouds cannot be edited when locked. You can osnap to points using the NODeobject snap mode. You can generate a sample point cloud with the PCloud command, as described below.


The Pointcloud command displays options for attaching indexed point cloud files through the commandline.

Command: pointcloudpointcloudpointcloudpointcloudpointcloudEnter an option [Attach/Index/Density/Lock]: (Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)

The Attach option inserts indexed point cloud file into the current drawing; displays the Select PointCloud File dialog box (see PointcloudAttach command).

The Index option converts .las indexed laser scan files into point clouds files; displays the Select DataFile dialog box (see PointcloudIndex command).

The Density option limits the number of points displayed at a time; see the PointcloudDensity systemvariable. Prompts you:

Enter point cloud density <15>: (Enter an integer between 1 and 100.)(Enter an integer between 1 and 100.)(Enter an integer between 1 and 100.)(Enter an integer between 1 and 100.)(Enter an integer between 1 and 100.)

The Lock toggles locking of the point cloud; when locked, the cloud cannot be moved, rotated and s on.Lock point cloud after attaching? [Yes/No] <No>: (Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)

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The PointcloudAttach command inserts indexed point cloud files through a dialog box. Acceptable fileextensions are .icd, and .pcg.

Command: pointcloudattachpointcloudattachpointcloudattachpointcloudattachpointcloudattach(Displays the Select Point Cloud File dialog box; choose a file, and then click(Displays the Select Point Cloud File dialog box; choose a file, and then click(Displays the Select Point Cloud File dialog box; choose a file, and then click(Displays the Select Point Cloud File dialog box; choose a file, and then click(Displays the Select Point Cloud File dialog box; choose a file, and then clickOpen.)Open.)Open.)Open.)Open.)

(Displays the Attach Point Cloud dialog box; enter options, and then click OK.)(Displays the Attach Point Cloud dialog box; enter options, and then click OK.)(Displays the Attach Point Cloud dialog box; enter options, and then click OK.)(Displays the Attach Point Cloud dialog box; enter options, and then click OK.)(Displays the Attach Point Cloud dialog box; enter options, and then click OK.)

(Displays a bounding box that approximates the point cloud.)(Displays a bounding box that approximates the point cloud.)(Displays a bounding box that approximates the point cloud.)(Displays a bounding box that approximates the point cloud.)(Displays a bounding box that approximates the point cloud.)

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Specify insertion point <0,0>: (Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)Current insertion point: X = 133.3288, Y = 23.7229, Z = 0.00001 point cloud attached

The point cloud of a scanned bust.

TIP Point clouds cannot be rendered, and ignore visual style settings, because they consist only of points. You can change

the color of the entire cloud by changing the Point Cloud Color property to ByColor.

The -PointcloudAttach command inserts indexed point cloud files into the current drawing through thecommand line.

Command:Path to point cloud file to attach: (Enter path and name of .pcg or .isd file.)(Enter path and name of .pcg or .isd file.)(Enter path and name of .pcg or .isd file.)(Enter path and name of .pcg or .isd file.)(Enter path and name of .pcg or .isd file.)Insertion Point: (Pick a point in the drawing.)(Pick a point in the drawing.)(Pick a point in the drawing.)(Pick a point in the drawing.)(Pick a point in the drawing.)Scale Factor: (Specify the scale factor.)(Specify the scale factor.)(Specify the scale factor.)(Specify the scale factor.)(Specify the scale factor.)Rotation Angle: (Enter a rotation angle.)(Enter a rotation angle.)(Enter a rotation angle.)(Enter a rotation angle.)(Enter a rotation angle.)

TIP Enter a ~ (tilde) at the ’Path to point cloud file to attach’ prompt to display the Select Point Cloud File dialog box.

The PointcloudIndex command creates indexed point clouds files from PCG or ISD scan files. Accept-able file extensions are .fls, .fws, .las, and .xyb.

Command: pointcloudindex(Displays the Select Data File dialog box; choose a file, and then click Open.)(Displays the Select Data File dialog box; choose a file, and then click Open.)(Displays the Select Data File dialog box; choose a file, and then click Open.)(Displays the Select Data File dialog box; choose a file, and then click Open.)(Displays the Select Data File dialog box; choose a file, and then click Open.)(Displays the Create Indexed Point Cloud File dialog box; enter a file name, and(Displays the Create Indexed Point Cloud File dialog box; enter a file name, and(Displays the Create Indexed Point Cloud File dialog box; enter a file name, and(Displays the Create Indexed Point Cloud File dialog box; enter a file name, and(Displays the Create Indexed Point Cloud File dialog box; enter a file name, andthen click Save.)then click Save.)then click Save.)then click Save.)then click Save.)

Converting C:\filename.las to C:\filename.isd in the background.(When done, the following balloon is displayed on the status bar.)(When done, the following balloon is displayed on the status bar.)(When done, the following balloon is displayed on the status bar.)(When done, the following balloon is displayed on the status bar.)(When done, the following balloon is displayed on the status bar.)

(Click the balloon, and AutoCAD launches the PointCloudAttach command automati-(Click the balloon, and AutoCAD launches the PointCloudAttach command automati-(Click the balloon, and AutoCAD launches the PointCloudAttach command automati-(Click the balloon, and AutoCAD launches the PointCloudAttach command automati-(Click the balloon, and AutoCAD launches the PointCloudAttach command automati-cally.)cally.)cally.)cally.)cally.)

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PointCloudAutoUpdate toggles the automatic regeneration of point clouds manipulation and realtime panning, zooming,

and orbiting:

0 – manual regeneration required; has no effect on PointCloudRtDensity.

1 – automatically regenerated (default).

PointCloudDensity specifies the percentage of points to display simultaneously. The percentage is of 1,500,000, the

maximum number of points per drawing (the default of 15 means 15%, or 225,000 points.) This value is distributed among

all point clouds in the drawing; range is 1 to 100:

15 – (default).

PointCloudLock toggles locking of point clouds:

0 – not locked (default).

1 – locked; point clouds cannot be edited, moved, or rotated.

PointCloudRtDensity specifies the percentage of points to display during realtime zooming, panning, or orbiting. The

percentage is of 1,500,000, the maximum number of points per drawing (the default of 5 means 5%, or 75,000 points.) To

improve performance, set this variable to a lower value than PointCloudDensity; range is 1 to 100:

5 – (default).


The PCloud command (undocumented) displays a point cloud made of RenderBuffer objects. SeeAppdendix A.

Command: pcloudpcloudpcloudpcloudpcloudNumber of points <5000>: (Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)(Press Enter.)Colors [Single/Multiple] <Multiple>: (Type S or M.)(Type S or M.)(Type S or M.)(Type S or M.)(Type S or M.)Specify center point: (Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)(Pick a point.)Specify radius: (Pick another point.)(Pick another point.)(Pick another point.)(Pick another point.)(Pick another point.)

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The Export and Import commands now support the FBX format.

The FBX file format (Motionbuilder FilmBoX format) imports and exports 3D objects and 2D objectswith thickness, along with lights, cameras, and materials between AutoCAD 2011 and 3ds Max. The fileformat supports points, meshes, NURBS curves and surfaces, subdivided meshes, target cameras, lights,and materials. From AutoCAD, 3D solids are exported as 3D meshes.

TIP To export any 2D object to FBX, use the ChProp or Properties commands to change the thickness from 0. This

makes it appear as a 3D object, which can then be exported.

The FbxExport command creates .fbx files of selected objects through dialog boxes.Command: fbxexportfbxexportfbxexportfbxexportfbxexport(Displays the FBX Export dialog box; enter a file name, and then click Save.)(Displays the FBX Export dialog box; enter a file name, and then click Save.)(Displays the FBX Export dialog box; enter a file name, and then click Save.)(Displays the FBX Export dialog box; enter a file name, and then click Save.)(Displays the FBX Export dialog box; enter a file name, and then click Save.)(Displays the FBX Export Options dialog box; click OK.)(Displays the FBX Export Options dialog box; click OK.)(Displays the FBX Export Options dialog box; click OK.)(Displays the FBX Export Options dialog box; click OK.)(Displays the FBX Export Options dialog box; click OK.)

The Export droplist determines which objects are exported:

• Selected Entities exports objects selected by the user; click the Select Objects button toselect objects to export.

• Visible Entities selects all visible objects in the current viewport.

The Export by Type options specifies the objects to export:

• Objects option exports 3D objects and 2D objects with thickness, according to the settingof the Export droplist.

• Lights option exports lights (Distant, Photometric, Point, Sky, Spot, and Sun), according tothe setting of the Export droplist.

• Cameras option exports cameras and camera views, according to the setting of the Exportdroplist.

• Materials option exports materials applied to objects, according to the setting of theExport droplist.

TIP The current camera is exported as “Camera0.” Note that the FBX exporter rotates objects, lights, cameras, and

materials by 90 degrees around the z axis.

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The Textures options determines how material textures are exported:

• Embed option embeds textures in the .fbx file.• Reference option references textures; they are not embedded.• Copy Textures to a Single Location option copies textures to the folder specified by the

Location text box. (Click Browse to locate the folder.)

When the drawing contains no valid objects, AutoCAD displays the following dialog box:

The -FbxExport command creates .fbx files of selected objects in the current drawing at the commandline. See FbxExport command for the meaning of options. This command is meant for use with macros.

Command: -fbxexport-fbxexport-fbxexport-fbxexport-fbxexportEnter what should be exported? [Selected/Visible] <Visible> (Type S or V.)(Type S or V.)(Type S or V.)(Type S or V.)(Type S or V.)Current export type settings: Objects=Yes, Lights=Yes, Cameras=Yes, Materials=NoSpecify types to export [Settings, All types] <Current Settings>: (Type S or A.)(Type S or A.)(Type S or A.)(Type S or A.)(Type S or A.)Following types will be exported: Objects, Lights, CamerasEnter path and name of file to export<Drawing1.fbx>: (Enter path and file name.)(Enter path and file name.)(Enter path and file name.)(Enter path and file name.)(Enter path and file name.)

The Settings options:Export objects? [Yes/No] <Yes>: (Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)Export lights? [Yes/No] <Yes>: (Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)Export cameras? [Yes/No] <Yes>: (Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)

The FbxImport command imports .fbx files containing objects, lights, camera and materials through adialog box.

Command: fbximport(Displays the FBX Import dialog box; choose a file and then click Open.)(Displays the FBX Import dialog box; choose a file and then click Open.)(Displays the FBX Import dialog box; choose a file and then click Open.)(Displays the FBX Import dialog box; choose a file and then click Open.)(Displays the FBX Import dialog box; choose a file and then click Open.)(Displays the FBX Import Options dialog box.)(Displays the FBX Import Options dialog box.)(Displays the FBX Import Options dialog box.)(Displays the FBX Import Options dialog box.)(Displays the FBX Import Options dialog box.)

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The Import options specifies the properties to import. The numbers in parentheses indicate the num-ber of items in each category to be imported :

• Objects imports objects.• Lights imports lights, including point, spot, distant, photometric, sun, and sky lights.• Cameras imports cameras.• Materials imports materials.

TIPS Use the LightingUnits system variable to determine whether lights are imported as regular (0) or photometric (1

or 2) lights. The plot glyph, glyph display, targeted, and render shadow details properties for lights are determined by the

AutoCAD settings.

To ensure cameras are accurately imported into AutoCAD, create them as target cameras in 3ds Max. The plot

property for the imported cameras is determined by the AutoCAD settings.

The Assign Objects To Layers option determines how layers are assigned to imported objects. Thename displayed in parentheses is both the file name and the new layer name.

• New Layer assigns imported objects to a new layer.• Current Layer assigns imported objects to the current layer.• By Material creates a new layer for every material name; objects are places on layers

according to their material.

The Unit Conversion options specifies the conversion of imported units. The units displayed are thosefor the import file and the current drawing.

• FBX File Units reports the units in the FBX file.• Current Drawing Units reports the units in the drawing.

The Block options determines if the FBX file is imported as a block:

• Insert File As Block inserts the FBX file as a block definition table. To see the importedobjects, use the Insert command to place the block.

• Name specifies the name of block definition.

The data of the FBX file is imported into AutoCAD as 3D mesh objects.

The -FbxImport command imports .fbx files at the command line. See FbxImport command for themeaning of options. This command is meant for use with macros.

Command: -fbximport-fbximport-fbximport-fbximport-fbximportEnter path and name of file to import<C:\Drawing1.fbx>: (Enter path and file(Enter path and file(Enter path and file(Enter path and file(Enter path and filename.)name.)name.)name.)name.)Current import type settings: Objects=Yes, Lights=Yes, Cameras=Yes,Materials=YesSpecify types to import [Settings, All types] <Current Settings>: (Type S or A.)(Type S or A.)(Type S or A.)(Type S or A.)(Type S or A.)Enter layer assignment to [New layer/Current layer/by Material] <New layer>:(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)Enter unit conversion (FBX file: Inches, Current Drawing: Inches) <1.0:1.0>:(Enter a conversion factor.)(Enter a conversion factor.)(Enter a conversion factor.)(Enter a conversion factor.)(Enter a conversion factor.)Insert file as block? [Yes/No] <Yes>: (Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)Name the block: (Enter a name for the block.)(Enter a name for the block.)(Enter a name for the block.)(Enter a name for the block.)(Enter a name for the block.)Import of C:\Drawing1.fbx succeeded. 1 Objects, 0Materials, 0 Lights, 1 Cameras

The Settings options:Import objects? [Yes/No] <Yes>: (Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)Import lights? [Yes/No] <Yes>: (Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)Import cameras? [Yes/No] <Yes>: (Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)(Type Y or N.)

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FbxImportLog toggles the creation of log files that report the status of imported .fbx files:

0 – off.

1 – on (default).


The Impression command has been removed from AutoCAD 2011.



The MatBrowserOpen command opens the new Materials Browser palette.Command: matbrowseropenmatbrowseropenmatbrowseropenmatbrowseropenmatbrowseropen

The MatBrowserClose command closes the new Materials Browser palette.Command: matbrowserclosematbrowserclosematbrowserclosematbrowserclosematbrowserclose


MatBrowserState reports on the state of the new Materials Browser palette (read-only):

0 – closed (default).

1 – open.

MaterialsPath reports the path to the material library folder (read-only):

“” – C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\Materials2011 (default).

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The MatEditorOpen command opens the new Materials Editor palette.Command: mateditoropenmateditoropenmateditoropenmateditoropenmateditoropen

The MatEditorClose command closes the new Materials Editor palette.Command: mateditorclosemateditorclosemateditorclosemateditorclosemateditorclose


MatEditorState reports on the state of the new Materials Editor palette (read-only):

0 – closed (default).

1 – open.

The Materials and MaterialsClose commands are now hardcoded aliases for the newMaterialBrowserOpen and MaterialBrowserClose commands, which have a redesigned palette, the abil-ity to edit materials, and a new collection of material files. This palette does not open when the AutodeskMaterial Library is not installed.

TIP The two new materials palettes separate the old Materials palette into two functions: MatBrowerOpen browses

existing materials and (b) MatEditorOpen defines new ones.

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The MaterialMap command now displays a material mapping gizmo to adjust the mapping on a face oran object.

Command: materialmapmaterialmapmaterialmapmaterialmapmaterialmap

Select an option [Box/Planar/Spherical/Cylindrical/copY mapping to/Resetmapping]<Box>:

Left: Box mapping.Right: Planar mapping.

Left: Spherical mapping.Right: Cylindrical mapping.


The MigrateMaterials command converts legacy materials in the Tools palette to AutoCAD 2011’s newstyle of materials, and then add them to the Materials Browser.

Command: migratematerialsmigratematerialsmigratematerialsmigratematerialsmigratematerialsn materials migrated to the Materials Browser

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Customization, Settings, Plotting, and Files



The Ai_EditCustFile (undocumented) command edits custom files.Command: ai_editcustfileai_editcustfileai_editcustfileai_editcustfileai_editcustfileCustom File to edit: (Enter name of file.)(Enter name of file.)(Enter name of file.)(Enter name of file.)(Enter name of file.)


The CUI command toggles the new navigation bar through workspaces:

The navigation bar is not customized through CUI, but by clicking the bar’s customization button.

Icons in the Command List pane are now larger.

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The DSettings command’s dialog box has two new tabs, and redesigns to existing tabs.

Snap and Grid tab

The Snap and Grid tab has new options for the new 2D grid style:

The Grid Style options turn on the traditional dotted grid pattern:

2D model space

Block editor


See the User Interface section of chapter for more about changes to the grid in AutoCAD 2011.

3D Object Snap tab

The new 3D Object Snap tab toggles the new 3D object snap modes. The new 3dOsnap command is ahardwired alias for accessing the DSettings command’s 3D Object Snap tab (+DSettings = 5).

The 3D Object Snap On option toggles all 3D object snaps on and off; when off, it remembers whichmodes were turned on.

The 3D Object Snap Modes options toggle individual 3D osnap modes on and off:

• Vertex snaps to the nearest vertex on 3D objects.• Midpoint on Edge snaps to the midpoint on the nearest edge of a face.• Center of Face snaps to the center of the nearest face.• Knot snaps to the nearest knot on splines.• Perpendicular snaps from the nearest face to the perpendicular on another object.• Nearest to Face snaps to the nearest point on 3D object face.

The Select All button turns on all 3D object snap modes.

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The Clear All button turns them all off.

Selection Cycling tab

The new Selection Cycling tab controls the enhanced selection cycling feature:

The Allow Selection Cycling option toggles selection cycling mode. SELECTIONCYCLING systemvariable.

The Selection Cycling option determines which user interface elements are displayed during selec-tion cycling:

• Display Selection Cycling List Box toggles the display of the Selection Cycling List box.• Cursor Dependent positions the list box near the cursor:

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• Quadrant droplist selects the location of list box:Top-rightTop-leftBottom-leftBottom-right

• Distance in Pixels specifies the distance of the list box from the cursor.• Static keeps the list box in one place; useful for dual-monitor setups. You can drag the list

box into any convenient location.• Show Title Bar toggles the display the list box’s title bar.

Left: List box with title bar...Right: ...and without title bar.

TIP Selection Cycling can be toggled through the new icon on the status bar:

Quick Properties tab

The Quick Properties tab now has Quick Properties turned off by default.


GridStyle switches the grid between dotted and lined (bitmode):

0 — Lined grid is displayed (default).

1 — Dotted grid displayed in 2D model space.

2 — Dotted grid displayed in block editor.

4 — Dotted grid displayed in sheets and layout tabs.

The +DSettings command has two new optionsCommand: +dsettingsTab Index <0>:

Tab Index Tab Displayed

0 Snap and Grid (default)

1 Polar Tracking

2 Object Snap

3 Dynamic Input

4 Quick Properties

5 3D Object Snap

6 Selection Cycling

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The GraphicsConfig command sets options for 3D display performance through a dialog box; this isshortcut for the 3dConfig command’s Manual Tune button for displaying the Manual Performance Tuningdialog box.

Command: graphicsconfiggraphicsconfiggraphicsconfiggraphicsconfiggraphicsconfig

The -GraphicsConfig command sets options for 3D display performance through the command line.Command: -graphicsconfig-graphicsconfig-graphicsconfig-graphicsconfig-graphicsconfigConfigure: -GRAPHICSCONFIGEnter option [General options/acceLeration] <General options>:(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)

The General options option prompts you:Enter option [Discard backfaces/Smooth faces/Transparency quality/eXit] <Discardbackfaces>:

The acceLeration option prompts you:Enter option [Hardware/Software/eXit] <Hardware>:

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The Options command’s dialog box has new options in some of its tabs.

System tab

The System tab has a new section on help, as highlighted below. See the section on help later in thischapter.

Left: System tab in AutoCAD 2010.Right: Updated tab in AutoCAD 2011.

3D Modeling tab

In the 3D Modeling tab, there are additions to the Display ViewCube or UCS Icon section and a newSurface Analysis button, as illustrated below:

Left: 3D Modeling tab in AutoCAD 2010.Right: Updated tab in AutoCAD 2011.

The addition to the Display ViewCube or UCS Icon section toggles their display in 2D model space.

The new Surface Analysis button executes the SurfaceAnalysis command, as described earlier.

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Selection tab

In the Selection tab, the Visual Effects Settings button displays a redesigned dialog box, as describedlater.

In addition, there are changes to the Grips section, and the word “Show” now replaces “Enable.”

Left: Selection tab in AutoCAD 2010.Right: Updated tab in AutoCAD 2011.

The Grips section’s new Grip Colors button displays a dialog box that replaces the grip color droplistsof earlier releases. There is a new checkbox, Allow Ctrl+cycling behavior that is linked to theLegacyCtrlPick system variable.


The Visual Effect Settings dialog box is redesigned to accomodate the new Face Highlighting option.

Above: Visual Effect Settings dialog box in AutoCAD 2011.

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Below: Same dialog box in AutoCAD 2010.


The new Grip Colors dialog box replaces the grip color droplists of earlier AutoCADs.

Left: Grip color droplists in AutoCAD 2010.Right Grip color dialog box in AutoCAD 2011.

The dialog box adds the new Grip Contour Color droplist, which specifies the color that outlines gripsquares.

Unselected grip color(blue)

Grip contour color(black)

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The Plot and PageSetup commands get the new Plot Transparency option.

TIP When Plot Transparency is turned on, AutoCAD 2011 rasterizes the entire drawing in order to create the

transparency effects. This may cause the plotting time to increase.


PlotTransparencyOverride determines how translucent objects are plotted:

0 – does not plot translucency.

1 – uses the settings of the PageSetup and Plot commands (default).

2 – plots object transparency; converts drawings to raster, which can take longer to complete.

The Preview command now has larger icons in its toolbar.

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The ExternalReferences command’s palette now highlights selected references (DWG, DWF, DGN,PDF, images, and data extraction tables) in the drawing, and vice versa.

The highlighting of external references is too subtle to notice.

Data extraction tables can now be detached from drawings.


ErHighlight toggles whether external references are highlighted when selected in the External References dialog box – and

vice versa:

0 – not highlighted.

1 – highlighted (default).

The New command now adds scale factors to template-less drawings based on the setting of theMeasure system variable, metric or Imperial.


Measure now specifies Imperial or metric scale factors automatically when new drawings are created without a template.

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The Open command now provides the option to ignore all missing SHX fonts and shapes when FontAltsystem variable is none.

The Export and Import commands now support the FBX format. In addition, the application menuadds an item for exporting FBX files.

The Recover command now has more options, which are controlled by the new RecoverAuto systemvariable:


RecoverAuto displays recovery notifications of damaged drawing files:

0 – displays a dialog box when opening damaged files; interrupts running scripts (default).

1 – recovers damaged files automatically; displays dialog box report on recovered file; does not interrupt scripts.

2 – recovers damaged files automatically; displays report on the recovered file at the command prompt.

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Help now uses HTML instead of CHM for the help format, which means that it displays in your defaultWeb browser, as illustrated below.

The Options dialog box’s System tab has options for controlling the source of the help files:

The Use Online Help from Autodesk Website When Available option accesses help from theAutodesk through the Internet. This allows Autodesk to provided updated help rapidly.

The Help Browser option determines which Web browser displays help files, the officially supportedbrowser from Microsoft, or the default system browser (a.k.a., the one you prefer to use).

Upate: The new HTML help has shown to not work correctly, and so Autodesk has released a CHMversion on its support Web site.


HelpPrefix specifies the path to the help file, which can also be changed through Options | Files | Help and Miscellaneous

File Names option | Help Location.

“C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Autocad 2011 \Help\Index.Html” – (default).

WbDefaultBrowser (undocumented) specifies whether the default Web browser is used for the new Web-based help system


0 – no (default).

1 – yes.

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WbHelpOnline (undocumented) toggles whether Web-based help is accessed online (read-only):

0 – offline.

1 – online (default).

WbHelpType (undocumented) toggles the source of Web-based help files (read-only):

0 – ?

1 – ? (default).

The WelcomeScreen command displays the Welcome Screen dialog box; requires that WelcomeScreenbe installed. This series of Flash-based videos replace the New Features Workshop of earlier releases.

The dialog box for the CustomerInvolvementProgram command has been redesigned.

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The DumpMemAlloc (undocumented) command performs memory dumps at the command line.Command: dumpmemallocdumpmemallocdumpmemallocdumpmemallocdumpmemallocProfile(ON/OFf/CapDump/CapFmt/CapStat/Memdump/CRTLevel/CRTFreq/CRTCheck/Affinity)<MemDump>: (Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)(Enter an option.)

The Memdump option dumps a record of the memory to a text file:File: <dump0.txt>: (Enter a file name.)(Enter a file name.)(Enter a file name.)(Enter a file name.)(Enter a file name.)Success.

The other options are not available.


Perhaps forgotten in earlier releases, the Stack button is now included with the Text Editor tab on theribbon.

Command and System VCommand and System VCommand and System VCommand and System VCommand and System Variables Deprecated in AutoCAD 2011ariables Deprecated in AutoCAD 2011ariables Deprecated in AutoCAD 2011ariables Deprecated in AutoCAD 2011ariables Deprecated in AutoCAD 2011

Autodesk notes that the following commands and system variables are deprecated, meaningthat they still work but really shouldn’t be used any more:

DynConstraintDisplay DynConstraintDisplay DynConstraintDisplay DynConstraintDisplay DynConstraintDisplay system variable toggles the display of constraint icons; it continues tooperate in AutoCAD 2011; replaced by the new DcDisplay command.

Impression Impression Impression Impression Impression command formerly launched the Impression toolbar; now no longer works inAutoCAD 2011.

RMat RMat RMat RMat RMat command formerly displayed the Render Materials palette; now an alias for the newMatBrowserOpen command.

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Chapter 3

Alphabetical Summary of 154 New andChanged Commands

Command names new to AutoCAD 2011 are indicated by the maroon color.

Command names undocumented by Autodesk are indicated by the italicized text.

Command names updated from earlier releases are shown in boldface.

Command names removed from AutoCAD 2011 are struckthrough.

AAddSelected command creates new objects based on the object type and properties of selected objects.

Ai_EditCustFile (undocumented) command edits custom files.

AnalysisCurvature command displays color curvature gradients on 3D models.

AnalysisDraft command displays color spacing gradients between parts and molds.

AnalysisOptions command changes display options for curvature, draft, and zebra analysis; displays adialog box.

AnalysisZebra command displays black and white surface continuity stripes on 3D models.

AutoConstrain now supports the Equal constraint.

BBEditor command’s Parameters palette adds the Show and Order columns for toggling the display anddetermining the order in which constraints appear in the Properties palette. Icons are now displayed foraction parameters, attributes, and user parameters, as they were in the drawing editor version of thispalette.

BRep now removes associativity from surfaces.

CChamferEdge command interactively bevels the edges of 3D solids and surfaces.

Change command now has the new TRansparency property.

ChProp command now has the new TRansparency property.

ClassicLayer dialog box now has the new Transparency and VP Transparency columns.

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Clip-Tahoe+1 (undocumented) command is a placeholder for the unified Clip command from older re-leases of AutoCAD.

ConstraintSettings command’s dialog box has new options: Infer geometric constraints, Show con-straint bars when objects are selected, and Equal autoconstraint.

ConvToMesh (aka MeshSmooth) command now also converts surfaces to mesh objects.

ConvToNurbs command converts 3D solids and surfaces into NURBS surfaces.

CUI command now toggles the new navigation bar in workspaces; sports larger icons in the CommandList pane.

CustomerInvolvementProgram command has a redesigned dialog box.

CvAdd command adds control vertices to NURBS surfaces and splines.

CvHide command hides control vertices for all NURBS surfaces and curves.

CvRebuild command rebuilds the shapes of NURBS surfaces and curves; displays a dialog box.

-CvRebuild command rebuilds the shapes of NURBS surfaces and curves at the command line.

CvRemove command removes control vertices from NURBS surfaces and curves.

CvShow command shows control vertices of selected NURBS surfaces and curves.

DDcAligned command constrains the distance between two points on objects.

DcAngular command constrains the angle between objects.

DcConvert command converts associative dimensions to dimensional constraints.

DcDiameter command constrains the diameters of circular objects.

DcDisplay command toggles the display of dynamic constraints.

DcForm command toggles the creation of dimensional constraints between dynamic and annotational.

DcHorizontal command constrains the horizontal distance between objects.

DcLinear command constrains objects horizontally, vertically, or rotationally.

DcRadius command constrains the radii of curved objects.

DcVertical command constrains the vertical distance between two objects or two points on an object.

DimConstraint command has a new option, Convert, for converting associative dimensions to dimen-sional constraints; this command’s options can now be accessed directly through new commands thatbegin with DC, such as DcLinear.

DSettings command’s dialog box has new tabs names 3D Object Snap and Selection Cycling; the Snapand Grid tab has new options for Grid Style.

DumpMemAlloc command controls memory dumps at the command line.

EExplode now explodes NURBS surfaces to splines.

Export now exports drawings as FBX files.

ExternalReferences command’s palette now highlights selected references (DWG, DWF, DGN, PDF,images, and data extraction tables) in the drawing, and vice versa; data extraction tables can now bedetached from drawings.

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Extrude command now selects subobjects, such as edges, as profiles and curves; now supports expres-sions for determining the extrusion distance.

FFbxExport command creates .fbx files (Motionbuilder FilmBoX format) of selected objects throughdialog box.

-FbxExport command creates .fbx files of selected objects in the current drawing at the command line.

FbxImport command imports .fbx files containing objects, lights, camera and materials through a dialog box.

-FbxImport command imports .fbx files at the command line.

Field now supports the transparency property.

Fillet now supports expressions for determining the fillet radius on 3D solids.

FilletEdge command rounds and fillets the edges of solid objects (and surfaces?)

Filter command now has the new Transparency property in its Select Filter droplist.

GGcCoincident command constrains selected objects to points.

GcColinear command constrains selected objects to lie along the same line.

GcConcentric command constrains two arcs, circles, or ellipses to the same center point.

GcEqual command constrains selected objects to the same size or radius.

GcFix command locks selected objects in one position.

GcHorizontal command constrains selected objects to be horizontal.

GcParallel command constrains selected objects to be parallel to each other.

GcPerpedicular command constrains selected objects to be perpendicular to one another.

GcSmooth command constrains splines to be contiguous (and maintain G2 continuity) with other splines,lines, arcs, and polylines.

GcSymmetric command constrains selected objects to be symmetrically constrained about a line ofsymmetry.

GcTangent command constrains two curves to maintain tangency to each other, or their extensions.

GcVertical command constrains selected objects to be vertical.

GeomConstraint command’s options can now be accessed directly through new commands thatbegin with GC, such as GcFix. Geometric constrains can now be applied to ellipses and text, and are nowapplied automatically to geometry, such as those created by the Rectang and Fillet commands.New icons differentiate between point and object constraints.

Gradient command now has a new command-line prompt, additions to its dialog box, and new ribbontab; supported by many new system variables.

GraphicsConfig command sets options for 3D display performance through a dialog box; shortcut forthe 3dConfig command’s Manual Tune button.

-GraphicsConfig command sets options for 3D display performance through the command line.

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HHatch command now has a new command-line prompt when using it from the ribbon, additions to itsdialog box, and new ribbon tab; supported by many new system variables. Hatches can now be grip-edited for pattern rotation and scaling.

-Hatch has new prompts and options at the command line.

HatchEdit and -HatchEdit now support the new features added to the Hatch and Gradient com-mands.

HatchGenerateBoundary creates objects from the boundaries of hatch patterns.

HatchSetBoundary creates new hatch boundaries from existing objects, and then fills it with a patternselected from another object.

HatchSetOrigin relocates the origin of selected hatch patterns.

HatchToBack sets the draw order for all hatches in the drawing behind all other objects.

Helix can now display control polylines through the SplFrame system variable; helixes can now bejoined with 3D polylines.

HideObjects hides selected objects

IImage supports both kinds of transparency, to the background color and to the overall image.

ImpledFaceX (undocumented) extracts loops from 3D solids to create regions.

Import now imports FBX files.

Impression command is removed from AutoCAD.

IsolateObjects displays selected objects across layers; unselected objects are hidden.

JJoin command now joins 3D polylines to other open objects, such as lines, elliptical arcs, helixes, andsplines; the 3D polyline must be selected first; some objects no longer need to be coplanar.

LLayer palette command now has the new Transparency and VP Transparency columns, as does its LayerFilters Properties sub-dialog box.

-Layer command now has the new TRansparency and rEconcile options.

LayerP command now undoes changes to transparency by layers.

LayerState command now has the new Transparency column in its Edit Layer State sub-dialog box.

LayTrans command’s dialog box gets the new Transparency column in its Edit Layer State sub-dialogbox.

Linetype command now supports the new “U” parameter in complex linetypes, which forces text andshapes in linetypes to be displayed “upright.”

List command now has the new Transparency property.

Loft command now selects subobjects, such as edges, as profiles and curves; now offers a new droplistgrip for modifying the loft; includes a new MOde option for creating solids or surfaces.

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MMatBrowserClose closes the new Materials Browser palette.

MatBrowserOpen opens the new Materials Browser palette.

MatchProp command now has the new Transparency property in its Property Settings dialog box.

MatEditorClose closes the new Materials Editor palette.

MatEditorOpen opens the new Materials Editor palette.

MaterialMap now displays a material mapping gizmo to adjust the mapping on a face or an object.

Materials and MaterialsClose commands are now a hardcoded alias for the new MaterialBrowserOpenand MaterialBrowserClose commands, which have a redesigned palette, the ability to edit materials, anda new collection of material files. This palette does not open when the Autodesk Material Library is notinstalled.

MeasureGeom command now measures surfaces.

Mesh objects can now display smoothed version with the SplFrame system variable.

MeshCap creates mesh faces that connect open edges.

MeshCollapse merges vertices of mesh faces and edges.

MeshExtrude extends mesh faces into 3D space.

MeshMerge merges adjacent mesh faces into a single face.

MeshSpin rotates adjoining edges of triangular mesh faces.

MigrateMaterials converts legacy materials in Tool Palettes to new style of materials, and then added tothe Materials Browser.

NNavBar provides access to navigation and orientation tools from a single interface.

New command now adds scale factors to template-less drawings based on the setting of the MeasureInit system variable, metric or Imperial.

OOpen command now provides the option to ignore all missing SHX fonts and shapes when FontAltsystem variable is none.

OptChProp (undocumented) changes the styles of objects at the command line: text, dimension, table, or multilinestyle.

Options command’s dialog box has new options.

Osnap command’s modes apply matching constraints automatically when the new InferConstraints.(For example, turn on CENter osnap, and AutoCAD 2011 automatically applies the center constraint.)Three-D osnaps are now separate from 2D ones (see the new 3dOsnap command).

PPageSetup command gets the new Plot Transparency option.

Parameters command’s palette has a new Filters section for creating groups of parameters, and asearch box for finding parameters. In Block Editor, the palette adds the Show and Order columns fortoggling the display and determining the order in which constraints appear in the Properties palette.(The command-line oriented -Parameters command does not gain these new features.)

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PLine/PEdit commands’ polylines now have a grip at the mid point of each segment; right-clicking thegrip lets you convert between line and arc segments, add a vertex, and stretch. Icons now indicate theediting action. Segments can now be selected through the Ctrl key. Frames of splined polylines are nolonger displayed with SplFrame; use the CvSHow and CvHide commands instead.

Plot command’s dialog box gets the new Plot Transparency option.

Pointcloud command displays options for attaching indexed point cloud files through the command line.

PointcloudAttach command inserts indexed point cloud files through a dialog box.

-PointcloudAttach command inserts indexed point cloud files into the current drawing through thecommand line.

PointcloudIndex command creates indexed point clouds files from PCG or ISD scan files.

Preview command now sports larger icons on its toolbar.

ProjectGeometry command projects points, lines, or curves onto 3D solids and surfaces.

Properties command’s palette now has the new Transparency property.

QQSelect command’s dialog box now has the new Transparency property.

QuickProperties is now turned off by default.

RRevolve command now selects subobjects, such as edges, profiles and curves; it now previews the anglethrough which solids are rotated; sports the new MOde option for creating solids or surfaces; nowsupports expressions for determining the rotation angle.

SScaleListEdit command now allows the creation of customized scale lists.

Select command now support persistent selections sets through PickAdd’s new 3 option; holding downthe Ctrl key now selects polyline segments.

SelectSimilar command adds similar objects to the selection set based on their properties.

SetByLayer command gets the new Transparency property in its Settings dialog box.

Sketch now draws splines.

Spline command’s splines can now be created with control vertices with a range of degrees, and canhave knots and kinks. Frames of splines are no longer displayed with SplFrame; use the CvSHow andCvHide commands instead.

SplinEdit command now supports shortcut menus during grips editing of splines; splines can now havekinks added; splines have a new grip that displays options for showing fit points or control vertices.

Style command’s dialog box now notes which fonts are missing from the drawing.

SurfBlend command adds continuous blend surfaces between two existing surfaces.

SurfExtend command lengthens surfaces by specified distances.

SurfFillet command adds surface fillets between pairs of surfaces.

SurfNetwork command creates surfaces between several curves defined by surfaces and edges of solids(in the U and V directions).

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SurfOffset command creates parallel surfaces at a specified distance from the original.

SurfPatch command creates new surfaces by fitting caps over surface edges that form closed loops.

SurfSculpt command creates 3D solids by trimming and combining surfaces that bound watertight areas.

SurfTrim command trims at the intersections of surfaces and other geometry.

SurfUntrim command replaces surface areas removed by the SurfTrim command.

Sweep command now selects subobjects, such as edges, as profiles and curves, and has the new MOdeoption for generating either solids or surfaces.

UUnisolateObjects command displays objects hidden with the IsolateObjects command.

VVisualStyles command gets five new predefined styles; the palette has been redesigned.

VpLayer command gets the new TRansparency property

WWelcomeScreen command displays the Welcome Screen dialog box; requires that WelcomeScreen beinstalled.

WorkSpace command’s Settings dialog box now includes the new 3D Basic workspace.

#3dEditBar command reshapes, scales, and edits the tangency of NURBS surfaces.

3dOsnap command sets 3D object snap modes in the Drafting Settings dialog box.

-3dOsnap command sets 3D object snap modes at the command line.

3dPan2 (undocumented) command pans drawings in realtime.

3dZoom2 (undocumented) command zooms drawings in realtime.

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Chapter 4

Alphabetical Summary of 107 New andChanged System Variables

System variables new to AutoCAD 2011 are indicated by the blue color.

Undocumented systems variables are indicated by italicized text; we cannot guarantee their


Changed system variables have boldfaced names.

AApplyGlobalOpacities toggles all palettes between opaque and translucent:

0 – opaque (default).

1 – translucent.

CCeTransparency sets the level of translucency for new objects*:

ByLayer – determined by the object’s layer (default).

ByBlock– determined by the block in which the object resides.

0 – fully opaque (not translucent)

1-90** – range of translucency, as a percentage

*) Except for hatch patterns; use the new HpTransparency system variable to control their translucency.

**) Translucency is limited to a maximum of 90% to avoid confusion with hidden and frozen objects.

ClassicKeys toggles the meaning of Ctrl+C:

0 – copies objects (default).

1 – cancels commands.

ConstraintCursorDisplay (undocumented) toggles the display of the constraint icons that appear next to thecursor:

0 – off.

1 – on (default).

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ConstraintInfer toggles the inference of geometric constraints as objects are drawn and edited:

0 – not inferred (default).

1 – inferred.

ConstraintSolveMode no longer toggles the inference of temporary constraints. Instead of threeoptions, it now has these two:

0 – geometry size not retained when constraints are applied or modified.

1 – geometry size is retained, even when constraints are applied or modified (default).

CullingObj toggles whether to highlight subobjects when they are not normal to the current view:

0 – not culled.

1 – culled* (default).

*Culling highlights only subobjects (faces, edges, and vertices) that are normal to the current view under these two

conditions: (a) when the cursor passes over objects and (b) when objects are selected.

CullingObjSelection toggles whether hidden objects are selected when a selection window is dragged*:

0 – not culled; hidden objects are selected (default).

1 – culled; hidden objects are not selected

* It is not possible to select hidden objects by picking. Turning off this system variable allows you to select hidden objects

through windowed selection modes.

DDigitizer reports the style of digitizer attached to AutoCAD (read-only):

0 – none (default).

1 – integrated touch.

2 – external touch.

4 – integrated pen.

8 – external pen.

16 – multiple input.

128 – input devices are ready.

EErHighlight toggles whether external references are highlighted when selected in the External Refer-ences dialog box – and vice versa:

0 – not highlighted.

1 – highlighted (default).

FFbxImportLog (undocumented) toggles the creation of log files that report the status of imported .fbx files:

0 – off.

1 – on (default).

FilletRad3d reports the current fillet radius used by the new FilletEdge and SurfFillet commands:

1.0000 – (default).

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GGf... represents a set of system variables that are neither new nor changed, but are finally documentedby Autodesk after many releases:

GfAng – gradient rotation angle.

GfClr1 – first gradient color.

GfClr2 – second gradient color 2.

GfClrState – number of gradient colors, 1 or 2.

GfColorLum – shade of gray for one-color gradients.

GfName – gradient style.

GfAShift – location of gradient origin.

GlobalOpacity sets the default level of translucency for all palettes (when transparency is turned on):

0 – fully transparent (default).

100 – fully opaque.

GridMajor now applies to display modes where previously only grid dots were displayed.

GridMode changes its default setting from off (in AutoCAD 2010 and earlier) to on:

0 – off.

1 – on (default).

GridStyle switches the grid between dotted and lined (bitmode):

0 — Lined grid is displayed (default).

1 — Dotted grid displayed in 2D model space.

2 — Dotted grid displayed in block editor.

4 — Dotted grid displayed in sheets and layout tabs.

GripContour specifies the color of the grip outline; range is 1 to 255, default is color 251.

GripMultifunctional controls access to multifunctional grips:

0 – disabled.

1 – uses Ctrl cycling and the hot grip shortcut menu

2 – uses the dynamic menu and the hot grip shortcut menu.

3 – uses Ctrl cycling, the dynamic menu, and the hot grip shortcut menu (default).

Grips now has an added option:

0 – grips are not displayed.

1 – grips are displayed, except polyline midpoint segment grips.

2 – midpoint grips are displayed on polyline segments (default).

GripSubObjMode adds two modes for determining when grips are hot automatically during subobjectselection:

0 – grips not displayed as hot when subobjects selected.

1 – face, edge, or vertex grips displayed as hot when subobjects of solids, surfaces, and meshes selected (default).

2 – lines and arc segment grips displayed as hot when 2D polylines selected.

3 – combines actions of options 1 and 2.

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GripTips adds Ctrl-cycling to display grip tips when the cursor pauses over multifunctional grips:

0 – grip tips and Ctrl-cycling tooltips not displayed.

1 – grip tips and Ctrl-cycling tooltips displayed (default).

HHatchBoundSet (undocumented) reports the contents of the hatch boundary set (read-only):

0 – current viewport (default).

1 – existing set.

HatchCreation (undocumented) reports whether the Hatch command is active (read-only):

0 – hatching is not active (default).

1 – hatching is underway (Hatch command is active).

HatchType (undocumented) specifies the type of hatch pattern (read-only):

0 – predefined (default).

1 – user defined.

2 – custom

HelpPrefix specifies the path to the help file, which can also be changed through Options | Files | Helpand Miscellaneous File Names option | Help Location.

"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Autocad 2011 \Help\Index.Html" – (default).

HpAnnotative determines whether new hatch patterns take on annotative scale factors:

0 – nonannotative (default).

1 – annotative.

HpBackgroundColor specifies the background fill color for hatch patterns:

“None” or “.” – no background color (default).

1 through 255 – AutoCAD Color Index

Name – name of the first seven colors, such as “Red.”

RGB: or HSL: – red-green-blue or hue-saturation-luminosity, such as "RGB:130,200,240"; range is 000 to 255.

Colorbook – PANTONE, DIC, or RAL color specifications, such as "DIC COLOR GUIDE(R)$DIC 43".

HpBoundRetain toggles whether boundary objects are created for new hatches; the HpBound systemvariable determines whether the boundaries are region or polylines:

0 – not created (default).

1 – created.

HpColor specifies the default color for new hatch patterns:

"Use Current" or “.”– use the color defined by CeColor system variable (default).

“ByLayer” or “ByBlock” – used color of the associated layer or block.

1 through 255 – AutoCAD Color Index

Name – name of the first seven colors, such as “Red.”

RGB: or HSL: – red-green-blue or hue-saturation-luminosity, such as "RGB:130,200,240"; range is 000 to 255.

Colorbook – PANTONE, DIC, or RAL color specifications, such as "DIC COLOR GUIDE(R)$DIC 43".

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HpDlgMode determines when the Hatch and Gradient and Hatch Edit dialog boxes are displayed by theHatch, Gradient, and HatchEdit commands:

0 – dialog boxes are never displayed; enter the seTtings option to display them.

1 – Hatch and Gradient dialog boxes are displayed; Hatch Edit is not.

2 – dialog boxes are displayed when the ribbon is not active (default).

HpIslandDetection determines how islands are hatched:

0 – alternating islands are hatched (Normal mode).

1 – outermost island only is hatched (Outer mode; default).

2 – everything is hatched (Ignore mode).

HpIslandDetectionMode toggles the type of island detection (controls HpIslandDetection):

0 – legacy island detection.

1 – shiny new island detection method (default).

HpLastPattern (undocumented) reports the name of the last hatch pattern used (read-only):

"Ansi31" – (default).

HpLayer specifies the name of the layer to use for new hatches and fills.

"Use Current" – (default).

HpObjWarning now has a default value of 10000, up from 1000 in previous releases; range is 1 to1073741823.

HpOriginStoreAsDefault (undocumented) specifies whether the user-defined hatch origin is stored as the defaultvalue:

0 – not stored (default).

1 – store specified origin as default.

HpQuickPreview toggles the display of hatch previews when the cursor is inside boundaries:

Off – no preview.

On – preview (default).

HpRelativePs (undocumented) toggles whether hatch pattern scaling is relative to the paper space scale factor(read-only):

Off – hatch patterns are not scaled (default).

On – hatch patterns are scaled

HpTransparency sets the default translucency percentage for new hatches; has no effect on existingpatterns:

“Use current” or “.” – uses the translucency specified by the CeTransparency system variable (default).

“ByLayer” or “ByBlock” – uses the translucency specified by the associated layer or block.

0 to 90 – range of translucency from 0 (none) to 90 (mostly transparent).

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LLagacyCtrlPick adds option 2:

0 – Ctrl+click selects faces, edges, and vertices (subobjects).

1 – Ctrl+click cycles through overlapping objects.

2 – Ctrl+click selects subobjects when SubObjSelectionMode = 0; otherwise, selects subobjects when Ctrl is not held


MMatBrowserState reports on the state of the new Materials Browser palette (read-only):

0 – closed (default).

1 – open.

MatEditorState reports on the state of the new Materials Editor palette (read-only):

0 – closed (default).

1 – open.

MaterialsPath reports the path to the material library folder (read-only):

"" – C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\Materials2011 (default).

MatState is no longer documented by Autodesk; it is replaced by the MatBrowserState and MatEditorStatesystem variables.

MaxTouches reports the number of touch points supported by multi-touch digitizers (read-only):

1 – (default).

MeasureInit now specifies Imperial or metric scale factors automatically when new drawings are cre-ated without a template.

MirrHatch toggles the mirroring of hatches:

0 – retains hatch angle (default).

1 – mirrors hatch angle.

NNavBarDisplay toggles the display of the navigation bar; applies to all viewports and layouts (the NavBarcommand applies to the current viewport or space):

0 – off.

1 – on (default).

NavVCubeDisplay now controls the display of the ViewCube according to the current visual style*:

0 – not displayed.

1 – displayed in 3D visual styles, but not 2D

2 – displayed in 2D visual styles, but not 3D (new to 2011).

3 – displayed in 2D and 3D visual styles (new to 2011; default).

*) There is no system variable that reports the current visual style.

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OObjectIsolationMode toggles the display of hidden and isolated objects between drawing sessions:

0 – hidden and isolated for the current drawing session only (default).

1 – hidden and isolated settings saved for the next drawing session.

PPickAdd adds a persistent mode to its options:

0 – off (hold down Shift to add objects to the selection set).

1 – on (hold down Shift to remove objects from the selection set).

2 – persistent; keeps objects selected after the Select command ends (hold down Shift to remove objects from the

selection set; new to 2011; default).

PlotTransparencyOverride determines how translucent objects are plotted:

0 – does not plot translucency.

1 – uses the settings of the PageSetup and Plot commands (default).

2 – plots object transparency; converts drawings to raster, which can take longer to complete.

PointCloudAutoUpdate toggles the automatic regeneration of point clouds manipulation and realtimepanning, zooming, and orbiting:

0 – manual regeneration required; has no effect on PointCloudRtDensity.

1 – automatically regenerated (default).

PointCloudDensity specifies the percentage of points to display simultaneously. The percentage is of1,500,000, the maximum number of points per drawing (the default of 15 means 15%, or 225,000 points.)This value is distributed among all point clouds in the drawing; range is 1 to 100:

15 – (default).

PointCloudLock toggles locking of point clouds:

0 – not locked (default).

1 – locked; point clouds cannot be edited, moved, or rotated.

PointCloudRtDensity specifies the percentage of points to display during realtime zooming, panning, ororbiting. The percentage is of 1,500,000, the maximum number of points per drawing (the default of 5means 5%, or 75,000 points.) To improve performance, set this variable to a lower value thanPointCloudDensity; range is 1 to 100:

5 – (default).

PreviewFaceEffect toggles preview selection highlighting of face subobjects:

0 – faces are not highlighted.

1 – faces are highlighted with texture fill (default).

QQpMode changes its default value from 1 to -1, which means that the Quick Properties palette is nowturned off by default.

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RRebuild2dCv specifies the number of control vertices per spline; range is 2 to 32767:

6 – (default).

Rebuild2dDegree specifies the degree for splines; range is 1 to 11:

1 – splines are like straight lines (no bends).

2 – splines are parabolic (one bend).

3 – splines are cubic Beziers (two bends; default).

Rebuild2dOption toggles how splines are rebuilt:

0 – original curves not deleted.

1 – original curves are deleted (default).

RebuildDegreeU specifies the U-direction degree for NURBS surfaces; range is 2 to 11:

3 – (default).

RebuildDegreeV specifies the V-direction degree for NURBS surfaces; range is 2 to 11:

3 – (default).

RebuildOptions determines the fate of original surfaces and trimmed areas on rebuilt surfaces:

0 – keeps original surfaces; trimmed areas are not applied.

1 – deletes original surfaces; trimmed areas are not applied (default).

2 – keeps original surfaces; trimmed areas are applied to the rebuilt object.

3 – deletes original surfaces; trimmed areas are applied.

RebuildU specifies default number of lines in the U direction for NURBS surfaces; range is 2 to 32767:

6 – (default).

RebuildV specifies the default number of lines in the V direction for NURBS surfaces; range is 2 to 32767:

6 – (default).

RecoverAuto displays recovery notifications of damaged drawing files:

0 – displays a dialog box when opening damaged files; interrupts running scripts (default).

1 – recovers damaged files automatically; displays dialog box report on recovered file; does not interrupt scripts.

2 – recovers damaged files automatically; displays report on the recovered file at the command prompt.

RolloverOpacity specifies the translucency of palettes when cursor moves over them; range is 0 to 100:

0 – (default).

SSelectionCycling toggles selection cycling:

0 – off (default).

1 – on, but does not display the list dialog box.

2 – on, and displays the list dialog box of objects that you have selected.

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SelectSimilarMode determines the matchable properties for the SelectSimilar command (bitcode):

0 – object type

1 – color

2 – layer

4 – linetype

8 – linetype scale

16 – lineweight

32 – plot style

64 – text styles, dimension styles, table styles, and so on.

128 – names of referenced objects, such as blocks, xrefs, and images.

130 – (default) 2+128 = layer and name of referenced objects.

SetByLayerMode adds transparency to its list of modes:

0 – excludes all selected.

1 – includes color property.

2 – includes linetype property.

4 – includes lineweight property.

8 – includes material property.

16 – includes plot style property.

32 – changes ByBlock to ByLayer.

64 – includes blocks when changing ByBlock to ByLayer.

128 – includes transparency property.

SkPoly now adds splines to the types of objects created by the Sketch command:

0 – lines (default).

1 – polylines

2 – splines (new to 2011).

SkTolerance specifies how closely a spline fits to a freehand sketch; range is 0 to 1:

0.5000 – (default).

SmState (undocumented) reports the state of show motion (read-only)

0 – closed (default).

1 – open.

SplDegree specifies the default degree for new splines created with control vertices; range is 1 to 5;default value = 3.

SplFrame no longer applies to polylines and splines*; it now applies to helixes and smoothed meshobjects:

0 – does not display control polygon of helixes; displays smoothed mesh objects; and does not display invisible edges of 3D

faces or polyface meshes.

1 – displays control polygon of helixes; displays unsmoothed mesh objects that are smoothed; displays edges of 3D faces

and polyface meshes.

* Use the new CvShow and CvHide commands for splines and splined polylines.

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SplKnots specifies the default knot setting when specifying fit points for new splines:

0 – chords (default).

1 – square root chords.

2 – uniform.

SplMethod toggles the default type of new splines:

0 – fit (default).

1 – control vertices.

SurfaceAssociativity toggles surface associativity:

0 – no associativity to other surfaces.

1 – surfaces adjust automatically to modifications made to related surfaces (default); value of DelObj is ignored.

SurfaceAssociativityDrag specifies how associative surfaces react during dragging (move) operations:

0 – not previewed; display updated following the drag operations. Use this setting for faster operation.

1 – previews first surface only; other surfaces updated following drag operation (default).

2 – previews all surfaces.

SurfaceAutoTrim toggles the automatic trimming of surfaces by projected geometry:

0 – not trimmed (default).

1 – trimmed.

SurfaceModelingMode determines the default 3D surface type:

0 – creates procedural surfaces (default).

1 – creates NURBS surfaces.

SurfOffsetConnect (undocumented) toggles connection between offset surfaces:

0 – off (default).

1 – on.

SurfTrimAutoExtend (undocumented) toggles automatic extension of trim geometry:

0 – off.

1 – on (default).

SurfTrimProjection (undocumented) toggles projection of trim entities onto surfaces:

0 – off (default).

1 – on.

TTransparencyDisplay toggles the display of translucency in objects, which Autodesk calls “transparent”:

0 – off.

1 – on (default).

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VVsaCurvatureHigh specifies the value above which surface curvature is displayed in green; range is anyreal number:

1.0000 – (default).

VsaCurvatureLow specifies the value below which surface curvature is displayed in blue; range is any realnumber:

-1.0000 – (default).

VsaCurvatureType determines the type of curvature analysis used by the AnalysisCurvature command:

0 – Gaussian evaluates areas of high and low curvature (default).

1 – Mean evaluates mean curvature of u and v surface values.

2 – Maximum evaluates maximum curvature of u and v surface values.

3 – Minimum evaluates minimum curvature of u and v surface values.

VsaDraftangleHigh specifies the draft angle above which portions of the model is displayed with greenduring draft analysis:

-90 – surface is parallel to the UCS with surface normal facing the opposite direction from the construction plane.

0 – surface is perpendicular to the construction plane.

3 – (default).

90 – surface is parallel to the construction plane with surface normal facing the same direction as the UCS.

VsaDraftangleLow specifies the draft angle below which portions of the model is displayed with blueduring draft analysis:

-90 – surface is parallel to the UCS with surface normal facing the opposite direction from the construction plane.

-3 – (default).

0 – surface is perpendicular to the construction plane.

90 – surface is parallel to the construction plane with surface normal facing the same direction as the UCS.

VsaZebraColor1 specifies one color of zebra analysis stripes; uses ACI, RGB, HSL, or ColorBook values.

"Rgb:255,255,255" – white (default).

VsaZebraColor2 specifies second color of zebra analysis stripes; uses ACI, RGB, HSL, or ColorBookvalues:

"Rgb:0,0,0" – black (default).

VsaZzebraDirection specifies the angle of zebra stripes; range is 0 to 90 degrees:

0 – horizontal.

90 – vertical (default).

VsaZebraSize specifies the width of stripes in zebra analysis displays; range is 1 to 100 pixels.

45 – (default).

VsaZebraType determines the type of zebra analysis display:

0 – chrome ball effect.

1 – cylinder effect (default).

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VsEdgeLEx specifies the length of line extensions of edges in visual styles (negative number turns offextensions); range is 0 to 100 pixels:

-6 – (default).

VsOccludedColor specifies the color of hidden (occluded) lines in visual styles; uses ACI, RGB, HSL, orColorBook values:

"Byentity" – (default).

VsOccludedEdges toggles the display of hidden (occluded) edges in visual styles:

0 – off.

1 – on (default).

VsOccludedLtype determines the linetype of hidden (occluded) lines in visual styles. Changing this sys-tem variable creates a new unsaved visual style. Range is 1 to 11:

1 – solid lines (default for most visual styles).

2 – dashed lines (default for hidden and shaded with edges).

3 – dotted lines.

4 – short Dash lines.

5 – medium Dash lines.

6 – long Dash lines.

7 – double Short Dash lines.

8 – double Medium Dash lines.

9 – double Long Dash

10 – medium Long Dash

11 – sparse Dot

WWbDefaultBrowser (undocumented) specifies which Web browser is used for the new Web-based help system(read-only):

0 – default system browser (default).

1 – Internet Explorer.

WbHelpOnline (undocumented) toggles whether Web-based help is accessed from Autodesk when online (read-only):

0 – local access only.

1 – local and Autodesk online access (default).

WbHelpType (undocumented) toggles the source of Web-based help files (read-only):

0 – CHM (traditional compiled help files).

1 – HTML (default).

WsAutosave toggles automatic saving of changes to workspaces:

0 – off (default).

1 – on.

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#3dOsMode specifies the current 3D object snaps modes (bitcode):

0 – disables all 3D osnap modes.

1 – temporarily disables all 3D osnap modes (keyboard = ZNON)

2 – snaps to vertices (ZVER)

4 – snaps to midpoints of edges (ZMID)

8 – snaps to centers of faces (ZCEN)

16 – snaps to spline knots (ZKNO)

32 – snaps to the perpendiculars of faces (ZPER).

64 – snaps to objects nearest to faces (ZNEA).

128 – turns on all 3D osnap modes.

11 – (default) 1 + 2 + 8 = center of a face and vertex.

3dSelectionMode was meant to be just for AutoCAD 2010, but continues to work in AutoCAD 2011;it is no longer slated to be removed from a future release.

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Chapter 5

System, File,and Other Changes

AutoCAD 2011 is the 25th release of the software; internally, the program refers to itself as

version “18.1.” DWG and DXF files are identified by version number AC1024.

System RequirementsAutodesk recommends the following hardware and software for installing AutoCAD 2011. WindowsXP continues to be supported. Separate installs of AutoCAD are required for 32- and 64-bit versions ofWindows.

Windows Operating Systems


Vista Enterprise, Business, Ultimate, or Home Premium (SP1)

XP Professional or Home (SP2 or later)

• With non-English language versions, Autodesk recommends that the Windows’ code page match that of AutoCAD

2011’s. (Code pages support character sets for different languages.)

• Windows XP Professional and Vista requires that Microsoft’s .NET Framework 3.0 be installed on your computer


• AutoCAD 2011 requires Adobe’s Flash Player for some tutorials, which is not installed automatically. You can

download Flash from or from the Flash installer on the AutoCAD 2011 DVD.

32-bit CPUs

Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon Dual Core

XP: 1.6 GHz or faster

Vista and 7: 3.0 GHz or faster

64-bit CPUs

With SSE2* technology:

AMD Athlon 64 or Opteron

Intel Pentium 4 or Xeon with Intel EM64T** support.

*) SSE2 (streaming SIMD [single instruction, multiple data] extension 2) instruction set architecture for CPUs enables

hardware-assisted computing of certain math functions and vector transformations used by CAD applications. AutoCAD

does not run on CPUs lacking SSE2.

**) EM64T (Extended Memory 64 Technology) refers to Intel CPUs that support 64-bit operating systems.


2GB or more

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Minimums DVD-ROM drive

3GB free disk space for 32-bit install

3.5GB free disk space for 64-bit install

Graphics Boards

Minimum 1024x768 True Color

For 3D modeling 1280x1024 with 32-bit color, 128MB or greater

Direct3D-capable workstation-class graphics card

• For graphic cards that support hardware acceleration, DirectX 9.0c or later must be installed on your computer.

Installing from the ACAD.msi file does not install DirectX; you must manually install DirextX to configure hardware


• Autodesk recommends checking for the list of supported graphics board

and latest display drivers. If Autodesk does not include one for your computer’s graphics board, check with the board

manufacturer’s Web site and possibly with the computer manufacturer’s site.

Pointing Devices, Other

MS-Mouse compliant

Internet access

AutoCAD sometimes uses Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 7.0 (or later) even when it is not the default Web browser on

your computer.

TIP You can run AutoCAD 2011 on netbook computers, provided you take the following limitations into account:

• During installation, attach an external monitor. Netbooks are limited to 1024x600 or lower resolution, and the install

dialog boxes are larger than this.

• When AutoCAD starts, a dialog box appears complaining the screen resolution is too low. Click OK, and AutoCAD

continues normally.

• 2D operations work well, but 3D operations tend to be sluggish, because netbooks use Atom (or other underpowered

CPUs), have integrated graphics not meant for 3D manipulation, and have just 1GB RAM.

• You can improve the netbook’s performance by inserting a Class 6 SD memory card, and dedicating it to

ReadyBoost (WIndows Vista and 7 only).

Compatibility with Earlier Releases


AutoCAD 2011 is binary compatible with AutoCAD 2010, but apps developed for AutoCAD 2011 with ObjectARX will

not work in prior releases. Recompile apps with the most recent ObjectARX libraries provided by the Autodesk

Developer Network.

The 64-bit version of AutoCAD 2011 does not support Microsoft’s Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider and OLE DB Provider

for ODBC Drivers. Substitute the SQL Server for OLE DB.


AutoCAD 2011 uses the AutoCAD 2010 drawing file format, which is incompatible with releases prior to 2010. Use the

SaveAs command to save to earlier releases.

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New Keyboard ShortcutsAutoCAD 2011 adds these meanings to the Ctrl key:

Ctrl Cycles through editing modes while a polyline grip is hot (red).

Selects polyline segments.

The following keyboard shortcuts are new in AutoCAD 2011:

Shift+F1 Selects no subobjects

Shift+F2 Selects vertex subobjects

Shift+F3 Selects edge subobjects

Shift+F4 Selects face subobjects

Shift+F5 Toggles solid history

Ctrl+Shift+1 Toggles inference of constraints

The following keyboard shortcut changes in AutoCAD 2011:

F4 Toggles 3D object snap (previously toggled tablet mode)

New Keyboard AbbreviationsThe new 3D object snap modes introduce the following keyboard abbreviations (the ‘z’ refers to thethird dimension):

Abbreviation Meaning 3dOsMode

znon Temporarily disables all 3D osnap modes 1

zver Snaps to vertices 2

zmid Snaps to midpoints of edges 4

zcen Snaps to centers of faces 8

zkno Snaps to spline knots 16

zper Snaps to the perpendiculars of faces 32

znea Snaps to objects nearest to faces 64

New File TypesAutoCAD 2011 registers these new file types:

FBX Motionbuilder FilmBoX files

ISD ICEM Shape Design format for pointcloud files

PCG Autodesk’s Point Cloud format for pointcloud files

FLS Cloud data file.

FWS Cloud data file.

LAS Cloud data file.

XYB Cloud data file.

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New TermsAutoCAD 2011 introduces these new terms:

Background Transparency The new name for the old transparency function that applies to bitonal images attached to

drawings (Transparent command), to replace the new transparency function. Clear?

Bulge Determines the curvature between two surfaces.

Continuity Determines the smoothness between two surfaces.

Control Vertex Points that control the placement of splines.

Culling Reduces the number of subobjects (faces, edges, and vertices) that are highlighted normal to

the current view, under these two conditions: (a) when the cursor passes over objects and (b)

when objects are selected.

Curvature Analysis Red and green areas that illustrate Gaussian, minimum, maximum, and mean U and V surface


Draft Analysis Red and blue areas that illustrate the angle difference from the face normals. Draft angle is 90

degrees when the surface is parallel to the UCS plane; 0 when perpendicular; and -90

when surface normals face the opposite direction.

Gaussian Curvature Positive curvature indicates bowl shapes; negative Gaussian curvature indicates saddle shapes;

zero curvature indicates flat surface in one direction. Cones, Cylinders, and planes zero

Gaussian curvature.

Degree Specifies how often the spline segment bends; 1 = no bends, 2 = 1 bend, and so on.

Kink A sharp corner in an otherwise smooth spline.

Knot Points on splines where the polynomial segments meet.

Network Surface that bridges curves and edges between surfaces or solids

Occluded Lines Hidden lines in visual styles

Zebra Analysis Black and white stripes that illustrate surface continuity in terms of G0 (position), G1

(tangent), and G2 (curvature); misaligned stripes indicate failure.

New Cursor and Editing Icons


AutoCAD 2011 adds an orange dot to the cursor icons of fix, horizontal, and vertical constraints so thatyou can distinguish between point and object constraints.

Constraint Point Icon Object Icon




There are now three icons for symmetry constraint, to distinguish between point, object, and line sym-metry:

Constraint Point Icon Object Icon Line Icon


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Copied from AutoCAD 2010’s cursor icons for editing the boundaries of non-associative hatch patterns,AutoCAD 2011 now display the icons during grip editing of polyline segments (press Ctrl to switchbetween editing modes):

Editing Mode Cursor IconStretching a vertex or segment (none)

Adding a vertex

Removing a vertex

Converting an arc segment to a line

Converting a line segment to an arc

Splines can now have control vertices, whose points are displayed by the new CvShow command:

Spline Icon

Control vertex


Certain commands, such as SurfBlend, display icons that indicate the level of smoothness between ad-joining surfaces:

Icon Level of Smoothness Meaning

G0 Not smooth or continuous (Position)

G1 Tangent

G2 Continuous curvature

. . . G3 Same rate of curvature (not supported by AutoCAD)

New GripsThe midpoints of polyline segments now have a bar grip for stretching the segment, adding a vertex, andconverting the segment between lines and arcs:

Associative hatches now have a round grip in their centers:

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New AliasesThe following new command aliases were added to AutoCAD 2011’s acad.pgp file:

Command Alias

AnalysisCurvature CurvatureAnalysis

AnalysisDraftangle DraftangleAnalysis

AnalysisZebra Zebra

CvAdd InsertControlPoint

CvHide PointOff

CvrRbuild Rebuild

CvRemove RemoveControlpoint

CvShow PointOn

HatchToBack Hb

IsolateObjects Isolate

MatBrowserOpen Mat

PointcloudAttach PcAttach

PointcloudIndex PcIndex

Pointcloud Pc

SurfBlend BlendSrf

SurfExtend ExtendSrf

SurfFillet FilletSrf

SurfNetwork NetworkSrf

SurfOffset OffsetSrf

SurfPatch Patch

SurfSculpt Createsolid

UnisolateObjects Unhide, Unisolate

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Appendix A

Undocumented Graphics Commands

AutoCAD contains a host of undocumented commands for testing the performance of your computer’sgraphics system. The commands are stored in Gs_Test_Group. Use the AppLoad command to loadGsTest.arx for these command to operate.

Antz controls the ViewCube orientation from the command line; displays all SteeringWheels at once.Command: antzantzantzantzantz[ViewCube/SteeringWheel/Refresh]: (Enter an option.)

The ViewCube option can be used by macros to change to standard viewpoints.Click on ViewCube part or [?]: (Enter a number or type ?.)Enter a number to orient the ViewCube and the drawing to the related viewpoint:Front=0 Back=1 Bottom=2 Top=3 Left=4Right=5 FrontBottom=6 FrontTop=7 BackBottom=8 BackTop=9BottomFront=10 BottomRight=11 TopLeft=12 TopRight=13 LeftFront=14LeftBack=15 RightFront=16 RightBack=17 FrontBottomLeft=18FrontBottomRight=19 FrontTopLeft=20 FrontTopRight=21 BackBottomLeft=22BackBottomRight=23 BackTopLeft=24 BackTopRight=25 East=26 West=27South=28 North=29 CCW=30 CW=31 Home=32

The SteeringWheel option’s Show Wheel options displays all seven SteeringWheels on the screen atonce:

[Show wheels/SImulate operation]: (Type S or SI.)

The SImulate option animates sample operations. Enter one of the following numbers:Pan=0 Orbit=1 Look=2 Fly=3 Dolly=4Zoom=5 Zoom2D=6 Height=7

The Refresh option does not to appear to have an effect.

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CaptureTransients command issues the following prompt:Command: capturetransientscapturetransientscapturetransientscapturetransientscapturetransientsEnter status of capture transients [oN/oFf] <oN>: (Enter N or F.)

FbxListMaterials command lists the names of materials in the current drawing:Command: fbxlistmaterialsfbxlistmaterialsfbxlistmaterialsfbxlistmaterialsfbxlistmaterialsMaterials available are:ByBlockByLayerGlobal

FbxSetMaterial command sets the default material for the current drawing:Command: fbxsetmaterialfbxsetmaterialfbxsetmaterialfbxsetmaterialfbxsetmaterialMaterial name: (Enter the name of a material.)

GlClipBackOn command toggles the back clipping plane:Command: glclipbackonglclipbackonglclipbackonglclipbackonglclipbackonBack Clip On: (Press Enter to toggle on or off.)

GlClipFront command prompts you to position the front clipping plane:Command: glclipfrontglclipfrontglclipfrontglclipfrontglclipfrontEnter Front Clipping Plane Position: (Enter a distance.)

GsAutoOrbit command rotates the contents of the current viewport around the x and y axes.Command: gsautoorbitgsautoorbitgsautoorbitgsautoorbitgsautoorbit

GsAutoZoomPan command zooms and pans the contents of the current viewport.Command: gsautozoompangsautozoompangsautozoompangsautozoompangsautozoompan

Gsb1 – Gsb5 commands spin the content of the current viewport, and then report the time and speedresults, where fps = frames per second:

Command: gsb1gsb1gsb1gsb1gsb1Wireframe : 0.556681 seconds, 217.359543 fpsGouraud Shaded : 0.546196 seconds, 221.532253 fps

GsbXy command spins the content of the current viewport, and then reports the time and speedresults:

Command: gsbxygsbxygsbxygsbxygsbxyWireframe : 0.551614 seconds, 219.356165 fpsHidden Line : 0.565170 seconds, 214.095008 fpsFlat Shaded : 0.552445 seconds, 219.026183 fpsGouraud Shaded : 0.557033 seconds, 217.222413 fpsRealistic : 0.563588 seconds, 214.695756 fpsConceptual : 0.570478 seconds, 212.102712 fps

GsbXyAutomated command spins the content of the current viewport, and then reports the timeand speed results:

Command: gsbxyautomatedgsbxyautomatedgsbxyautomatedgsbxyautomatedgsbxyautomated--------------------------------SW -- BC N--------------------------------Wireframe : 0.900274 seconds, 134.403561 fpsHidden Line : 0.632454 seconds, 191.318385 fpsFlat Shaded : 0.629681 seconds, 192.160766 fpsGouraud Shaded : 0.623166 seconds, 194.169719 fpsRealistic : 0.629882 seconds, 192.099413 fps

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Conceptual : 0.628120 seconds, 192.638305 fps

--------------------------------SW -- BC Y--------------------------------Wireframe : 0.526804 seconds, 229.686990 fpsHidden Line : 0.389133 seconds, 310.948032 fpsFlat Shaded : 0.402841 seconds, 300.366288 fpsGouraud Shaded : 0.406112 seconds, 297.947030 fpsRealistic : 0.392624 seconds, 308.182985 fpsConceptual : 0.410698 seconds, 294.620522 fps--------------------------------HW -- BC N -- GA N--------------------------------Wireframe : 0.626574 seconds, 193.113553 fpsHidden Line : 0.538070 seconds, 224.877961 fpsFlat Shaded : 0.592528 seconds, 204.209717 fpsGouraud Shaded : 0.525823 seconds, 230.115311 fpsRealistic : 0.499608 seconds, 242.190064 fpsConceptual : 0.507953 seconds, 238.210832 fps

--------------------------------HW -- BC Y -- GA N--------------------------------Wireframe : 0.495734 seconds, 244.082446 fpsHidden Line : 0.502644 seconds, 240.726890 fpsFlat Shaded : 0.499067 seconds, 242.452636 fpsGouraud Shaded : 0.493050 seconds, 245.411166 fpsRealistic : 0.499708 seconds, 242.141428 fpsConceptual : 0.495339 seconds, 244.277008 fps

--------------------------------HW -- BC N -- GA Y--------------------------------Wireframe : 0.973210 seconds, 124.330766 fpsHidden Line : 0.494404 seconds, 244.739021 fpsFlat Shaded : 0.511661 seconds, 236.484709 fpsGouraud Shaded : 0.495045 seconds, 244.422122 fpsRealistic : 0.527085 seconds, 229.564549 fpsConceptual : 0.615240 seconds, 196.671278 fps

--------------------------------HW -- BC Y -- GA Y--------------------------------Wireframe : 0.517366 seconds, 233.877103 fpsHidden Line : 0.604602 seconds, 200.131665 fpsFlat Shaded : 0.796884 seconds, 151.841389 fpsGouraud Shaded : 0.647558 seconds, 186.855852 fpsRealistic : 0.603331 seconds, 200.553119 fpsConceptual : 0.552567 seconds, 218.977802 fps

GsbXyConceptual, GsbXyCurrent, GsbXyFlat, GsbXyG3, GsbXyGouraud, GsbXyHidden,GsbXyRealistic, and GsbXyWireframe commands spin the content of the current viewport, andthen reports the time and speed result, as above.

GsClipBack command prompts you to position the back clipping plane:Command: gsclipbackgsclipbackgsclipbackgsclipbackgsclipbackEnter Back Clipping Plane Position: (Enter a distance.)

GsClipFrontOn command toggles the front clipping plane:Command: gsclipfrontongsclipfrontongsclipfrontongsclipfrontongsclipfrontonFront Clip On: (Press Enter to toggle on or off.)

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GsDebug and GsTest commands prompt you to select a debugging mode:Command: gsdebuggsdebuggsdebuggsdebuggsdebugCommand [Bias/CloudFailure/deVice/GrabImage/HUD/Multisample]: (Enter an option.)

The Bias option presents this prompt:Bias: (Enter a value.)

The CloudFailure option presents this prompt:nVerts: (Enter a value.)

nVerts appear to specify the the number of vertices.

The deVice option switches bewteen OpenGL, DirectX 9, and DirectX 10:Device [OGL/Dx9/Dx10]: (Enter an option.)

The GrabImage option saves the screen image as a PNG file:Grab Image file: (Enter a file name.)Successfully wrote C:\Users\login\Documents\acad.png.

The HUD option adds a heads-up display that reports the frames-per-second speed in realtime:Level [Off/oN]: (Enter O or N).

The Multisample option prompts you for a multisampling rate:Multisampling rate: (Enter a number.)

(From Multisampling is the way DirectX does full-scene anti-aliasing. Multiplesamples, called subsamples, of rendered pixels are taken, and blended together before being output tothe screen. …the only pixels that are updated are the ones on the edges of visible polygons and notevery pixel in the frame…)

GsDolly, GsOrbit, GsPan, GsTestBenchmark, GsTestRegress, GsZoom zoom, pan, and/or rotatethe current viewport in a variety of display modes. A typical report looks like this:

Commandf: gsdollygsdollygsdollygsdollygsdolly-------------------------------Wireframe : 750.234080 msWireframe : 242.590952 fpsHidden Line : 743.738414 msHidden Line : 244.709694 fpsFlat Shaded : 751.678699 msFlat Shaded : 242.124727 fpsGouraud Shaded : 761.111116 msGouraud Shaded : 239.124086 fps-----------------------------–

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GsVsTest command displays arrays of boxes, spheres, teapots, and other shapes made of VsTestEntityobjects. (Caution: this command may appear to lock up your computer; just wait a few minutes.)

PCloud command displays a point cloud made of RenderBuffer objects:Command: pcloudNumber of points <5000>:Colors [Single/Multiple] <Multiple>:Specify center point:Specify radius:

Resize command resizes the AutoCAD window:Command: resizeresizeresizeresizeresizeAutoCAD drawing area (screensize) is 2027 x 839AutoCAD window size is 2064 x 1128AutoCAD drawing area (screensize) is now 942 x 534

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TCloud command displays a point cloud made of triangles:Command: tcloudtcloudtcloudtcloudtcloudNumber of triangles <5000>:Colors [Single/Multiple] <Multiple>:Specify center point:Specify radius:

TIP The objects created by the GsVsTest, PCloud, and TCould commands can be removed from the drawing with the

Erase command.