automated attack surface approximation [fse - src 2015]

Christopher Theisen Automated Attack Surface Approximation

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Page 1: Automated Attack Surface Approximation [FSE - SRC 2015]

Christopher Theisen

Automated Attack Surface Approximation

Page 2: Automated Attack Surface Approximation [FSE - SRC 2015]


Page 3: Automated Attack Surface Approximation [FSE - SRC 2015]


Attack Surface?

Ex. early approximation of attack surface – Manadhata [1]:Only covers API entry points

…easy to say, hard to define (practically).

OWASP defines Attack Surface as the paths in and out of a system, the data that travels those paths, and the code that protects both


[1] Manadhata, P., Wing, J., Flynn, M., & McQueen, M. (2006, October). Measuring the attack surfaces of two FTP daemons. In Proceedings of the 2nd ACM workshop on Quality of protection (pp. 3-10). ACM

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The goal of this research is to aid software engineers in prioritizing security efforts by approximating the attack surface of a system via crash dump stack trace analysis.


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Proposed Solution

Crashes represent user activity that puts the system under stress

We *know* external input touched the entities on the stack trace

Are there security implications?

H1: Crash dumps localize vulnerabilities



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OverviewCatalog all code that appears on stack traces


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OverviewCatalog all code that appears on stack traces


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OverviewCatalog all code that appears on stack traces


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Attack Surface Analysis

Windows 8 [2] Fuzzing User Crashes*%binaries 0.9% 48.4%

%vulnerabilities 14.9% 94.6%

*Stack traces from dogfood testing crashes and field crashes

6/11[2] C. Theisen, K. Herzig, P. Morrison, B. Murphy, and L. Williams, “Approximating Attack Surfaces with Stack Traces,” in Companion Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering, 2015

Mozilla Firefox  User Crashes%files 8.4%

%vulnerabilities 72.1%

Stack traces highlighted where security vulnerabilities were.

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Vulnerability Prediction Models

Generate VPM based on 29 metrics (Churn, LoC, etc.) [3]

Run the VPM with all files considered as possibly vulnerable

Repeat, but remove code not found on stack traces

Vulnerability Prediction Model (VPM)

Precision improved from 0.5 to 0.69 Recall improved from 0.02 to 0.05

Statistical improvement? Yes. Practical? No.

Results [2]

[3] T. Zimmermann, N. Nagappan and L. Williams, "Searching for a Needle in a Haystack: Predicting Security Vulnerabilities for Windows Vista," in Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 2010 Third International Conference on, 2010

7/11[2] C. Theisen, K. Herzig, P. Morrison, B. Murphy, and L. Williams, “Approximating Attack Surfaces with Stack Traces,” in Companion Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering, 2015

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Firefox Analysis

More crashes = more vulnerabilities?

More stack traces, less files, higher flaw density!Lose coverage as you increase stack trace cutoff

Priority: Bottom upIntroduction | Methodology | Results and Discussion | Future Work | Conclusion

  Files Flaws %Files %Vuln Precision Recall>= 1 4998 282 8.4% 72.1% 0.056 0.721>= 30 1853 210 3.1% 53.7% 0.113 0.537

>= 140 969 162 1.6% 41.4% 0.167 0.414All 59437 391 - - - -


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Future Work

Introduction | Methodology | Results and Discussion | Future Work | Conclusion 9/11

Temporal Analysis

Initial attack surface approximation ...old nodes removed, new nodes added

Are new files now on the attack surface?Are legacy files files now on the attack surface?

Preliminary: Win 10 files dropped over time, but (old) items added back!

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Future Work

Introduction | Methodology | Results and Discussion | Future Work | Conclusion 10/11

Few to Many Many to Many Many to Few

What are the security impact of these shapes?

Preliminary: 65% of entities have less than 5 links

Shape Analysis


Page 14: Automated Attack Surface Approximation [FSE - SRC 2015]

Introduction | Methodology | Results and Discussion | Future Work | Conclusion


Thanks to…


Laurie WilliamsBrendan MurphyKim HerzigWindows Product Teams…and many more