automated load testing test and web performance test on using microsoft visual studio...

1 1.0 Introduction is a Malaysian web portal which offers the services of job recruitment via Internet in the Asia-Pasific. offers a comprehensive suite of interactive recruitment services. International and local Asian corporations recruit from's ever-increasing pool of top talent and manage their recruitment process through uniquely developed software applications via the Internet. As the website is accessed by thousands of user simultaneously, it is important that the site function correctly and is able to maintain its load. Below are the site info gained from . Figure 1.1: Main Page of 2.0 Test Item This test plan intended to test the website accessed capacity which include the item: webpage and its link redirection. 3.0 Features to be tested Among the feature to be tested are: a. User load b. Average Response Time for each Page in second

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1.0 Introduction is a Malaysian web portal which offers the services of job recruitment via

Internet in the Asia-Pasific. offers a comprehensive suite of interactiverecruitment services. International and local Asian corporations recruit from's

ever-increasing pool of top talent and manage their recruitment process through uniquely

developed software applications via the Internet. As the website is accessed by thousands of 

user simultaneously, it is important that the site function correctly and is able to maintain its

load. Below are the site info gained from . 

Figure 1.1: Main Page of

2.0 Test Item

This test plan intended to test the website accessed capacity which include the item: webpage

and its link redirection.

3.0 Features to be tested

Among the feature to be tested are:

a.  User load

b.  Average Response Time for each Page in second

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However, there are several feature is ignored during the testing:

a.  Login into the system.

b.  Registration feature of the website.

4.0 Approach

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 provides a dynamic and user-friendly test facility in the suite.

Firstly, test that are to be conducted are web performance testing. Web performance testing is

a type of testing intended to determine the responsiveness, throughput, reliability, and/or

scalability of a system under a given workload.

4.1 Web Performance Testing


Verify the functionality or performance of the


a.  Done by recording the interaction between user and website in a browser (Internet

Explorer is chosen).

b.  Only perform the test at HTTP layer and doesn’t run any additional script. For

example, Java Script, ActiveX Controls or Flash Player.

c.  Internet connection is set to Local Area network (LAN).

Secondly, result gathered from web performance testing will be used to perform load testing

on the website.

4.2 Load Testing


a.  Identify the maximum user capacity in the website (

b.  Stimulate situation where many users visiting the website at the same time.c.  Verify that an application will still perform adequately while under stress.

d.  Analyze the results for further integration or development of the website.


a.  Automatic testing is done using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 which provides the

tools to test the web in its Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

b.  Test is set to be on a load of 25 users accessing the website at the same time.

c.  Internet connection is set to Local Area network (LAN). Browser is set to Internet

Explorer7 and the test is performing for 2 minute without any warm-up time.

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5.0 Item Pass or Fail Criteria

For web performance test, the Pass and Fail Criteria is set to the:

Pass Criteria: Link redirection open correct site link on-click basisFail Criteria: Link redirection open wrong site link on-click basis

For load test, the Pass and Fail Criteria is set to the:

Pass Criteria: Site is able to support maximum number of 25 users for 2 minute.

Fail Criteria: Site is unable to support maximum number of 25 users for 2 minute.

6.0 Test Deliverables

Test Deliverables are the item(s) which are the final product of the testing. In this automation

testing, there are several items delivered to the tester. 

a.  User load – how many users are opening the pages at one time.

b.  Page/Sec – page load per second.

c.  Average Page/Time – average page load per second.

d.  Top 5 Slowest Page – slowest page.

e.  Request Count – total request sent by Visual Studio to the web page.

f.  Pages Request Count – total request sent by Visual Studio for each page define from

Web Performance Test.g.  Error – Error encountered such as unavailable resource to return data requested.

h.  Threshold Violation  – Violation of threshold whereby number of system down than


i.  Processor Time – Processor / server processing time.

 j.  Available Mbyte – Data available delivered by processor / server.

7.0 Testing Task

Since this test is an automated test, no special skills are required. As for interdependency,

Web Performance Test must be done before Load Test as Web Performance Test data will be

used as test basis for Load Test.

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8.0 Environmental need

8.1 Web Performance Test

Since the test is recorded using default browser associated with Visual basic 2010 is InternetExplorer, thus Internet Explorer must be installed beforehand.

8.2 Load Testing Test

For load testing, there are several requirement needs to be fulfilled. The think time is set to 0.

Think time gives a time for the website to loading before the tools analyze its data. It’s

minimizing the integrity of the testing process. For this test is set to be on constant load of 25

users at the same time. The Internet connection is set to Local Area Network (LAN). Browser

is set to Internet Explorer7.0. Test is performing for 2 minute without any warm-up time.

9.0 Test Result

9.1 Web Performance Test Result

Using the Internet Explorer as a player, Visual Studio 2010 capture the interaction of the user

and the website. Which website that the user enter, the tools will record and keep the data.

Figure 9.1: The environment during the recording process in Internet Explorer.

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Figure 9.2: Recording session. Each action of the user during recording can be check at Web

Test Recorder panel at the left-side of the windows.

Figure 9.3: Each web page visited by the user is recorded. Tester can choose which item to be


Based on the result showed above, the test result is a pass as the pages opened are correct and

according to the link redirection URL. For example, if the user click on the option Learning,

the user will be bring to the website . Four URL’s are

tested and the link redirecting to the pages are correct. The four URL’s are:

i.  Main Page:  

ii.  Search Jobs: 

iii.  MyJob Street: 

iv.  Learning:  

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9.2 Load Testing Test Result

For load testing, the results of testing are as followed. Figure 9.4 shows the summary of test

after the testing is done according to the preferences in process section 4.0, Approach.

Figure 9.4: Load Test Result (Page 1)

Figure 9.5: Load Test Result (Page 2)

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Figure 9.6: Load Test Result (Graph Mode)

Key indicator shows the counter for each properties in graph view.

Key Indicators











User Load _TotalLoadTest:Scenari

oIME-PC 100 25 25 25

Pages/Sec _Total LoadTest:Page IME-PC 1003.8

017.8 11.9

Avg. Page Time _Total LoadTest:Page IME-PC 100.9

64.00 1.61

Errors/Sec _Total LoadTest:Errors IME-PC 1 0 0.200.008




_Total LoadTest:Errors IME-PC 1 0 0.40 0.017

Figure 9.7: Load Test Result – Key indicator

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Controller and Agents

Counter Instance Category Computer Color Range Min Max Avg

% Processor Time 0 Processor IME-PC 100 34.7 59.4 40.1

Available MBytes - Memory IME-PC 10,000 980 1,117 1,033

Figure 9.8: Load Test Result – Controller and Agents (Graph Mode)

Processor time and available Mbytes are based on Figure 7.

Based on all the test result, Load Test result is a pass even though there is one error


Based on Figure 9.4 and 9.5, the results gained are:

Table 9.1: Properties of the results

No. Properties Results1 Total Tests conducted Total: 279, Fail: 1 (0.36%)

2 Maximum user load 25

3 Time for accessing each Page (Second) 11.9

4 Average Page Time (Second) 1.61

5 Average Response Time (Second) 0.29

6 Average Time for each Test (Second) 9.06

7 Error Detected 1

8 Threshold Violation 1

Error detected during this testing is “500-Internal Server Error” that resulting the web page to

view the page not properly. The page involved in this error is http://job- Error encountered could be caused by the system error

handling mechanism by which it will prevent the server from crash or defence from

Distributed Denial of Attack (DDoS).

Figure 9.9 shows the error properties.

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Figure 9.9: Error properties

10.0 Conclusion

As a conclusion, both tested are successfully performed with satisfying results. Both tests

give positive result. As both test gives desirable result and does not encounter any error, we

can conclude that the website could handle many user at one time and will not result in faulty

URL redirection and many more given that the user are 25 person and below. It is also

important to keep that in mind that this test are only a small portion of overall test that could

be done thus the result gained from this test might not cover all test result. As a precautionand additional recommendation for future test, number of user and number of test to be

conducted should also be increased. Among other test are Coded UI Test, Database Unit Test,

Generic Test and Ordered Test.