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  • 8/10/2019 automatic door light cntrl.pdf


  • 8/10/2019 automatic door light cntrl.pdf




    A report submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

    Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Control and Instrumentation)

    Faculty of Electrical Engineering

    Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

    APRIL 2008

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    First of all I would like to thank a lot to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Ruzairi b Hj

    Abd Rahim for his guidance and his kindness to me in order to do this project for PSM 1

    and PSM 2.

    Next I would like to thanks to my family members especially mom and dad

    for giving me a good advice, support and idea throughout this project. Also to my

    friends that helps a lot to finish this project.

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    Nowadays people are not very concern about safety of their premises. For an

    example the lecture room in the universities is not safety enough because no safety

    procedures taken and the intruder easy to stole the valuable thing in the lecture room.

    The project that was built consists of hardware and software development. The project

    will have locking system that will activate by sending the right SMS (Short Messaging

    System) to the system. The users in this case are the lecturers who will have their

    priority to open the lecture room before start their lecture. Besides, this project will use

    the microcontroller in order to interface or communicate between the input signal and

    door lock circuit.

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    Supervisor Certification i

    Declaration ii

    Acknowledgement iii

    Abstract iv

    Table of Content v

    List of Tables vii

    List of Figures viii


    1.1 Definition of Wireless communication and mobile 1


    1.2 Mobile Phone 2

    1.3 SMS Definition 5

    1.4 History of SMS 6

    1.5 Problem statement 6

    1.6 Objectives 7

    1.7 Scope of the Project 7

    1.7.1 Software 8

    1.7.2 Hardware 8


    2.0 Other Door locks System Available 9

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    2.0.1 PARADOX Security System 10

    2.0.2 MICROENGINE System 11

    2.0.3 SUPA System 12

    2.1 Nokia 3310 Connection Port 13

    2.2 Sony Ericsson K700i 14

    2.3 Microcontroller 16

    2.3.0 PIC16F84A Microcontroller 16

    2.4 Serial Interfacing RS-232 17


    3.1 Project methodology 20

    3.2 Mobile Phone Characteristics 20

    3.3 Controller Circuit 21

    3.4 Voltage Regulator Circuit 23

    3.5 Serial Interfacing Circuit 24

    3.6 Output Circuit 25

    3.7 Project Prototype 25

    3.8 Component Used 27

    3.9 THRSim11 28

    3.10 HCLOAD 32

    3.11 Hyper terminal 34

    3.12 How to Know the Actual Message 37

    3.13 Assembly Language 39

    3.14 AT-Commands 43

    3.15 System Flow Chart 44


    4.0 Result 45

    4.0.1 Voltage Regulator Circuit 45

    4.0.2 Microcontroller MC68HC11A1 Circuit 46

    4.0.3 Serial Interfacing Circuit 47

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    4.0.4 Relay Circuit 48

    4.0.5 Project Prototype 49

    4.0.6 Software Skills 50

    4.1 Discussion 50

    4.1.0 Obstacles Encountered 51


    5.1 Conclusion 52

    5.2 Future Recommendations 53

    References 54

    Appendices 55

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    1 Sony Ericsson Port Connection with Description 15

    2 List of Components 28

    3 RS-232 Specification 48

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    1 System Block Diagram 2

    2.0 Paradox Security System 10

    2.1 Micro engine System 11

    2.2 SUPA System 12

    2.3 Nokia 3310 connection Port 13

    2.4 Sony Ericsson k700i 14

    2.5 PIC16F84A Microcontroller 16

    2.6 RS-232 9 Pin Serial interfacing 17

    3.0 Sony Ericsson K700i Phone 21

    3.1 MC68HC11 Microcontroller circuit 22

    3.2 MC68Hc11A1 Microcontroller Chip 23

    3.3 Voltage Regulator Circuit 23

    3.4 Serial Interfacing Circuit 24

    3.5 Output Circuit (Relay) 25

    3.6 Project Overview 26

    3.7 Front View 26

    3.8 Left view 27

    3.9 Top View 27

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    3.10 THRSim11 Simulator 29

    3.11 THRSim11 Simulator Windows 29

    3.12 Serial Transmitter 30

    3.13 Data stored in the Memory Windows 31

    3.14 Led output (Represent relay) 32

    3.15 HCLOAD 33

    3.16 Hyper Terminal Windows 34

    3.17 Com Port windows Selector 35

    3.18 Baud Rate windows Selector 35

    3.19 SMS Signal From the phone 36

    3.20 ASCII Chart for o character 38

    3.21 ASCII Chart for n Character 38

    4.0 Voltage Regulator Circuit 46

    4.1 Microcontroller Circuit 46

    4.2 Relay circuit 49

    4.3 Project Prototype 49

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    Nowadays the telecommunication technologies become wider and more new

    features exist to make human life better. These help people to communicate with each

    other easier than before. People can communicate by many ways. For this new era,

    people are most using the wireless technology system to communicate with each other.

    Wireless technology is known that the communication system is not used the wire. This

    technology and services have undergone a huge development since the first cellular and

    cordless telephone systems were introduced in 1980s.The first generation of cellular

    phone was based on analog FM technology. This generation only has voice service


    Second generation cellular phone next were introduced in the early 1990.This

    generation use the digital modulation and have an improvement on spectral efficiency

    as well as voice quality. However this second generation still uses the same features as

    first generation technologies.

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    Years after years, voice communication using the mobile phone was not very

    economical because of the rate of the time taken to finish the conversation between two

    people. New technologies coming where it only use low cost for the user when using

    this technology. The technology is known short messaging system (SMS).This

    technology not only provide user to communicate wit each other but short messaging

    system can be implemented by many ways. One of the uses of the short messaging is to

    on or locks devices using this technologies.

    This project will use an SMS or text messaging to open the lecture room door.

    The lecturers can open the lecture room door by sending a text messages to the system.

    The system will identify and check it for the safety purposes. The system receiver will

    act as a SMS receiver. Hand phone model Sony Ericsson K700i was used for the

    receiver. After that, the microcontroller will read the signal and verify the signal

    whether it is the right person or not to open the door. If the right person sends the SMS,

    then it will activate the door lock circuit. If the SMS is not from authorized person then

    it will not open the door.

    The door lock circuit is design based on the electromagnetic principle. It will

    have the magnetic core and change to a magnet when power supply is feed to it. This

    magnet will act as a locking part of the door. Besides the safety measures is take into

    account. The door will always lock at all time. It will automatic open if anyone send the

    right SMS to the system. The door will open for a certain delay and the user must close

    the door within this time.

    Figure 1: System Block Diagram

    Sony Ericsson


    MICROCONTROLLER Door Lock Circuit

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    1.1 Definition of Wireless Communication and Mobile Communication

    Wireless technology nowadays becomes more advance in terms of their gadget,

    way of operation and the technology behind it. There were lots of wireless

    communication technologies. The wireless communication technologies are Mobile

    Communication System, Bluetooth, Infrared, WirelessLan (WLAN), WiFi and

    WiMax. This kind of technology allows us to communicate without using a wire.

    Wireless means that the electrical and electronic operation which done without

    the use of hard wired connection. Wireless communication is the transfer of information

    over a distance without the use of electrical conductors or "wires".[1]

    (source: Wireless

    communication wikipedia).Wireless communication is a part of the telecommunication.

    There are many types of wireless communication such as GSM, GPRS, and EDGE, IS-

    95, UMTS, IMT2000, DECT, IEEE 802.11, Bluetooth and several multiple access

    techniques such as MC-CDMA, W-CDMA and OFDM.

    Mobile communication can be classified by their degree of complexity, the level

    of the offered services and their cost. Mobile communication can be list as paging

    systems, wireless telephony, trunking systems, cellular telephony, satellite personal

    communication systems and system of wireless access to local area networks.

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    1.3 SMS Definition

    SMS stands for Short Messaging Service often called text messaging that is a

    service for sending messages of up to 160 characters from and to mobile phones that

    have the Global System of Mobile (GSM).GSM and SMS service are available in US,

    Europe and Asia as well. This system is similar to paging system. The difference is

    person who want to send their messages do not worry about the range and where is the

    receiver is. They just send their messages through their mobile and wait for the other

    person to receive the messages. The person who is received the messages can receivedthe message sending by the sender when he or she open the mobile phone. In other

    words we do not have to activate our mobile phone and be at certain range to receive a

    message. The messages will receive automatically if we activate our mobile phone.

    SMS can be transmitted by using PC or mobile phone itself. As long we have

    the coverage the messages can be received. Sending SMS through web site also can be

    done if the web sites are equipped with PC Link. The Service Center is a center that acts

    as a store and forward for short messages. The short messages are not sent directly from

    sender to recipient but through an SMS Center or Service Center. The sender also will

    have the message that send by this Service Center mentioned that their message are sent

    to recipient or not.

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    1.4 History of SMS

    In 1980, the idea to enhance the usage of mobile phone was suggest by the

    expertise from several of those communities in the discussion which the GSM service

    should be. Early in February 1985 after discussed with the subgroup of GSM, Chairman

    J. Audestad state that SMS was considered in the main GSM group of a possible service

    for the new digital cellular system. Also from the discussion concluded in the

    recommendation GSM 02.03 TeleService supported by a GSM PLMN there are

    several things that have been concluded that are Short Messaging System Terminated

    (SMS-MT) is the ability of a network to transmit a short message to a mobile phone.

    The message can be sent by phone or software application. Next Short Message

    Originated (SMS-O) is the ability of a network to transmit a short message sent by a

    mobile phone. The message also can be sent to a mobile phone and software


    1.5 Problem Statement

    The safety in the lecture room is quite crucial because lack of safety awareness

    among the student and the staff. Besides the traditional method door that used a key can

    be easily open by not authorized person or burglar if they have the right key. This will

    allows them to steal the entire valuable thing in the lecture room. Besides that,

    sometimes students cannot enter the lecture room when they have the lecture because

    the door is not open. The students also cannot open the door because they do not have

    the key. They need to wait for the technician to come for opening the door. So the major

    reason to build this project is to reduce usage of the key when opening the door.

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    1.6 Objectives

    The project that was built has several objectives. These objectives describe

    bellow are mainly to improve the skill of learning and it will consist of skill of hardware

    and programming skills. The objectives of this project were as follows:

    1.3.1 To facilitate lectures to open the lecture room door by sending an SMS

    using their mobile phone

    1.3.2 To reduce usage of key to open the door

    1.3.3 To learn the programming skills and generate the creative


    1.7 Scope of the Project

    This project will concentrate at the short messaging system (SMS) in order to

    open the door. The SMS signal coming from the mobile hand phone need to be identify

    in order to connect with the controller. The project will, have software and hardware

    work implementation.

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    1.7.1 Software

    In order to work with this project, first the right of software implementation

    needs to be identified. The preliminary works for software searching are:

    i. Learn the usage of the assembly language and it criteria based on the project



    Identified the memory usage require by the program that will be built whether it

    suite with the microcontroller or not.

    iii. Identified the software that will be used to load the program to the chip using

    boot loader techniques.

    iv. Check and explore the entire menu in the software used in order to achieve the

    project objectives.

    1.7.2 Hardware

    For the hardware part, there are several works that has been done before proceed

    to the project requirements.


    Design the door with the magnetic lock attached to it.

    ii. Searching for material that will be use such as wood, nail and magnetic lock.

    iii. Built the prototype according to the design and the project requirements.

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    1.8 Organization of this Thesis

    This thesis consists of five chapters that discussed and described about the details

    of the project that have been done. For chapter 1, it was the introduction part mobile

    phone, short messaging system (SMS) and the history behind the technology was

    clearly defines. Besides, in this chapter also the problem statement, objectives and the

    scope of the project was stated on this chapter.

    For chapter two it is about the literature review. This chapter discussed all the

    references and material that have been studied in order to work with this project. All the

    security system available in the market nowadays was surveyed and the idea for develop

    this project was taken from this kind of references. Next is the details of all component

    that might be used in this project will discussed in this chapter.

    In chapter three, it will discuss about the methodology of how to work with this

    project and all kind of measure that was taken as well as the details of the entire

    component used. Basically in this chapter have two areas which are software part and

    hardware part. For chapter four it will discuss about the result that was obtain and the

    discussion on the obstacles when doing this project. Lastly on chapter five, the

    conclusion and the recommendation that was obtain from the final result of the project

    will be discuss and some references and also the appendices.

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    Other Door Locks System Available

    There are lots of security systems in the market nowadays. These systems are

    studied in order to obtain some idea for the project that was built. Although the system

    in the market nowadays is suite with new technology and more advanced the idea must

    still need to be obtain through the literature review.

    The literature review works help to expose and generate skills of searching for

    information from a various sources. These skills are very important in order to solve the

    problems that encountered or will face in the future.

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    2.0.1 PARADOX Security System

    Figure 2.0: Paradox Security System

    This security system is from the Paradox Company. The system has many kinds

    of modules. One of them is wireless expansion module that act as receiver from the

    wireless sources such as mobile phone. This gives the idea for this project by using a

    mobile telephone. It is quite complex system because have many ways to activate the

    control panel. For this project, the idea of using a wireless communication is adapted to

    build the system.

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    2.0.2 MICROENGINE System

    Figure 2.1: Micro engine System

    This door lock security system is from the Micro engine manufacturer. It

    consists of the input part, controller part and the output part. The input is using the

    smart card that use to activate the door. Next for the controller it uses the XP-M1000X

    as a controller. Then for the output it haves push button, emergency break glass and the

    door lock circuit. The door lock circuit is using the electromagnetic principle .So for the

    project that will be builds; the concept of the electromagnetic principle will be use in the


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    2.2 Sony Ericsson K700i

    Another phone that was survey for this project was Sony Ericsson K700i.This

    phone was manufactured by Sony and it is from Japan technology. This phone has

    special features which it can accept the AT Commands. This command is a special

    command that used to communicate between the phone and the computer.

    Figure 2.4: Sony Ericsson K700i Connection Port

    This phone has a port which enables user to connect the data cable. This data

    cable act as the connection between the phones to other sources such as computer. For

    this project, it is need to study the useful port in order to connect the phone to the

    microcontroller chip. The table below shows the meaning and the purpose each of the

    port of the phone.

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    Table 1: Sony Ericsson Port Connection with Description


    1 ATMS Audio to mobile

    2 AFMS/RTS Audio from mobile/RTS

    3 CTS/ONREQ CTS/Mobile Station On Request

    4 DATA IN Data to mobile (Rx)

    5 DATA OUT Data from mobile (Tx)

    6 ACC IN Accessory control to mobile. Used as Rx in

    some models for flashing.

    7 ACC OUT Accessory control from mobile/hands free

    sense. Used as Tx in some models for flashing

    8 AGND Audio signal ground +0V reference

    9 FLASH Flash memory voltage +service(shorted to pin

    11 in service cable)

    10 DGND Digital ground

    11 VCC DC+ for battery charging + external accessory


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    2.3 PIC16F84A Microcontroller

    Figure 2.5: PIC16F48A Microcontroller

    This microcontroller is from the PIC manufacturer. The PIC16F84A is

    categorized on the medium range among this type of microcontroller. The PIC is an 8

    bit microcontroller based on Harvard architecture that is internal busses is separate for

    memory and data. The throughput rate is therefore increased due to simultaneous access

    to both data and program memory. It is conventional controllers tend to have one

    internal bus handling both data and program. Besides the instructions fit into a 12 or 14

    bit program memory word. For the instruction set are based on registers and each

    instruction is executes in one clock cycle.

    It has an internal divide by 4 connected between the oscillator and internal

    clock bus. This make instruction times easy to calculate. The operation of this

    microcontroller is fully static. This means that if the clock stop all the register contents

    are maintained. For the drive capability, it has high output drive capability and can

    directly drive LED. For the input output pins it can sink 25mA, has an 8 bit port

    100mA.The instruction only have 35 instructions.

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    indicates that a good carrier is being received from the remote modem. Pins 4 RTS

    (Request to Send - from the transmitting computer) and 5 CTS

    (Clear To Send - from the Data set) are used to control. In most Asynchronous

    situations, RTS and CTS are constantly on throughout the communication session.

    However where the DTE is connected to a multipoint line, RTS is used to turn carrier

    on the modem on and off. On a multipoint line, it's imperative that only one station is

    transmitting at a time (because they share the return phone pair). When a station wants

    to transmit, it raises RTS. The modem turns on carrier, typically waits a few

    milliseconds for carrier to stabilize, and then raises CTS. The DTE transmits when it

    sees CTS up. When the station has finished its transmission, it drops RTS and the

    modem drops CTS and carrier together. Clock signals (pins 15, 17, & 24) are only used

    for synchronous communications. The modem or DSU extracts the clock from the data

    stream and provides a steady clock signal to the DTE. Note that transmit and receive

    clock signals do not have to be the same, or even at the same baud rate.

    Besides that the RS-232 has several limitations for its connection. The

    limitations are listed as follows:

    a) Increased power consumptions.

    b) Limit the noise immunity and transmission distance.

    c) Limit in speed and compatibility.


    The connector is large by current standards.

    e) The use of handshaking lines for flow control is not reliable in many


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    3.1 Project Methodology

    Automatic door lock systems have 3 main blocks of systems which is receiver,

    controller and door lock circuit. Receiver for this system is the mobile phone Sony

    Ericsson K500i. This mobile phone acts as the signal receiver and received the short

    messaging system (SMS) from the user and sends the data to the microcontroller.

    A microcontroller of MC68HC11A1 is the major controller of the system. This

    microcontroller has power supply connected to it which comes from the regulator

    circuit that being builds. The firmware for this microcontroller is program in the chip in

    order to program the chip using the boot loader techniques.

    The electromagnetic lock is used as the door lock. This electromagnetic lock is

    using the electromagnetic principle which will act as an electromagnet when there is

    power supply feed to it.

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    3.2 Mobile Phone Characteristics

    A Sony Ericsson K700i phone was used in this project. This phone was chosen

    because of it compatibility that support the AT-Commands. The short messaging system

    (SMS) can be read by using the hyper terminal from the Microsoft Software if the right

    AT-Commands sends to the phone.

    Figure 3.0: Sony Ericsson K700i Phone

    3.3 Controller Circuit

    A MC68HC11A1 circuit was build and the main components for the main

    circuit for this microcontroller are crystal, capacitor, regulator and max-232 for serial

    interfacing purposes. These components are required in order to operate the

    microcontroller. Below is the circuit of the microcontroller.

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    Figure 3.1: MC68HC11 Microcontroller Circuit

    This microcontroller manufactured by Motorola is an 8 bit microcontroller and

    have two accumulators that are accumulator A and B. These accumulator can be joined

    together to become an accumulator D which in this case is 16 bit. It also has 512kb

    EEPROM, 256kbRAM and ROM is disable for this type of controller. Besides, it also

    has the analog to digital converter built in this microcontroller. This analog to digital

    converter is an 8 channels, 8 bit, multiplexed input, and successive-approximationconverter. However this features is not used in this project. Another features that was

    used for this project is the serial communications interface (SCI) or called universal

    asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART).This features was used in this automatic

    door lock system project in order the microcontroller read the short messaging system

    (SMS) using the received (RD) and transmit (TX) port available at the microcontroller.

    These two ports were connected to the received (RD) and transmit (TX) port at the


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    Figure 3.2: MC68HC11A1 Microcontroller Chip

    3.4 Voltage regulator Circuit

    Voltage regulator circuit that was built is mainly use to supply the fixed 5V

    voltage to the microcontroller circuit. This regulator circuit consists of LM7805 which

    is the positive 5V chip regulator. This chip is not stand by itself but there are two

    capacitors were used for this circuit. One capacitor was connected at the first and

    second pin of the regulator chip and the other was connected at the second and third of

    the regulator. These two capacitors act as a voltage stabilizer for the input and the

    output for this regulator. So the 5V voltage was supply correctly without any dissipation

    of voltage.

    Figure 3.3: Voltage Regulator Circuit

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    3.6 Output Circuit

    The final circuit for this project was the relay circuit. This relay circuit was

    implemented in order to switch the contact to open circuit if the true signal (SMS) was

    send by the user. At the initial condition, the relay is normally closed. This means that

    the door is at lock condition at the initial state. When there is true message send by the

    user then only the microcontroller trigger the relay to the open circuit state. Figure

    below shows the relay circuit:

    Figure 3.5: Output Circuit (Relay)

    3.7Project Prototype

    After completing the circuit implementation, next is to develop the prototype for

    the door lock output. For this purposes several material had been prepared such as two

    play wood, magnetic lock, nail, screw driver and steel. Before start built the door

    prototype, a design for this was sketch in order to give some idea and for the

    improvement for next time reference.

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    The door was built from two pieces of wood and from this wood, a measure

    was taken and the installation works are done in the lab. Some of the works are cutting

    the wood, make a hole to the steel, put and hold the magnetic lock to the steel in order

    to attach it to the door lid. This works contribute to the creative thinking and problem

    solving technique to finished .Below are some view of the prototype,

    Figure 3.6: Project Overview

    Figure 3.7: Front View

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    Figure 3.8: Left View

    Figure 3.9: Top view

    3.8 Component Used

    For this project, all components that were used were list together to help the work

    become smooth. The component was plan according to the need of the project. List


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    Table 2: List of Components

    3.9 THRSim11

    This automatic door lock project will use not only the hardware implementation

    but the software implementation as well. In order to program the microcontroller chip, a

    simulator program that called THRSIM11 from the Motorola was being used. This

    software was used because it is suite to the chip.

    THRSIM simulator was user friendly software because the simulation can be

    implemented through the software after the program written by the user. It has features

    such as led, switch, traffic light, serial communication receiver and transmitter and so

    on. This features can be used according to the program that suite to the objectives that

    user want.

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    Figure 3.10: THRSim11 Simulator

    Figure 3.11: THRSim11 Simulator Windows

    THRSim11 simulator has a menu display on top of the windows. This menu provides

    the user a task that they want to use. The task are view, edit, execute, label, breakpoint,

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    connect and so on. This helps the user while programming the project. For this project,

    the signal from the phone must be read by the microcontroller and then verified it and

    lastly on the output if the right messaging was send by the user. Figure below shows

    the transmitter for this simulator. This transmitter will shows that the data that will send

    by the phone to the microcontroller.

    Figure 3.12: Serial Transmitter

    The data was send by the phone and then is transmitting to the receiver port of the

    microcontroller. The data was send serially and one by one from the left side to the right

    side. When the data was send by the phone it simultaneously stored in the memory of

    the microcontroller as shown below

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    Figure 3.13: Data Stored in the Memory Windows

    The data stored in the memory was in the hexadecimal type. The data from the phone

    was in the ASCII code. The microcontroller will convert this type of data to

    hexadecimal type to store it in the first memory located at $0000 and so on. hen

    microcontroller verified the data and found 6F37 which means on, t then on the led

    as shown. his led was shown to represent the output trigger for the relay to switch at the

    normally open condition.

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    Figure 3.15: HCload

    The microcontroller board (MC68HC11A1) that has been finish built was check

    whether it is function or not. The serial ports which are transmit (TX) and received

    (RD) port was connected to the serial port interfacing circuit and from this circuit the

    DB9 connector was connected to the serial port of the computer. After the voltage

    supply was feed, the reset button at the microcontroller circuit was press. The green

    light from the HCload was display and this means that the microcontroller board was

    properly and can be used to implement this project.

    For this demo version of THRSim11 and HCload program there are limited source

    such as the memory to load the program only limited at EEPROM which the starting

    address is $B600.Although this was the constraints it still not effect because the

    program written is not exceed the memory that was allocated by this software.

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    3.11 Hyper terminal

    Before starting to write the program through THRSim11, a preliminary works

    have been done which is to know the short messaging signal (SMS) from the Sony

    Ericsson phone. The method was implemented by using the hyper terminal software

    which comes directly with the Microsoft software.

    Figure 3.16: Hyper terminal Windows

    For setting the connection from the phone to the hyper terminal, a menu which

    shows the phone connection at left side corner of the windows was select. This means

    that a connection between the phone and the computer was made.

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    Figure 3.17: Com Port Windows Selector

    After the connection was selected, then the com port that being used for

    connection between phone and microcontroller was choose that is com 4.This is to

    make sure the correct port that the phone and the computer is connected together.

    Figure 3.18: Baud Rate Selector Windows

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    Next is to select the baud rate for the connection. Baud rate means the speed of transfer

    rate for the data from the phone to the computer. For this connection 9600bps

    connection was used because this connection was suitable for the phone.

    Figure 3.19: SMS Signal from the Phone

    The code for this project is created with the easy code which in this case is on.

    This on signal coming from the phone was then detect by the hyper terminal by

    sending special command in order to communicate the phone with the computer. First

    the code AT was sends through the hyper terminal. Then the phone replied the response

    which in this case is ok. This means that the phone support this type of command. The

    command known as AT-Commands. AT means attention. After that, then the command

    to read the message from the first memory of the phone was send. Then the phone

    replied with the string of data which

    07910621000010F5040B910671677925F9000080306000849223026F37 .

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    Consider that the exact message sending by the user was on. And the response from

    the hyper terminal was shown before. Note that the coding for the exact message was

    located at the last of the string of data which are 6F37.This data are represent the on

    which send by the user.

    3.12 How to Know the Actual Message


    Let be informed that the data from the phone was shown above. It is the string type

    of data. The coding for the actual message was 6F37.To convert this data in order to

    identify the actual data is firstly the data is divided in two section which every section

    include two character. After that, convert the two separated section to its binary value.

    Second, the zero from the MSB for data 6F is put on the right side of data 37 which

    have been converted to the binary just now. Now by referring to the ASCII chart shown

    below, the actual message was identified which for the first character was o and the

    second character was n. So the message send by user was on.

    6F = 0110 1111

    37 = 0011 0111


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    0110 1111

    0011 01110 (Zero from the MSB for 6F is put at the LSB of 37)

    Figure 3.20: ASCII Chart for o Character

    Figure 3.21: ASCII Chart for n Character

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    3.13 Assembly Language

    Assembly language is a language that low level programming language usingthe human readable instructions of the central processing unit. This project was used the

    assembly language to develop the program that suite to the objectives. This

    programming has been done using the THRSim11 simulator and the program was

    shown below:

    DFTRIO EQU $1000

    BAUD EQU $2B

    SCCR1 EQU $2C

    SCCR2 EQU $2D

    SCSR EQU $2E

    SCDR EQU $2F

    PORTB EQU $04

    PORTE EQU $0

    ORG $FF00


    LDY #MSG

    LDAA #$30



    LDAA #%00000100


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    RCV BRCLR SCSR,X #%00100000 RCV


    CMPA #'6'


    STAA 0,Y




    RC BRCLR SCSR,X #%00100000 RC


    CMPA #'F'


    STAA 0,Y


    BRA RC


    R BRCLR SCSR,X #%00100000 R


    CMPA #'3'

    BEQ LA

    STAA 0,Y


    BRA R

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    LA NOP



    CMPA #'7'



    ONRELAY LDAB #%11111111



    LDAB #240








    LDAB #%00000000 ;OFF RELAY



    CMPA #%11111111

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    3.14 AT-Commands

    Computer use an AT commands to communicate with modems. Most

    communication applications have user interface that hide the AT commands from the

    user. AT Commands can be relate via a communications application. When the phone

    has received an AT command, it respond with message that is displayed on the screen

    of the used device which in this case is hyper terminal.

    The AT or at prefix must be added to the beginning of each command line.

    Several AT commands can be type on the same line and the AT or at need to be

    entered only once at the beginning line. There are many ways of AT Commands that

    suite to the user need. User can check the phone number, read and send text message,

    delete message, check the service center number, select phone memory and many more

    through AT Commands.

    Note that every command has + prefix after the AT prefix. This sign is

    compulsory in order to use the commands. Some of the AT Commands that was used in

    this project are:

    AT : This command must be entered in order to check

    whether the phone support this command or


    AT+CPMS=ME : Select the phone memory only (SIM card memory

    is disabled)

    AT+CMGR=1 : Read the first message in the first memory of the


    AT+CMGD=1 : Delete the first message in the first memory of the


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    3.15 System Flow Chart








    DELAY 30s



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    4.0 Result

    4.0.1 Voltage Regulator Circuit

    After the project has been finished work with, all of the circuit that was built was

    successfully work. For the voltage regulator circuit, it successfully work which enable

    to supply the continuous fixed 5 Volt to the other circuit that used in this project. he

    adapter was used for the input voltage of the regulator. Since the regulator was built

    from LM7805 chip, he maximum voltage input for this chip is 24V.This chip LM7805

    were used because of the capability to supply the positive 5 Volt continuously. The red

    led was used as the indicator to indicate that whether there is voltage output from the

    regulator or not. If the led is shows the red light, this means that there is output voltage

    from the regulator circuit.

    As an additional component to the regulator circuit, two capacitors were

    connected each at the input and output of the LM7805 chip. This is to make the voltage

    input to the regulator and the output voltage are stabilize without any dissipation.

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    Figure 4.0: Voltage Regulator Circuit

    4.0.2 Microcontroller MC68HC11A1 Circuit

    Next for the controller of the system the microcontroller MC68HC11A1 from

    the Motorola manufacturer was successfully built. This microcontroller has been tested

    in order to make sure it can receive the program written or not. For this microcontroller

    it works with the 5 Volt as a supply to the chip. Attached at this circuit are two button,

    red led, output port pins, oscillator, capacitor and resistor.

    Figure 4.1: Microcontroller Circuit

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    Figure 4.2: Relay Circuit

    4.0.5 Project Prototype

    In completing the project prototype, there are lots of works done to design the

    door using the wood. The wood was obtained from recycle shop at Taman Universiti.

    The design work has been done first in order to create a good prototype which can be

    equal as an exact situation.

    Figure 4.3: Project Prototype

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    Design was first sketch on a sheet of paper and the measurement was taken based on the

    suitable cases. The door consists of the lid, handle, frame of the door and lastly is the

    magnetic lock which is attached to the steel that hold the magnetic lock. The door was

    properly design and lastly the result is that a good prototype of door lock was built.

    4.0.6 Software Skills

    After finished doing this project, what I have learned was the programming

    skills using the assembly language. Although there are lot of programming language

    such as C, C++, JAVA but assembly language are easy for me to understand the

    meaning. Also from this project, searching for information from a various sources skills

    also has been learned. To know the characteristics of the microcontroller, the data sheet

    is an important reference for this. In the data sheet all the characteristics of the

    microcontroller was obtained. Besides, the programming skills require the critical and

    creative thinking in order to write the program.

    4.1 Discussion

    In this project that has been done, all the circuit was successfully worked. There

    is on problem encountered which is the microcontroller cannot read the message from

    the phone and function as needed in the first objectives. Searching for the problem was

    done to detect where the problem is. From the simulation that has been done using the

    THRSim11 simulator, it shows that after the microcontroller read the data from the

    phone, it will store the data in the memory inside it. But after testing with the real

    hardware the situation is not same with the simulation that has been done.

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    4.1.0 Obstacles Encountered

    In completing this project, there are several problems encountered. The

    problems are:

    i. Difficulty looking for the suitable phone that suite to the project

    objective. There are two different model that are Nokia and Sony Ericsson


    Solution: Search for information and Sony Ericsson phone support AT


    ii. Problems on find the suitable data cable in order to connect the phone to

    the microcontroller.

    Solution: Ask a friend that was doing the project that will use the SMS

    concept. Finally the cable was found and can be used in this


    iii. Hardware of microcontroller circuit was enable to work properly at first

    Solution: Do the troubleshooting work over and over. Using the multimeter

    to check the voltage supply whether it is supplied or not. Finally,

    the microcontroller circuit was properly functioning.

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    5.1 Conclusion

    Security system nowadays has become an important aspect to human life. As the

    need was demanding nowadays, this system was built in order to meet the demand in

    the security system. The Automatic Door Lock System was built in order to help user in

    opening their door without using the key. This system using short messaging system

    (SMS) in order to open the door. This concept gives the additional features in the

    security system as well as to help the consumer for more security of their life.

    In this project, the objective that learning the SMS technology has be met. This

    knowledge can be implemented in more complex system later. Besides, through this

    project a lot of skills have been develop not only in the software and hardware skills but

    the capabilities of searching for important data also have been learned.

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    5.2 Future Recommendations

    This project could be improved for the next future as listed below:

    i. Signals Display

    A suitable display for lock and unlock condition could be made in order

    to enable user to know the condition of the door whether it is in lock

    condition or not.

    ii. Charging Port

    A charging port for the phone could be made in future in order to charge the

    phone in case of it battery does not have the supply.

    iii Security Features

    A security features such as a device to detect the unusual way of opening

    the door others than the originally specified.

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    1. Daniel J. Black (2001).Technicians guide to the 68HC11

    Microcontroller. New York: Delmar Learning a division of Thomson

    learning Inc .Pg 1-362.

    2. Jan Axelson (2000).Serial Port Complete Chinook: Lakeview Research.

    Pg 1- 295.

    3. Jonathan W. Valvano. (2000).Embedded Microcomputer Systems.Brooks/Cole

    Thomson Learning. Pg 1-743.

    4. Motorola Inc (1991).The MC68HC11 reference manual.

    5. Wikipedia (2004), "Mobile Phone" retrieved 23 October, 2004, from

    6. Nurhuda bt Zahari (2006), Automatic Fire Alarm.Universiti Teknologi


    7. Sin Chung Fei (2006), Smart Automatic Door. Universiti Teknologi


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