automatic plating plant

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  • 8/19/2019 Automatic Plating Plant


    Plating plant

    Automation in the manufacturing industry is the process of integrating industrial

    machinery to automatically perform tasks such as welding, material handling,

     packing, palletizing, dispensing, cutting, etc... Utilizing hardware and softwareautomation increases productivity, safety and profitability. Automation brings

    many advantages when incorporated properly.

    Plating is a process in which an ionic metal is deposited onto a

    conductive surface to form a non-ionic coating. We perform many different

    types of electrodeposited plating and cleaning in eneral and Precious !etals

    Plating department, most of which are applied to aid in corrosion prevention,

    cosmetics, and function of different sorts of components. !any materials go

    through various processes in this department including steel, corrosion resistantsteel, and aluminium.

    Although significant mechanical refinements continue to be made in

    surface finishing e"uipment, the most dramatic improvements in recent years

    have been made in control and monitoring systems. Advances in electronics and

    computer technology have provided a "uantum leap that can enable surface

    finishers to improve process control and monitoring of their plating lines. #his

    is implemented to improve their processes, meet increasingly stringent customer 

    "uality re"uirements, and boost their profitability.