automating the development of chosen ciphertext …...openpgp implementations [47,59]. these attacks...

Automating the Development of Chosen Ciphertext Attacks Gabrielle Beck * Johns Hopkins University [email protected] Maximilian Zinkus * Johns Hopkins University [email protected] Matthew Green Johns Hopkins University [email protected] Abstract In this work we investigate the problem of automating the development of adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks on sys- tems that contain vulnerable format oracles. Unlike pre- vious attempts, which simply automate the execution of known attacks, we consider a more challenging problem: to programmatically derive a novel attack strategy, given only a machine-readable description of the plaintext veri- fication function and the malleability characteristics of the encryption scheme. We present a new set of algo- rithms that use SAT and SMT solvers to reason deeply over the design of the system, producing an automated attack strategy that can entirely decrypt protected mes- sages. Developing our algorithms required us to adapt techniques from a diverse range of research fields, as well as to explore and develop new ones. We implement our algorithms using existing theory solvers. The result is a practical tool called Delphinium that succeeds against real-world and contrived format oracles. To our knowl- edge, this is the first work to automatically derive such complex chosen ciphertext attacks. 1 Introduction The past decades have seen enormous improvement in our understanding of cryptographic protocol design. De- spite these advances, vulnerable protocols remain widely deployed. In many cases this is a result of continued support for legacy protocols and ciphersuites, such as TLS’s CBC-mode ciphers [7, 64], export-grade encryp- tion [4, 9, 19], and legacy email encryption [59]. How- ever, support for legacy protocols does not account for the presence of vulnerabilities in more recent protocols and systems [36, 42, 47, 72, 74]. * These authors contributed equally to the work. In this work we consider a specific class of vulner- ability: the continued use of unauthenticated symmet- ric encryption in many cryptographic systems. While the research community has long noted the threat of adaptive-chosen ciphertext attacks on malleable en- cryption schemes [17, 18, 56], these concerns gained practical salience with the discovery of padding ora- cle attacks on a number of standard encryption pro- tocols [6, 7, 13, 22, 30, 40, 51, 52, 73]. Despite repeated warnings to industry, variants of these attacks continue to plague modern systems, including TLS 1.2’s CBC-mode ciphersuite [5, 7, 48] and hardware key management to- kens [10, 13]. A generalized variant, the format oracle attack can be constructed when a decryption oracle leaks the result of applying some (arbitrarily complex) format- checking predicate F to a decrypted plaintext. Format oracles appear even in recent standards such as XML encryption [42, 45], Apple’s iMessage [36] and modern OpenPGP implementations [47, 59]. These attacks likely represent the “tip of the iceberg”: many vulnerable sys- tems may remain undetected, due to the difficulty of exploiting non-standard format oracles. From a constructive viewpoint, format oracle vulnera- bilities seem easy to mitigate: simply mandate that pro- tocols use authenticated encryption. Unfortunately, even this advice may be insufficient: common authenticated encryption schemes can become insecure due to imple- mentation flaws such as nonce re-use [21, 43, 46]. Setting aside implementation failures, the continued deployment of unauthenticated encryption raises an obvious ques- tion: why do these vulnerabilities continue to appear in modern protocols? The answer highlights a discon- nect between the theory and the practice of applied cryp- tography. In many cases, a vulnerable protocol is not obviously an exploitable protocol. This is particularly true for non-standard format oracles which require en-

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Page 1: Automating the Development of Chosen Ciphertext …...OpenPGP implementations [47,59]. These attacks likely represent the “tip of the iceberg”: many vulnerable sys-tems may remain

Automating the Development of Chosen Ciphertext Attacks

Gabrielle Beck∗

Johns Hopkins [email protected]

Maximilian Zinkus∗

Johns Hopkins [email protected]

Matthew GreenJohns Hopkins University

[email protected]

AbstractIn this work we investigate the problem of automating thedevelopment of adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks on sys-tems that contain vulnerable format oracles. Unlike pre-vious attempts, which simply automate the execution ofknown attacks, we consider a more challenging problem:to programmatically derive a novel attack strategy, givenonly a machine-readable description of the plaintext veri-fication function and the malleability characteristics ofthe encryption scheme. We present a new set of algo-rithms that use SAT and SMT solvers to reason deeplyover the design of the system, producing an automatedattack strategy that can entirely decrypt protected mes-sages. Developing our algorithms required us to adapttechniques from a diverse range of research fields, as wellas to explore and develop new ones. We implement ouralgorithms using existing theory solvers. The result is apractical tool called Delphinium that succeeds againstreal-world and contrived format oracles. To our knowl-edge, this is the first work to automatically derive suchcomplex chosen ciphertext attacks.

1 Introduction

The past decades have seen enormous improvement inour understanding of cryptographic protocol design. De-spite these advances, vulnerable protocols remain widelydeployed. In many cases this is a result of continuedsupport for legacy protocols and ciphersuites, such asTLS’s CBC-mode ciphers [7, 64], export-grade encryp-tion [4, 9, 19], and legacy email encryption [59]. How-ever, support for legacy protocols does not account forthe presence of vulnerabilities in more recent protocolsand systems [36, 42, 47, 72, 74].

∗These authors contributed equally to the work.

In this work we consider a specific class of vulner-ability: the continued use of unauthenticated symmet-ric encryption in many cryptographic systems. Whilethe research community has long noted the threat ofadaptive-chosen ciphertext attacks on malleable en-cryption schemes [17, 18, 56], these concerns gainedpractical salience with the discovery of padding ora-cle attacks on a number of standard encryption pro-tocols [6, 7, 13, 22, 30, 40, 51, 52, 73]. Despite repeatedwarnings to industry, variants of these attacks continue toplague modern systems, including TLS 1.2’s CBC-modeciphersuite [5, 7, 48] and hardware key management to-kens [10, 13]. A generalized variant, the format oracleattack can be constructed when a decryption oracle leaksthe result of applying some (arbitrarily complex) format-checking predicate F to a decrypted plaintext. Formatoracles appear even in recent standards such as XMLencryption [42, 45], Apple’s iMessage [36] and modernOpenPGP implementations [47, 59]. These attacks likelyrepresent the “tip of the iceberg”: many vulnerable sys-tems may remain undetected, due to the difficulty ofexploiting non-standard format oracles.

From a constructive viewpoint, format oracle vulnera-bilities seem easy to mitigate: simply mandate that pro-tocols use authenticated encryption. Unfortunately, eventhis advice may be insufficient: common authenticatedencryption schemes can become insecure due to imple-mentation flaws such as nonce re-use [21, 43, 46]. Settingaside implementation failures, the continued deploymentof unauthenticated encryption raises an obvious ques-tion: why do these vulnerabilities continue to appearin modern protocols? The answer highlights a discon-nect between the theory and the practice of applied cryp-tography. In many cases, a vulnerable protocol is notobviously an exploitable protocol. This is particularlytrue for non-standard format oracles which require en-

Page 2: Automating the Development of Chosen Ciphertext …...OpenPGP implementations [47,59]. These attacks likely represent the “tip of the iceberg”: many vulnerable sys-tems may remain

Figure 1: Output of a format oracle attack that our algo-rithms developed against a bitwise padding check ora-cle Fbitpad (see §5.2 for a full description). The originalciphertext is a valid 128-bit (random) padded messageencrypted using a stream cipher. Each row of the bitmaprepresents a malleation string that was exclusive-ORedwith the ciphertext prior to making a decryption query.

tirely new exploit strategies. As a concrete example, theauthors of [36] report that Apple did not repair a com-plex gzip compression format oracle in the iMessageprotocol when the lack of authentication was pointed out;but did mitigate the flaw when a concrete exploit wasdemonstrated. Similar flaws in OpenPGP clients [36, 59]and PDF encryption [55] were addressed only when re-searchers developed proof-of-concept exploits. The un-fortunate aspect of this strategy is that cryptographers’time is limited, which leads protocol designers to dis-count the exploitability of real cryptographic flaws.

Removing the human element. In this work we investi-gate the feasibility of automating the design and devel-opment of adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks on symmet-ric encryption schemes. We stress that our goal is notsimply to automate the execution of known attacks, asin previous works [45]. Instead, we seek to develop amethodology and a set of tools to (1) evaluate if a systemis vulnerable to practical exploitation, and (2) program-matically derive a novel exploit strategy, given only adescription of the target. This removes the expensivehuman element from attack development.

To emphasize the ambitious nature of our problem, wesummarize our motivating research question as follows:

Given a machine-readable description of a for-mat checking function F along with a descrip-tion of the encryption scheme’s malleation

properties, can we programatically derive achosen-ciphertext attack that allows us to effi-ciently decrypt arbitrary ciphertexts?

Our primary requirement is that the software responsi-ble for developing this attack should require no furtherassistance from human beings. Moreover, the developedattack must be efficient: ideally it should not require sub-stantially more work (as measured by number of oraclequeries and wall-clock execution time) than the equiva-lent attack developed through manual human optimiza-tion.

To our knowledge, this work represents the first at-tempt to automate the discovery of novel adaptive cho-sen ciphertext attacks against symmetric format oracles.While our techniques are designed to be general, in prac-tice they are unlikely to succeed against every possibleformat checking function. Instead, in this work we initi-ate a broader investigation by exploring the limits of ourapproach against various real-world and contrived formatchecking functions. Beyond presenting our techniques,our practical contribution of this work is a toolset thatwe name Delphinium, which produces highly-efficientattacks across several such functions.

Relationship to previous automated attack work. Pre-vious work [12, 26, 58] has looked at automatic discoveryand exploitation of side channel attacks. In this setting, aprogram combines a fixed secret input with many “low”inputs that are (sometimes adaptively) chosen by an at-tacker, and produces a signal, e.g., modeling a timingresult. This setting can be viewed as a special case ofour general model (and vice versa). Like our techniques,several of these works employ SAT solvers and modelcounting techniques. However, beyond these similarities,there are fundamental differences that manifest in ourresults: (1) in this work we explore a new approach basedon approximate model counting, and (2) as a result of thisapproach, our results operate over much larger secret do-mains than the cited works. To illustrate the differences,our experimental results succeed on secret (message) do-mains of several hundred bits in length, with malleationstrings (“low inputs”) drawn from similarly-sized do-mains. By contrast, the cited works operate over smallersecret domains that rarely even reach a size of 224. More-over, our format functions are relatively complex. It isan open question to determine whether the experimen-tal results in the cited works can be scaled using ourtechniques.

Our contributions. In this work we make the followingcontributions:

• We propose new, and fully automated algorithms

Page 3: Automating the Development of Chosen Ciphertext …...OpenPGP implementations [47,59]. These attacks likely represent the “tip of the iceberg”: many vulnerable sys-tems may remain

for developing format oracle attacks on symmetricencryption (and hybrid encryption) schemes. Ouralgorithms are designed to work with arbitrary for-mat checking functions, using a machine-readabledescription of the function and the scheme’s mal-leation features to develop the attack strategy.

• We design and implement novel attack-developmenttechniques that use approximate model countingtechniques to achieve significantly greater efficiencythan previous works. These techniques may be ofindependent interest.

• We show how to implement our technique prac-tically with existing tools such as SAT and SMTsolvers; and propose a number of efficiency opti-mizations designed to improve performance for spe-cific encryption schemes and attack conditions.

• We develop a working implementation of our tech-niques using “off-the-shelf” SAT/SMT packages,and provide the resulting software package (whichwe call Delphinium), an artifact accompanying thissubmission, as an open source tool for use and fur-ther development by the research community.

• We validate our tool experimentally, deriving severalattacks using different format-checking functions.These experiments represent, to our knowledge, thefirst evidence of a completely functioning end-to-end machine-developed format oracle attack.

1.1 IntuitionImplementing a basic format oracle attack. In a typicalformat oracle attack, the attacker has obtained some tar-get ciphertext C∗ = EncryptK(M∗) where K and M∗ areunknown. She has access to a decryption oracle that, oninput any chosen ciphertext C, returns F(DecryptK(C))∈{0,1} for some known predicate F. The attacker mayhave various goals, including plaintext recovery andforgery of new ciphertexts. Here we will focus on theformer goal.

Describing malleability. Our attacks exploit the mal-leability characteristics of symmetric encryption schemes.Because the encryption schemes themselves can be com-plex, we do not want our algorithms to reason over the en-cryption mechanism itself. Instead, for a given encryptionscheme Π, we require the user to develop two efficiently-computable functions that define the malleability prop-erties of the scheme. The function MaulΠciph(C,S) →C′ takes as input a valid ciphertext and some opaquemalleation instruction string S (henceforth “malleation

string”), and produces a new, mauled ciphertext C′. Thefunction MaulΠplain(M,S)→M′ computes the equivalentmalleation over some plaintext, producing a plaintext (or,in some cases, a set of possible plaintexts1). The essen-tial property we require from these functions is that theplaintext malleation function should “predict” the effectsof encrypting a plaintext M, mauling the resulting cipher-text, then subsequently decrypting the result. For sometypical encryption schemes, these functions can be sim-ple: for example, a simple stream cipher can be realizedby defining both functions to be bitwise exclusive-OR.However, malleation functions may also implement fea-tures such as truncation or more sophisticated editing,which could imply a complex and structured malleationstring.

Building block: theory solvers. Our techniques makeuse of efficient theory solvers, such as SAT and Satis-fiability Modulo Theories (SMT) [1, 49]. SAT solversapply a variety of tactics to identify or rule out a satis-fying assignment to a boolean constraint formula, whileSMT adds a broader range of theories and tactics suchas integer arithmetic and string logic. While in princi-ple our techniques can be extended to work with eithersystem, in practice we will focus our techniques to usequantifier-free operations over bitvectors (a theory thateasily reduces to SAT). In later sections, we will showhow to realize these techniques efficiently using concreteSAT and SMT packages.

Anatomy of our attack algorithm. The essential idea inour approach is to model each phase of a chosen cipher-text attack as a constraint satisfaction problem. At thehighest level, we begin by devising an initial constraintformula that defines the known constraints on (and hence,implicitly, a set of candidates for) the unknown plaintextM∗. At each phase of the attack, we will use our currentknowledge of these constraints to derive an experimentthat, when executed against the real decryption oracle, al-lows us to “rule out” some non-zero number of plaintextcandidates. Given the result of a concrete experiment,we can then update our constraint formula using the newinformation, and continue the attack procedure until nofurther candidates can be eliminated.

In the section that follows, we use M0,M1 to representthe partition of messages induced by a malleation string.M0 and M1 represent concrete plaintext message assign-ments chosen by the solver, members of the respectivepartitions.

1This captures the fact that, in some encryption schemes (e.g., CBC-mode encryption), malleation produces key-dependent effects on thedecrypted message. We discuss and formalize this in §2.

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The process of deriving the malleation string repre-sents the core of our technical work. It requires our algo-rithms to reason deeply over both the plaintext malleationfunction and the format checking function in combina-tion. To realize this, we rely heavily on theory solvers,together with some novel optimization techniques.

Attack intuition. We now explain the full attack in greaterdetail. To provide a clear exposition, we will begin thisdiscussion by discussing a simplified and inefficient pre-cursor algorithm that we will later optimize to produceour main result. Our discussion below will make a signif-icant simplifying assumption that we will later remove:namely, that Maulplain will output exactly one plaintextfor any given input. This assumption is compatible withcommon encryption schemes such as stream ciphers, butwill not be valid for other schemes where malleation canproduce key-dependent effects following decryption.

We now describe the basic steps of our first attack algo-rithm.

Step 0: Initialization. At the beginning of the attack, ourattack algorithm receives as input a target ciphertext C∗,as well as a machine-readable description of the func-tions F and Maulplain. We require that these descriptionsbe provided in the form of a constraint formula that atheory solver can reason over. To initialize the attackprocedure, the user may also provide an initial constraintpredicate G0 : {0,1}n→{0,1} that expresses all knownconstraints over the value of M∗.2 (If we have no a prioriknowledge about the distribution of M∗, we can set thisinitial formula G0 to be trivial).

Beginning with i = 1, the attack now proceeds to iterateover the following two steps:

Step 1: Identify an experiment. Let Gi−1 be the currentset of known constraints on M∗. In this first step, weemploy the solver to identify a malleation instructionstring S as well as a pair of distinct plaintexts M0,M1that each satisfy the constraints of Gi−1. Our goal is toidentify an assignment for (S,M0,M1) that induces thefollowing specific properties on M0,M1: namely, thateach message in the pair, when mauled using S and thenevaluated using the format checking function, results ina distinct output from F. Expressed more concretely, werequire the solver to identify an assignment that satisfiesthe following constraint formula:

Gi−1(M0) = Gi−1(M1) = 1 ∧ (1)∀b ∈ {0,1} : F(Maulplain(Mb,S)) = b

2Here n represents an upper bound on the length of the plaintextM∗.

If the solver is unable to derive a satisfying assignmentto this formula, we conclude the attack and proceed toStep (3). Otherwise we extract a concrete satisfying as-signment for S, assign this value to S, and proceed to thenext step.

Step 2: Query the oracle; update the constraints. Givena concrete malleation string S, we now apply the cipher-text malleation function to compute an experiment ci-phertext C← Maulciph(C

∗,S), and submit C to the de-cryption oracle. When the oracle produces a concreteresult r ∈ {0,1}, we compute an updated constraint for-mula Gi such that for each input M, it holds that:

Gi(M)← (Gi−1(M) ∧ F(Maulplain(M,S)) = r)

If possible, we can now ask the solver to simplify theformula Gi by eliminating redundant constraints in theunderlying representation. We now set i ← i + 1 andreturn to Step (1).

Step 3: Attack completion. The attack concludes whenthe solver is unable to identify a satisfying assignmentin Step (1). In the ideal case, this occurs because theconstraint system Gi−1 admits only one possible candi-date plaintext, M∗: when this happens, we can employthe solver to directly recover M∗ and complete the attack.However, the solver may also fail to find an assignmentbecause no further productive experiment can be gener-ated, or simply because finding a solution proves com-putationally intractable. When the solver conclusivelyrules out a solution at iteration i = 1 (i.e., prior to issuingany decryption queries) this can be taken as an indicationthat a viable attack is not practical using our techniques.Indeed, this feature of our work can be used to rule outthe exploitability of certain systems, even without accessto a decryption oracle. In other cases, the format oraclemay admit only partial recovery of M∗. If this occurs, weconclude the attack by applying the solver to the finalconstraint formula Gi−1 to extract a human-readable de-scription of the remaining candidate space (e.g., the bitsof M∗ we are able to uniquely recover).

Remark on efficiency. A key feature of the attack de-scribed above is that it is guaranteed to make progress ateach round in which the solver is able to find a satisfyingassignment to Equation (1). This is fundamental to theconstraint system we construct: our approach forces thesolver to ensure that each malleation string S implicitlypartitions the candidate message set into a pair (M0,M1),such that malleation of messages in either subset by Swill produce distinct outputs from the format checkingfunction F. As a consequence of this, for any possibleresult from the real-world decryption oracle, the updated

Page 5: Automating the Development of Chosen Ciphertext …...OpenPGP implementations [47,59]. These attacks likely represent the “tip of the iceberg”: many vulnerable sys-tems may remain

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Gi<latexit sha1_base64="OBeHGUbhgcMPk9H7MrZd2pezA6s=">AAAB7HicbVBNS8NAEJ3Ur1q/qh69LBbBU0mqoMeiBz1WMG2hDWWznbZLN5uwuxFK6G/w4kERr/4gb/4bt20O2vpg4PHeDDPzwkRwbVz32ymsrW9sbhW3Szu7e/sH5cOjpo5TxdBnsYhVO6QaBZfoG24EthOFNAoFtsLx7cxvPaHSPJaPZpJgENGh5APOqLGSf9fL+LRXrrhVdw6ySrycVCBHo1f+6vZjlkYoDRNU647nJibIqDKcCZyWuqnGhLIxHWLHUkkj1EE2P3ZKzqzSJ4NY2ZKGzNXfExmNtJ5Eoe2MqBnpZW8m/ud1UjO4DjIuk9SgZItFg1QQE5PZ56TPFTIjJpZQpri9lbARVZQZm0/JhuAtv7xKmrWqd1GtPVxW6jd5HEU4gVM4Bw+uoA730AAfGHB4hld4c6Tz4rw7H4vWgpPPHMMfOJ8/26SOtw==</latexit>

Figure 2: Left: illustration of a plaintext candidate spacedefined by Gi−1, highlighting the two subsets M0,M1induced by a specific malleation string S. Right: the can-didate space defined by Gi, in which many candidateshave been eliminated following an oracle response b = 1.

constraint formula Gi must eliminate at least one plaintextcandidate that satisfied the previous constraints Gi−1.

While this property ensures progress, it does not implythat the resulting attack will be efficient. In some cases,the addition of a new constraint will fortuitously rule outa large number of candidate plaintexts. In other cases, itmight only eliminate a single candidate. As a result, thereexist worst-case attack scenarios where the algorithm re-quires as many queries as there are candidates for M∗,making the approach completely unworkable for prac-tical message sizes. Addressing this efficiency problemrequires us to extend our approach.

Improving query profitability. We can define the prof-itability ψ(Gi−1,Gi) of an experimental query by thenumber of plaintext candidates that are “ruled out” oncean experiment has been executed and the constraint for-mula updated. In other words, this value is defined as thenumber of plaintext candidates that satisfy Gi−1 but donot satisfy Gi. The main limitation of our first attack strat-egy is that it does not seek to optimize each experimentto maximize query profitability.

To address this concern, let us consider a more generaldescription of our attack strategy, which we illustrate inFigure 2. At the ith iteration, we wish to identify a mal-leation string S that defines two disjoint subsets M0,M1of the current candidate plaintext space, such that for anyconcrete oracle result r ∈ {0,1} and ∀M ∈Mr it holdsthat F(Maulplain(M,S)) = r. In this description, any con-crete decryption oracle result must “rule out” (at a mini-mum) every plaintext contained in the subset M1−r. Thissets ψ(Gi−1,Gi) equal to the cardinality of M1−r.

To increase the profitability of a given query, it is there-fore necessary to maximize the size of M1−r. Of course,since we do not know the value r prior to issuing a decryp-tion oracle query, the obvious strategy is to find S such

that both M0,M1 are as large as possible. Put slightlydifferently, we wish to find an experiment S that max-imizes the cardinality of the smaller subset in the pair.The result of this optimization is a greedy algorithm thatwill seek to eliminate the largest number of candidateswith each query.

Technical challenge: model count optimization.While our new formulation is conceptually simple, actu-ally realizing it involves overcoming serious limitationsin current theory solvers. This is due to the fact that,while several production solvers provide optimizationcapabilities [49], these heuristics optimize for the valueof specific variables. Our requirement is subtly different:we wish to solve for a candidate S that maximizes thenumber of satisfying solutions for the variables M0,M1in Equation (1).3

Unfortunately, this problem is both theoretically andpractically challenging. Indeed, merely counting the num-ber of satisfying assignments to a constraint formula isknown to be asymptotically harder than SAT [69, 70],and practical counting algorithms solutions [14, 20] tendto perform poorly when the combinatorial space is largeand the satisfying assignments are sparsely distributedthroughout the space, a condition that is likely in oursetting. The specific optimization problem our tech-niques require proves to be even harder. Indeed, onlyrecently was such a problem formalized, under the nameMax#SAT [35].

Approximating Max#SAT. While an exact solution toMax#SAT is NPPP-complete [35, 69], several works haveexplored approximate solutions to this and related count-ing problems [25, 35, 37, 65]. One powerful class ofapproximate counting techniques, inspired by the the-oretical work of Valiant and Vazirani [71] and Stock-meyer [67], uses a SAT oracle as follows: given a con-straint formula F over some bitvector T , add to F aseries of s random parity constraints, each computedover the bits of T . For j = 1 to s, the jth parity con-straint can be viewed as requiring that H j(T ) = 1 whereH j : {0,1}|T | → {0,1} is a universal hash function. In-tuitively, each additional constraint reduces the numberof satisfying assignments approximately by half, inde-pendently of the underlying distribution of valid solu-tions. The implication is as follows: if a satisfying as-sigment to the enhanced formula exists, we should beconvinced (probabilistically) that the original formula

3Some experimental SMT implementations provide logic for rea-soning about the cardinality of small sets, these strategies scale poorlyto the large sets we need to reason about in practical format oracleattacks.

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is likely to possess on the order of 2s satisfying assign-ments. Subsequently, researchers in the model countingcommunity showed that with some refinement, these ap-proximate counting strategies can be used to approximateMax#SAT [35], although with an efficiency that is sub-stantially below what we require for an efficient attack.

To apply this technique efficiently to our attack, wedevelop a custom count-optimization procedure, and ap-ply it to the attack strategy given in the previous section.At the start of each iteration, we begin by conjecturing acandidate set size 2s for some non-negative integer s, andthen we query the solver for a solution to (S,M0,M1) inwhich approximately 2s solutions can be found for eachof the abstract bitvectors M0,M1. This involves modify-ing the equation of Step (1) by adding s random parityconstraints to each of the abstract representations of M0and M1. We now repeatedly query the solver on variantsof this query, with increasing (resp. decreasing) valuesof s, until we have identified the maximum value of sthat results in a satisfying assignment.4 For a sufficientlyhigh value of s, this approach effectively eliminates many“unprofitable” malleation string candidates and thus sig-nificantly improves the efficiency of the attack.

The main weakness of this approach stems from theprobabilistic nature of the approximation algorithm. Evenwhen 2s satisfying assignments exist for M0,M1, thesolver may deem the extended formula unsatisfiable withrelatively high probability. In our approach, this false-negative will cause the algorithm to reduce the size of s,potentially resulting in the selection of a less-profitableexperiment S. Following Gomes et al. [37], we are ableto substantially improve our certainty by conducting ttrials within each query, accepting iff at least d( 1

2 +δ)tetrials are satisfied, where δ is an adjustable toleranceparameter.

Putting it all together. The presentation above is in-tended to provide the reader with a simplified descriptionof our techniques. However, this discussion does not con-vey most challenging aspect of our work: namely, thedifficulty of implementing our techniques and makingthem practical, particularly within the limitations of ex-isting theory solvers. Achieving the experimental resultswe present in this work represents the result of monthsof software engineering effort and manual algorithm op-timization. We discuss these challenges more deeply in§4.

Using our techniques we were able to re-discover bothwell known and entirely novel chosen ciphertext attacks,

4Note that s = 0 represents the original constraint formula, and so afailure to find a satisfying assignment at this size triggers the conclusionof the attack.

all at a query efficiency nearly identical to the (optimalin expectation) human-implemented attacks. Our experi-ments not only validate the techniques we describe in thiswork, but they also illustrate several possible avenues forfurther optimization, both in our algorithms and in theunderlying SMT/SAT solver packages. Our hope is thatthese results will inspire further advances in the theorysolving community.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Encryption Schemes and MalleabilityOur attacks operate assume that the target system is us-ing a malleable symmetric encryption scheme. We nowprovide definitions for these terms.

Definition 1 (Symmetric encryption) A symmet-ric encryption scheme Π is a tuple of algorithms(KeyGen,Encrypt,Decrypt) where KeyGen(1λ) gen-erates a key, the probabilistic algorithm EncryptK(M)encrypts a plaintext M under key K to produce a cipher-text C, and the deterministic algorithm DecryptK(C)decrypts C to produce a plaintext or the distinguishederror symbol ⊥. We use M to denote the set of validplaintexts accepted by a scheme, and C to denote the setof valid ciphertexts.

2.1.1 Malleation Functions

The description of malleation functions is given in theform of two functions. The first takes as input a cipher-text along with an opaque data structure that we refer toas a malleation instruction string, and outputs a mauledciphertext. The second function performs the analogousfunction on a plaintext. We require that the followingintuitive relationship hold between these functions: givena plaintext M and an instruction string, the plaintext mal-leation function should “predict” the effect of mauling(and subsequently decrypting) a ciphertext that encryptsM.

Definition 2 (Malleation functions) The malleationfunctions for a symmetric encryption scheme Π

comprise a pair of efficiently-computable functions(MaulΠciph,MaulΠplain) with the following properties. LetM,C be the plaintext (resp. ciphertext) space of Π. Thefunction MaulΠciph : C × {0,1}∗ → C ∪ {⊥} takes asinput a ciphertext and a malleation instruction string. Itoutputs a ciphertext or the distinguished error symbol ⊥.The function MaulΠplain : M×{0,1}∗ → M̂, on input aplaintext and a malleation instruction string, outputs a

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set M̂ ⊆M ∪ {⊥} of possible plaintexts (augmentedwith the decryption error symbol⊥). The structure of themalleation string is entirely defined by these functions;since our attack algorithms will reason over the functionsthemselves, we treat S itself as an opaque value.

We say that (MaulΠciph,MaulΠplain) describes the malleabil-ity features of Π if malleation of a ciphertext alwaysinduces the expected effect on a plaintext followingencryption, malleation and decryption. More formally,∀K ∈ KeyGen(1λ),∀C ∈ C,∀S ∈ {0,1}∗ the followingrelation must hold whenever MaulΠciph(C,S) 6=⊥:

DecryptK(MaulΠciph(C,S)) ∈MaulΠplain(DecryptK(C),S)

In §4.2.1 we discuss a collection of encryption schemesand implementing their associated malleation functions.

2.2 Theory Solvers and Model CountingSolvers take as input a system of constraints over a setof variables, and attempt to derive (or rule out the ex-istence of) a satisfying solution. Modern SAT solversgenerally rely on two main families of theorem solver:DPLL [28, 29] and Stochastic Local Search [39]. Sat-isfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers expand thelanguage of SAT to include predicates in first-order logic,enabling the use of several theory solvers ranging fromstring logic to integer logic. Our prototype implementa-tion uses a quantifier-free bitvector (QFBV) theory solver.In practice, this is implemented using SMT with a SATsolver as a back-end.5 For the purposes of describing ouralgorithms, we specify a query to the solver by the sub-routine SATSolve{(A1, . . . ,AN) : G} where A1, . . . ,ANeach represent abstract bitvectors of some defined length,and G is a constraint formula over these variables. Theresponse from this call provides one of three possibleresults: (1) sat, as well as a concrete satisfying solution(A1 . . . ,AN), (2) the distinguished response unsat, or (3)the error unknown.

Model counting and Max#SAT. While SAT deter-mines the existence of a single satisfying assign-ment, a more general variant of the problem, #SAT,determines the number of satisfying assignments. Inthe literature this problem is known as model count-ing [11, 14, 20, 24, 37, 63, 70, 75].

In this work we make use of a specific optimizationvariant of the model count problem, which was formu-lated as Max#SAT by Fremont et al. [35]. In a streamlinedform, the problem can defined as follows: given a boolean

5In principle our attacks can be extended to other theories, withsome additional work that we describe later in this section.

formula φ(X ,Y ) over abstract bitvectors X and Y , finda concrete assignment to X that maximizes the numberof possible satisfying assignments to Y .6 We will makeuse of this abstraction in our attacks, with realizationsdiscussed in §3.2. Specifically, we define our main attackalgorithm in terms of a generic Max#SAT oracle that hasthe following interface:

Max#SAT(φ,X ,Y )→ X

2.3 Format Checking FunctionsOur attacks assume a decryption oracle that, on input aciphertext C, computes and returns F(DecryptK(C)). Werefer to the function F : M ∪ {⊥}→ {0,1} as a formatchecking function. Our techniques place two minimumrequirements on this function: (1) the function F mustbe efficiently-computable, and (2) the user must supplya machine-readable implementation of F, expressed as aconstraint formula that a theory solver can reason over.

Function descriptions. Requiring format checking func-tions to be usable within SAT/SMT solvers raises addi-tional implementation considerations. Refer to the fullversion of this paper [15] for discussion of these consid-erations, and to the artifact accompanying this work forimplemented examples.

3 Constructions

In this section we present a high-level description of ourmain contribution: a set of algorithms for programmati-cally conducting a format oracle attack. First, we providepseudocode for our main attack algorithm, which uses ageneric Max#SAT oracle as its key ingredient. This first al-gorithm can be realized approximately using techniquessuch as the MaxCount algorithm of Fremont et al. [35],although this realization will come at a significant costto practical performance. To reduce this cost and makeour attacks practical, we next describe a concrete replace-ment algorithm that can be used in place of a Max#SATsolver. The combination of these algorithms forms thebasis for our tool Delphinium.

3.1 Main AlgorithmAlgorithm 1 presents our main attack algorithm, whichwe name DeriveAttack. This algorithm is parameterized

6The formulation of Fremont et al. [35] includes an additional setof boolean variables Z that must also be satisfied, but is not part of theoptimization problem. We omit this term because it is not used by ouralgorithms. Note as well that, unlike Fremont et al., our algorithms arenot concerned with the actual count of solutions for Y .

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by three subroutines: (1) a subroutine for solving theMax#SAT problem, (2) an implementation of the cipher-text malleation function Maulciph, and (3) a decryptionoracle Odec. The algorithm takes as input a target cipher-text C∗, constraint formulae for the functions Maulplain,F,and an (optional) initial constraint system G0 that definesknown constraints on M∗.

This algorithm largely follows the intuition describedin §1.1. At each iteration, it derives a concrete malleationstring S using the Max#SAT oracle in order to find anassignment that maximizes the number of solutions tothe abstract bitvector M0‖M1. It then mauls C∗ usingthis malleation string, and queries the decryption oracleOdec on the result. It terminates by outputting a (possi-bly incomplete) description of M∗. This final output isdetermined by a helper subroutine SolveForPlaintext thatuses the solver to find a unique solution for M∗ given aconstraint formula, or else to produce a human-readabledescription of the resulting model.7

Theorem 3.1 Given an exact Max#SAT oracle, Algo-rithm 1 maximizes in expectation the number of candidateplaintext messages ruled out at each iteration.

A proof of Theorem 3.1 appears in the full version of thispaper [15].

Remarks. Note that a greedy adaptive attack may not beglobally optimal. It is hypothetically possible to modifythe algorithm, allowing it to reason over multiple oraclequeries simultaneously (in fact, Phan et al. discuss sucha generalization in their side channel work [58]). We findthat this is computationally infeasible in practice. Finally,note also that our proof assumes an exact Max#SAT ora-cle. In practice, this will likely be realized with a probablyapproximately correct instantiation, causing the resultingattack to be a probably approximately greedy attack.

3.2 Realizing the Max#SAT OracleRealizing Algorithm 1 in practice requires that we pro-vide a concrete subroutine that can solve specific in-stances of Max#SAT. We now address techniques forapproximately solving this problem.

Realization from Fremont et al. Fremont et al. [35]propose an approximate algorithm called MaxCount thatcan be used to instantiate our attack algorithms. The Max-Count algorithm is based on repeated application of ap-proximate counting and sampling algorithms [23, 24, 25],which can in turn be realized using a general SAT solver.

7Our concrete implementation in §4 uses the solver to enumerateeach of the known and unknown bits of M∗.

While MaxCount is approximate, it can be tuned to pro-vide a high degree of accuracy that is likely to be effectivefor our attacks. Unfortunately, the Fremont et al. solu-tion has two significant downsides. First, to achieve thediscussed bounds requires parameter selections whichinduce infeasible queries to the underlying SAT solver.Fremont et al. address this by implementing their algo-rithm with substantially reduced parameters, for whichthey demonstrate good empirical performance. However,even the reduced Fremont et al. approach still requiresnumerous calls to a solver. Even conducting a single ap-proximate count of solutions to the constraint systemsin our experiments could take hours to days, and suchcounts might occur several times in a single execution ofMaxCount.

A more efficient realization. To improve the efficiencyof our implementations, we instead realize a more effi-cient optimization algorithm we name FastSample. Thisalgorithm can be used in place of the Max#SAT subrou-tine calls in Algorithm 1. Our algorithm can be viewed asbeing a subset of the full MaxCount algorithm of Fremontet al.

The FastSample algorithm operates over a constraintsystem φ(S,M0‖M1), and returns a concrete value S that(heuristically) maximizes the number of solutions for thebitvectors M0,M1. It does this by first conjecturing somevalue s, and sampling a series of 2s low-density parityhash functions of the form H : {0,1}n→ {0,1} (wheren is the maximum length of M0 or M1). It then modifiesthe constraint system by adding s such hash function con-straints to each of M0,M1, and asking the solver to find asolution to the modified constraint system. If a solutionis found (resp. not found) for a specific s, FastSampleadjusts the size of s upwards (resp. downwards) until ithas found the maximal value of s that produces a satisfy-ing assignment, or else is unable to find an assignmenteven at s = 0.

The goal of this approach is to identify a malleationstring S as well as the largest integer s such that at least2s solutions can be found for each of M0,M1. To improvethe accuracy of this approach, we employ a techniqueoriginally pioneered by Gomes et al. [37] and modifyeach SAT query to include multiple trials of this form,such that only a fraction δ+1/2 of the trials must succeedin order for S to be considered valid. The parameters t,δare adjustable; we evaluate candidate values in §5.

Unlike Fremont et al. (at least, when implementedat full parameters) our algorithm does not constitute asound realization of a Max#SAT solver. However, empiri-cally we find that our attacks using FastSample producequery counts that are close to the optimal possible attack.

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More critically, our approach is capable of identifying acandidate malleation string in seconds on the constraintsystems we encountered during our experiments.

Additional algorithms. Our algorithms employ an ab-stract subroutine AdjustSize that is responsible for updat-ing the conjectured set size s in our optimization loop:

(bcontinue,s′,Z′)← AdjustSize(bsuccess,n,s,Z)

The input bit bsuccess indicates whether or not a solu-tion was found for a conjectured size s, while n providesa known upper-bound. The history string Z ∈ {0,1}∗ al-lows the routine to record state between consecutive calls.AdjustSize outputs a bit bcontinue indicating whether theattack should attempt to find a new solution, as well asan updated set size s′. If AdjustSize is called with s =⊥,then s′ is set to an initial set size to test, bcontinue = TRUE,and Z′ = Z.

Finally, the subroutine ParityConstraint(n, l) constructsl randomized parity constraints of weight k over a bitvec-tor b = b1b2 . . .bn where k ≤ n denotes the number ofbit indices included in a parity constraint (i.e. the par-ity constraints come from a family of functions H(b) =⊕n

i=1 bi ·ai where a ∈ {0,1}n and the hamming weightof a is k).

Algorithm 1: DeriveAttackInput: Machine-readable description of F,

Maulplain; target ciphertext C∗; initialconstraints G0;

Output: M∗ or a model of the remaining plaintextcandidates

Procedure:i← 1;do

Define φ(S,M0‖M1) as[Gi−1(M0) = 1 ∧

Gi−1(M1) = 1 ∧ F(Maulplain(M0,S)) =0 ∧ F(Maulplain(M1,S)) = 1


S← Max#SAT (φ, S, M0‖M1);if S 6=⊥ then

r← Odec(Maulciph(C∗,S));

Define Gi(M) as[Gi−1(M)∧ (F(Maulplain(M,S)) = r)


i← i+1;

while S 6=⊥;return SolveForPlaintext(Gi);

Algorithm 2: FastSampleInput: φ a constraint system over abstract

bitvectors S,M0‖M1; n the maximumlength of (each of) M0,M1; m themaximum length of S; t number of trials; δ

fraction of trials that must succeedOutput: S ∈ {0,1}m

Procedure:(bcontinue,s,Z)← AdjustSize(FALSE,n,⊥,ε);// define t symbolic copies of the

abstract bitvectors M0,M1, and anew constraint system φt

{M1,0, . . . ,Mt,0}←M0;{M1,1, . . . ,Mt,1}←M1;Define φt(S,{M1,0, . . . ,Mt,0},{M1,1, . . . ,Mt,1}) asφ(S,M1,0‖M1,1)∧·· ·∧φ(S,Mt,0‖Mt,1);while bcontinue do

// Construct 2t s-bit parityconstraints

for i← 1 to t doHi,0← ParityConstraint (n,s);Hi,1← ParityConstraint (n,s)

// Query the solverS←SATSolve{(S,{M1,0, . . . ,Mt,0},{M1,1, . . . ,Mt,1}) :

∃R0 ⊆ [1, t] : |R0| ≥d(0.5+δ)te,∀ j ∈ R0 : H j,0(M j,0) = 1 ∧∃R1 ⊆ [1, t] : |R1| ≥

d(0.5+δ)te,∀ j ∈ R1 : H j,1(M j,1) = 1 ∧φt(S,{M1,0, . . . ,Mt,0},{M1,1, . . . ,Mt,1})};

if S == unsat thenbsuccess = FALSE;


return S

4 Prototype Implementation

We now describe our prototype implementation, whichwe call Delphinium. We designed Delphinium as anextensible toolkit that can be used by practitioners toevaluate and exploit real format oracles.

4.1 Architecture OverviewFigure 3 illustrates the architecture of Delphinium. Thesoftware comprises several components:

Attack orchestrator. This central component is respon-

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SMT/SAT solver

Attack Orchestrator

Target interface(shim)

Target system




Attack tooling

target ciphertext,functions,params


Compatibility layer

Figure 3: Architecture of Delphinium.

sible for executing the core algorithms of the attack, keep-ing state, and initiating queries to both the decryptionoracle and SMT/SAT solver. It takes the target ciphertextC∗ and a description of the functions F and Maulplain aswell as the attack parameters t,δ as input, and outputsthe recovered plaintext.

SMT/SAT solver. Our implementation supports multi-ple SMT solver frameworks (STP [1] and Z3 [49]) via acustom compatibility layer that we developed for our tool.To improve performance, the orchestrator may launchmultiple parallel instances of this solver.

In addition to these core components, the system in-corporates two user-supplied modules, which can be cus-tomized for a specific target:

Ciphertext malleator. This module provides a work-ing implementation of the malleation function MaulΠciph.We realize this module as a Python program, but it canbe implemented as any executable compatible with theexpected interface.8

Target interface (shim). This module is responsible forformatting and transmitting decryption queries to the tar-get system. It is designed as a user-supplied module inrecognition of the fact that this portion will need to becustomized for specific target systems and communica-tion channels.

As part of our prototype implementation, we provideworking examples for each of these modules, as well asa test harness to evaluate attacks locally.

4.2 Implementation DetailsRealizing our algorithms in a practical tool required usto solve a number of challenging engineering problems

8The interface requires input of a ciphertext and a malleation string,with output the mauled ciphertext.

and to navigate limitations of existing SAT/SMT solvers.

Test Harness. For our experiments in §5 we developeda test harness to implement the Ciphertext Malleator andTarget Interface shim. This test harness implements thecode for mauling and decrypting M∗ locally using a givenmalleation string S.

Selecting SAT and SMT solvers. In the course of thiswork we evaluated several SMT and SAT solvers opti-mized for different settings. Seeking the best of a fewworlds, we use Z3 for formula manipulation and Crypto-MiniSAT as a solving backend, bridged by CNF formularepresentations. Refer to the full version of this paper [15]for discussion and challenges of the solvers we evaluated.

Low-density parity constraints. Our implementationof model counting requires our tool to incorporate 2t s-bit distinct parity functions into each solver query. Eachparity constraint comprises an average of n

2 exclusive-ORs (where n is the maximum length of M∗), resulting ina complexity increase of tens to hundreds of gates in ourSAT queries. To address this, we adopted an approachused by several previous model counting works [32, 77]:using low-density parity functions. Each such functionof these samples k random bits of the input string, with kcentered around log2(n). As a further optimization, weperiodically evaluate the current constraint formula Gi todetermine if any bit of the plaintext has been fixed. Weomit fixed bits from the input to the parity functions, andreduce both n and k accordingly.

Implementing AdjustSize. Because SAT/SMT queriesare computationally expensive, we evaluate a few strate-gies for implementing AdjustSize which minimize timespent solving. We omit discussion of these strategies forbrevity; refer to the full version of this paper [15].

Describing malleation. To avoid making users re-implement basic functionality, Delphinium providesbuilt-in support for several malleation functions. Theseinclude simple stream ciphers, stream ciphers that sup-port truncation (from either the left or the right side),and CBC mode encryption. The design of these mal-leation functions required substantial extensions to theDelphinium framework.

4.2.1 Implementing Malleation Functions

Truncation. Support for truncation requiresDelphinium to support plaintexts of variable length.This functionality is not natively provided by the bitvec-tor interfaces used in most solvers. We therefore modifythe solver values to encode message length in addition to

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content. This necessitates changes to the interface forF. We accomplish this by treating the first log2(n) bitsof each bitvector as a length field specifying how longthe message is and by having every implementation of Fdecode this value prior to evaluating the plaintext. Toproperly capture truncation off either end of a message,the malleation bitvector is extended by 2l̇og2(n) so thelowest order log2(n) bits of the malleation bitvectorspecify how many bits should be truncated off the loworder bits of the plaintext and the next log2(n) bitsspecify what should be truncated from high order bitsof the message. For ease of implementation, in someschemes the n bits following the truncation describethe length field of the plaintext. This allows for easilyexpressing the exclusive-OR portion of our malleationwithout bit-shifting and allows encoding extension.Some schemes, such as stream ciphers, only enabletruncation off one side of the message, and so in thiscase we add a constraint to the formula which disallowstruncation off the low order bits of a message. This isbecause trunction off the high order bits would implya misalignment of the ciphertext with the keystream,causing decryption to produce effectively randomizedplaintext.

Truncation for Block Cipher Modes. In block ciphermodes such as CTR, CFB, and OFB, an attacker alsohas the ability to increment the nonce and truncate offblocks of ciphertext.9 To capture this capability, in themalleation function we additionally constrain the mal-leation string to express truncation off the high order bitsof a message (earlier blocks of ciphertext), provided thenumber of bits being truncated is a multiple of the blocksize.

CBC Mode. In contrast with stream ciphers, MaulΠCBCplain

is not equal to MaulΠCBCciph and moreover Maul

ΠCBCplain is sig-

nificantly more complex. In CBC mode, decryption ofa ciphertext block Ci is defined as Pi = Deck(Ci)⊕Ci−1where Ci−1 denotes the previous ciphertext block. Sincethe block Ci is given directly to a block cipher, any imple-mentation must account for the the fact that modificationof the block Ci creates an unpredictable effect on theoutput Pi, effectively randomizing it via the block cipher.

For a solver to reason over such an effect on the plain-text output, we would need to include constraint clausescorresponding to encryption and decryption, i.e. booleanoperations implementing symmetric schemes like AES.To avoid this significant overhead, we instead modifythe interface of Maul

ΠCBCplain to output two abstract bitvec-

9This is not necessarily possible when dealing with other streamciphers, due to the keystream being misaligned with the ciphertext.

tors (M,Mask). Mask represents a mask string: any bitj where Mask[ j] = 1 is viewed as a wildcard in the mes-sage vector M. When Mask[ j] = 0, the value of the out-put message is equal to M[ j] at that position, and whenMask[i] = 1 the value at position M[ j] must be viewedas unconstrained. This requires that we modify F to take(M,Mask) as input. The modified F is able to produce athird value in addition to true and false. This new outputvalue indicates that the format check cannot assign a def-inite true/false value on this input, due to the uncertaintycreated by the unconstrained bits.10 Realizing this for-mulation requires only minor implementation changes toour core algorithms.

Exclusive-OR and Truncation for CBC. With CBCmode decryption, manipulating a preceding ciphertextblock Ci−1 produces a predictable exclusive-OR in theplaintext block Pi. A message that has been encryptedwith a block cipher can also be truncated, provided thattruncation is done in multiples of the block size. There-fore, we define malleability for CBC to capture (1) block-wise truncation (from either the left or right side of theciphertext) and (2) exclusive-OR, where exclusive-OR atindex i in one block produces the corresponding bit-flipat index i in the next block of decrypted ciphertext.

Supporting Extension. For encryption schemes that al-low truncation off the beginning of a message, an attackermay also be able to fill in the truncated portion with ar-bitrary ciphertext, even if this ciphertext may decryptto plaintext unknown to them. If the corresponding por-tion of the plaintext is not examined by the format checkfunction, the attacker can derive information from suchqueries (if the portion is checked, the attacker can onlylearn the result of the check over random bits by nature ofciphers). Thus, we create an additional initial constraintfor this special case, which allows extension to the ci-phertext, limited to where the corresponding plaintext isnot examined by the format function.

4.3 Software

Our prototype implementation of Delphinium comprisesroughly 4.2 kLOC of Python. This includes the attackorchestrator, example format check implementations, thetest harness, and our generic solver Python API whichallows for modular swapping of backing SMT solvers,with implementations for Z3 and STP provided. In pur-suing this prototype, we submitted various patches to the

10In practice, we implement the output of F as a bitvector of length2, and modify our algorithms to use 00 and 01 in place of 0 and 1,respectively.

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underlying theory solvers that have since been includedin the upstream software projects.

4.4 Extensions

In general, arbitrary functions on fixed-size values can beconverted into boolean circuits which SMT solvers canreason over. Existing work in MPC develops compilersfrom DSLs or a subset of C to boolean circuits whichcould be used to input arbitrary check format functionseasily [34, 53]. Experimenting with these, we find thatthe circuit representations are very large and thus havehigh runtime overhead when used as constraints. It ispossible that circuit synthesis algorithms designed todecrease circuit size (used for applications such as FPGAsynthesis) or other logic optimizers could reduce circuitcomplexity, but we leave exploring this to future work.

We additionally provide a translation tool from the out-put format of CMBC-GC [34] to Python (entirely com-prised of circuit operations) to enable use of the Pythonfront-end to Delphinium.

5 Experiments

5.1 Experimental Setup

To evaluate the performance of Delphinium, we testedour implementation on several multi-core servers usingthe most up-to-date builds of Z3 (4.8.4) and CryptoMin-iSAT (5.6.8). The bulk of our testing was conducted usingAmazon EC2, using compute-optimized c5d.18xlargeinstances with 72 virtual cores and 144GB of RAM.11

Several additional tests were run a 72-core Intel Xeon E5CPU with 500GB of memory running on Ubuntu 16.04,and a 96-core Intel Xeon E7 CPU with 1TB of memoryrunning Ubuntu 18.04. We refer to these machines asAWS, E5 and E7 in the sections below.

Data collection. For each experimental run, we collectedstatistics including the total number of decryption oraclequeries performed; the wall-clock time required to con-struct each query; the number of plaintext bits recoveredfollowing each query; and the value of s used to con-struct a given malleation string. We also recorded eachmalleation string S produced by our attack, which allowsus to “replay” any transcript after the fact. The total num-ber of queries required to complete an attack providesthe clearest signal of attack progress, and we use thatas the primary metric for evaluation. However, in some

11We also mounted 900GB of ephemeral EC2 storage to each in-stance as a temporary filesystem to save CNF files during operation.

cases we evaluate partial attacks using the ApproxMC ap-proximate model counting tool [65]. This tool providesus with an estimate for the total number of remainingcandidates for M∗ at every phase of a given attack, andthus allows evaluation of partial attack transcripts.

Selecting attack parameters. The adjustable parame-ters in FastSample include t, the number of countingtrials, δ, which determines the fraction of trials that mustsucceed, and the length of the parity constraints used tosample. We ran a number of experiments to determine op-timal values for these parameters across the format func-tions PKCS7 and a bitwise format function defined in§5.2. Empirically, δ= 0.5, 26 t 6 5, and parity functionsof logarthmic length are suitable for our purposes. Ex-periments varying t and comparing parity hash functionlengths can be found in the full version of this paper [15].These tests were performed on AWS.

5.2 Experiments with Stream CiphersBecause the malleation function for stream ciphers isrelatively simple (consisting simply of bitwise exclusive-OR), we initiated our experiments with these ciphers.

Bytewise Encryption Padding. The PKCS #7 encryp-tion standard (RFC 2315) [44] defines a padding schemefor use with block cipher modes of operation. Thispadding is similar to the standard TLS CBC-modepadding [7] considered by Vaudenay [73]. We evaluateour algorithm on both these functions as a benchmarkbecause PKCS7 and its variants are reasonably complex,and because the human-developed attack is well under-stood. Throughout the rest of this paper, we refer to theseschemes as PKCS7 and TLS-PKCS7.

Setup. We conducted an experimental evaluation of thePKCS #7 attack against a 128-bit stream cipher, usingparameters t = 5,δ = 0.5. Our experiments begin by sam-pling a random message M∗ from the space of all possiblePKCS #7 padded messages, and setting G0← FPKCS7.12

This evaluation was performed on AWS, E5, and E7.

Results. Our four complete attacks completed in an aver-age of 1699.25 queries (min. 1475, max. 1994) requiring1.875 hours each (min. 1.63, max. 2.18). A visualizationof the resulting attack appears in the full version of thispaper [15]. These results compare favorably to the Vaude-nay attack, which requires ˜2000 queries in expectation,however it is likely that additional tests would find someexamples in excess of this average. As points of compar-ison, attacks with t = 3 resulted in a similar number of

12In practice, this plaintext distribution tends to produce messageswith short padding.

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queries (modulo expected variability over different ran-domly sampled messages) but took roughly 2 to 3 timesas long to complete, and attacks with t = 1 reached over5000 queries having only discovered half of the targetplaintext message.

Bitwise Padding. To test our attacks, we constructeda simplified bit padding scheme Fbitpad. This contrivedscheme encodes the bit length of the padding P into therightmost dlog2(n)e bits of the plaintext string, and thenplaces up to P padding bits directly to the left of thislength field, with each padding bit set to 1. We verifiedthe effectiveness of our attacks against this format using asimple stream cipher. Using the parameters t = 5, δ= 0.5the generated attacks took on average 153 queries (min.137, max. 178). Figure 1 shows one attack transcript att = 5,δ = 0.5. Additional experiments measuring theeffect of t on this format are provided in the full versionof this paper [15]. These experiments were run primarilyon E5.

Negative result: Cyclic Redundancy Checks (CRCs).Cyclic redundancy checks (CRCs) are used in many net-work protocols for error detection and correction. CRCsare well known to be malleable, due to the linearity of thefunctions: namely, for a CRC it is always the case thatCRC(a⊕b)=CRC(a)⊕CRC(b). To test Delphinium’sability to rule out attacks against format functions, weimplemented a message format consisting of up to threebytes of message, followed by a CRC-8 and a 5-bit mes-sage length field. The format function Fcrc8 computesthe CRC over the message bytes, and verifies that theCRC in the message matches the computed CRC.13 Akey feature of this format is that a valid ciphertext C∗

should not be vulnerable to a format oracle attack usinga simple exclusive-OR malleation against this format, forthe simple reason that the attacker can predict the outputof the decryption oracle for every possible malleation ofthe ciphertext (due to the linearity of CRC), and thus noinformation will be learned from executing a query. Thisintuition was confirmed by our attack algorithm, whichimmediately reported that no malleation strings could befound. These experiments were performed on E5.

5.3 Ciphers with TruncationA more powerful malleation capability grants the attackerto arbitrarily truncate plaintexts. In some ciphers, thistruncation can be conducted from the low-order bits ofthe plaintext, simply by removing them from the right

13In our implementation we used a simple implementation that doesnot reflect input and output, or add an initial constant value before orafter the remainder is calculated.

side of the ciphertext. In other ciphers, such as CTR-mode or CBC-mode, a more limited left-side truncationcan be implemented by modifying the IV of a ciphertext.Delphinium includes malleation functions that incorpo-rate all three functionalities.

CRC-8 with a truncatable stream cipher. To evaluatehow truncation affects the ability of Delphinium to findattacks, we conducted a second attack using the functionFcrc8, this time using an implementation of AES-CTRsupporting truncation. Such a scheme may seem con-trived, since it involves an encrypted CRC value. How-ever, this very flaw was utilized by Beck and Trew tobreak WPA [68]. In our experiment, the attack algorithmwas able to recover two bytes of the three-byte message,by using the practical strategy of truncating the messageand iterating through all possible values of the remainingbyte. Additional CRC experiments can be found in thefull version of this paper [15]. These experiments wererun primarily on E5.

As this example demonstrates, the level of customiza-tion and variation in how software developers operateover encrypted data streams can obfuscate the concretesecurity of an existing implementation. This illustratesthe utility of Delphinium since such variation’s effect onthe underlying scheme does not need to be fully under-stood by a user, outside of encoding the format’s basicoperation.

Thumb Embedded ISA. To exercise Delphiniumagainst a novel format oracle of notably different struc-ture than those traditionally analyzed (such as padding),we implemented a minimal instruction interpreter for the16-bit Thumb instruction set architecture (ISA), definedas part of the ARM specification [3], capable of emittingillegal instruction signals. Then, operating over stream-cipher encrypted Thumb instructions and using illegalinstructions as a boolean signal, Delphinium is able toexploit the exclusive-OR malleation to uncover the topseven bits of each 16-bit instruction, in many cases uncov-ering nine or more (up to 16) bits of each instruction,14 inan average of ˜13.3 queries, with each full attack takingonly seconds on E5.

Although limited in a few regards, most notably in thesimplification of the format oracle into a boolean signaland the assumption that an attacker could be situated ina way that this signal could be gathered, this attack istimely in that it is inspired by the widespread use of unau-thenticated encryption in device firmware updates [31].

14Such a partial firmware decryption generally leaks the instructionopcode, but not its arguments. This could be very useful to an attacker,for example in fuzzy comparison with compiled open source libraries todetermine libraries and their versions used in a given firmware update.

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If these updates are delivered over-the-air, they may besusceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks enabling sucha decryption oracle. Extensive industry research and acurrent Internet Draft note that unauthenticated firmwareupdates are an ongoing problem [31, 54].

This initial result serves both as validation ofDelphinium and as creation of an avenue for future work,including the development of a model for a more com-plex but widespread ISA such as 32-bit ARM [3], perhapsexploiting additional signals such as segmentation faultsor side channels in order to capture the capabilities of asophisticated adversary.

S2N with Exclusive-OR and Truncation. To evaluatea realistic attack on a practical format function, we devel-oped a format checking function for the Amazon s2n [2]TLS session ticket format. s2n uses 60-byte tickets witha 12-byte header comprising a protocol version, cipher-suite version, and format version, along with an 8-bytetimestamp that is compared against the current serverclock. Although s2n uses authenticated encryption (AES-GCM), we consider a hypothetical scenario where noncere-use has allowed for message forgery [21, 33].

Our experiments recovered the 8-byte time field that asession ticket was issued at: in one attack run, with fewerthan 50 queries. However, the attack was unable to obtainthe remaining fields from the ticket. This is in part dueto some portions of the message being untouched by theformat function, and due to the complexity of obtaininga positive result from the oracle when many bytes areunknown. We determined that a full attack against theremaining bytes of the ticket key is possible, but wouldleave 16 bytes unknown and would require approximately250 queries. Unsurprisingly, Delphinium timed out onthis attack. These experiments were run on AWS and E5.

5.4 CBC mode

We also used the malleation function for CBC-mode en-cryption. This malleation function supports an arbitrarynumber of blocks, and admits truncation of plaintextsfrom either side of the plaintext.15 The CBC malleationfunction accepts a structured malleation string S, whichcan be parsed as (S′, l,r) where l,r are integers indicatingthe number of blocks to truncate from the message.

To test this capability, we used the PKCS7 format func-tion with a blocksize of B = 16 bytes, and a two-blockCBC plaintext. (This corresponds to a ciphertext consist-ing of three blocks, including the Initialization Vector.)

15In practice, truncation in CBC simply removes blocks from eitherend of the ciphertext.

Initialization Vector Ciphertext Block 1 Ciphertext Block 2TruncLen

Figure 4: A contiguous set of malleation queries madeby Delphinium during a simulated CBC attack. Therightmost bits signal truncation (from left or right).

Delphinium generated an attack which took 3441 or-acle queries for a random message with four bytes ofpadding. This compares favorably to the Vaudenay at-tack, which requires 3588 queries in expectation. Inter-estingly, Delphinium settled on a more or less randomstrategy of truncation. Where a human attacker wouldfocus on recovering the entire contents of one block be-fore truncating and attacking the next block of plaintext,Delphinium instead truncates more or less as it pleases:in some queries it truncates the message and modifiesthe Initialization vector to attack the first block. In otherqueries it focuses on the second block. Figure 4 gives abrief snapshot of this pattern of malleations discoveredby Delphinium. Despite this query efficiency (which weseek to optimize, over wall-clock efficiency), the computetime for this attack was almost a week of computationon E5.

6 Related Work

CCA-2 and format oracle attacks. The literature con-tains an abundance of works on chosen ciphertext andformat oracle attacks. Many works consider the prob-lem of constructing and analyzing authenticated encryp-tion modes [17, 61, 62], or analyzing deployed proto-cols, e.g., [16]. Among many practical format oracle at-tacks [10, 13, 36, 42, 45, 47, 57, 59, 60, 76], the Lucky13attacks [5, 7] are notable since they use a noisy timing-based side channel.

Automated discovery of cryptographic attacks. Auto-mated attack discovery on systems has been consideredin the past. One line of work [26], [58] focuses on gener-ating public input values that lead to maximum leakageof secret input in Java programs where leakage is definedin terms of channel capacity and shannon entropy. Un-like our work, Pasareanu et al. [26] do not consider an

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adversary that makes adaptive queries based on results ofprevious oracle replies. Both [26] and [58] assume leak-age results from timing and memory usage side channels.

Using solvers for cryptographic tasks/model count-ing. A wide variety of cryptographic use cases for the-ory solvers have been considered in the literature. Sooset al. [66] developed CryptoMiniSAT to recover statefrom weak stream ciphers, an application also consid-ered in [27]. Solvers have also been used against hashfunctions [50], and to obtain cipher key schedules follow-ing cold boot attacks [8]. There have been many modelcounting techniques proposed in the past based on uni-versal hash functions [37, 77]. However, many othertechniques have been proposed in the literature. Severalworks propose sophisticated multi-query approach withhigh accuracy [25, 65], resulting in the ApproxMC toolwe use in our experiments. Other works examine thecomplexity of parity constraints [77], and optimize thenumber of variables that must be constrained over to finda satisfying assignment [41].

7 Conclusion

Our work leaves a number of open problems. In particu-lar, we proposed several optimizations that we were notable to implement in our tool, due to time and perfor-mance constraints. Additionally, while we demonstratedthe viability of our model count optimization techniquesthrough empirical analysis, these techniques require the-oretical attention. Our ideas may also be extensible inmany ways: for example, developing automated attackson protocols with side-channel leakage; on public-key en-cryption; and on “leaky” searchable encryption schemes,e.g., [38]. Most critically, a key contribution of this workis that it poses new challenges for the solver researchcommunity, which may result in improvements both togeneral solver efficiency, as well as to the performanceof these attack tools.

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