automobllkel clearance sale! arrivals at ollman's r · to resume her school duties ahulss, la....

GREAT CUT-PRICE Clearance Sale! FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY. I 5b 1 3l(A lILY 4th ANI POSITIVELY LASTS LY TW WEEKS. ire Stock of White Wash Goods In order to clear our store of all summer goods so as to make 4r a full line of New Goods for the Fall and Winter, we are egejrlag many great bargains to our customers. THIS IS A GENUINE SACRIFICE SALE, •tU you cannot afford to miss, for you will find the very same a sale here at greatly reduced price that you have been buy* the Spring sad Summer, Goods that you need and want, and have to pay full price for elsewhere. js of Sae STRICTLY CASH W. R. BAKER & SON. PIe1 No. 29 -- Sasieeaood Sunday in September- lOth--the Rev. H. R. Carson Sin Tenes parish as follows: J . ph, Christ Church, Morning ad Hioly Communion, at 11 a. in. Id'moon, Union Church, Evening Ir,7:4 p. m. a s•-al invitation to attend these itesgtaded to the pdblic. 1 sals O'Kelley is visiting friends g*man nBaker has returned from visit to relatives in Arkansas. Jhry Bell Murdock is visiting her j , NeD. Watkins, in Natchez. lbWtebead of New Orleans is vis- L ithir, Mr. E. H. Jackson, at .J'. Fred Skinner have re- =im their bridal tour and are wlthion. a Evrans Day is visiting her Yrs.. J. P. Harrison and Ms rbs, at Delta. ,.I. ulsai and two little sons, Thomlpon, Jr., were visit- i•i agph this week. SMliss Mattie O'Kelley are AS harm that bshe is recovered t severe illness. . DRavidson has returned Nitary Institute for a short giaW asturitag for the winter abeoodurant left on Friday St. Mary parish, where she a school for the ensuing Ci.irris bh recently returned a lr. and Mrs. Jared Clark, ims. The Colonel seeama well with the country visited and Mi. Clark has done well in lo- Mlip Riddle and Mirn Amanda have been visiting friends far some time, have re. 'ial•h. Miss Riddle will re hmee in Texas after a short at Lake Providence. Mrs. Fred Morris left this ravWt to relatives in Oklahoma Mr. Alexander has re- -MsehL for his vacation. Mr. ab sccompanied by his wife 'Io ate stopping at the Losey Bondurant and daughter, Boadurant, who have been Ma Berkhalter, at Greenwood, home on Friday. They led home by Mrs. Bean- will spend her vacation with N- y Gray, who has been the SMa. Lnsey the past summer, to resume her school duties ahulss, La. Her sister, Mies Wa, has accepted a position at Clinton, La., and left for q Thursday. Mu. Young Mayer celebrated t YL da on Tuesday by a moat 111ait y, to which all his 'ere invited. (ames were o tha amusement of all, when refreshments were served, S du nally dispersed with best heir little host for many hap- the mest delightful occasion. * . McIntosh conducted ser- Joseph on Sunday morning , al delivered very interesting sermons. Mr. Meltoshl last he will in future as long visit St. Joseph every Wednes- prayer meeting service. kind in hint and our peopkl their appeciatiaon by liberal Loggers and farmers. Attention! We are in the market for Persimmon, ood, Ash, Hickory and Poplat Logs. For full particulars, address-- 1728. * New Orleans. La. Fir State Sitor. I hereby announce myself as a candi- ate for tile State Senate from the 29th , Senato•ial I)istrict, clntpuoeed of the Par- t illhe of ('onor,•ia and Tensas. If eiect- ed, I pledge yself to faithfull guard I and repres nt the best interest of the I Ihplte to the best of Iny ability and un- derstanding. G. II, CLINTON. Tc My Fellow-('itizens of Concordia and Tenas P'arihes: I hereby announcet my aspirations to the honora,le position of representing this District in the State Senate, subiect I to the )Demlnoratic primary. EDW ARD C. RHIODE$. The following notes from the 1 Fayette Chronicle are of local inter- est: Mr. Dunbar Hunt, of Southside plantation, was a very agreeable I caller at our office Tuesday. Mr. I Hunt is one of the property owners on the river front who has given an option to the promoters who propose I to bore a well for oil and gas with-' in a short time. Mt. Hunt, like!I most of the citizens of that section I of the county who have investigated the oil indications, firmly believes that oil in paying quantities will be found. Mr. D. S. Farrar, Jr., of Bolivar county, who has been here several days on a visit to relatives, tells us that the crops in that section are the very best in several years. Mr. Farrar is general manager of tlj farming interests of Hon. Chas. Scott. A few oil wells around Rodney will restore the prestige of that erst- while important and wealthy com- munity. The Chronicle will rejoice with its friends of the western part of the county when the first "gush- er" is brought in, as many believe is sure to be only a question of bor- ing. Mr. D. H. Chamberlain, of Harris- ton, was here Tuesday and brought to our office a speoimen of a weed which he says is rapidly spreading over this section and the nature of which is destructive to grasses and' other plant life. According to Mr. Chamberlain's information the weed, absolutely destroys pastures wherever it gets set and no kind of stock willi eat it. The weed looks something like cypress and attains a growth of ten to twelve feet in fertile soil. We have been unable to learn its name or how our section became infested; with, but are advised that it can be found generally in the eastern part of the county and that I its baneful effect is fully appreciat- ed. March McPherson, a successful negro tenant farmer on Dr. L. R. Harrison's "Roachland" place' brought the first bale of cotton re- ceived in Fayette this year to town last Tuesday. The cotton has not yet been ginned b~d it is not known' exactly when it will be, but it is understood that the local ginnery! has been leased by a Natches cotton oil mill and that they will. put it in, repair and operate it this season. Mrs. C. C. Schober and children and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Walters, and baby left Wednesday for Vicks- burt, where Mr. S•bober is em- ployed with the Valley Dry Goods Co. and Mr, Walters will be with' the same firm after Septembers let. The departure of these two families i is a distinct loss to our town and we are sorry indeed to loe them, but join with their large circle of friends here in the hope that their new home will be very pleasant. Arrivals at Ollman's r New Stetson Shapes in Soft Hats Dunlap's Fall Shapes in Derby's Latest Stein-Bloch Models in Fall Suits and Overcoats. Large Shipments of Schloss Bros'. "Fash- ion Clothes," Kahn Dreyfus and Rosenthal- Seigel New Fall Suits. M. M. ULLMAN & GO. Natchez, Miss. "Good elothes Since 1878." The P m Mslarbtces Quite a number of Tensas people were the guests of the hospitable! and enterprising people of IAke Providence last Wednesday at the political barbecue given in that pret- ty little city. Leaving on a special train at an early hour, Lake Providence was reached about 10 a. m. At the sta- tion the visitors were greeted by many prominent citizens of Lake Providence and escorted in auto- mobiles and other conveyances to the business part of the town and later to the barbecue grounds across the lake. Reaching the beautful old Southern home of the late Gen. Sparrow, overlooking the blue wa- ters of the lake, everybody was im- pressed with the beauty of the place. There, from a platform erected un- der the spreading boughs of grand oaks, the speakers of the day enter- tained'.an audience of about 1000 people for several hours. The special train returning left Lake Providence at 6:30 p. m., filled with a crowd each of whom congratulated himself on having gone, and on all sides were heard expressions of appreci- ation.of the cordial welcome extend- ed them and of the pleasures of the day, not the least among which was a bountiful and delicious barbecue dinner. The following speakers addressed the meeting: Gov. J. Y. Sanders and Congressman Joe. E. Ranedell, candidates for the United States Sen- ate; Hons. T. C. Barrett and J. Rush Wimberly, candidates for Lt.- Governor; Mr. Brunner, candidate for Commissioner of Agriculture; Mr. Braswell, candidate for Treas- urer, and Mr. Villeret, candidate for Secretary of State. For want of space it is impossible for the Gazette to give even a synop- sis of the spBeches, but it suffices to say that each gentleman presented his claims in a temperate and elo- quent way; that there was no mud- slinging and that each made friends and votes for himself in the audi- ence. The speeches of Gov. Sanders and Mr.' Ranadell were of eourse the features of the occasion and the rounds of applause which greeted these gentlemen testified to their deserved popularity. R••B ON M# IS I ME TO VACIATE TO SAVE WoR STOCK & CAT1LE AIST ECOVED Fresh Siupp of Anthrax Vci. wMi or elals OQ ir PrMlt M -mA.b NATaEZ DRUG COMPANY, SPEARL ST. L. FM Sinmer MierWwsf UP-TO-DATE FURNISHINI GOODS )YS' CLOTHES E1TRA PAIlS HATS, CAPS New Goods Rceived Every Month. IgEvery Zc caih purcIm ea- titles you to i a ppostlty 1 so- curing a $23.00 Suit Free on Oc- tober 15th next. Thos. J. Reed & CO., "e's aIl bey's 1w." ltche•, la. "' m 'o JUDiICLl-ADVL IiWT. mseW muR AWD sainr. State of Louisiana, Paineb of Teausn. 10th Distriet Court. \ ARK Oj mE.LTOr " vs. No. 5467 STZEV S. CLARK. PUBLIC NOTICE s heinby given that by virtue of a writ of Soet. ure and Sale to me divested by the above named Honorable COun In the above styled suit, I have reind and will. on- Satirda tthe isy of Sptw, SL 1111, oder for sale at the Coart Hous doee o. the town of St. Joseph A ths a, between the heurs of II o0~eek a. a and 4 o'clock p. m. the following d scrlbed property, situated In the Par- sbh of Tensas, State of Louisiana, and seised in the above styled and aum- berd suilt as property of defeadant herein, to-Wit: That certain lot of ground situated In the Village of Neweliton, Tenses Parish, Louisiana, designated and d- scribed as Lot No. I of Square "G of the Routhwood Addition to the Town of Newellton, as shown in plan of same drawn by John Johnson, Parlt Surveyor, and of record •• Netarlm Record "0", page 10 of the ese•ds of Tensas Parish, ladulana, 8qeth r with all the buildings and imleroe- ments thereon. Term of sale-U sb. JOHN HUGRE•, Sher1E Sr. Josur•, La., August•.. 1911. S or 6 doses "'O '" wii ,ce any ase of Chills and Foeer. Prkis Oe. Automobllkel We are the agents in this district for "E. M. F." and "Flanders" Automobiles. * Prompt deliveries are guaranteed. U "E. M. F. 30" 1" .rs-Power, 4 Cyder, S 1 ger Tourri Car, = Gas Leas 'dland 31 20 Hor•e-Pow•r, 4 Cy•"Mr TIsr Write us for literature explaining these ears or if you are seriously contemplating buying, come to Natches and we will give you a demonstration that will be convinrei. We desire to establish an agency in St. Joseph. The Baer & McDowel Hardrw Co., HUGl TULLUs Attrney -at.Law ST. JOSEPI, * * LA. * Ooe-Oom r .lows. All busines giren cld personal at- tention. WASuhTUI, " SSISIPFL Adm Camv. Seientt S.hools bodoeete. L cated in the bills six ile eat of Natches, one of the me healthful section of the State. All modern con- venienees. trict dislipline. trongla- ulty. Individual attien one tach- er or•meer twelve bo ys (eD) aree mmpu. Largep web't aned ad recommended by the 'Collase and Univsites. For fall pulin 1to- M. L V. A•IMA STAM cL ETWI, W WH . gndtaa as re amese m, or bae. to ltar m 0010t. hw.ebs, tt a Soromnht •W S.l, mas . A i. mr a rlr ls.e asa' ealsmes. lvemleid ,.e"tb r 't t•. Sta .. i .,-, - MtiQI~JIDof nn ^r1-u M m~dlitillg~1*1~ ~uW AUi U tasr- apbrwrjuk+ I~~ adCCm~ crft) ~ We slie to aOrth We t toe pleasure l e Im ninmu 1 to ik, yur dsle.,. tlp, she bus d PAL amd WIN R we pereeB u wee' ' e -- p. Asesa. Mse ser try.. a spiNKin bs ( ~rme a4reihedl. --. I: V L1si !, arg a . UDICAL ,ADVhTf,• ?. , wo"Y or 11W R ist" of Loetablap, PaIt I. Trsui 10tlH Dtrnes Os . A LOUTT''UR vs. < •. bov-ras. a irMet r 6 the Im aspted da t, t/rowalog $ set oftr Srf ale at tis' Ceaet mar" des, to the •tw of t. Jsep to t lb. betwema the heils of 11 A. am. 4 t o the lats sad ya MtIea -att stdle t heI a i . of lass, .wit:o B ItNgll w~e Dlll twesa Seet•em st sad t 14, Reage II 2as. N Ebeba, 41 West i liek. D. Sas* i . elhlue w>R, eli b -s ean so lat ates M W. dary .tA whbeom " Mbayba tlas eie lSOSat ZIw .ared s M r nernrnw r nMas , limb .1 ta ma, bue 4 no as w ays. JUDKSAICIAlb 'e TeshDhklet %Ua. PUrLC # tm0 to. that hy rseer wrrAd IM, I.-In by b - I- Z; tt s ate kllaet aI -s- meSerJ will, em r male Isert tB. em. un de.. ete oaws 04 St.a 6 u00 ~Iu b tsitatd 7 is alrnI, * Ashw.e, La. S•III To NOTIFY the mra b p. Sthat I will boy COT aFONR iasmm. I have plenty of cotton asd to be out at rsaarkablem I a to tLhank the pspbst l f4obr MOU5 3 Du. GcrsiV tbUha ton ofi *la m sam as: ii pe.tS J. c. ami'ii. WANTED-A position by oun ma o bathat, soler and a enW to _ ; ollgg graduate and not arn- tud to hard work. Country store pro- Med. Addtm-Teness Omiette, St. Jo- ant, I.. teof loultana, Parist of Teases, 10th District Court. Sa. I Y. LEWIS AND I~uAND vs. No. 54 MM8. B. Y. NEWELL nr AL. PKTIC NoTI is theereby gi h dag Svirte of and obedience to as oa d out of the Hnoorbie Dbari•t -- i and for said Parish and ate, is the above styled and numbetd mat- , md dbeted to me the ad midp•n i, oderlg a partition to Obe mad Sthe sale of he enafter dserl bed b the same being sod to est as among the co-owners, I will a l-rJ , waS day of sepsmier hut is btwe the hours of 11 o'elok a. am. 4 o'ulock p. um sl pis a ti last sand said Pariah and H tate, the tso asa urtnd H sm wadWest t•o L nla of . Good" ation13; s of E a . IS S mathwestI quartere not o ad a of land siloldst 'aid e . Yaga. to !a s~. t4, at t sed Tmsaars hg) I had i. Pater a Pe>:'" It.b "ud il $54 s Lif Pt e -M agh3 baptoo a. Chas - 1ae the amd r p id Me Use safsaid ph dtdr sad pus ma md to aN- le thend )a hpa ea mi w thnat ahiw hk8na of d he- 1m4 tta mi Vat. C t Ult. amad rL F egaidmm, 4. frietma ot t ther~ sreeutia manor l Pes -. poi- Llilu& 1JI I ia~rrr l~ab &

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Page 1: Automobllkel Clearance Sale! Arrivals at Ollman's r · to resume her school duties ahulss, La. Her sister, Mies Wa, has accepted a position at Clinton, La., and left for q Thursday


Clearance Sale!FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY.


ire Stock of White Wash GoodsIn order to clear our store of all summer goods so as to make

4r a full line of New Goods for the Fall and Winter, we areegejrlag many great bargains to our customers.

THIS IS A GENUINE SACRIFICE SALE,•tU you cannot afford to miss, for you will find the very same

a sale here at greatly reduced price that you have been buy*the Spring sad Summer, Goods that you need and want, and

have to pay full price for elsewhere.


W. R. BAKER & SON.PIe1 No. 29

--Sasieeaood Sunday in September-lOth--the Rev. H. R. Carson

Sin Tenes parish as follows:

J . ph, Christ Church, Morningad Hioly Communion, at 11 a. in.

Id'moon, Union Church, EveningIr,7:4 p. m.a s•-al invitation to attend these

itesgtaded to the pdblic.

1 sals O'Kelley is visiting friends

g*man nBaker has returned fromvisit to relatives in Arkansas.

Jhry Bell Murdock is visiting her

j , NeD. Watkins, in Natchez.

lbWtebead of New Orleans is vis-L ithir, Mr. E. H. Jackson, at

.J'. Fred Skinner have re-

=im their bridal tour and arewlthion.

a Evrans Day is visiting herYrs.. J. P. Harrison and Ms

rbs, at Delta.

,.I. ulsai and two little sons,Thomlpon, Jr., were visit-

i•i agph this week.SMliss Mattie O'Kelley are

AS harm that bshe is recoveredt severe illness.. DRavidson has returned

Nitary Institute for a shortgiaW asturitag for the winter

abeoodurant left on FridaySt. Mary parish, where she

a school for the ensuing

Ci.irris bh recently returneda lr. and Mrs. Jared Clark,ims. The Colonel seeama well

with the country visited andMi. Clark has done well in lo-

Mlip Riddle and Mirn Amandahave been visiting friends

far some time, have re.'ial•h. Miss Riddle will re

hmee in Texas after a shortat Lake Providence.

Mrs. Fred Morris left thisravWt to relatives in Oklahoma

Mr. Alexander has re--MsehL for his vacation. Mr.ab sccompanied by his wife'Io ate stopping at the Losey

Bondurant and daughter,Boadurant, who have been

Ma Berkhalter, at Greenwood,home on Friday. They

led home by Mrs. Bean-will spend her vacation with

N- y Gray, who has been theSMa. Lnsey the past summer,

to resume her school dutiesahulss, La. Her sister, MiesWa, has accepted a position

at Clinton, La., and left forq Thursday.

Mu. Young Mayer celebratedt YL da on Tuesday by a moat111ait y, to which all his

'ere invited. (ames wereo tha amusement of all, whenrefreshments were served,

S du nally dispersed with bestheir little host for many hap-

the mest delightful occasion.* . McIntosh conducted ser-

Joseph on Sunday morning, al delivered very interesting

sermons. Mr. Meltoshllast he will in future as long

visit St. Joseph every Wednes-prayer meeting service.

kind in hint and our peopkltheir appeciatiaon by liberal

Loggers and farmers. Attention!We are in the market for Persimmon,

ood, Ash, Hickory and Poplat Logs.For full particulars, address--

1728. * New Orleans. La.

Fir State Sitor.I hereby announce myself as a candi-

ate for tile State Senate from the 29th ,Senato•ial I)istrict, clntpuoeed of the Par- tillhe of ('onor,•ia and Tensas. If eiect-ed, I pledge yself to faithfull guard Iand repres nt the best interest of the IIhplte to the best of Iny ability and un-derstanding.


Tc My Fellow-('itizens of Concordia andTenas P'arihes:

I hereby announcet my aspirations tothe honora,le position of representingthis District in the State Senate, subiect Ito the )Demlnoratic primary.


The following notes from the 1

Fayette Chronicle are of local inter-est:

Mr. Dunbar Hunt, of Southsideplantation, was a very agreeable Icaller at our office Tuesday. Mr. IHunt is one of the property ownerson the river front who has given anoption to the promoters who propose Ito bore a well for oil and gas with-'in a short time. Mt. Hunt, like!Imost of the citizens of that section Iof the county who have investigatedthe oil indications, firmly believesthat oil in paying quantities will befound.

Mr. D. S. Farrar, Jr., of Bolivarcounty, who has been here severaldays on a visit to relatives, tells usthat the crops in that section arethe very best in several years. Mr.Farrar is general manager of tljfarming interests of Hon. Chas.Scott.

A few oil wells around Rodneywill restore the prestige of that erst-while important and wealthy com-munity. The Chronicle will rejoicewith its friends of the western partof the county when the first "gush-er" is brought in, as many believeis sure to be only a question of bor-ing.

Mr. D. H. Chamberlain, of Harris-ton, was here Tuesday and broughtto our office a speoimen of a weedwhich he says is rapidly spreadingover this section and the nature ofwhich is destructive to grasses and'other plant life. According to Mr.Chamberlain's information the weed,absolutely destroys pastures whereverit gets set and no kind of stock willieat it. The weed looks somethinglike cypress and attains a growthof ten to twelve feet in fertile soil.We have been unable to learn itsname or how our section becameinfested; with, but are advised thatit can be found generally in theeastern part of the county and that Iits baneful effect is fully appreciat-ed.

March McPherson, a successfulnegro tenant farmer on Dr. L.R. Harrison's "Roachland" place'brought the first bale of cotton re-ceived in Fayette this year to townlast Tuesday. The cotton has notyet been ginned b~d it is not known'exactly when it will be, but it isunderstood that the local ginnery!has been leased by a Natches cottonoil mill and that they will. put it in,repair and operate it this season.

Mrs. C. C. Schober and childrenand Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Walters,and baby left Wednesday for Vicks-burt, where Mr. S•bober is em-ployed with the Valley Dry GoodsCo. and Mr, Walters will be with'the same firm after Septembers let.The departure of these two families iis a distinct loss to our town and weare sorry indeed to loe them, butjoin with their large circle of friendshere in the hope that their newhome will be very pleasant.

Arrivals at Ollman's rNew Stetson Shapes in Soft Hats

Dunlap's Fall Shapes in Derby's

Latest Stein-Bloch Models in Fall Suits

and Overcoats.

Large Shipments of Schloss Bros'. "Fash-

ion Clothes," Kahn Dreyfus and Rosenthal-

Seigel New Fall Suits.


Natchez, Miss."Good elothes Since 1878."

The P m MslarbtcesQuite a number of Tensas people

were the guests of the hospitable!and enterprising people of IAkeProvidence last Wednesday at thepolitical barbecue given in that pret-ty little city.

Leaving on a special train at anearly hour, Lake Providence wasreached about 10 a. m. At the sta-tion the visitors were greeted bymany prominent citizens of LakeProvidence and escorted in auto-mobiles and other conveyances tothe business part of the town andlater to the barbecue grounds acrossthe lake. Reaching the beautful oldSouthern home of the late Gen.Sparrow, overlooking the blue wa-ters of the lake, everybody was im-pressed with the beauty of the place.There, from a platform erected un-der the spreading boughs of grandoaks, the speakers of the day enter-tained'.an audience of about 1000people for several hours. The specialtrain returning left Lake Providenceat 6:30 p. m., filled with a crowdeach of whom congratulated himselfon having gone, and on all sideswere heard expressions of appreci-ation.of the cordial welcome extend-ed them and of the pleasures of theday, not the least among which wasa bountiful and delicious barbecuedinner.

The following speakers addressedthe meeting: Gov. J. Y. Sandersand Congressman Joe. E. Ranedell,candidates for the United States Sen-ate; Hons. T. C. Barrett and J.Rush Wimberly, candidates for Lt.-Governor; Mr. Brunner, candidatefor Commissioner of Agriculture;Mr. Braswell, candidate for Treas-urer, and Mr. Villeret, candidatefor Secretary of State.

For want of space it is impossiblefor the Gazette to give even a synop-sis of the spBeches, but it suffices tosay that each gentleman presentedhis claims in a temperate and elo-quent way; that there was no mud-slinging and that each made friendsand votes for himself in the audi-ence.

The speeches of Gov. Sanders andMr.' Ranadell were of eourse thefeatures of the occasion and therounds of applause which greetedthese gentlemen testified to theirdeserved popularity.



Fresh Siupp of Anthrax Vci.wMi or • elals OQ ir PrMlt M -mA.b


Sinmer MierWwsfUP-TO-DATE



New Goods RceivedEvery Month.

IgEvery Zc caih purcIm ea-titles you to i a ppostlty 1 so-curing a $23.00 Suit Free on Oc-tober 15th next.

Thos. J. Reed & CO.,"e's aIl bey's 1w."

ltche•, la. "' m 'o

JUDiICLl-ADVL IiWT.mseW muR AWD sainr.

State of Louisiana, Paineb of Teausn.10th Distriet Court. \

ARK Oj mE.LTOr "

vs. No. 5467


PUBLIC NOTICE s heinby giventhat by virtue of a writ of Soet.

ure and Sale to me divested by theabove named Honorable COun In theabove styled suit, I have reind andwill. on-

Satirda tthe isy of Sptw,SL 1111,

oder for sale at the Coart Hous doeeo. the town of St. Joseph A ths a,between the heurs of II o0~eek a. aand 4 o'clock p. m. the following dscrlbed property, situated In the Par-sbh of Tensas, State of Louisiana, and

seised in the above styled and aum-berd suilt as property of defeadantherein, to-Wit:

That certain lot of ground situatedIn the Village of Neweliton, TensesParish, Louisiana, designated and d-scribed as Lot No. I of Square "G ofthe Routhwood Addition to the Townof Newellton, as shown in plan ofsame drawn by John Johnson, ParltSurveyor, and of record •• NetarlmRecord "0", page 10 of the ese•dsof Tensas Parish, ladulana, 8qeth rwith all the buildings and imleroe-ments thereon.

Term of sale-U sb.JOHN HUGRE•, Sher1E

Sr. Josur•, La., August•.. 1911.

S or 6 doses "'O '" wii ,ce anyase of Chills and Foeer. Prkis Oe.


We are the agents in this district for "E.M. F." and "Flanders" Automobiles.* Prompt deliveries are guaranteed. U

"E. M. F. 30" 1" .rs-Power, 4 Cyder, S 1ger Tourri Car, = Gas Leas

'dland 31 20 Hor•e-Pow•r, 4 Cy•"Mr TIsr

Write us for literature explaining these ears or if you areseriously contemplating buying, come to Natches and wewill give you a demonstration that will be convinrei.

We desire to establish an agency in St. Joseph.

The Baer & McDowel Hardrw Co.,


Attrney -at.LawST. JOSEPI, * * LA.

* Ooe-Oom r .lows.All busines giren cld personal at-



Seientt S.hools bodoeete. Lcated in the bills six ile eat ofNatches, one of the me healthfulsection of the State. All modern con-venienees. trict dislipline. trongla-ulty. Individual attien one tach-er or•meer twelve bo ys (eD)aree mmpu. Largep web't

aned ad recommended by the'Collase and Univsites.

For fall pulin 1to-



gndtaa as re amese m,or bae. to ltar m

0010t. hw.ebs, tt aSoromnht •W S.l, mas .

A i. mr a rlr ls.e asa'

ealsmes. lvemleid

,.e"tb r 't


Sta .. i .,-, -MtiQI~JIDofnn ^r1-uM m~dlitillg~1*1~

~uW AUi U

tasr- apbrwrjuk+I~~ adCCm~ crft) ~

We slie to aOrthWe t toe pleasure l e Im ninmu 1

to ik, yur dsle.,. tlp,she bus d PAL amd WIN R

we pereeB u wee' '

e --p. Asesa. Mseser try.. a spiNKin bs (~rme a4reihedl. --. I:

V L1si !, arg a

.UDICAL ,ADVhTf,• ?. ,

wo"Y or 11W R

ist" of Loetablap, PaIt I. Trsui10tlH Dtrnes Os .


vs. < •.

bov-ras. a irMet r 6 the Imaspted da t, t/rowalog $ setoftr Srf ale at tis' Ceaet mar" des,to the •tw of t. Jsep to tlb. betwema the heils of 11 A. am.

4 t o the lats sad ya MtIea-att stdle t heI a i . oflass, .wit:o B ItNgll w~e Dllltwesa Seet•em st sad • t14, Reage II 2as. N Ebeba,41 West i liek. D. Sas*i .elhlue w>R, eli b -sean so lat ates M W.

dary .tA whbeom "

Mbayba tlas eie lSOSat ZIw

.ared s Mr nernrnw r nMas ,limb .1 ta ma, bue 4no as w ays.


TeshDhklet %Ua.

PUrLC # tm0 to.that hy rseer wrrAd IM,

I.-In by b - I-Z; tt s ate kllaet aI


meSerJ will, em

r male Isert tB. em. un de..ete oaws 04 St.a 6 u00 ~Iu b

tsitatd 7 is alrnI, *

Ashw.e, La.

S•III To NOTIFY the mra b p.Sthat I will boy COT aFONR

• iasmm. I have plenty of cotton asdto be out at rsaarkablem

I a to tLhank the pspbst l f4obr

MOU5 3 Du. GcrsiV tbUha ton ofi

*la m sam as: ii pe.tS

J. c. ami'ii.

WANTED-A position by oun mao bathat, soler and a enW to_ ; ollgg graduate and not arn-

tud to hard work. Country store pro-Med. Addtm-Teness Omiette, St. Jo-ant, I..

teof loultana, Parist of Teases,10th District Court.


vs. No. 54

MM8. B. Y. NEWELL nr AL.

PKTIC NoTI is theereby gi h dagSvirte of and obedience to as oa

d out of the Hnoorbie Dbari•t--i and for said Parish and ate,

is the above styled and numbetd mat-, md dbeted to me the ad midp•ni, oderlg a partition to Obe mad

Sthe sale of he enafter dserl bedb the same being sod to est as

among the co-owners, I will al-rJ , waS day of sepsmier

hut is btwe the hours of 11 o'eloka. am. 4 o'ulock p. um sl pis

a ti last sand

said Pariah and H tate, the tso

asa urtnd H smwadWest t•o Lnla of . Good"

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I had i. Pater a Pe>:'"It.b "ud il $54 s

Lif Pt e -M

agh3 baptoo a. Chas- 1ae the amd r p id

Me Use safsaid ph dtdrsad pus ma md to aN-

le thend )a

hpa ea mi wthnat ahiw

hk8na of d he-

1m4 tta mi Vat. C tUlt. amad rL F egaidmm,

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