autonomic nervous system in the head & neck

The Autonomic Nervous System in The Head & Neck

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Post on 07-Sep-2014




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Page 1: Autonomic Nervous System in the Head & Neck

The Autonomic Nervous System in The Head & Neck

Page 2: Autonomic Nervous System in the Head & Neck

Nervous Nervous TissueTissue


BrainBrain Spinal CordSpinal Cord SomaticSomatic

(under control)

AutonomicAutonomic(no conscious


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Somatic Nervous SystemSomatic Nervous System


general sensations

pain, thermal (hot & cold), tactile sensation, pressure

special sensations (In Medicine?)

vision, smell, hearing, taste

Motor: (1 Fxn.)

contraction of Sk. Muscle (voluntary movement)

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Autonomic Nervous SystemAutonomic Nervous System

Sensory: include internal receptorschemoreceptors ?? & mechanoreceptors ??

Motor: (2 Fxn.s)either exciting or inhibiting effects

cardiac muscle, smooth muscles, & glands

2 divisions:Sympathetic (from sympathy)

under dangerous situations & stress(Fight-or-Flight response)

Parasympatheticunder normal situations & relaxation

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Somatic Vs. AutonomicSomatic Vs. Autonomic


1. General & special sensations

2. Voluntary movement

3. On sk. Muscle

4. Single function (contraction of sk. Muscle)

5. Single neuron pathway


1. Non conscious sensations

2. Involuntary control

3. On smooth, cardiac, & glands

4. Dual functions

(excitation & inhibition)

5. Two neuron pathway

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1. Preganglionic Neuronsfrom CNS autonomic ganglia, myelinated

2. Autonomic Gangliaganglion: aggregation of neuronal cell bodies & supporting cells

3. Postganglionic Neuronsfrom autonomic ganglia effector tissueunmyelinated

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(Motor Fxn.)(Motor Fxn.)

Sympathetic:Sympathetic:Preganglionic N.Preganglionic N.

Sympathetic gangliaSympathetic gangliaPostganglionic N.Postganglionic N.

Parasympathetic:Parasympathetic:Preganglionic N.Preganglionic N.

Parasymp. gangliaParasymp. gangliaPostganglionic N.Postganglionic N.

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Thorax & Abd.


Sympathetic chain




Brain (C.N.) &



Terminal ganglia

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Sympathetic Ganglia in Head & NeckSympathetic Ganglia in Head & Neck

3 cervical ganglia

sup., middle, & inf.

*Part of the sympathetic chain in the body

Location: ??

Stellate Ganglion?

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Parasympathetic Ganglia in Head & NeckParasympathetic Ganglia in Head & Neck

4 ganglia

Ciliary ganglion:

constriction of pupil

Pterygopalatine ganglion:

lacrimal gland secretion

Otic ganglion:

parotid gland secretion

Submandibular ganglion:

submand. & sublingual gland


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Ciliary GanglionCiliary Ganglion

Location: between ??

Suspended by ??

Pregang. Parasym. Fibers: ??

Postgang. Parasymp.: ??

Sphincter pupillae m. & ?

Postgang. Sympathetic :

Sup. Cervical ganglion

Long ciliary n. (from ?)

Dilator pupillae m.

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Page 15: Autonomic Nervous System in the Head & Neck

Horner’s SyndromeHorner’s Syndrome

Damage to sympathetic innervation through sup. Cervical ganglion


- Ptosis: dropping of upper eyelid (why?)

- pupil constriction (miosis)

- Anhydrosis: lack of sweating

- Flushing of the face (why?)

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Pterygopalatine GanglionPterygopalatine Ganglion

Location: ??

Suspended by V2

Pregang. Parasymp.: ??

Postgang. Parasymp.:

Zygomaticotemporal of V2

Lacrimal of V1

Lacrimal gland

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Postgang. Sympathetic:

From sup. Cervical ganglion

Deep petrosal nerve

Joins greater petrosal n.

To form = vidian nerve (or ?)

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Otic GanglionOtic Ganglion

Location: ??

Suspended by ?

Pregang. Parasymp.:

IX Tympanic n. Plexus (??) Lesser petrosal nerve

Postgang. Parasymp.:

Auriculotemporal n. to ??

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Postgang. sympathetic.:

Sup. Cervical ganglion Parotid g.

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Submandibular GanglionSubmandibular Ganglion

Location: lat. to ??

Suspended by?

Pregang. Parasymp.:

VII chorda tympani

joins the ??

Postgang. Parasymp:

Distributed directly to

Submand. & sublingual glands

Postgang. Sympathetic:

From sup. Cervical ganglion.

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