auxiliary tasks continuation

After seeing my ancillary tasks my media teacher suggested I pay attention to the plank space I have left out, the size of the font I have used

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Post on 30-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Auxiliary tasks continuation

After seeing my ancillary tasks my media teacher suggested I

pay attention to the plank space I have left out, the size of

the font I have used and the form of the CD cover.

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The mistakes I made were:

The CD cover is supposed to be square so I had to improve on that.

My teacher also recommended I enlarge the font because it is too small and leaves a lot of dead space which doesn't look like a conventional CD cover.

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Here again I had to consider the size of the font. Bigger font size attracts the audience as the most important words stand out on the page words stand out on the page.

Here again I should consider the size of the icons but this time I should make them smaller as they are too big than needed.

There is again a lot of space left out which could be used more deliberately and could be improved to a better standard of work.

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Here is what my Media Teacher suggested I look out for and consider after seeing my Ancillary tasks.

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After that my teacher showed me to look at Taylor Swift magazine advertisements and asked me to analyse it

Overall the advertisement shows that Taylor Swift doesn’t really need to be pushed and advertised because she is already quite well known.

There is some information about the album which is the most important piece and would make the potential audience be interested in the product and wish to buy it.

There is also a deluxe addition which attracts which is used to attract audience and to popularise the performer even more. It particularly appeals to her fans who already know her as an established singer and would want to own something extra

There is also the name of the record company which I didn’t include in my poster.

There is also information about where we can get the CD from and when it is released, which I have included in my advert but wasn’t as specific enough.

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Seeing the advertisement and thinking deeply into it made me realise what kind of image I want to give to the band in the video and gave me some great ideas about how I could improve my work, what elements to add and what elements to remove.

As a start I made a deluxe addition myself because I wanted my band to appear mainstream and trying to gather popularity through different media texts.

I removed facebook and twitter icons and instead added 7 digital and spottily because going back to my audience research the majority of people preferred to download their music because it is more convenient option.

I also added a record company and I chose it to be Warner brother records because as I researched Warner Brothers is more mainstream even though it is more likely to record songs for rock bands such as Disturbed, Green Day, GooGoo Dolls etc...

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I tried to reduce the dead space as much as possible in order to make it more professional

I also made the most important information different colour in order to stand out and to match with the 7 digital icon so that it has a common element.

Here is the deluxe edition and some information about it.

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I haven't really added anything new on the CD cover. I just made it into the right shape appropriate for CD cover and I have also tried to reduce the dead space.