a~~v'aluable rheduction no. - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · tbe nksjsa bf ibm issue ol *oi,o,n

XrT*?t Ä.. tat AuJLnl.Traar . ofN. ft.vnft tsohbM. *tU*ln«'.l _^__ Mpn-cn, «V«. tpnl «Tl.et *>y Wal. stsactor. ship Citedotua, Brvaler, fro o PkiMrh.kia'or N»w Orleans. Hsy !, Csr* » imaas. kr,« Jas. Walls. Bom Trnwdsd for New. Terk. Sem Aay.br* Iso's. lift Sealsport, irotn CarSeoaa kW Ph-I- a&am Aptit St. aa> kit, «ehr. Heary Nssea, from TriruoaaJ (BDtb; for Bs» f' Ii April it. »B tke Qna-k.ar.oa, kark Ws'.a-k, II Bai frCT. M aaasa. f«>» New Orleans. Hsy I, tat kl 40. loa«. 24, kark Cielya, HiehhorB. from Car.ie ¦¦a f*r B. .. Boaatr, Ist, *<. ,b*rk J. W. BleAyett, from -forBoaton. Foreign l'arts. *" 1t Malaf*. Utk «*., »i» Osk. SaaaM, tot Boston, ]d|. SM., ee aM'. BTkBalsrj Bkssu«.r, Wsi.ij. lU'.iiior». AI «Jettes*»»*. Intl. »rt.. kr** OsaBsV '«» > forI Roben I'm Baal ,; Inr Na» lork, Wa. «st sbc llü>, Bor. tark TlaU».''aVrVBay ink *k\. hrsj st«»., Bsrtk?«, »nd Lucy,»P"»r. Haas. a. H. «trlrsa*, in* B. York.) . At *, . days - U ah Mas Wjalirir, Mooer-, forNew Toik Ii ^ty>BT^^ aWrMk.hss,-. bee» "*AI Cassia**** srah ah., hark« Elvir*. Ha-berk. F..n.-rr Kt Bhaaaav for I tu ¦ " vstsaW," aasas*'. " .Vpbu I.« J Ann. h- K »."..»e, f'o V a 1 . 4 I>h i Est. n «i r -i in l'oi h .«« ) ... Ki «... tu 1,1k. < apt. ToSB, Stua.sry, lör do. sis«i; sehr. Sally Asa, tot Pkilsdr'phis. «ooti. Art. st Bermuda lieh. Hut. h s. hr. Zo !.*<.. P'.pk-n. '-«n Rotter- Bani »<r Bra.toB.B9 day, ra Sistr*««, CM..k**B W. W. Il-y. L's aVrs.aid, tr,r Cuba hnr« < ""<-;K »-.-. 1-. At Hotlsrrosni tt*.H nl absas BBsha lienn,...b IsM .am fol Best TsaB.lat-; AkvataaVt Jokssca. fcar. I st Bsj Dal kaik« Conner. Stbssiy. sad Mstrtor, /> -ua. lor ^..» \ rk «AI Caravs. Bf »Vit». Vaa K. lasen, perdo [Saab D aV k krsj Aiid«, FatroaaH», Potw«i>d. for PasktaVtssaaai Da*aa taasa. Min* aa-J Ai'. < At Caisal M ut hirk \ ... .t. <r. l'i.r V w Orlsim«, 'f. At Trie dad ttd ult.. harks I IBatlB Oitb-, tia. Ho.toa, Idr i So tkta. Cordsbs. sad Pairas.iint lof l oil'-d states ooru. i-H.: sehr, sary K. H«.t«n. f.s- »r» V..rk. AI «o. BMb ah., kark J«ba »V.ntlirop, Blau, bar l, m Bos'oo o-Tt At atBB.sniriB Biet ult.. hark Mary KhisUth. Gn.al.dl. (m. BaSJ Task, Uir Boston na*, krig Beten», Masary, flu. do, art. *OUi, to lead u < i At Krtnedio« atith 'iM.. hn«s E>hts Bitraess. (ilaasoa. tor Boston Baal da» Shsan I.II r .... Irw I.J.. AtBsftaeJMb uk..b>i« H-aty Malkew». !»»...er-t«. ft.r BosUm, Idy At MstsBias Ifrtb uh h.rt Itelia C htpin, laa*V,aTA B a.toB.iust .rri«rat AtMayat'tsvt F. K lath alt, katt Har.-iet A Martha, srt«.; h.-i» M. AtSto. Sts ut .Ol, uh bi.«> Mirab Saivl«.' ..!..?, fr .m Phuaoel- lb a i .. i. It. IV, Aii'lniaa B'itai sirw Mavsa.4tx At > arrtVas». trull, ash, ktsrs tssrssa. Hu kssataj, aat Bastion, nett *Br; I.BBjarfiBe. Ciiii'ob. b,r Haslsnrd do.; ho« Alxuut. tut S-~ Tork.ilo.: Brkss, Ms.iu.io. Po.llaad M.r.'l K..a«. Carver. Pb.t- S«*h>hi. no.; Ine-'r.S.n.p'a. >r» V.rk ... Mit. Ha- N Bat, Bslto-. In.'ii «t. ...» Ii. St. J.fo. M->aa-, IrtMosrel lor PavBaid. CU. srkr. Jas B i«. Hat h. lor PtMtksssl, .a.U-,1 #t;b. ffokan an date, tmrk J. W, l!»-<»»o troai ..tTsa lloat n. At fins) ms. V K..AiuUl bar« Brothers of Nr» Haren br!( Masses W. Klsrell. In.nt NVw Toik ; au irtbera At do S3-', hark I.» .m s. p.a-. ''« tor NVs» Vork hr-f« Susan, Sassil.do Ahrona Mit'brll.d,,. to BtBts. hrnrx. V, i,,.to,uo Kola la. his tor Hoaton Gea. Srott. Steal, lda> KM Kantor. Atdo :4oi ult., »ihr. Su.an L'ut"^. Crowrll, from Si, l..omas f.r tistol, K. t% ¦»«.im-tit- INirlH. AI.IXAMHtlA.Mi.»- A -t .. Wof'am Hell......,'. Sid «.hr II. »V »,.. t.S a 1 -. BOSTON, May *> Art. »hip Ja«. ' 'n-r, of BaHiraot*,' r-.rn»', Blarteilles .hr fi.,:.ea, Norton, AkstsBsiriai Barak Ann. Stu lle», Fbi'sdeipkta. CU. srka Kenosru. K.ker, Bs'timore. M.y«. arr. hark Prrtl.abu*. Br ) J,.Lnsoa. Ar>l'ota-aa isihr« Mary Jane, Be. i«Bt, Haids«. «4. Msu.b'eu. Over. Isi.s.er. " Hu-ton M Cur «Jti isns Soiners, S.,niera. aii.l Marv Patter~m. Hatemsn, Pkilad«' ahia. BoraV n Pre,,, t .< ,. K..,..r. Lasel; K.«,e Kh .de«. .n.l Cbas. H iBBAt Bete Tart Cos Ca k. n P.rt ... fecB ¦ Tart i Arui. is, Badley, do Sat Saturdst, alop. John 4. Ad. n~, Aaduboo, Oaa, HaPatj Borsall harts Ann Ar Mar» Lssausj aas] 4«,, a it Pst Satosry: st. Ma»vs. Mo ra, hri«a Bt-Iess »olnn H. 11 Mi', 1 -np.r. N.tbern», not pie>, arasfy Ssjasbry, karti Lady t uiola 1 H"ssaai J. H. Ituvsll; br.« f. Coprlsn.i Ji Co n ataaw ka Naataakei Boa i- aVALTIMOUk, Mu> .> Arr. ship Win. Pulten. Theobald, I..»er B*wl;barka Swan. HbIbbss, PalsraM tad ttii,raitar; kawrira (Bri-ai.) flaskaa. Brvtat s knas lobt t^Baiaatsssa, Hr. M..M iUta tka < iy.l» lim,.I. Ii, M o 1. ,-«.,« tl.l. mi., «top I.-.:.. aaaafor«, Hotterdam ; harks Ann Tlu.n,|-on. Br.) U..vy«. ( harba loa, Pl'a. P)i,n 1 P... 1,1, hntS Ahla.tt-.ford, lb«.'r». Kin«. laa, Jani.; Brmto1. Hr.; Pnirmaii, Ib-rnud« aehra lime, II. taould, baasaii, N P .N ». r u,.-, Sa»»i-r, Provelem a; Iii « ./ BWkett Hau v.rti N ( CHABUUTOSl. Hay b Arr «I p ArKatt n, R»sn, ttsw Tork tsraja Laasaa, Btakka, aaaaaaat. tstrk Casakas,tssavwsssl, New York «rkrs. Baksa, \v«'-a, aa>| It m kui«i, ,ii, rjoauasf, Ca^aasa M-. Borth (siohns, Seaman. Salem, Sr.. .1. Skinner. Woodman, tsraujetown. .«. C. 41, v. ij. kVh,laker. Pnila. elpl.. M | \| BSSaV, « ora. li. Phlin '. |,|.ia. i'M. br.« ArWaS, Kesn. M eat lud.ea; StSfs. Pairs k Heats/, kn olaon, N.-w llrleau«; Alu r, l'Uilhpa, BaBiatBIS 1 P B H'arasr, I .. N York <"A'I1M. Msy b. Alt. ark Clsreuiont, Br.) Isnruian, l^rer nat EAST MACHIAS. Mar t.Arr. Scbt. PI,».* Cnaker, S'ew Vork. El l/Al.k III MU S C..VU. pre'-iou. U) May s, sehr. AI .jafBj *, Iisnirl«, Woi flloHttAKiVk K: S. f M ,y o-( Id. bfif Ploreare, Hepkina, Bas loa M.otr.. r ai >rr, <h. ¦ABTEOBn, M,ik Art. arkra. K. Plower. Ch«i-.n. Pit.Udel rk Bus** Vtsta. I.l 1.1 l,..li S. be'.,.11 Hall. I.aw'rn, e, A* Itwaatass. Tst k.r. tb. Ks. bat Post. Ki.le», H«a» Torfe j I II. »Aratri.tirwwoM. do.; ab-op Paart, Wheel, r, lo. K.mily, Pratt. Bs. i Heary tti bs. lir»» Pro. iden, * Ulli, aabrs. T. U StlBSC, KL hol, PI,,1.da.pi,,» K. -ii, ke, Passtuck Aa, MiaTa*a**TSss, Acfekvy, AStaat lt. Ii»' km I':." 110» Ii ».! «. I-. ' Hay S. sk.au. sil.t.. JssjsatsMs, Moiris ui, Pbilaile-plua, l Inet, Ska ha, drt. MW i'klllN* M.v I k.r i'r.m.iiip Wrn. Pena, Harka, Hew York Urk. Wabs.b, Hi bbsrd, Malamas; Chaa. Walton, ißt ) ttaaaard.Haaras* hB» l««»k»ra«t it- 1 $ Bvustaa tsktad, bdlttdl b May 1 An ,11,1., Naruy Blahop. KrUv, b'.-oi « kiir Bsaton etil ha, k l>«ky Hami.s i.rnt. Hooar t. I) < PH II AI'» PHIA, »la» S Ar, bark l>el,w«»*. ('..well. aWoe; WMKrlaa..* Pos... H . k-T- o«, ,10.: s. l.rs. Kibtk. Pbttul«e. ,'.... KOu«l, « Bs Hstttstw*, F.a«lk,.,rt I ala.t, Clerk. Bs* 1 Jt-h« Potta Ib.»,1, Collen, Savannah l id. Wh, ah.p M«»athon, TaB.ljk» *e» 11 rbssas irtua J«»a»r. fliai». Baus* M vv v\- bsstes. »V«lka, East Cambriii«e, S.rah Ki iabeth. Kn«liab, D**fe- lo* M .. SAVANNAH, »la. I In l*SP* I.ady II..hart, ( Br.)-, l.o t ,s Nett Y 01 k ,«. \\ 111 I.. J,,.ea. l yler. New York Ali,' o Tal«*, Boatob; srkr. Arkt**na, Jone., Hahomire (4h, .kark le.sa. N.ael. S.a. Mar.. M I . Ne* > .ra WM* Orisaba. Moi.e. New l.ik.i ,. 1.As. «.II. -Ion. Alisa Bs, - Cardens«: »tht«. Vu«,iua, Stiiiine.. Plulsdetplus bsfe,Bsst, BbSrkHk dry, N i CM. Hb, b, k J. A. Hasard. pSfist,sjsvsaai ata. i, h<i«c, luih, Mr., »,.t l»oboy lslstul. *rki Yittiasa, Boa*, N. « Torfe] ST. HaBKS, ays-iltl kri kri*s (1 was BSaasV Bas» York Mary Ehas. H.at«kwa, New York ms N. riolk. ho,11« **M IB there in di« tresa. Chi. sekra. Laars Jane. fTaklBO Bs*) lork J. Y'a.l, PsHaB, Bs» lork. H II.HIN6tt>N, N.C.. Hsj I * '«.um Mar-ha!' ,r,r,l. Kr. |«rk| kl I.¦ Bsnak) P* Hamet, {% fli Lea*, du; V.mth, Evsna. d.,.. tikiak. ladoealet, tarswj *rbrs, .A. H. Howard, -.. Hatsiinoi eis C H. aMstasSB, Kerry. Mar bsMur CM. Sat, aihr. Y:r«iiua BraBtk, Ptaatsr. KiBiassr*. Slh, Br MSJ Aasatala, hrraaaa. M«S»*«»r a.l,r. Mary, Seaty, |,»lim financial. AI.ItANV N()RTHKRN RAILKOAI) j\ SK\KN PI R t'KNT. MUST MDRT3AOK CON- VKRTlltl.h RON Ost, DI K PlRiT <>K MsVJtCH, ll«7.. Tbe «uhsiiihent oder «I private aale $I7(),IHHI of the above Bonns. Im u,* tl.i- n 'i .> aaaatBal :s*u.st SSraVtl the St ..ttta*te, 4ttct-|'tii.* $l.«t,'. .i » In, Ii hsvs been dists'aed of st par. The trustees under this inoii«ase are Meaart, Krattus Com- Inf and Jul'ii To» i.at iid ul Alliauv, and Waiti Sheniiao of this City The li.lereat OoSSBtMH SSSJ llisde pavaSle St lite SaVie of Mt-ssis Hum an, Slu iiuan it Os. New-York. Tbe AII,any North, u llailo atl bt-stus at ld*b teueral ders'it .I tbe ilsaaj aud Ku.'slo, Ilie Albany aad Boston, and the Hudaoii l.tarr Ktilr, a.t«, m BBS 1"itv of Albauv, and (ertai- aateaat *«*-.. BliSaMi n, I. uosn of II,., a distaine «t BBiiVa At f «sie Krida» it ronneets wllh the Washington and Rutl*i d ItaiiPKk.l, and trill i'fl.-t the ahortisit and best route Ot trtirl tri ¦ Neat \ oik ti USsTSaatBaaWk and Mtu."»s; Arransi iiit-iiia are In i ..,«..< ss kB eo*>*tnaB a lU'lr.md from BavsiosH S|<iin*«St hjBlasnl te UksaBl Northern Kailroad SA B point ii'snit MkaaB miles I nun Albany, which will ehotlt ii the iliaia.ni«- to the Spniiss alstut ei^hi iiuies and the tianei. shaini lAmlncsssi this will tuuve s valualle feeder an the Rosai The entiie line of the Road IS ntelrV contract SB bs finistiaad tbe 1st Jaastaty, ISVl The whole to be done in the iiKnt Snbataui la1 u,at,i.e., eq,,«! to am load In ihe oou try. hatrnut iii iui ul (W in.I.iv>'a atenil ol 7u lbs. (»er yard, arid .Mb a'ull sail i|.mebt ol t s's. eiisiitea. A,- I* estimated 'o eesi BCiti issi, at whic h Itss'.mm B taMtSai *li ¦ ssaBSllsliist. tbe nksjsa Bf IBM issue ol *oi,o,n<si M,irtKa*ae Rotid* PSBBB UM tin, k!» «et'le.l SStSA of t!ie country throurh srtkkcb the road passes, «ud iu «n>«- nchoese both In «jncn. tat» ai d itianu'sctoii. a n c mtiden»I» etpected that the travi I alei e will make thi* n.>*,l tine of tbe inoat proiitahle «>ne* in the ,-.,..uri>. u iti.,.,it takln» Hito consldersiiou ths Isnnvrnee ibntuth busiii.-a ,t itoul etnoy fnuu it* Kvorehie SM el too There w no d >ubt but that thees bund* will toon rank *. hish ss anv R . trusts M tkH Btasa, I'l l AI NA IüKI.IN k. C'LARKK, Natt WaaVat, CLAIMS AGAINOTN£W-ORLEÄNS and the PIOT SKCUND and THIRD Ml'Nii. i- PklMIKtiW kNTH' Aiy valid Claiina, past, due or sna- Saites sxn, will be Nu « it by SBe *uli*tjib*r on faviaa'u* tee*'* All inseirita* by mail will be answered m- ssuue as .a rsereoualapplication J. TBOMPSON, No. 8 \VaJI-*t, cor. ol Broadway. XCHANUE ob 8A11 KRAxNClSCX)_ J HIUHT BILLS oa OOOstI BROTHERS A CO, ¦an Pi^sctarxt, la sunt« u> suit Pur sale by _AM OS ft UBj, sso. 99 Libertl-ef. E E XCHANtiEoa s.W FRANCaSCO . -Stsht Bill* oa DRKXKL. BAT 11 MR A CHURCH, BMui Ktam-isco, lu eunie to suit. For esle by P. BATH KR, 1WN* Hsoiow ty KtN» N>; w. Vi»KK, Ms» V 11 - rimi DIVIDEND..A sem.-antiml j. bBbMsbsI t f h'u> (4) ja-r m Bl t a the ospttal BBatl H u.\t Baak out at Bs I pn*atl of IBs bbM six utonibs, will be paid to the Stackbxddeiaoe «?.,! ittei t- e nh aay ot Mar eiuuiui Tb* tiai'sfer ttt-oks will bs closed tnan the. |t»;i until (be 15tii nisi ii.i .nan,- J L. KVERITT, Caahiei IllTM)r:i> .!(»M>S..f the NEW VORK see HAliLKM K i .. imp\\Y-Tfevsaa taaV pas Cent H.n.da, rriuihurMb'-- m aV>7, with eemi-auiiual tntaarrsM Couravo* alia, kesj k. » sale by BL.Aii HPUsVD A RAINS. FOUI' Ni W oanuL ILLINOIS CENTRAL K\ I LRU AD 4','»ir»M The eeoHai I netailment of i per cent, oa BWtsaSljaTasa tor fei Brat SaBsal tbe Construction Bond* of tls* Illinois CeuttaJ Kailroad IS ttsval-le (an rits «7th May. ti the ttfruv of Ute t'carepatiy. Na. W \\ a. at. By order ot the1 Kiecetlve Cotnnnttee, _Hi'KRIS KK IVHl'M. Treasarat. JAMES BANK, 90 . ems | Rank of New- R.k-hr lie. Hi cent*, Alia* Bank. Cliaiot. To oents; Pe«> plr't Hank. Pater»*.. *>ct*.te; Rauk of Salisbury, Md.. eeiii*; Bu.k f Kisleud, Ireland and Scaaiaud Votes, and Poiritii Hold and Sailvvi Co.o, and Spaacis, ts".alif at currenl pneas. A lau, r,» intent Money discounted ai the lowest kua.krt raiea. Prompt C«dl*>ct>iMis tii.'tubjdjout tiie Atiantta .tstesaiid the BsfeJBakalsttiss and tows* in California, by P. BATHER, No. MM Hsasas H, >e*weea Pr*s*kfott aitd S|tntc*>«*t, New-York. KNK'KERB(H'KERSAVINGS BANK . . J*affc ^a*t .* **-*X--i>m*u daily from IP A M BBS P. M The chaner of t:oa Inatnutiou *eGares to minors and BMnales, married or «umamad, tbe eattre soouvj of ail BBOD..Y» Aepoetttvl to theo name*. WILLIAM W. CAMP BE. 1.1, pytaaaissti, Aasoa Wtu.it, Stcttur,. ^> LAND WARRANTS BOUGHT and SOLD, ar.d Bounty Land, Pensum ud other Clann* against the Umtsd States promptly attended to fc» iw Woodman, conne-Morei u», tf<*ary pu£lc-^,,^'°»- mittlrer lt,r U ^t-rir, low*, tnd.*oe, An, No- «9 W ÜJi*vtJ» L tUtiaW'iotk._ AND WARRANTS BOUGHT, . SOLD *i d LOCATED, or, .lt*»rel term. -Order, of ^hJr. r".mF,ly supplied. Mihtary end otlrer claim, oa BlBS '^Y^-rT, No.^WelH.A ^tew^YORK and NEW-havkn ll -AlLBO*t> « oMPANY..Tb* Annual Meeting <jf the Stockholder, of the .Newport and Ne » Haven R. R. Co_ l< r if' el.cti. n of a Ro-rd of Directore and the trerie- ectioDof other business, will be held to tfce city of New. H.. n. et the Company's sAoe, on TH H«. > t >e 13th dey of May. IRÖd. et II o'clock A.M. Folia open from II AM t» S P M. The books of transfer will rbsied from the lHh lost,, at 3 P.M. to the !->th of Mae. ISA* tnc'oaiye.. New-York. May 6, IMA ROBERT SCHUYLEK, Pres f,_ '. Ntw JititT Zinc CoatraWT, J Transfer Office, No. 51 Liberty-eL J NOTICE..An amendment to the char¬ ter of the New Jersey Exploring ar.d Mining Co has p»j*«-d the Ledriilature of New-Jereey. arid been accepted by the Director.. The title, by the act, is changed to "New. Jersey Zinc Company.'' The New-Jereey Exploring and Minlns Conipany stoeA and the stock of the Sussex Zinc and Copper Mining ana Manunu turn,* ' oi/ipeny, will be exchanged for the new etock (New-Jereey Zinc Company) upon application et this off.ee JAMEB L- CURTIS*, President New-York, Marek 10, 1858. _ TVOTICrC..A dividend of four (4) per _L y cent from the pr<»it«,.f the Cheirmng Railroad Com¬ pany for the leaf tu months has been declared, payable oa and after the I'th May at the Hanover Baik The Transfer Bocks will be dosed from 1st to 1 Ith May. May 4. 1852. I5y order, 11. 11. CASEY, Sec'y. "jVOTK 'E.The Annual Election for Di- J_l rert. rs of the North American Eire laaavaaoa Com¬ pany will be held at the office af the Co.. No fi7 W»ll-*t, on Monday the Slat Msv. lUft The poll will lie open at U A. M. and close at I P. M. U. W. BLEECiiEK. Socreary "JVOTICK..Tlu' Capital Stock of the J. 1 New-York Exchange Company, .moaatiaf to $LM0,- BttV bavins been fuliy subscribed, snd the Company having received the d.'d of the property in Wa'l-,t, hereNil ,re kti.iwti as tb* Mm hanti' Km hange. e"rered iriro possession ai d organized tins day. by itie election of SIMEON BALD. WIM, riisllliat. and W. S. L'nokrhii.!.. Secretary. The tollowtni persons compose the Board of'I rusteee: Ji.ii.es Boorman, James Brown, Ml» S Taj lie, 1.nard A. S.iaree, W.W.Da hörest, Robert B Mi lam. \V. II Asninivall, C'iar»* N. Tdhot, Thomas lileeton, Simeon Baldwin, JotiD Waid, Nicholas Liidlain, W. s. Underbill. lyoTdi-r, SIMEON ItALDWIif.Pras»sat W. 9. t'Ntir.RHlLL. Secretary. New.York, May fi, 18.02. TVTOTES on the BANKS of ENGLAND, J_l IRELAND aad SCOTLAND; Ene!i-h. Preach n-r- m * n.and aR otbei Fceaica Steels j OaW Dust and Bunion dealt in on the mosi liberal terms, at the office of J. THOMPSON, cor of Wall at. and Broadway. RAILROAD MORTGAGE, CITY and COI NTT BONDS .We offer for eale at fair ratee the following SECURITIES of the most undoubted character, nr. t/Hi.tsfi OHIO and PENNSYLVANIA SEVF.N PER CENT RAILROAD CONVERTIBLE BONDS, Coupons payable in Ncw-Vork, 1st July and 1st January. Principal due in V)65. $25.004) CLEVELAND, PAINESVILLE and ASHTA- Bi LA RAILROAD 8EVKN PER CENT. MORTOA01 BONDS. Coupons papahle 1st Aoguat and 1st February.. Fniii'ii.s) tails due in IHTil. loii.ixs' WILMINGTON and MANCHESTER SEVEN P! R 1 NT RAILROAD CON\ ERTIRLE MORTOAOI BONDS C. i.i.i.'is payable in New-York, lM June andeist Dec. Principal pavahle in lNfiß. |rRB\MM» MADISON and INDIANA POLLS SEVEN PER CENT CONVERTIBLE RAILROAD FIRST MORT- GAGE RON iiS. Coupons payable 1st May und 1st Novem¬ ber. I'i in opal falls due in Idol. Entire debt ol the Compa¬ ny kssaooa Idn.CKi INDIANA POMS and BELLE FONTAINE SEC¬ OND ISSUE CONVERTIBLE SEVEN I'Elt CENT, KoM'S. Coupons payable let July and 1st Jan. The pnn- aipal falls du.- in Hi; llApOO CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, Ohio, SEVER PER CENT. RONDS. Coupons payable in New-York, 1st July and 1st Jan. Guaranteed by the Columbus, Peque and Indi¬ ana Railroad Cotnpa.iy. I&MOCITY ol PORTSMOITH. Ohio, SEVEN PER CENT BONDS, ( .|«ms payable in New-York, 1st .Inly and 1st .Ian. Guaranteed by the Sciota and Hockinf Valley Railroad Co *.<¦" JACKSON COUNTY, Ohio, SEVEN PER CENT, BONDS, Coupons payable 1st July and 1st Jan, In New-Vcrk. JSOOOrj ROSS COUNTY, Ohio, SEVEN PERCENT. BONDS. Co'.vons payable 1st July and 1st Jan. The prin¬ cipal falls dee in 0T7I. They are guaranteed by the Ctncin- tu,ri ai d Maiii lta Railroad Co. Population of the County Sa,«Wso.iL-.i value of taxables, $| I.Inhi.inSi fih.iaai MIAMI COUNTY, Ind., TEN PER CENT. BONDS. V rlaehaal falls due in Deiii. t'oupnns payable in New-Yore Population. I2,SM{ value of taxablea, $1,53«\473, sjatsfi nebt of the County, |4'V»«' Tb<- lust named County Bonds are guaranteed by the Pern and Indianapolis Railroad Co. fA'Hdi ALLEN COUNTY. Ind., SEVEN PER CENT BONDS. Continus pavable 1st July and 1st Jan. f.i.oi si ALLEN COI NTY, Ohio, SEVEN PERCENT. BONDS, Couiuius pavable 1st Jnly and 1st Jsn. fu'o.oon VAN WERT COI NTY, Onto, SEVEN PER Cl NT BONDS Coupons payable Ist lulv nid let Ian täVMW 4 lark COtVNTY, o.'oo, SEVEN PER CENT. Bonds i oapi . pavable Ist Aua. and 1st Feb. The loregotne BONDS are in each case for $ 1,000 principal and interest, in all cases payable ecnii annually, in New-York The RAILROAD BONDS are secured in the most ample manner by mortgage cr Deed of Trust, to some known and rearKinsilile riliri n of New York, with power, in case of de¬ fault, to enter and tell each line, with all equipments, Ac, to raise money to pay amount of inti r. st or pnncipal. The CITY mt ( Ol NTY BONDS are laried. In each osse. by virtue of Special Acts of the proper Legislature, fiaiitm^ full power kir that punu.se. and en a direct vote of the fople lute-listed, that vote being largely in favor of their tattle. The laws nnder which theae Bonds are created require the proper authont-s to make a SPECIAL LEVY of TAXKS be SET APART exclunvi-ly lor the purpiwe of meeting the acrnuug interest, and gradually to reiinlnirse the princi¬ pal, winch «ran be enforced through the courts of law, should It become necessary. Tb.ee debts ope ate in the nature of a mortgage, on real and pereoual estate* witluu the respective City i County limits The new Constitutions adopted by the aeeple of Ohio i Indiana, prohibit absolutely the creatioa of any funded debt by C ounties, within then bouudajiea Thu will prevent a further Issue of securities of this sort. I': Mad Kxlnbita, iu each caee, can be had on applicefJrsa at our office, giving full and detailed mfurtuation as to the I.lure ai eac h security. WIN8LOW, LANIER A CO, No. 52 Wall-st New-York, April 20, ldfÄ. REM ITT A N C ES tt7¥NGLAN D, 1R E- LAND, SCOTLAND and WALKS.BOWMAN, GRINNELL L CO. will tame drafte of Rl sterling and up. ward, payable at eight to any town throughout Great Britala and Ireland 8\\ ALLOW-TAIL LINES of LIVERPOOL and LON- DON PACKET-SHIPS.. Pereona wlthm« to have theft friends hmught out in either of the splendid pecket-ehipeoem- aoelng Uie above Linea, which sail regularly on the nth and Slat days of every montb from Liverpool, and every elternat Thursday from Umdon, (thereby avoiding delay,) erlU pleas apply to the only authon« J Agent* in tb'seitj. BOWMAN, GRINNELL 1 CO, Office No S3 South-et, New-York, am FEN WICH CHAMRERS. Pen wich-et, Liverpool. N. B..\\ hen paaaengert decline ooiiung, the money will be returned w ithout deduction Liverpool Packets leave New-York on the (th and 2let ol each month London Packets leave Now- York every alter» aele Thursday. For passage apply a* above T~H E G^A L E N A and CHICAGO ONION RAILROAD.The Galena and Chicago Rail- read. eaMMayatai at the Cars af Ckaaafe, m the State of Uli- neu. run. to Kreera.rt, in Stephensoo County, a dlatance of 110 nnlee, at a ich point it connect* with the Galena Branch ol the lUUMBI Central Railroad, now being construct- eo >o Gai-api and Dubuqur, in the State of Iowa, oa the Mississippi River. Ai a point thirty miles wett of Chicago It connects with Uie Aurora Biaiich Railroad now in operation thirteen milea, and which is about being extended by that Company to the Uliuvia Ceatral Kailneul at a rxnut sixteen mile* north of the Illinois Rivej Ai Chicago. It* eastern trrin niu. It Wl.j i ' . eritk the Michigan Central and the Michi¬ gan RaaMfcaaM Railroad*, constituuag part of the main chain ot Railroad'me 'rem the AtlanQc ciuee to tae Mi**i**ippl River and the North-west. The It,,ad is now rompleted aad in operation etghty-roiar milta, eight mile* from tiie Uiwn of Rockford, on the Rock Rtver, ui whu b place the work is in active procreat. and it will I«. completed und put in operation ky the 1st da, ef Au- ¦vat next, the iron lur (AM section af ilie K.«d beiug now oat hand 1 be remain.ug p.trtu>c of the work will be put aodef conti act ty the *Vth May uext, and probably be completed by J ..: s. 9 Tbj* IIRmbI t'oiitral Railroad Company announce rteh state ot progress a* ta have the eoonectn.g link from Free port to ibr Misaiteippi completed early in the fall of 1UA Ike giade* upon the road are eaav. the ruling grade weet ke'.ng 3f> fed in the mile, and east 15 feet to the mile. The entire coat and equipment of the road will be about ! fiJ** ayittl paid iu Is $715,001, aad a !. ul.c: an. ¦.!.: . aK ut k.~.m.i has been e4skaMra«aa\ t>ut not yet oalWd in. Tliere are bond* ouuttandiiig aa follows-. ¦*7<w* divvaioo bond*, due let June. Uoi; A}!.1**! depot boodsi and. $147.000 j^ond division housla The nad was i sp***"10 EltHn oa the Fox River, a dietaace of 42 miiea in the m.uith of February. I&V. and compieted and opened ta iu preerui point of teruimu* on the the ihth day of M.rci. las). Th* »ari-'hgs af the neui Re the eleven arontha. from May L l»l, ApsH I, IAA2, were #;« .W expeiiere for the earns fcn.e. t*J -vl.nii.i.i.og dum« that time an average dietance Ol » nulee. The ean.u^a for the correaiv^dini elevea month, m itia, '51, were $11U,(«2, on a diatance run of U milts *-.T,h!l,*i0- f «»-r the month of March last we #.17.00. . The Company, by reai.luricei of Uth Deeamber 1S.M ta- thotiaed aa waue of $800.000 of boode for the const ruction of lir [ '. 'rorn Rock fort to Freepert. These bond* beat interest at 7 per cent, and are pavable nt ten years Horn date ef weue ; and lot the peyroent of pnael- pal and interest, the property aad revenue* of the Company are pledged. The mtereet and principal ef theae bond* are payable in tlie city of New-York, and the mtereeteirni-annu¬ ally k, coupons attached, on the 1st of February and August in ea.1i year. This i»ue it the Saal Maua of the Com^iy toi the rv'tiatraetioB of said Railroad. . A portion of the bond* hare been negotiated aad a farther amouut are now ottered for sale, which may be obtained oa tpi . n to Mrears. Duncan, Sherman a Co., banker* la the nrv of New-York, at whose banking-touse the eemi- annual oilereet oa the bonds will hereafter be paid Tb* ample reeoarca* of toe country tbro-ub which thia ftnetaam. to sustain a Raihuad, have been fully demonstrated by the revenue* of the Road thu* tax ; and when it «hall be connected aitb the Mimisuippi River, lormiog a main hoe of commmiiceboa froci Lake 51:. buan with the country ou v-.i upper M.iaiaupi l, ana ertnguig it thiooitb (be heart of the lead je|iua, .i uot> k c iAu~u.cu.iy eat .mated to diaw a Uafic, «_mrh..,l to in cart *-cond to do road tn thi« ermntry. Krt^Ä R'-d. end tneee-^nincreae* fr^^extenau^ fjHi Rr«d »nd f.wth_of the country festssM toU, render, the M reiw od«*red .t*.*j <* . most nndoubtable character..New-. orb. A ml it, IsVi dom undouweme car j(j||N B. TURNER Cr - t OrriCE OF THE WlLLIAMSRCtCH fr»S LlGHT Co. > Tuesday, Ma. 4, I»«. I THE Directors have thi«* «lay declared » ». mi anno*) Dividend 4 Five. Par Cent, on the eapi- ImJ Cock of the Company; which will be o*'d o tbe> stock- be indem, or Ibe'r legal re >reeenfetl*»a. st th« ofBce of the Conianiv. on six! slter the itth inst L. P l%VU P.AN'D. Secretary. TEN PER CENT. COUPON BONDS of the CITlP.S OP PERC AND DAVENPORT FUR KALE -|!" lot th-'rv mi Dsieupe-rt. low» B <n.ls. hsritt'm yean to run, sod |t8,<W of the ritt of Peru. II- hns-i* Bonds, having tw. rt» jesrs to rnn. both h-»rvn inter »«t *t I" ter trpt. ner »mein, aod gnv*veed by the t'hics- |to »r,d Rsk Island Railrotd C< mrany. Further partic il-ar* mat be knrwn it srp tfng E. W. CLARK DO DUE k CO., No M VVsJUt e r a* W II aia. THE PR ES! DENT and DIRECTORS of the Bowery Rank bare THIS DAT declared s dividend of four M) p*r rent, on the Capital Stock, pavahle on end after the l<th inst The Transfer Books, sr.ll he closed to the 8th inclusive..New-Vork. Mav I. IMZ V*, order. N. O. BRADFORD. Cashier ft 'MM il lilifi^ BOURBON, FA V- V *ar" '»vn TV ETTF. AND HARUM COUNTY and CITY OP MAYSVILLE (Kentucky) BONDS . Messrs. Gilbert A Johnson. Insurance B-i Id nts. '-Viilia.o-su Offer for sale Two Hundred Thousand Dollars of the Six e-i Cent Bonds of the above Counties and City, ajritfc interest Soupon*. psvahlr »eiiii-annuellv, in the City of New-York. Trie Bond's axe fur fl.'ssi each, the principal refmhursabis In l8fil. in the dry sf IWw-Torm. These Bonds were issued to the Maysviile and Levlnstos Railroad Company, in pavnieut of st-.k tti!»*r.riptJou* to thai road, made by the above Counties and City by authority of s vote of ths people, unanimously in tbe City of Msysville, and by heavy majorities in the Counties. The" Road to which the Bonds are issued ta «utty-ei*ni sides laksj and connects the Titles of Msvtvijie oo tfie t >hic Rivet, sod Lexington in Payette County. The estimate*! sost of the work is ll.44o.0i"1. And the stock suhsc: tpttons are already tl.ftU.1! I The ClSSSfllS of Bourbon. Payette sad Mason, are all r c ¦lens and wealthy. The soil is unsurpassed in fertihry in any eonn try, and the potiulsfion it LrttelliAeest, lasfsaaTsnsaMM asssfllltlsl The Auditor's Report for Ml, exhibits the fol- lowins statistics of wealth and population Taxskle Property. Population. Rourbon.il l,<s4l.7H7 17,*4 Payette. 17.7 Vi.785 25.172 Mason. 9.IM.o48 24.8S3 The above Counties are entirely not of debt, sweep'"'* >i RtsArlaTSSavf Bailioad auherriptinM. anKsinting to !!..£?".*' for which they hold an equal amount of Railroad stock The City of May*rille has a population of »l«iut lSBk\ and eat¬ able property to the amount of $1.o<si.i»Si It is the point, on the Ohio River, in the County of Mason, of transhipment for the whole north-eastern section of Kentucky, of in*r- ahandiae and produce point inward and irotward.and under the influence of the system of roads now eonverruie upon It, and aWWAssJCSSBSwettoSSI with all trie rich central region* of Kentucky, and with the principal lines of Rail way running south still north, the itv must rapidly rise »i ti,:«iii~s*. ip- slallon and wealth. Msvsville jim now a debt nf fjii etti, bot has means to the amount of |7l.«»*». and s revenue of p^.issi. in IsMtSsf the tax for Railroad ptirposes This m- iehtedness is based oo a capital of fBi.tltsW, as exhibit**! 5V the Assessor's book*, wbicb doe* oot give more than two thirds of the actual value Tbe constirutionaiiiy of the issue of these Bonds bss bees siürmed by the Circuit Court and Court of Appeal* of the State of Kentucky, which forever settle* that que*non Th* Court of Appeals decided thsr their collection can be en forced by writ of mandamus, and the individual property of every citiren *ubjected to the payment. The Kentucky member* of Congrssr* certify to the perfect security of these Bond*, and Mr. Clay adds hi* testimony t* their value. He says: "These three Counties are among the nchest 1 believe; excluding letJer*on, they are the three richest in that State. The Bonds tue executed under the anthonty of the Legislt- ture, and it* power to trant that authority ha* been recently affirmed by the hithetrt judicial frihonsl In Kentucky I en¬ tertain no donht th»r the onncinsl and interest ot the Rnnda respectively, will be punctually paid t* they become due Buch it my confidence in the «afety of inve«tment tn the** Bonds, that if my property were all converted into them, f Sheuld leal perterrly »ecure. " I am, with hish reipect, your obedient servant, " H. Cl-AT." A fnll printed exhibit may be had at the ofli-e of the on- aVrtirned. Theee Bond* offer one of the best perfectly safe avenues of Investment now before the public OILHKRT a JOHNSON. In»urance Batldini*. WilUam-« ~J?Y~I)RA FTS PI > R SALE < m the Cv I Union Raak nf Lamina h, Cstl Rsnkin* Co. Ireland. National Bank of .'Scotland. We are, hy »peci»! *nt)ionty. »uttinn/ed to issue Drafts on the above Bank*, payable at aiakt. sn<i in sums trom £1 up¬ ward. TAYLOR BROTHERS, No. 78 Wall »t. corner of Pearl-«t. CAA LAND WA R RA NTS W ANTED .Pvl' f .Of the F onda and 1812 Wars, and also of il- Mexlran War. lbs erhieb liie bishesl cash price wiil lie paid, also Illinois Patent* of th. War of imi. by O. O. SiiC VELDT, No-3 NassHii-rl i doom limn Wal!-*t. QakB brj Qlnction. Col.R A 0NILTON, Auctioneers. ASSIGNEE'S HAJJE of VALUABLE LIGHT WAOONS-The .ii'sicnber will e-ll, at MONDAY. May 17, *t il o'clock v M., on ti e partakes* comer of tth-av. snd l&ld st Harlem, s larie lot stt tastt. iitlil Buysv Waaoit*, with tops and without, particularly (uiled tor lli« ('(liforui* and Boutltern trade, heiua ttiornusk l> buih, and slmosl entirely of iron aud steel. II. fj. JL'DD, Assignee. A~~V'ALUABLE PRtJPERTY torSAlsE. .The uiidersifued. Co iiiuissioiten, legally appjtuied hv lirtue of an ad el the Legislative, entitled, "An act 1st the r.ikcoiilinusuce, ic of the Hoiice of Refute of the Statt of New-JeT*ey piuaed ni.d aiipo>»> d Mard JS. isi^." will of inst Pi in, Siit toks kytatoa THURRDAl, tka TWBM TY-POURTH of JI'NE next, tt the hotirof one o'clock. P kl Ht tin- Inn of 'lhr,Ml.<rr tUwt, h f.VOÖ /'" V, Mtsktst Sri < ,au tv ami Siste *furesstd. sil the Itud Hnd prern.se» known .. ihs HOUSE OP REPUOE FARM *icuste ai K «tat< i. am! hounded by IkihI* of the t'ainde" and Ainboy Railtt ad Conipans on the south, the public mad leading from the R R »ittiiii on the wist, Elijah St-mt, E*t).. and other* on the north and esst, rontaitiint *eventy-»eveii acrea unrr 01 le**. together with the unßmthrd M.mr t'.diflct ss wu de- kianesl for s House of Refuge with other buildings, consutin* ol barn, thed*. Ac and sll other improvements and appurte¬ nance* thereto beltuigit-g. Thi* property, in point of locality, its contiguity to the H*ilroa.l l»-tween the CjMsB sf N*w York ai d Philadelphia, (requirm* the time little STSt tSSS bour* to and horn either city) its proximity to the Delaware and Rarittn CbVaL will.in the distance ofotir-halfol a mile, and tlsmt three imies fiom I'nn, eton, its healthy position, si d by h\diauhc rnms mpplied with s copious tod sbundant strj'p v of pure and soft water, (tt no tune known to las di- nui.islied in it* quantity, however great the droutli of a as*- asav) its adapts! um t itSMat tor a desirable country seat, a aem- ii ary of Irarniag, s u.' itary acadcuiy, a msnutactoiY to he driven by steam, or any *ther institution whart-ver. present* »seit as |ie*ae**iug very rouitnetidside ornpertiea lurncient to colt the attention of the public to the value aud importance of obtaining a property rarely to oe acquired in the purchase and aale ot landed rtttte*, and to which the public are re¬ spectfully invited to give their attention a* directly in vnw Of the travel over the Rnilroad, between the two cine* of New-Vork and Philadelphia via Treutos and New-Brune- w n-k. Terms of payment will tie liberal, and made known at the time ot aale, with every previ tv information required, by spi hcat.i u to cibbsi ot tbe under.isnetL i HARLES PARKER, C. J. Uli'.lE. DAVIDS. ANDERSON, Trenton. N J., Mty8, 1352. t .uiuijaioiiera B A. M. Mtawirs, Aocnoooer. y bangs brother & co. Trade Sale Rooms, No. ii Park-row. DVVstiW. SnitLtv, Auctioneer RUGOISTS1 and perfumers' GLASS.i<Si packages ITJBSDAT, May IL at 0 -k a- No . iiti-et, taithout reeerve, on acredit, over |KHl, consisting of | lint and Oreen OLss* Species. Prsscnp- tiona Lubms, Ovals, Parktn| Bottle*, Colotnes, At. aud must be sold to psy sdvauce*. P. Col ton. Auctioneer. IMPORTANT SALE of FRENCH PLATE OLASSKS. T M'RSTRY, RRUB8RLS THREE-PLY and INORAfN CARPTT& oil t UJTrJ kr kC.P. COI.TON u U ar.l this DAY, ,T«»*dav May II, at \ o-cUrk. at Uva Auction Rootaav No V* h-ask- 1 tl . . vry latge ai.d dasiral-Ie easortuient of Prenrh Pl-te Olaasea of v».ioo* BsSM, the, ,r* Pier and Maatle, ta go. d gilt and rc-wwiaal ira-ur. Also. . very largeasson n- M ri TbJ*Vr^ aUT!L' lu*^« Ca-pet*. Oil ( lotts of all width, aad pattrtn* Akro, aotXtt % rtthl ¦ of vanou. pattema This Sals -ill a»«rd a ,.« opportun* , for all wIh- are lu want of ettbar Ulssset or Csrpett tact logtava ready at I o'clock, whea food* can be etAJained. No f'sl! *ii ' nt !. ant count. XAnthony J Blceckea Aucnooeer ARGE tvr>d 1VMT1VK §ALE of 126 J DFMRABLE BfTI.DINt. LOTS BJ- tl lsTl l V 8ljt kTED for IMMEDIATE IMPROVEMENT om Id and f.b-ai*, and oo imh, iwKb, and I'Hat^r. ',. . " A' ^loN'i.^rHONY"j. sfg ^ as*s«: Sa^tSÄ i ^ thcL^ bidder, tbe dZ^lZ^tc "rWO-Oy.^Pl forwiin. tl. entire block of' Skotus! aYoswoew by 3dsiv.. 4»h-*v_ l.a»h ,ad !"'r-«ra. Alee. A." lor* of ground bounded by Jd inA srh c_ Siek sad 1 Withers *na stn-*v*.. and by 1 tie above lot* are all of full star, «n k«».«-.*.ii_ _. . fort^Bunnaws,*. ^i^^JV nieaia to purchase a fine budding lot. f.C. . n^se rate and profitable .nvr«,,^ " ^itahsu tu It is high jioui.d. and cemmane* a »plenohd v.e-0r the Past R'.i rr. Tbeie is i.ro»»bly *mm^mbLu^, .. , the , mm* kaWUtS .be SjSÄkÄa^i no doaU la- soid to sdrantajre, ,v,r ni!ui|| ^ .-_*^' f above, and in tbe tnirtwdlete vicinity. V ' hw ""^ It is situated a tew street* above tbe center of . - a . a \ . 01 * frkvll^. niairniis-rtv usdn.lrably knrated for rnaatiavehlrin. postal saw buaiuesa operations; its close druiJt?cp.j 3 HsvAStJ BWBS H^lTJd«SSWs*5 gr.»t iu j.ito. erneirta, reradera « veryAssuwtaVsJiLd k^l. c*~l,|'» ^^^«Uytutneiow^rsirt^?^ city, snakes it very convenient for persons #lJni~ eVsgrn town, or tar the workungnian or lueciianic. 1 his prcperty all ires bj one body, and f urn m a»*e«lisr la. cation and atlventages rreut soon become * r talisV^^.V^ trers.rfatt part of oar citv. and its purt^sseTsioot bor LT? *!n . *rrj PtuMsMe lnw^earaito/ aaiArai^ Title perfect ai d tree trom all l^a^b^scaie. ....«.' -ci' Hsa-r* a. !rsIW'i h' * T' ,l b P*1 erQl- TV saJewill he prsjtn-e. and all of the lots will wUks-atreserce to ibo kithest ksoder. ""sruibesoU For f.-rthrr [ trtit .¦!»:» |wh u, BsastAj,,^ u ai EftS^ tUi:" ^ »^voTrv^ta*. R. C. Kr.nr. Anrtinne»er. LARGE and POSITIVE SALI <»f ELEGANT n RNlTt he. PI aWi-Forte-v Ck% Pk.TS. Ac, by order of Mofgag-e end others. f..r wvicn't wiav on<»rn on TOMORROW end TOlfRSOAt, si 10 th!«(* . mrh dav, at the larg- Hsll. N'o. 5** rlnadwef. for¬ merly the Chiue.e Mosen n between Spring end Prinee-sta, on 4 months credit, fur all sums over $J*> for setutactory in¬ to.r*. ri notea. R f KFMP will tell at snetvw as eh.ve. or order of nx rfgafre aid othe a, a large end valuable c illevtioo of hai d* n r Roesud ard Mah «s«\ CfcbMket Kimirure of the best qua try. ria»K«aTo te* rich arprtii.g* and other linuse- faniiskif ( anicb s, all of wh«h will fa- p»»itiv,|y *>M with- trat nKP», end pr. a rifj a rareopp.rtiii.iry for the Tsde n* t'ls Ii d b"ti«ea -'i ers to «uj.pl, themselere with the meet SM aide r. srnofii n of g.<orle The furniture ha« ail beeu nitre in the, Isd and in>»t sähet*' rial ineouei. ft Cot bsb> torn trade, ai d con-isianf a lair*" a m sol-ndid aatortm-.itof n I l> arv^d Row w.asl. Ma viany and alack We'uu rVlir. fiioii g Room. Lii rtrj a>d Cbtinhrr Pur-iilare. oomnnaiua evert Blili la of ri-g-JOe and utnitv found lu toe Urge and fashf. t able » srernoM S. I IANO-FORTE*.-TeneupeiiorR.es»a- eel riTa.i 7 «uve Piai «-F..ri's. fr. ni <irv mains of gced repute ;ou, and ail of which a i'l I»- fnliv aai e>.ted tlie same a* artaWJ e Id at pn- tale sale. Tl .-r I'lanos »rr paitn uan^ w..rt'.v tbea'ten- tion i f tboee in want of rood inatr'iai-ut* at Mesdaa paces. t AftPETINoS.. «.Iso, rich Royal WiIlou. T**>-etry. Breese I* lb e.-pU and Int'aiu Carpe'inaa. wuu u ire particu¬ lar \ woitl J tl.. sttrnlion of houaektepe't Cm iis punbased to g . out of the city can be packed for al i| puift at a reasonable charge. Catalogues uu morning ol sale. _ I). S HoluH, Auctioneer. LARGE SALE nf elegtml New and S-n.. d bard Funilnre. Carpets. Oil Cl ha. Mattin«, kc on V\ } PN r SPAY, 12-h bast. at K>J A. M.. at No. N »¦». ?t. an »t. einb-acit.gevrrv /anety of goods neeeeesry to Hoesekeepers. Catalogue* this evening. Further'perticilare to-morrow. _ M. B. Bl'TLCa, Auctioneer. ]>UBLIC ADMIN ISTRA'IOR'SSALE -On TtTRRDAT, Mav II, at 10 iVrba-k. at RVi II St ucr-sL (dw Hist) the rrte-rr* ol ThoV Bails, Che'a. Gott. Cl arltslJe \\ etmsyer. \ ictoMi.e Orunzig. Emily Rosa and other it testates consisting of Furniruie, Beds and Ridding. Carpetng. Mafoeai.y Bure»ns Mahogany Ts'dee. French Redete ana Sole Beosteaa*. male and female Clothing.TrunAs, Chett.. Cold anii Silver Watch'*. Chains, Jewelry. M A'»x BtM «t i. dir, Dr.-mi « Case Hv ord-r of JA'S. S.TrlAVKR, Public AC.n.iiiistraior. No 7 Naseau-st. R. W WawTOOTF, A'ufinm er. CJPECIAL sali: ol HOUSEHOLD »3 FI RMTI RE. THIS ilAY. a' lOoVlock. A M . »t V ,. Itti On ei-w nb-av.. the fumi'ure of a family leavi g the ity, coi.-iitn.g ol Mali' ^aoy and WaJmn Kuva;ii MsrMe- op Tables ana Washstands. |i superior Car|» is. Sofa*. S .fa B d- ttiad*. Mab, «anv. \\'ekaat aid Mapl. CMrs, Wahtal a id bU\lr rl.dsteeds. Red*. Hair Matrn-sw-e. MaaWfaM R- k.'rs. Miiror«, Clotks, Presen s and Pai.cy Tables. Giraudol-a, lvi ij Cutl. ry. OiMi.gand TeaTahles, tliil and SoUr Lam a, 4 Mai bit-top Run aus. with a large quantity af Kirciien Fur- i,..i.;. Sale jXaltive, ra.ii or shine. Thomas Astes. Auctioneer. STANDARD ROSES, GREEN- Hui SR PLAUTS, kc.-NEWELL k CO. will a-ll on \\ I PNE.-PA V. May 12, at l'«j oVI. ck. at No. 3 Nesavi- ¦t, a superior assortment of standard Dwarf and other Rneet; also Green-houee Plants in bloom. -Vc, the last and mint attractive sale of the season, from J. B. MAN IT, Flonit. Aa miM t J. B r.rcKra. Auctioneer TRUSTEES' SALE of 324 CHOICE ard VALUABLE BUILDING LOT-», fa-autifuiiv in us ted on Alh and nth-avs. and on lAlet, Udd. l.i.i titthand Iieug four and a Imli aattta BtucA* of Ground, in the center of Harlem Sale positive to the highest bidder ANT HONT J. BLEECKER will sell st suction, on TUEAV DAY. May \IAi. at i: .,'cU a. ar the Merchants' Et¬ ch at ge, tiie following very deanable property, comprising the most beaatllU ptut ta the estate of the la.e Charles Heavy Hall, ski 72 fine Inn on.g lots, forming the entire block of ground bounded by lodlh »nil l^'nli-sta. and by *th and Sth-ava. Also, ~l building lots, iieing the eutire block bounded by ISÜd and I34ih-*ts and Vh and ri b avs Alai, 72 \ te. leaska| tks wimie hlock *f ground bounded by Id'.'d and iXid-«ta, and hy Stb and Hth-avs "Alai. 72 lota, t ie eut re bbx-.k laiunded by 131st and 1 t2d- s s ami be the 6th and tith-ave AI.... ofi bes. the entire half of the block bounded by 19 'th aad ifflat-ata, son ttk aadl Rtk are. c& of the sane fronting aa lUisl-st., 4 on the ,1 h. and 4 on the Htb av The abavea lata aie all full sit.-. hraiitifuHy sttna'ed for Immediate improvement, and a* the giounrj it free trom roeka Cry lewl.ai rig'aded by nature.it is admirahly adapted for buildli g pu'poses Bttaatrd in the center and most desirable part of Harlem. extremely h.althv, and free tioiti mdsancea, coimnanding views unsurpassed for beauty.bs-ated but a short disttore rrom Iba Railmad Station, with access to the city almoet every hall hour of the da, at lares of only 6ic and and asaea less n, o ¦aaatatlaa.they are, wrh,,ut aVaaat, the most cboice and de* rgb e lola lor private res'deuce* on the island. So large a portion of the Real Estate now ntiered for sale at auction is withdrawn, unless it bring* the owners' estimate ot its raise, it It geaaasd proper tn träte, that tins enure piojeity will ee sold to the highest bidder, and under no car- enmstar ces whatever will a single lot be withdrawn. There wiil not probably occur again wnhio ten years, a .ale where such *afe, profitable end judicious investment of capital car. be made The title is pertoct. ard free from all tneumbrancea The detds w.il he die unual Trustees' Px.eds, with covenant* ags iigt the grant, rs' own act, Ewiy puichaa r will he funiuhed, free of charge, a pnntad aiairtct el the ikla prepared by D. P. Hall. Y.»\ 1 be asm ot the saje will be very liberal to the pnrchaaer. a* 70 per cent, ot the purchase mouey can remain on boud and mortgage tor three years. b"t maps ginng tbe exact dimensions of each lot, artd nor» bill partkulars, ai ply to the Auctioneer, No 7 Broad St., at or to OF.O P. TALMAN, Trustee, No BS Wali-.t, A. C, TCTTfca. Aurtioneer. THIS DAY.PEREMPTORY SKLE ifROnWOOD aad MAHOOAltT KURN1 PURE at Auction, at lOt/etoek, No +>J Brisnne tt, (corner of M-r- crr-st.) being ih- stock of Joeepb Semiaar. A. CTDTTLK will sell ss tlrnir. wnbout reserve, for raah. the enure *tock of rew aid el^g»;i' Bn»ewood and Parlor, Hall, Li irary and Beere, in Eeraitttre, of tte manuf .cture of Joseph Sommer, Bfkkh anil be ararrarrted of the beat cl%«s and latest «tyle, at- forCing a fine chance tor housekeepers aid others. Henry T Leeds, Auctioneer, Y\7HX SKLL at hia larjre new Stlekv T a Reoaa. No ra Cham^ers-st.. near Broadway, on WEDNESDAY, at I0 O'tilnak. althoat re*e-rve. s large a»- aastaasaa of second hand and new Household Furniture, among which will be found a kinds of useful a* well as eraaaaeatal Parlor, Cbankar and Dming-mora Furmt ir-' S<'ss. Cl «i". Bedatsada, C*r|iet*. Mirrors, fan-y painted tables. Mahogany, Marrib-nip, ('enter and Sofa Tables, Boek.ase« Draal Bunan*. Olaw and Plated Ware, Canev seal ( hairs. Bm kers. Vc all of which must he add to s-ttle in estate, and is well worthy of the attention of those in want of good lloiisefuniishiug Article*. Catalogues on the morning of tale. Sale without regard to the weather. ,TM. S. M< ILVAIN A: CO., An. tion- eera, will sell THIS DAY. at tbe Seed Store No. 7 J. hn-tt, at II \ o'clock, a fine culle.-tion of Roses Carna¬ tions. Panties. Pahlias. Verben,*. Tiihero*e«, kc. kiaV, ii SB J. A. I' Headerauu's, Jersey City. Catalogue* uu the morn¬ ing of tale. II. FsaaiMCTo«, Auctioneer. CAA CA8E8 BOOTS. SHOES Wvv uti RttOOANsV-Oa Friday, May 14, at HH o'ebak A M at tbr store of B.CHAMBERLAIN. No. M Pearl at. New York 1 ka sul«. rr er as con.-tantly on hand a large and well assorted tto k, adapt, d bc'.'i toi tbe city and country trade. A vv CaMI-, AucUonaet. .\(U \ CASES BOOTS, SHOEi* l/UU and BROGANS.Go TUESDAY, at o'oicas* A. M..A large aasortmebt for Spring trade Ala*, a prime stock at all time* for private sale, at lowest eaab prices, at ths store of A D GALE, No. 'JUS Pearl as ee-i.er ,,f P'ntt-st.. Hew.York B M U K NAN KEENS..Superior Indict- Blee Naukeens for erne, by NESMITH A CO.. _ No. S8 Broad-et. and ¦ New ANTILLAS Rt REDUCED PRICES. E. S. Ml 1.1..*» No o Courtlandt-et., uear Broeitway, N. Y, begs kkV - ka turn hi* r.ustouien and usereliant* gen¬ erally, that la coeequeuce ot (be race-i.l rsaSaTsta Miee,aad tlie great reduction in tfsr pnoee of Black Silks and Trim ming*. be now itirni t his >tnuut etyleg ol Msntillss at greatly reduced y, ice*, and invites the particular attention of aealrra. to call and examine 11.em heloie purchaeing, a* the assortmeut comprises all the laahiorable Broadway styles, at prices trom tl u- Ii >.together with tbe usual stock of Spring Shawl*of all kinda, ONE WE E K LONGER.Anut er week has. by On urnstaiicea been granted to the bow fry lAVINOR STORE. \\e,b»li kaaaaaVlad .abi.. ugh with some iucoueenlencel' to contin'ie. ur salee: the tearn g down of the building* - aa ha« already c.nnnie., ed nut Hie mason sasures US it at wr ikall i.ii (». raachtd baaure -at,.rda, the l>n Hast IT Bl iMi THE UTMOST kÖV tNTAOE io n* to reduev on eroek. end in paieuanee of our rosuJution to do h'we ih*,l th * w-ek it. r STsak inducements aa wul pertuade all wn» rail to pur-..ia**> NO MVllEtt «HAf THE SACRIFICE may be. we »hall 11 ee our '. Mtawtt Cashmere Shawls, F-vneh lawns, Barege de Lnoea, Light Silke. Fr-nch Baresea, Diape,, Muslins, Fine Li u-us, Prhtta, White Kl tnuela, .^s * . B uiuee, Ln.ea Drill«, AI a. at. and all other artklea we have nn baud; snd we o nise that in a Iucuaee t f S;<> th- caeioo.er cau make fn.m rise to tif- teen do.iara. \\ e soaviI not prohsUy be opa-n again .aflire Julc ; but wben we do. we shall open on an extensive nlan and on ar ent.rel> new principle.,me. heretof < never *-!. r- ed. and which, ae feel <i,nrid» nt. must seaweed and ke»oa«M popular I r it wal sa above board, fair, bonorable. and ta ail ICS V ale i. '.»f.. t. -v _ F. W. A W F. GILLEYA CO.. No 1*5 Bowery. SEAMLESS BAGS.Manufactured Rt the Stark Milk, Msnrhester. New-Hampshire, fir sale by NESMITH a CO., No ¦ Broad-et and M New-at. rpo THE LADIES..E. H. NEWMAN JL respectfully announces that be ha, opened a' N , tg>5 Bnadway. near #h *t. an entire new dock ot Lace and Meahx. Embicidenea, which both in style, qnthty, a iJ ,'ow- nest of price, u equal to any thing ever ottered. THE PUBLIC SENTIMENT eti^bdat^ rally exprvas-d to ragara to Clothiugj purchsend of J K. HoRA a CXI..Ii ha* I. ng bean a source of sansracnoa te have e< mpharents coatiaaali> pouring in rroui Che city and country. Onretotaof leady-made CL4JTHINO has b-en eoclr-,, replenished wuk a nuAg^rbcent assortment of Spring and Summer Good*, selected with care and jrid^oeat, which are made in the hrmt possible rranrer, and are selling at a era** miurfrim bt?«w obi rum pen Cur*. m> n who pr»i*r hav'tea the,/ gartn, ntt ruede to e*> aW cjui b*vr their wish graiibed, .< we «-.- p rouscatirlv a st-l. i Hid «w nu.ei.i . I (.loth* aud <«wa,oere* au 1 int C .?. let ba* srimr.rd * Arft** of cutuuf iltmwt er tain to plait** the dm»I »astldlou» We alas krei i ¦ J. K HORA k CO V N .an «; Pilween Ku.ton aa4 Jullii *t> (J-cetin Steamcre, £"c. K C H AR L ES TO N. . SEMI I. WLIKLl S M HI. MM. ie t.voi. veam- fl ip SOI THKKNVK. W. F--etrr. 1 laaaWWajaff. will le«»e pier No.*. North River, on WEDNFHUY. Mat 12. at 4 ¦/clock. I* M, precis- iv Fol r-uhr a..ply or* Nis. 4 sjasf faff lasssgeto SPOFFORD. TfLESTOM A CO, 1 ' No 43 SouJi-st, The MARION will follow on the IMh May. _ IX)R l.l» ERPOOL.Dfam»ric Line. Parket of aM May .The «piendid «ud ra.ott'e Deck her accom- F etahtp SIDDUNa. t ant L J. Brira*. enUaatl *«*i«ove regular Hay Fl r f.» t«\t "i ps*«asi. having .jpenor accoi saodaiu n*. apt!v on boa.-d at pier No. !4 Esst River, or to ¦POPFOID, Til.KS POM It CO. No WaaMBaWR FOR SAN FRANCISCO DIRECT.. The Dew twit*, did s-d fei>r s*iiiu» *hip JAMES DRAKE.CapCaio mihi.luore, wtl %jA forth* tVjve port on or alvoi.t the «tan inUant. For i asrag". <»1' . er freight being eng.ged,I applV to BaNJPFORD, TILESTON A. t u, Nu 4d South-et, FORS A N F K A N ( I St t > IT KS DA V, June lo.The *p'ei did new -lout, e enxlne steamship CITY OP PITTsKI ROH, 2,40» tnn* burtnen Wm C. 8tote*bur>. Commander Tbl* (plendid s'-aiudip baring ondersoneexien.'ie alteration* to «uit her for the trade and to make her *ccoiiiauid*tioti**ti|,enor to any st-aiieyr on the Pacific, will tail tor San Francisco, as alsive, touehin* at VaJ- paraiiai and i'anan a Her *r*te-ris-in«*re Urse and airy, and her ster rase ace inmodatlon» »re »upenor to vo steamship ad, at. having ahnt dance of botb light and an. a* well a* aa estra bight between clerks It t* coutidently exr.cied »lie will wake 'he passage to San Francisco in a* «hört « tune a* It ha* hewn ms/ e by say steamer, thus odenng to families, snd to Ibinw «hü desire their comfort, a much pleannier eon vevance than by the cmwdedateainer* via Chajres, as only a limited number of pasaenge-* will he taken. itartu or msSAiil. In Lede*" Saloon.|*«3 In tlentlenien'* Saloon. 250 Iti Steerage. 2B0 Apilv !.. rHOMAl) RICHARDSON, No o Excrianie- place. New i ork mmi No . Walnut st, Philadelphia. IM)R LIVERPOOL..I" riited Sfates i Mail «te*u *J te B vi.'I It', t ant J.awph .1 Corn.at.a-k.- Ttn* ttesmer w ill depart with the D. S M*tl*fot Kurope BOSS- lively on SATURDAY, May 15. St 12 o'clock M, from bei berth st the R*M of Canal-ft No berth secured till paid for Por freight or panaage, having unequaled accommoda¬ tion* for elegance and comfort. at'P1? w i.DM K COLLINS h CO , No. M Wall st Theeteam*hip ATLANTIC will »ueeeedthe BALTIC o d" sa May 25». IBM. T?OR SA^. FRA NC1S( X)..Dispatth Hail IHsIa lonm Pa*»**;e in the ap.'enc id half clipper ¦hip El IZA MALLORY, *t Pis* Ha Z East River, maybe h«.t »or *i *' Ship m Mill on the l.'th mat. Iuinedvateap¬ plication it oece«*ary a* but »?w benli* remain. E B SI'TTON. No K4 WalKst L^OR-PORT PHILIP. AUSTRALIA ^ .DIRK T.The »plendid clipper ikcf 111LIN A C»Pt. Cava, will «all from Nrw-V.nk on 2."h!i of Mav N. L a O ORISWOLD. No. rj.S,Mith^t. For height or paewye *ppl> only to h SSKLL k NORTON. No. 31 Old .lip, or to ELLIOT, ARKKLL A CO No He Pearls». Tbl» rlup kartof owäva*! kj the *auie parties, is «uheatuted for the Panama aTaakss more extenaite »cc.iinm.aiatiotui winch are aeu.irahlv adapti d for bWSJOSBBWl and conveni¬ ence of families, both in brat and second cabin* Gi RKATLY RKDl-OKD RATES.. I EMPIRE cm LINE..THROUGH TICKETS An san Francisco, vi* Aswiaasii Rarj B*y, (near Chagte* 1.The neat and aplei.itid double engine atea-n .hip SIERRA NEVADA, I,*** tun* burthen J. D. VVH- stm, F*u, Cunimander. will leave foi Aspinwall N*vv Bay, diiect, on MONDAY. May 24. at 3 o'clock, from h-r Sier. No 3 North River, to ,-, nnect st Panama with tt.^ ITortts steamship NEW-ORLEANS, I H A. kley, Mas ter. These steamers have un»urnassed *.v-otnmodatlons Rsj paater.gei*, and ate kottCS ventilated than any to the, trade The 'able* ar» (upplied with every comfort, both for the Cabin »ud steerage pa**eiiier» An expeo-n, -uri.-mi i* attaahed to each «htp. The Panama Railroad ia now In oper¬ ation, running daily to within a fsw miles of Oorsona Paa- »engers will ie landed at the Company's depAt at Aspinwall, free of expense RlTBSOr Ksse.FirttA'ahin, $2V». Second Ckfm, jftrnm rooms.) $-'<S' Both the »novo eat at the same fable. Steer age, m6r fbimd with fad. Ac, and a separate table, well pinvided A reuilttancv of half the paasnjte-nionev will sa cure s ticket, until within ten dny*of «ailiug of thesteamer Por freist! or BaYsaajra. apply to J. HOWARD A SON, Agents, No. it Broadway. TV E W -YORK and CHARLESTON ll STEAMSHll'SSKMI WEEKLY I S MAIL LINE -The Lew and elegant iteamship* MARION. CtVflC. M. Ber¬ ry , IMIlN, Capt. Richd. Adams; SOI IH ERNER. Cspt \\ roster. JAM ES ADOER. Capt. J. Diekmann, fomnng s regular *emi-weekly hue hetweeu New-York and Charles¬ ton will make their trip* a* follow*: Manoii.....-«terd*y. May I.Jaa. Adger Wednesday,Juno2 Ja* Adger W ednesday, " 5 I uion.Saturday, .. 4 Union.Saturday, .. 8 Southerner^ .-dueadsy, " 9 ftouthenierWidnasVlay. .. 12, Marion-Saturday, 12 Marion_Saturday, IS Jas. Adger.Wednesday, .. J*» Adgei Wednesday, .. 19 I'nion Saturday, ¦. Unioi.falei t*j. 22 SouthernerWednesifay, .. 23 aouihemerW i-dticsday, .. 26. Marion-Saturday, .. 26 Marioi.Saturday, .. 2Vc' Ja» Adger Wednesifay. .. Sfl The sr.amer* leave Pier No. 4 North River at (o'clock P M.. preci»ely. Por freight applv on hoard, and for pussagn at the counting room ofSPtiFFORD. TILESTON A CO No. South-M RHEDUCTION of FARES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA si d LIV ERPOOL .The LIV¬ ERPOOL and PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP CO., In¬ tend (ailing their new Steamship aa follow*: a* TUNS. CITY OP MANCHESTER, 2.IA (apt. Robert Lei tob CITY OF OLASOOW, 1,610, Capt William Wylie paOM PHILADELSHlA. CITY OP OLASOOW.Thuraday. May 6 CITY OF MANCHESTER. Thursday, Juns3 CITY OP GLASGOW.Thursdsy, July 1 CITY OF MANCHESTER.Thursday.July ? kom uivaarooL CITY OPGUARGOVV.Wadnesday, April 1 CITY OP MANCHESTER.Wednesday, May 5 CITY OK OLASOOW.Wednesday. Juue 2 CITY OF MANCHESTER.Wednesday,June*) RATES OP PASSAOE. raoat PHiLanri.pHia. raoM LivcarooL. Saloon in *j**}l* <itaterooin*...StiO SaleoD in suigl«»tatet ins sOgio*. doubl« .. aft " dosbw .. 15 ¦¦ - forwsrd 6AI .. forward " 1$ " Includicg Steward'* fees. THIRD CLASS PASSENOERS. A Hmlted numtier of tlurd-claa* pasaenger* will bet_ from Philmi.-lplita and Liverpool, and found in provisions Prom Philadelphia.$ J" Prom Liverpool_6gulneas. Certihcate* sf pssssge will be issued hereto narttne who era de*irou*of bnngmg out their friend* at correaponding rates. Freight on hue good* is v. pet tun, and coaxae good*, hard¬ ware, Ac, will be taken icbtect to agreement. Pirtt-clsss *teani*hi|« ply between Liverpool sad Olaagow, Havie, Rotterdaii.. LegVnm, Marseilles, aud other Meditor, ranean ports, by which good* can be shipped to Liverpool, and thence by thi* line, 'o Pbiladeliihia aVSJOt Ai. experienced Surgeon will be earned on each «hin. All g. »ds sent t«i the agents in Philadelphia and Literpool, will be forwarded with economy and dispatch Por freight or passage, apply to THOMAS KU HaRDSON, Philadelphia tud New-York. RICHARDSON BROTHERS A CO, Liverpool STEAM BETWEEN NEW- YORK and OLASGOVA -The Olaagow sod Nrw-Ydrk Steauiship Company's I'owem,) r*SW Steamsmp "OLASflOW,* 1,962 tuns and V" herat power, Robert Craia Commander, will «all from New-York kn Olaagow, on THCKSDAY, the 24th June next, st IS */e4o*k mtm First Cabin. (Salsati State Rooms).$90 First Cabin, (Midship do. . 73 Second Csbtn.. M Stewara'a tre lucuded. Apply to_J. MctsYMON, No 33 Broadway. THE NEW-YORK and LIVERPOOL UNITED S'lATEfs MAIL STEAMERS..Tha ships somprsnng this line are the following ATLANTIC. Cept West, PACIFIC, Cspt. Nye, ARCI'IC. C*i>t Luce, BALTIC. Capt. CorastocA. ADRIATIC, Capt. Oraflon. Thee* ship* have been built by contract, expressly for Gov¬ ernment service. Every care has he*so taken in their eoo- .truction. a* also in tbetr Knginea, to insurt strength and speed, sod their accommodations for puseeugere are uno- quared tor elegance and comfort Prtre of pusnvge from New York to Liverpool in hrat-clae* cabin. * in ancond do.. tP" exclusive use of extra *,/r rate-r^.m* toit*\ from Liverpool Ui New-York, £ in and t,g\ An exfienenrnd tor- see n attached to each rbip. No berth secured until n*id for PROPOSED DATES OF SAILING, raokt Ntw-roaa. rtosi i.ivr.arooL. Saturday.May 1. "tl I'laliiasai.May \ \Va l»«vtujday.May 15. I8.V' Wednesday.May 19, \v& **uu**1.May 29, iti. VVednesdary.June 2, ls-W f* "»y.I "or 12. I&'.a Wedne^fay_June it!, |au ¦s*sac!ay.June a;, \zzti Weenes...)i m si. \VA Sslurosy.July jl), i<.,> Wednesday.July 14, I&S2 »"urnoy.Jslv 24.\V>2 Wednesday.July S ItAT ^""¦ej.Aug. 7.1a ,. V\ e,|ri, .A,lf | f«««««P.Au». 21, I a.b. WryJtiesday.Aus A 1852 Ss-tirday.Sept. a, I8.V2, Wedneaday.Sept A ItMf ^"'"ta>.Sept 18. u Weiinead«,.Sept. S. IB33 «.'"tday .Oct 2, IA« We4ne« at.on | u-A Sainrrtai.< -er IS IHW \^ rfneaday.Oct »" \VU **">r<i*V.Ort. 31». IBA« VVedneada,.Nov. i 1152 ,,»" .-N"v i. IAS. Wednesoay.Nov 17 lt52 Serorca/.Nov.27, Wedossjday.Dae. f Igfifi .Dec II, UM Wednesday.Dec |.< ia« ¦at Hft.D.c A ISfJ W^te-sMay.Dee. BS For freith- or pssawge »ppj, to «s»ss*sj EDM 'D K i (il.LINSfc CO.. No 5b Wall-at n T BROV\^ SHIPLEY a CO, Ltverprxjl E O ROBERTS A CO, No. 13 Kmf. Arms Varl Lundoav ^ 9 JOIiN M CNROE A CO, No. Rae Notra Dame das > lctotres. Psns. or OEO. H. DRAPER, Havre The owners of these shtps wiU not be accountable for goU. stiver, bullion, specie,jewelry, precious stones or metals, uo- lesa HAM ct lading are ngced therefor, and the value uiareof therein expressed -wait THE BRITISH and NORWaMERT- S¥^**gSKl^L^^Ly< boston ana Ll> P.BrtMJL..The Boston ships only eallin* at H.H. tax to land and receive mails and paasenrer* ^RHik c T-1 aFr7cJ[; Harrtson, PERSIA. Cspt. -, El'ROPA. ¥ o Lnts. AM FR 'Ca' l lr^ AMERICA. n Shannon, CANADA, latnj, ( AMBRIA, J. I.eitch. in*** veaawla carry a clear white light et meat head, p**a on starboard bow, red on port bow anaaaVaa^S! from NEW-york, Wednesday, May A f. Ai.ARA, »tone, from B'hton. Werln^eday. May 11 £l*i a'!^ bua> NEW-VORK WextesaWay. May 19. 5..^D.\s4!i«l_frwB boston. WadnesxUy, liay Ü. AFRICA, Harrison, fin. NEW-YORK, "'ill ilij June3. Leitch, fram Boston w^,^,. j « ... iron nvh ,,lVK \s-e. w«*, jZT, Sbauiswsx, fr.sai M )> r<) S, Jaar B CAMRPIA. AMA AMr Hit A B.exnj'tr, Liy«po..|-| eMR*, : seeend f,0 " " Berths not sererrd unrl paid far. Fretebi bo charged no specie beyond an ataaeatt Bw personal rtMM ¦» A' .tpenenoee Sararoa on board IfT A'l letters and iK«i|«i«n meat peas t[|Mt «*.- Pratt»!».<.. for freight c i»«»**, apery to ~ S « NAKD \ H Bnenwa, nf" Kreuch, German ai .: ,.'),-, p., iru.«l»,f^jJL- i " .)> «. to Thnexek Jmu of lading ur-ritra h> IIa» - ' \ » V ^ .lcMt».. 8y order i t ih- lit,tish iie«*nry. w*oAees# torrxti mar.atariurv bea-irg tl ,.%.oe« . .rW. r »nfm^} u «. I in «. artlJ be kasaAst odnnit j tn F.ng*end isi^L? atta fct t.V ' Mted State, and cMinirwa '-1 isasas of wbtrh Pietstk and Swiea .. » j. >. . Ai N»\» ^,.» »'B"»fon, r-a Mverrie.il. erohröt isaejMBsa the nek a* hereto-, .re. of being seued by (h« EeiglitA Ceateaa! BOMBS, THKOUiiH t. SAJN KHANClscn.^. N'» biku .""a. > Muari, Lias .TV» «.» <Wl|>IMTFn ST AT KS. Che/le. C. Herr. ftS* Bate a* r, will toby herdepartnreAS* karan wall « 8*TI Kl>AV. IVh Ml), a. . P M. Ouaue. Una .. ä?I~ with tlie dou»,,«- "Nirt' 'ail..:; W! N Fl F.LD K'TTT mot' tun» burden. Kenner C'»iiPeid r. i- men.ier wtOeh .reamer awaits the arrival mf pa.engers at Panaoaa' toItaa oaer-'aie puns. The» vesaels. In srcoium.iderlon* and «*fefy ^mMma. paased by any or. this route, and aa e apennnoed sanaaata evaded bs each vessel Tie aaara Mate* has matte the voyage but¦ saa Nut, for! si d I 'ba,'rea in atvatl ey» »nd iniM-teon hours, «04 (ha, \\ 'i t ,«».'.<. ba* :u»i .v-we Vtw e. jle^T Yci-t hiiH Psimii a in 'he »I iirWet time on record. b<>rb aj fea rannin*. and acrua! tUB IbOBi fa»et to (.airt S.<it« now open and ibrougk 'losers ' » Apply to DAVII HtOfJ * CO, . .0 x, V/. N . rt 41-rtt. JONRa l JOHNSON, No. l"d U eel at corner of l.iSerry-et Paatinsart per I'nlted States will disembark aloof s)4eaha wharf at Aspluwall, and take ehe Panama Railrad, epw open nearly to (eonrena, Ihne aviedln» [tab v.uten; uis., landina 'n boats at ChesTee. and the nver nausattea at (} >r»i it TTANDEBBILT*« LINK tor SSI ? F1ANCI8CO-- Tha >iaa1aa aVtabla anejar eaaaaraiM PKOMKl HEUS win Irew brrSaaiJaaa del Norteou Uiaalab Mat. at a V M.. t in I'. v. iS H ..oui.e.-i.ia w'lth Nk» steali sinn I' vi lUC, over the Nuais.- a I'laneit route. Far I a«*a*;e, ba\in« oiiaiir] asevd aocominodaiKaai in cabtnaaäf steerage, spply only to D. H AI.LKS, Aretii, S" I Said 'v.p'««e, ay stair*. 6tcumboat» anb taiiuroaös. CA.MDKN ami AMlHlV K\ILKl>AD km PHIL^DELTHI A ftuoi Pier Ne tiortb Ritee, toot ol Barrel) place, by steamboat Job.i Fitter Pwo Itaa» daily. Mo. BUI Line loa.es at 7 A M , Aftoraaua |ajS Line at '*' P M through u: PbulaaV ph itafJ .. us Pare' lit class cars, $3; .'d class hue. bv . P M only t: ReeaTa> tni. leave I'h.ladelpbiK ftata faol Cl \A'alnat-et at 1 A M tad 2 P M rlniurant Line by »teambi>at Traiesport, b"m Pw Na.1, at 5 P U Pate |i - ^ CENTRAL RAILROAD of NKW- J E a>EEt .SPRING ARRANGEMENTS -May t IKW..For Clinton and ln'eri.ieoiaie plat ee, mm MerNaL North Rreag, by atrayat REP At K11, st 9 A. M and] f, M and at B P M kir White House and imerairdiaet lace*, aid coiiiin is at Ehaabeibtaera wiin traiusuatba i J. Ksilroad which leave New-York from the foot of Courtland-st., at the same hours. Keiuruius, leave Cllotoe at S.IA A. M IJ Jo P M.; Wlntehouae st SVlA fieifht, A#> Slid n 4>' A. M . and lo P M ; Boaael lilbl at & freuat, aaf ii ,i 6 A M aad . t*5 P. M ; Plati i. U a I lt\ nrum,»«» and atA A.M.. and 2 P. M , ElitsbeUitowu atJ 15 3 .i a M «i.. LISP M ParernseiR hi EaatCM I'ethlelii Ba aI lento wn, Wllkete barre, ai a Maucb ( bunk. Pa- ai d jheeaaafSaa* New-Ger* niantown. N. J , a ill take the A M. tnda imm V Y, and Ml luewlav* Thuiedaya. and Sa uidava tor New-Haruptoak Weihiiiglon, Belvutere. N J. .*.?«<.. leave Somervule dailf Ii i |Vd| a. k and Pluckan ne or, the mini ot the f kf. ttain. All baggage at the n«k il the owners, until deMvsred into the a<mal posaesaii u ol tBA sgenle ol tlie Compaoy, ajai checks or receipts given tnerelor FOR SHR EWS B U R YrisONO BRANCH OCK AN HOUSE, HIGHLAND in HA, PORT WaSHIMiTGN, Mill NT S and BROVVJTi DIU KS. IMiddleatrwa,) snd RKD BANK. .New aodi did oteamboat THOMAS HI NT. ( sptain A H Haggerre, will leeve New-Haven pier. Peck-slip. East River, tab*, kws: Leavee New-York. Leave Shrewsbury. Raturday, May I, 3 P M Mui.dav, May >. ' A. M Tucaday, " t 71 AM Tu *.lay. .. A 4 P. M .. *, n Wm aäw*Je*i *. *3 Wednesday," Ala AVte Thursday, .. 6, T .Thursday, «, lilt .. Friday, 7, 7t ¦. Friday, .. 7, II .. Saturday, " 8, 10 .. {.Monday, .. 10, |0 .. Tuesday, II, .. ITuesday, .. It, UP. M WednesdV- '2. H " Wednesday,-- 12, 4 Ibuialay, 13, llj ITburaiay, .. 13, 3 Pn.ay, .. 14, 12 M. 'Friday, Ii k) The stagee (or Squam and F eel,..id will run in enei 1 JN wiü> boat Stages te et avwj ¦. ,«e ui all paitsof the enuntry All perenne sr- ' trusting the aU'veboatet eccount of the ownnrs 1MB ALBANY.Withi.ui ,-han-fe of Cars.. FA BI REDTfJED Regularity and fUlVy Coiiil ined-The care of TDK NKW-YORK ANDHAR- LKM RAILROAD leave the ( lit Hall Hratioo. Nsw-YveA. daily. Sundays excepted, at 9 oolnck A. M .Now-Vefk, April It, IR.'iJ M BM>AT, SaB*t ^OR B(>ST( >N, via NKWJ'OR'|' an<J r ALL RIVER. Tha splendid s*d superior steamers BAY ST AT >, (ant. Wm Brown, -id EM IM KF. ST ATfc% Capt Benjamin Biayton. kave ^i alternate da,v ISiiiidatS excelled from Piei No 1. N R neai th, Hatu-iy at S P.M. Foi Freight apply on boexd, or at the office, on Pier No. A TLSDALEi. B"M'r N. A«e.ie N a and 71 IVsat-tt I^REWHTS REDUCED. . <>rdinarf 1 ineasnremeiit GimhIs ars now taken by die FALa EjVEI LIN1 from NEW-YORR to BOSTON at J ose« Str foot; Ordinary Weight Good* at 124 cents per l"S R* tber fr. is.bt in proportion Freight will at all UtseabS« tak*n as low a* by any rival nute TISDALE A BOARDMAN, Aieata Noe 7ii and 71 Westett JEW-JERSEY RA1LROA D.-N KW- YoRK and PHILADFLPHIA dreel ü. I MAIA and EXPRESS LIN ES.'I lirotuth in l| horns New Jstatt Railroad via Jereey City, leaving New-York at b A M baa of Coortlandt-«t.; «AM ai d M P M L.Vrty <t Laeta«. Philadelphia at 124 and 'AM and .. I' M t Bf «alt of Waluut at Faie reduced to ft for Artt-class and ft *? kg areond claas. _.. BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON ana CHARLESTORI tl.tt tickets sold tn the abeve lines and throeth beyega earned in the 9 A M and S* F M lines from Nsw-Ymk» with through conductors. NEW- YORK^nd ~NEW~HAVE!f RAILROAD..SI'M VIER ARRANOF.MENT, Ma* 1, 1S6>..Trains out of New-York leave near corner of Caasft at. and Broadway. . AccoMH.iDsTloa *ND Spkcmi. At 7 and 11.50 A,aa I 4.16 (Express to Stamford and Norwalk, and s'opping at all Stations beyond,) and al 589 P. M through to .New Hsvea. At 3 S0 P. M for Norwalk-al H "30 A. M and rtAS PJIa (iir Port ( heeler The» URB A M runs in conoeicUon a*«k Trsin from New-Hs/en to Hanford and Sprin«4eld, sod snth Train «vei the CanaJ Road Ex Shi aaTaaiNt for New Ha eu, Hartford, Spriiai.sUl.SaS' t.i.i oj aeotieut Rlvar and Vermont Raiboadsu i-r -enrg^ snd MoaMsol At 8 A. M., sioppior at ttamfcnl tod iiridge. port, connecting with the Hnusaionk and Naur-srark Rub roadt at Bndgepori. and Canal Railroad at New Havee-eod at 3..10 P M atopptnaat Htaraford, Vnrwalk and «riege- p,,r' connecting with Housatoiiic and Naugatuck Kail.'.'tdsat Bririgepert. TasiNt imto Ncw-Yoaa-AceeHnmwlatioa and At .S.d.. 7, and 9 JA A. M and 4..n P. M , through freta tff> Haven At <i A M., from Norwa.k-at V-Mi A M *adJ4» P M from Pen (bester. The s 16 A M. receives u ^ Birs fioin Springfield and Hsjifofd and Cana' Rsilrutdsat even The 4 2" P. M. receives paatengert from liartfxa and Spniigfield Railroads t«._»«« ExFtrssTasifts leave New-Haven on arrival ef TrelSS from Bosron. at I 16 and IJB P M.. (stoppi/dr al Norwalk and Stamford;) leaving Boston et * A. M. aag 3.46 F. M . See large bill ofadrertoien. nt at the Stat'od lb ise aoa principal Hotels. OEO N. New-york Rnd erie KAILROAIX -Trains leave pie, ,i as t"1 -wi. Expkk-is Tksl.h at ol A M lor D-mtirt. ("^W JZ hrtt-claea steamle.ets for Cleveland, ^aoduskj, TeiaSe saa Monroe, snd railroads to Cinrluiiai) at.d CnicagD. Man. 1 HsiN at a A. M. tor ah stations ¦VarTeUINat I p M v h l'iermor,r lor Ousv'lst. \\*y TaaiN at 4f P. M., via Jereoy ( rty lor Owvi.ie^ Night Exrtr.s Trai at e P M..r«r Dnnkirk.oionseu^e aritfe IrstH lass so-s/nhoat tor Detroit direct. eouuect"a Eapieaa T ran, tor CIsBSBfJe. Ektii.ka.HT TksiN at' E Al via Piennont. -u _ CHAR Ml NOT, sktjailidaadsal^ 13 EOULAR MAIL LINE, via Suinini- Al tor. for BOSTON FROMDENCE. NEW-RRg* »ORD and TAUNTON..Tkc steamers ( '. A?»'".*> BILT and COMMOI)i>hE, of this line, bow ran Jgw larly as kesatuRiic, alten ,t'ly leaving rVr tin *: ^ Rtver. first wharf lies- Bat'erv pin e 4s''v « .ndays aaj eepted a- SP M aad Billigte« at 8 o'clock P*U«" arrival .»f the me B'**>>a at A* r«- For freight or passeste. t| ply at the ottce, Na \nmmmmr F'aee. or on hoard 'he boats_ "1TERM0NT VALLEY Ami OOg- T KEGTLN0 RAII.K' Ai.S-PaswngeniareifrertlhOW Burhngton, St. Jeimsl iiit. \". bite Mountain*, i^UM7T~!l ai.ri Montreal, and ad int ruieoiate towns via -Sew "i * and Spni.gheld. Thrimgh ticket* hv ltaiiroed. at the it¦ and N. II. Office, 36 ( . N Y Freig',01 b* **f"~ Tisveler. everv dev. a' J P.M., f.om P'ck-a.ip. F"» F*.^ alsrs apply to F. HYDE, A«t. IAS Sooth et, N. Y.___ W'LVTKR ROUTE TO CHICJgJ .Trains af Michigan Southern and Nortbsra Ia***aS Railroad* run daily (Sunday* excepted) a* follows: t__ . Leave Monroe and Toledo at 8 I S A M , arrve <t >f**{Z at 6An P.M.; thence passengers go by (tage on Phusfc mils* to Michigan City; thence by cars #9 soil** jj'Tyl wonh ; east by stags 12 milse to Chicago. Altar F«k t, ¦» ear* through to Chicago. MtatJ Returning to L»p.,r?» tame way.eara leave Laeorts 7Sti A.M. and amve et Mooree end Toledo at S r-*-^ Daily stages connect with Fort Warns at StJrgM^wwe aarisport. La Fayetta and Indlaneoolks. at 9o*^m~^a\ at other places en the line, with the principe; towasaeve» and south. -* a* wttfc At Toledo this Una eoosveclt at S.45 P M. or TAa^ the Lake Erie South Shore teat* by suee and rsAirses w Oevelsiid; thence by railroad ana etage to Ens; tsrsstaaj reilroed vie Dunkirk to New-York, or by store fives Deaasw* So Ruftain, arid by cart after Feh I. _ M The S P M. treJa oa tha New.York aad Erle Raa* saw Bjaat* with tits Lake Shore train at*ke> Passenger* at Cleveland eaa take ears all the Wf'**JSL oargh ; .b-ore by railroad and miles eta phis and New-Ymb, ar Bslrjmorsaad War1 5am. IA ISA Ev P WUalssAJH.

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Post on 12-Aug-2019




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XrT*?tÄ.. tat AuJLnl.Traar . ofN. ft.vnft tsohbM.

*tU*ln«'.l _^__

Mpn-cn, «V«.tpnl «Tl.et *>y Wal. stsactor. ship Citedotua, Brvaler, fro o

PkiMrh.kia'or N»w Orleans.Hsy !, o» Csr* » imaas. kr,« Jas. Walls. .¦ Bom Trnwdsd for New.

Terk. Sem Aay.br* Iso's. lift Sealsport, irotn CarSeoaa kW Ph-I-a&amAptit St. aa> kit, «ehr. Heary Nssea, from TriruoaaJ (BDtb; for

Bs» f' IiApril it. »B tke Qna-k.ar.oa, kark Ws'.a-k, II Bai frCT. M

aaasa. f«>» New Orleans.Hsy I, tat kl 40. loa«. 7» 24, kark Cielya, HiehhorB. from Car.ie

¦¦a f*r B. ..

Boaatr, Ist, *<. ,b*rk J. W. BleAyett, from -forBoaton.

Foreign l'arts.*" 1t Malaf*. Utk «*., »i» Osk. SaaaM, tot Boston, ]d|. SM., ee aM'.BTkBalsrj Bkssu«.r, Wsi.ij. lU'.iiior».AI «Jettes*»»*. Intl. »rt.. kr** OsaBsV '«» > forI

Roben I'm Baal ,; Inr Na» lork, Wa. «st sbc llü>, Bor. tark

TlaU».''aVrVBay ink *k\. hrsj st«»., Bsrtk?«, »nd Lucy,»P"»r.Haas. a. H. «trlrsa*, in* B. York.) .

At *, . days - U ah Mas Wjalirir, Mooer-, forNew Toik Ii

^ty>BT^ aWrMk.hss,-. bee»

"*AI Cassia**** srah ah., hark« Elvir*. Ha-berk. F..n.-rr t» Kt

Bhaaaav for I tu ¦" vstsaW," aasas*'. "

.Vpbu I.« J Ann. h- K »."..»e, f'o V a 1 . 4

I>h i Est. n «i r -i in l'oi .« h .«« ) ... Ki «...

tu V» 1,1k. < apt. ToSB, Stua.sry, lör do. sis«i; sehr. SallyAsa, tot Pkilsdr'phis. «ooti.

Art. st Bermuda lieh. Hut. h s. hr. Zo !.*<.. P'.pk-n. '-«n Rotter-Bani »<r Bra.toB.B9 day, ra Sistr*««, CM..k**B W. W. Il-y. L'saVrs.aid, tr,r Cuba hnr« < ""<-;K »-.-. 1-.

At Hotlsrrosni tt*.H nl absas BBsha lienn,...b IsM .am fol BestTsaB.lat-; AkvataaVt Jokssca. fcar. I st Bsj Dalkaik« Conner. Stbssiy. sad Mstrtor, /> -ua. lor ^..» \ rk

«AI Caravs. Bf »Vit». Vaa K. lasen, perdo [Saab D aV k krsj Aiid«,FatroaaH», Potw«i>d. for PasktaVtssaaai Da*aa taasa. Min* aa-JAi'. <

At CaisalM ut hirk \ ... .t. <r. l'i.r V w Orlsim«, 'f.At Trie dad ttd ult.. harks I IBatlB Oitb-, tia. Ho.toa, Idr i So

tkta. Cordsbs. sad Pairas.iint lof l oil'-d states ooru. i-H.: sehr,sary K. H«.t«n. f.s- »r» V..rk.AI «o. BMb ah., kark J«ba »V.ntlirop, Blau, bar l, m Bos'oo o-Tt

At atBB.sniriB Biet ult.. hark Mary KhisUth. Gn.al.dl. (m. BaSJTask, Uir Boston na*, krig Beten», Masary, flu. do, art. *OUi, to

lead u < iAt Krtnedio« atith 'iM.. hn«s E>hts Bitraess. (ilaasoa. tor Boston

Baal da» Shsan I.II r .... Irw I.J..AtBsftaeJMb uk..b>i« H-aty Malkew». !»»...er-t«. ft.r BosUm, IdyAt MstsBias Ifrtb uh h.rt Itelia C htpin, laa*V,aTA B a.toB.iust

.rri«ratAtMayat'tsvt F. K lath alt, katt Har.-iet A Martha, srt«.; h.-i»

M.AtSto. Sts ut .Ol, uh bi.«> Mirab Saivl«.' ..!..?, fr .m Phuaoel-

lb a i .. i. It. IV, Aii'lniaa B'itai sirw Mavsa.4txAt > arrtVas». trull, ash, ktsrs C« tssrssa. Hu kssataj, aat Bastion, nett

*Br; I.BBjarfiBe. Ciiii'ob. b,r Haslsnrd do.; ho« Alxuut. tut S-~

Tork.ilo.: Brkss, Ms.iu.io. Po.llaad M.r.'l K..a«. Carver. Pb.t-S«*h>hi. no.; Ine-'r.S.n.p'a. >r» V.rk ... Mit. Ha- N Bat,Bslto-. In.'ii «t. ...» Ii. St. J.fo. M->aa-, IrtMosrel lor

PavBaid. CU. srkr. Jas B i«. Hat h. lor PtMtksssl, .a.U-,1 #t;b.ffokan an date, tmrk J. W, l!»-<»»o troai ..tTsa lloat n.

At fins) ms. V K..AiuUl bar« Brothers of Nr» Haren br!(Masses W. Klsrell. In.nt NVw Toik ; au irtberaAt do S3-', hark I.» .m s. p.a-. ''« tor NVs» Vork hr-f« Susan,

Sassil.do Ahrona Mit'brll.d,,. to BtBts. hrnrx. V, i,,.to,uoKola la. his tor Hoaton Gea. Srott. Steal, lda> KM Kantor.Atdo :4oi ult., »ihr. Su.an L'ut"^. Crowrll, from Si, l..omas f.rtistol, K. t%

¦»«.im-tit- INirlH.AI.IXAMHtlA.Mi.»- A -t .. Wof'am

Hell......,'. Sid «.hr II. »V »,.. t.S a 1 -.

BOSTON, May *> Art. »hip Ja«. ' 'n-r, of BaHiraot*,' r-.rn»',Blarteilles .hr fi.,:.ea, Norton, AkstsBsiriai Barak Ann. Stu lle»,Fbi'sdeipkta. CU. srka Kenosru. K.ker, Bs'timore. M.y«. arr.

hark Prrtl.abu*. Br ) J,.Lnsoa. Ar>l'ota-aa isihr« Mary Jane, Be.i«Bt, Haids«. «4. Msu.b'eu. Over. Isi.s.er. " Hu-ton M Cur

«Jti isns Soiners, S.,niera. aii.l Marv Patter~m. Hatemsn, Pkilad«'ahia. BoraV n Pre,,, t .< ,. K..,..r. Lasel; K.«,e Kh .de«. .n.l

Cbas. H iBBAt Bete Tart Cos Ca k. n P.rt ... fecB ¦

Tart i Arui. is, Badley, do Sat Saturdst, alop. John 4. Ad. n~,

Aaduboo, Oaa, HaPatj Borsall harts Ann Ar Mar» Lssausj aas]4«,, a it Pst Satosry: st. Ma»vs. Mo

ra, hri«a Bt-Iess »olnn H. 11 Mi', 1 -np.r. N.tbern», not pie>,

arasfy Ssjasbry, karti Lady t uiola 1 H"ssaai J. H. Ituvsll; br.«f. Coprlsn.i Ji Co n ataaw ka Naataakei Boa i-

aVALTIMOUk, Mu> .> Arr. ship Win. Pulten. Theobald, I..»erB*wl;barka Swan. HbIbbss, PalsraM tad ttii,raitar; kawrira(Bri-ai.) flaskaa. Brvtat s knas lobt t^Baiaatsssa, Hr. M..M iUtatka < iy.l» lim,.I. Ii, M o 1. ,-«.,« tl.l. mi., «top I.-.:..aaaafor«, Hotterdam ; harks Ann Tlu.n,|-on. Br.) U..vy«. ( harbaloa, Pl'a. P)i,n 1 P... 1,1, hntS Ahla.tt-.ford, lb«.'r». Kin«.laa, Jani.; Brmto1. Hr.; Pnirmaii, Ib-rnud« aehra lime, II.

taould, baasaii, N P .N ». r u,.-, Sa»»i-r, Provelem a; Iii « ./BWkett Hau v.rti N (CHABUUTOSl. Hay b Arr «I p ArKatt n, R»sn, ttsw Tork

tsraja Laasaa, Btakka, aaaaaaat. tstrk Casakas,tssavwsssl, New York«rkrs. Baksa, \v«'-a, aa>| It m kui«i, ,ii, rjoauasf, Ca^aasa M-.Borth (siohns, Seaman. Salem, Sr.. .1. Skinner. Woodman,tsraujetown. .«. C. 41, v. ij. kVh,laker. Pnila. elpl.. M | \|

BSSaV, « ora. li. Phlin '. |,|.ia. i'M. br.« ArWaS, Kesn. M eat lud.ea;StSfs. Pairs k Heats/, kn olaon, N.-w llrleau«; Alu r, l'Uilhpa,BaBiatBIS 1 P B H'arasr, I .. N York<"A'I1M. Msy b. Alt. ark Clsreuiont, Br.) Isnruian, l^rer

natEAST MACHIAS. Mar t.Arr. Scbt. PI,».* Cnaker, S'ew Vork.El l/Al.k III MU S C..VU. pre'-iou. U) May s, sehr. AI

.jafBj *, Iisnirl«, WoiflloHttAKiVk K: S. f M ,y o-( Id. bfif Ploreare, Hepkina, Bas

loa M.otr.. r ai >rr, <h.¦ABTEOBn, M,ik Art. arkra. K. Plower. Ch«i-.n. Pit.Udel

rk Bus** Vtsta. I.l 1.1 l,..li S. be'.,.11 Hall. I.aw'rn, e, A*Itwaatass. Tst k.r. tb. Ks. bat Post. Ki.le», H«a» Torfe j I II.

»Aratri.tirwwoM. do.; ab-op Paart, Wheel, r, lo. K.mily, Pratt.Bs. i Heary tti bs. lir»» Pro. iden, * Ulli, aabrs. T. U StlBSC, KLhol, PI,,1.da.pi,,» K. -ii, ke, Passtuck Aa, MiaTa*a**TSss, Acfekvy,AStaat lt. Ii»' km I':." 110» Ii ».! «. I-. '

Hay S. sk.au. sil.t.. JssjsatsMs, Moiris ui, Pbilaile-plua, l Inet,Ska ha, drt.MW i'klllN* M.v I k.r i'r.m.iiip Wrn. Pena, Harka,

Hew York Urk. Wabs.b, Hi bbsrd, Malamas; Chaa. Walton,ißt ) ttaaaard.Haaras* hB» l««»k»ra«t it- 1 $ Bvustaa tsktad,bdlttdl b May 1 An ,11,1., Naruy Blahop. KrUv, b'.-oi « kiir

Bsaton etil ha, k l>«ky Hami.s i.rnt. Hooar t. I) <

PH II AI'» PHIA, »la» S Ar, bark l>el,w«»*. ('..well. aWoe;WMKrlaa..* Pos... H . k-T- o«, ,10.: s. l.rs. Kibtk. Pbttul«e. ,'....KOu«l, « Bs S» Hstttstw*, F.a«lk,.,rt I ala.t, Clerk. Bs* 1Jt-h« Potta Ib.»,1, Collen, Savannah l id. Wh, ah.p M«»athon,TaB.ljk» *e» 11 rbssas irtua J«»a»r. fliai». Baus* M vv v\-

bsstes. »V«lka, East Cambriii«e, S.rah Ki iabeth. Kn«liab, D**fe-lo* M ..

SAVANNAH, »la. I In l*SP* I.ady II..hart, ( Br.)-,l.o t ,s Nett Y 01 k ,«. \\ 111 I.. J,,.ea. l yler. New YorkAli,' o Tal«*, Boatob; srkr. Arkt**na, Jone., Hahomire (4h,

.kark le.sa. N.ael. S.a. Mar.. M I . Ne* > .ra

WM* Orisaba. Moi.e. New l.ik.i ,. 1.As. «.II. -Ion. AlisaBs, - Cardens«: »tht«. Vu«,iua, Stiiiine.. Plulsdetplusbsfe,Bsst, BbSrkHk dry, N i CM. Hb, b, k J. A. Hasard.pSfist,sjsvsaai ata. u« i, h<i«c, luih, Mr., »,.t l»oboylslstul. *rki Yittiasa, Boa*, N. « Torfe]ST. HaBKS, ays-iltl kri kri*s (1 was BSaasV Bas» York Mary

Ehas. H.at«kwa, New York ms N. riolk. ho,11« **M IB there in di«tresa. Chi. sekra. Laars Jane. fTaklBO Bs*) lork J. Y'a.l, PsHaB,Bs» lork.H II.HIN6tt>N, N.C.. Hsj I * '«.um Mar-ha!' ,r,r,l.

Kr. |«rk| kl I.¦ Bsnak) P* Hamet, {% fliLea*, du; V.mth, Evsna. d.,.. tikiak. ladoealet, tarswj *rbrs,.A. H. Howard, -.. Hatsiinoi eis C H. aMstasSB, Kerry. MarbsMur CM. Sat, aihr. Y:r«iiua BraBtk, Ptaatsr. KiBiassr*. Slh,Br MSJ Aasatala, hrraaaa. M«S»*«»r a.l,r. Mary, Seaty, |,»lim

financial.AI.ItANV N()RTHKRN RAILKOAI)j\ SK\KN PI R t'KNT. MUST MDRT3AOK CON-VKRTlltl.h RON Ost, DI K PlRiT <>K MsVJtCH, ll«7..Tbe «uhsiiihent oder «I private aale $I7(),IHHI of the aboveBonns. Im u,* tl.i- n 'i .> aaaatBal :s*u.st SSraVtl the St ..ttta*te,4ttct-|'tii.* $l.«t,'. .i » In, Ii hsvs been dists'aed of st par.The trustees under this inoii«ase are Meaart, Krattus Com-

Inf and Jul'ii To» i.at iid ul Alliauv, and Waiti Sheniiao ofthis City The li.lereat OoSSBtMH SSSJ llisde pavaSle St liteSaVie of Mt-ssis Hum an, Slu iiuan it Os. New-York.Tbe AII,any North, u llailo atl bt-stus at ld*b teueral ders'it

.I tbe ilsaaj aud Ku.'slo, Ilie Albany aad Boston, and theHudaoii l.tarr Ktilr, a.t«, m BBS 1"itv of Albauv, and (ertai-aateaat *«*-.. BliSaMi n, I. uosn of II,., a distaine «tBBiiVa

At f«sie Krida» it ronneets wllh the Washington andRutl*i d ItaiiPKk.l, and trill i'fl.-t the ahortisit and best routeOt trtirl tri ¦ Neat \ oik ti USsTSaatBaaWk and Mtu."»s;Arransi iiit-iiia are In i ..,«..< ss kB eo*>*tnaB a lU'lr.md from

BavsiosH S|<iin*«St hjBlasnl te UksaBl Northern KailroadSA B point ii'snit MkaaB miles Inun Albany, which willehotlt ii the iliaia.ni«- to the Spniiss alstut ei^hi iiuies and thetianei. shaini lAmlncsssi this will tuuve s valualle feederan the RosaiThe entiie line of the Road IS ntelrV contract SB bs finistiaad

tbe 1st Jaastaty, ISVl The whole to be done in the iiKntSnbatau i la1 u,at,i.e., eq,,«! to am load In ihe oou try. hatrnut

t» iii iui ul (W in.I.iv>'a atenil ol 7u lbs. (»er yard, arid.Mb a'ull sail i|.mebt ol t s's. eiisiitea. A,- I* estimated 'oeesi BCiti issi, at whic h Itss'.mm B taMtSai *li ¦ ssaBSllsliist.tbe nksjsa Bf IBM issue ol *oi,o,n<si M,irtKa*ae Rotid*

PSBBB UM tin, k!» «et'le.l SStSA of t!ie country throurhsrtkkcb the road passes, «ud iu «n>«- nchoese both In «jncn.tat» ai d itianu'sctoii. a n ;¦ c mtiden»I» etpected that thetravi I alei e will make thi* n.>*,l tine of tbe inoat proiitahle«>ne* in the ,-.,..uri>. u iti.,.,it takln» Hito consldersiiou thsIsnnvrnee ibntuth busiii.-a ,t itoul etnoy fnuu it* KvorehieSM el too There w no d >ubt but that thees bund* will toonrank *. hish ss anv R . trustsM tkH Btasa,

I'l l AI NA IüKI.IN k. C'LARKK, Natt WaaVat,


PklMIKtiW kNTH' Aiy valid Claiina, past, due or sna-Saites sxn, will be Nu « it by SBe *uli*tjib*r on faviaa'u*tee*'* All inseirita* by mail will be answered m- ssuue as.a rsereoualapplication J. TBOMPSON,

No. 8 \VaJI-*t, cor. ol Broadway.


OOOstI BROTHERS A CO,¦an Pi^sctarxt, la sunt« u> suit Pur sale by

_AMOS ft UBj, sso. 99 Libertl-ef.



BMui Ktam-isco, lu eunie to suit. For esle byP. BATH KR, 1WN*

Hsoiow ty KtN» N>; w. Vi»KK, Ms» V 11 -

rimi DIVIDEND..A sem.-antimlj. bBbMsbsI t f h'u> (4) ja-r m Bl t a the ospttal BBatl H u.\tBaak out at Bs I pn*atl of IBs bbM six utonibs, will be paid tothe Stackbxddeiaoe «?.,! ittei t- e nh aay ot Mar eiuuiuiTb* tiai'sfer ttt-oks will bs closed tnan the. |t»;i until (be

15tii nisi ii.i .nan,- J L. KVERITT, Caahiei

IllTM)r:i> .!(»M>S..f the NEW VORKsee HAliLKM K i .. imp\\Y-Tfevsaa taaV pas

Cent H.n.da, rriuihurMb'-- m aV>7, with eemi-auiiual tntaarrsMCouravo* alia, kesj k. » sale by BL.Aii HPUsVD A RAINS.FOUI' Ni 6» W oanuL

ILLINOIS CENTRAL K\ I LRUAD4','»ir»M The eeoHai I netailment of i per cent, oaBWtsaSljaTasa tor fei Brat SaBsal tbe Construction Bond* of

tls* Illinois CeuttaJ Kailroad IS ttsval-le (an rits «7th May. tithe ttfruv of Ute t'carepatiy. Na. W \\ a. at.By order ot the1 Kiecetlve Cotnnnttee,

_Hi'KRIS KK IVHl'M. Treasarat.

JAMES BANK, 90 . ems | Rank of New-R.k-hr lie. Hi cent*, Alia* Bank. Cliaiot. To oents; Pe«>

plr't Hank. Pater»*.. *>ct*.te; Rauk of Salisbury, Md..eeiii*; Bu.k f Kisleud, Ireland and Scaaiaud Votes, andPoiritii Hold and Sailvvi Co.o, and Spaacis, ts".alif at currenlpneas. A lau, r,» intent Money discounted ai the lowestkua.krt raiea. Prompt C«dl*>ct>iMis tii.'tubjdjout tiie Atiantta.tstesaiid the BsfeJBakalsttiss and tows* in California, by

P. BATHER, No. MM Hsasas H,>e*weea Pr*s*kfott aitd S|tntc*>«*t, New-York.

KNK'KERB(H'KERSAVINGS BANK. . J*affc ^a*t .* **-*X--i>m*u daily from IP A M

BBS P. M The chaner of t:oa Inatnutiou *eGares to minorsand BMnales, married or «umamad, tbe eattre soouvj of ailBBOD..Y» Aepoetttvl to theo name*.

WILLIAM W. CAMP BE. 1.1, pytaaaissti,Aasoa Wtu.it, Stcttur,.


LAND WARRANTS BOUGHT andSOLD, ar.d Bounty Land, Pensum ud other Clann*

against the Umtsd States promptly attended to fc» iwWoodman, conne-Morei u», tf<*ary pu£lc-^,,^'°»-mittlrer lt,r U ^t-rir, low*, tnd.*oe, An, No- «9 W ÜJi*vtJ»


AND WARRANTS BOUGHT,. SOLD *i d LOCATED, or, .lt*»rel term. -Order, of

^hJr. r".mF,ly supplied. Mihtary end otlrer claim, oa

BlBS'^Y^-rT, No.^WelH.A

^tew^YORK and NEW-havknll -AlLBO*t> « oMPANY..Tb* Annual Meeting <jfthe Stockholder, of the .Newport and Ne » Haven R. R.

Co_ l< r if' el.cti. n of a Ro-rd of Directore and the trerie-

ectioDof other business, will be held to tfce city of New.H.. n. et the Company's sAoe, on TH H«. > t >e 13th

dey of May. IRÖd. et II o'clock A.M. Folia open from IIAM t» S P M. The books of transfer will I« rbsied fromthe lHh lost,, at 3 P.M. to the !->th of Mae. ISA* tnc'oaiye..New-York. May 6, IMA ROBERT SCHUYLEK, Pres f,_

'. Ntw JititT Zinc CoatraWT, JTransfer Office, No. 51 Liberty-eL J

NOTICE..An amendment to the char¬ter of the New Jersey Exploring ar.d Mining Co has

p»j*«-d the Ledriilature of New-Jereey. arid been accepted bythe Director.. The title, by the act, is changed to "New.Jersey Zinc Company.''The New-Jereey Exploring and Minlns Conipany stoeA

and the stock of the Sussex Zinc and Copper Mining ana

Manunu turn,* ' oi/ipeny, will be exchanged for the new

etock (New-Jereey Zinc Company) upon application et thisoff.ee JAMEB L- CURTIS*, PresidentNew-York, Marek 10, 1858.


TVOTICrC..A dividend of four (4) per_L y cent from the pr<»it«,.f the Cheirmng Railroad Com¬pany for the leaf tu months has been declared, payable oa

and after the I'th May at the Hanover Baik The TransferBocks will be dosed from 1st to 1 Ith May. May 4. 1852.

I5yorder, 11. 11. CASEY, Sec'y.

"jVOTK 'E.The Annual Election for Di-J_l rert. rs of the North American Eire laaavaaoa Com¬pany will be held at the office af the Co.. No fi7 W»ll-*t, on

Monday the Slat Msv. lUft The poll will lie open at U A.M. and close at I P. M. U. W. BLEECiiEK. Socreary

"JVOTICK..Tlu' Capital Stock of theJ. 1 New-York Exchange Company, .moaatiaf to $LM0,-BttV bavins been fuliy subscribed, snd the Company havingreceived the d.'d of the property in Wa'l-,t, hereNil ,re

kti.iwti as tb* Mm hanti' Km hange. e"rered iriro possessionai d organized tins day. by itie election of SIMEON BALD.WIM, riisllliat. and W. S. L'nokrhii.!.. Secretary.The tollowtni persons compose the Board of'I rusteee:

Ji.ii.es Boorman, James Brown,Ml» S Tajlie, 1.nard A. S.iaree,W.W.Da hörest, Robert B Milam.\V. II Asninivall, C'iar»* N. Tdhot,Thomas lileeton, Simeon Baldwin,JotiD Waid, Nicholas Liidlain,

W. s. Underbill.lyoTdi-r, SIMEON ItALDWIif.Pras»sat

W. 9. t'Ntir.RHlLL. Secretary. New.York, May fi, 18.02.

TVTOTES on the BANKS of ENGLAND,J_l IRELAND aad SCOTLAND; Ene!i-h. Preach n-r-m *n.and aR otbei Fceaica Steels j OaW Dust and Buniondealt in on the mosi liberal terms, at the office of

J. THOMPSON, cor of Wall at. and Broadway.

RAILROAD MORTGAGE, CITY andCOI NTT BONDS.We offer for eale at fair ratee the

following SECURITIES of the most undoubted character,nr.

t/Hi.tsfi OHIO and PENNSYLVANIA SEVF.N PERCENT RAILROAD CONVERTIBLE BONDS, Couponspayable in Ncw-Vork, 1st July and 1st January. Principaldue in V)65.

$25.004) CLEVELAND, PAINESVILLE and ASHTA-Bi LA RAILROAD 8EVKN PER CENT. MORTOA01BONDS. Coupons papahle 1st Aoguat and 1st February..Fniii'ii.s) tails due in IHTil.

loii.ixs' WILMINGTON and MANCHESTER SEVENP! R 1 NT RAILROAD CON\ ERTIRLE MORTOAOIBONDS C. i.i.i.'is payable in New-York, lM June andeistDec. Principal pavahle in lNfiß.

|rRB\MM» MADISON and INDIANA POLLS SEVEN PERCENT CONVERTIBLE RAILROAD FIRST MORT-GAGE RON iiS. Coupons payable 1st May und 1st Novem¬ber. I'i inopal falls due in Idol. Entire debt ol the Compa¬ny kssaooa

Idn.CKi INDIANA POMS and BELLEFONTAINE SEC¬OND ISSUE CONVERTIBLE SEVEN I'Elt CENT,KoM'S. Coupons payable let July and 1st Jan. The pnn-aipal falls du.- in Hi;llApOO CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, Ohio, SEVER PER

CENT. RONDS. Coupons payable in New-York, 1st Julyand 1st Jan. Guaranteed by the Columbus, Peque and Indi¬ana Railroad Cotnpa.iy.I&MOCITY ol PORTSMOITH. Ohio, SEVEN PERCENT BONDS, ( .|«ms payable in New-York, 1st .Inlyand 1st .Ian. Guaranteed by the Sciota and Hockinf ValleyRailroad Co*.<¦" JACKSON COUNTY, Ohio, SEVEN PER

CENT, BONDS, Coupons payable 1st July and 1st Jan, InNew-Vcrk.JSOOOrj ROSS COUNTY, Ohio, SEVEN PERCENT.

BONDS. Co'.vons payable 1st July and 1st Jan. The prin¬cipal falls dee in 0T7I. They are guaranteed by the Ctncin-tu,ri ai d Maiii lta Railroad Co. Population of the CountySa,«Wso.iL-.i value of taxables, $| I.Inhi.inSi

fih.iaai MIAMI COUNTY, Ind., TEN PER CENT.BONDS. V rlaehaal falls due in Deiii. t'oupnns payable inNew-Yore Population. I2,SM{ value of taxablea, $1,53«\473,sjatsfi nebt of the County, |4'V»«'

Tb<- lust named County Bonds are guaranteed by the Pernand Indianapolis Railroad Co.fA'Hdi ALLEN COUNTY. Ind., SEVEN PER CENT

BONDS. Continus pavable 1st July and 1st Jan.f.i.oi si ALLEN COI NTY, Ohio, SEVEN PERCENT.

BONDS, Couiuius pavable 1st Jnly and 1st Jsn.fu'o.oon VAN WERT COI NTY, Onto, SEVEN PER

Cl NT BONDS Coupons payable Ist lulv nid let IantäVMW 4 lark COtVNTY, o.'oo, SEVEN PER CENT.

Bonds i oapi . pavable Ist Aua. and 1st Feb.The loregotne BONDS are in each case for $ 1,000 principal

and interest, in all cases payable ecnii annually, in New-YorkThe RAILROAD BONDS are secured in the most ample

manner by mortgage cr Deed of Trust, to some known andrearKinsilile riliri n of New York, with power, in case of de¬fault, to enter and tell each line, with all equipments, Ac, toraise money to pay amount of inti r. st or pnncipal.The CITY mt ( Ol NTY BONDS are laried. In each

osse. by virtue of Special Acts of the proper Legislature,fiaiitm^ full power kir that punu.se. and en a direct vote ofthe fople lute-listed, that vote being largely in favor of theirtattle.The laws nnder which theae Bonds are created require the

proper authont-s to make a SPECIAL LEVY of TAXKSIÖ be SET APART exclunvi-ly lor the purpiwe of meetingthe acrnuug interest, and gradually to reiinlnirse the princi¬pal, winch «ran be enforced through the courts of law, shouldIt become necessary.Tb.ee debts ope ate in the nature of a mortgage, on

real and pereoual estate* witluu the respective City iCounty limitsThe new Constitutions adopted by the aeeple of Ohio i

Indiana, prohibit absolutely the creatioa of any funded debtby C ounties, within then bouudajiea Thu will prevent afurther Issue of securities of this sort.

I': Mad Kxlnbita, iu each caee, can be had on applicefJrsaat our office, giving full and detailed mfurtuation as to theI.lure ai eac h security.

WIN8LOW, LANIER A CO, No. 52 Wall-stNew-York, April 20, ldfÄ.


GRINNELL L CO. will tame drafte of Rl sterling and up.ward, payable at eight to any town throughout Great Britalaand Ireland8\\ ALLOW-TAIL LINES of LIVERPOOL and LON-

DON PACKET-SHIPS.. Pereona wlthm« to have theftfriends hmught out in either of the splendid pecket-ehipeoem-aoelng Uie above Linea, which sail regularly on the nth andSlat days of every montb from Liverpool, and every elternatThursday from Umdon, (thereby avoiding delay,) erlU pleasapply to the only authon« J Agent* in tb'seitj.

BOWMAN, GRINNELL 1 CO,Office No S3 South-et, New-York, am

FEN WICH CHAMRERS. Penwich-et, Liverpool.N. B..\\ hen paaaengert decline ooiiung, the money will

be returned w ithout deductionLiverpool Packets leave New-York on the (th and 2let ol

each month London Packets leave Now- York every alter»aele Thursday. For passage apply a* above

T~H E G^A L E N A and CHICAGOONION RAILROAD.The Galena and Chicago Rail-

read. eaMMayatai at the Cars af Ckaaafe, m the State of Uli-neu. run. to Kreera.rt, in Stephensoo County, a dlatance of110 nnlee, at a ich point it connect* with the GalenaBranch ol the lUUMBI Central Railroad, now being construct-eo >o Gai-api and Dubuqur, in the State of Iowa, oa theMississippi River.Ai a point thirty miles wett of Chicago It connects with

Uie Aurora Biaiich Railroad now in operation thirteen milea,and which is about being extended by that Company to theUliuvia Ceatral Kailneul at a rxnut sixteen mile* north ofthe Illinois Rivej Ai Chicago. It* eastern trrin niu. It Wl.j

i ' . eritk the Michigan Central and the Michi¬gan RaaMfcaaM Railroad*, constituuag part of the main chainot Railroad'me 'rem the AtlanQc ciuee to tae Mi**i**ipplRiver and the North-west.The It,,ad is now rompleted aad in operation etghty-roiar

milta, eight mile* from tiie Uiwn of Rockford, on the RockRtver, ui whu b place the work is in active procreat. and itwill I«. completed und put in operation ky the 1st da, ef Au-¦vat next, the iron lur (AM section af ilie K.«d beiug now oathand 1 be remain.ug p.trtu>c of the work will be put aodefconti act ty the *Vth May uext, and probably be completed byJ ..: s. 9

Tbj* IIRmbI t'oiitral Railroad Company announce rtehstate ot progress a* ta have the eoonectn.g link from Freeportto ibr Misaiteippi completed early in the fall of 1UAIke giade* upon the road are eaav. the ruling grade weet

ke'.ng 3f> fed in the mile, and east 15 feet to the mile. Theentire coat and equipment of the road will be about

! fiJ** ayittl paid iu Is $715,001, aad a!. ul.c: an. ¦.!.: . aK ut k.~.m.i has been e4skaMra«aa\ t>utnot yet oalWd in. Tliere are bond* ouuttandiiig aa follows-.¦*7<w* divvaioo bond*, due let June. Uoi; A}!.1**! depotboodsi and. $147.000 j^ond division housla The nad was

i sp***"10 EltHn oa the Fox River, a dietaace of 42 miiea inthe m.uith of February. I&V. and compieted and opened taiu preerui point of teruimu* on the the ihth day of M.rci. las).Th* »ari-'hgs af the neui Re the eleven arontha. from May Ll»l, B» ApsH I, IAA2, were #;« .W expeiiere for the earnsfcn.e. t*J -vl.nii.i.i.og dum« that time an average dietanceOl » nulee. The ean.u^a for the correaiv^dini eleveamonth, m itia, '51, were $11U,(«2, on a diatance run of Umilts*-.T,h!l,*i0- f «»-r the month of March last we#.17.00. .

The Company, by reai.luricei of Uth Deeamber 1S.M ta-thotiaed aa waue of $800.000 of boode for the construction of

lir ['. 'rorn Rock fort to Freepert.These bond* beat interest at 7 per cent, and are pavable ntten years Horn date ef weue ; and lot the peyroent of pnael-pal and interest, the property aad revenue* of the Companyare pledged. The mtereet and principal ef theae bond* arepayable in tlie city of New-York, and the mtereeteirni-annu¬ally k, coupons attached, on the 1st of February and Augustin ea.1i year. This i»ue it the Saal Maua of the Com^iytoi the rv'tiatraetioB of said Railroad. .

A portion of the bond* hare been negotiated aad a fartheramouut are now ottered for sale, which may be obtained oatpi . n to Mrears. Duncan, Sherman a Co., banker* lathe nrv of New-York, at whose banking-touse the eemi-annual oilereet oa the bonds will hereafter be paidTb* ample reeoarca* of toe country tbro-ub which thia

ftnetaam. to sustain a Raihuad,have been fully demonstratedby the revenue* of the Road thu* tax ; and when it «hall beconnected aitb the Mimisuippi River, lormiog a main hoe ofcommmiiceboa froci Lake 51:. buan with the country ou v-.iupper M.iaiaupi l, ana ertnguig it thiooitb (be heart of thelead je|iua, .i uot> k c iAu~u.cu.iy eat.mated to diaw a Uafic,

«_mrh..,l to in cart *-cond to do road tn thi« ermntry.Krt^Ä R'-d. end tneee-^nincreae*fr^^extenau^ fjHi Rr«d »nd f.wth_of the countryfestssM toU, render, the M reiw od«*red .t*.*j <* .

most nndoubtable character..New-. orb. A ml it, IsVidom undouweme car

j(j||N B. TURNER Cr - t

OrriCE OF THE WlLLIAMSRCtCH fr»S LlGHT Co. >Tuesday, Ma. 4, I»«. I

THE Directors have thi«* «lay declared» ». mi anno*) Dividend 4 Five. Par Cent, on the eapi-

ImJ Cock of the Company; which will be o*'d o tbe> stock-be indem, or Ibe'r legal re >reeenfetl*»a. st th« ofBce of theConianiv. on six! slter the itth inst L. P l%VU P.AN'D.Secretary.


FUR KALE -|!" '» lot th-'rv mi Dsieupe-rt. low» B <n.ls.hsritt'm yean to run, sod |t8,<W of the ritt of Peru. II-hns-i* Bonds, having tw. rt» jesrs to rnn. both h-»rvn inter»«t *t I" ter trpt. ner »mein, aod gnv*veed by the t'hics-|to »r,d Rsk Island Railrotd C< mrany. Further partic il-ar*mat be knrwn it srp tfng '« E. W. CLARK DODUEk CO., No M VVsJUt e r a* W II aia.

THE PR ES! DENT and DIRECTORSof the Bowery Rank bare THIS DAT declared s

dividend of four M) p*r rent, on the Capital Stock, pavahleon end after the l<th inst The Transfer Books, sr.ll heclosed to the 8th inclusive..New-Vork. Mav I. IMZ V*,order. N. O. BRADFORD. Cashier

ft'MM il lilifi^ BOURBON, FA V-V *ar" '»vn TV ETTF. AND HARUM COUNTYand CITY OP MAYSVILLE (Kentucky) BONDS .Messrs. Gilbert A Johnson. Insurance B-i Id nts. '-Viilia.o-suOffer for sale Two Hundred Thousand Dollars of the Six e-i

Cent Bonds of the above Counties and City, ajritfc interest

Soupon*. psvahlr »eiiii-annuellv, in the City of New-York.Trie Bond's axe fur fl.'ssi each, the principal refmhursabis

In l8fil. in the dry sf IWw-Torm.These Bonds were issued to the Maysviile and Levlnstos

Railroad Company, in pavnieut of st-.k tti!»*r.riptJou* to thairoad, made by the above Counties and City by authority of svote of ths people, unanimously in tbe City of Msysville,and by heavy majorities in the Counties.The" Road to which the Bonds are issued ta «utty-ei*ni

sides laksj and connects the Titles of Msvtvijie oo tfie t >hicRivet, sod Lexington in Payette County. The estimate*!sost of the work is ll.44o.0i"1. And the stock suhsc: tpttons are

already tl.ftU.1! IThe ClSSSfllS of Bourbon. Payette sad Mason, are all r c

¦lens and wealthy. The soil is unsurpassed in fertihry in anyeonn try, and the potiulsfion it LrttelliAeest, lasfsaaTsnsaMMasssfllltlsl The Auditor's Report for Ml, exhibits the fol-lowins statistics of wealth and population

Taxskle Property. Population.Rourbon.il l,<s4l.7H7 17,*4

Payette. 17.7Vi.785 25.172Mason.9.IM.o48 24.8S3

The above Counties are entirely not of debt, sweep'"'* >i

RtsArlaTSSavf Bailioad auherriptinM. anKsinting to !!..£?".*'for which they hold an equal amount of Railroad stock TheCity of May*rille has a population of »l«iut lSBk\ and eat¬

able property to the amount of $1.o<si.i»Si It is the point,on the Ohio River, in the County of Mason, of transhipmentfor the whole north-eastern section of Kentucky, of in*r-

ahandiae and produce point inward and irotward.and underthe influence of the system of roads now eonverruie upon It,and aWWAssJCSSBSwettoSSI with all trie rich central region* of

Kentucky, and with the principal lines of Rail way runningsouth still north, the itv must rapidly rise »i ti,:«iii~s*. j» ip-slallon and wealth. Msvsville jim now a debt nf fjii etti,bot has means to the amount of |7l.«»*». and s revenue of

p^.issi. in IsMtSsf the tax for Railroad ptirposes This m-

iehtedness is based oo a capital of fBi.tltsW, as exhibit**!5V the Assessor's book*, wbicb doe* oot give more than two

thirds of the actual valueTbe constirutionaiiiy of the issue of these Bonds bss bees

siürmed by the Circuit Court and Court of Appeal* of theState of Kentucky, which forever settle* that que*non Th*Court of Appeals decided thsr their collection can be en

forced by writ of mandamus, and the individual property ofevery citiren *ubjected to the payment.The Kentucky member* of Congrssr* certify to the perfect

security of these Bond*, and Mr. Clay adds hi* testimony t*

their value. He says:"These three Counties are among the nchest 1 believe;

excluding letJer*on, they are the three richest in that State.The Bonds tue executed under the anthonty of the Legislt-ture, and it* power to trant that authority ha* been recentlyaffirmed by the hithetrt judicial frihonsl In Kentucky I en¬

tertain no donht th»r the onncinsl and interest ot the Rnndarespectively, will be punctually paid t* they become dueBuch it my confidence in the «afety of inve«tment tn the**Bonds, that if my property were all converted into them, fSheuld leal perterrly »ecure.

" I am, with hish reipect, your obedient servant," H. Cl-AT."

A fnll printed exhibit may be had at the ofli-e of the on-

aVrtirned.Theee Bond* offer one of the best perfectly safe avenues of

Investment now before the publicOILHKRT a JOHNSON. In»urance Batldini*. WilUam-«

~J?Y~I)RA FTS PI > R SALE <m theCv I Union Raak nf Lamina

h, Cstl Rsnkin* Co. "» Ireland.National Bank of .'Scotland.

We are, hy »peci»! *nt)ionty. »uttinn/ed to issue Drafts on

the above Bank*, payable at aiakt. sn<i in sums trom £1 up¬ward. TAYLOR BROTHERS,

No. 78 Wall »t. corner of Pearl-«t.

CAA LAND WA R RA NTS WANTED.Pvl' f .Of the F onda and 1812 Wars, and also of il-Mexlran War. lbs erhieb liie bishesl cash price wiil lie paid,also Illinois Patent* of th. War of imi. by O. O. SiiCVELDT, No-3 NassHii-rl i doom limn Wal!-*t.

QakB brj Qlnction.Col.R A 0NILTON, Auctioneers.

ASSIGNEE'S HAJJE of VALUABLELIGHT WAOONS-The .ii'sicnber will e-ll, at

MONDAY. May 17, *t il o'clock v M., on ti e partakes*comer of tth-av. snd l&ld st Harlem, s larie lot stt tastt.iitlil Buysv Waaoit*, with tops and without, particularly(uiled tor lli« ('(liforui* and Boutltern trade, heiua ttiornuskl> buih, and slmosl entirely of iron aud steel.

II. fj. JL'DD, Assignee.

A~~V'ALUABLE PRtJPERTY torSAlsE..The uiidersifued. Co iiiuissioiten, legally appjtuied

hv lirtue of an ad el the Legislative, entitled, "An act 1stthe r.ikcoiilinusuce, ic of the Hoiice of Refute of the Stattof New-JeT*ey piuaed ni.d aiipo>»> d Mard JS. isi^." will ofinst Pi in, Siit toks kytatoaTHURRDAl, tkaTWBMTY-POURTH of JI'NE next, tt the hotirof one o'clock. Pkl Ht tin- Inn of 'lhr,Ml.<rr tUwt, t» h f.VOÖ /'" V, MtsktstSri < ,au tv ami Siste *furesstd. sil the Itud Hnd prern.se»known .. ihs HOUSE OP REPUOE FARM *icuste aiK «tat< i. am! hounded by IkihI* of the t'ainde" and AinboyRailtt ad Conipans on the south, the public mad leading fromthe R R »ittiiii on the wist, Elijah St-mt, E*t).. and other*on the north and esst, rontaitiint *eventy-»eveii acrea unrr01 le**. together with the unßmthrd M.mr t'.diflct ss wu de-kianesl for s House of Refuge with other buildings, consutin*ol barn, thed*. Ac and sll other improvements and appurte¬nance* thereto beltuigit-g. Thi* property, in point of locality,its contiguity to the H*ilroa.l l»-tween the CjMsB sf N*wYork ai d Philadelphia, (requirm* the time little STSt tSSSbour* to and horn either city) its proximity to the Delawareand Rarittn CbVaL will.in the distance ofotir-halfol a mile,and tlsmt three imies fiom I'nn, eton, its healthy position,si d by h\diauhc rnms mpplied with s copious tod sbundantstrj'p v of pure and soft water, (tt no tune known to las di-nui.islied in it* quantity, however great the droutli of a as*-asav) its adapts! um t itSMat tor a desirable country seat, a aem-ii ary of Irarniag, s u.' itary acadcuiy, a msnutactoiY to hedriven by steam, or any *ther institution whart-ver. present*»seit as |ie*ae**iug very rouitnetidside ornpertiea lurncientto colt the attention of the public to the value aud importanceof obtaining a property rarely to oe acquired in the purchaseand aale ot landed rtttte*, and to which the public are re¬spectfully invited to give their attention a* directly in vnwOf the travel over the Rnilroad, between the two cine* ofNew-Vork and Philadelphia via Treutos and New-Brune-w n-k.Terms of payment will tie liberal, and made known at the

time ot aale, with every previ tv information required, byspi hcat.i u to cibbsi ot tbe under.isnetL


Trenton. N J., Mty8, 1352. t .uiuijaioiiera

BA. M. Mtawirs, Aocnoooer.

y bangs brother & co.Trade Sale Rooms, No. ii Park-row.DVVstiW. SnitLtv, AuctioneerRUGOISTS1 and perfumers'GLASS.i<Si packages ITJBSDAT, May IL at 1«

0 -k a- No . iiti-et, taithout reeerve, on acredit, over|KHl, consisting of | lint and Oreen OLss* Species. Prsscnp-tiona Lubms, Ovals, Parktn| Bottle*, Colotnes, At. audmust be sold to psy sdvauce*.

P. Col ton. Auctioneer.


kr kC.P. COI.TON u U ar.l this DAY, ,T«»*davMay II, at \ o-cUrk. at Uva Auction Rootaav No V* h-ask-1 tl . . vry latge ai.d dasiral-Ie easortuient of PrenrhPl-te Olaasea of v».ioo* BsSM, the, ,r* Pier and Maatle, tago. d gilt and rc-wwiaal ira-ur. Also. . very largeasson n- M

ri TbJ*Vr^ aUT!L' lu*^« Ca-pet*. Oil( lotts of all width, aad pattrtn* Akro, aotXtt% rtthl ¦of vanou. pattema This Sals -ill a»«rd a ,.« opportun* ,for all wIh- are lu want of ettbar Ulssset or Csrpett tactlogtava ready at I o'clock, whea food* can be etAJained. Nof'sl! *ii ' nt !. ant count.

XAnthony J Blceckea AucnooeerARGE tvr>d 1VMT1VK §ALE of 126J DFMRABLE BfTI.DINt. LOTS BJ- tl lsTl l V8ljt kTED for IMMEDIATE IMPROVEMENT om Idand f.b-ai*, and oo imh, iwKb, and I'Hat^r. ',. .

" A' ^loN'i.^rHONY"j.sfg^as*s«: Sa^tSÄ i^thcL^ bidder, tbe dZ^lZ^tc

"rWO-Oy.^Pl forwiin. tl. entire block of'Skotus! aYoswoew by 3dsiv.. 4»h-*v_ l.a»h ,ad !"'r-«ra.Alee. A." lor* of ground bounded by Jd inA srh c_Siek sad 1Withers *na stn-*v*.. and by1 tie above lot* are all of full star, «n k«».«-.*.ii_ _. .

fort^Bunnaws,*. ^i^^JVnieaia to purchase a fine budding lot. f.C. .

n^se rate and profitable .nvr«,,^ " *« ^itahsu tu

It is high jioui.d. and cemmane* a »plenohd v.e-0r thePast R'.i rr. Tbeie is i.ro»»bly *mm^mbLu^, .. ,

the , mm* kaWUtS .beSjSÄkÄa^ino doaU la- soid to sdrantajre, ,v,r ni!ui|| ^ .-_*^' fabove, and in tbe tnirtwdlete vicinity.

V ' hw ""^It is situated a tew street* above tbe center of . -

a .a \ .01 * frkvll^.

niairniis-rtv usdn.lrably knrated for rnaatiavehlrin.postal saw buaiuesa operations; its close druiJt?cp.j3 HsvAStJ BWBS H^lTJd«SSWs*5gr.»t iu j.ito. erneirta, reradera « veryAssuwtaVsJiLd k^l.c*~l,|'» ^^^«Uytutneiow^rsirt^?^city, snakes it very convenient for persons #lJni~eVsgrn town, or tar the workungnian or lueciianic.1 his prcperty all ires bj one body, and f urn m a»*e«lisr la.cation and atlventages rreut soon become * r talisV^^.V^trers.rfatt part of oar citv. and its purt^sseTsioot bor LT?*!n . *rrj PtuMsMe lnw^earaito/ aaiArai^Title perfect ai d tree trom all l^a^b^scaie.

....«.' -ci' Hsa-r* a.

!rsIW'i h' * T' ,l b P*1 erQl-TV saJewill he prsjtn-e. and all of the 1» lots willwUks-atreserce to ibo kithest ksoder. ""sruibesoUFor f.-rthrr [ trtit .¦!»:» |wh u, BsastAj,,^ u aiEftS^ tUi:" ^ »^voTrv^ta*.

R. C. Kr.nr. Anrtinne»er.

LARGE and POSITIVE SALI <»fELEGANT n RNlTt he. PI aWi-Forte-v Ck%

Pk.TS. Ac, by order of Mofgag-e end others. f..r wvicn'twiav on<»rn on TOMORROW end TOlfRSOAt, si 10th!«(* . mrh dav, at the larg- Hsll. N'o. 5** rlnadwef. for¬merly the Chiue.e Mosen n between Spring end Prinee-sta,on 4 months credit, fur all sums over $J*> for setutactory in¬to.r*. ri notea.R f KFMP will tell at snetvw as eh.ve. or order of

nx rfgafre aid othe a, a large end valuable c illevtioo ofhai d* n r Roesud ard Mah «s«\ CfcbMket Kimirure of thebest qua try. ria»K«aTo te* rich arprtii.g* and other linuse-faniiskif ( anicb s, all of wh«h will fa- p»»itiv,|y *>M with-trat nKP», end pr. a rifj a rareopp.rtiii.iry for the Tsde n*t'ls Ii d b"ti«ea -'i ers to «uj.pl, themselere with the meetd« SM aide r. srnofii n of g.<orle The furniture ha« ail beeunitre in the, Isd and in>»t sähet*' rial ineouei. ft Cot bsb>torn trade, ai d con-isianf a lair*" a m sol-ndid aatortm-.itofn I l> arv^d Row w.asl. Ma viany and alack We'uu rVlir.fiioii g Room. Lii rtrj a>d Cbtinhrr Pur-iilare. oomnnaiuaevert Blili la of ri-g-JOe and utnitv found lu toe Urge andfashf. t able » srernoM S.

I IANO-FORTE*.-TeneupeiiorR.es»a- eel riTa.i 7 «uvePiai «-F..ri's. fr. ni <irv mains of gced repute ;ou, and ail ofwhich a i'l I»- fnliv aai e>.ted tlie same a* artaWJ e Id at pn-tale sale. Tl .-r I'lanos »rr paitn uan^ w..rt'.v tbea'ten-tion i f tboee in want of rood inatr'iai-ut* at Mesdaa paces.

t AftPETINoS.. «.Iso, rich Royal WiIlou. T**>-etry.Breese I* lb e.-pU and Int'aiu Carpe'inaa. wuu u ire particu¬lar \ woitl J tl.. sttrnlion of houaektepe'tCm iis punbased to g . out of the city can be packed for

al i| puift at a reasonable charge. Catalogues uu morning olsale.


I). S HoluH, Auctioneer.

LARGE SALE nf elegtml New andS-n.. d bard Funilnre. Carpets. Oil Cl ha. Mattin«,

kc on V\ } PN r SPAY, 12-h bast. at K>J A. M.. at No. N»¦». ?t. an »t. einb-acit.gevrrv /anety of goods neeeeesry to

Hoesekeepers. Catalogue* this evening. Further'perticilareto-morrow.


M. B. Bl'TLCa, Auctioneer.


St ucr-sL (dw Hist) the rrte-rr* ol ThoV Bails, Che'a. Gott.Cl arltslJe \\ etmsyer. \ ictoMi.e Orunzig. Emily Rosa andother it testates consisting of Furniruie, Beds and Ridding.Carpetng. Mafoeai.y Bure»ns Mahogany Ts'dee. FrenchRedete ana Sole Beosteaa*. male and female Clothing.TrunAs,Chett.. Cold anii Silver Watch'*. Chains, Jewelry. M A'»xBtM «t i. dir, Dr.-mi « Case Hv ord-r of JA'S. S.TrlAVKR,Public AC.n.iiiistraior. No 7 Naseau-st.

R. W WawTOOTF, A'ufinm er.

CJPECIAL sali: ol HOUSEHOLD»3 FI RMTI RE. THIS ilAY. a' lOoVlock. A M . »t V ,.

Itti On ei-w nb-av.. the fumi'ure of a family leavi g the ity,coi.-iitn.g ol Mali' ^aoy and WaJmn Kuva;ii MsrMe- opTables ana Washstands. |i superior Car|» is. Sofa*. S .fa B d-ttiad*. Mab, «anv. \\'ekaat aid Mapl. CMrs, Wahtal a idbU\lr rl.dsteeds. Red*. Hair Matrn-sw-e. MaaWfaM R- k.'rs.Miiror«, Clotks, Presen s and Pai.cy Tables. Giraudol-a,lvi ij Cutl. ry. OiMi.gand TeaTahles, tliil and SoUr Lam a,4 Mai bit-top Run aus. with a large quantity af Kirciien Fur-i,..i.;. Sale jXaltive, ra.ii or shine.

Thomas Astes. Auctioneer.


on \\ I PNE.-PA V. May 12, at l'«j oVI. ck. at No. 3 Nesavi-¦t, a superior assortment of standard Dwarf and otherRneet; also Green-houee Plants in bloom. -Vc, the last andmint attractive sale of the season, from J. B. MAN IT,Flonit.

AamiM t J. B r.rcKra. Auctioneer


in usted on Alh and nth-avs. and on lAlet, Udd. l.i.i titthandIieug four and a Imli aattta BtucA* ofGround, in the

center of Harlem Sale positive to the highest bidderANT HONT J. BLEECKER will sell st suction, on TUEAVDAY. May \IAi. at i: .,'cU a. ar the Merchants' Et¬ch at ge, tiie following very deanable property, comprisingthe most beaatllU ptut ta the estate of the la.e CharlesHeavy Hall, ski72 fine Inn on.g lots, forming the entire block of ground

bounded by lodlh »nil l^'nli-sta. and by *th and Sth-ava.Also, ~l building lots, iieing the eutire block bounded by

ISÜd and I34ih-*ts and Vh and ri b avs

Alai, 72 \ te. leaska| tks wimie hlock *f ground boundedby Id'.'d and iXid-«ta, and hy Stb and Hth-avs"Alai. 72 lota, t ie eut re bbx-.k laiunded by 131st and 1 t2d-

s s ami be the 6th and tith-aveAI.... ofi bes. the entire half of the block bounded by 19 'th

aad ifflat-ata, son ttk aadl Rtk are. c& of the sane fronting aalUisl-st., 4 on the ,1 h. and 4 on the Htb av

The abavea lata aie all full sit.-. hraiitifuHy sttna'ed forImmediate improvement, and a* the giounrj it free trom

roeka Cry lewl.ai rig'aded by nature.it is admirahly adaptedfor buildli g pu'poses

Bttaatrd in the center and most desirable part of Harlem.extremely h.althv, and free tioiti mdsancea, coimnandingviews unsurpassed for beauty.bs-ated but a short disttorerrom Iba Railmad Station, with access to the city almoetevery hall hour of the da, at lares of only 6ic and andasaea less n, o ¦aaatatlaa.they are, wrh,,ut aVaaat, the

most cboice and de* rgb e lola lor private res'deuce* on theisland.So large a portion of the Real Estate now ntiered for sale at

auction is withdrawn, unless it bring* the owners' estimateot its raise, it It geaaasd proper tn träte, that tins enure

piojeity will ee sold to the highest bidder, and under no car-

enmstar ces whatever will a single lot be withdrawn.There wiil not probably occur again wnhio ten years, a

.ale where such *afe, profitable end judicious investment ofcapital car. be madeThe title is pertoct. ard free from all tneumbrancea The

detds w.il he die unual Trustees' Px.eds, with covenant*ags iigt the grant, rs' own act,Ewiy puichaa r will he funiuhed, free of charge, a pnntad

aiairtct el the ikla prepared by D. P. Hall. Y.»\1 be asm ot the saje will be very liberal to the pnrchaaer.

a* 70 per cent, ot the purchase mouey can remain on boudand mortgage tor three years.

b"t maps ginng tbe exact dimensions of each lot, artd nor»bill partkulars, ai ply to the Auctioneer, No 7 Broad St., at

or to OF.O P. TALMAN, Trustee, No BS Wali-.t,

A. C, TCTTfca. Aurtioneer.


Auction, at lOt/etoek, No +>J Brisnne tt, (corner of M-r-crr-st.) being ih- stock of Joeepb Semiaar. A. CTDTTLKwill sell ss tlrnir. wnbout reserve, for raah. the enure *tockof rew aid el^g»;i' Bn»ewood and Parlor, Hall, Li irary andBeere, in Eeraitttre, of tte manuf .cture of Joseph Sommer,Bfkkh anil be ararrarrted of the beat cl%«s and latest «tyle, at-forCing a fine chance tor housekeepers aid others.

Henry T Leeds, Auctioneer,

Y\7HX SKLL at hia larjre new StlekvT a Reoaa. No ra Cham^ers-st.. near Broadway, on

WEDNESDAY, at I0 O'tilnak. althoat re*e-rve. s large a»-

aastaasaa of second hand and new Household Furniture,among which will be found a kinds of useful a* well as

eraaaaeatal Parlor, Cbankar and Dming-mora Furmt ir-'

S<'ss. Cl «i". Bedatsada, C*r|iet*. Mirrors, fan-y paintedtables. Mahogany, Marrib-nip, ('enter and Sofa Tables,Boek.ase« Draal Bunan*. Olaw and Plated Ware, Canevseal ( hairs. Bm kers. Vc all of which must he add to s-ttlein estate, and is well worthy of the attention of those in

want of good lloiisefuniishiug Article*. Catalogues on themorning of tale. Sale without regard to the weather.

,TM. S. M< ILVAIN A: CO., An. tion-eera, will sell THIS DAY. at tbe Seed Store No. 7

J. hn-tt, at II \ o'clock, a fine culle.-tion of Roses Carna¬tions. Panties. Pahlias. Verben,*. Tiihero*e«, kc. kiaV, ii SBJ. A. I' Headerauu's, Jersey City. Catalogue* uu the morn¬ing of tale.

II. FsaaiMCTo«, Auctioneer.CAA CA8E8 BOOTS. SHOESWvv uti RttOOANsV-Oa Friday, May 14, at HHo'ebak A M at tbr store of B.CHAMBERLAIN. No. MPearl at. New York1 ka sul«. rr er as con.-tantly on hand a large and well

assorted tto k, adapt, d bc'.'i toi tbe city and country trade.

A vv CaMI-, AucUonaet.

.\(U \ CASES BOOTS, SHOEi*l/UU and BROGANS.Go TUESDAY, at 1» o'oicas*A. M..A large aasortmebt for Spring trade

Ala*, a prime stock at all time* for private sale, at lowesteaab prices, at ths store of A D GALE, No. 'JUS Pearl asee-i.er ,,f P'ntt-st.. Hew.York


U K NAN KEENS..Superior Indict-Blee Naukeens for erne, by NESMITH A CO..


No. S8 Broad-et. and ¦ New

ANTILLAS Rt REDUCED PRICES.E. S. Ml 1.1..*» No o Courtlandt-et., uear Broeitway,

N. Y, begs kkV - ka turn hi* r.ustouien and usereliant* gen¬erally, that la coeequeuce ot (be race-i.l rsaSaTsta Miee,aadtlie great reduction in tfsr pnoee of Black Silks and Trimming*. be I» now itirni t his >tnuut etyleg ol Msntillss atgreatly reduced y, ice*, and invites the particular attention ofaealrra. to call and examine 11.em heloie purchaeing, a* theassortmeut comprises all the laahiorable Broadway styles, atprices trom tl u- Ii >.together with tbe usual stock ofSpring Shawl*of all kinda,

ONE WE E K LONGER.Anut erweek has. by On urnstaiicea been granted to

the bow fry lAVINOR STORE.\\e,b»li kaaaaaVlad .abi.. ugh with some iucoueenlencel'

to contin'ie. ur salee: the tearn g down of the building*- aa ha« already c.nnnie., ed nut Hie mason sasures US

it at wr ikall i.ii (». raachtd baaure -at,.rda, the l>n HastIT Bl iMi 0» THE UTMOST kÖV tNTAOE

io n* to reduev on eroek. end in paieuanee of our rosuJutionto do h'we ih*,l th * w-ek it. r STsak inducements aa wulpertuade all wn» rail to pur-..ia**>

NO MVllEtt «HAf THE SACRIFICEmay be. we »hall 11 ee our

'. Mtawtt Cashmere Shawls,F-vneh lawns, Barege de Lnoea,Light Silke. Fr-nch Baresea,Diape,, Muslins, Fine Li u-us,Prhtta, White Kl tnuela,.^s * . B uiuee,Ln.ea Drill«, AI a. at.

and all other artklea we have nn baud; snd we o nise thatin a Iucuaee t f S;<> th- caeioo.er cau make fn.m rise to tif-teen do.iara. \\ e soaviI not prohsUy be opa-n again .aflireJulc ; but wben we do. we shall open on an extensive nlanand on ar ent.rel> new principle.,me. heretof < never *-!. r-

ed. and which, ae feel <i,nrid» nt. must seaweed and ke»oa«Mpopular I r it wal sa above board, fair, bonorable. and ta ailICS V ale i. '.»f.. t. -v


F. W. A W F. GILLEYA CO.. No 1*5 Bowery.

SEAMLESS BAGS.Manufactured Rtthe Stark Milk, Msnrhester. New-Hampshire, fir sale

by NESMITH a CO., No ¦ Broad-et and M New-at.

rpo THE LADIES..E. H. NEWMANJL respectfully announces that be ha, opened a' N , tg>5Bnadway. near #h *t. an entire new dock ot Lace andMeahx. Embicidenea, which both in style, qnthty, a iJ ,'ow-nest of price, u equal to any thing ever ottered.

THE PUBLIC SENTIMENT eti^bdat^rally exprvas-d to ragara to Clothiugj purchsend of J

K. HoRA a CXI..Ii ha* I. ng bean a source of sansracnoa tehave e< mpharents coatiaaali> pouring in rroui Che city andcountry.Onretotaof leady-made CL4JTHINO has b-en eoclr-,,

replenished wuk a nuAg^rbcent assortment of Spring andSummer Good*, selected with care and jrid^oeat, which are

made in the hrmt possible rranrer, and are selling at a era**miurfrim bt?«w obi rumpen Cur*.

m> n who pr»i*r hav'tea the,/ gartn, ntt ruede to e*>

aW cjui b*vr their wish graiibed, .< we «-.- p rouscatirlv a

st-l. i Hid «w nu.ei.i . I (.loth* aud <«wa,oere* au 1 int C .?.

let ba* srimr.rd * Arft** of cutuuf iltmwt er tain to plait**the dm»I »astldlou»We alas krei i ¦ '»

J. K HORA k CO V N .an «;

Pilween Ku.ton aa4 Jullii *t>

(J-cetin Steamcre, £"c.K C H AR L ESTO N.. SEMI

I. WLIKLl S M HI. MM. ie t.voi. veam-

fl ip SOI THKKNVK. W. F--etrr. 1 laaaWWajaff. will le«»epier No.*. North River, on WEDNFHUY. Mat 12. at 4¦/clock. I* M, precis- iv Fol r-uhr a..ply or* Nis.4 sjasf fafflasssgeto SPOFFORD. TfLESTOM A CO,1 ' No 43 SouJi-st,The MARION will follow on the IMh May.


IX)R l.l» ERPOOL.Dfam»ric Line.Parket of aM May .The «piendid «ud ra.ott'e Deck



etahtp SIDDUNa. t ant L J. Brira*. enUaatl *«*i«overegular Hay Fl r f.» t«\t "i ps*«asi. having .jpenor accoi

saodaiu n*. apt!v on boa.-d at pier No. !4 Esst River, or to


FOR SAN FRANCISCO DIRECT..The Dew twit*, did s-d fei>r s*iiiu» *hip JAMES

DRAKE.CapCaio mihi.luore, wtl %jA forth* tVjve porton or alvoi.t the «tan inUant.For i asrag". <»1' . er freight being eng.ged,I applV to

BaNJPFORD, TILESTON A. t u, Nu 4d South-et,

FORSA N FK A N ( I St t > IT KSDA V,June lo.The *p'ei did new -lout, e enxlne steamship

CITY OP PITTsKI ROH, 2,40» tnn* burtnen Wm C.8tote*bur>. Commander Tbl* (plendid s'-aiudip baringondersoneexien.'ie alteration* to «uit her for the trade and

to make her *ccoiiiauid*tioti**ti|,enor to any st-aiieyr on thePacific, will tail tor San Francisco, as alsive, touehin* at VaJ-

paraiiai and i'anan a Her *r*te-ris-in«*re Urse and airy, andher ster rase ace inmodatlon» »re »upenor to vo steamshipad, at. having ahnt dance of botb light and an. a* well a* aa

estra bight between clerks It t* coutidently exr.cied »liewill wake 'he passage to San Francisco in a* «hört « tune a*

It ha* hewn ms/ e by say steamer, thus odenng to families,snd to Ibinw «hü desire their comfort, a much pleanniereonvevance than by the cmwdedateainer* via Chajres, as onlya limited number of pasaenge-* will he taken.

itartu or msSAiil.In Lede*" Saloon.|*«3In tlentlenien'* Saloon. 250Iti Steerage. 2B0

Apilv !.. rHOMAl) RICHARDSON, No o Excrianie-place. New i ork mmi No . Walnut st, Philadelphia.

IM)R LIVERPOOL..I" riited Sfatesi Mail «te*u *J te B vi.'I It', t ant J.awph .1 Corn.at.a-k.-Ttn* ttesmer w ill depart with the D. S M*tl*fot Kurope BOSS-

lively on SATURDAY, May 15. St 12 o'clock M, from beiberth st the R*M of Canal-ft No berth secured till paidfor Por freight or panaage, having unequaled accommoda¬tion* for elegance and comfort. at'P1? w

i.DM K COLLINS h CO , No. M Wall stTheeteam*hip ATLANTIC will »ueeeedthe BALTIC o d"

sa May 25». IBM.

T?OR SA^. FRA NC1S( X)..DispatthHail IHsIa lonm Pa*»**;e in the ap.'enc id half clipper

¦hip El IZA MALLORY, *t Pis* Ha Z East River, maybeh«.t »or *i *' Ship m Mill on the l.'th mat. Iuinedvateap¬plication it oece«*ary a* but »?w benli* remain.

E B SI'TTON. No K4 WalKst

L^OR-PORT PHILIP. AUSTRALIA^ .DIRK T.The »plendid clipper ikcf 111LIN AC»Pt. Cava, will «all from Nrw-V.nk on 2."h!i of Mav

N. L a O ORISWOLD. No. rj.S,Mith^t.For height or paewye *ppl> only to

h SSKLL k NORTON. No. 31 Old .lip,or to ELLIOT, ARKKLL A CO No He Pearls».

Tbl» rlup kartof owäva*! kj the *auie parties, is «uheatutedfor the Panama aTaakss more extenaite »cc.iinm.aiatiotuiwinch are aeu.irahlv adapti d for bWSJOSBBWl and conveni¬ence of families, both in brat and second cabin*


An san Francisco, vi* Aswiaasii Rarj B*y, (nearChagte* 1.The neat and aplei.itid double engine atea-n

.hip SIERRA NEVADA, I,*** tun* burthen J. D. VVH-stm, F*u, Cunimander. will leave foi Aspinwall N*vvBay, diiect, on MONDAY. May 24. at 3 o'clock, from h-r

Sier. No 3 North River, to ,-, nnect st Panama with tt.^ITortts steamship NEW-ORLEANS, I H A. kley, Mas

ter. These steamers have un»urnassed *.v-otnmodatlons Rsjpaater.gei*, and ate kottCS ventilated than any to the, tradeThe 'able* ar» (upplied with every comfort, both for theCabin »ud steerage pa**eiiier» An expeo-n, -uri.-mi i*

attaahed to each «htp. The Panama Railroad ia now In oper¬ation, running daily to within a fsw miles of Oorsona Paa-»engers will ie landed at the Company's depAt at Aspinwall,free of expenseRlTBSOr Ksse.FirttA'ahin, $2V». Second Ckfm, jftrnm

rooms.) $-'<S' Both the »novo eat at the same fable. Steerage, m6r fbimd with fad. Ac, and a separate table, wellpinvided A reuilttancv of half the paasnjte-nionev will sa

cure s ticket, until within ten dny*of «ailiug of thesteamerPor freist! or BaYsaajra. apply to

J. HOWARD A SON, Agents, No. it Broadway.

TV E W -YORK and CHARLESTONll STEAMSHll'SSKMI WEEKLY I S MAIL LINE-The Lew and elegant iteamship* MARION. CtVflC. M. Ber¬ry , IMIlN, Capt. Richd. Adams; SOI IH ERNER. Cspt\\ roster. JAM ES ADOER. Capt. J. Diekmann, fomnngs regular *emi-weekly hue hetweeu New-York and Charles¬ton will make their trip* a* follow*:Manoii.....-«terd*y. May I.Jaa. Adger Wednesday,Juno2Ja* Adger W ednesday, " 5 I uion.Saturday, .. 4Union.Saturday, .. 8 Southerner^ .-dueadsy, " 9ftouthenierWidnasVlay. .. 12, Marion-Saturday, 12Marion_Saturday, IS Jas. Adger.Wednesday, .. 1«J*» Adgei Wednesday, .. 19 I'nion Saturday, ¦. 1»Unioi.falei t*j. 22 SouthernerWednesifay, .. 23aouihemerW i-dticsday, .. 26. Marion-Saturday, .. 26Marioi.Saturday, .. 2Vc' Ja» Adger Wednesifay. .. SflThe sr.amer* leave Pier No. 4 North River at (o'clock

P M.. preci»ely. Por freight applv on hoard, and for pussagnat the counting room ofSPtiFFORD. TILESTON A CO

No. 4« South-M


ERPOOL and PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP CO., In¬tend (ailing their new Steamship aa follow*: a*

TUNS.CITY OP MANCHESTER, 2.IA (apt. Robert LeitobCITY OF OLASOOW, 1,610, Capt William Wylie


? kom uivaarooLCITY OPGUARGOVV.Wadnesday, April 1CITY OP MANCHESTER.Wednesday, May 5CITY OK OLASOOW.Wednesday. Juue 2CITY OF MANCHESTER.Wednesday,June*)

RATES OP PASSAOE.raoat PHiLanri.pHia. raoM LivcarooL.

Saloon in *j**}l* <itaterooin*...StiO SaleoD in suigl«»tatet ins sOgio*..¦ doubl« .. aft " dosbw .. 15 ¦¦

- forwsrd 6AI .. forward " 1$ "

Includicg Steward'* fees.THIRD CLASS PASSENOERS.

A Hmlted numtier of tlurd-claa* pasaenger* will bet_from Philmi.-lplita and Liverpool, and found in provisionsProm Philadelphia.$J" Prom Liverpool_6gulneas.Certihcate* sf pssssge will be issued hereto narttne who era

de*irou*of bnngmg out their friend* at correaponding rates.Freight on hue good* is v. pet tun, and coaxae good*, hard¬ware, Ac, will be taken icbtect to agreement.

Pirtt-clsss *teani*hi|« ply between Liverpool sad Olaagow,Havie, Rotterdaii.. LegVnm, Marseilles, aud other Meditor,ranean ports, by which good* can be shipped to Liverpool,and thence by thi* line, 'o Pbiladeliihia aVSJOt

Ai. experienced Surgeon will be earned on each «hin.All g. »ds sent t«i the agents in Philadelphia and Literpool,will be forwarded with economy and dispatchPor freight or passage, apply toTHOMAS KU HaRDSON, Philadelphia tud New-York.RICHARDSON BROTHERS A CO, Liverpool

STEAM BETWEEN NEW- YORK andOLASGOVA -The Olaagow sod Nrw-Ydrk Steauiship

Company's I'owem,) r*SW Steamsmp "OLASflOW,* 1,962tuns and V" herat power, Robert Craia Commander, will «allfrom New-York kn Olaagow, on THCKSDAY, the 24thJune next, st IS */e4o*k mtm

First Cabin. (Salsati State Rooms).$90First Cabin, (Midship do. . 73Second Csbtn.. M

Stewara'a tre lucuded.Applyto_J. MctsYMON, No 33 Broadway.


somprsnng this line are the followingATLANTIC. Cept West, PACIFIC, Cspt. Nye,ARCI'IC. C*i>t Luce, BALTIC. Capt. CorastocA.

ADRIATIC, Capt. Oraflon.Thee* ship* have been built by contract, expressly for Gov¬

ernment service. Every care has he*so taken in their eoo-.truction. a* also in tbetr Knginea, to insurt strength andspeed, sod their accommodations for puseeugere are uno-

quared tor elegance and comfort Prtre of pusnvge fromNew York to Liverpool in hrat-clae* cabin. * in anconddo.. tP" exclusive use of extra *,/r rate-r^.m* toit*\ fromLiverpool Ui New-York, £ in and t,g\ An exfienenrnd tor-see n attached to each rbip. No berth secured until n*id for

PROPOSED DATES OF SAILING,raokt Ntw-roaa. rtosi i.ivr.arooL.

Saturday.May 1. "tl I'laliiasai.May \ \Val»«vtujday.May 15. I8.V' Wednesday.May 19, \v&**uu**1.May 29, iti. VVednesdary.June 2, ls-Wf* "»y.I "or 12. I&'.a Wedne^fay_June it!, |au¦s*sac!ay.June a;, \zzti Weenes...)i m si. \VASslurosy.July jl), i<.,> Wednesday.July 14, I&S2»"urnoy.Jslv 24.\V>2 Wednesday.July S ItAT^""¦ej.Aug. 7.1a ,. V\ e,|ri, .A,lf |f«««««P.Au». 21, I a.b. WryJtiesday.Aus A 1852Ss-tirday.Sept. a, I8.V2, Wedneaday.Sept A ItMf^"'"ta>.Sept 18. u Weiinead«,.Sept. S. IB33«.'"tday .Oct 2, IA« We4ne« at.on | u-ASainrrtai.< -er IS IHW \^ rfneaday.Oct »" \VU**">r<i*V.Ort. 31». IBA« VVedneada,.Nov. i 1152,,»" .-N"v i. IAS. Wednesoay.Nov 17 lt52Serorca/.Nov.27, Wedossjday.Dae. f Igfifi

.Dec II,UM Wednesday.Dec |.< ia«¦at Hft.D.c A ISfJ W^te-sMay.Dee. BSFor freith- or pssawge »ppj, to


EDM 'D K i (il.LINSfc CO.. No 5b Wall-at n TBROV\^ SHIPLEY a CO, LtverprxjlE O ROBERTS A CO, No. 13 Kmf. Arms VarlLundoav ^

9 JOIiN M CNROE A CO, No. Rae Notra Dame das> lctotres. Psns. or OEO. H. DRAPER, HavreThe owners of these shtps wiU not be accountable for goU.stiver, bullion, specie,jewelry, precious stones or metals, uo-

lesa HAM ct lading are ngced therefor, and the value uiareoftherein expressed


THE BRITISH and NORWaMERT-S¥^**gSKl^L^^Ly< bostonana Ll> P.BrtMJL..The Boston ships only eallin* at H.H.tax to land and receive mails and paasenrer*

^RHik cT-1 aFr7cJ[; Harrtson,PERSIA. Cspt. -, El'ROPA. ¥ o Lnts.

AM FR 'Ca' l lr^AMERICA. n Shannon, CANADA, latnj,( AMBRIA, J. I.eitch.in*** veaawla carry a clear white light et meat head, p**a

on starboard bow, red on port bowanaaaVaa^S! from NEW-york, Wednesday, May Af. Ai.ARA, »tone, from B'hton. Werln^eday. May 11£l*i a'!^ bua> NEW-VORK WextesaWay. May 19.5..^D.\s4!i«l_frwB boston. WadnesxUy, liay Ü.AFRICA, Harrison, fin. NEW-YORK, "'ill ilij June3.

Leitch, fram Boston w^,^,. j «

... iron nvh ,,lVK \s-e. w«*, jZT,Sbauiswsx, fr.sai M )> r<) S, Jaar B


B.exnj'tr, Liy«po..|-|eMR*, : seeend f,0 " "

Berths not sererrd unrl paid far.Fretebi bo charged no specie beyond an ataaeatt Bw

personal rtMM¦»

A' .tpenenoee Sararoa on boardIfT A'l letters and iK«i|«i«n meat peas t[|Mt «*.-

Pratt»!».<.. for freight c i»«»**, apery to~

S « NAKD \ H Bnenwa,nf" Kreuch, German ai .: ,.'),-, p., iru.«l»,f^jJL-

i" .)> «. to Thnexek Jmu

of lading ur-ritra h> IIa» - ' \ » V .«^ .lcMt».. 8y order i t ih- lit,tish iie«*nry. w*oAees#torrxti mar.atariurv bea-irg tl ,.%.oe« . .rW. r »nfm^}

u «. I in «. artlJ be kasaAst odnnit j tn F.ng*end isi^L?atta fct t.V ' Mted State, and cMinirwa '-1 isasasof wbtrh Pietstk and Swiea w« .. » j. >. .

Ai N»\» ^,.» »'B"»fon, r-a Mverrie.il. erohröt isaejMBsathe nek a* hereto-, .re. of being seued by (h« EeiglitA Ceateaa!BOMBS,

THKOUiiH t. SAJN KHANClscn.^.N'» biku .""a. > Muari, Lias .TV»

«.» <Wl|>IMTFn ST ATKS. Che/le. C. Herr. ftS*Batea* r, will toby herdepartnreAS* karan wall H« «8*TI Kl>AV. IVh Ml), a. . P M. Ouaue. Una .. ä?I~with tlie f« dou»,,«- "Nirt' 'ail..:; W! N Fl F.LD K'TTTmot' tun» burden. Kenner C'»iiPeid r. i- men.ier wtOeh.reamer awaits the arrival mf pa.engers at Panaoaa' toItaa

oaer-'aie puns.The» vesaels. In srcoium.iderlon* and «*fefy ^mMma.

paased by any or. this route, and aa eapennnoed sanaaataevaded bs each vesselTie aaara Mate* has matte the voyage but¦ saa Nut,

for! si d I 'ba,'rea in atvatl ey» »nd iniM-teon hours, «04 (ha,\\ 'i t ,«».'.<. ba* :u»i .v-we Vtw e. jle^TYci-t hiiH Psimii a in 'he »I iirWet time on record. b<>rb aj fearannin*. and acrua! tUB IbOBi fa»et to (.airt

S.<it« now open and ibrougk 'losers ' »

Apply to DAVII HtOfJ * CO,. .0 x, V/. N . rt 41-rtt.JONRa l JOHNSON,

No. l"d U eel at corner of l.iSerry-etPaatinsart per I'nlted States will disembark aloof s)4eaha

wharf at Aspluwall, and take ehe Panama Railrad, epwopen nearly to (eonrena, Ihne aviedln» [tab v.uten;uis., landina 'n boats at ChesTee. and the nver nausattea at(} >r»i it

TTANDEBBILT*« LINK tor SSI? F1ANCI8CO-- Tha >iaa1aa aVtabla anejar eaaaaraiM

PKOMKl HEUS win Irew brrSaaiJaaa del Norteou UiaalabMat. at a V M.. t in I'. v. iS H ..oui.e.-i.ia w'lth Nk»steali sinn I' vi lUC, over the Nuais.- a I'laneit route. FarI a«*a*;e, ba\in« oiiaiir] asevd aocominodaiKaai in cabtnaaäfsteerage, spply only to D. H AI.LKS, Aretii,

S" I Said 'v.p'««e, ay stair*.

6tcumboat» anb taiiuroaös.

CA.MDKN ami AMlHlV K\ILKl>ADkm PHIL^DELTHI A ftuoi Pier Ne tiortb Ritee,

toot ol Barrel) place, by steamboat Job.i Fitter Pwo Itaa»daily. Mo. BUI Line loa.es at 7 A M , Aftoraaua |ajSLine at '*' P M through u: PbulaaV ph itafJ .. us Pare'lit class cars, $3; .'d class hue. bv . P M only t: ReeaTa>tni. leave I'h.ladelpbiK ftata faol Cl \A'alnat-et at 1 A M tad2 P M rlniurant Line by »teambi>at Traiesport, b"m PwNa.1, at 5 P U Pate |i -



IKW..For Clinton and ln'eri.ieoiaie plat ee, mm MerNaLNorth Rreag, by atrayat REP At K11, st 9 A. M and]f, M and at B P M kir White House and imerairdiaetlace*, aid coiiiin is at Ehaabeibtaera wiin traiusuatbai J. Ksilroad which leave New-York from the foot of

Courtland-st., at the same hours. Keiuruius, leave Cllotoeat S.IA A. M IJ Jo P M.; Wlntehouae st SVlA fieifht, A#>Slid n 4>' A. M . and lo P M ; Boaael lilbl at & freuat, aafii ,i 6 A M aad . t*5 P. M ; Plati i. U a I lt\ nrum,»«»and atA A.M.. and 2 P. M , ElitsbeUitowu atJ 153

.i a M «i.. LISP MParernseiR hi EaatCM I'ethlelii Ba aI lento wn, Wllkete

barre, ai a Maucb ( bunk. Pa- ai d jheeaaafSaa* New-Ger*niantown. N. J , a ill take the .» A M. tnda imm V Y, andMl luewlav* Thuiedaya. and Sa uidava tor New-HaruptoakWeihiiiglon, Belvutere. N J. .*.?«<.. leave Somervule dailfIi i |Vd| a. k and Pluckan ne or, the mini ot the f kf.ttain. All baggage at the n«k il the owners, until deMvsredinto the a<mal posaesaii u ol tBA sgenle ol tlie Compaoy, ajaichecks or receipts given tnerelor


PORT WaSHIMiTGN, Mill NT S and BROVVJTiDIU KS. IMiddleatrwa,) snd RKD BANK. .New aodidid oteamboat THOMAS HI NT. ( sptain A H Haggerre,will leeve New-Haven pier. Peck-slip. East River, tab*,kws:

Leavee New-York. Leave Shrewsbury.Raturday, May I, 3 P M Mui.dav, May >.

'A. M

Tucaday, " t 71 AM Tu *.lay. .. A 4 P. M.. *, nWm aäw*Je*i *. *3 Wednesday," Ala AVteThursday, .. 6, T .Thursday, «, lilt ..

Friday, .« 7, 7t ¦. Friday, .. 7, II ..

Saturday, " 8, 10 .. {.Monday, .. 10, |0 ..

Tuesday, II, 1« .. ITuesday, .. It, UP. MWednesdV- '2. H " Wednesday,-- 12, 4Ibuialay, 13, llj ITburaiay, .. 13, 3Pn.ay, .. 14, 12 M. 'Friday, Ii k)The stagee (or Squam and F eel,..id will run in enei



wiü> boat Stages te et avwj ¦. ,«e .» ui all paitsof theenuntry All perenne sr- ' trusting the aU'veboateteccount of the ownnrs

1MB ALBANY.Withi.ui ,-han-fe ofCars.. FA BI REDTfJED Regularity and fUlVy

Coiiil ined-The care of TDK NKW-YORK ANDHAR-LKM RAILROAD leave the ( lit Hall Hratioo. Nsw-YveA.daily. Sundays excepted, at 9 oolnck A. M .Now-Vefk,April It, IR.'iJ M BM>AT, SaB*t

^OR B(>ST( >N, via NKWJ'OR'|' an<Jr ALL RIVER. Tha splendid s*d superior steamers

BAY ST AT >, (ant. Wm Brown, -id EM IM KF. ST ATfc%Capt Benjamin Biayton. kave ^i alternate da,v ISiiiidatSexcelled from Piei No 1. N R neai th, Hatu-iy at S P.M.Foi Freight apply on boexd, or at the office, on Pier No. A

TLSDALEi. B"M'r N. A«e.ie N a 7» and 71 IVsat-tt

I^REWHTS REDUCED. . <>rdinarf1 ineasnremeiit GimhIs ars now taken by die FALaEjVEI LIN1 from NEW-YORR to BOSTON at J ose«

Str foot; Ordinary Weight Good* at 124 cents per l"S R*tber fr. is.bt in proportion Freight will at all UtseabS«

tak*n as low a* by any rival nuteTISDALE A BOARDMAN, Aieata

Noe 7ii and 71 Westett


and EXPRESS LIN ES.'I lirotuth in l| horns New JstattRailroad via Jereey City, leaving New-York at b A M baaof Coortlandt-«t.; «AM ai d M P M L.Vrty <t Laeta«.Philadelphia at 124 and 'AM and .. I' M t Bf «alt ofWaluut at Faie reduced to ft for Artt-class and ft *? kgareond claas. _..

BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON ana CHARLESTORItl.tt tickets sold tn the abeve lines and throeth beyegaearned in the 9 A M and S* F M lines from Nsw-Ymk»with through conductors.


1, 1S6>..Trains out of New-York leave near corner of Caasftat. and Broadway. .

AccoMH.iDsTloa *ND Spkcmi. At 7 and 11.50 A,aa I4.16 (Express to Stamford and Norwalk, and s'opping at allStations beyond,) and al 589 P. M through to .New Hsvea.

At 3 S0 P. M for Norwalk-al H "30 A. M and rtAS PJIa(iir Port ( heeler The» URB A M runs in conoeicUon a*«kTrsin from New-Hs/en to Hanford and Sprin«4eld, sod snthTrain «vei the CanaJ RoadEx Shi aaTaaiNt for New Ha eu, Hartford, Spriiai.sUl.SaS'

t.i.i oj aeotieut Rlvar and Vermont Raiboadsu 1» i-r -enrg^snd MoaMsol At 8 A. M., sioppior at ttamfcnl tod iiridge.port, connecting with the Hnusaionk and Naur-srark Rubroadt at Bndgepori. and Canal Railroad at New Havee-eodat 3..10 P M atopptnaat Htaraford, Vnrwalk and «riege-

p,,r' connecting with Housatoiiic and Naugatuck Kail.'.'tdsatBririgepert.TasiNt imto Ncw-Yoaa-AceeHnmwlatioa and

At .S.d.. 7, and 9 JA A. M and 4..n P. M , through freta tff>Haven At <i A M., from Norwa.k-at V-Mi A M *adJ4»P M from Pen (bester. The s 16 A M. receives u ^

Birs fioin Springfield and Hsjifofd and Cana' Rsilrutdsateven The 4 2" P. M. receives paatengert from liartfxa

and Spniigfield Railroads t«._»««ExFtrssTasifts leave New-Haven on arrival ef TrelSS

from Bosron. at I 16 and IJB P M.. (stoppi/dr alNorwalk and Stamford;) leaving Boston et * A. M. aag

3.46 F. M .

See large bill ofadrertoien. nt at the Stat'od lb ise aoa

principal Hotels. OEO N.

New-york Rnd erie KAILROAIX-Trains leave pie, ,i as t"1 -wi.

Expkk-is Tksl.h at ol A M lor D-mtirt. ("^W JZhrtt-claea steamle.ets for Cleveland, ^aoduskj, TeiaSe saa

Monroe, snd railroads to Cinrluiiai) at.d CnicagD.Man. 1 HsiN at a A. M. tor ah stations¦VarTeUINat I p M v h l'iermor,r lor Ousv'lst.\\*y TaaiN at 4f P. M., via Jereoy ( rty lor Owvi.ie^Night Exrtr.s Trai at e P M..r«r Dnnkirk.oionseu^e

aritfe IrstH lass so-s/nhoat tor Detroit direct. eouuect"aEapieaa T ran, tor CIsBSBfJe.

Ektii.ka.HT TksiN at' E Al via Piennont. -u


CHAR MlNOT, sktjailidaadsal^

13 EOULAR MAIL LINE, via Suinini-Al tor. for BOSTON FROMDENCE. NEW-RRg*»ORD and TAUNTON..Tkc steamers ( '. A?»'".*>BILT and COMMOI)i>hE, of this line, bow ranJgwlarly as kesatuRiic, alten ,t'ly leaving rVr tin *: ^Rtver. first wharf lies- Bat'erv pin e 4s''v « .ndays aajeepted a- SP M aad Billigte« at 8 o'clock P*U«"arrival .»f the me .» B'**>>a at A* r«-For freight or passeste. t| ply at the ottce, Na \nmmmmr

F'aee. or on hoard 'he boats_

"1TERM0NT VALLEY Ami OOg-T KEGTLN0 RAII.K' Ai.S-PaswngeniareifrertlhOW

Burhngton, St. Jeimsl iiit. \". bite Mountain*, i^UM7T~!lai.ri Montreal, and ad int ruieoiate towns via -Sew "i *

and Spni.gheld. Thrimgh ticket* hv ltaiiroed. at the it¦

and N. II. Office, 36 ( . N Y Freig',01 b* **f"~Tisveler. everv dev. a' J P.M., f.om P'ck-a.ip. F"» F*.^alsrs apply to F. HYDE, A«t. IAS Sooth et, N. Y.___

W'LVTKR ROUTE TO CHICJgJ.Trains af Michigan Southern and Nortbsra Ia***aS

Railroad* run daily (Sunday* excepted) a* follows: t__.

Leave Monroe and Toledo at 8 I S A M , arrve <t >f**{Zat 6An P.M.; thence passengers go by (tage on Phusfcmils* to Michigan City; thence by cars #9 soil** jj'Tylwonh ; east by stags 12 milse to Chicago. Altar F«k t, ¦»

ear* through to Chicago. MtatJReturning to L»p.,r?» tame way.eara leave Laeorts

7Sti A.M. and amve et Mooree end Toledo at S 4» r-*-^Daily stages connect with Fort Warns at StJrgM^wwe

aarisport. La Fayetta and Indlaneoolks. at 9o*^m~^a\at other places en the line, with the principe; towasaeve»

andsouth. -* a* wttfcAt Toledo this Una eoosveclt at S.45 P M. or TAa^

the Lake Erie South Shore teat* by suee and rsAirsesw

Oevelsiid; thence by railroad ana etage to Ens; tsrsstaajreilroed vie Dunkirk to New-York, or by store fives Deaasw*

So Ruftain, arid by cart after Feh I. _ M

The S P M. treJa oa tha New.York aad Erle Raa* saw

Bjaat* with tits Lake Shore train at*ke>Passenger* at Cleveland eaa take ears all the Wf'**JSL

oargh ; .b-ore by railroad and 2« miles eta

phis and New-Ymb, ar Bslrjmorsaad War15am. IA ISA Ev P WUalssAJH.