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Enterprise Virtualisation: Remote Infrastructure Management - The Next Step 8th Oct 2009

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Technology must mesh with business processes and human factors if we are to gain positive results from Enterprise 2.0 implementation. This has been true from the outset, but takes on a special significance given the troubled world economy. The predicted rapid expansion in remote infrastructure management outsourcing over the next half decade remains compelling, but the ways and means to promote and accommodate this shift are becoming more complex. This session examines the impact of social, security and business operations layers among others on the adoption of enabling technologies associated with outsourcing models. Further, with the advent of enterprise virtualization technologies, and a majority of the IT Infrastructure being managed remotely by specialist vendors, organizations need to respond quickly to take advantage of opportunities. The paper elaborates on the perceptions, do’s and don’ts, and provides solutions for making this happen.


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Enterprise Virtualisation: Remote Infrastructure

Management - The Next Step

8th Oct 2009

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• Proliferation of Web 2.0

• Environmental concerns and Green focus

• Virtualization of IT assets

• Cloud Computing

• Virtualized Enterprises

• Preparing for the future - RIM

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Proliferation of Web 2.0

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Current Trends

• Blogs, Wikipedia, Facebook, Orkut …….

Immensely popular informal networks

• Blocked by most Corporates

• More popular than Corporate Applications

• Limited use by SMEs in business

• IP vs Opensource dilemma

• Enterprises gradually adopting features.

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Environmental Concerns & Green focus

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Global emissions of greenhouse gases come

from a wide range of sources

Source: World Resources Institute. 2000 estimate.

Energy –



fossil fuels

Land Use


18% primarily


Agriculture 14%

mostly from soils

& livestock Electricity

& Heat




energyAll GHG in CO2 equivalent

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Per capita CO2 Emissions, Population &

Total Emissions

Source: UNDESA-DSD, based on IEA 2005.

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Global Warming Potential

Carbon dioxide (CO2) 1

Methane (CH4) 21

Nitrous oxide (N2O) 310

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) 140 - 11,700

Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) 7,000 - 9,200

Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) 23,900

Source : IPCC Third Assessment Report. 2001 Climate Change : The Scientific Basis.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

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Carbon Dioxide emissions in

Indian Industrial Sectors
























Carbon Dioxide emission as of the year 1995


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IT response to Global Warming

•New power efficient devices

• Server consolidation

•Thin clients- Net-tops

•Virtualisation of IT assets

•Green data centres

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Virtualisation of IT assets

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Server Sprawl ...

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Software maturity

• The need is there, the hardware is there ...

• Software is maturing too

– More than one credible player in the market• We have moved beyond “Virtual PC”

– It’s not just the Virtualization technology...

– Management tools

– High availability

– Interoperability

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Legacy application


Test and



Server consolidation


Config and Architecture Challenges

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Rapid Provisioning using Self-Service Portal

Ability to


owned virtual


Thumbnails of

all owned



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Cloud Computing

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What is Cloud Computing� A pool of scalable IT-enabled capabilities which can be utilized

over the internet (cloud) as a service.

� The idea of cloud computing is based on a very fundamental principal of `reusability of IT capabilities`. The difference that cloud computing brings compared to traditional concepts of “grid computing”, “distributed computing”, “utility computing”, or “autonomic computing” is to broaden horizons across organizational boundaries.

� According to the IEEE Computer Society Cloud Computing is "A paradigm in which information is permanently stored in servers on the Internet and cached temporarily on clients that include desktops, entertainment centers, table computers, notebooks, wall computers, handhelds, etc."

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Cloud Computing and Virtualization

• Virtualization unlocks the door to cloud


– Core objective of virtualization is not about the cost cutting. It leads towards flexible sourcing of the resources and indeed leads towards cloud computing.

– Few things virtualization does to unlock the doors to cloud computing and push organization towards it

• Speed, flexibility and agility

• Breaks software pricing and licensing

• Enables economies of scale

• Decouples users from implementation

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Benefits from Cloud Computing� With the different Cloud enabler technologies like utility computing, Grid

Computing, RTI, web infrastructure and others maturing, the different

services would be cloud enabled.

� Infrastructure service providers are taking advantage of the paradigm

and offering Cloud Services. Cloud computing is considered an

extension to SOA and SaaS.

� Information services, entertainment-oriented services such as video on

demand, simple

� business services such as customer authentication or identity

management and contextual services such as location or mapping

services are positioned well to become cloud-delivered.

� Other services, such as corporate processes (for example, billing,

deduction management and mortgage calculation) and transactional

services (for example, fiscal transactions), would take longer to reach

the cloud and the mainstream.

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Organizational Considerations

� The successful deployment of clouds within organizations

depends on a number of factors, some technical, others

organizational. These include:

– The extent of infrastructure standardization among the existing

application silos of the current state architecture

– The complexity and degree of customization and integration of the

current state architecture.

– The willingness of lines-of-business to share infrastructure instead of

“owning their own”

– The extent to which the current state architecture must accommodate

legacy systems

– Past experience of the IT department in deploying technologies and

concepts critical for clouds, such as standardization, consolidation,

virtualization, clustering, and more.

– business objectives of the organization.

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Virtualised Enterprise

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What is a Virtual Enterprise ?

• A Virtual Enterprise (VE) is a temporary alliance of enterprises

that come together to share and skills or core competencies and

resources in order to better respond to business opportunities,

and whose cooperation is supported by computer networks. It is

a manifestation of Collaborative Networks, Distributed

Collaborative Working.

• “…refers to a new organisational form characterised by a

temporary or permanent collection of geographically dispersed

individuals, groups or organisation departments not belonging to

the same organisation – or entire organisations, that are

dependent on electronic communication for carrying out their

production process” (Travica, 1997)

• Source :wikipedia

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Virtualised Enterprise Features

• Agile strategy & finance units as the core

• Projectwise partnerships

• Flexible commercial models

• Web 2.0 technologies platform

• Computing on the cloud

• Transparent to clients

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Preparing for the future

Remote Infrastructure Management

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Business OperationsBusiness Operations

IT OperationsIT Operations

Need for Structured IT Service Management

Plan Execute Measure Monitor Improve

Requirements Plan / Procure DeployCOTS ProductsCOTS Products

Plan / Procure Install Support

Record &



N/W & H/W N/W & H/W

Installation & Installation &


Manage Service





Data &



Budgeting &

Forecasting for ITOthers Service Others Service


Conduct Review




Perform & Analyze

Satisfaction SurveyCustomerCustomer




Monitor, Analyze

& Review


S/W Req � Design � Build � Test � DeployApplication Application

Development & Development &



Customize Configure DeployPackage ImplementationPackage Implementation




ISO 9001: 2000

ISO 9001: 2000

ISO 27001

ISO 27001



Service Management Standards

Service Management Standards

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History of IT Service Management

•What is IT Service Management?

•The practice of delivering & managing operational IT services critical to the

business at an agreed level.

The History

1989:1989: IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) compiled by UK OGC, based on the best practices compiled from various service organizations such as

IBM, HP etc…

1991:1991: IT Service management forum formed at UK by the UK OGC. This forum is the custodian of the best practices compiled

2000:2000: BSI Adopted ITIL and developed BS 15000, standard for Service Management

20022002:: BS 15000 standards were revised to align the same to ITIL V2.

2005:2005: ISO Adopted BS 15000 and published the ISO 20000. ISO 20000 is based on ITIL V2. ITIL V3 was developed in 2007.

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The ISO 20000 Framework

Planning New ServicesPlanning New Services

Planning & ImplementingPlanning & Implementing

Planning & Implementing new or changed services

Planning & Implementing new or changed services

Management SystemsManagement SystemsManagement responsibility, documentation requirements, competencies,

awareness & trainings

Release ProcessesRelease Processes

•Release Management

Resolution ProcessesResolution Processes

•Incident Management

•Problem Management

Relationship ProcessRelationship Process

•Business Relationship Management

•Supplier Management

Service Delivery ProcessesService Delivery ProcessesService Availability &

Continuity Management

Capacity Management Budgeting & Accounting


Information Security

ManagementService Level Management

Service Reporting

Control ProcessesControl Processes

Configuration Management

Change Management

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What is Remote Infrastructure Management

� Service delivery from distant locations with the goal of reducing costs,

improving processes and enhancing service levels.

� Day-to-day management of IT infrastructure from a remote location

� Any IT function that can be successfully executed off-site is a candidate

for remote infrastructure management

� Per IDC estimates, 85% of data center support functions can be

performed remotely

� Offerings differ from one service provider to another, which include the


– Monitoring and Help-desk services

– Server and Storage management

– Data-center and Asset management

– Network and E-mail management

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Remote Infrastructure Management

• Benefits to the client

– To reduce IT operations cost

– To enhance quality of work

– To enhance End User experience

– To increase Productivity

– To deliver services based on Service Level Agreements

� Benefits to the service provider

– Better ROI on IT investments

– Right sizing of the resources for increased business value

– Effective and optimized portfolio of third party contracts

– Reduced Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

– Improvisation of Service level Management

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Streams of Remote Infrastructure Management.

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IMS outsourcing started with network infrastructure support

and has moved on to wider processes

• Most common

• Serves as a good test case

• Readily available talent

• Low complexity

• Requires infrastructure

e.g.. routers, panels, others

• Huge cost savings

• Medium-high complexity

• Requires experienced people

• Hardware Support

– Network Infrastructure


• IT Desk Services

– Task scheduling

• Hardware Support

– Network Infrastructure


– Server support

• IT Desk Services

– Task scheduling

– Data backup &


• Application Management

– Level I & II

• Hardware Support

– Network Infrastructure


– Server support

– Information security

– Architecture design

• IT Desk Services

– Task scheduling

– Data backup & recovery

– Fail over setup

– System planning

• Application Management

– Level I, II & III

• Hardware Support

– Network Infrastructure


– Server support

– Information security

– Packaged application

• IT Desk Services

– Task scheduling

– Data backup & recovery

– Fail over setup

– System planning

• Application Management

– Level I, II, III, IV


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Why RIM makes Sense ?

• Around 75% of Infrastructure management functions can

be offshored – Network Services : 80%– Internal Helpdesk : 75%– Server : 70%– Maintenance : 60% – Administration : 35%– Mainframe : 30%– End User Devices : 15%

• With most of management consoles and monitoring tools

for infrastructure components becoming web-enabled,

these percentages are growing rapidly

Source: Nasscom-Mckinsey 2005 Report

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What is being offshored ?

• All routine operational activities which can be performed

using a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) are easily

offshored– Incident Monitoring and Management – Problem Management – Remote Helpdesk Support– Production Support (Backups, Batch Control, Patches etc) – Documentation

• Activities which require close proximity to infrastructure

and enterprise users are still retained onsite – Transition and Transformation Activities (e.g. Rollouts, Migrations)

– Process Definition and Mapping

– Change Management Activities

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RIM: Value Adds • Decrease in Support Costs

– 25% to 40% savings due to shared labour cost, flexible pricing models and asset


• Increase in service coverage – Moving from 8x5 to 24x7 support for global locations

• Better utilisation of internal support resources – Experienced staff now freed up for carrying out core strategy and green-field value

adding initiatives, also less sensitive to attrition of skilled hands

• Improvement in operational efficiencies – Alignment of support processes with frameworks like ITIL/ISO20000

– Improved documentation and knowledge management

• Scalability and Flexibility – Addition or reduction of support resources rapidly as per requirement

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RIM: The Green Angle

• Reduction in Power Consumption – In Shared Service scenario, the support infrastructure (Desktop, Monitors, Cooling

etc) is being shared across multiple clients

• Reduction in Fuel Consumption – All support resources at offshore using mass transport instead of individual cars

• Reduced Office space and furniture

• Reduced eWaste

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What is Web 2.0 ?

"Web 2.0" is commonly associated with web

development and web design that facilitates

interactive information sharing, interoperability,

user-centered design[1] and collaboration on the

World Wide Web. Examples of Web 2.0 include web-

based communities, hosted services, web

applications, social-networking sites, video-sharing

sites, wikis, blogs, mashups and folksonomies. A Web

2.0 site allows its users to interact with other users

or to change website content, in contrast to non-

interactive websites where users are limited to the

passive viewing of information that is provided to


Source : Wikipedia

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