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35 th National ISOPARB Conference 2019 Organized by ISOPARB Hyderabad Chapter 29 th - 31 st March, 2019 | Park Hyatt Theme “Controversies & Consensus in Obstetrics and Gynaecology” "Awarded TSMC credit Hours"

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Page 1: Awarded TSMC credit… · bladder or bowel injury. Pre-op and post op interven ons have changed to improve pa ent

35th National ISOPARB Conference 2019Organized by ISOPARB Hyderabad Chapter

29th - 31st March, 2019 | Park Hyatt

Theme“Controversies & Consensus in Obstetrics and Gynaecology”

"Awarded TSMCcredit Hours"

Page 2: Awarded TSMC credit… · bladder or bowel injury. Pre-op and post op interven ons have changed to improve pa ent

Welcome message by ISOPARB President

Welcome message by ISOPARB Secretary

Welcome message by Dr. D Pushpalatha

Dear Friends,

I bring you gree�ngs from ISOPARB. It gives me great pleasure to invite you to 35th Annual ISOPARB Conference from 29th-31st March, 2019 hosted by the Hyderabad chapter of ISOPARB at Hyderabad. Hearty Congratula�ons to the dynamic organizing chairperson, Dr. Rooma Sinha, Dr. Madhumathi S and Dr. YK Swapna the vibrant Secretaries and their hardworking team for pu�ng in huge efforts and thoughts together for organizing this conference. The conference theme ‘Controversies and Consensus in Obstetrics and Gynecology’ is very unique. A fusion of Evidence based Medicine and clinical experience will help to have the best possible approach and management of a pa�ents today. The team has put forth so many interes�ng workshops, which I am sure will be of immense value to the delegates.Looking forward to mee�ng all of you soon in the city of Hyderabad

Prof. Dr. Suchitra N. PanditPresident ISOPARB

Dear ISOPARBIANS,Warm gree�ngs and a hearty welcome to the scien�fic bonanza in the happening city of Hyderabad. Dedicated to the ever advancing knowledge in the field of perinatology and reproduc�ve biology, lets develop our skills through workshops and s�mulate our brain through discussions and lectures.Let's work together in the true spirit of ISOPARB for a healthy mother and happy child.

Regards,Dr. Meena SamantSecretary ISOPARB

Dear Friends,

It is with immense pleasure that I invite you Na�onal conference in March 2019. ISOPARB is a mul�disciplinary and mul�specialty consor�um forma�ed for the care of Mother and Child right from Intra Uterine phase. Hyderabad chapter has been formed in the year 1999, as coordina�ng forum for South zone. Since then under the able guidance of various managing commi�ees hyderabad chapter conducts regular scien�fic Programs as CME, Workshops, Yearly Conference named MAATRIKA and Na�onal conference too when the turn comes. The various academic programs are educa�ve and informa�ve to Prac�ce Healthcare of high standards. These mee�ngs are well received and are being looked forward to by the Medical Fraternity of Hyderabad and Telangana.

I welcome you all to the 35th Na�onal ISOPARB conference.



Dr. D Pushpalatha Dr Y Savitha Devi Dr K Swarajya Lakshmi

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Sub Commi�ees

Registra�on Commi�ee Dr Garuda Lakshmi | Dr Vasundhara K | Dr Vivekananda APublic Forum Commi�ee Dr Meeta Singh | Dr Suma PrasadInaugural Commi�ee Dr Laxmi Ratna | Dr Jyotsna V PHospitality Commi�ee Dr Jyothi K | Dr Bhargavi Reddy KCultural Program Dr Jayanthi Reddy | Dr. RajashreeSouvenir Commi�ee Dr Neeraj Y | Dr Swathi ApsaniFree Paper & Poster Commi�ee Dr Pranathi Reddy | Dr V Usha Rani Spouse Commi�ee Dr Srilatha Gorthi | Dr. Shilpi Reddy

ISOPARB Office BearersPresident : Dr Suchitra N. PanditSecretary General : Dr Meena SamantImmediate Past President : Dr Milind R. ShahVice President : Dr Arup Kumar MajhiVice President : Dr Narayan JanaVice President : Dr Gangadhar SahooVice President : Dr Shan� H K SinghTreasurer : Dr Pragya Mishra ChoudharyCommunicator: Dr Supriya Jaiswal


Welcome to 35th ISOPARB na�onal conference 2019

We invite you on behalf of ISOPARB Hyderabad chapter for the 35th ISOPARB na�onal Conference to be held on 29th, 30th, 31st March 2019.

Hyderabad, fondly known as the city of pearls and biryani, belongs to all of us and needs no introduc�on. The theme this year for na�onal conference is “Controversies and consensus in obstetrics and gynecology”. It aims to give all delegates an avenue to discuss and deliberate on the changing prac�ces with evidence-based medicine. On the first day (Friday the 29th March) we bring you a choice of six different workshops. This will be followed by symposiums, panel discussions, three ora�ons and a public forum. The conference will be awarded with Telangana medical council credit points.

We cordially invite you to the ISOPARB na�onal conference 2019 and enjoy our fabulous scien�fic program.

Welcome message by organizing Commi�ee

Dr Rooma SinhaOrganising Chairperson

Dr Y K SwapnaOrganising Secretary

Dr. Madhumathi SOrganising Secretary

Dr Sasikala KolaAdvisor

Dr Shruthi KesireddyScien�fic Chairperson

Dr M SaradaWorkshop Commi�ee

Dr Shobha VTreasurer

Dr VenkataLakshmi A

Scien�fic Co-Chair

Dr Vidya Ranga RaoAdvisor

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Endo March



TOPIC- MEDICAL DISORDERS IN PREGNANCY8 Candidates will be selected and quiz for 4 teamsQuiz has 10 rounds with ISOPARB round.

Join us in crea�ng awareness on endometriosis. Be part of interna�onal event EndoMarch on the morning of 31st March 2019 in associa�on with ISOPARB & Endometriosis Society of India.

Conference Ora�on

Dr Suresh S

Fetal care - The changing paradigm

Uterus transplant - Courage Commitment Candour

Dr S N Tripathi Ora�on

Dr Neeta Warty

Placenta - The Saviour becomes the Devastator

Dr Kamala Achari Ora�on

Dr Uma Singh

R N Ganguly Public forum: Modern lifestyle - Boon or Bane to Women's Health

ISOPARB Hyderabad chapter has a tradi�on of loving its trainees. We try to cocoon them and help them hatch into beau�ful bu�erflies and soar to great heights.

We invite you all to use this opportunity to register to the conference and send free papers and posters. The best four from every category get to present their paper in the main hall, in front of the august audiences and to be felicitated by the president of ISOPARB. off course cer�ficate of par�cipa�on will be given and your picture on podium will be posted on our website

We encourage original research work. All abstracts will be reviewed by a panel of experts and will be accepted as oral free paper/poster presenta�on during ISOPARB 2019

Themes AUB Fetal Medicine Preterm Birth Medical Disorders complica�ng pregnancy

DR. JAGDISHWARI MISHRA AWARDJunior doctor within 5 years of passing MBBS and presen�ng papers on theme subject in short communica�on will be eligible for the award there will be three judges

Team which wins will have to par�cipate in final round at Na�onal conference in hyderabad at March 30-31, 2019.

Feel free to call for any further assistance Dr Shruthi Kesireddy: +91-9849479994, Dr Sharada M:+91-9963978070

MRS. VIDYA BHASIN AWARD Senior members who have obtained postgraduate degree are eligible for this award


Abstracts submission- ONLINE ONLY Please visit:

Last date for submission: 15th February 2019

No�fica�on to Authors: 28th February 2019

Invitees - Mrs Ratna, Mrs Shailaja Kiran, Mrs Namrata Shirodkar Gha�amaneni, Mrs Manisha SinghaniaChairpersons - Dr Geeta Ganguly, Dr Sudip Chakrovorty

Moderator-Dr Swapna Y K, Panelists - Dr Madhumathi S , Dr Parul Kotdawala, Dr Anupama Bahadur, Dr Usha Sharma

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A�end Two Workshops At The Price Of One

Tips for a successful TLHA complete video workshop with 15 minutes interac�on a�er each session with experts will enable par�cipants to perform successful TLH a�er a�ending this workshop. Experts-Dr Sanjay Patel, Dr Rooma Sinha, Dr Sasikala K, Dr Manjula Anagani, Dr Neeraj Yanamandra,Dr Hafizur Rahman

Infer�lity- Ovula�on Induc�on & IUI protocolsThis workshop is useful to both budding & established gynecologists with an interest in infer�lity. The delegate will learn algorithm based approach to ovula�on induc�on and IUI improving clinical outcomes. Learn to under-stand semen analysis report be�er and enjoy the rapid fire round with experts.Experts - Dr Padmaja Veeramachineni, Dr Ch Narayan Rao, Dr Tity Chacko, Dr Anuradha K, Dr Durga Patchava,Dr Shoba V, Dr Narmada K, Dr Geeta Ganguly Mukherjee

Prematurity - op�mising outcomesThis is designed to be a stage for brainstorming sessions by experts in lively and though�ul case discussions on obstetric and perinatal interven�ons to op�mize preterm outcomes . Current evidence and the latest Indian data on preterm outcomes will be discussed.Experts : Dr Mala Srivastav, Dr Kiranmai Devineni, Dr Chandra Mansukani, Dr Vijayanand J, Dr Lakshmi Ratna,Dr Veena Agarwal, Dr Jyothsna P, Dr Kalpana B, Dr Nalinikanth, Dr Ravi Shankar, Dr Shruthi Kesireddy

Session -1Ge�ng the basics right- Physiology of ovula�on3-D Hycosy with new contrastInfer�lity management alogithm

Session-2OI protocols-Unexplained infer�lityOI protocols- When there are too many folliclesOI protocols- For Hidden follicles in Non-Responders

Session-3Semen Analysis- How to interpret the reportOp�mizing sperm parameters for IUI successIUI prepara�on- Methods & Reasons behind the methods

Session-4IUI Procedure- Best prac�ce �psWhen IUI is a challenge- What to do?

Rapid fire session with all experts

Session -1TLH made simple- From ports to Cuff ClosureUreteral Anatomy in rela�on to TLH

Session-2Strategies for Vaginal vault opening- know your pouches vaginallyDissec�ng bladder in previous caesaren sec�on Oblitered pouch of doughlas - Where to begin?

• Predic�ng preterm birth – Ideal method • Preven�ng preterm birth – where have we reached ?• Checklist to op�mize preterm outcomes- What an obstetrician should know? • Redifining the viability gesta�onal age in India – latest Indian data • Cerclage – When , what ,how and why – Video demos

• PPROM management in remote from term- evidence based protocol • Evidence on mode of delivery in a preterm labour • Diagnosis and management of Chorioamnio�s • Longterm outcomes and assessment in preterm babies- Indian data • Preterm care issues – Neonatologist`s advise to the obstetrician• Case scenarios and interac�on

Session-3Dealing with Large Uterus laparoscopicallyRole of Da Vinci Robo�c Pla�orm in complex Hysterectomy- What do you gain?

Session-4Dealing with Ureter & Bladder injuryHow to deal with vascular Injury?

ASK THE EXPERTS- Open session (Moderator - Dr Rooma Sinha/ Dr Hafizur Rahman)


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Pre-congress workshop

Ultrasound in GynecologyGynecologist & Radiologist with interest in ultrasound, will learn applica�on and limita�ons of USG in pelvic pathology. The par�cipant will be able to understand targeted screening and be able to improvise repor�ng to suit clinical management.

Experts- Dr Mamta Deendayal, Dr Aar� Deendayal Tolani, Dr T L N Praveen, Dr Madhavi Nori, Dr Manjula P

Clinical dilemmas in gynecological ultrasound- Case scenariosModerator Dr. Mamta Deendayal with all experts

Caesarean WorkshopMost Obstetrician including post graduates might have done hundreds of caesarean sec�ons. Do we need to a�end a workshop for this common procedure? Cesarean Sec�on rates are rising all over the world, op�mising this procedure is the need of the hour. The morbidity and mortality associated with cesarean sec�ons is increasing with increasing numbers. This “rou�ne surgery” might suddenly become a complicated one, leaving us clueless to deal with emergency compli-ca�ons. It can be difficulty in entering abdomen, difficulty in delivering baby, unexpected blood loss, accidental cut on bladder or bowel injury. Pre-op and post op interven�ons have changed to improve pa�ent outcomes. Let’s join our experts to share our knowledge about our most common surgery in obstetrics

Hysteroscopy For AllThe video workshop is aimed at a prac�cal discussion of the nuances of Hysteroscopy. At the end of the workshop the par�cipant will be able to set up their hysteroscopy unit, learn to do opera�ve hysteroscopy and also get insight in trouble shoo�ng when they face problems in their prac�ce. Learn from the mastersExperts : Dr Kurien Joseph, Dr Y K Swapna, Dr Durga Rao, Dr Alka Kumar

Session -1How to set up a hysteroscopy unitOffice HysteroscopyComplica�ons of Hysteroscopy with focus on fluid management

Session-2Septal resec�on- scissors / ElectrocauteryRetrieval of polyps, IUCD & Foreign bodiesMyomectomy- Tips Hysteroscopic Repair of Caesarean sec�on IsthmoceleHow to approach Uterine synechaeTubal cannula�on

Session-3Set up of unit and instrumenta�on-ErgonomicsResectoscope- Assembling & de assemblingUnder water cu�ng – Prac�ceEndo trainer - Hands on training on simbionix hysteroscopy trainer

Experts : Dr Ravichandran Jeganathan, Dr Sarada M, Dr Divyesh Shukla, Dr Suchitra Pandit, Dr Nuzhat Aziz, Dr Mahjabeen SinghSession 1Op�mising a woman for caesarean, Minimizing the risk of infec�on, Op�mising procedure: minimizing blood lossSession 2Difficul�es in CS: Non-formed LUS, breech, impacted head, Floa�ng head, forceps, Delivery in coagula�on failureSession 3Devasculariza�on, compression sutures, packing, Post Op – Is ERAS possible

Session -1Systemic approach to pelvic scan-a dynamic examina�on

Session-2Myoma mapping-planning strategies for management

Session-3Endometrial Evalua�on- a step wise approach

Session-4Congenital anomalies of uterus- Scanning to refine treatment strategies

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Scien�fic ProgrammeISOPARB2019

Time Hall A Hall B

09:00-09:15 AMUse of Blood components in obstetric hemorrhage – Do we have a consensus now? Dr Kousalya Chakravarthy

BMD -Screening and medical treatmentDr Meeta Singh

09:15-09:30 AMWhat`s new in cervical ripeningDr Jayanthi Reddy

Approach to Recurrent Vulvovagini�s.Dr Meena Samanth

09:30-09:45 AMTargets of BP control in pregnancy – controversies and consensus. Dr Rekha Kurian

Uterine conserving surgeries for prolapse -Dr Nutan Jain

09:45-09:50 AM Interac�on Interac�on

09:50-10:15 AMAlgorithmic approach of a case diagnosed with Single umbilical artery Dr Chinmayee Rath

Management of an unexpected malignancy in a low risk gynaec surgery. Dr Senthil J Rajapa

10:15-10.30 AM Absent nasal bone –when to react ? Dr Susheela Vavilala EIN -New nomenclature of endometrial hyperplasia and its clinical significance Dr Leela Digumarthi

10:30-10:50 AM Second vic�m- Dr Ravichandran Jeganathan

Management of endometriosis- Is it �me we rethink our approach ? Dr Suruchi Pandey

10:50-10:55 AM Interac�on Interac�on

10:55-11:15 AM Key note address: Dr. Suchitra -Journey to FIGO awardDr Suchitra Pandit

Keynote address – TOLAC – Decision making from difficulty to easy Dr Sheela Manne

11:15-11:35 AMKey note :Antepartum fetal surveillance in GDM -newer guidelinesDr Vinitha Das

Key note : New guidelines in correc�ng subclinical Hypothyroidism pre and post concep�onDr RN Mehrotra

11:35-12:20 PM

Panel discussion on Recurrent pregnancy lossModerators - Dr Abha Rani, Dr Krishna KumariPanelists : Dr Ojaswini Patel,Dr Anuradha Udimudi,Dr Vinutha Puli, Dr Narasimha Reddy, Dr Srilatha Gorthi,Dr Manisha Sahu

Panel discussion on Risk reduc�on strategies in gynaec endoscopyModerator- Dr Savitha DeviPanelists - Dr Neeraj Yenamandra, Dr Ramakrishna Hanuman, Dr Joseph Kurian,Dr Hafizur Rahman, Dr Lakshmi Kona

12:20-01:15 PM

01:15-02:00 PM

02:00-03:00 PM

02:00-03:00 PM

Panel discussion on Medical disorders in pregnancyModerators- Dr Tarakeswari S, Dr Rajkumari BurlaPanelists- Dr Srinivas S, Dr Subramanyam,Dr Anjoo Agarwal, Dr Mahalaxmi V, Dr Saswathi Sanyal

Panel discussion on AUB peri and postmenopausal age groupModerators - Dr Susheela Rani, Dr Basab MukherjeePanelists-Dr Vandana, Dr Amitha Sinha, Dr RamaDevi, Dr Garudalaxmi, Dr Sulekha Pandey,Dr Harsha Kular

03:00-04:00 PM

04:00-05:00 PM

05:00-06:00 PM

06:00-07:00 PM

07:00 Onwards

Day 2, Saturday, 30th March, 2019

ISOPARB Ora�on Dr Suresh – Fetal care – The changing paradigm


Dr Kamal Achari Ora�on Dr. Uma Singh - Placenta- the savior becomes the devastator.

R.N. Ganguly Public Awareness ForumModern life style - Boon or bane to women’s health

Moderator-Dr Swapna Y K, Panelists - Dr Madhumathi S , Dr Parul Kotdawala, Dr Anupama Bahadur, Dr Usha Sharma Chairpersons - Dr Geeta Ganguly, Dr Sudip Chakrovorty




EB/GB mee�ng

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Time Hall A Hall B

09:00-09:15 AM Update on CTG interpreta�on Dr J Narayan Jana

Legal implica�ons of Surrogacy in IndiaDr Pragya Mishra

09:15-09:30 AMIdeal Progesterone in preven�ng preterm birth - controversies and consensusDr Milind Shah

Tubo Ovarian Mass Management Dr Shanthi Singh

09:30-09:45 AM Timing of delivery in GDM on Insulin – UpdateDr Sukumar Bharik

Adenomyosis in young women- Dr Manju Gita Mishra

09:45-10:00 AM Interac�on Interac�on

10:00-10:45 AM

Panel discussion on Fetal anomalies – Right advise for right outcomeModeratorDr Vatsala Dadhwal, Dr Aparna SharmaPanelist- Dr Harish Jayram,Dr Suresh Surapeneni Dr Sunita Mi�al,Dr Geeta Kolar, Dr Prajnya Ranganath

Panel discussion on - Newer fron�ers in endometriosis treatmentModeratorDr Rooma Shina, Dr Sujatha MishraPanelist-Dr Kadambari,Dr Ritu Joshi,Dr Sasmita Dash ,Dr Swamy K S, Dr Meera Rajgopal

10:45-11:45 AM

10:45-11:00 AM

11:00-11:15 AM

11:15-11:30 AM

11:30-11:45 AM

11:45-12:00 PM

12:00-12:45 PM

12:45-01:00 PMKeynote address: Current update on Regenera�ve Medicine Dr Chirayu Padhiar

Keynote address: HPV tes�ng can it replace pap msearCervical vaccina�on- Dr S Shantha Kumari

01:00-01:15 PMTiming of delivery in late onset IUGRDr Jaya Shree Gajraj

Keynote – Ormeloxifene -its place in present day gynaec prac�ce Dr Gangadhar Sahoo

01:15-02:00 PMTime Hall A Hall B

02:00-02:15 PM Au�sm where has the research reached?Dr Nandini Bandikatla

Medical management of fibroidsDr Prakash Trivedi

02:15-02:30 PM Vaccina�ons in and around pregnancy Dr Jignesh Shah

What’s new in emergency contracep�onDr Arup Kumar Majhi

02:30- 02:40 PM Interac�on Interac�on

02:40-03:10 PMDebate on aggressive management of extreme prematurityDr Balamba P, Dr Dinesh Chirla

Debate on Protocol driven management vs individualized treatment ?Dr Swarajyalakshmi, Dr Shruthi Kesireddy

03:10-04:00 PM

Panel discussion on Unexpected scenarios –Obstetrician’s ightmareModerator-Dr Pranathi ReddyPanelists-Dr Malathi B ,Dr M.Suvarna ,Dr Mahitha ReddyDr Madhavi Y, Dr Vijayashree M, Dr Tapasee Patel

Panel discussion on Pa�ent selec�on of routes of hysterectomyModerator- Dr Sasikala KolaPanelists-Dr Sandhya Rani,Dr Vidhya ,Dr Fahmida Banu,Dr Sudeep Chakravatrhy,Dr VijayaLakshmi Sheshadri

04:00-05:00 PM

Day 3, Sunday, 31st March, 2019


Manju Gita Mishra Symposium – Near term viral infec�ons – How to manage ?


Swine flu Dr Hiralal Konar

Dengue Dr Sharada M

Herpes Dr Parag Binniwala

Chicken Pox Dr Suman Sinha

Zika infec�on Dr Aparna Sharma

SN Tripathi Ora�onDr Neeta Warthy- Uterine transplant - Courage, Commitment, Candour

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Interna�onal Facul�es

ISOPARB 2019 Facul�es

We bring two respected faculty from abroadDr Suruchi PandeyConsultant & Senior Lecturer at St George’s University Hospital, London and has special interest in Endometriosis.

Dr Ravinchandran R JeganathanObsterician at Sultanah Aminah Hospital, Malaysia and has vast experience in managing high risk obstetrics.

Aar� Deendayal TolaniAbha Rani SinhaAlakendu Cha�erjee Alka KriplaniAlka KumarAmbuja CAmitha SinhaAnantha Lakshmi Anjana JhaAnjoo AgarwalAnupama BahadurAnuradha UdimudiAnuradha KAparna KAparna SharmaArchana Kumari Aruna Ramaiah Aruna RechelArup Kumar MajhiBalamba PBasab MukherjeeChandra Mansukani Chaya DeviChinmayee RathChirayu PadhiarDas MahapatraDinesh ChirlaDivyesh ShuklaDurai PilaniFahmida BanuGangadhar sahooGaruda LakshmiGeeta GangulyGeeta KolarHara Pa�anaikHari krishnaHarish JayramHarsha KhullarHemalatha Hiralal KonarIndira Devi J Narayan Jana Jamuna DeviJaya Shree GajrajJayanthi Reddy

Jayashree Reddy Jignesh ShahJoseph KurianKadambariKamal BucksheeKameshwariKavitha Reddy Kousalya ChakravarthyKrishna KumariLakita ChawlaLakshmi Kona Lakshmi RatnaLeela DigumarthiM.Suvarna Madhavi NoriMadhavi YMadhumathi SMahalaxmi GandhiMahita ReddyMahjabeen SinghMala AroraMala SrivastavMalathi PonnuruMamta DeendayalManisha SahuManju Gita MishraManjula AnaganiManjula PMeena SamantMeena UgaleMeera Rajgopal Meeta singhMilind shahNalinikanthNandini BandikatlaNarasimha ReddyNarayan RaoNarmada KatakamNeeta WartyNiraj YenamandraNutan jain Nuzhat AzizOjaswini PatelPadma RaviPadmaja Veeramachaneni

Parag BinniwalePartha Bha�acharyaParul Kotdawala Pradeep MitraPragya Mishra Prajnya RanganathPrakash TrideviPranathi ReddyPra�bha DPra�k TambePraveen TLNPriyamvadhaPushpalatha DR N MehrotraRahul ReddyRajeshwari Rajkumari PRama DeviRamakrishna HanumanRanganathan IyerRavichandran JeganathanRavishankerRekha Kurian Ritu JoshiRooma SinhaRoya Roze�S N Tripathi Sandhya RaniSanjay PatelSanjukta MahapatraSarada MSaraschandrika Sarita BaleraoSasikala KolaSasmita DashSaswathi SanyalSathyvathi KSavitha Devi YSenthil J RajappaShailaja G Shantha KumariShanthi SinghSheela Mane Shruthi KesireddySobha V

Sree Durga RaoSri Durga PatchavaSri SaileshSrilatha GorthiSrinivas SamavedulaSubhashini MallaSubramanyam MSuchitra PanditSudip ChakravatrhySuhasini BSujata MishraSukumar BarikSulekha PandeySulthana KhanSuman SinhaSuneeta Mi�alSuni� SatwalkarSuresh SeshadriSuresh Surapeneni Suruchi PandeySuseela VavilalaSusheela RaniSusheela VijaySwamy K SSwapna Y KSwarajyalakshmiTapasi Pate Tarakeswari STity ChackoTripura SundariUma SinghUsha SureshVandana KVasundhara ParlikerVatsala DadhwalVeena Agarwal Vidhya Ranga RaoVijaya Laxmi Vijayanand JVijayashree MVinitha Das Vinutha PuliYasmeen Iqbal

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Important Dates

Abstract SubmissionPre-Congress Workshop

10th March29th March

Banquet DinnerQuiz

Regular Registra�on 28th February Conference 30th-31st March30th March31st March

Hotel Name

Park Hya� Single Rate :7000+Taxes18%

Double Rate :7490+ Taxes18%

Kaushik Kannam+91 63059 28960

Single Rate Contact

Pg students have to submit the confirma�on cer�ficate duly signed by hodA�end two workshops at the price of one

Payment Options


For best rates at conference venue (park hya�) Accommodation

1.Online Payment: Delegates can pay online by using debit card, credit card and net banking op�ons. (applicable bank charges extra on registra�on fee for online registra�on)2.Offline Payment: Demand dra� / mul�city cheque to be drawn in favor of "ISOPARB 2019" payable at Hyderabad. Please send duly filled registra�on form along with payment i.e. DD/mul�city Cheque to Conference Secretariat.3.NEFT/RTGS

Account Name: ISOPARB 2019 Account No’s: 918010111311885IFSC Code: UTIB 000 0068 RTGS Code: UTIB 000 3484Branch: AXIS BANK LTD, PG Road Secunderabad Bank: AXIS BANK LTDCity: Hyderabad



Early bird �ll 1st February, 2019 Regular �ll 28th February, 2019 Spot registra�on post 28th February, 2019





Workshop WorkshopConference Work+ Conf


Work+ ConfConference Conference

2500 5000


2500 7500



7000 9000

2500 4500


6000 2500


5000 6500



3000 6000 8000


Registra�on informa�on


Double Rate

Page 11: Awarded TSMC credit… · bladder or bowel injury. Pre-op and post op interven ons have changed to improve pa ent

Conference SecretariatDr. Y K Swapna / Dr. Madhumathi S Organizing Secretaries ISOPARB - HyderabadSwapna Health Care, Door No. 6-3-1111/19, Nishath Bagh,Begumpet, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500016Phone: +91 63059 28960Email: [email protected]

Conference ManagerRevere Events India Pvt. Ltd.

Opp Hanging Gardens, 8-2-602/DRoad No 10, Banjara Hills Hyderabad,

Telangana - 500034

Be part of fun event at the Hyderabad Golf club located in historic se�ng in and around Golconda fort. Hyderabad’s first and only public golf course where professional golfers from across the globe love to play. Coaches will teach how to put followed by sumptuous breakfast. Limited to 25 delegates/ spouse @ 500/- 9-11 am on 31st march 2019


Pu�ng for fun with breakfast at Hyderabad Golf Club HGA

9.00 am Dep from Venue Proceed to Golkonda Fort and Qutub Shahi Tombs, Lunch at water front restaurant ( Husain sagar lake view ) A�er lunch Proceed to Old Hyderabad city, Visit Chowmohalla palace, Charminar, Mecca Masjid, and Laad Bazar the famous Lac bangle of hyderabad, Back to venue.Group tour per person Rs 3500 (Minimum pax’s 10)FIT Tour by A/c car Rs 4500( 1 to 04 pax’s )

Tour Includes 1 A/c Mini bus or A/c Car2 Monument entry fee3 Bo�le of Mineral water4 Professional Tour Guide

Not included1 Lunch 2 Camera fee3 Personal expenses

Hyderabad Heritage Tour

9.00 am Dep from hotel proceed to Golconda Fort, Explore Golkonda Fort by walking, A�er fort visit to Qutub Shahi Tombs Back to Venue

Group tour per person Rs 2500 (Minimum Pax’s 10) FIT Tour by A/c Car Rs 3500( 1 to 04 Pax’s )

Tour Includes 1 A/c Mini bus or A/c Car2 Monument entry fee3 Bo�le of Mineral water4 Professional Tour Guide

Not included1 Lunch 2 Camera fee3 Personal expenses

9.00 am Dep from Venue Drive to Old Hyderabad Visit to Salarjung Museum, Nizam museum, Charminar, A�er Lunch visit Birla temple and Hussain sagar, Drive back to Venue

Group tour per person Rs 3500 (Minimum pax’s 10)FIT Tour by A/c car Rs 4500( 1 to 04 pax’s )

Tour Includes 1 A/c Mini bus or A/c Car2 Monument entry fee3 Bo�le of Mineral water4 Professional Tour Guide

Not included1 Lunch 2 Camera fee3 Personal expenses

Hyderabad Old City Tour

Qutub Shahi Heritage Tour

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