awesome at twitter


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Post on 25-Jun-2015




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awesome at twiiter contains advices for the beginner in twitter.


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Page 2: Awesome at Twitter

Don’t worry too much about h “ ” how you “come across” on Twitter. Just be yourself and tweet from the heart. Don’t t t h b t th stress too much about the

numbers—instead, use the platform to connect genuinely

h h f llwith the Twitter followers you already have, and let the rest take care of itself!


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As a business, perhaps you are looking for a specific answer to a question that you have specific answer to a question that you have. Maybe you are looking for some industry stats. You can use Twitter to pose the

ti d if th ti i i d question and if the question is engaging and if your friends are remotely interested in the same question, you should receive a

T itt i i l it d response. Twitter is a social community and usually these social communities are tight knit. Someone is bound to answer your question and at least point you in the right direction.


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Instead of answering the gquestion, “What are you doing?”, answer the question, “What has your attention?” a as you a e o ?


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Commenting on others’ tweets Commenting on others tweets, and retweeting what others have posted is a great way to build community build community.


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Without a strategy, it’s just typing.


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Ask questions. Twitter is GREAT for getting opinions.


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Follow interesting people. If you find someone who tweets interesting things, see who she follows, and follow her.


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Build up your audience of people you p y p p yknow and who like you already. The easiest way to do this? Email your friends and colleagues letting them know about a d co eagues e g e o abouyour Twitter account. Ask them to follow you. If you’re active on other networks like Facebook, let them know as Facebook, let them know as well.


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Bring your Twitter account into the Bring your Twitter account into the physical world. Every time I give a talk, speak on a panel, shoot a podcast present slides or hand out podcast, present slides, or hand out business cards, I figure out a way to broadcast or display my Twitter accountaccount.


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P ti i t i li t th t Participate in online events that use #hashtags, because others in the event will find you and

i t t ! appreciate you, too!


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The key with Twitter really is shared y yinterests. people will share your tweets with their followers if they think you share a common interest you s a e a co o e eswith them, and your tweet is relevant. So, be conversational about topics that will interest others. Be topics that will interest others. Be conversational in a way that encourages your followers to reach out to their own networksout to their own networks.


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How many timesydo you tweet

bl tyour blog poston Twitter?on Twitter?

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@GuyKawasaki argued at the social media success summit that authors should be retweeting a blog post at least four times a day. In his argument he used @CNN news as an example where he said that the news are preplayed throughout the day and they use the same news and repeat it—obviously people aren’t around to watch @CNN 24/7. Same goes aren t around to watch @CNN 24/7. Same goes with Twitter. People don’t really have the time to monitor your Twitter feed 24/7 and read every tweet that you post.every tweet that you post.

So in @guykawasaki’s argument, he suggested that people should retweet it four times in a that people should retweet it four times in a day and eight hours apart.


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Post at least twice in a day and post it for two days. That means you’re posting it four times. You can spread them out 12 hours apart.

This is because not everyone will be on twitter everyday unless they are twitter y y yaddicts like you and I of course. I personally post tweets on average two to four times a day and test different titles. y

Sometimes a tweet can just be popular with a decent headline and lucky timing.a decent headline and lucky timing.


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The 20 Words The 20 Words and Phrases That Will Get You the M t R T tMost ReTweets

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YouPleaseReTweetReTweetPostBlogSocialFreeMediaHelpPlease ReTweetPlease ReTweetGreatSocial Media10FollowHow ToTopBlog PostBlog PostCheck OutNew Blog Post


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@f h f@fachmycasofa