b. a. soper, - nys historic...

THE MAIiONB FARMER, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1014. County Letters Pleasant Meeting of the Philatht Class.—Mr*. Fred Lawrence Soils Butter Factories at Skerry. Jan. 3—Th* on Friday eve nil Misses Frances i Many young ] fe Ev;s us 'a Id. N Mrs jl d L. da ugh ., were E. ter, the nil- Philathea Class met at the home of th ,d Gertrude Wilson ople who were no members were present and a most en joyable evenir Elmer Whr days in Muss Mrs. Clara Florence, of I fg-uests of her si.«te ding, the past week. Miss Blanche Dickinson has return- ed to her school in Newburn, N. J., * after spending the holiday vacation here with her parents. Miss Bertha Selleck has returned to her home from Tupper Lake, where she has been employed for several months. Floyd Keeler and family have re- turned to their home in Faust, after spending two weeks with his parents and other, relatives. Prescott Dickinson has returned to •Cornell to resume his studies, after spending the holidays here. Mrs. Marion Sp-aulding is gaining •lowly. Howard Dickinson, of Massena. N. Y , spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Dickinson, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hoadley from Westville, spent Friday at the home of L. E. Spaulding. Miss Mary Dickinson is spending a few days at P>rusht<in. the guest of her friend, Mrs. clarence .Smith. Miss lllah Collins h,-.- returned to her home from Tupptr Lake, where she has been employed th* past thsee weeks. Mrs. James \V. Spaulding spent a few days last week in Constable, with her son, Clark Spaulding. Will Rich has moved his family in- to the Bradford tenement house. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wiison have returned to their home in Bradford, Penn., after spending some time with Mrs. Wilson's grandmother, Mrs. Ce- lestia Wiloox. Mr. and Mrs. ''iileman Tabef. of Hock Stream. N. Y . spent a few dayls last week with relatives arid friends here. Mrs. Tubers WHS formerly Miss Lenabelle Anger, of tins place. Mrs. Leo Donaldson and children have started for Syracuse. They will visit friends and relative in W;Uer- town and Norfolk en ih" way. ins r v \ CONSTABLE Jan. .">—Those who are reported ill are Ernest Co bo urn at home and I. E. Hunt, who is slightly improved. Mas- ter Clarence Cushman, who was injur- ed on Monday last while coasting near the Burke bridge, sustaining a lacera- tion of the leg, is improving satisfac- torily. He was a visitor here at the home of Mrs. Robert Long, his aunt Jerry Robinson, Sr., who resides a lit- tle distance west of here, is confined to the house from an attack of indi- gestion. Charles L*aPrad, who has been 11, is much better and able to be out igain. Miss Florence Hutchins has accept- ed a position as stenographer with the Ma lone Hardware Co. Frank Childs and Mrs .Childs, from Malone, are visiting at the home of his son, R. B. Childs. The IX W. Lawrence farm is offer- ed for sale. The Messrs. Herman Hart and Geo. LaBlanc of Canada, exped to purchase this large farm, formerly known as the Cleveland hop farm. Mrs. Hannah McCarthy, of Kilbain P. Q., is spending a few weeks here guest of her sister, Mrs. Michael irke. Mrs. Frank Davis, of Bangor, was guest of relatives and friends here < COOKS CORNERS Marriage of George Avery aud Miss Mildred Gale.—Serious Illness of Mrs. Henry Hutchins. rdf unday U Frank nd Sunday. Mr, Davis acco Barber, of Massachusetts, 'as recent visitor here at the > parents, MrfShd Mrs. Theodo of hii Par be The Junior Endeavor social and en- ter lain men! held at fhe home of W. M. Hurburt on Friday night was well attended and proved a very enjoyable ind jiofitable event to all. The en- re.iti inment was interesting, both the ii- rarv and musical numbers. The proceeds are used by the society for tH regular work, Mrs. Kiltie Todd, of Malone, spent !s"ew I oar s day here with relatives, ccompanied by her little son. Ever- ett. rl McCarthy, of Cornell Universi- s spending the holiday vacation ome. Miss Alice McCarthy, his sis- teacher in Fort Covington Acad- also enjoyed her vacation at her 13y to rooiii. Miss A Ik Friday will: ing. Fred <'ol oholville, sj witli his pa; Collins. Mrs. <>ch Ethel Rider home ot Mr P. H. Do Fisher, of F iting at the other f • th market. friend, Myrl spc -pent' Wednes- rgo'.'No'.^baKo " M\'4. Fisfce II, <>f Ni- d Sunday U-s. AJbon and Miss jy at the Miss Deris llinman, of Malone, was guest of Miss Martha Bell on Tues- d;i • rind Wednesday of last week. Norrm n Cushman, of West Consta- e, visiu-.l at the home of Robert ),>.!< i ii Smday where his little son, [•retire, is ill from a recent injury ht-j i'-g. caused by an accident in asting down the hill. Mis. Geo. Hurlburt has returned 'rora a visit to her daughter. Mrs. Wm. Buell. in Iowa. She was away for two months and enjoyed the visit very much. Cottage prayer meeting will be held this week Tuesday evening at the res-, idence of N, W. Estabrooks. i'has. Stenberge, who works.in Ban- gor. was home over Sunday.' Miss Laura Humphrey returned to Oswegatchie on Monday to resume her i-k as teacher in the public schooi < that place j .yinan Hutchins was recent' Jan. 5—Quarterly meeting, which is held in the""\V. M. church Sunday is well attended. George "Avery, son of Mr. and Mrs Albert Avery, of this place, was unit- ed irT marriage to Miss Mildred Gale in Springfield, Mass., Jan. 1st. Mr, and Mrs. Avery are among our most pop- ular young people. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Styles, of Saeo, Montana, are spending several days with Mrs. D. Avery, also Mr. and Mrs. Albert Avery and other relatives and friends in this vicinity. David Dustin, of Springfield, Mass., is -spending several days with friends in this place. Mr. Dustin was former- y of North Bangor. Mrs. Henry *Hutchlns is very ill at this writing. Miss Frances Howard of Ft. Cov- ington, who spent several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Howard, returned home on Wednesday. Cassie Howard, who is employed at North' Bangor, spent New Year's Day here with her narent#rTSTr!\and Mrs. George Howard. , \ Miss Adams, of Westville, /was t g-].-t of Hazel Aveify over Snrittay. The Ladies' Missionary meeting, which was heli^ in Ahe W. M* church Sunday eveningNrts well attended. A program was rendered as follow r s: Singing Prayer by the pastor. Singing—Hazel Avery. Scripture Reading—Psalm 10 3. Roll Call Singing Reading—Mrs. S, Rowell. Reading—Bernice Wilson. Singing Reading—Rev. Jock Reading—Hazel Avery. Reading—Mrs. Avery. Singing Reading—Carrie Morey. Reading-—Mrs. George Howard. Singing, Busines—Collection Benediction. The programme committee for the next meeting is Mrs. Henry Morey Mrs. Addie Moore. Mr. and Mrs. George Howard spent Sunday afternoon with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stearns Mott, in North Bangor. Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Brown have moved into Burl Cuningham's tene- ment house. SKERRY. Wedding of George W. Avery Mildred Gale. merly Miss Bell Donahue. I years since she visited her* finds many changes since t Mrs. Fred Lawrence ha; butter factories and a house at Sker- ry to Norman Wilson, of Burke. " Mrs. Kc-na Kerry and daughter vis- ited at the home of, H. H. Spaulding Friday. i Floyd Spaulding and family spent I New Year'.s at Ma " ed mail carrier by the lo deliver mail to and i are vis- trains and the postoffice. He commenc- •o'wn and ltd his duties the past week, was for- Mrs. Ellen Tassey, who formerly twelve resided with her husband in Burke, r'nd she i but now lives in Wisconsin, is visit- 'r, "ling her parents, Islr. and Mrs. Peter sold the | Tat ro. at the home ot her sister, Mrs. at Sker-! Joseph Martin. She expects u ' home this v-eek. Miss Carrie Wilber is cai Mrs. William Stebbins who is ering from a recent illness.^ Henry Bush was home ov< 1; Jan. 5—The home of Mr. and Mrs. >uis Gale was the scene of a pretty wedding New "Year's afternoon when their youngest daughter, Mildred, be- came tto bride of Mr. Geo. W. Avery, of Norfh llaneor. Rev, Scott, pastor of the M. E. church, performed the •eremony. The wedding was a very govern- j quiet one, only relatives being pres- the ient. Mr. and Mrs. Avery will reside at nc- (Springfield, where Mr. Avrey has a ; good position. Hearty congratulations ' are extended to the nappy couple by a lavfiv cm-le vf Ii lends, Tnc newly c-Jvc.Ui.' officers of the Congregational Fun day school arc: Supt.—Miss Mae McLaughlin. Asst. Supt.—Mrs. Laura Bowen. Secretary—Mrs. Etta McGivney. Treasurer—Sidney Jones,. •s Kerry is quite ill with liver eturn Sun- Some Changes In Real Estate*. Mr. and Mfs. Bartlett La Valley Entertain. Jan. S—Rev. M. H. Dowd will hol£ cottage prayer meetings this week in the north part of the town. Tonight the meeting will be held with Mr. and Mrs. Melburn Clark, Rebekah Meeting this Wednesday evening. Mrs, J. H. Griffin entertained her Sunday School'class of 16 young ladies and gentlemen last Tuesday evening. The occasion was one of special en- joyment to all. Miss Mary B. Whitmarsh, of Col- ton, visited Mrs. C. E. Burnap last week. She was enroute to her school at Fulton Chain. Miss Luella Prue is visiting her par- ents and other friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Gale returned from their Eastern * visit Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bell are entertaining their son, Edward Bell, wu'e and son, from Dannemora". N. E. Flint recently received three car loads of automobiles. One. carload was of Buicks, another Studebakers and the other Fords. Miss Vesta Warner is ill with ton- si lit is. Rev. C. Shaw, of Brushton, preach- j t ed in the Congregational church on Sunday. Suffered with Throat Trouble. Mr. Barnes used to be sheriff of W a r r « n County, T e n nessee. From ex- posure to the elements i he acquired! throat] trouk He si posed that] his health 1 Was entirely! ruined, In spite of all the treat- men t he could pro- cure. After using four bottles of Peruna h e claims that MR. B. W. D. BARNES, he was en- McMumvilfat Tt&n. E. R. Crandall has been visit- ing her sisters in town and has now ne to Lake Placid to spend the win- te F. am be nth tin Mrs. SpauId! Romanzo Jo The New ing •? pa V. * Year tended at. Hotel Fc Mrs. Bert the guest of dav.s la.st w Mrs. Geor last week w ker, of Mali Master J, week in Ma Harold A a few davs James \Y Home Teler, Miss i'ui:-. was the ov..- Turnei Mrs. i- eek. ge Ken it.h her me. i U I (: S S ] j o n f•. •ust in v last w. '. Spa'i)l horn- in- , Mr. and Mr i\lr j city i J. Eig'e at VT -sent f New uf Mi; Yo s Liz rk of Eriishton. - silk Brown few NOllTH LAWRENCE. ' days, Mis > Ho onths Mrs. W. s. Silas Garland Celebrate Anniversary. Jan . 5—The m and Mrs. Silas C their home last Jan. 1st, it being of their marriage quite a sum of ny friends .riand galh Thursday he -10th anni- They were g\ the Maynw spent the past two home of her parents. I Thomas Hoag. went to New } lent last i Wednesday where slir- h;<s a \ | Miss Blanche Butler lias bei-t Joy .Spending her holidav vacation !hom« of her father. J. C Butie had the j Miss Theresa Leary has been :is house guest of relatives at Stockholm Ban gor, | ter Die past week. E. Bradley, who has been a at the Methodist parsona t few days, went to Ven nesoay. Mrs. Bradley ana Huj.el, will remain tier.- weeks, the guests of Mrs, parents, Rev. and Mrs Joh Bradford Crocker .spent wtek in Potsdam and Howard Crock- er has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Skinner, of Helena for the week. Miss {Catherine Chaffee returned to her position in Weehawken, N. J ho has at the i Mrs. >rk on ..sition. been at the 'en- Wed- n Ta the d of Mr. red at ed by all. " Beit "Burr rsay •en eent nd family • ending the. past turned to Malone much Mr. and M •who have be week Sn Due last Sundav. Air. and Mrs. Lute Trim and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Trim ami family spent New Year's with relatives at Skerry. John Ryan and niece, Maud Stick- ney, spent Christmas P; pelier, Vt. Miss Hazel Thomas, fr •visiting friends in town. Mont- rn Skerry, *- WHIPPLEVILLE. Happy New Year! Mrs. Leila Carpenter, of New York, is spending a couple of weeks with relatives in town. George and .Sadie Thomas have been spending a few days' vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Thomas. T^oren Earle, of Massena, is visiting Ms daughter, Mrs. Will Strader. Herbert Reyome is home from Ga- briels for a few days. Mrs. S. G. Boyce and Mrs. Bryant, ©f Malone, were callers in town Sat- urday. Roy Hungrerford expects to go to St. Regis Falls to work soon. Saturday evening, and Miss Mae Con* nolly to Ann Arbor, Mich., Monday. M. i>. Quinnell who has been ill the past weete, is much better. Mrs, Harry Stevens and daughter were guests Friday and Saturday at the loi-.->- of Mrs. Ella Cole. Miss Lillian Williams and Arthur Weir, of Ashlands, New York, who have been spending the past two weeks at the home of Leonard Wil- liams, returned to Ashlands Friday evening. Miss Mary Holland, of Faust, was a guest of Mrs. Henry Merrill Wednes- day. " ,^- Mrs. Amos Felix, of Brasher Falls, and Mrs. Wm. Butler, of Syracuse, N. Y., called on relatives in town Tues- day afternoon. Ernest Rowell, of Medford, Ore., and A. K. Rowell, of Massena, were v/<:ek-end guests at the home of Z. Butler. On Wednesday they left Massena for their trip West, their des- tination being Oakland, Calif., where A. K. Rowell will spend some time vith his son, Clayton RoweH. Horace Johnson, of Matteawan, N. Y., called on Mrs. Louisa Clark Wed- esday, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chittendon and children, of Hopkinton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Merrill New Year's Day. M. H. Scanlon purchased of A. K. Rowell Tuesday the property on De- pot Street. trouble Miss Anna Randall and Henry Tura- mons, of Malone, were New Year's guests of Miss Randall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Randall. Milk: id .i id Wilber Eggleston are quiio i'.i. Frto £;. b : -ns has purchased a horse ot Ueil i :<.&•.. uf Alburg. j.lis 1 --- Thu-a E^-ltine was home from Malone over Sunday. Maurice- Trim has gone to camp with Earl Trim's team. W. G. Cox, foreman for Reynolds Bros & Co., at Camp No. 4, has been at home ill the past week. Mrs. Fred Sabins is ill wJfch stomach trouble. Wilber Sherwin, who has been home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Del- in attack of qui Miss Emma Richard and friend, Mr. Moody, from Saranac Lake, who have ben visiting Miss Richard's mother, Mrs. Lewis Richard, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ellsworth, and son, Arthur, of Fort Covington, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hilts. Claude Wright has purchased the Carlton McEwen farm two miles west of Lawrenceville. D. W. Woods has purchased the old Alfred Aldrich farm now occupied and owned by Mr. "Vright. Harry Delong, of Hotel Lawrence, has returned after visiting his parents at Ellenburg. Clayton Young, of Utiea, is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Clark are spend- ing the week in Vermont. Mrs. W. H. Montross is visiting friends in Nyack, Poughkeepsie and New York. Bernard Finnegan, who is employ- ed as bookkeeper and stenographer at Adams, N. Y., is visiting his par- ents in the northern part of the town. Though late, we would speak of the kindness of our M. E. church janitor, Albert Parr, who solicited subscrip- tions and purchased 19 hymnals to be : used at church services. | Henry Spencer haj* recently had a j well drilled, also Ed. Smith, Mrs. Clara \ Spencer and Orlin Russell. j Moira Tent, K. O. T. M. will have j a dance at Lawrence Hall Friday eve- ning, Jan. 16th. The Malone Orchestra < f three pieces will furnish the music. First Lieut. K. F. Baldwin and son, Karl, who have spent three years in the Philippines, are expected here to- day to visit Mrs. Baldwin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Chandler. Lieut. Baldwin is expecting to return to the ilands to remain until May when he to go to Japan to learn the lan- guage, having been selected from many other army officers. He will re- i y restored to health. Catarrh of the throat is not oniy an annoying- disease of itself, but it ex- poses the victim to many other dis- eases. We are constantly breathing into our throats numerous atmos- pheric germs. Disease germs of all sorts. This cannot be avoided. If the throat ^is healthy the system is protected from these poisonous germs. But if the throat is raw and punctured with numerous little ul- cers, by catarrh, then the disease germs have easy access to the system. Keep the throat well and clean. This is the way to protect yourself against contagious diseases. Gargle the throat as explained in the Ufew "Ills of Life," sent free by the Peruna Co., Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Barnes says: '1 had throat trouble and had three doctors treat- ing me. All failed to do me any good, and pronounced my health gone. I concluded to try Peruna, and after using four bottles can say I was en- tirely cured." Marriage of Ray S. Barlow and Miss Lena Thurgood. Carrie Russell and Mae Sweet have returned to Potsdam; Maud Barber to Sacketts Harbor arid Mary Condon to Champlain, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. McMullen and Ruth spent New Year's Day with rel- atives in Ormstown, P. Q . " Willie Keenan returns to St. Mary's Academy, Ogdensburg today. A few from here went to Massena Friday night to game. et o Masse._ ittend the basket ball TROttT RIVEB. Foresters* B«U * Soooea«.~Two Acci- dents at VaUeyfteld. *»??£* 5 John fru 48TK«y returned (o Pitteburg on Friday after enjoying a two weeks' vacation with his parents and son, Jack. The dance held at the home of Rob- ert Marshall New Year's night was wen attended and a good time report- ed by all. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Bruce and fam- ily enjoyed a New Tear's dinner In Canada at the home of his parents At Helena the Independent Order of Foresters held a bail on Friday which proved a success. The attendance was large and Casey's orchestra of Mon- treal furnished the music. Dancing continued until the small hours of the morning. Proceeds were over $70. As those in charge had provided an over- abundance of provisions another dance was held on Monday night which increased the receipts. Clayton Wright and son, Claud, re- turned home from Crown Point New Year's Eve. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Blair gave a party New Year's night in honor of the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of the latter's parents. Nelsons Mayville and family have moved to Burke, Two serious accidents happened in Valleyfield recently. While a little boy named Fred Thomas, residing at 11 Park street, was amusing himself act- ing as Santa Claus, he somehow got In contact with a blaze and the light ma- terial in which he was dressed was set afire. The little fellow was severely burned about the neck and ears. While a number of little lads were skating on an old quarry outside of the village limits one of the lads nam- ed Thompson got his right leg severe- ly injured. He was conveyed home and one of the local doctors summon- ed who had to take ten stitches in :he wound. Miss Kilda Dalzell returned to Montreal on Monday after enjoying tor Christmas holidays at home. Miss Margaret Cameron has return- >d to Malone, after enjoying a few days at home. George Hunt and family have mov- ed to Constable last week to reside on the Maloney Place. Peter Louis and family have moved nto the home vacated by Geo. Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hurlburt visit- ed with friends in town New Year's day. CHASM FALLS & OWLS HEAD. William A. Purdy, Jr., who has been for over a year past in the Far West, returned to his home here last week. Miss Adelaide DeLong, of Lake Kushaqua, who is a student in Wel- lesley College, near Boston, spent last Friday with her cousins, the Misses Florence and Isabel Wescott, in ^hasm Falls. Wesley B, Har.wood returned Sat- urday to Ithaca to his studies in Cor- nell University. Friday evening sever- al of the young people of Chasm Falls, made him a party at his home, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all pres- Miss Helen Whitney, of Malone, spent Friday and Saturday with her GOVERNMENT BONDS May be bought any day. LIFE INSUR- ANCE can be bought only when In GOOD J. H. DUttEA^ General Agent, MALONE. N. Y. Lena L. Thurgood, daughter of Mr. I friend, Mi«? Mildred Edgar, on Stan- main there three years. Mrs. Baldwin here visiting until May 11 join her hsband in Ja- ill remaii when she pan. Miss Janet Spencer who has been employed in a hospital in Gloucester, Mass., is visiting her parents, Mr. a,n-d Mrs, Henry Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Davidson 5 Thurgood, and JtSarlow, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Barlow, were quietly married on New Year's night at the M. E. parsonage. Rev. D. E. Robson performed the ceremony. Their many friends extend congratulations. Mis Edith Hughes called on friends here last week. Miss Orraa McCain spent Friday in Fort Covington. Arthur Barney, from Huntingdon, Mrs. L. M. Saunders and son, of St. Regis Falls, were New Year guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hull. Miss Belle Gilpin is spending the week with Mrs. Mary Cook, Mr. and Mrs. tertained 3 0 o New Year's breakfast. A generous re- past was thoroughly enjoyed. A, A. Lavery, of Schenectady, vis- bert Sherwin, for ten days, return- ! ited his sister, Mrs. P. J. Drake, last ed to Waterville, Mass., Saturday. jweek. - - ' Mr, ana Mrs. Drake and children y with Mr. and t Lawrenceville. "Bernard O'Connell and wife have ; ¥ one to Alburgh, Vt., where they have nd : spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. William B; cknault and his parent; , .rney. Sam Becknault and daughter, Miss Blanche, spent New Year's in St. Lam- bert, Que. Tim Cotter, from the East, is vis- Bartlett Lavalley en-I iting relatives here, their relatives at a j School opens again tomorrow. Mrs. J. J. McBrierty and son, Leo- The young people of Skerry ^ ^ , having great fun coasting on the Tar- i g ^ W ^ L a v e r y " bell hill these nice moonlight nights, j Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Davenport, of j Dickinson., visited friends here Sun- nard, have returned from Montreal, after spending the holidays there. Mrs. Provential and son, of Mas- sena, were the guests of Mrs. Anna Boyer recently. DICKINSON CENTER. day Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stevens spent New Year's Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson at No, Ban- gor. Fred Merritr and Barton Snyder started for Spring Cove this morning where they will work Mr. Merrill's teams Mrs. ones. Mr m p. Prespare's a rah Stevens is Wilson, of Burke, ha rchas- >d the Skerry and Sand Hill butter factories of the Fred Lawrence es- tate and a butter meeting was called last Saturday night. Mr. Wilson has been in the butter business for the past ten years and comes highly rec- ommended. W T e wish him success. Several of our young people ^tend- ed the dance at the home of Norman Barrett Wednesday night and spent a very pleasant evening, Mrs. John Cyrus and daughters, Lo- la and Hazel, spent New Year's at the home of Fred Bombard in Reynolds- The Ladies' Aid Society will hold their annual oyster supper at the home of Mrs. H. K. Rider Thursday evening, Jan. 15. Price 25c. Everyone cordially invited. AN IDEAt WOMAN'S Who wants to take salts, or castor oil. whea there is nothing better than Dr. Kihrs New Life Pills for all bow- el troubles? They act gently and na- Urally on. the atomach and liver, stim- ulate and regulate your bowels and tone up the entire system. Price 25c. At ail Druggists." H K. Bucklen & Co. Philadelphia or St. loots. employment. Mrs. W. E. Clark entertained a par- ty of ladies at her home 'Wednesday ! afternoon and evening and a pleasant time was spent. SOUTH BOMBAY A Sunday School banquet was held in Grange Hall on Tuesday evening of last week, which w " " g t . oneiugion :of a "trip to Palestine" contest which has been running for several weeks. Jan. 5—Mr. and Mrs. Merton son and family, of Malone, guests at Frank Brayton's a few the past week. g s A very nice supper w rved to about 150 by those on the Lusitania *^-, supper interesting remarks were ; After days ; were made" by "the pastor, Rev. N. Darling, the superintendent, W. George Russell spent a few days at 'Stowe, the captains, Harold LaRocque Vermontville attending: the Holiness ; and Everett S. Parks, and other mem- Convention. ; bers of the school. The school, after Miss Kate Flanders went to Otta- ' journeying through Palestine,now ex- wa on Wednesday to spend a few days ' pects to set sail for home, headed by a y p t the home of Wm. Flanders. their new leaders, Misses Gladys Stowe d D i L B t Th Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Berry and their Stowe and Doris LaBounty The school ,,,,v,*_ T „„„ „# a * «»-•« w~ii«. has elected the following officers' for the coming year:— Superintendent—W. L. Stowe. Asst. Supt.—Newland Aiken. Secretary—Clarence Tebo. Treasurer—Miss Marion Davidson. Pres. Missionary Department—Mrs. Ardy Palmer. Secy and Treas.—Miss Gladys Stowe Supt. Home Department —Mrs. O. 3. Parks. Miss Dorothy Ramsdell entertained a friend from out of town last week. P. G. Parks transacted business in Malone on Friday. Ward Cotey, of Norwood, is a vis- m WE PAY Special Prices FOB BEEF H » E 8 , CALF SKINS, HOESE HIDES, DEER SKINS, RAW FURS, Etc. WE PAY THE FREIGHT = = = = = Let Us Know .- It's Your Benefit -as well as for Ours Malone Rag, Iron & Metal Go Phone35-J, Res. Phone 208*R, FOOT OF MILL STREET, daughter, Lena, of St. Regis Falls, are spending a few days visiting at the home of John Barrett and other rel- atives. Mrs. Anna Smith spent a few days last week with friends at Dickinson. Mrs. John Barrett, who has been spending the summer with her broth- er, Michael Hogan, returned home on Wednesday. Mr. arid Mrs. Allison Richardson and two children, Ruth and Irene, of Potsdam, spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Richardson. Ruth Pulling, of Ottawa, spent the past week visiting her aunt, Minnie Flanders. John Niles* team with Clifford Bo- yea as teamster; Benj. Villnave's team with Jerry Snyder as teamster, and John Barrett's team with Lucius Synder as teamster, went to Santa Clara Monday where they have em- ployment. Miss Jennie Russell, of Malone, N. Y., spe»t New Year's with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Russeil. Lawrence Tryon, of St. Regis Falls, is spending the holidays with his aunt, Mrs. Orange Phelps. Mrs. Fred Robvdeau and two chil- dren, Ruth and Napoleon, of Ft. Cov- ington, spent a few days the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Villnave. Mr. Lamberton who has been spending a few months with his sons at Mooers, has returned to the home of his daughter. Mrs. Wm. Sweet. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Richardson spent a few days the past week with .'their daughter, Mrs. Orr Smith, [Brasher. Geo. Sweet spent a few days the past week at Burke. Charles Rockhill, who has been spending a few dayg with his daugh- ter, Mrs. Robert Best, at Madrid, re- turned home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Phelps went to Malone Saturday to spend a few weeks with their uncle, Clark Barrett, VVEST 11ANGOR. Jan. 5—Mr, and Mrs. Caleman Ta- ber, of Reading Center, N. Y., visited friends and relatives in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Ayers are the prorfd parents of a boy. Congratula- tions! i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peck spent {New Years vith the latter's parents, (at Gile. 1 Mrs. Edaon Lawrence and grund- Sfehildren spent N.w Year's with her I daughter, Mrs. H. G. Averilt. at Chasm Fails. Mrs. Mae Lawrence and daughter. Miss Luln. of .'. JF .u, «. , .. • of Mrs. Sylvia Lawrence Friday. , Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Lawrence spent New Year's at chasm Falls, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Averill. For old sort-* of every description apply Hanford's lUlsAm once or twice daily, varying the quantity and fre- quency acordlng to the severity of the i case.—Adv. ^ ' y, tov. n today. Eva Thompson returned to C l l Md itor in her home near Cornwall on~Monday after spending several days at N. F. "'Tiles'. Miss Margaret Sweet returned on Saturday from Oberlin, Ohio, where she has been spending the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Lindsay are guests of his mother, Mrs. Mary Lind- say. Mrs. Adelia Cunningham and her daughter, Isabelle, were over-Sunday visitors in town. Mrs. Cunningham returns to Tupper Lake today and Miss Isabelle goes to Canton where she is a student in the University. Miss Josie Orcutt left on Tuesday for Big Moose to resume her duties in a private sahool. Carroll Waste and Master Henry Palmer spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Orvis in Norwod, returning on Saturday. Rev. McClelland, of Pennsylvania, a former pastor of the Baptist church spent several days in town the past week. Alfred Sampson left on Wednesday for Bay Pond, having recovered suffi- ciently from his recent accident to re- sume work. TArs. A. P. Gleason, who has been spending several weeks with her sis- ter, Mrs. Roxy Young, and other rel- atives In Syracuse, returned home re- cently. clff street. Mrs. Favero, of Clinton county, is visiting her sister, Mrs. George Taylor u St. Helen Street. Mr. and Mrs. William F, Trask, of Owls Head recently visited relatives in I Vt.. . lon^burg. Grttvtl, of Highgate Springs, h visiting his parents, Mr. d G l t O l Hd , ng his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gravel, at Owls Head. Joseph iioyer, of Owls Head, has purchased ths nouse and lot recently owned and occupied by Geo. H. Myers. George Lester has moved with his family to Pine Park, N. Y., where his siKtor, Mrs. Gay, and brother, Frank IiOster .already reside. Loren Earle, of Massena, is visiting his son, Hubert Earle, at Mountain View, his daughters, Mrs. F. B. Liver- nois, of Owls Head, and Mrs. W. A. Strader, of Whippleville; also his bro- ther, Fred R. Earle, of Owls Head, and his sister, Mrs. Jane Wescott, of Malone. Mr. Earle was many years ago a resident of Owls Head. Mrs. Truman Safford and Mrs. Er- nest SafEord spent Sunday with their aged uncle, Sylvester Collins, at West Bangor. The ladies of the Chasm Falls M. E, church will serve their regular an- nual oyster supper at Wesley Hall on Fid i f thi k .Let all have nua oy supp a Wsley Friday evening of this week. who possibly can attend d d ti d good time and encourage those who work for the church. Mrs. L. M. Purdy, of Floodwood. is spending a few days with relatives in Chasm Palls. " Mr. and Mrs. Alex. L. Cherrier, of Fairfax, Vt., are spending a week here with their old friends and neighbors in this vicinity. Mrs. G. A. Bombard and daughter, Beulah, of Saranac Lake, were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ThomAp Crawford, last week. ^ George Twaddle, of Holyoke, Mass., is visiting relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Liemuel Shutts, of El- lenburgh, visited relatives in town the past week. Frank Hurto, of Ogdensburg, spent a few days recently with his parents town. Mrs. D. Woodard and Mrs. F. Webb, of Canada, N. H.,. are visiting relatives in Thayers Corners. Miss Vera Williams was the guest of friends in Brainardsvilie recently. Last Friday evening Mial Smith en- d a number of his friends.at ith's new house on Main St. sport a pleasant time. and Mrs. F. H. M&son were , to. f:.>MH<>£ I* i'it la*t week by the death of Mrs. Mason's brother-in- law. Earl Jones, who has been spend- ing the holidays in town, returned to Colgate University Monday,, Pansy Stone returned to Sy-' racuse University this week. Chester Stanley returned to Albany Business College after spending the holidays in town. Mn and Mrs. John Selkirk, Jr., have »on*boin January 1st. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Witherell of this place, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alonson Green ii> Chateaugay on New Year's Day. ? - tertaine< .~-"5fr. 8m: If your horse goes lame rub on and rub in thoroughly Hahford'a Balsam. —Adv. NOTICE The annual meeting of the Frank- lin County Agricultural Society will be held at tit. 1 court house in Ma- lone, N. Y. on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 13th, 1914, at two o'clock, for the election of officers and for the tran- saction of such other business as may come befoie said meeting. WAUGER J. MALLiON. 4wl Sec - Remember Those Who Have Remembered Yon. Father and mother have been giving y«n gifts for many years. Their eye* have grown dim la looking for things that would ple*te you. We know because we have supplied the masses that have testoted their ke«noesaofvUtoB. Those glasses are always with them and If you give them a fine case, bear- ing tbtir initials ln sterBag silver, the gift will be seen and appreciated every time that father or mother remove or put on their glasses. They will appreciate your kindness as you appreciate the many kind thoughts they hold for you. Gift eyeglass and spectacle cases from $1.00 up. B. A. SOPER, Optometrist and Optician, 21 Elm Street, Malone, N. Y. Across the ft. R. track ftom Howard House. In office every day but Tuesdays. Keep The Pullets Growing Fast II You Want Winter Eggs If you let the pullets get a setback just as. they are coming to maturity, you'll lose your Winter eggs—the eggs that pay big. Feed your flock all they'll eat up clean—and include p Poultry Regulator You'll have well matured and heavy laying? pullets. Pntts Poultry Regulator is a gentle, invfe* orating tonic that keeps a hen's digestion ri«k^ her appetite up and her laying capacity at concert pitch. We guarantee you satisfaction or money back* 4 Have you Pratts HO page Poultry Bookt G. D. NORTHRIDGE, Fkmr, Etc. E. E. HOGLE, Flour and Feed, MALGNE, N. Y, PARTING With your money isn't pleasing unless you get full satisfaction in return. This Ii especially so wltb-the laundering of white and colored shirts, waistcoats, collars and cuffs. Our gratified patrons are our best recommendation. 30 years of good laun- dering. TAYLOR'S LAUNDRY, MALONE*S BEST, HAcademySt. Phone284. THE ANNTJAIi MEETING of the stockholders of The Farmer* National Bank of Malone will be heM in the parlors of «aid bank, Tuesday, January 13th, 1914, at 3 o'clock P. M. Dated Dec. 16, 1913. F. F. FISK, Iw4 Cashier. TOWH CLERK'S NOTICE To Owners and Harborers of Dogs. You are hereby notified that you ar* required by law to register in th« Town Clerk's office of this town on or before the tenth day of January. 3 914, any and all dogs or bitches ©w four months old, owned or harbored **- you and pay the license fee aa —ed by law or be subject to the pen- alties as imposed by the laws of New York, Chapter 455, 1&02. Signed and dated this 20th day of December, 19 IS, t>_ H. W. MAIN, Town Clerfc 2^ 3 Town of Malone MALOKE MARKET. Prices paid producers, (Corrected ev- ery Tuesday.)

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County Letters

Pleasant Meeting of the PhilathtClass.—Mr*. Fred Lawrence Soils

Butter Factories at Skerry.

Jan. 3—Th*on Friday eve nilMisses Frances iMany young ]


Ev;s us 'aId. N


j l d


da u g h., were


ter,t h enil-

Philathea Class metat the home of th

,d Gertrude Wilsonople who were no

members were present and a most enjoyable evenir

Elmer Whrdays in Muss

Mrs. ClaraFlorence, of I

fg-uests of her si.«teding, the past week.

Miss Blanche Dickinson has return-ed to her school in Newburn, N. J.,

* after spending the holiday vacationhere with her parents.

Miss Bertha Selleck has returned toher home from Tupper Lake, whereshe has been employed for severalmonths.

Floyd Keeler and family have re-turned to their home in Faust, afterspending two weeks with his parentsand other, relatives.

Prescott Dickinson has returned to•Cornell to resume his studies, afterspending the holidays here.

Mrs. Marion Sp-aulding is gaining•lowly.

Howard Dickinson, of Massena. N.Y , spent a few days with his parents,Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Dickinson,

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hoadley fromWestville, spent Friday at the homeof L. E. Spaulding.

Miss Mary Dickinson is spending afew days at P>rusht<in. the guest ofher friend, Mrs. clarence .Smith.

Miss lllah Collins h,-.- returned toher home from Tupptr Lake, whereshe has been employed th* past thseeweeks.

Mrs. James \V. Spaulding spent afew days last week in Constable, withher son, Clark Spaulding.

Will Rich has moved his family in-to the Bradford tenement house.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wiison havereturned to their home in Bradford,Penn., after spending some time withMrs. Wilson's grandmother, Mrs. Ce-lestia Wiloox.

Mr. and Mrs. ''iileman Tabef. ofHock Stream. N. Y . spent a few daylslast week with relatives arid friendshere. Mrs. Tubers WHS formerly MissLenabelle Anger, of tins place.

Mrs. Leo Donaldson and childrenhave started for Syracuse. They willvisit friends and relative in W;Uer-town and Norfolk en ih" way.

ins r


Jan. .">—Those who are reported illare Ernest Co bo urn at home and I. E.Hunt, who is slightly improved. Mas-ter Clarence Cushman, who was injur-ed on Monday last while coasting nearthe Burke bridge, sustaining a lacera-tion of the leg, is improving satisfac-torily. He was a visitor here at thehome of Mrs. Robert Long, his auntJerry Robinson, Sr., who resides a lit-tle distance west of here, is confinedto the house from an attack of indi-gestion. Charles L*aPrad, who has been11, is much better and able to be outigain.

Miss Florence Hutchins has accept-ed a position as stenographer with theMa lone Hardware Co.

Frank Childs and Mrs .Childs, fromMalone, are visiting at the home of hisson, R. B. Childs.

The IX W. Lawrence farm is offer-ed for sale. The Messrs. Herman Hartand Geo. LaBlanc of Canada, expedto purchase this large farm, formerlyknown as the Cleveland hop farm.

Mrs. Hannah McCarthy, of KilbainP. Q., is spending a few weeks here

guest of her sister, Mrs. Michaelirke.Mrs. Frank Davis, of Bangor, was

guest of relatives and friends here <


Marriage of George Avery aud MissMildred Gale.—Serious Illness of

Mrs. Henry Hutchins.

rdfunday UFrank

nd Sunday. Mr, Davisacco

Barber, of Massachusetts,' a s recent visitor here at the

> parents, MrfShd Mrs. Theodoof hiiPar be

The Junior Endeavor social and en-ter lain men! held at fhe home of W.M. Hurburt on Friday night was wellattended and proved a very enjoyableind jiofitable event to all. The en-re.iti inment was interesting, both theii- rarv and musical numbers. Theproceeds are used by the society fortH regular work,

Mrs. Kiltie Todd, of Malone, spent!s"ew I oar s day here with relatives,ccompanied by her little son. Ever-

ett.rl McCarthy, of Cornell Universi-s spending the holiday vacationome. Miss Alice McCarthy, his sis-

teacher in Fort Covington Acad-also enjoyed her vacation at her

13y t o r o o i i i .

Miss A IkFriday will:ing.

Fred <'oloholville, sjwitli his pa;Collins.

Mrs. <>chEthel Riderhome ot Mr

P. H. DoFisher, of Fiting at theother f •

t h market.

friend, Myrlspc

-pent' Wednes-


" M\'4. Fisfce

II, <>f Ni-d SundayU-s. AJbon

and Missjy at the

Miss Deris llinman, of Malone, wasguest of Miss Martha Bell on Tues-

d;i • rind Wednesday of last week.Norrm n Cushman, of West Consta-e, visiu-.l at the home of Robert),>.!< i ii Smday where his little son,[•retire, is ill from a recent injury

ht-j i'-g. caused by an accident inasting down the hill.Mis. Geo. Hurlburt has returned

'rora a visit to her daughter. Mrs.Wm. Buell. in Iowa. She was awayfor two months and enjoyed the visitvery much.Cottage prayer meeting will be held

this week Tuesday evening at the res-,idence of N, W. Estabrooks.

i'has. Stenberge, who works.in Ban-gor. was home over Sunday.'

Miss Laura Humphrey returned toOswegatchie on Monday to resume her

i-k as teacher in the public schooi <that place j.yinan Hutchins was recent'

Jan. 5—Quarterly meeting, whichis held in the""\V. M. church Sundayis well attended.George "Avery, son of Mr. and Mrs

Albert Avery, of this place, was unit-ed irT marriage to Miss Mildred Galein Springfield, Mass., Jan. 1st. Mr, andMrs. Avery are among our most pop-ular young people. Congratulations.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Styles, of Saeo,Montana, are spending several dayswith Mrs. D. Avery, also Mr. and Mrs.Albert Avery and other relatives andfriends in this vicinity.

David Dustin, of Springfield, Mass.,is -spending several days with friendsin this place. Mr. Dustin was former-y of North Bangor.

Mrs. Henry *Hutchlns is very ill atthis writing.

Miss Frances Howard of Ft. Cov-ington, who spent several days at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. George Howard,returned home on Wednesday.

Cassie Howard, who is employed atNorth' Bangor, spent New Year's Dayhere with her narent#rTSTr!\and Mrs.George Howard. , \

Miss Adams, of Westville, /was tg-].-t of Hazel Aveify over Snrittay.

The Ladies' Missionary meeting,which was heli^ in Ahe W. M* churchSunday eveningNrts well attended. Aprogram was rendered as followrs: —

SingingPrayer by the pastor.Singing—Hazel Avery.Scripture Reading—Psalm 10 3.Roll CallSingingReading—Mrs. S, Rowell.Reading—Bernice Wilson.SingingReading—Rev. JockReading—Hazel Avery.Reading—Mrs. Avery.SingingReading—Carrie Morey.Reading-—Mrs. George Howard.Singing,Busines—CollectionBenediction.The programme committee for the

next meeting is Mrs. Henry MoreyMrs. Addie Moore.

Mr. and Mrs. George Howardspent Sunday afternoon with the lat-ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. StearnsMott, in North Bangor.

Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Brown havemoved into Burl Cuningham's tene-ment house.


Wedding of George W. AveryMildred Gale.

merly Miss Bell Donahue. Iyears since she visited her*finds many changes since t

Mrs. Fred Lawrence ha;butter factories and a house at Sker-ry to Norman Wilson, of Burke.

" Mrs. Kc-na Kerry and daughter vis-ited at the home of, H. H. SpauldingFriday. i

Floyd Spaulding and family spent INew Year'.s at Ma "

ed mail carrier by thelo deliver mail to and i

are vis- trains and the postoffice. He commenc-•o'wn and ltd his duties the past week,was for- Mrs. Ellen Tassey, who formerlyi« twelve resided with her husband in Burke,r'nd she i but now lives in Wisconsin, is visit-'r, "ling her parents, Islr. and Mrs. Petersold the | Tat ro. at the home ot her sister, Mrs.at Sker-! Joseph Martin. She expects u

' home this v-eek.Miss Carrie Wilber is cai

Mrs. William Stebbins who isering from a recent illness.^

Henry Bush was home ov<1;

Jan. 5—The home of Mr. and Mrs.>uis Gale was the scene of a pretty

wedding New "Year's afternoon whentheir youngest daughter, Mildred, be-came tto bride of Mr. Geo. W. Avery,of Norfh llaneor. Rev, Scott, pastorof the M. E. church, performed the•eremony. The wedding was a very

govern- j quiet one, only relatives being pres-the ient. Mr. and Mrs. Avery will reside atnc- (Springfield, where Mr. Avrey has a

; good position. Hearty congratulations' are extended to the nappy couple bya lavfiv cm-le vf Ii lends,

Tnc newly c-Jvc.Ui.' officers of theCongregational Fun day school arc:

Supt.—Miss Mae McLaughlin.Asst. Supt.—Mrs. Laura Bowen.Secretary—Mrs. Etta McGivney.Treasurer—Sidney Jones,.

•s Kerry is quite ill with liver



Some Changes In Real Estate*. Mr. andMfs. Bartlett La Valley Entertain.

Jan. S—Rev. M. H. Dowd will hol£cottage prayer meetings this week inthe north part of the town. Tonightthe meeting will be held with Mr. andMrs. Melburn Clark,

Rebekah Meeting this Wednesdayevening.

Mrs, J. H. Griffin entertained herSunday School'class of 16 young ladiesand gentlemen last Tuesday evening.The occasion was one of special en-joyment to all.

Miss Mary B. Whitmarsh, of Col-ton, visited Mrs. C. E. Burnap lastweek. She was enroute to her schoolat Fulton Chain.

Miss Luella Prue is visiting her par-ents and other friends in town.

Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Gale returnedfrom their Eastern * visit Saturdaynight.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bell areentertaining their son, Edward Bell,wu'e and son, from Dannemora".

N. E. Flint recently received threecar loads of automobiles. One. carloadwas of Buicks, another Studebakersand the other Fords.

Miss Vesta Warner is ill with ton-si lit is.

Rev. C. Shaw, of Brushton, preach- j t

ed in the Congregational church onSunday.

Suffered withThroat Trouble.

Mr. Barnesused to besheriff ofW a r r « nC o u n t y ,Ten nessee.F r o m ex-p o s u r e tothe elements ihe acquired!t h r o a t ]t r o u kHe s iposed that]his health 1Was entirely!ruined, Inspite of allthe treat-men t hecould pro-cure.

A f t e rusing fourbottles ofPeruna h eclaims that MR. B. W. D. BARNES,he was en- McMumvilfat Tt&n.

E. R. Crandall has been visit-ing her sisters in town and has now

ne to Lake Placid to spend the win-te

F . am be nth tin

Mrs. SpauId!Romanzo Jo

The New

ing •? paV .

* Yeartended at. Hotel Fc

Mrs. Bertthe guest ofdav.s la.st w

Mrs. Georlast week wker, of Mali

Master J,week in Ma

Harold Aa few davs

James \YHome Teler,

Miss i'ui:-.w a s t h e ov..-

TurneiMrs. i-

eek.ge Kenit.h herm e .i U I (: S S ]j o n f •.•ust in vlast w.

'. Spa'i)lhorn- in-

, Mr. and Mr i\lrj city

i J. Eig'eat VT -sent

f Newuf Mi;

Yos Liz


of Eriishton. -silk Brown few


' days ,Mis > Ho


Mrs. W.

s. Silas Garland CelebrateAnniversary.

J a n . 5—The mand Mrs. Silas Ctheir home lastJan. 1st, it beingof their marriagequite a sum of

ny friends.riand galhThursdayhe -10th anni-

They were g\• the

Maynwspent the past twohome of her parents.

I Thomas Hoag. went to New }lent last i Wednesday where slir- h;<s a \

| Miss Blanche Butler liasbei-t Joy .Spending her holidav vacation

!hom« of her father. J. C Butiehad the j Miss Theresa Leary has been:is house guest of relatives at StockholmBan gor, | ter Die past week.

E. Bradley, who has been aat the Methodist parsona

t few days, went to Vennesoay. Mrs. Bradley anaHuj.el, will remain tier.-weeks, the guests of Mrs,parents, Rev. and Mrs Joh

Bradford Crocker .spentwtek in Potsdam and Howard Crock-er has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs.Isaac Skinner, of Helena for the week.

Miss {Catherine Chaffee returned toher position in Weehawken, N. J

ho hasat thei Mrs.>rk on..sition.

beenat the



n Tathe \»d

of Mr.red at

ed by all." Beit "Burr



nd family• ending the. pastturned to Malone

muchMr. and M

•who have beweek Sn Duelast Sundav.

Air. and Mrs. Lute Trim and Mr. andMrs. Edwin Trim ami family spentNew Year's with relatives at Skerry.

John Ryan and niece, Maud Stick-ney, spent Christmas P;pelier, Vt.

Miss Hazel Thomas, fr•visiting friends in town.


rn Skerry,


Happy New Year!Mrs. Leila Carpenter, of New York,

is spending a couple of weeks withrelatives in town.

George and .Sadie Thomas have beenspending a few days' vacation withtheir parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M.Thomas.

T^oren Earle, of Massena, is visitingMs daughter, Mrs. Will Strader.

Herbert Reyome is home from Ga-briels for a few days.

Mrs. S. G. Boyce and Mrs. Bryant,©f Malone, were callers in town Sat-urday.

Roy Hungrerford expects to go to St.Regis Falls to work soon.

Saturday evening, and Miss Mae Con*nolly to Ann Arbor, Mich., Monday.

M. i>. Quinnell who has been ill thepast weete, is much better.

Mrs, Harry Stevens and daughterwere guests Friday and Saturday atthe loi-.->- of Mrs. Ella Cole.

Miss Lillian Williams and ArthurWeir, of Ashlands, New York, whohave been spending the past twoweeks at the home of Leonard Wil-liams, returned to Ashlands Fridayevening.

Miss Mary Holland, of Faust, was aguest of Mrs. Henry Merrill Wednes-day. " ,^-

Mrs. Amos Felix, of Brasher Falls,and Mrs. Wm. Butler, of Syracuse, N.Y., called on relatives in town Tues-day afternoon.

Ernest Rowell, of Medford, Ore.,and A. K. Rowell, of Massena, werev/<:ek-end guests at the home of Z.Butler. On Wednesday they leftMassena for their trip West, their des-tination being Oakland, Calif., whereA. K. Rowell will spend some timevith his son, Clayton RoweH.

Horace Johnson, of Matteawan, N.Y., called on Mrs. Louisa Clark Wed-

esday,Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chittendon

and children, of Hopkinton, were theguests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. MerrillNew Year's Day.

M. H. Scanlon purchased of A. K.Rowell Tuesday the property on De-pot Street.

troubleMiss Anna Randall and Henry Tura-

mons, of Malone, were New Year'sguests of Miss Randall's parents, Mr.and Mrs. John Randall.

Milk: id .i id Wilber Eggleston arequiio i'.i.

Frto £;. b:-ns has purchased a horseot Ueil i :<.&•.. uf Alburg.

j.lis1--- Thu-a E^-ltine was home fromMalone over Sunday.

Maurice- Trim has gone to campwith Earl Trim's team.

W. G. Cox, foreman for ReynoldsBros & Co., at Camp No. 4, has beenat home ill the past week.

Mrs. Fred Sabins is ill wJfch stomachtrouble.

Wilber Sherwin, who has been homewith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Del-

in attack of quiMiss Emma Richard and friend, Mr.

Moody, from Saranac Lake, who haveben visiting Miss Richard's mother,Mrs. Lewis Richard, have returnedhome.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ellsworth, andson, Arthur, of Fort Covington, areguests of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hilts.

Claude Wright has purchased theCarlton McEwen farm two miles westof Lawrenceville. D. W. Woods haspurchased the old Alfred Aldrich farmnow occupied and owned by Mr."Vright.

Harry Delong, of Hotel Lawrence,has returned after visiting his parentsat Ellenburg.

Clayton Young, of Utiea, is visitinghis parents.Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Clark are spend-

ing the week in Vermont.Mrs. W. H. Montross is visiting

friends in Nyack, Poughkeepsie andNew York.

Bernard Finnegan, who is employ-ed as bookkeeper and stenographerat Adams, N. Y., is visiting his par-ents in the northern part of the town.

Though late, we would speak of thekindness of our M. E. church janitor,Albert Parr, who solicited subscrip-tions and purchased 19 hymnals to be :used at church services. |

Henry Spencer haj* recently had a jwell drilled, also Ed. Smith, Mrs. Clara \Spencer and Orlin Russell. j

Moira Tent, K. O. T. M. will have ja dance at Lawrence Hall Friday eve-ning, Jan. 16th. The Malone Orchestra <

f three pieces will furnish the music.First Lieut. K. F. Baldwin and son,

Karl, who have spent three years inthe Philippines, are expected here to-day to visit Mrs. Baldwin's parents,Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Chandler. Lieut.Baldwin is expecting to return to the

ilands to remain until May when heto go to Japan to learn the lan-

guage, having been selected frommany other army officers. He will re-

i yrestored to health.

Catarrh of the throat is not oniy anannoying- disease of itself, but it ex-poses the victim to many other dis-eases. We are constantly breathinginto our throats numerous atmos-pheric germs. Disease germs of allsorts. This cannot be avoided. Ifthe throat is healthy the system isprotected from these poisonousgerms. But if the throat is raw andpunctured with numerous little ul-cers, by catarrh, then the diseasegerms have easy access to the system.

Keep the throat well and clean.This is the way to protect yourselfagainst contagious diseases. Garglethe throat as explained in the Ufew"Ills of Life," sent free by the PerunaCo., Columbus, Ohio.

Mr. Barnes says: '1 had throattrouble and had three doctors treat-ing me. All failed to do me anygood, and pronounced my health gone.I concluded to try Peruna, and afterusing four bottles can say I was en-tirely cured."

Marriage of Ray S. Barlow and MissLena Thurgood.

Carrie Russell and Mae Sweet havereturned to Potsdam; Maud Barber toSacketts Harbor arid Mary Condon toChamplain,

Mr. and Mrs. T. H. McMullen andRuth spent New Year's Day with rel-atives in Ormstown, P. Q . "

Willie Keenan returns to St. Mary'sAcademy, Ogdensburg today.

A few from here went to MassenaFriday night togame.

e t o Masse._ittend the basket ball


Foresters* B«U * Soooea«.~Two Acci-dents at VaUeyfteld.

*»??£* 5 — J o h n fru48TK«y returned (oPitteburg on Friday after enjoying atwo weeks' vacation with his parentsand son, Jack.

The dance held at the home of Rob-ert Marshall New Year's night waswen attended and a good time report-ed by all.

Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Bruce and fam-ily enjoyed a New Tear's dinner InCanada at the home of his parents

At Helena the Independent Order ofForesters held a bail on Friday whichproved a success. The attendance waslarge and Casey's orchestra of Mon-treal furnished the music. Dancingcontinued until the small hours of themorning. Proceeds were over $70. Asthose in charge had provided an over-abundance of provisions anotherdance was held on Monday nightwhich increased the receipts.

Clayton Wright and son, Claud, re-turned home from Crown Point NewYear's Eve.

Mr. and Mrs. Willard Blair gave aparty New Year's night in honor of thetwenty-fifth wedding anniversary ofthe latter's parents.

Nelsons Mayville and family havemoved to Burke,

Two serious accidents happened inValleyfield recently. While a little boynamed Fred Thomas, residing at 11Park street, was amusing himself act-ing as Santa Claus, he somehow got Incontact with a blaze and the light ma-terial in which he was dressed was setafire. The little fellow was severelyburned about the neck and ears.

While a number of little lads wereskating on an old quarry outside ofthe village limits one of the lads nam-ed Thompson got his right leg severe-ly injured. He was conveyed homeand one of the local doctors summon-ed who had to take ten stitches in:he wound.

Miss Kilda Dalzell returned toMontreal on Monday after enjoyingtor Christmas holidays at home.

Miss Margaret Cameron has return->d to Malone, after enjoying a few

days at home.George Hunt and family have mov-

ed to Constable last week to reside onthe Maloney Place.

Peter Louis and family have movednto the home vacated by Geo. Hunt.

Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hurlburt visit-ed with friends in town New Year'sday.


William A. Purdy, Jr., who hasbeen for over a year past in the FarWest, returned to his home here lastweek.

Miss Adelaide DeLong, of LakeKushaqua, who is a student in Wel-lesley College, near Boston, spent lastFriday with her cousins, the MissesFlorence and Isabel Wescott, in^hasm Falls.

Wesley B, Har.wood returned Sat-urday to Ithaca to his studies in Cor-nell University. Friday evening sever-al of the young people of Chasm Falls,made him a party at his home, whichwas thoroughly enjoyed by all pres-

Miss Helen Whitney, of Malone,spent Friday and Saturday with her


May be bought any day. LIFE INSUR-ANCE can be bought only when In GOOD

J. H. DUttEA^General Agent, MALONE. N. Y.

Lena L. Thurgood, daughter of Mr. I friend, Mi«? Mildred Edgar, on Stan-

main there three years. Mrs. Baldwinhere visiting until May

11 join her hsband in Ja-ill remaii

when shepan.

Miss Janet Spencer who has beenemployed in a hospital in Gloucester,Mass., is visiting her parents, Mr. a,n-dMrs, Henry Spencer.

Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Davidson

5 Thurgood, andJtSarlow, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H.Barlow, were quietly married on NewYear's night at the M. E. parsonage.Rev. D. E. Robson performed theceremony. Their many friends extendcongratulations.

Mis Edith Hughes called on friendshere last week.

Miss Orraa McCain spent Friday inFort Covington.

Arthur Barney, from Huntingdon,

Mrs. L. M. Saunders and son, of St.Regis Falls, were New Year guests ofMr. and Mrs. C. G. Hull.

Miss Belle Gilpin is spending theweek with Mrs. Mary Cook,

Mr. and Mrs.tertained 3 0 oNew Year's breakfast. A generous re-past was thoroughly enjoyed.

A, A. Lavery, of Schenectady, vis-bert Sherwin, for ten days, return- ! ited his sister, Mrs. P. J. Drake, lasted to Waterville, Mass., Saturday. jweek.

- - ' Mr, ana Mrs. Drake and childreny with Mr. andt Lawrenceville.

"Bernard O'Connell and wife have;¥one to Alburgh, Vt., where they have

nd : spent New Year's withMr. and Mrs. William B;

cknault and

his parent;, .rney.

Sam Becknault and daughter, MissBlanche, spent New Year's in St. Lam-bert, Que.

Tim Cotter, from the East, is vis-Bartlett Lavalley en-I iting relatives here,their relatives at a j School opens again tomorrow.

Mrs. J. J. McBrierty and son, Leo-

The young people of Skerry ^ ^ ,having great fun coasting on the Tar- i g ^ W ^ L a v e r y "bell hill these nice moonlight nights, j

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Davenport, of jDickinson., visited friends here Sun-

nard, have returned from Montreal,after spending the holidays there.

Mrs. Provential and son, of Mas-sena, were the guests of Mrs. AnnaBoyer recently.


dayMr. and Mrs. W. W. Stevens spent

New Year's Day at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Elmer Johnson at No, Ban-gor.

Fred Merritr and Barton Snyderstarted for Spring Cove this morningwhere they will work Mr. Merrill'steams



m p.Prespare'sa rah Stevens is

Wilson, of Burke, ha rchas->d the Skerry and Sand Hill butter

factories of the Fred Lawrence es-tate and a butter meeting was calledlast Saturday night. Mr. Wilson hasbeen in the butter business for thepast ten years and comes highly rec-ommended. WTe wish him success.

Several of our young people ^ t e n d -ed the dance at the home of NormanBarrett Wednesday night and spent avery pleasant evening,

Mrs. John Cyrus and daughters, Lo-la and Hazel, spent New Year's at thehome of Fred Bombard in Reynolds-

The Ladies' Aid Society will holdtheir annual oyster supper at thehome of Mrs. H. K. Rider Thursdayevening, Jan. 15. Price 25c. Everyonecordially invited.

AN IDEAt WOMAN'SWho wants to take salts, or castor

oil. whea there is nothing better thanDr. Kihrs New Life Pills for all bow-el troubles? They act gently and na-Urally on. the atomach and liver, stim-ulate and regulate your bowels andtone up the entire system. Price 25c.At ail Druggists."H K. Bucklen & Co.

Philadelphia or St. loots.

employment.Mrs. W. E. Clark entertained a par-

ty of ladies at her home 'Wednesday !afternoon and evening and a pleasanttime was spent.


A Sunday School banquet was heldin Grange Hall on Tuesday evening oflast week, which w " "

gt . o n e i u g i o n

:of a "trip to Palestine" contest whichhas been running for several weeks.

Jan. 5—Mr. and Mrs. Mertonson and family, of Malone,guests at Frank Brayton's a fewthe past week.

g sA very nice supper w rved toabout 150 by those on the Lusitania* ^ - , supper interesting remarkswere ; After

days ; were made" by "the pastor, Rev. N.Darling, the superintendent, W.

George Russell spent a few days at 'Stowe, the captains, Harold LaRocqueVermontville attending: the Holiness ; and Everett S. Parks, and other mem-Convention. ; bers of the school. The school, after

Miss Kate Flanders went to Otta- ' journeying through Palestine,now ex-wa on Wednesday to spend a few days ' pects to set sail for home, headed bya y p

t the home of Wm. Flanders. their new leaders, Misses GladysS t o w e d D i L B t T hMr. and Mrs. Geo. Berry and their Stowe and Doris LaBounty The school

,,,,v,*_ T „„„ „# a * «»-•« w~ii«. has elected the following officers' forthe coming year:—

Superintendent—W. L. Stowe.Asst. Supt.—Newland Aiken.Secretary—Clarence Tebo.Treasurer—Miss Marion Davidson.Pres. Missionary Department—Mrs.

Ardy Palmer.Secy and Treas.—Miss Gladys StoweSupt. Home Department —Mrs. O.

3. Parks.Miss Dorothy Ramsdell entertained

a friend from out of town last week.P. G. Parks transacted business in

Malone on Friday.Ward Cotey, of Norwood, is a vis-


Special PricesFOB



= = = = = Let Us Know .-It's Your Benefit -as well as for Ours

Malone Rag, Iron & Metal GoPhone35-J, Res. Phone 208*R, FOOT OF MILL STREET,

daughter, Lena, of St. Regis Falls,are spending a few days visiting at thehome of John Barrett and other rel-atives.

Mrs. Anna Smith spent a few dayslast week with friends at Dickinson.

Mrs. John Barrett, who has beenspending the summer with her broth-er, Michael Hogan, returned home onWednesday.

Mr. arid Mrs. Allison Richardsonand two children, Ruth and Irene, ofPotsdam, spent Christmas with theirparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Richardson.

Ruth Pulling, of Ottawa, spent thepast week visiting her aunt, MinnieFlanders.

John Niles* team with Clifford Bo-yea as teamster; Benj. Villnave's teamwith Jerry Snyder as teamster, andJohn Barrett's team with LuciusSynder as teamster, went to SantaClara Monday where they have em-ployment.

Miss Jennie Russell, of Malone, N.Y., spe»t New Year's with her parents,Mr. and Mrs. George Russeil.

Lawrence Tryon, of St. Regis Falls,is spending the holidays with his aunt,Mrs. Orange Phelps.

Mrs. Fred Robvdeau and two chil-dren, Ruth and Napoleon, of Ft. Cov-ington, spent a few days the past weekwith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benj.Villnave.

Mr. Lamberton who has beenspending a few months with his sonsat Mooers, has returned to the homeof his daughter. Mrs. Wm. Sweet.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Richardsonspent a few days the past week with

.'their daughter, Mrs. Orr Smith,[Brasher.

Geo. Sweet spent a few days thepast week at Burke.

Charles Rockhill, who has beenspending a few dayg with his daugh-ter, Mrs. Robert Best, at Madrid, re-turned home on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Phelps wentto Malone Saturday to spend a fewweeks with their uncle, Clark Barrett,


Jan. 5—Mr, and Mrs. Caleman Ta-ber, of Reading Center, N. Y., visitedfriends and relatives in town lastweek.

Mr. and Mrs. George Ayers are theprorfd parents of a boy. Congratula-

tions!i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peck spent{New Years vith the latter's parents,(at Gile.1 Mrs. Edaon Lawrence and grund-Sfehildren spent N.w Year's with herI daughter, Mrs. H. G. Averilt. at ChasmFails.

Mrs. Mae Lawrence and daughter.Miss Luln. of .'. JF .u, «. , .. •of Mrs. Sylvia Lawrence Friday., Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Lawrence spentNew Year's at chasm Falls, guests ofMr. and Mrs. Herman Averill.

For old sort-* of every descriptionapply Hanford's lUlsAm once or twicedaily, varying the quantity and fre-quency acordlng to the severity of the

i case.—Adv. ^ '

y,tov. n today.Eva Thompson returned to

C l l M d

itor in

her home near Cornwall on~Mondayafter spending several days at N. F."'Tiles'.

Miss Margaret Sweet returned onSaturday from Oberlin, Ohio, whereshe has been spending the holidayswith her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Lindsay areguests of his mother, Mrs. Mary Lind-say.

Mrs. Adelia Cunningham and herdaughter, Isabelle, were over-Sundayvisitors in town. Mrs. Cunninghamreturns to Tupper Lake today andMiss Isabelle goes to Canton whereshe is a student in the University.

Miss Josie Orcutt left on Tuesdayfor Big Moose to resume her dutiesin a private sahool.

Carroll Waste and Master HenryPalmer spent New Year's with Mr.and Mrs. Orvis in Norwod, returningon Saturday.

Rev. McClelland, of Pennsylvania,a former pastor of the Baptist churchspent several days in town the pastweek.

Alfred Sampson left on Wednesdayfor Bay Pond, having recovered suffi-ciently from his recent accident to re-sume work.

TArs. A. P. Gleason, who has beenspending several weeks with her sis-ter, Mrs. Roxy Young, and other rel-atives In Syracuse, returned home re-cently.

clff street.Mrs. Favero, of Clinton county, is

visiting her sister, Mrs. George Tayloru St. Helen Street.Mr. and Mrs. William F, Trask, of

Owls Head recently visited relativesin

IVt.. .

lon^burg.Grttvtl, of Highgate Springs,h visiting his parents, Mr.

d G l t O l H d, ng his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Gravel, at Owls Head.Joseph iioyer, of Owls Head, has

purchased ths nouse and lot recentlyowned and occupied by Geo. H. Myers.

George Lester has moved with hisfamily to Pine Park, N. Y., where hissiKtor, Mrs. Gay, and brother, FrankIiOster .already reside.

Loren Earle, of Massena, is visitinghis son, Hubert Earle, at MountainView, his daughters, Mrs. F. B. Liver-nois, of Owls Head, and Mrs. W. A.Strader, of Whippleville; also his bro-ther, Fred R. Earle, of Owls Head,and his sister, Mrs. Jane Wescott, ofMalone. Mr. Earle was many yearsago a resident of Owls Head.

Mrs. Truman Safford and Mrs. Er-nest SafEord spent Sunday with theiraged uncle, Sylvester Collins, at WestBangor.

The ladies of the Chasm Falls M.E, church will serve their regular an-nual oyster supper at Wesley Hall onF i d i f thi k .Let all


nua oy supp a WsleyFriday evening of this week.who possibly can attend d

d ti dgood time and encourage those whowork for the church.

Mrs. L. M. Purdy, of Floodwood. isspending a few days with relatives inChasm Palls. "

Mr. and Mrs. Alex. L. Cherrier, ofFairfax, Vt., are spending a week herewith their old friends and neighbors inthis vicinity.

Mrs. G. A. Bombard and daughter,Beulah, of Saranac Lake, were guestsof her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ThomApCrawford, last week. ^

George Twaddle, of Holyoke, Mass.,is visiting relatives in town.

Mr. and Mrs. Liemuel Shutts, of El-lenburgh, visited relatives in town thepast week.

Frank Hurto, of Ogdensburg, spenta few days recently with his parents

town.Mrs. D. Woodard and Mrs. F. Webb,

of Canada, N. H.,. are visiting relativesin Thayers Corners.

Miss Vera Williams was the guestof friends in Brainardsvilie recently.

Last Friday evening Mial Smith en-d a number of his friends.atith's new house on Main St.

sport a pleasant time.and Mrs. F. H. M&son were

, to. f:.>MH<>£ I* i'it la*t week bythe death of Mrs. Mason's brother-in-law.

Earl Jones, who has been spend-ing the holidays in town, returned toColgate University Monday,,

Pansy Stone returned to Sy-'racuse University this week.

Chester Stanley returned to AlbanyBusiness College after spending theholidays in town.

Mn and Mrs. John Selkirk, Jr., have»on*boin January 1st.Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Witherell of

this place, were guests of Mr. andMrs. Alonson Green ii> Chateaugay onNew Year's Day.

?- tertaine<.~-"5fr. 8m:

If your horse goes lame rub on andrub in thoroughly Hahford'a Balsam.—Adv.


The annual meeting of the Frank-lin County Agricultural Society willbe held at tit.1 court house in Ma-lone, N. Y. on Tuesday afternoon,Jan. 13th, 1914, at two o'clock, for theelection of officers and for the tran-saction of such other business asmay come befoie said meeting.

WAUGER J. MALLiON.4wl — Sec -

Remember ThoseWho HaveRemembered Yon.

Father and mother have been givingy«n gifts for many years.

Their eye* have grown dim la lookingfor things that would ple*te you.

We know because we have suppliedthe masses that have testoted theirke«noesaofvUtoB.

Those glasses are always with themand If you give them a fine case, bear-ing tbtir initials l n sterBag silver, thegift will be seen and appreciated everytime that father or mother remove orput on their glasses.

They will appreciate your kindnessas you appreciate the many kindthoughts they hold for you.

Gift eyeglass and spectacle casesfrom $1.00 up.

B. A. SOPER,Optometrist and Optician,

21 Elm Street, Malone, N. Y.Across the ft. R. track ftom Howard

House. In office every daybut Tuesdays.

KeepThe PulletsGrowingFastII You WantWinter Eggs

If you let the pullets get a setbackjust as. they are coming to maturity,you'll lose your Winter eggs—theeggs that pay big.

Feed your flock all they'll eat upclean—and include

pPoultry Regulator

You'll have well matured and heavy laying?pullets.

Pntts Poultry Regulator is a gentle, invfe*orating tonic that keeps a hen's digestion ri«k^her appetite up and her laying capacity atconcert pitch.We guarantee you satisfaction or money back*4 Have you Pratts HO page Poultry Bookt

G. D. NORTHRIDGE, Fkmr, Etc.E. E. HOGLE, Flour and Feed,


PARTINGWith your money isn't pleasing unless you

get full satisfaction in return. This Ii

especially so wltb-the laundering of white

and colored shirts, waistcoats, collars and

cuffs. Our gratified patrons are our best

recommendation. 30 years of good laun-



HAcademySt. Phone284.


of the stockholders of The Farmer*National Bank of Malone will be heMin the parlors of «aid bank, Tuesday,January 13th, 1914, at 3 o'clock P. M.

Dated Dec. 16, 1913.F. F. FISK,

Iw4 Cashier.

TOWH CLERK'S NOTICETo Owners and Harborers of Dogs.

You are hereby notified tha t you a r*required by law to register in th«Town Clerk's office of this town onor before the tenth day of January .3 914, any and all dogs or bitches © wfour months old, owned or harbored**- you and pay the license fee aa—ed by law or be subject to the pen-alties as imposed by the laws of NewYork, Chapter 455, 1&02.

Signed and dated this 20th day ofDecember, 19 IS, •t>_ H. W. MAIN, Town Clerfc2^ 3 Town of Malone

MALOKE MARKET.Prices paid producers, (Corrected ev-ery Tuesday.)