b - s a m u ci k -...

Ifargaretville, N. Y., Friday, December 6, 1957 CATSKIUi MOUNTAIN mnVS If:. ’ Halcott Center Halcptt Hunters Killed M ^yD^ Halcott Center, Dec. 3 : ^ ’The fcdlowing sportsmen have report- ed success in deer hunting: Ray- mond Kratodivil, Paul flndi, George Kniffen, Robert Morse, Leighton Scudder, Victor i»eet, Berton Hall, Roy Johnsm, James Faulkner, Virgil Streeter, Leonard Van, Vernon Brown, Buddy Mi- lano, Charles ■ (of Breezy lEll), Earl ^Johnson, Julian Finch, Har- per Fairbaim, Harry Kole, Clif- ford Jadcson, Harry Craft, Viami, Ward Reynolds, BoIk Bal- lard and Carl Eignor. These names do not include those taken the last day of the season. Late seascHi k i^ were made by Anna Kdly, Sal Ludo, Charles Van Valkenburgh, David finch, Jcdm Baust and Bob Johnson. Mr. and Mis. Clayton Cole and son of Saugerties and Mr. and Mrs. Frederidc Bouton and fam- ily of Ashokan were Hianksgiving guests of thdr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bouton. Mr. and Mrs, John Wilks and family, of Southington spent the holid^ with her aunt, Mrs. Eliza- beth Kelder. They returned hcnne on Sunday and .Mrs. Kelder went back with them for a couple of weeks. Charles Morse retimied Tues- day from Kingston hospital, where | he had undergone major surgery.' Friday nig^t he returned to the hospital for , emergency treat- ment. He is convalescing nicely and will be home soon. wUl spend the A^ter. Their son, Victor, returned home with them. Bnte Her Op Mrs. Bertha Hudler of Kings- ton, formerly of this town, and mother of Simon Gordon of Hal- cott suffered a broken hip on Sunday. George Crosby is attending a Case Co. meeting in Arizona this week. Mrs. Raymond Ball and chil- dren, who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jean De- Mott, for a few weeks, returned to their home in Rochester on Tuesday. Visit Country Homes Mr. and Mrs. John McDonough and son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Keating, all of Yonkers, spent the holiday week- end at their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bloom, son, Billy, and guests, the Zukkermous, were at their vacation home for sev- eral days and Mr. and Mrs. John Baust and sons, Jack and Roger, spent Thanksgiving weekend at their new country home. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Clark have rented the tenant house of | Crosby brothers, formerly occu- j pied by Paul Johnson. Trey will move there from their farm home soon. Jean DeMott returned home this weekend after spending a week in Margaretville hospital. Mrs. George Wilkins returned niursday from Kingston City hos- pital, where she had undergone major eye surgery. Mr. and Mrs. James Peet left *murBday for Miami, where they- Halcott Center, Nov. 25 Mrs. Marie Kissock entertained the WSCS at an all-day meeting at her home in Fleischmanns re- cently. There was the usual good attendance. The ladies packed gifts to be sent to the Ethel Harp children’s home. The next meet- ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Clark. Miss Carole Crosby of Potsdam State Teachers college si>ent Thanksgiving at her home in town. Mrs. John Kelder and Mrs. Charles^I^tochvil 'returned re- cently after spending a couple of weeks visiting relatives in Con- necticut. Jean DeMott has been a patient at Margaretville hospital for a few days. Realty Transfers Colchester: Thomas D. Buchan- an to John D. Jones and wife; Ward Suttle and wife to Herbert F. Will and wife. Middletown: George D. McMur- ray and wife to Lorenzo Arranz and>wi£e. Dry Brook Dry Brook, Dec. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Feurbaim and Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Todd were in Kingston Monday. The men were called for jury duty. Mr. and Mrs. Atwood Crook and his mother, Mrs. Eliza Crook, of Hamden spent Tuesday at the home of Claude Haynes. Leas Doe Hunters This correspondent has seen less hunters out for .“Doe day” than last year. Lester Rosa got a spike-hom Dec. 3. Church services at 9:30 a. m. beginning Dec. 8 . John Haynes shot a six-point buck Monday near his home. % Mr. and Mrs. Niles FaiAairn were oveiiiight guests of the Ar- thur Whites recently. Miss Anna Wranovics spent Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. Ernest Wranovics. She is a student at Albany State Teadiers college. This is her third year. Miss Faye Vermilyea of^ Delhi was home for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White en- joyed Thanksgiving . in New Kingston as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Roberts. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mestyanek and daughter of PrattsvUle, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Roberts and son of Halcott Cen- ter and Mrs. George Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Avery were in Millerton as Thanksgiv- ing guests of Mr..and Mis. Wil- liam E. Avery. Mrs. Edna Avery accompanied them home for a few days. Mrs. Gwen Crumling enter- tained for Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rosa of Arkville. Birth of Son Mr. and Mrs. Donald Graham, formerly of Dry Brook, now of Shreveport, La., announce the birth of a son, Eugene Morton, on Saturday, Nov. 30. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosa of Wassaic spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosa. New Kingston By George Sanford New Kingston, Dec. 3 A commtinity card party will be held Saturday, Dec. 7, at 8 p. m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Miller. Refreshments will be servedi, by the Ladies Aid society. Cmne to Christmas Party The Home Demonstration imit will meet Thursday, Dec. 12, at 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Marvin Hosier. Thi^ will be a Christmas party. Bring your husband and two gifts (one for male and one for female), costing not more thar 75 cents. There will be games and refreshments. A short busi- ness meeting will be held to plan for the Christmas boxes. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Faulkner and family of Chenango Bridge were in the valley Saturday to bring home Mrs. Nellie Fatilkner, who has spent some time with them. U. P. CJhurch: Sabbath school, 10:45 a. m.; worship, 12 noon. Sabbath school meeting Dec. 11 at 8 p. m. Mrs. (jeorge Sanford returned Saturday from the Margaretville hospital where she was a patient as a result of the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hosier and family spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cartwright, Vega. Mrs. Anna Cowan is a patient in the Margaretville hospital. Louis McCumber of Schenectady spent the weekend at the Marvin Hosiers, enjoying deer hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Harold PeknU have moved their trailer from Roxbury to New Kingston, where he is employed in the creamery. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lunn and 'daughter, Carolyn, of Port Ewen spent Thanksgiving and Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ^Faulkner. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lunn, who have been with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Faulkner, for two weeks, during Mrs. Faulkner’s ill- ness, have retiUTied to their home neju- Arkville. B ig Indian B - s a m u ic K light o#« yoc#r to€>S Look it over. Big — brawny — room for the Marines. Step in. Turn the key. Get braced for a surprise. In your first mile of driving, you discover the first big car in history that really is nimble, easy to handle, light on its feet. You boss a B-12000 engine. You command a F li^ t Pitch Dynaflow.* You switch tbe pitch a million ways for performance that’s next to perfection. You find a Miracle Ride plus Air-Poise Suspen - sion* that floats you like silk on die breeze. But that’s nothing to the discovery you make about this ’58 Buickwhen you get back to the showroom. ^ THE UNIQUE OPEJ-. ^ -th e imported cor made by I General Motors in ^erm any-can nw : be ordered in Sedan and Cora^n W agon models through Authorized ; Buick Dealers. Youleam you can own this 1958.Buick S pecie this bottom-priced of tbe B-58 Buick line— for just a fraction more than ibe well-known ja ile r cars would cost you. So come drive the B-58 Buick Special. It’s based on more aviation principles than saxy car in history. It makes your heart take wing. 7ry it today, *Elight Pitch Dynaflow standard on Lmrrro and Roadmaster 75, optional at extra cbst on other Series. Adwmced new Variable Pitch Dynaflow optional on Special Series. Air- Poise Suspension optional at extra cost on aU Series. When betterautomobiles are builtBuick w illbuild them NEVER SO MUCH SO NEW Fresh bold styling with the Dynastar Grille The MIriacle Bide plus Buick Air-Poise Suspension Flight Pitch Dynaflow or advanced, new Variable Pitch Dynaflow* “Velvet Wall" Sound Silencing Thicker, wider, more powerful brakes All built to exacting quality standards See It and Drive It—There’s Nothing Qse Like ^ T M E JC k .tr * 8 0 A JV ^ B S & B U M C K C 2^ SeeTA1£S OF V«LLSFAJK30 MondayN ights, NBC -TV and THE PATR ICE MUNSEL SHOW FridayN ights,ABC -TV I . * S E E Y O U R A U T H O R I Z E D 6 U I C K 1^ L E R KiUedHTDeer Neiu* K g Indian Big Indian, Dec. 3.—Cradducks cottages were filled to capacity during' this himting season. Thanksgiving week nine relatives had to be content to stay in the newly constructed recreation halL A total of 17 deer were shot by the following guests: : George, John and Andy Fekete, Jake Bos- let, Robert Angel, Albert Mlchel- son, Albert Curiel and party. A Commisso and party brought in. a total of 12 bucks. Larry and John Kackos and George Dem- my each got a doe and George Brown got a “button” buck. Mr. Cradduck, owner, also bagged a bu(^. A total of 19 deer in 1956, and 18 in 1955 gives the Crad- duck cottages an excellent repu- tation for hunting. A Christmas Meeting The Christmas meeting of the Friends of the church will be held Friday evening, Dec. 6 , at the home of Frances Leyman. Gifts will be given to their secret pals and their names will be revealed. The Christmas meeting of the Ladies Atndliary will be held on Monday evening, Dec. 9, at the Oliverea fire house. Each mem- ber is asked to bring a small gift for the present exchange, and the meeting will start at 7 p. m. in- stead of 8 . Mr. and Mrs. William Cruick- shank left on the 24th for Strat- ford, Conn., to spend sc»ne time with the Fuller family. . On Thanksgiving day the Cruick- shanks and Fullers were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Toombs Kay and family in Jamaica, L. L The Balmer famjly spent the holiday weekend with Dr. and Mrs. W. Balmer in MassachuaeWn. This community was saddened to hear of the death of Ira Kane. Friends here extend their deep- est sympathy to his family. Visited Wrecked Plane Among the first to arrive on the scene of the crashed jet on Panther mountain were forest ranger Frank Borden, Fire Chief Archie Aley, Assistant Chief A1 Eignor, Gene Walker, and Charles Scannapiieco. ^ Shandaken By Mrs. ZSsie W. CleaveUmd Shandaken, Dec. 3 Mrs. Henry Sfarunck and Miss Herta S t^ c k ' of Forest Hills were hoHday w e^end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heick. Jllr. and Mrs. H. Ketter and family of Ash(^an ^ r e also Thanksgiving day guests. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hummell left Monday to motor to Mjm- chei^er, N. H., where they will spend a few days at the home of their son. Dr. Charles W. Hiun- mell. Entertained Many Guests Mrs. F. S. Osterhoudt enter- tained at dinner on Thanksgiving day Mr. and Mrs. A-B. Chiu-chill of Nyack. The Misses Martha and Dorothy Churchill of High- land, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Cox Jr., and son and daughter of Pittsfield, Mass., Larry Bishop of Boiceville and Mr. emd Mrs. Wal- ter Baran and "three children of Batavia and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cleaveland of Shandaken. Mr. and Jidxs. Alfred Yerry and three sons of Buffalo were recent weekend guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Yerry. Cobs are Busy The Cub Scouts of Den 7 met Monday afternoon with their den mother, Mrs. Edward Cange. The Cubs are making scrapbooks for children in hospitals, Cluistmas jtree ornaments and gifts for their parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Rosa had as guests on Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rosa and sons of Bovina Center, Mrs. Paul Rosa and son of Delhi and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rosa and son of Shanda- ken. Mr. and Mrs. H^old Bell and sons, David and Alan, of Pough- keepsie were holiday weekend guests of Mrs. Bell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward C. Htmmiell. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kalons of Astoria, L. L, were guests of Mrs. Lucille Hogstrom during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Todd of Prattville and Mr. and Mrs. J. E Smithers and children of Shan- daken were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Townsend to celebrate the birthday of Mrs. Todd. The Stmda^ school wgi hold the annual Chi^tmas party at the churdi hall on Saturdjay, Dec. 14, from 1:30^3:30 D. m. All children “a t liie S U h ^ ^ ^ o o l are invited. Kilied'Bobcat Near Indian Big Indian, Dec. 4.—Conjgpratula- tions to Laura Pearson, who shot a buck last week. William .light of Yonkers ^hot a buck and also bagged a nine-pound bobcat. Guests at Casimir*s lodge shot two bucks and two doe. New General Electric Automatic Washer cleans and reqleans the wash water to give you cleaner clothes. I Matching G-E Dryer—^New dryer with Automatic Clothes Conditioning. Your choice of Mix-or-Match col- ors, too. Gmstniction Toys^ Rockers, Tricycles, Bicycles, Scoot- ers, Carts, Wagons, Doll Carriages. MODERN LAMPS Bridge, Floor, Table, T.V., Boudoir Styles in the very latest fashions and materials. T. V. Lights - - $2.95 Table Lamps - - $5.95 Desk Lights - - $3.79 Floor Lamps - - $11.95 RCA Victor Hi-Fi Record Players Table Model and Clock Radios CHAIRS MAKE WELCOME COMFORTABLE GIFTS Distinctive Kreehler Chairs ------------- from $S2JS0 TV Swivel Rockers ----------- from $29.95 Otlier camliB ------- from 919.96 Kroehler Becliners and Barcalo Loangers -_$99.95 to $149.95 Streit Be<dlners with Ottoman _____ $119.95 modem and traditional siiare value honors for every home on your gift list and your own' Tables for every need and purpose, ready to solve the homemakers gift problems. Card Table and Chair Sets Hostess Tray Sete largaretville Furmture Store lim e Paym^t Plan Available Free Delivery Phone 1551

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Ifargaretville, N . Y., Friday, December 6, 1957 CATSKIUi MOUNTAIN m nV S

If:. ’

H a lc o t t C e n te r

Halcptt Hunters Killed M ^ y D ^

H alcott Center, Dec. 3 :^ ’The fcdlowing sportsmen have report­ed success in deer hunting: Ray­mond K ratodivil, Paul f ln d i, George Kniffen, Robert Morse, Leighton Scudder, Victor i»eet, Berton Hall, Roy Johnsm , Jam es Faulkner, Virgil S treeter, Leonard Van, Vernon Brown, Buddy Mi­lano, Charles ■ (of Breezy lE ll), E arl ^Johnson, Julian Finch, H ar­p er Fairbaim , H arry Kole, Clif­ford Jadcson, H arry C r a f t , Viami, W ard Reynolds, BoIk Bal­la rd and Carl Eignor. These nam es do not include those taken the last day of the season.

L ate seascHi k i^ were made by Anna K dly, Sal Ludo, Charles Van Valkenburgh, David finch , Jcdm Baust and Bob Johnson.

Mr. and Mis. Clayton Cole and son of Saugerties and Mr. and Mrs. Frederidc Bouton and fam­ily of Ashokan were Hianksgiving guests of th d r parents, Mr. and Mrs. F red Bouton.

Mr. and Mrs, John Wilks and family, of Southington spent the h o lid ^ with her aunt, Mrs. Eliza­beth Kelder. They returned hcnne on Sunday and .Mrs. Kelder went back with them for a couple of weeks.

Charles Morse retim ied Tues­day from Kingston hospital, where | he had undergone m ajor surgery .' Friday nig^t he returned to the hospital for , emergency trea t­m ent. He is convalescing nicely and will be home soon.

wUl spend the A ^ te r. Their son, Victor, returned home with them.

B n te H er O pMrs. Bertha Hudler of Kings­

ton, formerly of this town, and m other of Simon Gordon of H al­co tt suffered a broken hip on Sunday.

George Crosby is attending a Case Co. meeting in Arizona this week.

Mrs. Raymond Ball and chil­dren, who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jean De- Mott, for a few weeks, returned to their home in Rochester on Tuesday.

Visit Country HomesMr. and Mrs. John McDonough

and son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Keating, all of Yonkers, spent the holiday week­end a t their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bloom, son, Billy, and guests, the Zukkermous, were a t their vacation home for sev­eral days and Mr. and Mrs. John Baust and sons, Jack and Roger, spent Thanksgiving weekend a t their new country home.

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Clarkhave rented the tenant house of | Crosby brothers, formerly occu- j pied by Paul Johnson. Trey will move there from their farm home soon.

Jean DeM ott returned home this weekend after spending a week in M argaretville hospital.

Mrs. George Wilkins returned n iu rsday from Kingston City hos­pital, where she had undergone m ajor eye surgery.

Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Peet left *murBday for Miami, where they-

H alcott Center, Nov. 25

Mrs. M arie Kissock entertained the WSCS at an all-day meeting at her home in Fleischmanns re­cently. There was the usual good attendance. The ladies packed gifts to be sent to the Ethel Harp children’s home. The next m eet­ing will be held a t the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Clark.

Miss Carole Crosby of Potsdam State Teachers college si>ent Thanksgiving at her home in town.

Mrs. John Kelder and Mrs. C h a rles^ I^ to ch v il 're tu rned re­cently after spending a couple of weeks visiting relatives in Con­necticut.

Jean DeMott has been a patient a t M argaretville hospital for a few days.

R ealty T ransfersColchester: Thomas D. Buchan­

an to John D. Jones and wife; Ward Suttle and wife to H erbert F. Will and wife.

Middletown: George D. McMur- ray and wife to Lorenzo Arranz and>wi£e.

Dry BrookDry Brook, Dec. 2

Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Feurbaim and Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Todd were in Kingston Monday. The men were called for jury duty.

Mr. and Mrs. Atwood Crook and his mother, Mrs. Eliza Crook, of Hamden spent Tuesday a t the home of Claude Haynes.

Leas Doe H untersThis correspondent has seen

less hunters out for .“Doe day” than last year. Lester Rosa got a spike-hom Dec. 3.

Church services a t 9:30 a. m. beginning Dec. 8 .

John Haynes shot a six-point buck Monday near his home. %

Mr. and Mrs. Niles FaiA airn were oveiiiight guests of the Ar­thur W hites recently.

Miss Anna Wranovics spent Thanksgiving w ith her mother, Mrs. E rnest Wranovics. She is a student a t Albany S tate T eadiers college. This is her third year.

Miss Faye Vermilyea of^ Delhi was home for Thanksgiving.

Mr. and Mrs. A rthur W hite en­joyed Thanksgiving . in New Kingston as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Roberts. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mestyanek and daughter of PrattsvUle, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Roberts and son of H alcott Cen­te r and Mrs. George Roberts.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Avery were in Millerton as Thanksgiv­ing guests of M r..and Mis. Wil­liam E. Avery. Mrs. Edna Avery accompanied them home for a few days.

Mrs. Gwen Crumling enter­tained for Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rosa of Arkville.

B irth of SonMr. and Mrs. Donald Graham,

formerly of Dry Brook, now of Shreveport, La., announce the b irth of a son, Eugene Morton, on Saturday, Nov. 30.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosa of W assaic spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A lbert Rosa.

New KingstonBy George Sanford

New Kingston, Dec. 3A commtinity card party will be

held Saturday, Dec. 7, a t 8 p. m. a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­liam Miller. Refreshments will be servedi, by the Ladies Aid society.

Cmne to Christmas P artyThe Home Demonstration imit

will m eet Thursday, Dec. 12, a t 8

p. m. a t the home of Mrs. Marvin Hosier. Thi^ will be a Christmas party. Bring your husband and two gifts (one for m ale and one for female), costing not more th ar 75 cents. There will be games and refreshments. A short busi­ness meeting will be held to plan for the Christmas boxes.

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Faulkner and family of Chenango Bridge were in the valley Saturday to bring home Mrs. Nellie Fatilkner, who has spent some tim e with them.

U. P. CJhurch: Sabbath school, 10:45 a. m.; worship, 12 noon. Sabbath school meeting Dec. 11 a t 8 p. m.

Mrs. (jeorge Sanford returned Saturday from the M argaretville hospital where she was a patient as a result of the flu.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hosier and family spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cartwright, Vega.

Mrs. Anna Cowan is a patient in the M argaretville hospital.

Louis McCumber of Schenectady spent the weekend a t the Marvin Hosiers, enjoying deer hunting.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold PeknU have moved their trailer from Roxbury to New Kingston, where he is employed in the creamery.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lunn and 'daughter, Carolyn, of P ort Ewen spent Thanksgiving and Friday w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ^Faulkner.

Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lunn, who have been with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Faulkner, for two weeks, during Mrs. Faulkner’s ill­ness, have retiUTied to their home neju- Arkville.

B ig In d ia n

B - s a m u ic K

light o # « y o c # r to€>S

Look it over. Big — brawny — room for the Marines.Step in. Turn the key. Get braced for a surprise.

In your first mile of driving, you discover the first big car in history that really is nimble, easy to handle, light on its feet.

You boss a B-12000 engine. You command a F li^ t Pitch Dynaflow.* You switch tbe pitch a million ways for performance that’s next to perfection.You find a Miracle Ride plus Air-Poise Suspen­sion* that floats you like silk on die breeze.

But that’s nothing to the discovery you make about this ’58 Buickwhen you get back to the showroom.

^ T H E U N IQ U E OPEJ-.^ - th e imported cor made byI General Motors in ^ e rm a n y -c a n n w : be o rd e re d in S edan an d C o r a ^ n

W agon models through Authorized ; Buick Dealers.

You leam you can own this 1958.Buick Specie —this bottom-priced of tbe B-58 Buick line— for just a fraction more than ibe well-known ja ile r cars would cost you.So come drive the B-58 Buick Special. It’s based on more aviation principles than saxy car in history. It makes your heart take wing. 7ry it today,

*Elight Pitch Dynaflow standard on Lmrrro and R o a d m a s te r 75, optional at extra cbst on other Series. Adwmced new Variable Pitch Dynaflow optional on S p e c ia l Series. Air- Poise Suspension optional at extra cost on aU Series.

When better automobiles are built Buick will build them

NEVER SO MUCH SO NEW Fresh bold styling with the Dynastar Grille The MIriacle Bide plus ■Buick Air-Poise SuspensionFlight Pitch Dynaflow oradvanced, new Variable Pitch Dynaflow*“Velvet Wall" Sound Silencing Thicker, wider, more powerful brakes All built to exacting quality standards

See It and Drive It—There’s Nothing Qse Like ^

T M E J C k .tr * 8 0 A J V ^ B S & B U M C K C2^ See TA1£S OF V«LLS FAJK30 Monday Nights, NBC-TV and THE PATRICE MUNSEL SHOW Friday Nights, ABC-TV

I . *

S E E Y O U R A U T H O R I Z E D 6 U I C K 1^ L E R

KiUedHTDeer Neiu* Kg Indian

Big Indian, Dec. 3.—Cradducks cottages were filled to capacity during ' this himting s e a s o n . Thanksgiving week nine relatives had to be content to stay in the newly constructed recreation halL A to tal of 17 deer were shot by the following guests: : George, John and Andy Fekete, Jake Bos- let, Robert Angel, Albert Mlchel- son, A lbert Curiel and party. A Commisso and party brought in. a to tal of 12 bucks. L arry and John Kackos and George Dem- my each got a doe and George Brown got a “button” buck. Mr. Cradduck, owner, also bagged a bu(^. A total of 19 deer in 1956, and 18 in 1955 gives the Crad­duck cottages an excellent repu­tation for hunting.

A Christmas MeetingThe Christmas meeting of the

Friends of the church will be held Friday evening, Dec. 6 , a t the home of Frances Leyman. Gifts will be given to their secret pals and their names will be revealed.

The Christmas meeting of the Ladies Atndliary will be held on Monday evening, Dec. 9, a t the Oliverea fire house. Each mem­ber is asked to bring a small gift for the present exchange, and the meeting will s ta rt a t 7 p. m. in­stead of 8 .

Mr. and Mrs. William Cruick- shank left on the 24th for S tra t­ford, Conn., to spend sc»ne time w ith the Fuller family. . On Thanksgiving day the Cruick- shanks and Fullers were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Toombs Kay and family in Jamaica, L. L

The Balmer famjly spent the holiday weekend w ith Dr. and Mrs. W. Balmer in MassachuaeWn.

This community was saddened to hear of the death of Ira Kane. Friends here extend their deep­est sympathy to his family.

Visited Wrecked PlaneAmong the first to arrive on

the scene of the crashed je t on Panther mountain were forest ranger Frank Borden, F ire Chief Archie Aley, Assistant Chief A1 Eignor, Gene Walker, and Charles Scannapiieco. ^

ShandakenBy Mrs. ZSsie W. CleaveUmd

Shandaken, Dec. 3

Mrs. Henry Sfarunck and Miss H erta S t ^ c k ' of Forest Hills were hoHday w e^en d guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heick. Jllr. and Mrs. H. K etter and family of Ash(^an ^ r e also Thanksgiving day guests.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hummell left Monday to m otor to Mjm- chei^er, N. H., where they will spend a few days a t the home of their son. Dr. Charles W. Hiun- mell.

Entertained Many GuestsMrs. F. S. Osterhoudt enter­

tained a t dinner on Thanksgiving day Mr. and Mrs. A -B . Chiu-chill of Nyack. The Misses M artha and Dorothy Churchill of High­land, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Cox Jr., and son and daughter of Pittsfield, Mass., L arry Bishop of Boiceville and Mr. emd Mrs. Wal­te r Baran and "three children of Batavia and Mr. and Mrs. F . M. Cleaveland of Shandaken.

Mr. and Jidxs. Alfred Yerry and three sons of Buffalo were recent weekend guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Yerry.

Cobs are BusyThe Cub Scouts of Den 7 m et

Monday afternoon w ith their den mother, Mrs. Edward Cange. The Cubs are making scrapbooks for children in hospitals, Cluistm as jtree ornaments and gifts for their parents.

Mr. and Mrs. George Rosa had as guests on Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rosa and sons of Bovina Center, Mrs. Paul Rosa and son of Delhi and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rosa and son of Shanda­ken.

Mr. and Mrs. H ^o ld Bell and sons, David and Alan, of Pough­keepsie were holiday weekend guests of Mrs. Bell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W ard C. Htmmiell.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kalons of Astoria, L. L, were guests of Mrs. Lucille Hogstrom during the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. E verett Todd of P ra ttv ille and Mr. and Mrs. J. E Sm ithers and children of Shan­daken were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Townsend to celebrate the birthday of Mrs. Todd.

The Stmda^ school wgi hold the annual C hi^tm as party a t the churdi hall on Saturdjay, Dec. 14, from 1:30^3:30 D. m. All children “a t liie S U h ^ ^ ^ o o l are invited.

K ilied 'B obcat N ear Ind ian

Big Indian, Dec. 4.—Conjgpratula- tions to L aura Pearson, who shot a buck last week. W illiam .lig h t of Yonkers ^hot a buck and also bagged a nine-pound bobcat. Guests a t Casimir*s lodge shot two bucks and two doe.

New General Electric Automatic Washer cleans and reqleans the wash water to give you cleaner clothes. I

Matching G-E Dryer—^New dryer with A u t o m a t i c Clothes Conditioning. Your choice of Mix-or-Match col­ors, too.

Gmstniction Toys ̂ Rockers, Tricycles, Bicycles, Scoot­ers, Carts, Wagons, Doll Carriages.


Bridge, Floor, Table, T.V., Boudoir Styles in the very latest fashions and materials. T. V. Lights - - $2.95 Table Lamps - - $5.95 Desk Lights - - $3.79 Floor Lamps - - $11.95

RCA Victor Hi-Fi Record Players Table Model and Clock Radios


Distinctive Kreehler C h a irs -------------from $S2JS0

TV Swivel R o c k ers----------- from $29.95

O tlier cam liB -------from 919.96

Kroehler Becliners and BarcaloLoangers -_$99.95 to $149.95

S treit Be<dlners w ith O tto m a n _____ $119.95

modem and traditional siiare value honors for every home on your gift list and your own'

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