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The Industrial Revolution - Invention Project The Industrial Revolution that occurred in the 1800s was of great importance to the economic future of the United States. Three industrial developments led the way to industrialization in America: 1 - Transportation was expanded. 2 - Electricity was effectively harnessed. 3 - Improvements were made to industrial processes. Part 1 – A Look at the Industrial Revolution (Individual) Objective: Below you will see a table of inventors and their inventions listed. You are to choose one of those particular people or inventions and research more about them. You will be creating an information sheet on the inventor and the invention that shaped our world. Instructions: On your own notebook paper, you must include the following items: - Name of the inventor and the invention - Explanation of the invention and how it functions (one paragraph) - Summary of how the invention made an impact on industry (one paragraph) Following is a list of key events and dates of the Industrial Revolution. Person Invention Date James Watt First reliable Steam Engine 1775 Eli Whitney Cotton Gin , Interchangeable parts for muskets 1793, 1798 Robert Fulton Regular Steamboat service on the Hudson River 1807 Samuel F. B. Morse Telegraph 1836 Elias Howe Sewing Machine 1844

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The Industrial Revolution - Invention ProjectThe Industrial Revolution that occurred in the 1800s was of great importance to the economic future of the United States. Three industrial developments led the way to industrialization in America:

1 - Transportation was expanded.2 - Electricity was effectively harnessed.3 - Improvements were made to industrial processes.

Part 1 – A Look at the Industrial Revolution (Individual)Objective:Below you will see a table of inventors and their inventions listed. You are to choose one of those particular people or inventions and research more about them. You will be creating an information sheet on the inventor and the invention that shaped our world.

Instructions:On your own notebook paper, you must include the following items:

- Name of the inventor and the invention- Explanation of the invention and how it functions (one paragraph)- Summary of how the invention made an impact on industry (one paragraph)

Following is a list of key events and dates of the Industrial Revolution.Person Invention Date

James Watt First reliable Steam Engine 1775

Eli Whitney Cotton Gin, Interchangeable parts for muskets 1793, 1798

Robert Fulton Regular Steamboat service on the Hudson River 1807

Samuel F. B. Morse Telegraph 1836

Elias Howe Sewing Machine 1844

Isaac Singer Improves and markets Howe's Sewing Machine 1851

Cyrus Field Transatlantic Cable 1866

Alexander Graham Bell Telephone 1876

Thomas Edison Phonograph, First Incandescent Light Bulb 1877, 1879

Nikola Tesla Induction Electric Motor 1888

Rudolf Diesel Diesel Engine 1892

Orville & Wilbur Wright First Airplane 1903

Henry Ford Model T Ford, Large-Scale Moving Assembly Line 1908, 1913

Please make sure to put your name on your Part 1 assignment and turn it into the teacher

before starting Part 2!Part 2 - Product Creation/Invention Assignment (Partners)Objective: As a creative partner team (only 2 members maximum) or individually, you/your team will be creating an invention that solves a particular problem within our society. You may either create a brand new product completely or develop a major upgrade on a product that already exists.

Assignment must include:- a completed brainstorming and profile worksheet- a detailed schematic of your invention- an individual reflection from each team member (on your own paper)

Instructions:1. Complete the brainstorming sheet as a team and decide on your invention.2. Answer the questions on the profile sheet to help determine the details and purpose of your invention.3. Draw a detailed schematic that shows and describes your invention in great detail. An example of a

schematic has been provided for you to see the level of detail and quality needed. 4. Individually answer the reflection question found in the packet on your own paper and attach it to

your/your team’s assignment packet. 5. If you finish before the due date, double-check the quality of your project. If it is high quality, then

you/your team may participate in the extended assignment that you can receive from the teacher.

Due Date: Friday, April 17th at the end of class!Examples of detailed schematics:

Invention: Robot Inventors: _______________ Invention: AT-AT Inventors: ______________

**Must turn in this page to the teacher!**

Brainstorming & Profile WorksheetAnswer the following questions to help you determine your focus for your invention.

1. List as many possible problems you see in our society that could use a solution.

2. If you could invent anything to make life easier, what would it be?

3. Narrow down your list of problems to two problems and list them below.

4. Narrow down your list of problems once more and choose one problem to focus on. List the problem and the possible solutions in the space below.

5. What product or invention will you create to solve the problem?

6. List the materials that you would use in your invention.

7. Refine your idea by asking yourself these questions. Is my idea practical? Is it safe? Will it break easily? Is it similar to something that already exists? Will people use the invention? Write down any changes you are going to make to your invention.

8. Give your invention a name and make a rough draft sketch of what it would look like.

Reflection Question Each inventor must answer this question individually on their own sheet of paper after they have completed their invention. Please attach it to the invention pages to turn in. Make sure to put your name on it.

After recognizing a problem in our society today and creating an invention to solve that problem, do you feel your solution will work? Why? Make sure to support your answer.

Schematic Worksheet **Must turn in this page to the teacher!**Invention: _____________________________ Inventors: _______________________________________