b322 section a revision


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Page 2: B322 Section A Revision

Question 1

Explain two ways in which the narrative (characters and events) in the extract fits the action adventure genre. Use examples from the extract.

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• Characters• Strong protagonist

(usually male)• Antagonist• Love interest

• Powerful villain (usually foreign)

• Underdog hero


• Fight Sequences

• Ticking-clock scenario

• Chase sequences

• Explosions

• Stunts

• Dangerous setting

• Exotic setting

Mention if they include any of the following…

Remember to briefly comment on the effect and use examples from the clip.

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Characters• Do the characters link to Propp’s theory (Hero, Villain,

Princess etc.)• Is there a stereotypical protagonist hero / What

stereotypical characteristics do they have (Strong, Skilled, Brave, Represents Good, Intelligent, etc.)

• Is there a stereotypical antagonist villain / What stereotypical characteristics do they have (Foreign, Represents Bad, Evil, Challenges Hero, etc.)

• Is there a stereotypical ‘Damsel in Distress or Person who need saving / What stereotypical characteristics do they have (Weak, Needs Saving, Attractive, etc.)

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• Is there a fight scene, chase scene, saviour scene and/or ticking clock scenario?

• You must elaborate and explain what the scene involves that is stereotypical (Stunts, Explosions, Element of Danger, Gadgets, Props, etc.)

• Say is normality is restores at the end of the scene because of the Hero ‘Saving the Day’

• Do the events link to Todorov’s theory of there being equilibrium (Calmness), disruption and then restoration of the equilibrium.

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For question 1 you will set your notes out like this…

Characters Events

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How to respond to the question

• Clearly state two genre conventions• Explain the effect of the conventions• Support the points you make with examples

from the text• Use terminology (Antagonist, Protagonist,

Genre, Convention, Iconography)

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Question 2

Explain how each of the following is used to create effects:• Soundtrack• Editing• Misé en Scene• Camerawork

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For question 2 you will set your notes out like this…

Mise en Scene Sound


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How to Respond

• You must have 2 P,E,E paragraphs per technical area highlighting two ways a certain technique is used.

• You must use technical terminology.• You must refer to evidence from the

extract.• You must explain the effect on the


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The scene uses diegetic sounds.

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This is shown when we can hear characters screaming and shouting as the monster appears.

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The effect of this is that it connotes/ creates the impression that characters are in danger and fearing for their lives. This creates a dramatic scene and one that make the audience worry for the characters safety.

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The scene uses diegetic sounds.This is shown when we can hear characters screaming and shouting as the monster appears.The effect of this is that it connotes/ creates the impression that characters are in danger and fearing for their lives. This creates a dramatic scene and one that make the audience worry for the characters safety.

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The simplest approach here is choose the most appropriate examples that you see that have significant impact on the


Write using Point, Example, Effect.

The clip uses ………….. This is shown when………….. The effect this has on the audience/The connotation of this effect/This effect


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The simplest approach here is to break up sound response into diegetic (natural) and non-diegetic (added).

Write using Point, Example, Effect.

The clip uses ………….. This is shown when………….. The effect this has on the audience/The connotation of this effect/This effect


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The simplest approach here is to break up sound response into the style of editing used (possibly commenting on the pace) and the

types of transitions you see explaining why.

Write using Point, Example, Effect.

The clip uses ………….. This is shown when………….. The effect this has on the audience/The connotation of this effect/This effect


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The simplest approach here is choose the most appropriate examples that you see that have significant impact on the


Write using Point, Example, Effect.

The clip uses ………….. This is shown when………….. The effect this has on the audience/The connotation of this effect/This effect


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Question 3

Discuss the representations in the extract. Refer to stereotypes in your answer. Use examples from the extract.You might consider the representation of:• Age• Gender• Race and Nationality• The English country town• The Police

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The simplest approach here is choose the most appropriate examples that you see that link to each representation area.

Write using Point, Evidence, Explain.

The representation of ……… is/isn’t stereotypical. This is shown when… The representation is stereotypical because…

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Extract Analysis


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The representation of gender is stereotypical for action adventure film. This is shown when the

male policemen chase after the male youth. The representation is stereotypical because the men are shown to be the heroes acting in a masculine way through their determined aggressive body language. Also because they are very athletic

and have jobs as Policemen it can be considered that they follow the male stereotype.

The representation of females in the scene is also stereotypical. This is shown…