b4 lipids lidia, kate c, nadege, nidah, athina, nikki

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  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Chemistry Summer

    Assignment : LipidsBy: Lidia Kim, Kate Cutting,

    Nadege Assassi, Nidah Khakoo,

    Athina Krimitzi and NikiRomanzi

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Objective B.4.1Compare the Composition of the

    Three Types of Lipids Found in

    the Human Body

    By: Lidia Kim

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki




    Has 3 OH groups (tri-ol)

    Fatty Acid

    16-22 Carbons

    A type of carboxyl acid


    Phosphate Group

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki



    Composed of: 1 glycerol + 3 fatty acids If the 3 fatty acids are the same its a simple

    triglyceride, if different then mixedtriglyceride.

    Formed by the condensation reactionbetween propane-1,2,3-triol and longchain carboxylic acids.(ie. Glycerol andfatty acids :P)

    Oils (polyunsaturated): two or more

    double bonds Fats (saturated): No double bonds,

    saturated (with H) carboxyl groups

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    (saturated) (unsaturated)

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Phospholipids A back bone (glycerol) 2 fatty acids (hydrophobic)

    Phosphate group (hydrophilic)amphipathic

    Function: plasma

    membrane, source of

    cholinefor making

    acetylcholine (nerve

    chemical transmitter.)

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    The phosphateis derived froman alcoholsuch ascholine or


    *Ex.lecithin contains choline as

    the side chain.

    O2 in the phosphate makethe region around themnegative (phosphate partof the molecule is polar).Polar molecules are


    The fatty acid

    tails arenonpolar andhydrophobic

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Steroids Belong to groups of steroids called


    Composed of: 3cyclohexane (6c)rings with one cyclopentane (5C)rings (No fatty acids)

    Skeleton can change from

    addition of side chains

    Function: establish extent ofmembrane permeability in cellmembranes (hydrocarbonembedded in membrane with

    fatty acids, and hydroxyl group onthe outside), manufactureshormones

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Objective B.4.2Outline the difference between

    HDL and LDL cholesterol and

    outline its importance.

    By: Kate Cutting

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Lipoproteins Lipoproteins are composed of lipids

    (fats) and proteins

    Cholesterol is insoluble in water and

    substances such as blood

    This means Cholesterol molecules

    cannot move around themselves in the


    Lipoproteins transport lipids and

    cholesterol Protein is soluble in water and blood

    so they form an outer layer aroundthe cholesterol with the lipid parttowards the cholesterol

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    HDL Cholesterol HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) Cholesterol is GOOD


    Has less lipid so it can transport more cholesterol awayfrom the arteries and to the liver where it is broken down

    Is more dense than LDL because it contains higherproportion of protein

    Can eliminate LDL Cholesterol

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    LDL Cholesterol Carry cholesterol to build and repair

    damaged tissue so a little bit is not bad

    LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein)

    Cholesterol is BAD Cholesterol

    Transports cholesterol to arteriesstarting the formation of plaque and

    blocking blood pathway

    Less dense than than HDL due to a

    lower proportion of proteins HDL is 45-50% protein, LDL is

    25% protein

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Increased levels of

    LDL cholesterol is

    associated with

    atherosclerosis Leads to heart

    attack, stroke,


  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Objective B.4.3Describe the difference in

    structure between saturated and

    unsaturated fatty acids.

    By: Nadege Assassi

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Unsaturated Fats Have C=C bonds Monounsaturated vs. Polyunsaturated

    Mono: 1 C=C bond

    Poly: multiple C=C bonds

    C=C bonds create bends in the molecules This minimizes flexibility of the fatty acids, preventing themolecules from aligning closely

    Create less dense molecules, making them more reactive andable to break down more easily

    Relatively low density means less intermolecular forces andlower melting points

    Liquid at room temperature

    Less single bondsmolecules packing less denselylesscollisionsless van der waals forceslower melting point

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Saturated Fats Have no C=C bonds

    All single C-C or C-H bonds

    Not very reactive

    Greater intermolecular bonds

    More van der Waals forces can occur whensaturated chains lie alongside one another, becausecontact surface area is maximized

    High melting points due to greater

    intermolecular bonds Solid at room temperature

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    As length of fat increases, there are more van derwaals forces acting on the molecule, so melting point


    Because saturated fats can stack neatly on top of each

    other, a saturated fat has a higher melting point than

    and unsaturated fat of the same length

    H2 and a Nickel(Ni) or Platinum(Pt) catalyst can be

    used to hydrogenate unsaturated fats, making them

    solid at room temperature

    Fats in General

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Objective B.4.4Compare the structures of the

    two essential fatty acids, linoleic

    (omega-6 fatty acid) andlinolenic (omega-3 fatty acid)

    and state their importance.

    By: Nadege Assassi

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Essential Fatty Acids Ingredients that the body needs to grow and develop healthily, but

    cannot produce on its own Must enter the body through diet

    Roles of EFAs

    Hormone synthesis

    Intercellular communication

    Blood Clotting

    Produce prostoglandins (maintain homeostasis)

    Insulin Sensitivity

    Lack of EFAs results in:

    Heart Attack


    Insulin Resistance/Diabetes



    Obesity Arthritis

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Linoleic Acid (Omega-6 Fatty Acid) C18H32O2

    Omega: how many C from end lies the C=C bond Polyunsaturated carboxylic acid that cannot be produced by the


    Has multiple C=C bond

    18-Carbon chain

    Colorless and liquid at room temperature Found in oils

    2 cis double bonds

    C-6 (hence, Omega-6) and C-9

    Found in seeds and vegetable oils

    Essential to skin cell repair and reduces body fat

    Lack of Omega-6 Results:

    Dry hair

    Hair loss

    Poor wound healing

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Linolenic Acid (Omega-3 Fatty Acid) C18H30O2

    Polyunsaturated carboxylic acid that cannot be produced bythe body

    Has multiple C=C bonds

    18-Carbon chain

    Also found in oils

    3 cis double bonds C-3 (hence omega-3), C-6, and C-9

    Found in thylakoid membranes of green leaves

    Shown to be essential in thwarting cardiovascular problemsand lowering blood cholesterol

    Prevents clotting and decreases inflammation Lack of Linolenic Acid Results in:

    Vision and Nerve Problems Depression Poor Circulation


  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Linolenic Acid

    Linoleic Acid

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Objective B.4.5Define the term iodine numberand

    calculate the number of C=C

    double bonds in an unsaturated

    fat-oil using addition reactions.

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Iodine Number

    Iodine number: mass of I2 (in g) for particular reaction

    I2 number used to identify number of unsaturated C=Cdouble bonds

    Higher I2 number means more unsaturated bonds

    I2 Number Calculation: I2 solution used in reaction is yellow brownish

    Precise mass of solution added to 100g lipid solution

    Solution becomes colorless

    Mass of iodine required is iodine number Number of moles of I2 reacting with one mole of fat/oil

    indicates number of double bonds present in fat/oil

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Iodine Number Worked Example

    Linoleic acid has the formula C18H32O2. Determine theiodine number of linoleic acid.

    Linoleic acid can also be written C17H31COOH.

    A saturated fat formula is CnH

    2n+1COOH. The difference

    in C:H in linoleci is 2n-3: 4 less H atoms.

    2Hs are lost for each double bond so 2 double bonds.

    So 2 mol of I2 will react with 1 mol of the fatty acid (1 I2reacts with 1 double bond).

    M of linoleic acid = 280 gmol-1 and M of I2 =254 gmol-1

    So 280 g of lipid reacts with 508 g I2

    So 100 g reacts with 508 x 100 / 280 = 181 g

    Iodine number = 181

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Iodine Number now you try

    1. Determine the mass of I2 that can add to 100 g linolenicacid.

    1. A sample of fat containing 0.02 moles fatty acid wasfound to react with 10.16 g of iodine. Determine thenumber of carbon-carbon double bonds present in thefatty acid.

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Objective B.4.6Describe the condensation of

    glycerol and three fatty acids

    molecules to make a triglyceride.

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki



    Two classes of molecules.

    Saturated fatty acids.

    No double bonds between carbons in molecule.

    Hydrogen molecules saturate carbons in place ofdouble bonds.

    Unsaturated fatty acids.

    One to three double bonds between carbons per

    molecule. Lower melting point.

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki



    Three fatty acids combinewith a glycerol backbone

    to create a triglyceride. One bond forms at a time

    by condensation betweenCOO- on the fatty acids

    and theOH on theglycerol.

    Glycerols IUPAC name is


  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Ester Linkage

    Ester linkage bondbetween a hydroxyl and

    carboxylic acid. A condensation reaction

    occurs to combine thetwo molecules with the

    loss of a water molecule. This type of condensation

    is called esterification.

    Result is a triglyceride.

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki



    The reverse reaction will require water and will producethe fatty acid and glycerol monomers.

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Objective B.4.7Describe the enzyme-catalysed

    hydrolysis of triglycerides during


    By: Nidah Khakoo

    Q i k f h

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Quick Refresher:

    What are triglycerides?

    Fats and oils are known as triglycerides

    Formed from glycerol and fatty acids

    Difference between fats and oils?

    Fats contain saturated fatty acidgroups

    NO C=C double bonds

    Oils contain at least one C=C bond The C=C bonds give that kinked


  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Hydrolysis of Fats

    1. Triglyceride is hydrolyzed by lipases.

    2. Glycerol and fatty acids are broken down to


    3. Fats are in a less oxidized form then

    carbohydrates so weight for weight produce

    MORE energy

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Hydrolysis of Fats

    Naturally occurring fats and oils are also known as esters.

    In an esterification reaction, there is an interaction of a

    carboxylic acid and an alcohol, aided by a catalyst.

    The REVERSE of an esterification reaction is known as


    This is the addition of water to the ester link, breaking

    apart the ester into monoglycerides and diglycerides.

    Requires the presence of a catalyst.

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Objective B.4.8Explain the higher energy

    value of fats as compared to


    By: Athina Krimitzi

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Gram for gram, fats provide more

    energy than carbohydrates.

    Fats require more oxidation to

    become CO2 and H2O than docarbohydrates.

    carbohydrates already have one oxygen for

    every carbon atom

    each carbon atom in a carbohydrate needsonly one more oxygen

    every carbon atom in a fat molecule needs

    two oxygens

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    The oxidation of fats takes

    longer, but it also gives off

    more energy.

    When you weigh acarbohydrate, more oxygen is

    included in that weight. When

    you weigh a fat, you get more

    carbon atoms per gram and

    therefore, gram for gram, the

    fats will give even more energy

    (over twice as much) than will

    the carbohydrates.

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki



    C6H12O6 + 6O26CO2 + 6H2O

    CH2O + O2CO2 + H2O

    Fats 83O2 + C58H112O658CO2 + 56H2O


  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Objective B.4.9Describe the important roles oflipids in the body and thenegative effects that they can

    have on health.

    By: Nicole Romanzi

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    LipidsImportant roles are:

    Energy storage as triacylglycerols Insulation and protection of organs

    Steriod hormones

    Structural component of cellmembranes

    Omega-3-poly unsaturated fatty acidsreduce the risk of heart disease

    Poly-unsaturated fats may lower LDLcholesterol

    Negative effects: Increased risk of heart disease fromincreased levels of LDL cholesterol andtrans fatty acids


  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Energy Storage and Insulation

    Lipids break down slower thancarbohydrates

    So they cant be used as fast energy

    like glycogen can.

    Lipids are more efficient energy stores,

    and a good thermal insulator

    Also protects organs from being

    harmed when a person jumps or fallsor similar exercises

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Benefits of Fats Omega-3 poly-unsaturated

    fatty acids

    Proven to reduce the risk

    of heart disease

    Poly-unsaturated fats

    May lower the levels of

    LDL cholesterol

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    Hormones and Membranes Some lipids are steroid hormones

    i.e.: almost all steroids, most

    notably estrogen, testosterone,

    and adrenaline

    All are able to pass through the

    cell membrane and are fat-


    Some are also precursors tosome vitamins, Like Vitamin D

    Membranes Lipids are a large part of the

    semi-permeable cell

    membranes lipid bilayer. Most

    of the structure of the bilayer is

    made of lipids.

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki


    NEGATIVE EFFECTS Increased risk of heart disease fromelevated levels of LDL cholesterol and

    trans fatty acids

    The major source of low-densitylipoproteins (LDLs) is saturated

    fats i.e.: lauric acid (C12), myristic

    acid (C14), and palmitic acid (C16)


    Lipids are fats. If a personconsumes too many fats withoutburning them off, they getoverweight and eventually obese.

  • 8/2/2019 B4 Lipids Lidia, Kate C, Nadege, Nidah, Athina, Nikki












