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“E r ud i t e s a r e no t ab l e  

t o l i st e n w i t h a  

sp o n t a n e o u s m i n d .

E r ud i t e s l i s t en on l y t o  

t r a n sl a t e acco r d i n g t o 

t h ei r l a n guage o f  p r e j u d gem en t s and 

preconcep ts .” 

Samae l Aun Weo r 


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“It is advisable not to forget oneself ever. When I say ‘not to forget oneself’, this needs to be appropriately understood.

“An athlete, a sportsman, would seem as if he never forgot himself. However, he is completely oblivious of himself.

“An anchorite, a hermit, living in a solitary cavern, going through great fasting, covering his body with hair shirts, enduring the compli-cations of hardship, being hungry, devoted to esoteric matters, reallywould seem as if he never forgot himself, but in fact he has completely forgotten himself. Why? Because he has forgotten about his physical body; he does not keep it as he should.

“Consider those two extremes: both those two people have for- gotten themselves, because they have forgotten the law of The Scalesand are in complete unbalance.

“Which is the right course of action in order ever not to forget oneself? In reality, only through a perfect relation between de con- sciousness, the physical body, and the external environment, do we

achieve the authentic behaviour of the person who never forgetshimself or herself. The consciousness, the body and the external envi-ronment, all three appropriately balanced, allow us, in reality, truly, tomaintain certain wonderful relation that indicates with exact precisionthose who never forget themselves.

“If the consciousness does not correctly relate to the body, thencome the illnesses; if it does not relate well to the environment thencome the conflicts. The correct relationships between the conscious-ness, the body, and the environment, are vital, crucial, definitive inthat person who does not forget himself or herself.”

“The Third State of Consciousness”, a lecture by Samael Aun Weor 

In the world there are many orators who dazzle with their elo-

quence; however, few are the people who know how to listen. To know

how to listen is very difficult; there are really few people who can truly


Usually, when people are listening, they do not really listen, be-

cause their “I”, their Ego, translates all they hear into its own language,


never been at home. How are they going to remember their past

existences, if they have never been “at home”?

The teachings contained in thi s bookl et 

have been entir ely extr acted fr om t he 

spoken and writ ten work s by Dr. Samael 

Aun Weor, a contemporary anthropolo- 

gist and phil osopher who has gathered 

and un veiled the most valuable tr easures 

of U niversal Wisdom.

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remember that the body is always with tension (the nerves tense, the

muscles)… It is necessary to learn how to remember oneself and how

to relax the body; I do it continuously, every day, remembering about

myself and relaxing the body, be it on a bed or wherever. This is

indispensable: each day to remember ourselves a little bit more, that is

to say, to remember one’s BEING.

Because of forgetfulness of the BEING, people really make many

mistakes and hold so many erroneous theories. If LAPLACE, thefamous French astronomer and mathematician, had not forgotten

himself, forgotten his own being, he would never have conceived in his

mind that absurd theory, the famous Laplace theory, that false, absurd

theory, completely absurd…

When Laplace presented his theory to Napoleon Bonaparte, ex-

plaining to him how out of a nebula there comes a planet or a solar 

system, Napoleon said to him, “And which place have you left to God?” 

He answered cynically “I, sir, have had no need of God to develop my 

theory ” (note such self-suficiency).

It is precisely because he had forgottten his INNER BEING that he

could have developed such a theory, such false theory, since noastronomer on earth has ever seen with his own eyes a planet coming

out or emerging from a nebula. So, this is something they have not

verified; however, it is something admitted by many dunces as a dogma

of faith… If LAPLACE had not forgotten himself, he would have not

developed such an absurd theory…

There is a dunce somewhere, who put a drop of oil into a glass of 

water and then used a stick to make the drop of oil turn; rings developed

which whirled around the central drop… “ And so the universe was

formed...” Somebody asked, “ And so? What about God?” “No, there

was no need; you saw how it was formed…” How stupid! That person

was playing a role of God in that theory by making the drop of oil turnaround the world and did not even realise…

Being such a dunce, that person did not realise that there had been

a need for someone to provoke the motion, because the drop of oil by

itself would not have whirled, nor expanded in the form of rings. There

had been a need for a hand that stirred the drop, an intelligent impulse.

That cynical person, that silly person, however, was playing the role of 

God and yet denied God. So, this is what people are like when they forget


is an abject, miserable, wretched and unhappy person. Thus, an empty

space is made for the word to go in.

But as long as one feels full, as long as one feels conceited, as long

as one feels contented with all those Egos, how is one going to receive

the Word? There is no empty space within the person for the Word to

be lodged. So, then, we need to have our “CROCK”, our “PLATE”, our 

“BOWL”, upside up, open, awaiting the Word, the food that is going to

nourish us, that is going to give us orientation, but if one has the“CROCK” upside down, how is one going to receive the Word? One will

not receive it. One does need to have the plate upside up to leave free

space for that “drop”, that “drop” which is the Knowledge…

Q.- Master, the false education, the false moral, is it also an

obstacle for learning to listen?

 A.- Certainly, the false education does a lot of harm. I say that the

education one receives in pre-school nursery, Primary, Secondary, and

university, is false because it is not related to any of the autonomous and

self-aware parts of the Being. Since it is in fact false, it makes false, or 

adulterates, the five cylinders of the human machine and feeds many

inhuman Psychic Aggregates. A person with a false personality that is well strengthended is

somebody who is not ready to know how to listen, who does not know

how to listen, somebody who is always listening to subjective voices,

infraconscious and infrahuman, from the five cylinders of the organic

machine. The only voices he is able to listen to are those from the false

personality. That person is always so stuffed with all sorts of knowledge,

that there is no free space where an instructor might lay the Word. So,

the false education is dreadfully harmful, and as far as the false moral,

I do not know which moral do you mean…

Q.- I mean the moral that is attached to what is old, to tradition…

 A.- That one is no use; let us talk about REVOLUTIONARY ETHICS,because the moral is slave to customs and places, to the times. What

in a country is “moral”, in a different country is “immoral”; what used to

be “moral” during a particular epoch, during some other epoch is

“immoral”; what used to be “moral” in some times, is “immoral” in some

other times…

Let us look at a concrete example: in China, for instance, not long

ago it was considered “moral” to kill one’s father once he became too old;

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about themselves – rather dim-witted.

 As far as I am concerned, thank God I have not forgotten about

myself, that is about my own Being; therefore I say that LAPLACE’s

nebula, and his nebular theory, is false… I go further, I am with

SABAOTH, with SABATHAT. You might say what’s that..? DIAMAHATH!

(If I say I am with DIAMAHATH, I am not commiting a crime.) It is the

DIRECTING INTELLIGENCE, formed so to speak of SABAOTH, the

 Army of the Word.How did the universe emerge? From a nebula? It is not true, let us

not assert falsities! It emerged from SABAOTH, from the MOTHER-

SUBSTANCE, from the CHAOS (from MULA-PRAKRITI, the Hindustani

would say). It is true that certain Rituals, which were Tantric, by the way,

were performed at the dawn of the Mahanvantara. True! Obviously, the

ELOHIM who collectively constitute SABAOTH, the ARMY OF THE

WORD, did unfold in themselves into the form of the DIVINE ANDROGINE,

but in unfolding in themselves as MALE-FEMALES they became ad-

equately ready to fertilise the CHAOTIC MATTER.

This was how ISIS and her MASCULINE PRINCIPLE executed then

a copulation of a chemical, metaphysical type, in order to fertilise theCHAOTIC MATTER, to fertilise SABAOTH, the CHAOS. Then they

separated the higher waters (of the CHAOS) from the lower waters. The

higher waters were fertilised by the FIRE, rose along the SPINE of ISIS

(collectively speaking), were fertilised by the MASCULINE PRINCIPLE

with Fire, and then were returned to the CHAOS, so that the CHAOS be

fertilised in turn, and so life originated, the seedbed originated of all that

is, has been and will be. The “ATOMIC EDDY” was brought about all

over, and then the germs of existente, the ELEMENTAL ATOMS

emerged, the Worlds emerged with all their things – all of it thanks to the


it really have come out from a nebula?

The first form that emerged into existente was a Mental universe;

much later it crystallised in Astral form, then in Etheric form and then it

took a Physical form, but nowhere was there a nebula as LAPLACE

suggests. It was all product of the Verb, all was a product of the Word…

Had LAPLACE not forgotten about himself, if instead of constructing his

theory, he had given himself to meditation, obviously he would have been

able some day to verify the origin of the universe, which is very far from


to listen, there needs to be perfet balance between the Knowing and the

Being. But to speak is one thing, and a different thing is to listen.

Educating the word is something appropriate, this I cannot deny, but it

becomes indispensable that we know how to listen. Thus we can

principally go by the SCIENCE OF LISTENING.

Q.- Master, when one is before you, the mind slows down, one

becomes unable to absorb the word of the Master in its entirety, unable

of absorbing transcendental knowledge, so it is extremely difficult tolisten to you. What could I do to listen to you, Venerable Master?

 A.- I have heard your words… Undoubtedly, one needs to know how

to listen; one needs the state of perception alert, of novelty alert, if one

does want to listen. However, I repeat, how could somebody who is not

at home be able to listen?

Usually, people listening to the lecturer in an auditorium tend to

escape, they have multiple inhuman Psychic Aggregates that come and

go everywhere… So, in the end, although they are there in the auditorium

listening, they are not there, and whilst listening they do not actually

listen, because they are not at home…

If one wants to know how to listen, one needs to be whole, one-total,before the lecturer. The three brains (intellectual, emotional, and motor)

need to be integrated, all in one, but if these centres are dissociated, with

the intellectual in one direction, the emotional in another, and the motor 

in yet another, then, simply, one is not listening to the word.

So, learning to listen is something very difficult and fundamental,

because if one learns to listen, then one can receive complete informa-

tion about the Gnostic-Esoteric work.

Let us bear in mind the fact that, in practice, life has many phases.

Life in the state of unconsciousness has terrible phases. It would seem

as if humanity’s life in the state of unconsciousness had even more

power than the Gnostic-Esoteric knowledge, but what happens is thatpeople are full of themselves, I repeat, and so they cannot receive the

information they are given by the word. They are full; they do not receive

the information complete, that is to say, they do not know how to listen

 – they are full of themselves…

If one listens, if one learns to listen in a state of perception alert, then

one really comes to recognise for this reason, through the word one

receives, through the word that is giving us information, the fact that one

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resembling the theories he formulated. This is the harsh reality of 


So, when one forgets oneself, one makes dreadful mistakes. To

forget oneself is most serious…

Fire is what matters in any creation, but one thing is the Fire in the

Physical World and something else is the Fire in the CHAOS. Obviously,

in the CHAOS, Fire is an electric potency, with the possibility of 

awakening in order to create.These days, when we are working with PISTIS SOPHIA, I say that

PISTIS SOPHIA in the CHAOS is definitive. Really, Sophia is wisdom of 

Fire and shines in the CHAOS; not without reason it is said, “LIGHT

RISES FROM DARKENESS” and “the cosmos emerges from the

CHAOS”… As Fire, PISTIS SOPHIA shines in the CHAOS in order to

create and once again to create. Divine Wisdom is in the CHAOS and

from the CHAOS it can spring in order to reach the “THIRTEENTH

 AEON”, the “SNAKE-13”, the “SEVENTH NUMERAL-13”…

Therefore, my dear brethren, we need to reflect ever more on all

this. Great things become open for one when one does not forget

oneself, one’s own inner Being, when one remembers oneself pro-foundly…

It is advisable that the brethren should daily, be it for five or ten

minutes, be it for a while, half an hour, or an hour, remember them-

selves; that, sitting on an archair, they should completely relax the body.

 A day will come when they will be able to experience the REAL, if they

do this, which is a way of acting upon the emotional centre by means of 

the motor centre, by remaining in that attitude of simple relaxation,

experiencing the Being, feeling it.

To become receptive to the Being – that is what matters. Person-

ality should become ever more passive and receptive to the Word that

comes from above, from on High. This Word comes through the Higher Centres of the Being and arrives, but if we are not receptive, if we do not

learn to relax, if we forget ourselves, how are we going to be able to

receive the messages that come through the Higher Centres of the

Being? The brethren need to understand this, that one needs to be a

receptacle, that we need to become receptive, learn to receive the Word

in its profound significance – this is fundamental. Daily, we need to relax

and remember ourselves, our own Being. That way we will advance



listened to it, it turns out to be the case that we had not actually listened

to it, because any day we hear it and it comes as “news”, and yet we had

listened to it millions of times. So, why does it then come as “news”?

Why, because we had always listened to it with an asleep Conscious-

ness, and any odd day we are lucky to listen to it with an awake

Consciousness, and then it strikes us as something “new”…

This is how difficult it is to know how to listen; this is how hard it is…

In the first place, we need to be conscious, if we want to know how tolisten.

Let us remember that temptation of Jesus in the desert, when

Satan tells him, “I will give you all these kingdoms of the world if you kneel 

down and worship me”  (here is the temptation). Jesus the Christ was

being asked to have the “BOWL” upside down, to not have it upside up,

receiving the inner Word from Above, but to have it upside down,

receiving the external things, that is, listening to the world of the external


So, Jesus did not fall. Why did not the Great Kabir fall? Because he

was always alert and vigilant, like a sentry in war time. He had the

“BOWL” upside up, not upside down; he was awaiting to receive theWord. However, had he fallen into temptation, had he put the “BOWL”,

the “PLATE”, upside down, he would have listened to external words, to

things that come from the outside, things of the world – he would not

have been able to listen psychologically.

So, my dear brethren, we need to become more and more recep-

tive to the Word. We need to learn to listen psychologically…


Q.- Venerable Master, I would like to know the following: when a

student is not in self-remembering, is it useless for him to seek advice

from a Master to resolve a situation, given that he is not going to listento the Master?

 A.- Well, it is necessary to consult, but it is indispensable to know

how to listen. So, it is not absurd to seek advice; what is absurd is not

knowing how to listen…

Q.- Can one learn to listen by educating one’s word.

 A.- One thing is to talk and something else is to listen. If we do not

know how to listen, we will not have true knowledge. In order to know how

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“The KALKIAN PERSONALITY is ridiculously like a know-all, isbottled up with the Dogma of Evolution, is badly informed about theinternal constitution of man, ignores the Tantric Mysteries, fears thedevelopment of the Igneous Serpent in the spinal column, and, on top, feels self-sufficent – this sensation of self-sufficiency is produced by

being stuffed with theories.“Undoubtedly, the KALKIAN PERSONALITY is a victim of self-

deceit. It believes it has achieved everything, when in fact it hasachieved nothing, and what is worst of all is that it has lost the sense of veneration, it has forgotten the genuine and true religiousness, it hasalso lost the humility before the Creator Logos.

“Certainly, the characteristics of the KALKIAN PERSONALITY are unmistakable. Above all, self-sufficiency, terrible pride, and and anawful vanity based upon theories. We see, for instance, in the schoolsof psychoanalysis, parapsychology, and so on, what a terrible prideand self-sufficiency holds all those people who have really KALKIAN 

 personalities. These stand out, not only within certain groups, but alsothey appear on television, in the press, on radio, and have the world completely poisoned with a kind of vibrations which in esotericism areknown as «poisonioonoskirian».

“They have an absolute self-sufficiency; they look disdainfully at the people of the Middle Ages; they believe themselves super-civilised;they believe they are going to conquer the infinite, the Outer Space;they laugh at what they believe to be superstitions in medieval sages.This is what the KALKIAN TYPE OF PERSONALITY is like.”

“The Revolution of Dialectics” by Samael Aun Weor 

When a school teacher or a lecturer speaks, the audience appears

very attentive, as if they were following each of the speaker’s words.

Everything suggests they are listening, that they are in a state of alert;

however, at the psychological depth of each person there is a secretary

translating each of the speaker’s words.

This secretary is the “I” , the Me, the Myself. The work of this

secretary consists of misinterpreting, mistranslating the speaker’s


socials, or in their sexual pleasures, they answer with some kind of 

dreadful coldness, or simply they grimace, shrug their shoulders, and

withdraw with indifference.

If to that psychological apathy, that frightful coldness, we add the

lack of ductility in the mind, the terrible weight of the past, the intellectual

norms, and so on, it becomes obvious that to listen to the WORD turns

out to be completely impossible.

Really, people do not have an empty space, a small place for our word. They are full of themselves, of their conceits, prides, vanities,

theories, and so on, and therefore, the word does not have a place to go

in… Where could it fit if people are full of themselves?

Let us remember Jesus and his birth: his parents attending a

registration ordered by Herod did not find an empty place at the “INN”…

So, in the “INNER INN” (if we can give it this name) there is not an empty

place for the Word; the “TAVERN” is full, the “INN” is full – how grave this


We need to have the “BOWL” of Buddha upside up, the “PLATE”,

in order to receive the Word; but instead of doing this, people have the

“BOWL” upside down. So, then, we would need to have or recognise our own nothingness and inner squalor for there to be left some space in the

“BOWL”, “PLATE”, or “CROCK”, for the Word. However, we are full of 

ourselves. How could the Word get into us? In other words, how could

we learn to listen from a psychological point of view? Because, logically,

to know how to listen physically, let us say, is relatively easy – but,

psychologically, how difficult it is!

One needs to be in a receptive attitude, with the “PLATE” upside up,

awaiting the food, or call it “CROCK”, or “BOWL” the Buddhic style; but

if the “PLATE” is upside down, how can the food go into us, how could

we receive it?

Those people who are full or pride, of self-sufficiency, those whoare full of theories, do you perchance think they are in the precise state

to receive the Word? Before anything else, we need to recognise our 

own nothingness and inner squalor, before being able to receive the

nourishment of the Word, and it is not possible to receive this nourish-

ment if we do not know how to listen.

Rather, it can happen that after us having heard a word thousands

and even millions of times and believing that we know it, that we have

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The “I” translates according to its prejudgements, preconcepts,

fears, pride, anxieties, ideas, memories, etc.

The school pupils, the people who make up the listening audience,

are really not listening to the speaker. They are listening to themselves;

they are listening to their own Ego, to their own Machiavellian Ego which

is not willing to accept the Real, what is True, the Essential.

Only in a state of novelty alert, with an spontaneous mind, free fromthe burden of the past, in a state of full receptiveness, can we really listen

without the intervention of that dreadful secretary of bad omen and which

is known as “I”, Me, Myself, Ego.

Where the mind is conditioned by memory, it only repeats what it

has accumulated. The mind which is conditioned by the experiences of 

so many and many yesterdays can only see the present through the

cloudy lens of the past.

Really the present humankind has an understanding which is like

an old mechanical structure, inert and absurd, unable by itself of any

phenomenon of genuine elasticity.

There is a lack of ductility in the mind; it is bottled up in multiplenorms, which are rigid and untimely.

Each of us has his own criterion and certain rigid norms within

which he incessantly acts and reacts. What is most serious about all

this is that the millions of criteria are equivalent to millions of putrid and

absurd norms.

In any case, people never feel themselves mistaken. Each head is

a world, and no doubt among so many mental nooks and crannies, there

are many sophisms of diversion and unbearable stupidities.

However, the narrow criterion of the crowds not even remotely

suspects its own intellectual bottling. These modern people with a

cockroach’s brain do think the best of themselves, they boast of liberalism, of being super-geniuses, they believe they have very ample


If we want to Know How to Listen, if we want to learn how to listen

in order to discover the new, we need to live according to the Philosophy

of Momentaneity.

We urgently need to live from moment to moment, without the



“There is great coldness among the people; it is the coldness of theunimportant, of the superficial.

“The crowds believe that things that are not important are what isimportant; they suppose that the latest fashion, or the latest model of car, or the question of the basic wage, is the only serious thing.

“The call serious the daily chronicle, the love affair, their seden-tary life, the cup of liqueur, the horse race, the automobile prix, the bull  fight, the gossip, slander, and so on.

“A touch is missing, an electric shock; nobody gave it in the shop,or in what was thought to be serious, and much less in the pleasures inbed.

“If somebody were able to give the cold imbecile, or the superfi-cial young lady, the electric touch of the moment, the sparkle of theheart, some strange reminiscence, a very intimate «je-ne-sais-qua»,then, perhaps, everything would be different.

 “However, something pushes aside the secret little voice, the first hunch, the intimate yearning; possibly it is something silly, the nice hat in some shop window or display, the exquisite sweet in a restaurant,the meeting with a friend, which later retains no importance for us, etc.

“If those who today are living corpses, cold night-clubbers, or  simple sellers of umbrellas at a store on such and such street, had not  stiffled the first intimate yearning, they would now be luminaires of theSpirit, Adepts of the Light, Authentic Man in the fullest sense of theword.”

“The Great Rebellion” by Samael Aun Weor 

Usually, when one is talking about gnosis, those who apparently arelistening are not listening, they escape in horror, they go from one place

to another, they travel their inner psychological city… Let us remember 

that within each of us there is a psychological land, a psychological city

(one thing is a place in the physical world, and something else is the

psychological place where we are located).

When the man of the day, or the woman in the beauty salon, hear 

something about esotericism, since this is not in their plans, nor in their 

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preoccupations of the past and the worries of the future.

The Truth is that which is unknown from moment to moment. One’s

mind should always be alert, in full attention, free from prejudgements,

or preconcepts, so that it can be really receptive.

School teachers should teach their pupils the profound significance

of the idea of Knowing How to Listen.

Learning to live wisely, refining one’s senses, refining one’s behav-

iour, one’s thoughts, one’s feelings – all this is necessary.There is no use in one having a great academic education if one

does not know how to listen, if one is not able to discover the new from

moment to moment.

We need to refine our attention, our manners, refine ourselves as

persons, the things, etc.

It is imposible to be a truly refined person when one does not know

how to listen.

Minds that are crude, rough, dilapidated, degenerate, do not ever 

know how to listen, they never know how to discover the new. Those

minds only comprehend, only understand, the absurd and mistaken

translations of the Satanic Secretary that is known as ”I”, Me, Ego.Being refined is something very dificult, and it requires full attention.

Somebody could be very refined in fashion, dress, clothes, gardens,

cars, friends, and yet remain inwardly crude, rough, heavy.

Somebody who knows how to live from moment to moment is

somebody who is really on the path of true Refinement.

Somebody who has a receptive, spontaneous, integral, alert mind

is somebody who is really on the path of true Refinement.

Somebody who opens himself or herself to the new, abandoning

the burden of the past, the preconcepts, prejudgements, misgivings,

fanaticisms, and so on, is somebody who is marching triumphantly on

the path of genuine Refinement.

 A degenerate mind lives bottled up in the past, in prejudgements,

pride, self-esteem, preconcepts, etc.

The degenerate mind cannot see the new, cannot listen, it is

conditioned by self-esteem.

The fanatics of Marxism-Leninism do not accept the new. They do

not accept the “Fourth Characteristic” of all things, the Fourth Dimen-


sion, because of their self-esteem. They love themselves too much,

they are attached to their own absurd materialistic theories, and when

we place them in the domain of concrete facts, when we demonstrate

to them the absurdity of their sophisms, the raise the left arm, look at the

hand of their wrist watch, excuse themselves evasively, and go away.

Those are degenerate minds, decrepit minds, which do not know

how to listen, who do not know how to discover the new, who do not

accept reality, because they are bottled up in self-love. Those are mindsthat love themselves too much, minds that do not know about cultural

refinement, rough minds, coarse, which only listen to their “beloved


The Fundamental Education teaches how to listen, how to live


The teachers in schools, colleges, and universities, should teach

their pupils the genuine way of life Refinement.

Staying ten or fifteen years in schools, colleges, and universities, is

of no use if when we come out we are inwardly real swines in our 

thoughts, ideas, feelings, and habits.

The Fundamental Education is urgently needed, because the newgenerations mean the beginning of a New Era.

The time of the true Revolution has come; the instant has come of 

the fundamental Revolution.

The past is past, and it has already given its fruits. We need to

understand the profound significance of the moment we are living in…