baby tamil boy names

1 Baby Names - Boy (Updated on July 2009) A List of Modern Indian Baby Names With Their Meaning. These Names Are Modern As Well As Unique. These baby name lists are organised alphabetically. : With Best Compliments from : Dharmeshbhai J. Joshi (Astrologer and Vastu Consultant) Dhananjay Jyotishalay, Opp. Digambar Jainwadi, Khedtasia Road, Mahavirnagar, Himatnagar. N.Guj. INDIA. Mo.: +91-9978215600. Visit our Website for Astrology Service : This compilation of names and their meanings has been compiled from various sources, many of these are submited by visitors therefore we cannot be held responsible for their authenticity.

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Page 1: baby tamil boy names


Baby Names - Boy (Updated on July 2009)

A List of Modern Indian Baby Names With Their Meaning. These Names Are Modern As Well As

Unique. These baby name lists are organised alphabetically.

: With Best Compliments from :

Dharmeshbhai J. Joshi (Astrologer and Vastu Consultant)

Dhananjay Jyotishalay, Opp. Digambar Jainwadi, Khedtasia Road, Mahavirnagar, Himatnagar. N.Guj. INDIA. Mo.: +91-9978215600.

Visit our Website for Astrology Service :

This compilation of names and their meanings has been compiled from various sources, many of these are submited by visitors therefore we cannot be held responsible for their authenticity.

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Boys Name starting with “A”

Aabheer • A cowherd Aachman • Intake of a sip of water before a yagya or puja Aadarsh • Ideal Aaddhar • Foundation Aadesh • Command; Message Aadhan • Be First Aadhira • Moon Aadi • First; Most important Aadidev • The first God Aadil • Justice Aadit • Peak Aaditya • Sun Aafreen • Encouragement Aagam • Coming; Arrival Aagman • Arrival Aahan • Iron; Sword Aahlaad • Delight Aahva • Beloved Aakaar • Shape Aakar • Shape Aakarsh • Attraction Aakarshan • Attraction Aakash • The sky Aakesh • Sky Aalam • The whole world Aalap • Musical Aalok • Light Aamir • Populous; Full; Prosperous Aanand • Joy Aandaleeb • The Bulbul bird Aaradhaya • Regard Aarav • Peaceful Aarif • Acquainted; Knowledgable Aarit • One who seeks the right direction Aariz • Respectable man; Intelligent Aarman • Desire Aarnav • Ocean; Sea Aaron • High Mountain Aarpit • To donate Aarth • Meaning Aarush • First ray of sun Aarya • Line on any particular raaga from sanskrit Aaryan • Illustrious Aashank • Faith Aashish • Blessings Aashka • Take aashka of aarti

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Aashman • Son of the sun Aasim • Protector Aasit • Black Stone Aatish • Fireworks; Name of Lord Ganesha Aayan • Speed; Bright Aayush • Long life Aayushman • Long life Abaan • Old Arabic name Abadhya • Always victorious; Unopposed Abbas • A family name Abdar • Glittering with water; Wealthy Abdul • Knowledge Abed • Worshipper Abedin • Worshippers Abeer • Colour Abeesht • Wanted; Desired Abezag • Pure; Holy Abhar • Brilliant; Magnificent; Shining Abhav • Lord Shiva Abhay • Fearless Abhaya • Fearless Abheek • Fearless Abhi • Fearless Abhibhava • Overpowering; Powerful; Victorious Abhidi • Radiant Abhihita • Expression; Word; Name Abhijat • Noble; Wise Abhijay • Victor Abhijaya • Conquest; Complete victory Abhijeet • Victorious Abhijit • One who is victorious Abhijeet Abhijun • Expert; Skilled Abhijvala • Blazing forth Abhik • Beloved Abhilash • Desire Abhiman • Pride Abhimand • Gladdening Abhimani • Full of pride; Another name for Agni as the eldest son of Brahma Abhimanyu • Arjuna's son Abhimoda • Joy; Delight Abhin • Different Abhinanda • To rejoice; To celebrate; To praise; To bless; Delight Abhinatha • Lord of desires; Another name for kama Abhinav • Quite new; Novel Abhinava • New; Young; Fresh; Modern Abhinay • Expression Abhineet • Perfect Abhinit • Acted Abhiraam • Pleasing Abhiraj • Fearless King Abhiram • Lovely; Pleasing

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Abhirath • Great charioteer Abhiroop • Handsome Abhirup • Pleasing Abhisar • Companion Abhisha • Sky Abhishek • Shower of Milk or Water over an idol; An auspicious bath for a deity; Anointing Abhisoka • Passionate; Loving Abhisumat • Radiant; Another name of sun Abhiveer • One who commands; One who is surrounded by heroes or warriors Abhivira • Surrounded by heroes; A commander Abhra • Cloud Abhyagni • Towards the fire; A son of Aitasa Abhyudaya • Sunrise; Elevation; Increase; Prosperity Abhyudita • Elevated; Risen; Prosperous Abid • Worshipper of God Abimanyu • Arjuna's Son Abishek • Ritual Abjayoni • Born of the lotus; Another name for Brahma Abjit • Conquering water Abra • Cloud Abraham • Father of the multitude Abrak • The blessed one Abrar • A truthful person; Saint Abyan • Very clean Abyaz • White Abzar • Powerful; Mighty Acalapati • Lord of the immovable; Lord of mountain Acalendra • Lord of the immovable; The Himalayas Acanda • Not of the hot temper; Without anger; Gentle Acarya • Teacher; Another name for Drona; Asvaghosa and krpa Acchindra • Flawless; Uninterrupted; Perfect Acchutan • Lord Vishnu Achal • Constant Achalraj • Himalayan mountain Achintya • Inconceivable; A name of Lord Shiva; Beyond comprehension Achyut • Imperishable; A name of Vishnu Achyuta • Indestructible Achyuthan • Indestructible Acintya • Surpassing thought; Incogitable Adair • Form of Edgar Adalarasu • King of dance Adarsh • Ideal Adavak • Simple; Uncomplicated Adeel • Judge; Honest Adeela • Equal Adeep • Light Adesh • Command Adham • Black Adheesh • King Adhik • Greater

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Adhikara • Principal; Controller Adhiksit • King; Lord Adhip • King Adhipa • King; Ruler Adhiraj • King Adhish • Lord; Master Adhit • Scholarly; Intelligent; Wise Adhita • A scholar Adikavi • First poet Adil • Sincere; Just Adinath • The first lord; Lord Vishnu Adit • From the beginning Aditeya • Another name for the sun Adithya • Sun God; Son of Adithi Aditya • The sun Adnan • Proper name Adraksh • Lightning Adrian • Rich Adrij • Belonging to the mountains Adripathi • Master of the mountains Advait • Unique Advaita • Focussed Advaith • Non-Duality; Advay • Unique Advik • Unique Advitiya • Unique Adwaita • Non-duality Adway • One; United Adwaya • Unique Afeef • Chaste; Modest Afrah • Happiness Afraz • Height Aftaab • The sun Aftab • The sun Afzal • Most excellent Agampreet • Love for god Agasthya • A name of a sage Agasti • Name of a sage Agastya • Name of a sage Agendra • King of mountains Agha • Pre-eminent Agharna • The moon Aghat • Destroyer of sin Agnello • Angel Agneya • Son of agni Agnimitra • Friend of fire Agniprava • Bright as the fire Agnivesh • Bright as the fire Agraj • Leader; Senior Agrata • Leadership Agrim • Leader; First

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Agrima • Advance Agriya • First best Agyeya • Beyond comprehension; Beyond knowledge Ahan • Dawn; Morning Ahdas • New; Novel Ahijit • Conquerer of the serpent Ahilan • Knowledgeable; Commanding Ahim • Warm; Cloud; Water; Traveller Ahir • The Devotee and God are One Ahmad • Praiseworthy; Commendable Ahren • Enlightened Ahsan • Mercy Aijaz • Favour Aiman • Fearless Ainesh • The sun's glory Aja • Unborn Ajaat • Unborn Ajamil • A mythological king Ajanta • Eternal fame Ajay • Unconquerable; Invincible Ajinkya • Invincible Ajit • Unconquerable Ajeet; Invincible Ajitabh • One who has conquered the sky Ajitesh • Vishnu Ajmal • Pious Ajmil • A mythological king Ajoy • Joyful Akaash • Sky Akalank • Without any flaws Akalmash • Stainless Akalpa • Ornament Akand • Calm Akarsh • Attractive Akash • The sky Akbar • Powerful Akhash • Price; Worth; Value Akhil • Complete Akhilesh • Lord of the universe; Indestructible; Immortal Akhyath • Famous Akilesh • Lord and Master of Universe Akmal • Complete Akram • Excellent Akrash • Attractive Akroor • Kind Aksal • Complete Akshaj • Lord Vishnu Akshan • Eye Akshar • Imperishable Akshat • Uninjurable Akshath • Indestructible Akshay • Indestructible

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Aksheen • Very strong Akshit • Permanent Akshobhya • Lord Vishnu Akshun • A significant particle Akul • A name of Lord Shiva Akush • Lap Akyas • Wise; Intelligent Alaa • Nobility; Excellence Alaap • Musical notes in a order Alabhya • Durlabh Alagan • Handsome Alagappan • Handsome Alagarasu • Handsome king; King of beauty Alam • The whole world Alamgir • The lord of the whole world Alan • Rock or Noble Alankar • Gold; Ornament Albert • Noble Bright Alden • Old Friend Alec • Form of Alexander Aleem • Knowledgeable Alexander • Defender of men Alexis • Helper Alhad • Joy Alif • The first character in Hijaiyah Alih • Idol Alkesh • Lord of Alkapuri Alok • A man with lovely hair; Cry of victory Aloke • Light Aloki • Brightness Alpesh • Tiny Alya • Apt Amaan • Aman Amad • Serious Amal • Bright; Clean; Pure; Unblemished Amalendu • The unblemished moon Amalesh • The pure one Aman • Peace Amanath • Treasure Amanda • Active Amanjeet • Peace attainder Amanpal • Peace protector Amanuday • Peace rising Amar • Forever; Immortal Amara • Immortal Amardeep • Eternal light Amaris • Child of the Moon Amarjeet • Victorious Amarnath • Immortal god Amarpreet • Immortal love of God Amartya • Immortal

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Ambar • Sky Ambareesh • King of the sky Ambarish • The sky Ambarisha • Lord of the sky Amber • The sky Amberdeep • Light of the Sky Ambud • Cloud Ambuj • Lotus Ameen • Divine grace Ameer • Ruler; Prince Ameet • Boundless Ameya • Boundless; Magnanimous; Immeasurable Ameyatma • Lord Vishnu Amian • Tamer Amil • Invaluable Amin • Divine grace Amir • Rich Amish • Honest Amit • Endless; Boundless; Without limit Amitaabh • Boundless lustre Amitabh • One with boundless splendour Amitabha • Limitless lustre; Name of Lord Buddha Amitav • Limitless lustre; Name of Lord Buddha Amitava • Same as Amitabh Amitay • Limitless Amitesh • Infinite god Amitiyoti • Limitless brightness Amitosh • Ever happy Name • Meaning Amiya • Nectar; Delight Amjad • More Glorious Amlah • Pretty; Handsome; Beautiful; Pleasant Amlan • Unfading; Everbright Ammar • The maker Amod • Pleasure Amogh • A name of Lord Ganesh; Unerring Amoha • Clear; Straight Amol • Priceless; Valuable Amolak • Priceless Amolik • Priceless Amoorta • Formless Amresh • Lord Indra Amrik • Nectar Amrish • Lord Indra Amrit • Nectar Amritanshu • Moon Amshu • Atom Amshul • Bright Amuk • Some; One or another Amul • Priceless Amulaya • Invaluable

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Amulya • Priceless Anaan • Clouds Anadi • Eternal Anagh • Sinless; Pure; Perfect Anahid • Immaculate Anal • Fire Anamitra • The usn Anand • Joy; Happiness; Bliss Ananda • Joy; Happiness Anandi • Bringer of Joy; Lord Vishnu Anang • Name of Cupid or Kamadeva Ananga • Name of Cupid or Kamadeva Ananjan • Without any faults Ananmaya • One who cannot be broken Anant • Infinite Ananta • Infinite Anantajit • Always victorious Anantram • Eternal god Ananyo • Sole; Peerless Anargh • Priceless Anarghya • Priceless Anas • A group of people Anay • Radha's husband Anbarasu • King of love Anbu • Love; Kindness Anbumadi • Kind and intelligent Andrew • Manly Anees • Close friend Aneesh • Supreme Anek • Many Anesh • Smart one Angad • An ornament Angada • Bracelet; Brother of Wali and Sugreev Angaj • Son Angamuthu • Made of pearls Angeeth • Flavoured on charcoal Angel • Messanger; Angel Angus • Unique choice Aniij • Charming Anik • Soldier Anikait • Lord of the World Aniket • Homeless; One who makes the world his home; A celestial being who was the king of the Anga dynasty Aniketh • Lord of all Anil • God of wind Animesh • Open-eyed therefore attractive Animish • Open-eyed therefore attractive Anirab • An angel who presides over fire Aniran • Eternal light Aniruddh • Grandson of Lord Krishna Anirudh • Boundless; Lord Vishnu

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Anirudhha • Free; Grandson of Lord Krishna; Cooperative Anirvan • Undying Anirvesh • Devotion Anirvinya • A name of God Vishnu Anisa • Supreme Anish • Lord Vishnu; Lord Shiva; Supreme Anit • Joyful unending Aniteja • Immeasurable splendour Aniveshak • One who finds seeker Aniveshan • To find Anjal • Hollow formed by joining two hands Anjalika • One of Arjuna's arrows Anjan • Eye liner Anjana • Dusky Anjaney • Lord Anjaneya Anjani • A title of the mother of Hanuman; Anjani kumar Anjas • Fortright Anjasa • Guileless; Deceitless Anjor • Bright Anjum • A token Anjuman • A token; A sumbol Ankit • Conquered Ankur • Sprout; New life Ankush • Check; An instrument used for Anmol • Priceless Anna • Food Anniruddha • Son of Pradyummna Annuabhuj • Lord Shiva Anoop • Without comparison; Incomparable; The best Anram • Continuous Ansh • Portion Anshu • The sun Anshul • Radiant Anshuman • The sun Anshumat • Luminous Ansu • Ray of light Antariksh • Space; Universe Anthony • Flower Antim • Last Antony • Name of a Saint Antriksa • Space; Outer space; Sky Antrix • Space; Sky Anu • An atom Anuansh • Generous; Charitable Anubhav • Experience Anudeep • Small diya Anugya • Authority Anuha • Satisfied Anuhlad • Brother of prahlad Anuj • Younger brother Anuja • Younger brother

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Anunay • Supplication; Consolation Anup • Without comparison Anupam • Without comparison; Incomparable Anuraag • Love Anurag • Attachment; Devotion; Love Anuranjan • Name of a raag; Love Anuttam • Unsurpassed Anuva • Knowledge Anuvind • One who receives; A cousin of Lord Krishna Anuvrat • Devoted; Faithful Anvay • Joined; Integration Anvesh • Investigation Anwar • Devotee of God Aparesh • God Shiva's invincible worship Apoorva • Quite new; Unique Appaji • Lord Venkateswara of Balaji Aprameya • A Name of Lord Krishna Apratim • Unequalled Apurva • Unique Aquil • Wise Arabinda • Lotus Aradhya • To be worshipped Aran • Righteous Aranya • A forest; Foreign land; Desert Arav • Peaceful Aravali • Righteous Aravan • Righteous Arbad • Masters; Lords Archan • Worship Archit • Worshipped Ardhendu • Half moon Areehah • Destroyer of enemies Arenu • One who does not belong to earth; Celestial Arghya • Offering to the Lord Arha • Lord Shiva Arham • Rhe word is just like OM for Jain community Arhan • Tirthankara Arhant • Destroyer of enemies Arhat • Deserving Aric • Rule with mercy Arihan • One who kills enemies Arihant • One who has killed his enemies Arijit • Conquering enemies; Son of Krishna and Subhadra Arin • With spokes; Discuss Arindam • Destroyer of enemies Arinjay • Victory over evil Aritra • One who shows the right path; Navigator Ariv • King of wisdom Arivali • Smart; Intelligent Arivarasu • King of wisdom Arivoli • Glowing with intelligence

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Arivumani • Intelligent jem Arja • Divine Arjit • Earned Arjun • Pandava prince; Bright; Peacock Arka • The sun Arkaan • Principles Ashvin • A cavalier Ashwath • Banyan tree Ashwathama • Ever Living Ashwin • A Hindu month Ashwini • One of the constallations Asif • Forgivness Asija • A great sage; Brother of Brihaspati Asim • Limitless Asit • The planet Asitvaran • Dark complexioned Asjid • One who prays to God Askha • More liberal Aslam • Greeting Aslesh • Embrance Asuman • Lord of vital breaths Asutosh • One who becomes happy easily Asvathama • Sun of drona Asvin • A Hindu month Aswad • Islamic name; Black stone in Moka Aswini • Name of a star Ataa • Gift Atal • Immoveable Atambhu • The Holy trinity Atamveer • Brave Atanu • Cupid Atharva • Name of Ganesha; The first Vedas Atharvan • Knower of the Arthara vedas Athervan • One of the four vedas Athrv • Lord Ganesha Atif • Generous Atiksh • Wise Atimanav • Super man Atin • The great one Atish • Fire; Splendor Atit • Past Atithi • Guest Atiya • To surpass Atma • Soul Atmaja • Son Atmajyoti • Light of soul Atman • The self Atmanand • Blissful Atmananda • Bliss of soul Atraiu • Great Warrior Atreya • Receptacle of glory

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Atri • Name of hindu Rishi Atul • Matchless Atulya • Unweighable; Incomparable; Matchless Aurva • Grandson of rishi Bhrigu Ausija • Renowned; Bright as the dawn Avadhesh • King Dasaratha Avadhoot • God Dattatreya Avalok • One who beholds Avanindra • King of the earth Avanish • God of the earth Avasyu • Lord Indra Avatar • Incarnation Avi • The sun and air Avijit • Invincible Avikam • Diamond Avikshit • Not see before Avilash • Faithful Avinash • Indestructible Avinashi • Indestructable Aviral • Continous; Ongoing Avirat • Continuous Avkash • Limitless space Avtar • Holy incarnation Avyukta • Crystal Clear Awad • Reward; Compensation Aws • Name of a tree Ayaan • Nature; Temperament Ayaaz • Respected and enduring Ayavanth • Lord Shiva Ayman • Lucky; On the right Ayog • Institution Ayoob • A Prophet's name Ayuj • Without a companion; Without an equal Ayush • Long lived Ayushmaan • Having long life Ayushman • Blessed with long life Ayyapan • Ever youthful Azam • Offspring Azb • Sweet Azeez • Friend Azhagar • The handsome one Azhar • Famous Azhmeer • Clever; Wise Azzaam • Determined; Resolved Azzam • The lord; Almighty

Boys Name starting with “B”

Baadal • Cloud Baahir • Dazzling; Brilliant

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Baalaark • The rising sun Baanbhatt • Name of an ancient poet Baasim • Smiling Babala • Above Babar • Lion Babulal • Beautiful Badal • Cloud; Rain Badikh • Important; Prominent Badri • Lord Vishnu Badrinath • Lord of Mount Badri; Lord Vishnu Baha • Beautiful; Magnificent Bahaj • Jubilation; Happiness; Joy; Rejoicing Bahubali • A Jain Tirthakar Bahula • A star Bahuleya • Lord Kartikeya Bahuliya • Lord Kartikeya Bahumanya • Honoured by many Bahurai • With great riches Bahuvida • Scholarly; Wise; Enlightened Bajrang • A name of Lord Hanuman Bakhtawar • One who brings good luck Bakool • Flower Bakul • A kind of tree Bakula • A kind of flower Baladeya • Giver of strength Baladhi • Deep insight Baladhika • Unequalled in strength Baladhya • Full of strength Balagopal • Baby krishna Balaji • A name of Vishnu Balakumar • Youthful Balamani • Young jewel Balamohan • One who is attractive Balan • Youthful Balanath • Lord of strength Balanuj • The younger brother of Balaram; Another name for Krishna Balaraj • Strong Balaram • The brother of Lord Krishna Balaravi • The morning sun Balark • The rising sun Balarun • Dawn Balavan • Powerful Balavant • Lord Hanuman Balbhadra • Brother of Krishna Balbir • Strong Baldev • Godlike in power; Strong Balendra • Lord Krishna Balgopal • Baby krishna Balgovind • Krishna Bali • Monkey king Balin • Healthy; Energetic; Powerful

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Balraj • King Balram • Krishna's brother Balveer • Powerful Balvinder • Strong Balvindra • Strong Balwan • Strong Person Balwant • Strong Balwin • Bold Protector Banaj • Lotus Banajita • One who conquers with arrows; Another name for Vishnu Banbihari • Lord Krishna Bandhu • Friend Bandhul • Pleasing Bandhula • Charming Bandish • Binding; Attach together Baneet • Polite Banke • Lord Krishna Bankim • Curved Banshi • Flute Bansi • Flute Bansilal • Lord Krishna Banwari • Lord Krishna Baradwaj • A star Baran • Noble Man Barid • Cloud Barindra • The ocean Barry • Spear; Javelin Barsaat • Welcome rain Barton • Placename of where Barley was grown Barun • Lord of the Sea Basaam • Smiling Basant • Spring Basanta • Spring Basav • A minister of a jaina king who developed Vira-Saiva system Basavaraj • Lord of bulls Basdev • Fire Basel • Brave Bashaar • Bringer of glad tidings Bashir • Harbinger of good things Basistha • A sage Basudha • Earth Batuk • Boy Bayaz • White; Bright Beau • Handsome Benjamin • Son of my right hand Bernard • Bear-Brave Bhadra • Auspicious Bhadrak • Handsome Bhadraksh • One with beautiful eyes Bhadrang • Beautiful body Bhadresh • Lord Shiva

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Bhagat • Devotee Bhagirat • With glorious chariot Bhagirath • One who brought river Ganga to the earth Bhagwant • Fortunate Bhagyaraj • Lord of luck Bhairav • Lord Shiva Bhajan • Adoration Bhakti • Devotion; Prayer Bhalendra • Lord of light

Boys Name starting with “C”

Calder • Cool Clear Spring Caleb • Messanger; Dog Calvin • Bald One Cameron • Place name crooked stream; Crooked nose Carlos • Strong and manly Cary • Place name; Pleasent stream Casey • Watchful Ceasar • Hairy Child Ceeven • The name came to a guy from dream Cesar • Long Haired Chaanakya • Name of Kautilya; The great scholar Chaggan • The Zodiac sign of Aries Chahel • Good cheer Chain • Peace Chaitan • Name of Kautilya; The great scholar Chaitanya • The name of a saint; Consciousness; Life; Knowledge Chaitnya • Consciousness; Wisdom; Soul; Mind; Spirit; Founder of the four principles of Vaishinav sect; A reincarnation of Krishna Chaitya • Pertaining to the mind; Indivdual soul; A stupa built in Jain or Buddhist places of worship Chaityak • Abode of consciousness; A place of worship; A mountain near Magadha; Which is worshipped Chakor • A bird enamoured of the moon Chakradev • Lord Vishnu Chakshu • Eye Chaman • Garden Chamanlal • Garden Champak • A flower Chanak • Father of Chaanakya Chanakya • Son of chanaka Chanchal • Restless Chand • Moon Chandak • The moon Chandan • Sandalwood Chandavir • Very brave; A Buddhist deity Chander • Moon

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Chandnin • Anointed with sandalwood; Another name for Shiva Chandra • The moon Chandrak • Peacock feather Chandran • The moon Chandrat • The moon's nectar; Fair; Handsome; Peaceful; Nectar like; A physician of AncientIndia Chandresh • Lord of the moon Chane • Name of a god; Dependability Chanyana • Moon Chapal • Quick Charak • An ancient physician Charan • Feet Charanjit • One who has won over the lord Charanpal • Protection under the Guru's lotus feet Charles • A Man Charu • Agreeable; Charming; Genteel Chatresh • Lord Shiva Chatur • Clever Chatura • Clever Chaturnik • Four faced; A name for Varuna Chayank • Another name for the moon Chaz • Form of Charles Cheliyan • Rich; Resourceful; Prosperous Chellapan • Precious Chemmal • Premier; Best

Boys Name starting with “D”

Daamodar • A name of Krishna Daaruk • Charioteer of Krishna; Tree Daarun • Hard Male Hindu Dabeet • Warrior Dadhikra • Born from the Ocean of Milk; Fast moving; A divine horse who personifies the morning sun Dadhyan • Seller of milk; One who brings the milk; A hermit who was taught by Indra the art of preparing rice for offering to the gods Dagan • Corn or grain Daha • Blazing; Very bright Dahana • A Rudra Daitya • A Non Aryan Daityahan • Killer of demons; Another name for Shiva Daivya • Divine Daiwik • By the grace of God Dajasi • Child of Sephiroth Daksayan • Coming from Daksa Daksh • Expert; Talented; Fit; Fire; Gold Daksh son of Daksa; Precious son; Son of a perfect being Daksha • Able; Talented Dakshesh • Shiva

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Dakshi • The glorious Dakshin • South direction Dakshina • Donation to god Dalajit • Winning over a group Dalapathi • Leader of a group Dalbhya • Belonging to wheels Dalbir • Soldier Daljeet • The conqueror of forces Dalpati • Commander of group Daman • One who controls Damati • One who subdues a conquerer Damian • Tamer Damik • Earth; Land; Field Damodar • Lord Ganapati Damon • Blue sky Danah • Intelligent; Knowledgeable Dandak • A forest Daniel • God is my judge Danish • To be clever; Mercyfull and forseening Danta • Calm; A name for Lord Hanuman Danuj • Born of danu; A danava Danvir • Charitable Darpad • Lord Shiva Darpak • Kamdev; God of love Darpan • A mirror Darsh • Lord Krishna Darshan • Religious text Darshish • Mighty; Powerful Darshit • Display Daruka • Deodar tree Darun • As hard as wood Dasharath • The father of Lord Rama Dasmaya • Beautiful Datta • Given; Granted; Presented Dattey • Lord Indra Daulat • Wealth Davanand • Joy of god David • Beloved Dawoud • A Prophet's name Dayaal • Kind hearted Dayada • Son; Inheritor Dayakar • Merciful Lord Shiva Dayakara • Compassionate Dayamay • Full of mercy Dayamit • Kind; Merciful Dayanand • One who likes being merciful Dayanidhi • Treasure house of mercy Dayaram • Merciful Dayasagar • Extremely kind; Sea of mercy Debashis • Benediction of god Debashish • Pleased by gods

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Debjit • One who has conquered Gods Deenanath • Lord of the poor Deep • A lamp Deepak • Lamp; Kindle; Lustrous Deepan • Lighting up Deepankar • One who lights lamps; Lord of light Deepdas • Servant of Light Deepen • Name of poet Deependra • Lord of light Deependu • Bright moon Deepesh • Lord of light Deepinder • God's light Deepit • Lighted Deepsharn • Deep search Deeptendu • Bright moon Deeptesh • Lord of light Deeptiman • Lustrous Deeptimoy • Lustrous Dehabhuj • Another name for Lord Shiva Denise • From Dionysisu; God of wine Deshak • One who directs; Guide Dev • God; King Deva • Deity Devaapi • An ancient king Devabrata • A name of Bhisma Devadas • Follower of God Devadatta • God given Devadeva • Lord of All Lords Devadhipa • Lord of the gods Devadutt • Gift of god Devaj • From God Devajyoti • Brightness of the Lord Devak • Divine Devan • Like a God Devanand • Joy of god Devanath • Lord of the gods; Another name for Shiva Devansh Devang • Part of god Devank • Godly Devansh • Part of God Devaraj • King of the gods Devarpana • Offerings to the gods Devarsh • God's gift Devarshi • Another name for Narada Devarsi • Sage of the Devas Devarya • Divine belief Devashish • Blessings of God Devavrat • Great bhishma Devbrata • Bhishma Devdarsh • Worshipper of God Devdas • Servant of god Devdatta • Given by God

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Devdutta • King Deven • Resembling a God Devendar • King of Lord's Devendra • King of gods; Lord Indra Devesh • God of gods; Lord Shiva Deveshwar • Lord Shiva Devesth • Best among the gods Devhish • Gift; Generosity; Charity Devi • Goddess Devilal • Son of godess Devin • Resembling a God Devjeet • God's triumph Devkumar • Son of God Devnath • King of gods Devpad • Divine feet Devraaj • King among gods; Name of Indra Devraj • King of gods Devrat • Spiritual Devsena • Army of gods Devya • Devine power Deyaan • Concentration Dhairya • Patience Dhairyash • Patience and Success Dhakshesh • Lord Shiva

Boys Name starting with “E”

Eashan • Lord Vishnu Ebhanan • Ganpati Ecchit • Wanted; Desired Edhas • Happiness Edhit • Grown; Advanced; Evolved Edi • Herb Edmond • Prosperous Protector Ednit • Evolved Edward • Rich guardian Eeshwar • God Egaiarasu • King of charity Eha • Lord Vishnu Ehimay • All pervasive Eka • Lord Vishnu Ekaaksha • One eyed; Shiva Ekaakshara • A Name for Lord Ganesha Ekabhakta • One who worships a single deity Ekachakra • Son of Kashyapa Ekachandra • The only moon Ekachit • Possessing one's mind; Complete concentration; Calm; Reposed Ekachith • With one mind Ekadant • Lord ganesh

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Ekagr • Complete concentration; Poised; Peaceful; Stable; Alert Ekagrah • Focused Ekaksha • Lord Shiva Ekakshara • Oneself; Alone Ekalavya • Renowned for his devotion to his guru Ekaling • Lord Shiva Ekalinga • Shiva Ekambar • Sky Ekana • Lord Vishnu Ekanath • King Ekanga • Bogyguard Ekanjeet • God's triumph Ekanpreet • Love for God Ekansh • Whole Ekantin • Devoted to one object; Aname for the follower of Vishnu Ekapad • Lord Shiva Ekaraj • Emperor Ekaraya • One ruler Ekatan • Closely attentive Ekatma • One soul

Boys Name starting with “F”

Faakhir • Proud; Excellent Faaris • Horseman; Knight Faarooq • One who distinguishes truth from falsehood Fadi • The redeemer Fadl • Outstanding; Honourable Faghyar • Intelligent; Like a scholar Fahad • Lynx Faham • Wise; Considerate Fahim • Wise; Learned; Prudent; Sagacious Fahmidah • Intelligent; Wise Fairuz • Victorious; Triumphant Faisal • Decisive Faishah • Head; Principal; Place of origin of a river or torrent Faiyaz • Artistic Faiz • Gain Faizah • Achieving; Attaining; Accomplishing; Possessing Faizan • Generosity; Abundance; Benefit Faizeen • Honest Fakhar • Pride; Fame; Jewellery; Excellence; Nobility Fakhry • Honorary Fakht • Moonlight; Moonbeam Fakruddin • Pride of religion Falak • The sky Falgu • Lovely Falgun • Month in the Hindu calendar Falguni • Born in Falgun; A Hindu month; Arjun

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Falih • Prosperous; Successful Fanibhusan • Lord Shiva Fanindra • The cosmic serpent Shesh Fanish • The cosmic serpent Shesh Fanishwar • Lord of serpents; Vasuki Faqid • One who knows law and divinity; Intelligent; Judicious; Understanding Faraj • Happiness; Ease; Relief Faraz • Equitable Fardin • One who has triple strength; First month of the Parsi year when the sun is in Aries Fareed • Unique Farhad • Happiness Farhan • Happiness; Joyful Farhat • Happiness Farid • Wide Faris • Ability to discern; Perspicacity Farman • Order; Command; Royal patent Farmand • Intelligent; Pure Farokh • Power of discrimination Farozan • Luminous Farrokh • Auspicious Farrukh • Blessed; Auspicious

Boys Name starting with “G”

Gadhadhar • Name of lord Vishnu Gadin • Lord Krishna Gafur • Invincible Gagan • Sky; Heaven Gagandeep • Light of the sky Gaganjyot • Light of the sky Gagnesh • Lord Shiva Gajanan • One with elephant face Gajanand • Lord Ganesh Gajdant • Elephant teeth; Ganesha Gajendra • The king of elephants Gajkaran • Like ears of elephant Gajrup • Lord Ganesh Galav • To worship Gambheer • Deep; Serious Ganak • An astrologer Ganaka • One who calculates Ganapati • Lord Ganesh Ganaraj • Lord of the clan Gandesha • Lord of fragrance Gandhaa • A sweet smelling Gandhar • Fragrance Gandharaj • King of fragrance Gandharva • Celestial musician

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Gandhi • Sun Gandhik • Fragant Gandira • Hero Ganendra • Lord of a troop Ganesh • Son of Lord Shiva and Parvati Gangadhar • Shiva Gangadutt • Gift of Ganga Gangesh • Lord Shiva Gangesha • Lord of Ganga Gangeya • Of the Ganga Gangol • A precious Ganjan • Surpassing Gannaath • An epithet of Shiva Garisht • Heaviest Garonman • House of heavenly song Garry • Spear Garth • Protection; Enclosure Garuda • King of birds Garv • Proud Garvpreet • Hounour; Pride Gatik • Fast; Progressive Gaurang • Fair complexioned Gaurav • Honour; Pride; Respect Gauresh • A Name of Lord Shiva Gaurikant • Husband of Gauri Gaurinath • Lord Shiva Gaurish • Lord Shiva Gautam • Lord Buddha Gavisht • Abode of light Gayak • Singer Gayan • Sky Gee • Respect Geet • Song George • Farmer Geyarajan • King of songs Ghaalib • Victor Ghaazi • Conqueror Ghaibi • HeavenlyGhaibi Concealed; Heavenly Ghalib • Excellent Ghanaanand • Happy like cloud Ghanashyam • Lord Krishna Ghanendra • Lord of clouds; Lord Indra Ghanshyam • Lord Krishna Ghasaan • Old Arabic name Ghiyaath • Succourer Gian • Master of knowledge; Apostle of knowledge Giles • Youthful downy-beared one Girdhari • Lord Krishna Giri • Mountain Giridari • Lord Krishna Giridhar • One who holds mountain; Lord Krishna

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Girik • Lord Shiva Girilal • Son of mountain; Lord Shiva Girindra • Lord Shiva

Boys Name starting with “H”

Haadiya • Huide to righteousness Haady • Guiding to the right Haamid • Praising God; Loving God Haani • Happy; Delighted; Content Haarith • Plowman; Old Arabic name Haaroon • A Prophet's name Haashim • Generosity; Prophet's grandfather Haatim • Judge Habib • Beloved Hadden • Child of heather filled valley Hafiz • Protected Hakesh • Lord of sound Hamid • Friend Hamir • A raga Hammad • One who praises God Hamshad • Always victorious Hamza • Lion Hana • Happiness Hanan • Mercy Hans • Swan Hansaraj • King of a swan Hanshal • Swan like Hansraaj • King of swans Hansraj • King of Swans Hantidev • Gentle Hanuman • The monkey god of Ramayana Hanumant • The monkey god of Ramayana Har • Name of Shiva Hara • The Remover of Sins Haraksa • Lord Shiva Harbhajan • Lord's devotee Harbir • Warrior of God Hardeep • God's light Hardik • Heartfelt Hareendra • Lord Shiva Harendra • Lord Shiva Haresh • Lord Krishna; Other interpretaion Shiva Hari • Sun; Vishnu Hariaksa • Lord Shiva Haricharan • Feet of the lord Haridas • Servant of Krishna Harigopal • Lord Krishna Harihar • Lord Vishnu or Vishu and Shiva together

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Hariharan • Vishnu and Shiva conjoined Harij • The horizon Harikanth • Dear to Indra Harilal • Son of Hari Harina • Deer; Other name for Lord Vishnu and Siva Harinaksh • Lord Shiva Harinder • Lord Harindra • A tree Hariom • Lord Vishnu Hariprasad • Blessed by Lord Krishna Haripreet • Beloved of Gods Hariraj • King of lions Hariram • Lord Rama Haris • Protector Harish • Vishnu Harit • Green Haritbaran • Green Harith • Lion Harivansh • Belonging to the family of Hari Harjas • Praise of the God Harjeet • Victorious Harjit • Victor Harjyot • Gods light Harkrishna • Lord Krishna Harley • Deer Hunter or Archer Harman • Everybody's beloved Harmeet • God's friend Harmendra • The moon Harold • Powerful ruler or warrior Haroon • Hope Harpal • One protected by God Harsh • Happiness Harsha • Joy; Delight Harshad • One who gives pleasure Harshal • Lover Harshaman • Full of joy Harshil • Joyful Harshini • Joyful Harshit • Joyous Harshita • Joyous Harshul • Deer Harsith • Smile Harteij • Radiance of Lord Hasan • Laughter

Boys Name starting with “I”

Ian • Form of John Ibhanan • Elephant faced

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Ibhya • Possessor of many attendants Ibraheem • A Prophet's name Ibrahim • Abraham; Earth Ichaa • Desire Idaspati • God of rain; Vishnu Idhant • Luminous Idrees • A Prophet's name Idris • Fiery Lord Iesa • A Prophet's name Iham • Expected Ihit • Prize; Honour Ihsaan • Beneficence Ihtesham • Magnificent Ijay • Lord Vishnu Ikram • Honour respect Ikrimah • A female pigeon Ikshan • Sight Ikshu • Sugarcane Ilaiyavan • Youthful Ilamporai • Prince Ilamurugu • Young lord Murugan Ilandevan • Young master Ilango • Chera Prince who wrote Tamil masterpiece Silappadhikaram Ilashpasti • Lord of the earth Ilavalagan • Young and handsome Ilavarasan • Prince Ilavenil • Brilliant Ilesh • Lord of earth Ilisa • King of the Earth Ilyas • A Prophet's name Imaad • Support; Pillar Iman • Name of raga Imaran • Strong Imdad • Charity Imraan • A Prophet's name Imran • Prosperity; Father of Moses Imtiaz • Power of discrimination Imtiyaz • Great King Ina • Lord Surya Inakanta • Beloved of sun Inamdaar • Gift giver Inas • Capable; Sociability Inbanathan • Happy Indeever • Blue lotus Inderbir • Lord of Bravery Inderjeet • Conquerer of Indra Inderpreet • Love for god Indivar • Blue lotus Indra • Excellent; First Indraarjun • Bright and brave Indra Indradutt • Gift of Indra

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Indrajeet • Conqueror Indrajit • Conquerer of Indra Indrakanta • Lord Indra Indraneel • Emerald or sapphire

Boys Name starting with “J”

Jaabir • Consoler; Comforter Jaafar • Rivulet Jabez • God will increase your boundary Jacob • One who supplants Jadhav • A yadava Jafar • Little stream Jag • The universe Jagad • Universe Jagadayu • Life spring of the universe Jagadbandu • Lord Krishna Jagadeep • Light of the world Jagadev • Lord of the world Jagadhidh • Lord of the world Jagadhish • Lord of the world Jagadip • Lamp of the universe Jagadish • Lord of the universe Jagajeet • Conquerer of the world Jagajeevan • Life of the world Jagan • Universe; World Jaganmay • Spread over the universe Jagannath • Lord of the world; Lord Vishnu Jagat • The universe Jagath • The universe Jagatpal • Caretaker of the world; God Jagatveer • Bravest in the world; Jagveer Jagdeep • Light of the Universe Jagdeesh • Lord of the Universe Jagdeo • God of the World Jagdish • King of the World Jagesh • Lord of the world Jagish • Lord of the Universe Jagjeevan • Worldly life Jagjit • Winner of the world Jagmohan • One who attracts the world Jagrav • Awakened Jagreet • World's way Jahan • The world Jahi • Dignified Jahnu • A Rishi Jai • Conqueror Jaichand • Victory of the moon Jaidayal • Victory of kindness

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Jaideep • Victory to the light Jaidev • God of victory Jaigath • Victorious Jaigopal • Victory of Lord Krishna Jaikrishna • Victory of Lord krishna Jaiman • Victorious Jaimini • An ancient philosopher Jainam • Following Janism Jainarayan • Victory Jaipal • Lord Brahma Jairaj • Lord of victory Jairam • Victory of Lord Rama Jaisal • Famous folk Jaishankar • Victory of Lord Shiva Jaison • Son of victory Jaisukh • Joy of winning Jaithra • Lord Vishnu Jaitra • Leading to vitory Jaival • Life giving Jaivant • Victorious Jaivardhan • Lord Shiva Jaiveer • Victorious Jaiwant • Victory Jakarious • Peaceful friend Jalaal • Glory of the Faith Jalad • Giving water Jalaj • Lotus Jalal • Glory Jalbhushan • Ornament of water Jaldev • God of water Jaldhar • Clouds Jalender • Lord of waters Jalendra • Lord of the water Jalendu • Moon in the water Jalesh • Lord of water Jalil • Revered Jalindra • Lord of the water Jalpesh • King of Water Jalsa • Celebratory procession Jamaal • Beauty Jameel • Beautiful James • A Cheerful boy; He who supplants Jamil • Handsome Janak • Father of Sita; Creator Janakinath • Lord Rama Janamejay • A mjanardan Lord Vishnu Janardan • One who helps people Janav • Protecting men Janesh • Lord of men Janith • Born Jankesh • Lord of His Subjects

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Janmesh • The king of his kundli Janu • Soul; Life force Janya • Born Japa • Chanting Japan • Muttering prayers Japendra • Lord of chants-Lord Shiva Japesh • Lord of chants-lord Shiva Jarrar • Attractive; Huge; Tremendous army Jasamit • Protected by fame Jasapal • Very famous Jasbeer • Victorious hero Jashan • Celebration Jashanjeet • Celebration of victory

Boys Name starting with “K”

Kaaliya • A huge serpent Kaamil • Perfect Kaanan • Forest Kaarikaa • Actress Kaartikeya • Son of Shiva Kabir • Name of a famous saint Kadeem • Slave to god Kahill • Best friend Kailas • Abode of Lord Shiva Kailash • Name of a Himalayan peak; Abode of Shiva Kairav • White lotus Kalan • Warrior Kalap • Moon Kalapriya • Lover of art Kalash • Sacred pot Kalicharan • A devotee of Goddness Kali Kalidas • The poet; Dramatist; Slave of godess Kali; A devotee of Goddess Kali Kalimohan • A devotee of Goddess Kali Kaling • A bird Kalipada • A devotee of Goddess Kali Kaliranjan • A devotee of Goddess Kali Kalith • Understood Kalkin • Tenth incarnation of God Vishnu Kalpa • Able; Fit Kalpak • A Heavenly tree Kalpesh • Lord of perfection Kalpvan • A forest of wishes Kalya • Pleasant Kalyan • Welfare Kamadev • God of love Kamal • Lotus flower Kamalaj • Lord Brahama Kamalakar • Lord Vishnu

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Kamalapati • Lord Vishnu Kamalesh • Lord of Kamala Kamalkant • Lord Vishnu Kamalnath • Lord Vishnu Kamalnayan • Lotuseyed Kaman • Desired Kamat • Unrestrained Kamboj • Conch shell; Elephant Kamesh • Lord of Love Kamik • Desired Kamil • Perfect Kamlesh • God of lotus Kamod • A raga Kampu • Sweet Kamraj • Cupid Kamran • Success Kamukh • Passionate Kanad • An ancient Kanaiya • Lord Krishna Kanak • Gold Kanal • Shining Kanan • Forest a garden Kanav • A Hindu Sage Kanchan • Gold Kandan • Cloud Kandarp • God of love Kandarpa • Cupid Kandavel • God Murugan Kanha • Krishna Kanhai • Lord Krishna Kanhaiya • Lord Krishna Kanishk • An ancient King Kanishka • Name of a king Kanishta • Youngest Kanj • Lord Brahama Kanthamani • Lord Krishna Kantilal • Lustrous Kantimoy • Lustrous Kanu • Lord Krishna Kanvar • Young prince Kanwal • Lotus Kanwaljeet • Lotus Kanwaljit • Lotus Kapaali • Lord Shiva Kapil • Name of a sage Kapindra • King of monkeys; Hanuman Kapish • Lord Hanuman Kapoor • Saffron Karan • Karna; The firstborn of Kunti Kareem • Kind Karen • Pure

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Karim • Generous; A title of God; The Merciful Being Karm • Fate Karmendra • God of action Karmjit • Winner over obstacles Karna • The firstborn of Kunti Karnajeet • Conquerer of Karna; Arjun Karnam • Famed Karnik • Judge Karpoor • Camphor Kartar • Master Kartheek • A hindu calendar month Karthik • A Hindu month; One who bestows happiness Kartik • Name of one of the hindu months Kartikey • Brother of Lord Ganesha Kartikeya • God of war; Elder son of Lord Shiva Karun • Compassionate Karunakar • Merciful Karunamay • Full of light Karunamaya • Full of compassion Karunesh • Lord of mercy Karunya • Compassion Kashi • Luminous; Pilgrimage spot Kashif • A connoisseur Kashinath • Lord Shiva Kashyap • Name of a sage Kasish • Lord Shiva Kathir • Ray Kathith • Well recited Katran • Well Learned Kaunteya • Son of Kunti Kausar • Lake of paradise Kaushal • Clever; Skilled Kaushik • Sentiment of love; Sage Vishwamitra Kaustav • A legendary gem; A gem worn by Lord Vishnu Kaustubh • A jewel of Lord Vishnu Kautik • Joy Kavan • Water; Poem Kavana • Water Kaveesha • Lord of Poets; Lord Ganesha Kavel • Lotus Kavi • A wise man; Poet Kavin • Handsome; Beautiful Kaviraj • Doctor Kavish • King of poets; Other name of Lord Ganesh Kayaan • The name of a dynasty of king Kaikobad Keanu • Cool breeze over the mountains Kedaar • A field; Name of Shiva

Boys Name starting with “L”

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Laabh • Profit Laalamani • Ruby Laavanya • Beauty Labeeb • Sensible; Intelligent Labh • Gain Lagan • Appropriate time Lahar • Wave Lakhan • Lord Rama's brother Laksh • Aim Lakshan • Aim Lakshay • Target Lakshin • With auspicious marks Lakshman • Prosperous; Younger brother of Rama Lakshya • Aim Lalam • Jewel Lali • Blushing Lalit • Beautiful Lalitesh • God of beauty; Husband of a beautiful wife Lalitkumar • Beautiful Lalitmohan • Beautiful and attractive Lamar • Close to the sea Lambodar • Lord Ganesh Lambodhar • Lord Ganesh Laniban • Lord Shiva Lankesh • Ravana Larraj • A sage Lars • See Kyle Latafat • Elegance Latif • Elegant Latifah • Elegance Lav • Son of Lord Rama Lavana • Handsome Laven • Fragrance Lavitra • Lord Shiva Laxman • Lord Rama's brother

Boys Name starting with “M”

Maadhav • Another name of Krishna Maagh • Name of a Hindu month Maahir • Skilled Maalin • One who makes garlands Maalolan • Name of Deity in Ahobilam Maan • Mind Maandhata • An ancient King Maaran • Brave Maari • Rain Maazin • Proper name

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Madan • Cupid; God of love Madanapal • Lord of Love Madangopal • Lord Krishna Madesh • Lord Shiva Madhav • Sweet like honey; Lord Krishna Madhavan • Lord Shiva Madhavdas • Servant of Lord Krishna Madhu • Honey; Nectar Madhuban • Lord Vishnu Madhujit • Conqueror of Madhu Madhuk • A honeybee Madhukanta • The moon Madhukar • Honey bee; Lover Madhumay • Consisting of honey Madhup • A honeybee Madhur • Sweet Madhuram • Sweet Madhusudan • Lord Krishna Madin • Delightful Madur • A bird Magadh • Son of Yadu Magan • Engrossed Maha • Gazelle Mahaadev • Another name of Shiva Mahabahu • Arjuna Mahabala • Great strength Mahaddev • Lord Shiva Mahadev • Most powerful god; Lord Shiva Mahaj • A noblel descent Mahakaya • Gigantic; Lord Hanuman Mahaketu • Lord Shiva Mahakram • Lord Vishnu Mahamani • Lord Shiva Mahanidhi • A great treasure house Mahaniya • Worthy of honour Mahant • Great Mahanth • Great Mahapurush • Great Being; Lord Rama Maharanth • Pollen inside a flower Maharath • A great charioteer Maharshi • A great saint Maharth • Very truthful Mahasvin • Glorious Mahatru • Lord Vishnu Mahavir • Most courageous among men; A Jain prophet; Also the super courageous one Mahavira • Son of Priyavrata Mahdy • Guided to the right path Maheepati • The king Mahendra • Indra; Lord Vishnu Maher • Adept

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Mahesh • Lord Shiva Maheshwar • Lord Shiva Mahijith • Conqueror of the earth Mahin • The earth Mahinder • God of Gods Mahindra • A king Mahipal • A king Mahipati • King Mahir • Expert Mahiraj • Ruler of the world Mahish • A king Mahit • Honoured Mahith • Honoured Mahmoud • Praised Mahmud • The Prophet of Islam Mahrishi • Yogi Mahtab • The moon Mainak • A mountain a Himalayan peak Maitreya • Friend Majd • Glory Majdy • Glorious Makarand • Honey; Honey Bee; Pollen Makeen • Strong; Firm Makhesh • Lord Krishna Makrand • Honey Makul • A bud Makur • Mirror Malak • Angel Malank • King Malay • A mountain Malaya • A Forest Malhar • A raga used in Indian music Malik • King Malkauns • A raga Mallesh • Lord Shiva Mamdouh • One who is commended; Praised; Glorified Mamnoon • Trustworthy Mamraj • Lord of affection Manaal • Attainment; Achievement Manaar • Guiding light Manajith • One who conquered the mind Manan • Repetition Manas • Mind Manasi • Born of the mind Manaswa • Mankind Manasyu • Wishing; Desiring Manav • Man Manavendra • King among men Mandaar • A flower Mandan • Adorning Mandar • Flower; A celestial tree

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Mandeep • Light of the mind Mandhatri • Prince Mandin • Delighting Mandir • Temple Mandith • Adorned Maneesh • Lord of the mind Maneet • One who wins heart Manendra • King of mind Manesh • God of mind Mangal • Auspicious Mangesh • Lord Shiva Manhar • Lord Krishna Mani • A jewel Manidhar • A mythical snake with jewel in its hood Manik • Ruby; Gem Manikandan • Another name for Lord Ayyappa Manindra • Lord of the mind; Diamond Maniram • Jewel of a person Manish • God of mind; Intellect Manit • Highly respected Manith • Honoured Manivannan • Lord Ayyappa's related name Manjeet • Conqueror of the mind Manjot • Light of your heart Manjul • Handsome Manjunath • Husband of Lord Parvathi; Lord Shiva Manjyot • Light of the mind Manmatha • Cupid Manmeet • Friend of mind Manmohan • Pleasing Mannan • Meditate Mannath • A vow to a deity Mannith • Chosen Mano • God be with us Manohar • Beautiful; Captivating; One who wins over mind Manoj • Born of the mind Manomay • Conqueror of Ones Heart Manonith • Carried by the mind Manoop • Son Manoranjan • One who pleases the mind Manorath • Desire Manoth • Born of the mind Manprasad • Mentally calm and cool person Mansour • Aided by God; Victorious Mansukh • Pleasure of mind Manth • Thought Mantha • Another name for the sun; Lord Shiva Manthan • Reflection through study Mantram • Holy Name; Lord Vishnu Manu • Founder father of human beings; Original man Manuel • Powerful; Strong

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Manuj • Son of Manu Manuraj • Kuber Manvendra • King among men Manvik • Conscious Manyu • Mind Maraam • Aspiration Mardav • Softness Mareechi • Ray of light Markanday • Shiva's devotee; A Sage who wrote Devi Mahatmyam Markandeya • A devotee of Lord Shiva; A sage

Boys Name starting with “N”

Naadir • Dear; Rare Naag • A big serpent Naagarjun • An ancient Philosopher Naagendra • King of the serpents Naagesh • God of serpents; Sheshnaag Naajy • Safe Naanak • First Sikh Guru Naarad • An ancient sage Naasih • Advisor Naathim • Arranger; Adjuster Naayantara • Star of our eyes Nabarun • Morning sun Nabeeh • Noble; Outstanding Nabeel • Noble Nabendu • New moon Nabh • Sky Nabhan • Noble; Outstanding Nabhanyu • Eternal Nabhas • Sky Nabhendu • New moon Nabhi • Focus; The best Nabhij • Lord Brahama Nabhith • Fearless Nabhoj • Born in sky Nabhomani • Jewel of the sky; Sun Nabhya • Central Nachik • A short form of Nachiketa Nachiket • Son of Vajashravas Nachiketa • An ancient rishi; Fire Nacoma • Loveable Nadal • Fortunate Nadeem • Friend Nadeesh • God of river; Ocean Nadin • Lord of rivers Nadir • Pinnacle Nadish • Ocean

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Naeem • Comfort; Ease; Tranquil Nagaraj • King of cobras Nagarin • Lord of a town Nagarjun • Best among the snakes Nagendra • Seshnag Nagesh • Seshnag; Cosmic Serpent Nageshwar • Lord of the cobras Naggar • Lord Krishna Nahid • Stainless Nahusha • A mythological king Naimish • Momentary; Transient; A mythological forest Nairit • South-west Naishadh • King Nala; A hero from the Mahabharata who was king of Nishadha Naitik • Ethical Najeeb • Of noble descent Nakir • Hateful Nakshatra • Star Nakul • Name of one of the Pandavas Nal • An ancient king Nalesh • King of flowers Nalin • Lotus; Water Nalinaksha • Lotus-eyed Nalinikant • Husband of lotus; Naman • Salutation Namasyu • Bowing Nambi • Self confident Namdev • Lord Vishnu; Poet; Saint Namish • Lord Vishnu Namit • Bowed down; Modest Namith • To bow in a humble greeting Nanak • Guru fo the Sikhs Nand • Joyful Nanda • Meritorious; Great achiever Nandan • Pleasing; Son Nandi • One who pleases others; The bull of Shiva; Lord Shiva Nandin • Son; Delightful Nandish • Lord of pleasure Nandlaal • Lord Krishna Nandu • One who always be cheerful Nanu • Small Naotau • New Narad • Indian Saint; Devotee of Narayan Narahari • Lord Vishnu Narasimha • An incarnation of Lord Vishnu Narayan • Lord Vishnu Narayana • Vishnu; Refuge of man Narayanan • Title of Vishnu; Krisna Narendra • King of men Naresh • Lord of man; King Narhari • Man-lion Narinder • The King

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Narmad • Bringing delight Narottam • Best among men Narpati • King Narrottam • Best among men Narsi • Poet; Saint Narsimha • Lion among men Nartan • Dance Nartana • Makes others dance Narun • Leader of men Naruna • Leader of men Naseem • Fresh air Nashir • One who scatters; Exposer; Announcer Nataraj • Lord Shiva Natesh • King Nathan • Controller Natheer • Warner Nathin • Protected Natraj • King among actors Natwar • Lord Krishna Nauhar • 9 Garlands Nauka • Boat Navaj • Newly born Naval • Wonder Navalan • Orator Navaneet • Butter Navashen • The one who brings hope Navdeep • New flame; New Shine Naved • Reward; Justice Naveen • New Navin • New Navjot • The new light; Always bright Navneet • Fresh butter Navnit • Fresh butter Navraj • New rule Navrang • Beautiful Navroz • A Parsee festival

Boys Name starting with “P”

Paandu • Father of the Pandavas Paandurang • A diety Paaninee • A Sanskrit grammarian Paarth • Another name of Arjuna Paarthiv • Earthly Paavan • Purifier Pablo • Little Pachai • Youthful; Resourceful Pachaimani • Youthful; Resourceful Padam • Lotus

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Padm • Lotus Padmaj • Lord Brahama Padmakant • Husband of lotus Padmakar • Jewel; Lord Vishnu Padmal • Lotus Padman • Lotus Padmanabh • One with lotus in his navel; Vishnu Padmanabha • Lord Vishnu Padmapani • Lord Bramha Padmapati • Lord Vishnu Padmashri • Goddess of wealth; Seated in a lotus Padmayani • Lord Brahama; Buddha Padmesh • Lord Vishnu Padminish • Lord of lotuses Pahal • Facet; Beginning initiative Pakhi • Bird Pakshi • Bird Palak • Eyelash Palani • Abode of Lord Murugan Palanisami • Another name for Lord Murugan Palanivel • Another name for Lord Murugan Palash • A flowering Palin • Protecting Pallab • New leaves Pallav • Young shoots and leaves Panav • Prince Panchal • Lord Shiva Panchanan • Lord Shiva Pandhari • Lord Vithobha Pandi • Lord Pandi Pandita • Scholar Panduranga • One with pale white complexion; Lord Vithobha Panini • The great scholar-grammarian Pankaj • Lotus flower Pankajan • Lotus; Lord Vishnu Pankajeet • Eagle; Garuda Panmoli • Speaks sweetly Panna • Emerald Pannalal • Emerald Panner • Life of happy Panshul • Lord Shiva Panvi • Lord shiva Paraashar • A celebrated saint Parag • Pollen grains Parakram • Strength Param • The best Paramartha • Highest truth Paramesh • Lord Shiva Paramhans • Sadguru Paramhansa • Supreme soul Paramjeet • Highest success

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Paramjit • Heroic Paranjay • Varun; Lord of the Sea Parantap • Hero Parantapa • Conqueror; Arjuna Paras • Touchstone Parashar • An ancient Parashuram • Sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu Parasmani • Touchstone Paratpara • Greatest of The Greats Paravasu • Name of a sage Parees • Touch stone Paresh • Supreme spirit; Supreme Lord Paresha • Lord of The Lords; A Name for Lord Rama Pargat • Appearance Pari • Charitable prince Parighosh • Loud sound Pariishna • A sweet little angel Parijat • A celestial flower Pariket • Against desire Parikshit • Name of an ancient king Parimal • Fragrance Parin • Another name for Lord Ganesha Parindra • Lion Paritosh • Contentment; Satisfaction Parkash • Light Parmaarth • Highest truth; Salvation Parmeet • Wisdom Parmesh • Lord Vishnu Parminder • God of Gods Parnad • A Brahmin in the qpics Parnal • Leafy Parnik • Creeper Parth • King; Arjun Partha • Arjun Parthiv • Prince of Earth Parvesh • Lord of celebration Parwez • Victorious peace Pascal • Pass Over Pashunath • Lord of animals; Lord Shiva Pashupati • Lord Shiva's incarnation Pasupati • Lord Shiva Patag • Sun Patakin • Holder of a banner Patanjali • Famous Yoga philosopher Pathik • A traveller Pathin • Traveller Patoj • Lotus Patr • Defender Patralika • New leaves Paul • Small Paurav • A descendent of King Puru

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Pavak • Fire Pavalan • Skilled in literature Pavan • Wind; Breeze Pavanaj • Lord Hanuman Pavani • Hanuman Pavankumar • Bhim; Hanuman; Son of the wind Pavitra • Pure Payas • Water Payod • Cloud Paz • Peace Peeyush • Nectar Pehlaj • First born Perumal • Lord Venkateshwara Peter • Rock Phagun • A Hindu month Phalak • Sky Phalgun • A month in Hindu Calendar Phalguni • Born in Falgun; A Hindu month; Arjun Phaninath • Lord of serpents Phanindra • King of gods; Sesh; The divine snake Phanishwar • King of serpents Phenil • Foamy Phoolendu • Full moon Pihu • Chattering of bird Piki • Cuckoo Pilar • Pillar; Fountain base Pinak • Shiva's bow Pinaki • Lord Krishna Pinakin • Lord Shiva Pingal • A reputed sage Pitambar • Lord Vishnu Pival • A tree Piyali • A tree Piyush • Nectar; Milk Pogula • Lord Venkateswara Ponnan • Precious Poojan • Worship Poojit • Worshipped Poonish • Lord of the pious Pooran • Complete Poorna • Complete Poornanand • Complete joy Poorvaj • Elder; Ancestorsn Poorvash • Moon Porush • Man power Posh • Month in Hindu calender Prabal • Coral Prabhakar • The sun Prabhanjan • Dust storm Prabhas • Lustrous Prabhat • Dawn

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Prabhav • Effect Prabhjyot • Light of God Prabhu • God Prabir • Hero; Brave one Praveer Prabodh • Sound advice; Consolation Prabodhan • Knowledge Prabuddha • Awakened Prachand • Hard; Bold Prachet • Lord Varun

Boys Name starting with “R”

Raadhesh • The consort of radha; Lord Krishna Raahi • Traveller Raajaa • King Raajeev • Blue lotus Raakaa • Day of the full moon Raakesh • Lord of the night Raakin • Respectful Raam • Lord Rama; God; Supreme spirit Raamiz • Symbol Raatib • Arranger Rabah • Gainer Rabee • Spring Rachit • Invention Radhak • Liberal Radhakanta • Lord Krishna Radhesh • Lord Krishna Radheshyam • Lord Krishna Radhey • Karna Radheya • Karna Radhiyaa • Content; Satisfied Rafael • God has healed Rafat • Elevation Rafey • Pioneer Ragesh • The man who sings sweet ragas Raghav • Lord Rama Ragheb • Desirous Raghotham • Greatest of all Raghu • The family of Lord Rama Raghubir • Lord Rama Raghunath • Lord Rama Raghupati • Lord Rama Raghuram • Lord Rama Raghuveer • Lord Rama Raghuvir • Lord Rama Rahas • Secret Raheel • One who shows the way Raheem • Merciful

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Rahi • Traveller Rahil • Traveller Rahim • Another name for God Rahman • Merciful Rahul • Son of Lord Buddha Raivata • A Manu Raivath • Wealthy Raj • King; Kingdom Raja • King Rajab • The 7th month of the Muslim year Rajag • Universal awareness Rajak • Illuminating Rajam • Goddess Lakshmi Rajan • King Rajani • Night Rajanikant • Sun; Lord of night Rajanya • Kingly Rajarshi • King's sage Rajas • Mastery; Fame; Pride Rajat • Silver Rajdeep • Best of Kings Rajdulari • Dear princess Rajeet • Decorated Rajeev • Blue lotus Rajender • Lord of Kings; Emperor Rajendra • King Rajesh • God of kings Rajesha • God of kings; Emperor Rajhans • Celestial swan Rajinder • Spontaneous Rajit • Decorated Rajiv • Lotus flower Rajkumar • Prince Rajnish • Moon Rajrishi • King's sage Raju • Prosperity Rajul • Brilliant Rajveer • National hero Rajyeshwar • King Rakesh • The moon; Lord of the night; Sun Rakishi • Wide load Raksha • The moon; Protection Rakshak • Rescue Rakshan • Protector Rakshit • Guarded; Secure; Saved Raktakamal • A red lotus Ram • Lord Rama; Pleasing; Charming; One who pleases Ramadeep • Lord Rama Ramadhuta • Ambassador of Rama Ramadut • Lord Hanuman Ramakaant • Lord Vishnu

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Ramakanta • Lord Vishnu Raman • Beloved; Pleasing; Cupid Ramandeep • Absorbed in the light of Lord's love Ramanuj • Lord Krishna; Lord Laxman Ramanuja • Lord Krishna; Born after Rama; Lakshman Ramashray • Lord Vishnu; Protected by Rama Ramavatar • Reincarnation of Lord Rama Ramchandra • Lord Rama Ramdas • Devotee of Rama Ramees • Winter Rameez • Prince Ramesh • Lord Vishnu Rameshwar • Lord Shiva Ramith • Loved Ramoji • Lord Rama Ramon • Wise Protector Ramprasad • Lord Rama Rampratap • Lord Rama Ramratan • Lord Rama Ramswaroop • Lord Rama Ramu • Lord sriram Rana • Joy; Jewel; To gaze; Look Ranadeva • Lord of Battles Ranadhira • Patient in battle Ranajay • Victorious Ranajit • Victorious Ranak • King Randal • Sheild Wolf Randeep • The hero of the battle Randhir • Brave Ranesh • Lord Shiva Rangan • A flower Ranganath • Lord Vishnu Rangesh • Lord Vishnu Rangith • Well couloured Ranjan • Pleasing Ranjeet • Victor in wars Ranjit • Victorious Ranjiv • Victorious Rantidev • Devotee of Narayana Ranveer • Winner Rasaraj • Mercury Rasbihari • Lord Krishna Rasesh • Lord Krishna Rashad • Integrity of conduct Rashid • Rightly guided; Having the true Faith Rashmi • Sun Rays Rashmil • Silken Rasik • Connoisseur Rasmaru • Lord Krishna Rasul • Angel

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Ratan • Precious stone Ratanakar • Precious stone

Boys Name starting with “S”

Saabir • Patient Saad • Good luck Saahid • Wakeful Saahil • Sea shore Saahir • Wakeful Saajid • One who worships God Saakaar • Manifestation of god Saalih • Good; Righteous Saanjh • Evening Saaras • Swan Saariyah • Clouds at night Saarth • Meaningful Saatatya • Never ending Saatvik • Pious Saaz • Melody Sabal • With strength Sabar • Nectar Sabarish • Lord Iyyappan Sabeeh • Beautiful Sabhajit • Honoured praised celebrated Sabhya • Refined Sabrang • Rainbow Sabyasachi • Lord Arjun Sachan • Friendly Sachchit • Lord Brahma Sachet • Consciousness Sachetan • Animated; Rational Sachh • The truth Sachin • Lord Indra Sachint • Thoughtful Sachish • Lord Indra Sachisth • Most powerful helpful Sachit • Consciousness Sachiv • Friend Sadabindu • Lord Vishnu Sadaiappan • Lord Siva Sadajit • Always victorious Sadanand • Ever joyous Sadar • Respectful Sadashiv • Pure Sadashiva • Eternally pure Sadavir • Ever courageous Saddhan • With money Sadeepan • Lighted up

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Sadeeq • Trustworthy Sadgun • Virtues Sadhan • Pocessing Sadhil • Perfect Sadhin • To accomplish Sadhuj • Good conduct Sadiksha • Good intention Sadiq • Kingly Sadiva • Eternal Sadru • Lord Vishnu Saeed • Priestly Safal • Succeed Saffar • Coppersmith Safiy • Best friend Safwan • Old Arabic name; Rocks Sagan • Lord Shiva Sagar • Sea; Ocean Sagma • Powerful; Mighty; Strong Sagni • Sacred fire Sagun • Possessed of qualities Sagurik • Capable; Energetic Sahadev • Prince Sahaj • Natural Sahaman • Victorious Sahanj • A king Sahar • Sun; Dawn Sahara • Lord Shiva Saharsh • With joy Sahas • Bravery Sahasan • Powerful; Mighty Sahasanu • Patient Sahasin • Powerful; Mighty Sahaskrit • Bestowing strength; Power Sahasrad • Lord Shiva Sahasvat • Full of valour; Victorious Sahasya • Mighty Sahat • Stong Sahaujas • Endowed with strength or power Sahavan • Possessing strength; Mighty Sahay • Help Sahaya • Lord Shiva Sahayu • Victorious Sahdev • One of the Pandava princes Sahen • Falcon Sahendra • Resembling God Indra in power Sahib • The lord Sahil • Guide Sahir • Magician Sahishnu • Lord Vishnu Sahisht • Strongest; Most powerful Sahit • Bounded

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Sahith • Literature Sahodar • Brother Sahoj • Full of strength Sahojit • Victorious by strength Sahor • Good excellent pious Sahovan • Mighty superior Sahuri • Victorious strong Sai • Flower; Everywhere Saiamartya • Immortal; Shirdi Sai Baba Saibya • Belonging to Lord Shiva Saideep • A Name for Sai Baba Saikat • Beach Sailesh • King of mountains Sainath • Saibaba Saipraasad • Blessing Saiprasad • Guide; River bank Saipratap • Blessing of Saibaba Sairam • Blessing of Saibaba Sajal • Moist Sajan • Beloved Sajitvan • Victorious superior Sajiv • Lively Sajiva • Full of life Sajjan • Noble respectable Saju • Travelling Sakal • All whole perfect Sakash • Illumination Sakelshwar • Lively Saket • Llrd Krishna Saksham • Capable Sakshik • Witness Sakshum • Skillful Salah • Righteousness Salaman • High Salarjung • Beautiful Saleem • Healthy Salem • Safe Salil • Water Salim • Happy; Peaceful Salman • Safe Salokh • Friendship Salvador • The Saviour Sam • Strong person Sama • Equal Samaah • Generosity Samabashiv • Lord Shiva Samaj • Lord Indra Samajas • Lord Shiva Samalya • Garlanded Saman • Calming song of praise Samant • Universal whole

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Samantha • Bordering Samanvaya • Equanimity Samanvita • Name of Goddess Durga Samanyu • Lord Shiva Samar • War Samara • Accompanied by Gods Samarajit • Lord Vishnu Samarendra • Lord Vishnu Samarendu • Lord Vishnu Samarjeet • Winner of the battle Samarjit • Victorious in war; Lord Vishnu Samarpan • Dedicating Samarth • Powerful Samarthya • Strength capability Samarvir • Hero of battle Samavart • Lord Vishnu Samay • Time Sambaran • Restraint; Name of an ancient king Sambha • Shining Sambhav • Born; Mainfested Sambhddha • Wise Sambit • Consciousness Sambodh • Complete knowledge Sambudh • Wise prudent Samdarshi • Lord Krishna Samedh • Full of strength Sameen • Valuable Sameep • Close Sameer • Breeze Samen • Happy Samendra • Winner of war Samendu • Lord Vishnu Samesh • Lord of equality Samgram • Host Samhita • A vedic composition Sami • High; Sublime; Similar Samidh • Perfect full Samik • Peaceful Samiksh • Near to sun Samil • Peaceful Samin • Self-disciplined Samir • Wind Samiran • Breeze Samit • Always making friends Samividhan • Constitution Sammad • Joy Sammat • Agreed; Consented Sammath • Agreed Sammud • Joy delight Samodh • Fragrance full of joy Sampada • Blessing

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Sampat • Prosperous Sampavan • Pure Sampoorn • Complete Samprad • Culture Samprati • In the right way Samprit • Pleased delighted Samraj • Universal ruler Samrat • Emperor Samrath • Lord Krishna Samridh • Perfect complete Samrudh • The Enriched One Samskar • Good Ethics and Moral Values Samskara • Ethics Samudra • Ocean Samudrasen • Lord of the ocean Samuel • Name of God Samvar • Content Samvath • Prosperous Samyak • Enough Sanabhi • Related Sanag • A beautiful mountain Sanal • Vigorous Sanam • Beloved Sanas • Laughing smiling Sanat • Lord Brahma Sanatan • Eternal Sanatana • Eternel; Lord Shiva Sanath • With a protector Sanay • Eternal Sanchay • Collection Sanchit • Collected Sandananda • Eternal bliss Sandeep • A lighted lamp Sandeepan • A sage Sandeepen • A sage Sandesh • Message Sandipani • A preist Sandy • Good Lamp Sangir • Assent promise Sangod • With water pond lake Sangupt • Percectly hidden Sanhata • Conciseness Sanil • Gifted; Bestowed Sanisth • Gaining most Sanivesh • Appearance; Form Sanja • God universal creator Sanjan • Creator Sanjay • Bhritarashtra's charioteer Sanjeev • Love; Life Sanjeevan • Victorious Sanjit • Who Is AlwaysVictorious

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Sanjith • Perfectly victorious Sanjiv • Love; Life Sanjivan • Immortality Sanjog • Coincidence Sanjoy • Creator Sanjval • Well lit blazing brightly Sankalp • Aim Sankalpa • Resolve Sankara • Shiva Sankarsana • One who ploughs Sankarshan • A name of Balaram; Brother of Lord Krishna Sanket • Signal Sankil • Possessed with fire a burning torch Sankul • Crowded together; Dense Sannath • Accompanied by a protector Sannidhi • Nearness Sannigdh • Always ready Sanobar • Palm tree Sanshray • Aim Sanshubh • Radiant; Beautiful Sanskar • Good Ethics and Moral Values Santan • A tree Santanak • Spreading a tree Santatey • Continuous extended Santavir • Courageous and Saintly person Santosh • Contentment; Happiness Santya • Kind; Bestowing gifts Sanu • Peak sun Sanug • With followers Sanurag • Affectionate Sanvah • Carrying along bearing wind Sanvar • Dam bridge Sanvaran • Covering enclosing Sanvarth • A rain cloud meeting Sanvrit • Happened Sanwariya • Lord Krishna Sanyam • To have controll Sanyat • Following a king Sanyog • Conincidence Sapan • Dream Swapna Saparyu • Honouring devoted faithful Saprathas • Lord Vishnu Saprem • With love Saptajit • Conqueror of 7 elements Saptanshu • Fire Saptarishi • 7 Stars representing 7 Great saints Saquib • Bright Sarag • Heaven Saral • Straight Saramay • Firm; Best of anything Sarana • Injuring

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Sarang • Spotted deer Saransh • In Brief Saras • A bird; Lake Sarasi • Lake Sarasija • Lotus Sarasvat • Learned Sarat • Autumn; Name of a season; A sage Saravana • Clump of reeds Saravanan • Another name for God Murugan Sarbajit • One who has conquered everything Sarbani • Goddess Durga Sarbesh • Lord Siva Sarfaraz • Head held high Sargam • Musical notes Saril • One That brings essence Sarin • Helpful Sarish • Equal Sarngin • Name of God Vishnu Saroj • Lotus Sarojin • Lord Brahma Sartaj • Crown Sarthak • Well done Saruh • Attainer; Achiever Sarup • Beautiful Sarva • Lord Krishna; Shiva Sarvad • Lord Shiva Sarvadaman • Son of Shakuntala-Bharat Sarvadev • Lord Shiva Sarvag • Lord Shiva Sarvahit • Useful to all Sarvajit • All conquering Sarvak • Whole Sarvambh • Lord Ganesh Sarvanavel • Another name for Lord Murugan Sarvang • Lord Shiva Sarvashay • Lord Shiva Sarvavas • Lord Shiva Sarvbhanu • Name of sun Sarvedra • Sun Sarvendra • God of all Sarvesh • Lord of all Sarvinder • King of kings Sarwar • Promotion Sasatya • Accompanied by truth Sashak • Rural of the contry Sashang • Connected Sashank • Moon Sashanth • Lord of all Sashreek • Prosperous Sashwat • Eternal Sasi • Moon

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Sasmit • Ever smiling Sasta • One who rules Sasyak • Possessing good qualities perfect Satadev • God Satamanyu • Lord Indra Satanand • Lord Vishnu Satayu • Brother of Amavasu and Vivasu Sateendra • Lord of truth Satejas • Full of power Satesh • Lord of hundreds Sathi • Partner Sathish • Good king Satin • Real Satinath • Lord Shiva Satindra • Lord Vishnu Satish • Voctorious Satkar • Honour respect Satkart • Honoured respected Lord Shiva Satkartar • Lord Vishnu Satpal • Protector Satpati • Lord Indra Satrajit • Ever victorious Satrijit • Father of Satyabhama; Wife of Lord Krishna Satruijt • A son of Vatsa Sattat • Always constant Satvamohan • Truthful Satvant • True faithful pious sacred Satvat • Lord Krishna Satveer • Lord Vishnu Satvik • Virtuous Satvinder • Lord of virtue Satvir • Lord of virtue Satwaki • Fighter Satyadev • Lord of truth Satyajit • Victory of truth Satyak • Honest Satyakaam • Believer in truth Satyakam • Son of Jabala in the Mahabharata Satyaki • Charioteer of Krishna Satyam • Honesty Satyamohan • Truth Satyamurty • Statue of truth Satyankar • True; Good Satyapriya • Devoted to truth Satyarat • Devoted to truth Satyasheel • Truthful Satyavaan • Devoted to truth Satyavache • Lord Rama; Speaker of Truth Satyavan • Husband of Savitri; True Satyavrat • One who has taken vow of truth Satyavrata • Dedicated to truth

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Satyayu • It's a truthful and pious life Satyendra • Lord of truth Satyen Satyesu • Seeker of truth Satyeyu • Striving for truth Sauanand • Sweet natured Saubal • Mighty Saubhadra • Abhimanyu Saubhag • Full of fortunes auspicious Saugat • Gift an enlightened person Saujas • Full of energy Saul • Prayed for Sauman • Flower blossom Saumil • Easily available Saumit • Easy to get Saumitr • Good friend Saumitra • Lakshman Saumya • Handsome Saunak • Boy sage Saura • Sacred to the sun Saurabh • Fragrance Saurav • Divine; Celestial Sauri • Son of the sun Saurjyesh • Kartikeya; The Lord of Valour Sauvan • Celestial heavenly Savanth • Employer Savar • Lord Shiva Savera • Morning Savio • Saint's name Savir • Leader Savit • Sun Savitendra • The sun Savya • Lord Vishnu Sawan • A Hindu month Sayam • Evening Sayan • Precious friend; Companion Sayed • Leader Sayid • Master Sayuj • United companion comrade Seduka • Existent Seemanta • Parting line of hair Sehej • Calm Sekar • Lord Vishnu Selvan • Prosperous Selvannmbi • Prosperous and confident Sena • Army Senajit • Victory over army Sendhil • Lord Murugan Sengannan • Visionary Senmal • The best Senthil • Lord Murugan Seshan • Light

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Seshu • Sesh Nag Seshvar • Believing in God Setu • Sacred symbol Sevak • Servant Shaady • Singer Shaan • Pride Shaant • Peace and calm Shaarav • Pure and innocent Shaardul • A tiger Shaashwat • Eternal Shabar • Nector Shachin • Dra-Lord Indra Shadab • Fresh Shafeek • Nector Shafeeq • Compassionate; Tender Shagun • Auspicious Shahalad • Joy Shaheen • Tender Shahid • Patriot Shahil • Shore; Ruler; Leader Shahnaaz • Pride of a King Shailendra • King of mountains; Himalaya Shailesh • God of mountain; Himalaya Shakib • Patience Shakti • Power Shaktidhar • Lord Shiva Shaktik • Powerful; Mighty Shakuni • Bird; Uncle of Kauravas Shakunt • Blue jay Shalabh • Lord Shiva Shalang • Emperor Shaligram • Lord Vishnu Shalik • A sage Shalin • Modest Shalina • Courteous Shaline • Praiseworthy Shalmali • Lord Vishnu's power Shalya • An arrow Shama • Sun Shamak • Makes peace Shamakarn • Lord Shiva Shambhu • Lord Shiva Shameek • An ancient sage Shami • Fire Shamindra • Quiet; Gentle Shamir • Rock that can penetrate metal Shams • Fragrance Shamshad • Beautiful Shamshu • Beautiful Shamun • Name of prophet Shan • Pride; Prestige

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Shanay • Power of Lord Shani Shandar • Proud Shankar • Lord Shiva Shankdhar • Lord Krishna Shankh • A shell Shankha • Conch Shankhin • Lord Vishnu Shankir • Lord Shiva Shanku • Lord shiva arrow dart Shanmuga • Kartikeya; First son of Lord Shiva Shanmukha • Kartikeya; First son of Lord Shiva Shant • Gentle Shantam • Quiet Shantanav • Bhishma Pitamaha Shantanu • A king from the qpic Mahabharata Shantashil • Gentle Shantidev • Lord of peace Shantimay • Peaceful Shantinath • Lord of peace Shantiv • Peaceful Shanyu • Benevolent Shaquita • Blessed Sharad • Autumn; Name of a season Sharadindu • Autumn moon Sharan • Shelter Sharang • Deer Sharat • A season Shardul • Tiger Shareef • Distinguished; Noble Shari • Arrow Shariq • Intelligent Sharman • Joy; Delight; Shelter Sharu • Lord Vishnu Shashank • Moon

Boys Name starting with “T”

Taahir • Chaste; Modest Taamir • One who knows dates Taarank • Savious Tabrez • Challenging; Showing openly Taha • Pure Tahir • Holy Tahoma • With a Cute Personality Taizeen • Encouragement Taj • Crown Tajdar • Corwned Taksa • Son of Bharata Taksha • King Bharat's son

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Takshak • A cobra Taksheel • A strong character Talaketu • Bhishma Talal • Nice; Admirable Talank • Lord Shiva Talat • Prayer Talha • Kind of tree Talib • Divine Talin • Lord Shiva Talish • Lord of earth Talleen • Absorbed Tamal • A tree with very dark bark Tamam • Generous Tamas • Darkness Tamila • Sun Tamish • God of darkness; Moon Tamkinat • Pomp Tamoghna • Lord Vishnu; Lord Shiva Tamonash • Destroyer of ignorance Tamra • Copper Red Tana • Issue Tanak • Prize Tanav • Flute Tanay • Son Tanish • Ambition Tanishq • Jewel Tanmay • Engrossed; Absorbed Tanoj • Son Tanuj • Son Tanush • Lord Shiva Tanveer • Englightened Tanvir • Strong Tapan • Sun; Summer Tapas • Heat; Penance; Ascetic Tapasendra • Lord Shiva Tapendra • Lord of heat; Sun Tapesh • The Holy trinity Tapeshwar • Lord Shiva Tapomay • Full of moral virtue Tarachand • Star Taradhish • Lord of the stars Tarak • Star; Pupil of eye; Protector Taraknath • Lord Shiva Taraksh • Mountain Taral • Honeybee Taran • Raft; Heaven Tarang • Wave Taranga • Wave Tarani • Boat; Sun Tareef • Rare; Uncommon Tarendra • Prince of stars

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Taresh • God of the stars; Moon Tarfah • Kind of tree Tarik • One who crosses the river of life Tariq • Morning star Tarit • Lightning Tarosh • Heaven; Small boat Tarpan • Refreshing Taru • Small Plant Tarun • Young; Youth Taruntapan • Morning sun Tarusa • Conquerer Tate • Great Talker Tathagat • Lord Buddha Tathagata • The Buddha Tatharaj • Buddha Tatva • Element Tatya • Lord Shiva Tauheed • Victoriuos Tausiq • Reinforcement Tautik • Pearl Tavish • Heaven Tawfeeq • Success; Reconciliation Taymullah • Servant of God Tayseer • Facilitation Teerth • Holy place; Sacred water Tej • Light; Lustrous Tejal • Bright Tejandra • Sharpness; Light Tejas • Lustre; Brilliance Tejasveer • Someone full of light and vigour Tejendra • The Lord sun Tejesh • God of brightness; Sun Tejeshwar • The sun Tejomay • Glorious Tereshan • Solid redemption

Boys Name starting with “U”

Ubaadah • Old Arabic name Ubaidah • Servant of God Ubay • Old Arabic name Uchadev • Lord Vishnu Uchit • Correct Udant • Correct message Udar • Generous Udarathi • Lord Vishnu Udarchis • Lord Shiva Udarsh • Brimming Uday • To rise; Appearance

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Udayachal • Eastern horizon Udayan • Rising; Name of king of Avanti Udbal • Mighty Uddhar • Liberation Uddhav • Lord Krishna's friend Uddip • Giving light Uddiran • Lord Vishnu Uddish • Lord Shiva Uddiyan • Flying speed Uddunath • Lord of stars Udeep • Flood Udit • Grown; Awakened; Shining Udjith • Lord Vishnu Udu • Water Udupati • Lord of stars Uduraj • Lord of stars Udyam • Effort Udyan • Garden Udyat • Star Ugresh • Lord Shiva Ujagar • Bright Ujala • Bright Ujas • First light Ujendra • Conqueror Ujesh • One who gives light Ujjala • Bright Ujjay • Victorious Ujjwal • Splenderous Ujval • Splenderous Ujwal • Bright Ulagan • Wordly Ulagappan • Creator of the world Ulagarasan • King of the world Ulhas • Joy; Delight; Happiness Ullas • Light Ulmuk • Lord Indra Umaarah • Old Arabic name Umair • Old Arabic name Umakant • Lord Shiva Umanand • Lord Shiva

Boys Name starting with “V”

Vaageesh • Lord of speech Vaakpati • Great orator Vaalmeeki • An ancient saint Vaaman • Lord Vishnu Vaarin • Ocean Vaarshik • Annual

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Vaasuki • A celestial cobra Vachan • Speech Vachaspati • Lord of speech Vadish • Lord of the body Vagindra • Lord of speech Vagish • Lord Brahma Vahin • Lord Shiva Vaibhav • Richness Vaijayi • Victor Vaijnath • Lord shiva Vaikartan • Name of Karna Vaikhan • Lord Vishnu Vaikunth • Vaikuntam; The abode of Lord Vishnu Vainavin • Lord Shiva Vairaj • Spiritual glory Vairaja • Son of Virat Vairat • Gem Vairinchya • Lord Brahma's son Vairochan • Lord Vishnu's son Vaisaka • A Season Vaishvik • Belonging to the world Vajasani • Lord Vishnu's son Vajendra • Lord Indra Vajra • Lord Krishna's greatgrandson; Diamond Vajraang • Diamond bodied Vajradhar • Lord Indra Vajrahast • Lord Shiva Vajrajit • Lord Indra Vajramani • Diamond Vajrapani • Lord Indra Vajresh • Lord Indra Vajrin • Lord Indra Vakrabhuj • Lord Ganesh Vakratund • An epithet of Ganesha Valaak • A crane Valavan • Skillful Valentina • Strong Vallabh • Beloved; Dear Vallabha • Beloved Valmik • The author of the qpic Ramayana Valmiki • The author of the qpic Ramayana Vama • Lord Shiva Vamadev • Lord Shiva Vaman • Fifth incarnation of Lord Vishnu Vamsi • Name of a 'Raaga' Van • Forest Vana • Intelligence Vanad • Cloud Vanadev • Lord of the forest Vanajit • Lord of the forest Vanamalin • Lord Krishna

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Vandan • Salutation Vanhi • Fire Vanij • Lord Shiva Vaninadh • Husband of Saraswati Vaninath • Husband of Saraswati Vanmaalee • An epithet of Krishna Vanraj • King of forest Vansh • Coming Generation of father Vansidhar • Lord Krishna Vara • Gods gift Varaah • An epithet of Vishnu Varad • God of fire Varadaraaj • Another name of Vishnu Varadraj • Lord Vishnu Varana • Holy river Vardhaman • Lord Mahavir Vardhan • Lord Shiva Varesh • Lord Shiva Vareshvar • Lord Shiva Varid • Cloud Varij • Lotus Varin • Gifts Varindra • Lord of the ocean Varish • Lord Vishnu Variya • Excellent one Variyas • Lord Shiva Varnit • Varn Vartanu • Beautiful Varun • Lord of the waters; Neptune Varunesh • Lord of water Vasant • Vasanspring season Vasav • Lord Indra Vasava • Indra Vasavaj • Son of Indra Vasavi • Son of Indra Vashita • One who hypnotises by her virtues Vasishista • Muni Vasishtha • A sage Vasistha • Name of a sage Vasu • Wealth Vasudev • Krishna's father; God of wealth Vasudha • Earth Vasuki • A Famous Snake in Hindu Mythology Vasuman • Born of fire Vasumat • Lord Krishna Vasumitr • An ancient name Vasupati • Lord Krishna Vasur • Precious Vasuroop • Lord Shiva Vatatmaj • Lord Hanuman Vatsa • Son

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Vatsal • Affectionate Vatsapal • Lord Krishna Vatsar • A year Vatsin • Lord Vishnu Vaydeesh • God of The Vedas Vayu • Lord Hanuman Vayujat • Lord Hanuman Vayun • Lively Vayunand • Lord Hanuman Vayya • Friend Vea • Chief Ved • Sacred knowledge Vedaant • The scriptures Vedamohan • Lord Krishna Vedang • From the Vedas Vedanga • Meaning of Vedas Vedank • Chapter of ved Vedant • Hindu philosophy Vedanth • The one who has read the vedas Vedatman • Lord Vishnu Vedavrata • Vow of the Vedas Vedesh • Lord of Vedas Vedmohan • Lord Krishna Vedprakash • Light of the Vedas Vedswarup • Form of Knowledge Veer • Brave Veera • The brave Veeral • Priceless Veerendra • Lord of courageous men Velan • Another name for Lord Murugan Venavir • Lord Shiva's son Vendan • King Vengai • Brave Veni • Lord Krishna Venimadhav • Lord Krishna Venkat • Lord Vishnu; Lord Krishna Venkatesh • Lord Vishnu; Lord Krishna Venu • Flute Vetrival • Successful Viamrsh • Lord Shiva Vibhaas • Shinning Vibhas • Decoration; Light Vibhat • Dawn Vibhavasu • Lord Krishna Vibhishan • A character from the epic Ramayana Vibhor • Ecstatic Vibhu • All-pervading Vibhumat • Lord Krishna Vibhusnu • Lord Shiva Vibhut • Strong Vibodh • Wise

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Victor • Conqueror Vidarbh • Ancient name of a state Videsh • Foreign Vidhaath • Creator Vidhatru • Lord Shiva Vidhesh • Lord Shiva Vidhu • Lord Vishnu Vidhyadhar • Full of Knowledge Vidip • Bright Vidith • Interprettation Vidojas • Lord Indra Vidor • Cheerful

Boys Name starting with “Y”

Yaar • Very good friend Yachika • Application Yadav • Lord Krishna; Descedent of Yadu Yadavendra • Lord Krishna Yadu • An ancient King Yadunandan • Lord Krishna Yadunath • Lord Krishna Yaduraj • Lord Krishna Yaduvir • Lord Krishna Yagna • Ceremonial rites to God Yagyesh • Lord fo the sacrificial fire Yahyaa • Prophet's name Yaj • A sage Yajas • Fame Yajat • Lord Shiva Yajnadhar • Lord Vishnu Yajnarup • Lord Krishna Yajnesh • Lord Vishnu Yaksha • A Type of a Demi God Yamahil • Another name Lord Vishnu Yamajit • Lord Shiva Yamajith • Another name for Shiva Yaman • Proper name Yamha • Dove Yamir • Moon Yasaar • Ease; Wealth Yash • Victory; Glory Yashas • Fame Yashasavi • Famous; Glorious; Successful Yashkaran • Fame Yashmit • Famed Yashneil • Famous; Glorious; Successful Yashodev • Lord of fame Yashodhan • Rich in fame

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Yashodhar • Famous Yashodhara • One who has achieved fame Yashpal • Protector of fame Yashraj • King of fame Yashwant • One who has achieved glory Yashwanth • Always famous Yasir • Wealthy Yasnil • Shiv Yathavan • Lord Vishnu Yatin • Ascetic Yatindra • Lord Indra Yatish • Lord of devotees Yatnesh • God of Efforts Yatrik • Journey Yayin • Lord Shiva Yazeed • To increase; Grow; Enhance Yeshwant • Success Yeshwanth • A person who attains fame and glory Yogadeva • Lord of Yoga Yoganand • Delighted with meditation Yogendra • God of Yoga Yogesh • God of Yoga Yogi • Devotee Yogini • Lover of Yogas; Lord Krishna Yogiraj • Great Ascetic; Lord Shiva Yogit • Planner Yoonus • Prophets name Yoosuf • Prophets name Yudhajit • Victor in war Yudhisthir • Firm in battle Yugma • Twins; Zodiac sign of Gemini Yukta • Attentive; Skillful Yuval • Brook Yuvaraj • Prince; Heir apparent Yuvraj • A prince Yuyutsu • Eager to fight

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