bachelor of tourism & hospitality managemen t bachelor...tourism and hospitality futures will...

Course Requirements This degree comprises 24 subjects that include 16 core and 8 elecves, covering a range of tourism, hospitality and work-integrated learning subjects. Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management Prepare Yourself for a Leadership Role in a Fast Growing Industry The Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management (BTHM) oers an eecve starng point for a career in tourism and hospitality. The program is designed with an emphasis on case-based learning that builds progressively through the three year degree. A feature of this BTHM program is the arrangement of prac��oners as vising lecturers who will share their knowledge and experience, and eld trips to enable you to gain first-hand experience of the contemporary context of the tourism and hospitality sectors. These real-life case studies will support your learning and ensure you have a wide choice of work opons and an increased potenal for long-term career development and leadership roles in this dynamic growth industry. To give you an added advantage in your career, the BTHM program has been developed with close industry consultaon. Subjects such as Strategic Management in Tourism and Hospitality, Cost and Performance Management and Global Tourism and Hospitality Futures will develop your strategic insight and international perspecve, while Digital Markeng and Innovaon and Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality equip you with skills and knowledge to engage in the changing virtual landscape and apply your learning to the challenges of the global business world. Prac�ce-based subjects such as Work Integrated Learning and Work Integrated Project provide a praccal orientaon towards your study and prepare you for your chosen career. First Year Subjects Code Core Subjects THB1104 Intro to Tourism and Hospitality MGL1112 The Business & Legal Environment MGE1108 Economics for Business MGK1103 Principles of Marke�ng MGC1111 Communica�on & Study Skills THH1107 Food & Beverage Management THT1113 Tourism & Hosp Informa�on Systems AFA1105 Accoun�ng for Management MGM1110 Introduc�on to Management & Human Resources Second Year Subjects Code Core Subjects MGM2111 Understanding & Managing Diversity THB2107 Work Integrated Learning THH2113 Hosp & Tourism Services Management THT2114 Sustainable Opera�ons & Des�na�ons THT2112 Digital Marke�ng in Tourism & Hosp Code Elecve Subjects THT2106 Fes�val & Event Management THT2105 Tourism and Transport THH2101 Accommoda�on Management THH2108 Managing Commercial Food Produc�on Third Year Subjects Code Core Subjects MGM3107 Strategic Management in T&H MGM3115 Innova�on & Entrepreneurship in T&H THB3116 Work-integrated Project THT3111 Environment & Cultural Tourism THT3112 Global Tourism & Hosp Futures THT3114 Tourism Research & Analysis THT3119 Project and Event Management THH3102 Resort Development & Management THH3113 Cost & Performance Mgmt for T&H Code Elecve Subjects Code Elecve Subjects Please note: Subjects may change without noce Course Name Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management (This qualificaon is recognised in the Australian Qualificaons Framework) Course CRICOS Code 073530C CRICOS Provider Number 02439G Study Loca�on Melbourne Level 7, 628 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia Sydney Level 7, 333 Kent Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia Contact Hours (per week) Full-�me: 12-18 hours; Part-�me: 3-12 hours Dura�on 3 years (6 semesters) Study Requirements 24 Total subjects: 16 core subjects & 8 elec�ves Tui�on Fees ^ (Domes�c & Interna�onal): ^ Subject to fee change annually 2020 Course Fees AUD $45,000 (3 year program) Material Fee AUD $100 per semester (6 semesters) Administra�on Fee AUD $200 Building Swipe Card (Refundable) AUD $100 Intake Dates 2020: 23 Mar, 20 Jul, 16 Nov 2021: 22 Mar, 19 Jul, 15 Nov

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Course Requirements This degree comprises 24 subjects that include 16 core and 8 elec�ves, covering a range of tourism,hospitality and work-integrated learning subjects.

Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management

Prepare Yourself for a Leadership Role in a Fast Growing Industry The Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management (BTHM) offers an effec�ve star�ng point for a career in tourism and hospitality. The program is designed with an emphasis on case-based learning that builds progressively through the three year degree. A feature of this BTHM program is the arrangement of prac��oners as visi�ng lecturers who will share their knowledge and experience, and field trips to enable you to gain first-hand experience of the contemporary context of the tourism and hospitality sectors. These real-life case studies will support your learning and ensure you have a wide choice of work op�ons and an increased poten�al for long-term career development and leadership roles in this dynamic growth industry. To give you an added advantage in your career, the BTHM program has been developed with close industry consulta�on. Subjects such as Strategic Management in Tourism and Hospitality, Cost and Performance Management and Global Tourism and Hospitality Futures will develop your strategic insight and international perspec�ve, while Digital Marke�ng and Innova�on and Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality equip you with skills and knowledge to engage in the changing virtual landscape and apply your learning to the challenges of the global business world. Prac�ce-based subjects such as Work Integrated Learning and Work Integrated Project provide a prac�cal orienta�on towards your study and prepare you for your chosen career.

First Year Subjects Code Core Subjects THB1104 Intro to Tourism and Hospitality MGL1112 The Business & Legal Environment MGE1108 Economics for Business MGK1103 Principles of Marke�ng

MGC1111 Communica�on & Study Skills THH1107 Food & Beverage Management THT1113 Tourism & Hosp Informa�on Systems

AFA1105 Accoun�ng for Management

MGM1110 Introduc�on to Management &Human Resources

Second Year Subjects Code Core Subjects MGM2111 Understanding & Managing Diversity THB2107 Work Integrated Learning THH2113 Hosp & Tourism Services Management THT2114 Sustainable Opera�ons & Des�na�ons THT2112 Digital Marke�ng in Tourism & Hosp Code Elec�ve Subjects THT2106 Fes�val & Event Management THT2105 Tourism and Transport THH2101 Accommoda�on Management THH2108 Managing Commercial Food Produc�on

Third Year Subjects Code Core Subjects MGM3107 Strategic Management in T&H MGM3115 Innova�on & Entrepreneurship in T&H THB3116 Work-integrated Project THT3111 Environment & Cultural Tourism THT3112 Global Tourism & Hosp Futures THT3114 Tourism Research & Analysis

THT3119 Project and Event Management

THH3102 Resort Development & Management THH3113 Cost & Performance Mgmt for T&H

Code Elec�ve Subjects

Code Elec�ve Subjects note: Subjects may change without no�ce

Course NameBachelor of Tourism andHospitality Management(This qualification is recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework)

Course CRICOS Code073530C

CRICOS Provider Number02439G

Study Loca�onMelbourneLevel 7, 628 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000, AustraliaSydneyLevel 7, 333 Kent Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia

Contact Hours (per week)Full-�me: 12-18 hours;Part-�me: 3-12 hours

Dura�on3 years (6 semesters)

Study Requirements24 Total subjects:16 core subjects & 8 elec�ves

Tui�on Fees ^(Domes�c & Interna�onal):^ Subject to fee change annually2020 Course FeesAUD $45,000 (3 year program)

Material FeeAUD $100 per semester(6 semesters)

Administra�on FeeAUD $200

Building Swipe Card(Refundable) AUD $100

Intake Dates2020: 23 Mar, 20 Jul, 16 Nov2021: 22 Mar, 19 Jul, 15 Nov

Entry Requirements o A minimum of 18 years of age

Interna�onal Students o English level at TOEFL 550 or IELTS 6.0 (Academic) with no individual

band less than IELTS 5.5 or Pearson Test of English PTE: (Overall score 50-57). No sec�on score less than 42.

o Comple�on of Australian Year 12 (or equivalent)

Domes�c Students o Direct applica�on only o For Admission informa�on, h�p://

CareerOpportuni�es .

The Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management prepares you for an entry level management posi�on in either a tourism or hospitality organiza�on.You will also gain sufficient knowledge and prac�ce to enter into the small business sector.

Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management

Diploma of Hospitality Management

Advanced Diploma of Leadership & Management

Diploma of Leadership & Management


Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Advanced Diploma of Travel & Tourism Mgmt

Diploma of Travel & Tourism Mgmt

Student Support Comprehensive student services will be available to enrolled students at AAPoly, including welfare and academic counselling and online learning resources. For further informa�on contact the Student Services Department.

Course Enquiries Course enquiries and applica�on forms should be directed to : Melbourne Level 7, 628 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia. Phone: +61 3 8610 4100 Email: [email protected]

Sydney Level 7, 333 Kent Street Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia Phone: +61 2 9224 5500 Email: [email protected]

Recogni�on of Prior Learning or Advanced Standing Prospec�ve students who have completed post-secondary studies either in Australia or overseas are eligible to apply for recogni�on of prior learning or advanced standing. For more details, please refer to AAPoly’s credit applica�on procedure or contact Student Services. All credit applica�ons must be submi�ed prior to enrolment. If credits are granted, the overall study dura�on of the course will be adjusted accordingly.

Assessment A range of assessment tasks will be undertaken which may include wri�en reports, essays, assignments, case studies, tests, group projects, oral presenta�ons and formal examina�ons. The various Subject Study Guides provide specific informa�on regarding assessments. Important Informa�on The commencement of any course is always subject to class sizes and lecturer availability. While the informa�on provided in this publica�on is correct at the �me of prin�ng, AAPoly reserves the right to alter any course, procedure or fee. Students are advised to check for any amendments prior to enrolment.

Work-integrated learning subjects provide students the opportunity to engage with industry in their second and third years. In their third year, students will apply their skills and knowledge to iden�fy and develop business solu�ons for host organisa�ons. Students will engage with industry for a minimum of 10 hours in their second year and 22 hours in their third year of study. (Please note that �me spent in industry engagement is unpaid).

Last Updated 6 February 2020