back to life

Back to Life ~ 1 ~

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Post on 14-Sep-2015




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A short story I wrote a while ago so I don't remember what it's about except that it's fantasy fiction.


Back to Life

Dedicated to Mom on mothers day.

My name is Zo Luna Eclipse. I am an extreme warrior drake. A drake is a human with elements of different creatures. I am a human crossed with a dragon, a cat, and elf, and a barb tailed snake. Its an advantage, but it made me a target and I was always running. I died seven years ago. Someone brought me back to finish the task that killed me before I can sleep. Let me show you what happened seven long years ago. The mystery that none could understand.

Stella! Stella! I screamed as something from the water grabbed my ankle.My friend Stella and I had been having a picnic by the mermaid lake. Stella had gotten up to throw something away. I lashed at the creature with my barb tipped cat tail. Beating my enormous silver dragon wings, I turned and blew fire at the creature. I saw what grabbed me and was terrified. Long ago in the ancient city of Soluna, (the city of the sun and the moon) a woman with long black hair named Shadowswift, who came from the city of Cronum, (the city of time) offered Lord Stolanu, (stars of the sun and moon (he was also a drake)) the power of Terrienyi, (earth), if he gave her directions to the palace of Lord Visoluntel, (the universe). Blinded by greed, Lord Stolanu agreed. Shadowswift went to the palace of the universe and killed Lord Visoluntel. She then seized power of the universe and Lord Stolanu lost power over everything he owned. With his dying power he realized how foolish he had been and cursed Shadowswift to die at the hand of the next born Drake. Drakes are now extremely rare to find. I was the next born Drake 5000 years later. When I was born Shadowswift sent her red haired sister Darkspace, who was a shape-shifter, out to kill me. I evaded Darkspace for seventeen years but when I saw her that tragic day in the shape of the deadly 20,976 foot long rainbow serpent I freaked completely. Stella ran to me and grabbed my arms. I kept blowing fire at Darkspace, child of the Darkmatter, but her tails grasp on my ankle squeezed ever tighter. I relaxed to see if that would help. But I was drug into the water and flung into the air. I flapped my wings to go as high as I could. But Darkspace was faster and turned into a beam of light and was on top of me before I could go far. After that she turned into giant boa constrictor and wrapped around me and squeezed as tight as she could. I couldnt breathe at all. I stabbed her with the claw on the end of my wing and she dropped me. I fell, and barely caught myself with my wings. My eyes grew dark as Stella bent over my crumpled body that lay on the grass. Darkspace dropped down and shifted into her human form. Darkspace was a tall girl who looked about eighteen, only a year older than me, although she was exactly 5018 years old. She had long red hair that flowed down to her waist. She wore black combat boots, blue jeans, and a long sleeved, deep blue tunic with white sprayed spots, the shirt represented the universe. She had a black cloak which trailed on the ground, and the hood dangled behind her long hair. She drew a curved dagger out of her sleeve and walked over to us. Stella grabbed the sword at my waist and drew it. Darkspace stabbed Stella to make her to move. Then she came at me. I stared at her, and she smiled evilly. Your task is finished Darkspace, daughter of Darkshape and Darksighn, child of Darkmatter, sister of Lady Shadowswift of Visoluntel, I wheezed.That I have, but you, Zo Luna Eclipse, have failed, Darkspace raised the blade in her hand and stabbed my chest. Then she cut a slice through my stomach.You will cut a slice in the universe as you did to me, I gasped for breath.What is done cannot be undone, Darkspace reminded me.Only fixed, I replied.None now will be able to match the power of Lady Shadowswift of Visoluntel and Darkspace shape-shifter! cried Darkspace.With that, she grew wings and the black leathery shape made her look ominous as she flew away. We both knew that I would not be able to survive this attack and that I would die, not even a Drake could withstand an attack with blades of Visoluntel. My cat cleaning habit forced me to lick the wounds I could reach with my forked tongue. Stella came and bent over me. I failed Stella, I failed my task! Darkspace was right, the threads have already come loose, the universe will unstitch and tangle and all will fall into chaos! Tell everyone that she has returned and succeeded, I told Stella.No! Zo No! Stella sobbed.After that I blacked out and saw fields of green as far as the eye could see. I stood on soft grass and as I turned to look behind me, I saw the fading image of Stella sobbing over my dead body. A tear trickled down my face. As her image faded, I saw blue waters and white beaches. And beyond that, beautiful islands and forests everywhere! I was happy to be at peace; perhaps I could talk to Stella, and tell her how pretty this dream was. But deep in my heart I knew that nothing would ever be the same again. I was happy because all the pets and family members and friends I had lost long ago came running to me. For seven years I lived in peace and happiness. But for all those years, something nagged in my mind, something, or someone was missing from the picture I could not remember so I ignored the pain that stayed in my heart. Seven years later I opened my eyes to see a white orb glowing around me. There was a girl in brown black leggings and a black shirt with white stars, and pure white, long hair. Stella! I screamed.The gap in my heart closed and remembered the missing piece. Zo! You look horrible! Stella replied.I looked down at myself, my jeans were ripped and grass stained, my light blue tunic was shredded and covered in dry blood, and my brown combat boots were torn and broken.You know now what happened seven years ago all the way up to a few minutes ago. Zo, Stella says, You need new clothes and you need shoes and you need to get your weapons fixed and polished, Shoes first, then clothes, then weapons, I reply. Fine, Stella agrees. I wrap my tail around her waist and fly into the sky. I land us at the store. Its logo is a red dot with a red circle. I assume it means something. It makes more sense when you actually know what I mean. We walked through the store to the shoe section. How about these for a change? Stella pulls out some blue sneakers.NO! I exclaim, I want boots,Okay, what about these hiking boots? Stella asks.Are there combat boots? I browse the aisle and find a pair of blue cloth combat boots.Do you like these? Stella pulls out a pair of combat boots made of sturdy brown leather.Perfect! Just like the ones Im wearing! I hook the tag on one of the barbs at the end of my tail.We walk to the clothing department and find the perfect outfit. Blue jeans, dark blue tunic, olive green belt to hook my sword onto, and a black cloak much like Darkspaces caught my eye and I hooked them also onto my barbed tail. We buy the items and I fly us home. After changing, I fill a canvas bag with all my weapons. Then I fly us to a blacksmith to make my weapons all shiny and new again. After that, we go back to Stellas house (we lived together before I died but its different now). Its small and on the roof is a garden of fallen stars. The house is white and the door is deep blue with stars painted on it. The door knob is white and shaped like a star. We go inside and there are two beds with black and white starry sheets. There were also two hammocks with star covered blankets. That night she slept in a bed and I chose a hammock. I tell her about the dream I had and we get on the topic of the Darkmatter servants.So, what is Darkmatter? Stella asks.The Darkmatter, I begin, Are time lords. They come from the city of Cronum. Lady Crona built the city because she wanted power. The city became a place of evil and the people who dwelled there were called the Darkmatter. Lady Crona died and her heir became Mistface. Her daughter was Darksighn who in turn, became the next ruler, Darkspace and Shadowswifts father was Darkshape and their mother was Darksighn. They are all children of Darkmatter.Okay, now I understand, Stella says.Why did you bring me back, and how? I askWell, Stella begins, I asked the stars to grace me with their power to heal, so they sent me a garden of stars whose time had come and I used it to bring you back! I brought you back to finish the task that was assigned to you.I want to go back to that dream, I murmur.You will, and I will join you when our time has come, but for now we must gather our strength, Stella turns and pulls the blankets over her shoulders.Good night Stella, I smile.Night Zo, Stella yawns. I close my eyes and drift into a dreamless sleep. I wake up to a cockatrice screaming on the roof.Dont mind Cockerland, he does that every morning, Stella explains from the kitchen. I slide out of bed and straighten it up the best that I can. I walk over to a tank that had a salamander. I started to reach my hand in.Stop! Stella shouts. Put on gloves first, Mandraes saliva is poisonous, Oh! You have one of the dragon salamanders not a regular one! I exclaim.Stella nodded and flipped a pancake. I moved on to a cage with a stone wall and a few trees. On the stone wall was a gray cathedral gargoyle. And on a tree was a forest gargoyle.What do you do for a living Stella? I ask.Well, since Im 24 I have my own business with a friend! Stella replies.Which is? I prompt.Im a dragon breeder! Stella explains.Can I help? I ask.For now, but I think that this is the first place Darkspace will look to find you, Stella says.When are business hours? I ask, sitting down at Stellas table that had a miniature Tarasque skeleton in it.From 9:00AM -9:00PM Stella explains.Okay, I can do that!We finish breakfast and Stella tells me everything I need to know, while we wash and dry the dishes. You know you could just get a dishwasher, I say.Too much money, I want to though, Stella replies.She puts up the opensign and checks on all the dragons.It would be really nice if I had a unicorn to sell, those creatures are so expensive. I could make so much money off of one! Stella exclaims.What if I caught you one? I ask.Is it possible? Stella wonders.Well, Im an extreme warrior drake, I think I could manage, I insist.You cant go alone, take Cockrum with you, hes another cockatrice. He can help you, and Ill send Vellum too, he can send messages with him, be safe, Stella blindfolds Cockrum and puts both him and the western dragon vellum on a leash. I mount Vellum and take off from Stellas roof. I scan the ground and I see a flicker of white dart into the forest that Im flying over. Vellum flies through the trees and we chase the unicorn through the forest. A flash of fire flicks in front of me. Darkspace is back. As she catches up to me I breathe a spurt of fire on her, and chase the unicorn. I jump off of Vellum and fly through the forest (remember that I have wings). I catch up to the unicorn and capture it in my wings. I clamber onto Vellum and we fly back to Stellas. Cockrum flies up and Vellum flies under him and catches him. Stella runs out to greet us but a storm cloud shadows her house and we all hurry inside. I show Stella the unicorn and she goes crazy. We clean up the unicorn thoroughly and put it in the pen Stella built in hopes of getting one. Vellum and Cockrum know where their homes are and they lock each other in. Stella had made dinner and as we eat I tell her what happened.I bet that storm cloud was Darkspace, Stella murmurs.I nod. We eat the wyvern egg curry that Stella made, and we listen to the rain beat down upon the roof and the thunder and lightning crackle in the distance. Suddenly I felt a shudder run down my spine. Stella, we have to leave, I ordered.We ran to Stellas room, I pulled out her special bag that was much bigger on the inside. Stella quickly packed a few blankets into it and some guns, swords, bombs and I pulled out a stash of C-4 explosives and detonators. My mind flashes back to the time that Stella blew up Darkspace with C-4 to prevent me from going into the forest where Darkspace would have killed me. Stella throws everything into her bag and throws in a couple more outfits and a pair of brown leather combat boots. I look out the window and from a quick glance it looks like everything is on fire. But Stella assures me that everything is fine. I look on Stellas dresser and I see a jar full of dragon hearts.Oh, grab the jar of hearts for me will you? Stella asks.What are they for? I wonder.Um, well there are multiple different formulas, but basically I make it into several different potions and poisons, Stella tells me.Oh, I see,Stella takes her bag and fills it with lots of food and bottles of water. She puts lots of candy to, for sugar rushes when we get into combat. I flick my spike ended tail back and forth in anticipation. Finally we are packed. Stella picks out a forest gargoyle to be a messenger because they are quick and they can change any color they need to blend in. we have no need to get transportation because we are both drakes. The difference between us is that I am an extreme warrior drake; whereas Stella is a Soluna warrior drake. Stella is part bat, part elf and part snake. She has the wings of a bat, the ears of an elf and the forked tongue, eyes and fangs of a snake. We share four similar attributes but for the most part we are different. I have the eyes, ears, and tail of a cat, the fangs and the tail tip barbs of a barb tail snake, the ears and combat skills of an elf, and the wings and fire breath of a dragon. Our likenesses aside from the obvious (we are both drakes) are, we both have the instinct and senses of our animal attributes, we are both part snake, our skin looks like snake scales but is really just skin, and we are both part elf. Stella straps the bag to her belt. We release the forest gargoyle and allow it to circle around the room to let it stretch its wings. I walk out the door cautiously and beat my wings, I lift into the stormy sky and circle around once, and then I drop down. We fly through the storm which has just started again, and over the large forest. Lightning sets fire to the rain beaten trees where we plan on landing. Finally we outrun stormy Darkspace. But not for long, she changes into a giant toucan, it sounds stupid but they have incredibly painful and sharp beaks! I dodged left and right and finally I shot a spike from my tail into the giant evil toucan. The Darkspace the toucan made one more desperate attempt to kill me. She did a nose dive and her beak pierced all the way through my arm. I screamed as my arm burned like fire, and almost immediately turned red. I felt sick and lost my strength. Landing in a tree I cloaked myself in leaves and sent the gargoyle to keep watch while Stella examined my arm. There was a clean puncture all the way through my arm that burned. Blood continued to pour out of it, and Darkspace went to a nearby river to inspect her wound. The wind starts to whistle, Shadowswift must be trying to help Darkspace. It begins to rain. A lightning bolt strikes my tree and catches it on fire. But Stella puts a fire-proof charm around the tree so the fire does not affect us. I start to feel faint from blood loss. Stella finds her healing charm book and flips through it. She finds a special charm and wraps my arm in gauze and begins to chant. After a few minutes she stops chanting and un-wraps my arm. The wound is different.Im not able to close the wound, but I am able to distort it, Stella tells me.I look at her blankly.The shallower I make the wound, the longer it becomes. So, to close this wound without giving you a mile-long scar, I was able to make it almost close, but, when you heal you will have a scar from your wrist to your elbow, Stella explains.I nod trying not to pass out. Suddenly, a figure descends from the storm. She is tall, and has short, black, spiky hair. She wears black skinny jeans, a deep blue tee shirt and black leather boots. Her eyes are piercing green cat eyes. I heard that you were asking around for me, I say coldly as I fly up to meet her.Well, I dont have the gift of seeing through walls, the woman sighs.You havent changed at all Shadowswift, I glower.I did get a pretty cool haircut though she flips her hair.I shoot a spike from my tail that catches her in the arm. She looks at it and winces, and pulls out the spike. A couple drops of blood fall to the ground but she immediately closes the wound. She walks towards me, suspended in the air. I tense, and spit a couple balls of fire on the ground below. Instantly the ground catches on fire and swallows up the trees, leaving just enough time for Stella and Darkspace to escape. I send a ball of fire at Shadowswift and spikes from my tail. Nothing stops the lady of Darkmatter, and nothing has ever stopped the Visoluntelians (citizens of the city of Visoluntel) they get the best of the best training in lightmatter. And nothing will ever stop the sisters of Visoluntel Darkmatter. Shadowswift starts pulling up boulders from the ground and shooting them at me. I dodge a few but one big one hits me in the stomach and Stella covers for me as I recover. She closes her eyes for a split second and the releases a curtain of blinding white light from her hands. Her being a star-child, she is able to see through the light, but even Shadowswift cant see. Stella grabs my hand and she pulls me through the sky back to her house. By the time we get home, the light has died and I can see just fine. We cant stay in here, Stella says. Zo, get all your weapons and strap them on. Im going to do the same. Put on this bullet jacket.Stella picks up two deep blue jackets. The inside of the jackets are lined with real bullets.I put one on and pull out all of my weapons and strap them on. I have so many that I wont list them. However, let me remind you that because Im an extreme warrior drake, I weight has no effect on me. No matter how many guns and swords and arrows and other weapons I have on. Stella is the same, except, if too much is on her, it does affect her. Stella puts a fire-proof charm on her house so that it will survive. Stella fills a larger basket full of her favorite things, universe blanket and pillow, snowy owl stuffed animals, and lots of food. She quickly writes a note to her friend saying that she is giving her store to the friend. We then leave and work on setting the rest of the property on fire. We fly up really high and wait for Darkspace and Shadowswift while eating some leftover bacon. Finally there was a big bang of fiery light, like gunfire and Shadowswift and Darkspace appear. You took a very long time to get here, Stella scowled.That was a nasty trick you played with your special power, Shadowswift retorted.I fingered the pistol in my belt.Ill keep it fair and stay in this form, Darkspace said.I smirked and pulled out my pistol and shot her. She screams and writhes in the air, trying not to fall into the fire. She gets over the pain after a few minutes and rights herself. I shoot a few fireballs in their direction. Shadowswift pulls an M16A1 out of thin air and starts shooting. Stella screeches as several bullets hit her. I fly to catch her and start murmuring a few healing charms. Stella recovers and charges at Shadowswift. Darkspace leaps across the sky to land a hard blow on my shoulder with her long sword. My shoulder starts bleeding; I pull out a MAB PA-15 and shoot her in the leg. She jumps back and frantically shoots a BXP at me; I defend with the remaining rounds of my MAB PA-15. Neither of our recovering aim is very good. I hear a scream from Stella and I watch in relief as she beats her wing s above the fire and flies back up and over to Darkspace. She pulls out her knife and stabs it in Darkspaces back. Darkspace whips around and Stellas knife drags across her back. She yelps and shoots Stella with her BXP and then with failing strength almost succeeds in pulling Stella into the flames with her. Goodbye Darkspace Darkmatter of Cronum, Shadowswift murmurs in sadness.In a sudden flash of anger, Shadowswift fires a whole round of Kalashnikov AKM with deadly precision. Stella falls, again. With remaining strength she lands in a tree that withstood the flames. I fly over to meet her. You will succeed, you have too. I will never forget you, Zo Luna Eclipse Visoluntel. But now Im at peace, Stella closes her eyes and passes.I will not fail you, I say, shocked at her passing.I lift her off the tree with her basket of belongings and raise her up to the sky. A sudden gust of wind comes and she is gone as well as her basket.Farewell Stella Soluna I murmur.I lash my tail back and forth and send spikes at Shadowswift. She finishes several rounds of her Browning M1919A4 and then tosses it on the ground. Taking bullets from my jacket, I load a FAMAS and in 2 minutes I shoot 900 rpm. She takes the bullets well and resists showing her pain. We use up all of our guns and bullets. By that time we are both struggling to stay in the air as blood drips from all over. I remember my pistol but then when I pull it out, all the bullets fall out and I toss it down. The fire bursts into a big explosion and we cringe as it burns us. Shadowswift races towards me with a short sword. But I hold her back with the ten arrows that I have. Then I feed the fire below with my bow. Now I only have my long sword left to defend me. We have a long, bloody, sword fight. Finally I stab her in the chest, right next to her heart. She gasps and slices my throat. Now were even, Shadowswift smirks.I have defeated you Shadowswift Visoluntel Darkmatter, I coughThere will be others that will do the same as I have done, Shadowswift breathes.But it wont be my problem, I smile.Then, I have the satisfaction of seeing her fall dead into the roaring fire. Another gust of wind comes and I am at peace with Stella once more.


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