backbeat film: hamburg beatles & inside stories

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  • 8/10/2019 Backbeat Film: Hamburg Beatles & Inside Stories



    By Alan L. Chrisman

    BACKBEAT is a film that tells the story of The Beatles first playing in Hamburg

    Germany, in the early 60s, before they were well-known. But until the film came

    out in 1993, the general public didnt know that much about this crucial period in

    their development. George Harrison said Hamburg was where they learned to

    become a band.

    The Beatles were first sent there by Allan Williams, owner of what was basically a

    strip club, where the early Beatles first played in Liverpool, before they became

    regulars at the Cavern and met manager, Brian Epstein. The Beatles, at that time,

    consisted of besides John, Paul, and George, drummer Pete Best(whose mother,

    Mona, also owned one of the first places they played, The Casbahin the

    basement of her house), and Johns close friend, Stu Sutcliffe, on bass.

    While in Hamburg The Beatles performed in seedy bars in the sinpart of

    Hamburg, with prostitutes and drugs all around them. They lived in squalid

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    conditions, once even in a tiny room behind a movie screen. They played for

    hours and hours a night, with few breaks, speeded-up on pep pills, to keep up the

    grueling schedule.

    Thus, this is a far cry from the later image of The Beatles as the clean-cut popgroup in tailored suits which Brian Epstein would present to the world and


    And this is the story that BACKBEAT, the film, reveals. But it is also a love story.

    Because The Beatles were to meet in one of those sleazy bars one night, some

    German arts students, especially Astrid Kirchherr. Astrid and her friends were in

    a group of art students who called themselves Exis (existentialists). They

    dressed in black and copied the then unusual French swept-forward hair style.

    These German arts students were to have a profound effect on the still quite-

    young and impressionable Beatles. Astrid took thefirst artistic, black and white

    photos of the Beatles. And it was her that first convinced Stu and then the others

    to try out this new hairstyle, which would later be called the distinctive Beatles


    Stu, a talented, promising painter and big artistic influence on John, fell in love

    with Astrid, and decided to leave the band. He wasnt very good on bass anyway

    and would often attempt to play, with his back to the audience; his main asset to

    the band being his cool James Dean look, with his dark sunglasses.

    The film, BackBeat, tells these two stories then, the creative beginnings of The

    Beatles and the poignant love story between Stu and Astrid. Poignant even more

    because their romance was tragically short-lived because Stu was to die shortly

    after, of a brain hemorrhage, at the age of only 21 in 1960. When Stu left the

    band it also necessitated McCartney moving over to bass, which would have a

    deep effect on The Beatles music with his melodic basslines. The Beatles would

    soon after be discovered by Brian Epstein at the Cavern and the rest is history

    But Ive always thought this is the real story of The Beatlesand BACKBEAT does

    a pretty good job of telling it. Its a bit stereotypedwith John as the angry,

    sarcastic one and Paul the more people-pleasing pop singer (McCartney disputed

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    that he wasnt shown much as an also-rocker). But Paul said he was astonished

    by the portrayal of Stu by actor Stephen Dorff. The actress, Sheryl Lee, who

    portrays Astrid, looks like and captures the artistic photographer perfectly. The

    director, Ian Softley, spent ten years interviewing Astrid and several others (Astrid

    was a consultant on the film), before he finally got it made. Interestingly, real

    Beatles recordings werentused on the soundtrack, but instead several well-

    respected musicians, Dave Grohl of Nirvana and Foo Fighters, etc., from

    alternative bands were used to re-create Beatle songs and it works. The movie

    captures the hyped-up energy and stamina required the forming Beatles learned

    in those trying circumstances, which would come in handy later for their

    screaming Beatlemania touring days.

    As I said, Ive always been most fascinated especially, with this early period of The

    Beatles. And I was to fortunately later meet several who were there at their

    beginnings. For example I was with George Harrisons sister, Louise, when she

    actually saw BACKBEAT film, for the first time. She was a guest at the 2nd


    Canada BeatlesConvention I organized in 96. I remember her saying as she sat

    next to me at the screening, George would never have cussed like that. But of

    course,The Beatles did a lot more than cuss in Hamburg. They were even

    adopted by some of the prostitutes and protected by some of the tough

    bouncers in the bars, where often thugs in the drunken audiences carried

    weapons. As I say, a far cry from the cuddy Beatles-image later created.

    I mentioned before in my recent blog (Little-known Last Lennon and McCartney

    Recording Session in 74)which May Pang,Lennons girlfriend in L.A.,recently

    revealed, that I met May and Cynthia Lennonas well as Paul McCartneys step-

    momat the Conn. Beatles Convention in 94.

    Well shortly after I returned from there, I received a call from Pauline Sutcliffe,

    sister of Stuart Sutcliffe, original Hamburg Beatle and painter and Johns friend,

    described in the Backbeat film. Im not sure how she got my number,but suspect

    that it was given to her by Cynthia Lennon, whom I had just met at the

    Convention in 94. For there, I had presented Cynthia with what was then only a

    school fantasy-project for a proposal to put on a possibly more-artistic Beatles

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    Convention. Cynthia, an artist herself, evidently liked the idea and perhaps

    mentioned it to her friend, Pauline. Anyway, I had hoped to bring some of Stus

    paintings over to Canada as part of our now hoped for 1st Ottawa Beatles

    Convention but alas, wasnt able to because of insurance reasons. But afew

    months later I found out, there would be an exhibition of Stus paintings at a

    gallery in Toronto. I arrived at the exhibit early and no one was there yet, when a

    woman came over and offered me a tea. This turned out to be Pauline Sutcliffe,

    the English woman I had talked to on the phone a few months earlier. She was

    kind and showed me some of Stus magnificent mainly-abstract paintings. I also

    discovered some rare Beatlesphotos tucked away around the corner.

    We did do our first Ottawa Beatles Convention in 1995, although I had hoped to

    have Cynthia as a guest, she couldnt come, and we got original Beatlesdrummer, Pete Best. He had been with them for two years in Hamburg and

    Liverpool, before being replaced by Ringo,who was also playing in Hamburg as

    part of Rory Storm and the Hurricanes. In fact, in keeping with Pete Best and his

    Liverpool band, as guests, we called our first Beatles Convention, Cavern Days.

    Our poster for it featured a collage of images from photographer, Astrid Kirchherr

    of the original Hamburg Beatles, with Pete, and Stu Sutcliffe and even of Astrid. I

    later wrote to Astrid in Germany and received a special signed postcard from her


    And in 1996, I was to meet some more from this period and the Beatles

    beginnings. I attended a Beatlesdealers get-together in southern Ontario. The

    guests there included Allan Williams, the Beatles first manager, who had first

    booked them into Hamburg. Williams had written one of the best books on the

    early Beatles books in 1975, The Man Who Gave Away the Beatles, called that

    because The Beatles, once in Germany, stiffed Williams of his booking fees and he

    dropped them. Williams had advised future manager, Brian Epstein, not totouch them with a Fin 10 foot barge pole!

    Williams was a real character, full of raunchy stories of the Beatles. In fact, he

    held up Paul McCartneys actual leather pants (he said he had gotten from one

    of the other Liverpool groups supposedly Paul had just left them at the Cavern)

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    whichEpstein had gotten them to change out of into the suits. He said he wanted

    to sell to McCartney for $10,000! Thats the kind of character he was: I liked him

    and he signed my copy of his book. With Williams was Beryl Wooler, Epsteins

    assistantat his Liverpool record store, Nems, and later married to Bob Wooler,

    the Cavern D.J. who was one of their early supporters. At that same get-together

    was a member of Lennons early Liverpool teenaged band, The Quarrymen, Len

    Garry. He was very friendly and told of the story of the fated day John Lennon

    met Paul McCartneyat a Liverpool church, July 6, 1957. Garry knows because he

    was there.

    He also described both Lennon and McCartneys characters, when he said,

    Lennon didnt want to share band leadership with Paul, but knew heneeded him

    because Paul knew more chords and songs, but Lennon didnt want to admit it.

    Later, he had his childhood friend, Pete Shotten, approach McCartney. And the

    way, Garry told it, the next time Shotten ran into Paul, he asked him to join the

    fledgling band, and Paul just nonchalantly replied, OK. Also a part of the early

    Lennon McCartney connection was that they had both lost their mothers as teen-

    agers. Lennon wrote about it for years after in several of his songs, but

    McCartney rarely did, except shes the Mother Mary in Let It Be, again

    revealing of their different characters. Shotten, by the way, also wrote one of the

    best Beatlesbooks, The Beatles, John Lennon and Me in 84. Pauline Sutcliffe

    with Alan Clayson, wrote Backbeat, Stuart Sutcliffe: The Lost Beatlein 94.

    Pauline and Astrid both approved of the Backbeat film and I also recommend you

    seeing it and read the above books and I was able to meet some of them first

    hand, and listen to their personal stories about The Beatles.

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    Above: Pauline Sutcliffes signed card from

    Stus painting exhibit & Astrids postcard: Astrid & Stu-self-photo; Ottawa Beatles

    Convention collage of Astrids images

  • 8/10/2019 Backbeat Film: Hamburg Beatles & Inside Stories


