bakery management system

SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ASSIGNMENT AJAY SHANKAR THAKUR ID=485712 Bakery Management System Objectives: To build automated system (currently manual). Configure flexible setup for branches belonging to a specific zone The setup should be such that branches can be shifted to a new zone in case of increase in volume of purchase. To record branch wise daily sales volumes for the products . Determining volumes to be manufactured at the zonal bakery.

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Bakery Management System

Objectives: To build automated system (currently manual). Configure flexible setup for branches belonging to a specific zone The setup should be such that branches can be shifted to a new zone in case of increase in volume of purchase. To record branch wise daily sales volumes for the products . Determining volumes to be manufactured at the zonal bakery. To reduce operational cost and increase profit.

Requirement Analysis :1)Functional Requirement: Bill payment Display sale Report.

Close existing branches(in case of continued loss). Open new offices. Make bill(bill by zonal manager). issue bill to customer. Display item wise sales report(for a particular day).

2)System Requirements: Central Server Local workstation Application developed and graphic user interface for end users. Local printers to issue bill to customers, to print bill made by zonal manager. Relational Databases. Communication links.

3)Operational Requirements: scalable and flexible systems (to handle future add ons) Security Requirements-authentication and authorization. Performance(quick response in seconds)

Data transfer should be smooth. BackUps and archival data to be maintained. system availability. Usabilty(system should be easy to use and quick to understand)

4)Implementation Requirements: User training Creating Reference table for cross referencing of data Data entry of master data Data cleaning Better component design Interfaces to other systems.

5)Assumptions: The system is being developed for the company where everything is manually done. The data entered in the system should be feasible. Data is replicated on various servers to prevent from data loss. System is highly secure and no valuable information is getting exchanged to outer domain.

The system being developed can handle the database efficiently

6)Constraints: There should be a provision to enter 10 items only at time. The system should display item wise sales for a particular day. The supplier will supply the necessary supplies to a specific branch. Payment will be made weekly. A bill of amount greater than five lakhs will be made by the zonal manager. A bill greater than five lakhs will be made after central approval.

ER Diagram:-

BakeryOwner 1 responsibleto





1 Branch N 1

works_for N N


belongsto 1




HasN 1 1 1 staffedby

responbleto N Helpers


1 1

MainOffice 1 staffedby

staffedby 1 Secretary





Data Flow Diagrams(DFD):-

Context diagram:-

Bakery_Ownersales report bill


Bakery Management System

Bill paid to be paid to suppliers Enter sales data daily

Zonal_manager Data_Entry-Operator

Level 1 DFD:-

sales record

4.0 Sales report reading sales data calculate bill for customer 2.0 sales get data data sales data sales sales data Bill

list of suppliers reading list of suppliers

1.0 salesof suppliers get list dataname of suppliers

5.0 display sales report sales data

3.0 li3st of name of suppliers make list of suppliers Sales report suppliers sales data S alcalculate 6.0 profit or profit calculateloss or loss es dataresult

list of suppliers

Level 2 DFD:-


list of suppliers6.1 calculate profit or calculate profit or loss loss zone wise

3.1 make list of suppliers zone wise

list of suppliers zone wise sales data

result zone wise

5.1 Display sales Sales report report zone wiseSales report zone wise

Level 3 DFD:-

result zone wise list of suppliers zone wise

sales report zone wise 6.1.1 calculate profit or loss branch wise5.1.1 Display Sales report Branch wise

3.1.1 make list of suppliers branch wise

list of suppliers branch wise

sales report branch wise

PSPECS(Minispecs)(For LEVEL 1 DFD):1)Make list of suppliers:READ suppliers name CREATE list of suppliers DISPLAY list of suppliers

2)calculate bill for the customer:READ purchase details COMPUTE total amount DISPLAY bill to be paid

3)calculate profit or loss:READ sales data COMPUTE total sales COMPUTE total cost COMPUTE (margin=total sales-total cost) IF(margin