bakke graduate university (bgu) & work, calling & human dignity february, 2012

Bakke Graduate University Bakke Graduate University (BGU) & (BGU) & Work, Calling & Human Dignity Work, Calling & Human Dignity February, 2012

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Page 1: Bakke Graduate University (BGU) & Work, Calling & Human Dignity February, 2012

Bakke Graduate University (BGU) &Bakke Graduate University (BGU) &

Work, Calling & Human DignityWork, Calling & Human Dignity

February, 2012

Page 2: Bakke Graduate University (BGU) & Work, Calling & Human Dignity February, 2012

1. TOW Introduction – what this means to me personally as a fellow Guyanese

2. Why a focus on TOW (Work, Calling & Humanity) Context to the Caribbean with emphasis on Guyana

3. Touching on ‘Fruit of the Spirit in the Workplace’

Page 3: Bakke Graduate University (BGU) & Work, Calling & Human Dignity February, 2012

What this all means to me personally as a fellow Guyanese◦ The best way I can impart what is in my heart is through my own TOW

walk – oftentimes, this is the best way of teaching … For me, it all started as a very reflective process

For years I have quietly observed (both in Guyana and throughout my travels) the confusing dichotomy as many seemed so metamorphosed from Sunday to Monday I did not recognize the Sunday church goers on Monday I wondered: What is it that causes us to make this shift where many enjoy

who we are on Sunday but dread dealing with us on Monday? I have lived this with many and it is both puzzling and scary

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I started feeling a deep sense of …◦ Spiritual Discontentment & Spiritual Intolerance

Something had to change – something had to transform We could not continue the way we were For some time, I heard the words … No more procrastination … Now! All of this resulted in prayer and personal reflection

Please let me share the following reflections with you: I leave these with you as we enjoy this week’s TOW journey together

The timing is right … let us follow His lead as He stays one step ahead of us throughout this journey …

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What if we really believe that Guyana is called of God to transform its people and the rest of the world … what would be different?

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What if we deeply feel the same presence on Monday as we did on Sunday … what would be different?

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What if we truly believe who we are on Sunday is the same as who we are on Monday … what would be different?

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What if we truly believe that we are Christ in human form- walking each day as He walked 2000 years ago, talking as He talked, loving healing and caring as He did … what would be different?

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What if we clearly saw that our daily work is about His purpose and our daily mission field … what would be different?

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What if we deeply embrace the fact that today may be the only Christ the world (a hurting creation) sees through our life … what would be different?

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What if we really believed that Genesis 1:27 called each of us to be a leader and as such, we are committed to leading as well as following each other?◦ What if we believe that we have the personal responsibility to help each

person answer his/her Genesis call … what would be different?

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Finally, what if we truly believe that God has a specific purpose in our being in this room tonight and that what we must learn, we must apply personally and we must share with others?◦ Then ... I promise that if you follow this purpose … your life will never

be the same after this week  …

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Meeting the team at Bakke Graduate University helped me answer these questions and sort out these reflections◦ I saw TOW ‘lived daily’ and it was so refreshing …

Personally, this TOW message has become the basis for much of my work for Him … and I long to see as many as possible be blessed by this message … so here we are Guyana!

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Why a focus on TOW (Work, Calling & Humanity) Context to the Caribbean with emphasis on GuyanaThis region is no different from any other

Some of our Caribbean countries have the highest number of churches per capital yet are amongst the world’s leading crime centersHow do we explain this?

Some of our countries have officially declared themselves to be Christian nations yet we are tired of the unethical practices

What is happening at the leadership level?

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Clearly … there is a disconnect between Church & Life … Business & Mission … Theology & Work!

I am tempted to say that we have made church another social gathering:◦ The personal relationship with Christ (along with His purpose) is

missing◦ The clear understanding that our work is our calling is missing !

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I will just leave these with you as I ask you two questions that we will not answer today … you will answer as we progress through this journey …1. Joy: More Than Happiness at Work 2. Goodness: Un-selfconscious Giving 3. Love: The Greatest Thing to Give and Receive 4. Self-Control: Resolving the Work-Life Dilemma 5. Gentleness: The Strength of Meekness 6. Faithfulness: Workplace Integrity 7. Kindness: Putting Others at Ease 8. Patience: Remaining Where You Are with Hope9. Peace: Bringing Wholeness and Harmony


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Question #1:◦ How many of these fruits of the Spirit are your workplace giving to

you? Question #2◦ How many of these fruits of the Spirit are you giving to your

workplace? At the end of the day … it must begin with ‘me’!

Lord, make me a channel of your peace, joy, love etc …

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