bakrid khutbah 2006

Eid ul Adha Khutbah 2006 Eid-Ul-Adha (a.k.a. the Feast of Sacrifice or Day of Sacrifice) is observed after the Hajj -- the annual pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca) in Saudi Arabia. A duty of each Muslim, as described in the Five Pillars of Islam, is to go on Hajj at least once during their lifetime, unless they are prevented by finances or ill health. "The Hajj consists of several ceremonies, meant to symbolize the essential concepts of the Islamic faith, and to commemorate the trials of prophet Abraham and his family...The pilgrimage also enables Muslims from all around the world, of different colors, languages, races, and ethnicities, to come together in a spirit of universal brotherhood and sisterhood to worship the One God together." It is the second of the two major Muslim holy days. The other is Eid-ul-Fitr which follows Ramadan. When is it celebrated? Eid-Ul-Adha is observed after the conclusion of the Hajj. The first day of this celebration is held on the 10th day of Dhul-Hijjah, which is the last month of the Muslim year. In most areas, the Feast of Sacrifice is celebrated over several days. Due to Lunar sighting, the feast day has always been celebrated on different days in various areas of the world. Because the date of the Feast of Sacrifice is determined by a lunar calendar, it is observed about 11 days earlier each year: Its significance: "The celebration of Eid-Ul-Adha is in commemoration of the command give by Allah to Prophet Abraham (may Allah be pleased with him) to sacrifice his first born son Ishmael to Him. The fulfilment [sic] of this noble command of Allah by Abraham signifies his faith in Allah...." 1

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Eid ul Adha Khutbah 2006

Eid-Ul-Adha (a.k.a. the Feast of Sacrifice or Day of Sacrifice) is observed after the Hajj -- the annual pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca) in Saudi Arabia.

A duty of each Muslim, as described in the Five Pillars of Islam, is to go on Hajj at least once during their lifetime, unless they are prevented by finances or ill health. "The Hajj consists of several ceremonies, meant to symbolize the essential concepts of the Islamic faith, and to commemorate the trials of prophet Abraham and his family...The pilgrimage also enables Muslims from all around the world, of different colors, languages, races, and ethnicities, to come together in a spirit of universal brotherhood and sisterhood to worship the One God together."

It is the second of the two major Muslim holy days. The other is Eid-ul-Fitr which follows Ramadan.

When is it celebrated?

Eid-Ul-Adha is observed after the conclusion of the Hajj. The first day of this celebration is held on the 10th day of Dhul-Hijjah, which is the last month of the Muslim year. In most areas, the Feast of Sacrifice is celebrated over several days.

Due to Lunar sighting, the feast day has always been celebrated on different days in various areas of the world. Because the date of the Feast of Sacrifice is determined by a lunar calendar, it is observed about 11 days earlier each year:

Its significance:

"The celebration of Eid-Ul-Adha is in commemoration of the command give by Allah to Prophet Abraham (may Allah be pleased with him) to sacrifice his first born son Ishmael to Him. The fulfilment [sic] of this noble command of Allah by Abraham signifies his faith in Allah...."

This is a victory of Good over Evil (Shaytan) He tempted Ibrahim (AS) 3 times not to sacrifice his son. Three times Ibrahim (AS) rejected the Shaytan. This is celebrated by the Hajis in Meena by throwing pebbles at the 3 Jamarat which are the stone pillar as a symbol of Shaytan.

When I read the story of Ibrahim (AS) in the Qur'an and his arguments with his people, his father and the King Nimrod, it gave me the impression that he is blessed with an extremely sharp intellect, comparable to a Noble Prize winner in the Sciences.

His ANALYTICAL THINKING is better than a Professor at any top notch University in USA.

He respects his father.


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Takes very high risks even at the cost of his own life.

Exhibits self-confidence and courage par excellence.

Bold and Assertive.

Possesses Leadership qualities that we Muslims should emulate. Actually Muslims bless him Five Times a Day in Reciting “TASHAHUDD OR “ATTAHIYAT”

Consults his son Ismail and Engages in Dialog about his vision to sacrifice him. A Good Father.

Lived about 4,000 years ago.

Out of more than 720 prizes awarded since 1901, more than 130, or about 18 percent, have gone to Jewish laureates. Jews comprise only 0.3 to 0.5 percent of the world's population. Muslims are one-Fifth or 20 % of the world's population, should have won 144 Nobel Prizes, but won only NINE. The reason for the disproportionate number of Jewish winners is the premium Jews have placed on learning and scholarship.

Ibrahim (AS) was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was a Hanif.

Most of the Nobel Prizes are won by Americans every year, particularly in Physics, Chemistry, Medicine and Economics. What is the Reason?

The reason is America has the best Institutions: Educational, Research, Think-Tanks, Industrial, Government, Military complex and the vast resources to back these Institutions.

We are blessed that we live in this country with access to these finest Institutions.

Students come from all over the world to get American Degrees. Students from India are the largest in number about 100,000 of them. Majority of the Ph.D. students in America are all foreigners.

What makes American Educational system so Unique? FEW POINTS ARE: They impart: CRITICAL and creative THINKING; Metacognition (Metacognition refers to knowledge of one's own thinking processes and products or anything related to them). Scientific Inquiry, Dialectical Reasoning (The art or practice of arriving at the truth by the exchange of logical arguments), problem solving, Logical Analysis, Designing and composing. OPPOSING POINTS OF VIEW; SCHOLARLY DEBATES; EVIDENCE BASED KNOWLEDGE;

IN MANY COUNTRIES THEY EMPHASIZE ROTE LEARNING – mechanical repetition of something so that it is remembered, often without real understanding of its meaning or significance. Another word for Rote is By heart.


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In the Qur’an in The Story of Ibrahim (AS) we find AMERICAN educational values: Prophet Ibrahim (AS) reminded his people that there was only one God, the Lord of all creation, who controlled Life, death and resurrection. He told his own father, Azar, to desist from worshipping idols. He said he had learned from his own experience (that is using Dialectical Reasoning) that God alone was worthy of worship. He was shown by God 'the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth so that he might be convinced of the faith in his Creator.

An Example of Metacognition and Dialectical Reasoning

When the night was dark, Ibrahim (AS) saw a star; he said to himself, “This must be the Lord.” But soon the star set and his faith was shaken. Then he saw the moon rising in the sky, “This is the Lord” he said. However, when it waned, he lost faith in it. Likewise, when the sun rose, brighter than everything, he was convinced that it was the Lord. But the sun also set, and Ibrahim (AS) cried: “I set my face against all these. I repudiate every other kind of worship except the worship of God, Creator of all that is in the heavens and the earth, i.e., The Creator of the Universe ( Surah 6: 76-79)

An Example of Logical Analysis:

Turning to his father, Ibrahim(AS) asked what the images were to which he and his people were devoted. Azar his replied that they worshipped what their fathers had worshipped. Ibrahim (AS) said: 'Then assuredly, you and your fathers are clearly in error.' Here, Ibrahim (AS) is opposing his own father. The Qur’an clearly states not to obey your parents if your parents deviate from the Qur’anic Guidance.

The following illustrates an example of SCHOLARLY DEBATE , Opposing POINTS OF VIEW and Logical Reasoning with KING NIMROD

Ibrahim (AS) debates with Nimrod, the King of Iraq, not to forget that it was God who gave him the Kingdom and power and glory; but the King, in his arrogance, had denied it and had declared that he determined the life and death of his subjects. Ibrahim (AS) had then asked him: 'Allah makes the sun rise from the east; can you make it rise from the west?' The King had no answer. He sentenced Abraham(AS) to be burnt alive.

An Example of EVIDENCE BASED KNOWLEDGE and Scientific Inquiry: the following Ayah from the Qur'an, Surah Baqarah, 2: 260 : Bismillah ir-Rahman nir Rahim


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Call to mind the other event also, when Ibrahim (AS) said, "My Lord, show me how Thou bringeth the dead back to life?" He (Allah SWT) said "Have you no faith in this?" Ibrahim (AS) humbly replied, "I do believe but I ask this to reassure my heart."(That is, "I want that peace of mind which is gained by actual experience." )

Allah said, "Well, take four birds and tame them with yourself and then (cut them into pieces) and place a piece of each of them on each hill. Then call them and they will come running to you; know this for certain that Allah is All-Powerful, All-Wise."

Surah Ar-Raad, 13: 3

Surah, Ar-Raad, 13: 3:

And it is He Who has spread out the earth, and fixed the immovable mountains in it, and made the rivers flow on it. He has created in pairs every kind of fruit, and He covers the day with the veil of night. Surely there are great Signs (Verses of the Qur'an and Natural Phenomena) in these for those who reflect (Think, Ponder) upon them. The Qur'an repeatedly provokes and challenges the reader to think and contemplate the signs of Allah so that she/he can understand.

Give me the name of one Religion that asks its followers to Think, Reflect and Ponder. Allah (SWT) is challenging the Believers to use their greatest Gift, that is AQL or the MIND. ISLAM IS NOT A DOGMA.

Dialog – Communication. LESSONS TO LEARN:

I give high marks to Azar the father of Ibrahim (AS), because he engaged in dialog with his son. There was Communication between father and son. The father did not SAY TO HIS SON ‘SHUT UP AND JUST OBEY ME” OR “GET LOST AND DO NOT SHOW


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YOUR FACE TO ME AGAIN” OR “DON’T ASK QUESTIONS, JUST FOLLOW MY ORDERS” The father was truthful in his answers as he never lied to his son.



Communication is a major part of Diplomacy and in the Profession of Psychiatry.

There are Three types of parents: 1. Dictatorial like a dictator- just obey – no questions asked.

2. Permissive or liberal : Do whatever you want. Just do not bother me.

3. Authoritative: Discipline with words or ORAL DISCIPLINE: Say No, NO, NO when they are young. Explain to them why you are saying NO. No physical abuse.. THERE WAS A TIME WHEN THE RULE WAS SPARE THE ROD AND SPOIL THE CHILD. SPANKING CHILDREN IS ILLEGAL IN AMERICA.

Engage in dialog, debate or hold discussions with children. It is best method of rearing children. Treat them as friends. Never insult them in front of their friends and others present.

Ibrahim ( ) bore all the hardships but remained firm and steadfast in his loyalty to God. One day he broke all the idols one by one, except the largest. As soon as the people heard of the destruction, they rushed to the temple and Ibrahim (AS) was brought before them, they asked him: 'Who has done this to our idols?' 'Not I; it is that big idol over there. Why don't you question him?' They replied that idols did not speak. Ibrahim ( ) said: Isn't it strange that you should worship these idols which can neither speak nor do anything. They can neither help nor harm anyone. Shame on you and on your idol worship. How foolish of you to worship them. [21:60] Then the people were very angry and they seized Ibrahim ( ) and threw him into a blazing fire. But Allah was with Ibrahim ( ) and made the blaze feel cool to him. Ibrahim ( ) emerged from the fire unharmed.

The Quran clarifies in Surah 3: 67-68: that Ibrahim (AS) was neither a Jew nor a Christian. He was a Hanif,(an upright man) a man of pure worship, he was not an idolater but a believer in One God; only those who follow him are entitled to claim


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relationship with him. Muhammad and his followers are nearer to him. Allah is the protector of all believers. [3:67-68]

The term Hanif is used 12 times in the Quran; 8 times in reference to Ibrahim (AS) who is the only person to have been explicity identified with the term

Allah admonishes, In Surah Al-Baqarah, 2: 135-136:

Tell the people, O Muhammad! that to be rightly guided one need not be a Jew or a Christian. The righteous belong to the community of Abraham, who was pure in his worship of God. So were Ishmael, Jacob and the tribes, and Moses, Jesus and the rest. They are all Our messengers; We make no distinction between them. [2:135-136]


We Read in the Noble Qur’an, 3:92,

3:92 “You can never attain piety unless you spend (in the way of Allah) of what you love; surely Allah will have full knowledge of what you spend.

As the door of virtue is shut against anyone who loves any worldly thing more than Allah, the one who is not ready to sacrifice his or her beloved thing for the sake of God's love, cannot attain to real virtue. The observance of rituals without this spirit of love is like the paint on worm-eaten wood. It is possible that a human being might be deceived by such an outward paint, but it is impossible to deceive God by such devices. 

Udhiyah or animal sacrifice is an act of worship which reminds us of the great act of sacrifice that Prophet Ibrahim(AS) and Isma'eel (AS) were willing to do for the sake of Almighty Allah.

In the AIn the Annual pilgrimage of Hajj in Makkah, Muslims remember and commemorate the trials and triumphs of the Prophet Ibrahim(peace be upon him). 

Allah says further in (Al-Hajj 22: 37)


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"It is not their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah; it is your piety that reaches Him." (Surah Al-Hajj 22:37) The symbolism is in the attitude - a willingness to make sacrifices in our lives in order to stay on the Straight Path.  It is this strength of heart, purity in faith, and willing obedience that our Lord desires from us. 

It's the sacrifice of the Sahaba that made Islam spread in the East and in the West. It was the sacrifice of the early Sahaba (ra) that established Islam in Syria, Iraq, Egypt and Persia, Africa and the Far East. It is the sacrifice of those men of Allah and champions of truth that made Islam enter China and the Far Eastern countries like Indonesia and Malaysia. Now our and our children’s sacrifices in the post 9/11 era that is establishing Islam in North America. Islamic History of North America will remember us.


What does the word sacrifice mean? In a wider sense, 'sacrifice' means giving up things which are valued or desired. Those things may be tangible, countable like time, wealth or life, or intangible that is immeasurable like feelings, attitudes, opinions or aspirations. They are given up for the sake of something that is more worthy or more important or more urgent. It is important to bear in mind, though, that primarily sacrifice means slaughter of animal (Udhiya) or person as offering to God, and, hence, surrender to God of some possession.

It may be difficult to find in the Quranic vocabulary an exactly equivalent word for sacrifice, which also has as wide a literary usage. Nearest in meaning perhaps is nusuk:

The Qur'an says in Surah Al-An'am, 6: 162

'Say, my Prayer and my nusuk (sacrifice), my living and dying - all belong to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds' (al-An'am 6:162).

In one place in the Qur'an, 'giving', along with taqwa (refraining from doing wrong) and tasdiq (accepting the truth), is all that is required to characterize a good life.

The Qur'an says in Surah, al-Layl 92: 4-10:

"Surely your striving is to diverse ends. As for him who gives, is God-conscious and believes in the Truth - for him shall We make easy the path towards ease. But, as for him


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who is niggardly (or miserly), behaves as if he is self-sufficient and denies the Truth - for him shall We(Allah-SWT) make easy the path towards hardship (al-Layl, 92: 4-10).

Sacrifice is the stuff of which good and successful, ordinary human lives are made. Without sacrifice, life will be devoid of peace, harmony and co-operation, full of conflict and discord, a prey to self-centeredness, covetousness (greediness or materialism) and immediate gratification of desires. Moreover, neither families nor communities can exist or achieve cohesiveness and strength without some sacrifice on the part of their members. Also, no human endeavour (attempt or venture) can, succeed in reaching its goal unless one sacrifices things valued or desired. A Mother feeds her baby with her milk, she is a symbol of sacrifice. She sacrifices everything so that her children can become something. A mother starves so that her children can eat. She sacrifices her sleep and comfort.

The status of a mother is very high in the Qur’an. Prophet said “ Paradise lies under the feet of your mother” This is a metaphor. Example of my mother …

"Islamic life is a life of sacrifice par excellence". It entails a struggle that must be ceaselessly waged, to actualize Islam, inwardly and outwardly, to make it a living reality.

To Quote the Qur'anic Ayath, "Sacrifice is the nourishment without which the tiny seeds of Iman will not grow into mighty, leafy trees, providing shade and fruit to the countless caravans of mankind (Ibrahim 14:24-25). For the loftier (exalted or high-ranking) the goal and more arduous (difficult or hard or strenuous) the way, the greater the need to sacrifice, and sacrifice more and more.

Malcolm X (Al-Hajj Malik Al-Shabazz) said, “Revolutionaries are the children and young people…" "The young people are the ones who most quickly identify with the struggle and necessity to eliminate the evil conditions that exist.” [Malcolm X]

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “Whoever is not concerned with the problems of Muslims is not one of us.” [Hadith]. In Louisville our urgent problem is to attend to our children who have reached marriageable age. We are not providing opportunities for them to meet or Halal Dating. We are segregating them. The result is they are marrying outside our community.

Indeed, today we take Islam for granted. Do we really treasure Islam as a gift? Islam is not just one gift among many; it is the choicest gift of God! Out of all the countless bounties of Allah, none can be greater than His gift of guidance and knowledge to us. How blessed and comforted we are to have certainty of the true meaning and purpose of our mundane life, while we see so many around us in our own communities, struggling with hopelessness, depression, and hollowness in their lives!

Not much comes to us in life without endeavour (attempt or venture). We gain only what we earn by our strivings


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It is obvious that while walking on your personal way to God, you will need to attain greater and greater heights of sacrifice and self-discipline to succeed in seeking His pleasure. Similarly, the most valuable bricks or stones will have to go into the foundations below ground, never to be noticed or appreciated by anyone. Yet they are bearers of the greatest load, and without their sacrifice the building can not even begin to rise. The Taj Mahal is a very beautiful building and one of the seven wonders of the world. It is built on foundation stones which are not noticed or appreciated by anyone.


A few years ago I sent an article written by me to my friend who is a physician from Bombay and settled in Trinidad. He is the President of the Islamic Academy in Trinidad. He wrote me back WITH A DU’A “ BLESSED ARE YOUR PARENTS WHO GAVE BIRTH TO YOU” He changed my Thinking. He has recognized my foundations.

Our achievements in life (terminal degrees, social and economic status, political power, affluence, creature comforts, etc. ) are due to the foundation stones which are not recognized nor appreciated. These foundation stones are: parents, teachers, spouses, siblings, friends.


Similarly, without the help of the individuals in the Muslim community, through their unique and creative skills, their time for counseling of those in need, their activism and financial contributions, Islam cannot be expected to survive, let alone spread to the hearts of individuals of other communities. Every single one of us has something exceptional to offer to Islam and our communities, no matter how little it may seem, and whether we recognize it or not. Ask yourself today: “What little can I do to make a difference in the life of others?”, “What is so unique about me, my skills, and my personality that could be of benefit to Islam?”, “When was the last time I did some good action that truly required sacrifice on my part, which may be known to Allah alone?”, “What have I done to thank Allah for all His blessings, the greatest of which is the guidance of Islam?”

WOMEN:Many verses in Surah Al-Ahzab are addressed to the wives of the Prophet (SAS) and not women in general. Surah, Al-Ahzab,33: 33


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The word qarna in the original is derived from qarar according to some lexicographers and from waqar according to others. In the first sense, it will mean: `Settle down, stick firmly;" and in the second sense: "Live peacefully, sit with dignity." But he extremists translated it as “Stay Home”

Several meanings; If they stayed home how could they answer their calls of nature. They never had attached bathrooms. They went to the fields to answer the calls of nature. They never had servants, hence they went to the market to buy groceries and daily necessities.Furthermore, the noble verse did not prevent the Mother of the Believers (Ummil Muminoon) and most knowledgeable of Muslim women, Hadrat Ayesha (RAa) to go out from her home.

Mufassireen (Commentators of the Qur'an) are three types: Liberal, Moderates, and Extremists.

Several Restrictions are placed on the wives of the Prophet: WHY?33:32 Oh Wives of the Prophet, you are not like the other women. If you are God-fearing, do not talk in a soft voice lest the man of the diseased heart should cherish false hopes from you, but speak in an unaffected manner.

In Surah, Ahzab: 33: 53, we read:

“O you who believe, do not enter the prophet's homes unless you are given permission to eat, nor shall you force such an invitation in any manner. If you are invited, you may enter. When you finish eating, you shall leave; do not engage him in lengthy conversations. This used to hurt the prophet, and he was too shy to tell you. But GOD does not shy away from the truth. If you have to ask his wives for something, ask them from behind a (Hijab) barrier. This is purer for your hearts and their hearts. You are not to hurt the messenger of GOD. You shall not marry his wives after him, for this would be a gross offense in the sight of GOD”. 33: 53.


In lran, Imam Khomeini first insisted that women must wear the veil and chador, but in response to large demonstrations by women, he modified his position and agreed that while the chador is not obligatory, MODEST dress is.

The Quran does not specifically mandate veiling, but simply speaks about modesty, respect, and the covering of the body. In fact, male modesty is more frequently referred to in the Quran than female modesty. In most Muslim societies veiling is not enforced, but it is a choice. Because there is no punishment in the Shari'ah if a woman is not veiled.According to some scholars the Koran says: "Allah has given you clothes to cover your shameful parts, and garments pleasing to the eye. But the finest of all these is the robe of piety."


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Karen Armstrong writes in her book, Islam A Short History, on page 14:

"The Quran prescribes some degree of segregation and veiling for the Prophet's wives, but there is nothing in the Quran that requires the veiling of all women or their seclusion in the separate part of the house. These customs were adopted some three or four generations after the Prophet's death. Muslims at that time were copying the Greek Christians of Byzantium, who had long veiled and segregated their women in this manner; they also appropriated some of their Christian misogyny.(hatred of women) .. The women of the first ummah in Madina took full part in its public life, and some, according to Arab custom, fought alongside the men in battle. They did not seem to have experienced Islam as an oppressive religion, though later, as happened in Christianity, men would hijack the faith and bring it into line with the prevailing patriarchy." (P. 14) (MALE DOMINATED SOCIETY). Patriarchy means :

1. A social system in which the father is the head of the family and men have authority over women and children.

2. A family, community, or society based on this system or governed by men.

The Quran often emphasizes that women should be treated kindly and with much respect. It says: 4:19

“O you who believe! You are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor shouldyou treat them with harshness, that you may take away part of the dowry you have giventhem - except when they have become guilty of open lewdness. On the contrary live withthem on a footing of kindness and equity. If you take a dislike to them, it may be thatyou dislike something and Allah will bring about through it a great deal of good.” (4:19)

Forgotten Queens of IslamMuslim history is full of independent women: warriors, poets, wealthy businesswomen and efficient administrators. Many women had considerable political power.

Hadrat Khadijah (R Aa) was the first wife of Prophet Muhammad (SAS) and the first of the believers. Being a business woman and having acquired great wealth, she held a very high social status amongst the Arabs. The voice of Khadijah was the first; the only and the solitary voice which supported the mission of Prophet Muhammad. She was a true Minister and a sincere Adviser of the Prophet in his mission.

Hadrat Ayesha,(R Aa) a prophet's wife was an eminent scholar who excelled in learning about the Noble Quran, injunctions, legality and illegality of things, poetry, medicine, history of ancient Arabia, and pedigree. She was a scholar, an educator, and a narrator of 2,210 traditions and teachings of the Prophet. She even used to issue legal decisions under Islamic jurisprudence. There are many more women who have impacted Islamic history in one way or another. Women were companions to the Prophet that took part in battles by taking care of the wounded, transmitted and compiled traditions of the Prophet,


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made monetary contributions for the development of mosques, were orators and poetesses, and became scholars of Islamic knowledge and so on.

For centuries, Muslim women in different struggles and communities have joined men on the front lines of war, and have died alongside them. The Prophet’s own female relatives took part in battle; his wife Ayesha led the Battle of the Camel, and his granddaughter Zaynab bint Ali fought in the Battle of Karbala ( Iraq ). Other women were recognized for tending to the wounded, donating their jewelry for the battles, and encouraging their male family members to fight to ensure the survival of Islam.

When Benazir Bhutto became prime minister of Pakistan in 1988, many claimed that it was a blasphemous assault on Islamic tradition since no Muslim state, critics alleged, had ever been governed by a woman. But Fatima Mernissi (author of Forgotten Queens of Islam) examined fifteen centuries of Islamic history and discovered that the critics were wrong. Fatimid Princess in Egypt, Sitt al Mulk ruled Egypt. Two Muslim women ruled India, Razia Sultana and Chand Bibi. Another queen Shajarat al-Durr, gained power in Cairo in 1250 C.E. like any other military leader. In fact, she brought the Muslims a victory during the Crusades and captured the King of France, Louis IX.

There were 15 or more Muslim Queens who ruled Muslim countries. (The Forgotten Queens of Islam by Fatima Mernissi).

In modern times, at least five Muslim women became heads of state or Chief Executives, like President or Prime Ministers. Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan was elected twice as Prime Minister. Begum Khaleda Zia of Bangladesh was elected twice as Prime Minister of Bangladesh. Sheikh Hasina Wajed was elected Prime Minister of Bangladesh. Dr. Tansu Ciller became Prime Minister of Turkey and Megavati Sukarnoputri was elected President of Indonesia- the most populous Muslim country in the world. It is ironic to note that no Muslim woman in the Arab countries was ever elected as head of state. It is also true for the Champion of Democracy- the USA had never had a woman president for the last 230 years. It is predicted by political pundits that either Hillary Clinton or Condoleezza Rice might change the history of United States in the 2008 elections.

Today Louisville native, Muhammad Ali's daughter Laila, is a Boxing champion. Recently Iran's Shirin Ebadi won a Noble Prize for Peace. Another Iranian, Anousheh Ansari- the first Muslim woman ever to return to earth after a successful space flight.

Muslim women have become pilots, army generals, taxi drivers, police chiefs, mayors of metropolitan cities, police academy chiefs, spy agents, surgeons and have broken the glass ceilings.

In Kentuckiana three are at least one dozen Muslim women who are physicians.

Muslim women have the right to education and the right to express creativity, innovation, inventions, intellectual pursuits and opportunities for achievements.


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Women in Paradise

HADITHS and comments:

(1) "If a woman dies while her husband was pleased with her, she will enter Paradise." This Hadith was narrated by Um Salmah/ recorded by At Tirmidhi.

The truth is clear, God never said in the Quran that obeying your husband is a criterion to enter paradise. Relations between the wife and the husband comes from the mutual respect and love that God talked about in the Quran. If going to paradise involves cooking the favorite food of the husband, massaging his feet , and allowing him to take a second or third wife, this could be an easy way out of all the religious duties. That is what Satan wants to put in the minds of those who do not want to follow the Quran. If it is good enough to please the husband to enter paradise, then there would be no need for doing salat, fasting, zakat or Hajj.  Why go the difficult and un-guaranteed way?

(2) "Had it been permissible that a person prostrates before another, I would have ordered that a wife prostrate before her husband." ( Narrated by Abu Hurairah/ recorded by AT Tirmidhi)

That is another criterion to get to paradise as Hadith books claim. You can see the discrepancies between the greatness of God and the inferiority of man when you compare this statement that is claimed to be what the prophet Muhammed said and the words of God in 30:21

"Among His proofs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves, in order to have tranquility and contentment with each other, and He placed in your hearts LOVE and CARE towards your spouses. In this, there are sufficient proofs for people who THINK."

Did they forget what God teaches in the Quran:

" not reverence human beings; you shall reverence Me (God) instead...."  Quran 5:44, 9:18

Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!

(3)"If a man orders a woman to lift a mountain she should be ready to lift it." (Musnad Ahmed)

That means to enter paradise, ladies…. be ready to lift a mountain otherwise your husband would not be happy with you. What this has to do with Islam, where the submission is only to God, and where God is telling us that He is treating the women equal to men. What is this about the weaker sex ?!


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(4) "A woman should not fast except with her husband's permission." (Narrated by Abu Hurairah/ Recorded in Sahih Bukhary, Vol 7 #120)

Where in the Quran is this order. Where in the Quran does God say that a wife would not be responsible for her own sin if she listens to her husband? The order for fasting in the Quran goes to both men and women. God holds every mature person responsible for his/her deed. God told us repeatedly in the Quran that on the day of Judgment people will always blame somebody else for their fall, but this does not help. see 2:166-167

While these alleged Hadiths are trying hard to degrade women and make them a lower class than men, while claiming that is what will get these women to Paradise, God completely protected the women and made them equal to their fellow men. Read and meditate on 9:71

"The believing men and women are ALLIES OF ONE ANOTHER. They advocate righteousness and forbid evil, they observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give Zakat and they obey God and His messenger. These will be showered by God's mercy. God is Almighty, Most Wise."

These are fabrications in Hadiths books as they are against the Qur’an. The prophet Muhammed (SAS) will complain to God on the day of Judgment as we read in 25:30.

"The messenger said, "My Lord, my people have deserted this Quran."

Dear Muslim Youth: Take the opportunity of Eid to be kind to your parents, and know that obedience to your parents is obedience to Allah, provided your parents are free of disobedience to Allah. Stay away from addictions, like alcohol, cigarettes, drugs for they destroy the heart, the intellect and the society. Make your parents the Blessed parents by becoming the Great Scholars, Great Physicians, Great Scientists, Great Generals, Great Political Leaders. You have a Galaxy of Heroes in the Islamic History.

Part IIAmerican Muslims have the opportunity to demonstrate that not only is Islam a religion for all times and all places but it is not a threat or trial for others. We can prove that Muslims can live in harmony with non-Muslims and that the thesis of the clash of civilizations is bogus.America, in spite of its faults, its limitations and even its sins and sinners, is easily the best place to live on earth. If you do not believe me, then ask the millions of Muslims desperate to leave their countries, their families, their societies to come to America. The thing that is most precious about America is not its capitalist nature or its wealth, it is the first amendment. (Monroe, Thomas Jefferson, studied Qur'an, Seerah, Muqaddimah by Ibn Khaldun, Administration of Hadrat Umar (RA) before US Constitution was written).The ideal of freedom of religion and thought in America has allowed it to become a society that most people in the world aspire to emulate and live in. The principle of


Page 15: Bakrid Khutbah 2006

freedom of religion allows Muslims to practice Islam. In essence there can be no faith without freedom; it must therefore be guarded very jealously. A vast majority of American Muslims are highly educated, enlightened and have for decades performed their jobs with dignity, integrity and excellence. The Qur’an really teaches: Where Muslims are allowed to practice their religion and there is no one trying to drive them away from their homes, Muslims are required to deal kindly and justly with all non-Muslims [Qur’an 60:8]. Muslim scholars have a name for places like America – Dar-ul-Aman [house of peace].We, and by we I mean all Americans, Muslims and non-Muslims must not allow, a few rotten apples, to impose their thoughtless understanding of Islam on others, subvert free societies, distort Islamic teachings and undermine the hope for a harmonious relationship between America and its Muslims.Every nation has its celebration, and today is our celebration. Today is Eid Al-Adha, the greatest day of Hajj. It is a day that is preceded by a glorious day which is the day of the standing on Arafat. Eid Al-Adha is linked to the Hajj which is a journey that every sane, adult Muslim must undertake at least once in their lives if they can afford it and are physically able. And of the main themes and messages of hajj is submission and obedience to Allah.

While celebrating the joy of this Eid-ul Adha celebration, we need to recognize our

fellow believers who are completing their Hajj. Let us pray that Allah accepts their Hajj

And for their safe return to their homes.