baku, azerbaijan october 2012 bank in a box. financial institutions have a greatly overlapping...

Baku, Azerbaijan October 2012 BANK IN A BOX

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Baku, AzerbaijanOctober 2012


Financial institutions have a greatly overlapping portfolio

disburse loans pay off loans money transfer money withdrawal deposit money issue payment cards cash a check account balance check currency exchangeaccount opening order checks pay utility billssafety deposit box rent review account statement

How to differentiate?

To extend financial services to existing customers;

To find new customers - providing financial services to the unbanked.

Why to change?Creating customer trust, being available online and on mobile is the next big challenge for the banks;

Banking is no longer only branches and ATMs;

Price (interest rate) is not a sustainable advantage;

Why mobile?

6 bln mobile users, of which 5.4 bln GSM subscribers

Source: Wireless Intelligence, GSMA

Mobile phones have several attributes that make them suitable for delivering financial services to consumers.

Desktop browsing

Couch browsing

One thumb, one eye browsing

Digital communication evolution

These innovations have brought to the financial world:

to apply for financial services online – Internet banking;

to extend financial services to existing customers - Mobile banking;

to provide financial services to the unbanked - Mobile money.

Mobile Brings Focus

More than 530 million consumers worldwide will embrace mobile banking services by 2013, up from 300 million in 2011.

How to differentiate?

24/7 Service:• Internet;• Mobile Phone;• Agent Network.

Service Portfolio:• C2C;• C2B;• B2B;• B2C;• C2G;• G2C;• B2G;• G2B.

Bank in a Box (1)

Our core portfolio of UnderTree (UT) products helps the financial institutions to expand their outreach using the appropriate technology.

Bank in a Box (2)

EFT Switch Module – provides integration to other payment networks (ATM, POS, Mobile, M-Wallet), Utility providers, Core banking systems, ERP etc. , can drive ATMs, POS, mobile phones, manages decentralized branches, runs remittance systems.

Front-end web based application with on-line access to the Core Banking System. It works even over low-bandwidth GPRS network (64 kbps).

A tailored application that helps financial institutions implement a truly ‘branchless banking’ strategy whereby low cost expansion can be done via the use of Mobile technology.

Bank in a Box (3)

A messaging platform that provides both push (SMS is initiated by the institution) and pull (SMS is requested by the customer) messages.Gives opportunity to financial institutions to communicate with their customers easily at a very low cost.

A web-based Card Management System (CMS) that supports the full card life cycle from application to manufacturing, all administrative functions post distribution, through to the reissue or closure of the card.

A module used for customer identification via fingerprint. It is usually integrated within implementations, which require higher security operations like cash withdrawal and money transfers, but can also be activated for any other screen as per client’s requirements.

Bank in a Box Architecture

- Island country • 82 islands

- The happiest nation• appx 250, 000 people

Case Study (1)

Internet Banking

ISImoney – SMS notification

M-wallet – Digicell integration

Agent network – web-based front end solution

Case Study (2)

ATM & POS management

Software Group Solutions deployed on 5 continents

SMS alerts and enquiries

support your service expansion and move into new areas

Branchless Banking

efficient customer communication

develop and operate your own ATM/POS network

Utility bill payments


issue and operate debit and credit cards, prepaid cards, etc.

Card management

pay and purchase is so simple

m-wallet system for banks, mobile operators or third party providers

Internet Banking

convenience with style

Mobile Phone Banking

we can help you to provide convenient banking for clients, agents or field staff


ensure your successin customer retention.

ATM & POSnetwork integrations

leverage existing payment networks

Serve the unbanked;

Increase operational efficiency;

Open up new revenue streams;

Improve customer satisfaction and convenience;

Give the financial organization tools to integrate easily with payment networks.

Why Bank in a Box?

Thank you for the attention

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