bam 570 e-commerce management

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  • 8/9/2019 Bam 570 E-commerce Management.


  • 8/9/2019 Bam 570 E-commerce Management.


    Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answerson the enclosed answer sheet)

    1) The 2008 Olympics in Beijin was the

    most diital Olympics to date !or each o!the !ollowin

    reasons e"cept#

    a$ many o!

    the tic%ets were purchased online &y people worldwide' usin Beijin ehue

    Tic%etmaster' in what is called &usinessto

    &usiness (B2B) ecommerce$

    &$ the *nternational Olympic Committee

    launched a +ouTu&e channel to &roadcast clips

    that were accessi&le in many de,elopin countries$

    c$ millions watched the Olympics throuh online

    ,ideos and *nternetena&led cell phonesand other mo&ile de,ices$

    d$ lo&al -ositionin .ystems (-.) were used to trac% the position o! sailin and rowin


    2) EC can ta%e se,eral !orms dependin on the deree o! diiti/ation o! the !ollowinthree


    3) the product or ser,ice sold' theprocess' and the deli,ery method$

    4) the &usiness process' thecolla&oration' and the transaction$

    5) the payment method' the deli,ery method' and the production method$6) the mar%etin channel' the aent' and the colla&oration method$

    7) Boein desinin a product toether with one o! its &usiness partners is an e"ample o!this

    type o! interaction$

    8) Colla&orati,e commerce9) on&usiness EC10)B2B1C



    11) Many companies employ a(n) which is a ateway !or customers' employees andpartners to reach corporate in!ormation and to communicate with the company$

    12) corporate portal13) intra net14) e"tra net15) social networ%

    16) The diital enterprise shi!ts the !ocus !rom manain indi,idual in!ormation resourcessuch as

    de,ices' applications' and data to that de!ine the &usiness and ultimately deli,er

    ,alue to customers and end users$

    Author(s): E!raim Tur&an' a,id 3in' 4ae 5ee' Tin-en 5ian' e&orrah Tur&an

    BAM 570E-Commerce Management

    Text: Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective

    .i"th Edition' 2060

    *.B6 0# 0617600178

    Publisher: -earson -rentice all


  • 8/9/2019 Bam 570 E-commerce Management.


    17) de,elopin models18) orchestratin the ser,ices and wor%!lows19) orani/in supply chains20) trans!ormin re,enue models


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    22) 9ccordin to the Business En,ironment and -er!ormance *mpact Model' pro,idesupport to orani/ations: acti,ities and to actual per!ormance' counterin &usiness pressures$

    23) EC and *T24) missions and strateies25) core competencies and critical response acti,ities26) mar%ets and o,ernment

    ;) 9ll o! the !ollowin are &ene!its o! EC to society e"cept#

    27) more pu&lic ser,ices$28) closin the diital di,ide$29) !ewer permits and less ta"$30) impro,e homeland security$

    8) uirements o! larescale B2C34) ?nresol,ed ta"ation' pu&lic policy' and leal issues

    @) 9ll o! the !ollowin are nontechnoloical limitations o! EC e"cept#

    35) so!tware de,elopment tools are still e,ol,in$36) lac% o! trust in EC and in un%nown sellers hinders &uyin$37) people do not yet su!!iciently trust paperless' !aceless

    transactions$38) online !raud is increasin$

    ' 0)

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    48) Eastern Mountain .ports introduced tools in order to increase colla&oration'in!ormation sharin' and communication amon stores and their employees' suppliers' and


    a$ &usiness intellience


    49) B2C50)

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    71) The most common and traditional !orm o! auctions in which one seller entertains &ids!rom

    many &uyers is re!erred to as AAAAAAAAAAAA

    72) !orward auctions73) re,erse auctions74) &iddin auction system75) tenderin system


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    22) *n an emar%et' ederal E"press and -ay-al are e"amples o! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    93) intermediaries94) ser,ice pro,iders


    disseminators96) ,iral mar%eters

    21) Compared to the traditional jo& mar%et' the online jo& mar%et AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    97) has a shorter li!e cycle98) is usually speciali/ed and local in


    99) tends to &e less relia&le100) tends to &e much less e"pensi,e

    2F) ateways to store!ronts and emalls are re!erred to as AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    101) shoppin portals102) shop&ots103) shoppin &rowsers104) intellient search


    2) .o!tware tools that scout the

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    Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

    110) -aws :n Tails is an online pet shop that wants to in!luence what customers &uy and &uilde!!ecti,e customer relationships and loyalty$

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    133) Two %ey !actors limitin the use o! personali/ation to more precisely taret mar%etine!!orts to

    indi,idual customers are AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    134) matchin pro!iles with product o!!erins and deli,erin those o!!erins135) communication costs and !ilterin costs136) pri,acy and trust issues137) lac% o! customer loyalty and ser,ice customi/ation costs


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    156) 9s the ,olume o! customers' products' ,endors' and in!ormation increases' it &ecomesuneconomical or impossi&le !or customers to consider all rele,ant in!ormation and a,aila&le

    productsGser,ices$ The practical solution to handlin such in!ormation o,erload is

    157) to use permission mar%etin158) to use so!tware or intellient aents159) to increase the use o! ad aencies160) to desin uisition o! materials !rom suppliers to pac%ain it and mo,in it to distri&utors and


    171) hori/ontal mar%etplace172) ,ertical mar%et173) supply chain174) production chain


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    67) 9ll are &ene!its o! B2B e"cept#

    180) creates new sales or purchase opportunities$181) eliminates paper and reduces administrati,e costs$182) increases channel con!lict$183) lowers search costs and time !or &uyers to !ind products and ,endors$

    184) EC companies will usually separate their B2C orders !rom their B2B orders &ecauseB2C and

    B2B orders ha,e di!!erent AAAAAAAAAAAAA

    185) &uyin and deli,ery processes$186) accountin and !inancial processes$187) mar%etin processes$188) order!ul!illment processes and pricin$

    189) 9 company:s ac>uisition

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    205) The last !i!teen orders !rom a manu!acturer to its suppliers rane !rom "#00$000 to

    "8$750$000. This is an e"ample o! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    206) the &ullwhip e!!ect207) demand manipulation208) supply inade>uacy209) order insta&ility

    22)9 major &loc% in the widespread implementation o! colla&orati,e commerce is AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    a$ the theory o! colla&orati,e commerce hasn:t &een pro,en e!!ecti,e in realworld

    applications$210) the technoloy needed isn:t a,aila&le$211) colla&orati,e commerce is e"tremely e"pensi,e$212) the lac% o! uni,ersally accepted standards$

    21) 9ll o! the !ollowin are true a&out product li!e cycle manaement (-5M) e"cept#

    a$ -5M can ha,e sini!icant &ene!icial impacts in cycle time' desin reuse' and


    &$ The demand !or -5M is limited &ecause it does not apply to products that ha,e short

    li!e cycles or are comple"$

    c$ -5M is a &i step !or an orani/ation &ecause it re>uires interatin di!!erent processes

    and systems$

    d$ -5M tools are o!!ered &y major *T companies such as .9- and *BM$

    2F) The 5otus otesGomino suite includes all o! the !ollowin e"cept#

    213) instant ,ideo$214) document manaement$215) data&ase$216) communication support$

    2) *n!rastructure needed !or roupware include all o! the !ollowin e"cept#

    217) Do*-$218) intranets$219) e"tra nets$220) the *nternet$


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    Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

    6)9ll o! the !ollowin are e"amples o! eo,ernment e"cept#

    222) an eBayselier sells surplus army supplies$223) a contractor su&mits an application !or a &uildin permit usin a city hall

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    7) uic%ly implement o,ernmentwide systems$

    ;)9ll o! the !ollowin descri&e .econd 5i!e (.5) and .5 Educators (.5E) e"cept#

    a$ .5E sponsors meetandreet e,ents in .5' helpin realli!e educators to connect with

    each other$

    &$ Educators ha,e &een slow to em&race .5 &ecause o! the comple"ity o! its mediarich

    !eatures$c$ .tudents and educators can wor% toether in .5 !rom anywhere in the world as part o! alo&ally networ%ed ,irtual classroom en,ironment$

    d$ ?sin .5 as a supplement to traditional classroom en,ironments pro,ides new

    opportunities !or enrichin e"istin curricula$

    8) More and more people are willin to pay !or diital music' as shown &y the success o!




    c$ iTunes


    @) E&oo%s can &e deli,ered in all o! the !ollowin ways e"cept#

    247) ,ia

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    66) 9 major purpose o! an orani/ational %nowlede &ase is to support and allow AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    a$ %nowlede sharin

    &$e*earnin256) responsi&le &loin257) orani/ational capital

    62) Mcommerce transactions and acti,ities re>uire AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAand AAAAAAAAAAAAA

    258) wired networ%sH access points259) cell phonesH porta&le computers260) hardware and so!tware in!rastructuresH in!rastructure


    261) smartphonesH switches

    ' 1) Characteristics o! mo&ile de,ices that need to &e considered when desinin mo&ile

    computin systems include all o! the !ollowin e"cept#

    262) small screens$263) reduced memory$264) restricted input capa&ilities$265) &road &andwidth$

    #4)9 is suita&le !or mo&ile users who need to ma%e ,ery shortrane de,icetode,ice

    wireless connections within a small space' such as a sinle room' and most commonly with


    266) personal area networ%

    267)local area networ%

    268) wireless area networ%269)

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    275) +ou are wal%in near a co!!ee shop and suddenly your cell phone &eeps with amessae#

    ICome inside and et a !ree &iscotti with anypurchase.'his is an e"ample o! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    276) permission mar%etin277) location&ased ad,ertisin278) customer relationship manaement279) mcommerce

    6;) ealth ris%s o! cell phone use include all o! the !ollowin e"cept#

    280) cell phone addiction$281) damae !rom cell radio !re>uency emissions$282) spinal injury$283) repetiti,e stress injury$

    68) Ethical issues raised &y mcommerce include all o! the !ollowin e"cept#

    284) limited access to data and documents$285) pri,acy in,asion$286) in!rinin on wor%ers:personal time$287) isolation$

    6@) *n order to protect the pri,acy o! indi,iduals' pri,acy protection de!enses must &e AAAAAAAAAAAAA

    288) desined into * tas' nodes' and networ%s289) a%%resse% in a pos! hoc (ashion290) addressed in an ad hoc !ashion291) the responsi&ility o! o,ernment aencies

    292) The &an%in industry was a ood candidate !or disruption &y persontoperson(-2-)

    technoloy and disintermediation &y JO-9 &ecause AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    293) the industry o!!ers a widelyneeded ser,ice294) o! !ierce competition and low &arriers to entry295) the industry was ma%in hue pro!it marins o!!


    296) the industry had small pro!it marins

    26) are companies that introduce a sini!icant chane in their industries' thus

    causin a disruption in normal &usiness operations$

    297) isruptors298) Mashups299) *n!ormation clouds


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    301) The real estate &ro%erae industry has &een disrupted &y companies such as Jillow and

    omeain !or each o! the !ollowin reasons e"cept#

    a$ omeowners can enter /illow$com and o to /estimate to et an appro"imation o! their

    home:s mar%et ,alue with a map o! the neih&orhood$

    302) The Jillow and omeain sites pro,ide more ser,ices and in!ormation than

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    Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

    316) Capa&ilities o! the *nternet that ha,e made it more di!!icult !or companies to capturepro!its

    include all o! the !ollowin e"cept#

    317) the *nternet ma%es in!ormation widely a,aila&le$318) the *nternet reduces the di!!iculty o! purchasin' mar%etin' and distri&ution$319) the *nternet allows &uyers and sellers to !ind and transact &usiness with oneanother

    more easily$

    d$ the *nternet ma%es it easier to ma%e secure payments$

    2)9ll o! the !ollowin are situations when a &usiness plan should &e done e"cept#

    320) when an e"istin &usiness is deployin a CM system$321) when a new &usiness is see%in startup !unds and other resources$

    322)when an e"istin company is plannin to create a separate di,ision$

    323) when an e"istin company is plannin to launch the company in a newdirection$

    1) The most e!!icient way to e"pand an orani/ation:s scope is AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    a$ to introduce new products or ser,ices into new or e"istin mar%ets without increasin

    production !acilities or sta!!$324) &y increasin the si/e or scale o! the &usiness$325) &y e"pandin the !irm:s appeal to a new set o! customers$326) to &uy a company with complementary products or ser,ices$

    F) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAare the hottest applications in today:s &usiness en,ironment$

    327) Dirtual worlds328) ich media329) .ocial networ%in technoloies330) Online &rands

    331) 9ll o! the !ollowin determine the deree o! colla&oration &etween o!!line and onlineacti,ities

    in a &usiness e"cept#

    332) corporate culture$333) the a&ility o! top manaement to introduce chane properly$334) the pricin stratey$335) the use o! inno,ati,e processes that support colla&oration$


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    337) The pricin stratey means addin up all the costs involved, such as material'la&or' rent' o,erhead' and so !orth and addin a percentae mar%up as pro!it$

    338) costplus

    339) competitor model340) re,enue mar%up341) price percentae

    342) *mplementin EC o!ten re>uires sini!icant in,estments in in!rastructure$ There!ore' a oodway

    to start is to underta%e AAAAAAAAAAAA

    343) a lare' nontri,ial ECproject

    344) one or a !ew small EC pilotprojects

    345) a multidi,isional ECproject

    346) a sinle di,ision EC project

    347) 9 is a !orm o! &usiness alliance composed o! several &usiness partners that share thecosts and resources !or the de,elopment or production o! a product or ser,ice$

    348) temporary corporation349) supply chain350) ,irtual corporation351) coopetition


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    362) The ew +or% Metropolitan Transit 9uthority (MT9) did not need to open another airport!or

    almost two decades' e,en thouh air tra!!ic had tripled &ecause o! producti,ity ains deri,ed

    !rom impro,ed *T systems$ *T systems added &y the MT9 played critical roles in tic%et

    reser,ations' passener and luae chec%in' crew assinment and schedulin' runwaymaintenance and manaement' and ate assinments$ This case illustrates that AAAAAAAAAAAAA

    363) intani&le &ene!its can &e comple"' yet su&stantial364) tani&le &ene!its can &e comple"' yet su&stantial365) tani&le costs can &e hih' yet payo!!s can &e achie,ed >uic%ly366) intani&le costs can &e hih' yet payo!!s can &e achie,ed >uic%ly

    62) 4usti!yin in!ormation security projects AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    a$ is not needed &ecause it is well%nown that pre,entin networ% security pro&lems is less

    la&or intensi,e than cleanin up ,irus in!ections$367) is not done &ecause O* calculators are not a,aila&le$368) should !ocus on de!endin aainst e"ternal threats such as hac%ers and malware$

    369) should &e done &ecause employee security trainin is usually poorly done$

    61) The a,eraecost cur,es (9DC) o! physical products and diital products are AAAAAAAAAAAA

    a$ di!!erent &ecause the 9DC o! diital products declines as >uantity increases !ormin

    l-shape$ while the 9DC o! physical products is ?shaped$370) &oth ?shaped$371) &oth 5shaped$372) di!!erent &ecause the 9DC o! physical products declines as >uantityincreases

    !ormin an l-shape$ while the 9DC o! diital products is ?shaped$

    6F) 9ll o! the !ollowin apply to EC in de,elopin economies e"cept#

    a$ de,elopin economies o!ten !ace power &lac%outs and unrelia&le in!rastructure and

    deli,ery mechanisms creatin limitations that ma%e it di!!icult !or !irms to predict

    whether EC in,estments will payo!! and when$

    &$ de,elopin economies' such as China and *ndia' represent a sini!icant opportunity !or

    EC to connect &usinesses to customers' as well as other &usinesses$

    c$ de,elopin economies strule with ,arious issues that create too many &usiness and

    technoloy ris%s to justi!y in,estment in those economies at this time$

    d$ the potential ,olume o! transactions in de,eloped countries can ma%e EC in,estments

    more attracti,e !or esta&lished !irms than new !irms &ecause esta&lished !irms ha,e

    already reco,ered the costs o! their *T in!rastructures$


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    374) 9s a company mo,es to incorporate an online presence with its traditional &ric%andmortar

    operation' it adds the costs related to trainin !or all personnel in the capa&ilities o! the EC

    system and a new ad,ertisin campain to announce its new site to the costs directly

    associated with &uildin the new uirements and capa&ilities e"cept#


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    388) a,in control o,er the collection' storae' and dissemination o! personal in!ormationis

    included in the cateory o! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    389) property390) rihts391) duties392) pri,acy

    393) 9 music company can !ile a aainst +ouTu&e and My.pace !or any inter!erencewith the a&ility to pro!it !rom its *- or !or pro!itin !rom the recordin industry:s property

    without authori/ation and compensation$

    394) criminal chare395) nelience chare396) nuisance chare397) lawsuit or ci,il chare

    21) .ection o! the TC 9ct does each o! the !ollowin e"cept#

    398) prohi&its un!air or decepti,e EC practices$399) i,es the TC authority to ta%e action aainst companies whose la" securitypractices

    could e"pose customersG!inancial in!ormation to the!t or loss$

    400) protects pri,acy$401) re>uires monitorin o! employees: emall$

    402) Companies can impro,e their responsi&ility as custodians o! customers: personaldata &y

    implementin AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    a$ optin and optout in!ormation practices


    403) email monitorin404) !irewalls

    405) The AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi,es law en!orcement aencies &roader rane in their e!!orts to protect thepu&lic$

    406) 9merican Ci,il 5i&erties ?nion (9C5?)407) Electronic reedom oundation (E)408) ?$s$ epartment o! 4ustice (O4)

    409) ?.9 -9T*OT 9ct


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