bamboo times march issue


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Spring has come upon us! This issue contains various of topics, from recommendations of what to do in spring to video games released in spring. Enjoy!


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Girl 1What prank are you most interested in doing this year?Girl 1: I want to do this prank I saw online. I would be in the bathroom and ask the person in the next stall for some tissue. Then, I would take some Nutella and wipe it on that person’s hand. I also want to do another prank where you give people “mint cookies”, but the filling is actually toothpaste.

Would you actually pull these pranks on your friends and your family? Why or why not?Girl 1: I would do the Nutella one, I wouldn’t do the cookie one. Because I think that

people in my class are really

desperate for food. They would really eat the cookie. They would even eat a toothpick, so no, I wouldn’t do this. Haha.

What is the most interesting prank that you have done?Girl 1: I was in Europe and then I asked Ailin to contact my friend and ask if he knew my mom’s phone number. Ailin explained to my friend that I got into a car accident in Europe and there was no way to get into contact with her family. Ailin also said that I was in the emergency room and my friend got really worried. My friend kept trying to contact me, but I didn’t reply him at all. After a day, I replied my friend and told him that it was a joke.

What was his reaction after he knew that it was just a prank?Girl 1: He kind of knew that it was a joke, but he was still really worried because I replied him really late. He didn’t get angry, though. We laughed about it together.

Girl 2What prank are you most interested in doing this year?Girl 2: I once saw a prank on YouTube where you buy the strand of wig that is the same color with the hair of the person that you want to prank. Then take a pair of scissors and pretend to cut the hair of the victim. Then you show the strand of hair to the victim. Hahahahaha. And that person would think that you cut their hair of. Hahaha.

Would you actually do these pranks on your friends and your family? Why or why not?Girl 2: I don’t dare to do this prank on my friends and family because they would kill me, hahaha.

What is the most interesting prank that you have pulled?Girl 2: When I was in Junior high school, we would play tricks on people who slept in class. One time, a person was sleeping and we turned off the light and we closed the curtains. We turned the clock to the after school time, and everyone took their backpacks. We walked out of the classroom to the hallway. We left the teacher’s cell phone in the classroom, and someone called it. My teacher’s phone then rang and woke the person up.

APRIL FOOLS PRANK! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! By: Angel ChangIt's the beginning of spring again. The time where flowers bloom, breeze and fresh sunlight shines upon the green grass that has just begun to grow. These are little things that people have been looking forward to for a long time. Yet, one of the most exciting thing is — April Fools’ Day! On the first day of April, people celebrate the April Fool’s day by pulling pranks on each other. Are you looking forward to it as well? Have you thought of a prank to pull off? Or are you one of the April Fools? These interviews can give you some ideas of prank to pull off and a glimpse of some pranks to expect this year!


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Did he buy it?Girl 2: Yea, he woke up and he didn’t know what was happening. Then he brought his backpack and ran out of the classroom because he thought it was really after school. When he came out and saw us we all broke into laughter, including him.

Boy 1What prank are you most interested in doing this year?Boy 1: I'm planning on writing the letter "B" on a piece of paper and secretly stick it on others' back and tell them that they have a bee on their back.

What is the most interesting prank that you have done?Boy 1: Hm… I've done so much that i forgot a lot of them. Haha. I think one of the dumbest pranks I've done is during the nap session in local school, I did the farting sound with my arms, and then yelled out someone else's name. Another lame prank of mine.

Hahaha. How can you be this lame! Then what were people's reaction? Did they actually believed you?Boy 1: Haha. Yeah probably at first, ‘cause I pretended to be annoyed by the fart too, but then I kept doing it. They eventually figured it out, and also I got caught by the teacher, and had to write some worksheet.

Boy 2What prank are you most interested in doing this year?

Boy 2: That’s a secret. ‘Cause I’m really doing a prank on that day. Are you talking about any specific prank or just any prank in general?

Any prank in general haha.Boy 2: Ok, so there’s this prank that I pull every year. I just look at somebody's shoes, and then tell them they forgot to tie their shoe lace, and when then look down at their shoes, I’ll just say "it's April Fools Day!” It’s kind of lame I know haha.

Why do you pull such a lame prank on people then? Haha.Boy 2: Wow. Do you have a better prank? Just kidding haha. Alright let me think. ‘Cause it's April Fools’ day! hahaha nah. Because this prank is very easy to pull off and you can practically do it to everyone you see. Your friends, teachers, kids, strangers. Anyone. Hahaha.

Then do you usually do it to a lot of people on the same day?Boy 2: Well yeah, ‘cause I can only do it once a year

What is the most interesting prank that you have done?Boy 2: One time in my old school, my friend and I pranked our business class teacher. My friend pretended to be sick and pretend to puke. I purposely told the teacher that he was lying, just to escape from the class. But the teacher didn’t believe me. The teacher asked me “What if he [my friend] really puked? Stop saying that he’s lying.” I then told her that I would eat my friends’ puke if

he really puked. Then my friend started to act like he was puking while I poured 八寶粥 (rice pudding) into a plastic bag that he was holding onto. The teacher didn’t realize that he wasn’t puking because we were sitting at the back of the classroom. Then I took the plastic bag, and started to eat the rice pudding inside the bag while pretending to be crying. The teacher thought that it was really disgusting and thought that was really puke. I took the plastic bag and chased my teacher around the classroom until she realized that it was a prank.

How did she realize that it was a prank? What was her reaction after she knew about it?Boy 2: She realized that it was a prank when I accidentally let her touch the bag. She frowned and hit me. Our whole class started laughing.

Did you find this prank online?Boy 2: I thought of it myself when I was eating 八寶粥 (rice pudding)

Why did you decided to have your business teacher as your victim?Boy 2: Our whole class actually decided this together since our class was really close with the teacher.


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Spring, the season of flower and fresh sunshine. As the temperature increases, people start to putting away their winter coats and sweaters, replacing them with shorts, t-shirts, and other short sleeved clothes. Spring fashion trends have also been updated on the Tumblr and Instagram by celebrities. For you, who’s

now reading this magazine, it’s time to fix up your closet and add some more variety of clothes into it! Spring is the time to put away your dark colors and make it colorful and bright.! Located on the west coast of the US, California is one of the places that easily gets warm. Either on Instagram, Tumblr, and various social media sites, we can easily see the California people change their darker winter clothes into spring style — shorts,

sandals, tank top and even crop tops. ! The Coachella Valley Music and the Arts Festival are known as the best festivals for fashion. At the Coachella Valley Music and the Arts Festival, people's outfits are always represents the "Cali-style" fashion. The trends of Cali-style fully demonstrates through the celebrities’ outfits. T-shirts, denim shorts, boots and a pair of sunglasses are the trends of Coachella fashion. Some girls also use garland to adorn and make the whole outfit brighter. For boys, their Coachella fashion are outfits of tank top with short pants. It’s simple but stylish.! Pushing aside the all-black ensemble, all-white outfits are the other major fashion trends recently. To have an all-white outfit without looking like a medical professional, sticking to the basics is very important. White clothes would be good. They’re simple, but they look as fashion-forward as other complicated mix-printed outfits. Also, they mix well almost every color and kinds of shoes, simple sandals, pumps, flats, sneaks, or even with the trends — metallic shoes.

Spring FashionBy: Jessica Chen


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! The metallic shoes — especially metallic sandals — are a big trend in the recent seasons. They’re extremely shiny, shimmering and eyecatching! You want to be flamboyant one who stands out of a crowd? Go buy and have a pair of metallic sandals. It would brighten the whole outfit as well as the atmosphere. ! Even though we’ve been away from neon, tie-dye is still in trend! Tie-dye’s colorful style with catchy swirls always fit spring and summer. There’s no question that tie-dye is one of the biggest trends of 2015 spring! From kids, teenagers, to adults, tie-dye t-shirts are always popular in spring and summer. It doesn't matter whether you’re wearing a tie-dye jacket, dress, pants, jeans, or leggings, you’re definitely following the spring trend of 2015!! During spring break, people living in warmer areas are most likely going to prefer the beach. Again, there must be some essential outfits for beach activities. Following the trend today, Triangl Swimwear must be one of the biggest beach brands! Made of neoprene, Triangl Swimwear is waterproof as well as well-fitting. To girls who are planning on going to the beach, wear Triangl Swimwear. It's totally worth it! For people who doesn't have a chance to try Triangl Swimwear on, a good pair surfing pants

can also keep others’ eyes on you!! Besides all-white outfits, and metallic shoes, gingham style is surely one of the trends in 2015. The classic, graphic pattern from 50s to 60s printed on modern dresses, skirts, shirts and other clothings, has made a trend for the combination of sophisticated and fashionable, classic while stylish. ! In comparison to the West coast, the East coast is still cold, which means it's snowing season is just about to end. For the cities that still aren’t able to change their winter clothes to more cheerful spring style, it’s alright, here’s also trends for you to follow! ! Sporty Minimalism has grown in recent years. The idea was created from athletes influenced and combined with lace. Lace-up style will, therefore, become one of the most important choices for spring 2015. The texture of lace makes the outfit both warm enough for the East coast and cool enough for the West coast. Instead of Sporty Minimalism, army green jackets are also a trend in the East coast. An army green jacket fits with any ensembles, whether you’re wearing all-black outfits or colorful clothings. While it’s in fashion, it also keeps you warm. Living on the East coast, or other colder places, an army jacket definitely need to be in your closet!

! As a reader, do you feel like you're on the spring trends 2015? Or you’re finally catching up? If you’re not, feel free to consider the trends above and come up with your own combinations. Are you reading to start your spring with fresh outfits? Go update your closet with colourful spring trend outfits!


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Spring Festivals!By: Shannon Liu!

The days begin to get warmer and spring officially arrived. Spring is seen everywhere, and so are spring festivals. Here are some of the most amazing celebrations for spring around the world.!!1. HOLI FESTIVAL!

Celebrated by Hindus, this colorful festivals celebrates the season spring by throwing colored powder at each other in northern India.!!2. SONGKRAN FESTIVAL!


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This three-day festival is used for water wars and the Songkran Festival is one of the most popular celebrations in Thailand in April.!!3. LAS FALLAS!

!In this five day event, the citizens set fire to massive papier-mâché figures filled with fireworks in Valencia, Spain.!!4. SAINT PATRICK'S DAY!

Ireland hosts various events during the festival, which involves parades and Irish music along the streets and the theaters.!!!


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The Dutch dress themselves in orange, their national color and hold a street parade for their king’s birthday in April every year.!!6. CHERRY BLOSSOM SEASON!

Starting from late March to early April, locals and tourists head outside for picnics under the blooming cherry blossoms trees.


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Editor in Chief: Henry Ko (10) Assistant Editor in Chief: Hsuan Hsuan Chang (10) Secretary: Chloe Hsueh (10) Staff Supervisor: Jennifer Joseph Writers: Henry Ko (10), Ho Hsuan Hsieh (10), Hsuan Hsuan Chang (10), Chloe Hsueh (10), Shannon Liu (10), Jessica Chen (10), Angel Chang (10) Photographers & Designer: Joseph Chen (10), Shannon Liu (10), Chloe Hsueh (10), Shawn Lin (10)

2015In association with the HIS Bamboo Times Newspaper



Thanks for reading the new Bamboo Magazine issue!

Quote of the Month: !“Success is a process, a quality of mind and a way of being, an outgoing affirmation of life ...”

– Alex Noble

Editor’s Note: Thank you all for reading this new March

issue of the Magazine Team! We’re glad to

say that this issue was successfully published

on time! We really hope it was worth the

wait. Also, I personally hope that you liked

this issue a lot, as we made a great turn into

more realistic Magazine writing. As this issue

was about Spring, we hope it drew many of

your attention and maybe gave you some

ideas about what to do in Spring! If you

have any comments, including ideas towards

our next issue, feel free to contact us! Thanks


Acknowledgements: Thank you Mrs. Joseph for

supervising us and helping us

proofread as well!

!Thank you Daphne for supporting the


!An unfortunate farewell to Eric

Chuan, Thanks for writing for us for

the time, good luck!