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Bangladesh: An Update Avedis H. Seferian, Esq. President & CEO Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) Ethical Sourcing Forum New York City – March 27, 2014

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Bangladesh: An Update

Avedis H. Seferian, Esq.

President & CEO

Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production


Ethical Sourcing Forum New York City – March 27, 2014


• Bangladesh Overview

• RMG Industry Background & Recent Events

• Political Update

– International Crimes Tribunal

– Latest Elections

– Updated Labor Law & New Minimum Wage

• Industry Update

– ILO Better Factories, Tripartite National Plan of Action, Accord & Alliance

– Accord & Alliance Activities

• Current Scenario & Forecast

• Conclusion

Bangladesh Overview

• 160 million people in 57,000 sq. miles

• Population density 2,500/sq. mile

• Major textiles/apparel sourcing destination (#2 exporter, after China)

• 5,000 factories employing 4 million workers (mostly women)


• History of health and safety concerns

• Poorly educated work force

• Inadequate training, even at managerial/supervisory level

• Many ‘factories’ housed in buildings not meant for industrial use

• Weak building codes

• General lack of enforcement

Tazreen Fashions-November 24, 2012

Fatal Fire in Bangladesh Highlights the

Dangers Facing Garment Workers -The New York Times

Paying with Their Lives: The High Cost of

Cheap Clothing -Solidarity Center

Retailers and


hit by fallout

from deadly


factory fire -CNN

Smart Garments-January 26,


Fire guts Bangladesh garment factory, six killed -Reuters



fire kills



workers -ABC News

Global retailers shamed

after another garment

fire in Bangladesh -The Christian Science Monitor

Rana Plaza-April 24, 2013

Building Collapse in Bangladesh Leaves Scores Dead -The New York Times

Big Brands Face Scrutiny

Over Factory Safety After

Bangladesh Collapse -Associated Press

Factory collapse

A ‘wake-up call’

for fashion industry -ABC Australia

Political Update - ICT

• International Criminal Tribunals

– Set up in late 2009 to investigate acts of genocide committed during

Bangladesh Liberation War

– First indictments issued in 2010; first death sentence handed down in

January 2013

– Massive social upheaval, violent hartals

– Jamaat-e-Islami declared illegal in August 2013

– Senior Jamaat leader, Abdul Quader Mollah, initially sentenced to life,

executed in December 2013

• More protests

• Meanwhile, the time for general elections arrived

Political Update – General Elections

• Customary ‘caretaker govt.’ approach abandoned

• Opposition party – BNP – threatened boycott

• Lots of violence and hartals in lead-up to elections

• Infamous phone call between PM Sheikh Hasina and Leader of Opposition Khaleda Zia – Oct. 29, 2013

• Polls held on January 5, 2014

• Voter turnout very low (22%); 21 deaths reported on election day

• Ruling party – Awami League – wins in landslide

– More than 50% of seats uncontested

• Subsequent attempts to contest results; more hartals, but BNP struggling

– Khaleda Zia and other leaders facing April trial for corruption

• Currently, AL seems fairly stable in power

Political Update – New Labor Law &

Minimum Wage

• New Labor Law approved in July 2013 – in part due to ILO pressures

– Union registration system streamlined

• Minimum Wage increased 77% in November 2013 - from 3000 BDT (approx US$38) to 5300 BDT (approx US$68) per month

• Initial resistance on the part of the factory owners, but subsequent implementation seems to be proceeding well enough

– Some talk persists of factories still paying old rate

Industry Update

• Multiple initiatives formed in the wake of Rana Plaza

• May 2013 – Accord on Fire & Building Safety in Bangladesh

• July 2013 – Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety

• July 2013 – National Tripartite Plan of Action

• Also, ILO announced:

– Launch of Better Work Bangladesh

• Still in set up stage; looking for Program Manager

– February 2014 - Rana Plaza Donor Trust Fund estd.

Industry Update

• Accord

– 150 apparel companies + unions + NGO witnesses

– Largely European

• Alliance

– 26 member companies + supporting associations

– Largely North American

• Both published updated lists of factories, as of March 2014

– Accord: 1639 factories (with 2 million workers)

– Alliance: 770 factories (with 1.4 million workers)

– 378 units in common

Accord & Alliance Activities

• Inspections: – Agreed on common set of technical standards for building fire, safety and

electrical safety in November 2013

– Accord begun inspections in February 2014

• Ten facilities already covered; reports on website

– Alliance inspections have begun; first reports expected in April

• Training: – Alliance has begun training program

– Accord still looking for a Chief Trainer

• Jointly held first ever International Trade Expo for Building and

Fire Safety in Dhaka, February 23 & 24, 2014

• Both will have Advisory Board meetings in April

Current Scenario & Forecast

• Political situation improving; now largely stable

– But most predict current government will not last full term

• Initial fears about buyers leaving not borne out

– Jan 2014 year-on-year garment exports grew at 6.36%

– Still, this is a slower growth rate than usual for Bangladesh

• Inspections and trainings will soon be in full swing

– Questions remain concerning harmonizing efforts and whether the July 2014 deadlines can be met

• Real test will be around repairs/upgrades

– Who will pay?

– What happens to facilities that cannot be ‘fixed’?


• 2014 will be a pivotal year for Bangladesh

– Upcoming anniversary of Rana Plaza - April 24

• Will likely remain #2 apparel exporter in the world

– But facing increasing pressure from SE Asia, esp. Vietnam

• Should see the beginnings of a shrinking in the number of factories

• Expect facilities to shift out of Dhaka city and into industrial zones

• Increase in cost of sourcing from Bangladesh

Avedis H. Seferian, Esq. President & CEO

[email protected]

Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production Arlington, VA


Thank you! 17


Intertek Softlines, Bangladesh

Business Assurance

Presented by: Mamun Zaman Senior Manager, Operations 18

Common Violation - WCA

- Global Participating Facilities : 11889

- Bangladesh Participating Facilities : 423

- Bangladesh Total Assessment: 565

- Health & Safety Score: Bangladesh 73 & Global 84


Medium Performance Further Improvement Needed

Global 77

Bangladesh 71

Workplace Conditions Assessment:

Top 5 most frequent Non-Compliances in Health & Safety Bangladesh

Non Compliance Frequency Rate %

Fire sprinkler is not properly installed throughout the facility and/ or not regularly maintained. 94%

The facility does not have a documented emergency plan in place and conduct regular emergency drills for all employees who work with chemicals or hazardous materials OR The facility does not conduct regular emergency drills (e.g. chemical leakage, accident drill) for all employees who work with chemicals or hazardous materials.


Access to aisles, stairs and passageways are not kept clear at all times. 46%

Electrical cords and outlets are not in good condition OR Electrical cords and outlets are not in safe condition.


There are no special programs/ measures for pregnant women. 41% 19

Common Violation

Health & Safety – Bangladesh Avg vs Global Avg 20

Common Violation – Fire Safety Audit

Fire Safety Audit Pictorial Presentation

Wooden Electric Switch Box Emergency Exit Locked

Uncovered and Loose Electric Wires

Flammable Materials Kept in Production Floor 21

Common Violation – Fire Safety Audit

Fire Safety Audit Pictorial Presentation

Shared Building Roof Top Not Vacant

Aisles Partially Blocked by Unfinished Goods and Yarn

Flammable Materials Kept in Production Floor 22

Common Violations

ESA Audit Pictorial Presentation

Cables are not organized in definite sequence inside distribution board

Cable gland is not installed

Burnt cable is used

Combustive materials are kept in front of Distribution board 23