bangladesh international school & college · 6 eight eight 7 syllabus for half yearly...

1 Eight Bangladesh International School & College Nirjhor, Dhaka Cantonment Syllabus 2020 Class - VIII (National Curriculum) Book List for 2020 evsjv cÖ_g cÎ 1| mvwnZ¨ KwYKv t RvZxq wk¶vµg I cvV¨ cy¯ÍK †evW© KZ…©K cªKvwkZ 2| Avb›` cvV (evsjv `ªæZcVb) t Aóg †kÖwY RvZxq wk¶vµg I cvV¨ cy¯ÍK †evW© evsjv wØZxq cÎ 1| evsjv e¨vKiY I wbwg©wZ (Aóg †kªwY)t RvZxq wk¶vµg I cvV¨ cy¯ÍK †evW©, XvKv ENGLISH 1 st PAPER 1. English for Today (For class - VII) NCTB 2. Advanced Learner’s Communicative English Grammar and Composition (For class-VII) By Chowdhury and Hossain ENGLISH 2 nd PAPER 1. English Grammar and Composition – Class VIII, (NCTB) 2. Advanced Learner’s Communicative English Grammar and Composition (For class-VII) By Chowdhury and Hossain MATHEMATICS 1. Mathematics – for Class VIII (NCTB) SCIENCE 1. Science for Class VIII (NCTB) BANGLADESH & GLOBAL STUDIES: 1. Bangladesh & Global Studies for Class VIII (NCTB) INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT): 1. Information & Communication Technology (ICT) for Class VIII (NCTB) RELIGION & MORAL EDUCATION: 1. Islam & Moral Education for Class – VIII (NCTB) 2. Hindu & Moral Education for Class – VIII (NCTB) 3. Christian & Moral Education for Class – VIII (NCTB) 4. Buddhist & Moral Education for Class – VIII (NCTB) PHYSICAL EDUCATION & HEALTH: 1. Physical Education and Health for Class VIII (NCTB) WORK & LIFE ORIENTED EDUCATION: 1. Work & Work Oriented Education for Class VIII (NCTB)

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Page 1: Bangladesh International School & College · 6 Eight Eight 7 Syllabus for Half Yearly Examination: 1. English For Today: Unit (1-5) 2. Unseen Passage for practices. 3.Grammar items:


Bangladesh International School & CollegeNirjhor, Dhaka Cantonment

Syllabus 2020Class - VIII (National Curriculum)

Book List for 2020

evsjv cÖ_g cÎ1| mvwnZ¨ KwYKv t RvZxq wk¶vµg I cvV¨ cy¯ÍK †evW© KZ…©K cªKvwkZ 2| Avb›` cvV (evsjv `ªæZcVb) t Aóg †kÖwY RvZxq wk¶vµg I cvV¨ cy¯ÍÍK †evW©

evsjv wØZxq cÎ1| evsjv e¨vKiY I wbwg©wZ (Aóg †kªwY)t RvZxq wk¶vµg I cvV¨ cy¯ÍK †evW©, XvKv

ENGLISH 1st PAPEr1. English for Today (For class - VII) NCTB2. Advanced Learner’s Communicative English Grammar and Composition

(For class-VII) By Chowdhury and HossainENGLISH 2nd PAPEr1. English Grammar and Composition – Class VIII, (NCTB)2. Advanced Learner’s Communicative English Grammar and Composition

(For class-VII) By Chowdhury and HossainMATHEMATICS1. Mathematics – for Class VIII (NCTB)SCIENCE1. Science for Class VIII (NCTB)BANGLADESH & GLOBAL STUDIES:1. Bangladesh & Global Studies for Class VIII (NCTB)INFOrMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT):1. Information & Communication Technology (ICT) for Class VIII (NCTB)rELIGION & MOrAL EDUCATION:1. Islam & Moral Education for Class – VIII (NCTB)2. Hindu & Moral Education for Class – VIII (NCTB)3. Christian & Moral Education for Class – VIII (NCTB)4. Buddhist & Moral Education for Class – VIII (NCTB)PHYSICAL EDUCATION & HEALTH:1. Physical Education and Health for Class VIII (NCTB)WOrK & LIFE OrIENTED EDUCATION: 1. Work & Work Oriented Education for Class VIII (NCTB)

Page 2: Bangladesh International School & College · 6 Eight Eight 7 Syllabus for Half Yearly Examination: 1. English For Today: Unit (1-5) 2. Unseen Passage for practices. 3.Grammar items:

2 Eight 3Eight

Grand total of the Term Exams will be calculated as:Term Exam 50 will be converted into 35 MarksSurprise test marks will be converted into 05 MarksClass Test (CT)25 will be converted into 10 MarksGrand Total: 50 Marks

welq: evsjv cÖ_g cÎ EPT-1 EPT-2

M`¨:1| AwZw_i ¯§„wZ 2| fve I KvR3| c‡o cvIqv 4| ‰ZjwP‡Îi f‚Z5| Gev‡ii msMÖvg ¯^vaxbZvi msMÖvg

KweZv :1| gvbeag© 2| e½f‚wgi cÖwZ3| `yB weNv Rwg 4| cv‡Q †jv‡K wKQz e‡j| 5| cÖv_©bv

M`¨:1| Avgv‡`i †jvKwkí 2| myLx gvbyl3| gso–i c‡_4| evsjv beel©5| evsjv fvlvi Rb¥K_v

KweZv :1| evey‡ii gn2| bvix 3| Avevi Avwme wd‡i4| iƒcvB 5| GKz‡ki Mvb

CT-1 CT-2 CT-3 CT-4M`¨:1| AwZw_i ¯§„wZ2| fve I KvR

M`¨: 1| c‡o cvIqv2| ‰ZjwP‡Îi f‚Z3| Gev‡ii msMÖvg

¯^vaxbZvi msMÖvg

M`¨:1| Avgv‡`i †jvKwkí2| myLx gvbyl3| gso–i c‡_

M`¨:1| evsjv beel©2| evsjv fvlvi


KweZv :1| gvbeag©2| e½f‚wgi cÖwZ

KweZv : 1| `yB weNv Rwg2| cv‡Q †jv‡K wKQz

e‡j3| cÖv_©bv

KweZv :1| evey‡ii gnË¡2| bvix3| Avevi Avwme


KweZv:1| iæcvB2| GKz‡ki Mvb

wcª-†U÷ cixÿv: m¤ú~Y© wm‡jevm†U÷ cixÿv: m¤ú~Y© wm‡jevm

1g g‡Wj †U÷ cixÿv: m¤ú~Y© wm‡jevm2q g‡Wj †U÷ cixÿv: m¤ú~Yy© wm‡jevmPzovšÍ g‡Wj †U÷ cixÿv: m¤ú~Y© wm‡jevm

ArTS & CrAFTS : 1. Arts and crafts for Class VIII (NCTB)AGrICULTUrAL EDUCATION:1. Agricultural Education for Class VIII (NCTB)HOME SCIENCE: 1. Home Science for Class VIII ( NCTB)

Note:1. All are advised to purchase books of latest edition and original books, not

photocopies.2. Text Books, Diary, Exercise books. Stationery articles are available at the

School premises. 3. Parents are requested to write the name of the students on the cover page of

text books, exercise books, water-pot, school bag etc.


MArKS DISTrIBUTION AT A GLANCE Sl Subject ST Class Test Term Exam

Marks Duration Marks Duration1. evsjv cÖ_g cÎ 5 25 40 mins 100 3 hrs2. evsjv wØZxq cÎ 5 25 40 mins 50 1 hrs 30 mins3. English-1st 5 25 40 mins 100 3 hrs4. English -2nd 5 25 40 mins 50 1 hrs 30 mins5. Mathematics 5 25 40 mins 100 3 hrs6. Science 5 25 40 mins 100 3 hrs7. BGS 5 25 40 mins 100 3 hrs8. Agr./ H. S. 5 25 40 mins 100 3 hrs9. Religion 5 25 40 mins 100 3 hrs10. ICT 5 25 40 mins 50 1 hrs 30 mins11. PEH 5 25 40 mins 50 1 hrs 30 mins12. Art & Crafts 5 25 40 mins 50 1 hrs 30 mins13. WLOE 5 25 40 mins 50 1 hrs 30 mins

Grand total of the Term Exams will be calculated as:Term Exam 100 will be converted into 75 MarksSurprise test marks will be converted into 05 MarksClass Test (CT)25 will be converted into 20 MarksGrand Total: 100 Marks

Page 3: Bangladesh International School & College · 6 Eight Eight 7 Syllabus for Half Yearly Examination: 1. English For Today: Unit (1-5) 2. Unseen Passage for practices. 3.Grammar items:

4 Eight 5Eight

mvivsk: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3fve-m¤cÖmviY: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3Av‡e`bcÎ: K, LcÖeÜ iPbv:

5.1, 5.2

mvig©g: 2.6, 2.7, 2.8

fve-m¤cÖmviY: 3.4, 3.5, 3.6

wPwV: K, LcÖeÜ iPbv:

5.3, 5.8, 5.9

mvivsk: 2.4, 2.5

fve-m¤cÖmviY:3.7, 3.8

Av‡e`bcÎ: M, NcÖeÜ iPbv: 5.10, 5.12

mvig©g: 2.9, 2.10

fve-m¤cÖmviY: 3.9, 3.10

wPwV: M, NcÖeÜ iPbv: 5.13, 5.14

wcª-†U÷ cixÿv: m¤ú~Y© wm‡jevm†U÷ cixÿv: m¤ú~Y© wm‡jevm

1g g‡Wj †U÷ cixÿv: m¤ú~Y© wm‡jevm2q g‡Wj †U÷ cixÿv: m¤ú~Y© wm‡jevmPzovšÍ g‡Wj †U÷ cixÿv: m¤ú~Y© wm‡jevm

mKj K¬vm †U‡÷i cÖ‡kœi aviv I gvbeÈbmKj wmwU cixÿvi gvbeÈb welq wkÿK KZ…©K wba©vwiZ n‡e|

mKj ce© cix¶vi cÖ‡kœi aviv I gvbeÈb:iPbvg~jK As‡ki Rb¨ 30 b¤^i Ges eûwbe©vPwb cÖ‡kœi Rb¨ 20 b¤^i iPbvg~jK cÖkœ tmvivsk / mvigg© (2wU †_‡K 1wU) 05 b¤^ifve-m¤úªmviY ( 2wU †_‡K 1wU) 05 b¤^iAby‡”Q`/Abyaveb (2wU †_‡K 1wU) 05 b¤^icÎ / `iLv¯Í / wbgš¿Y cÎ (2wU †_‡K 1wU) 05 b¤^icÖeÜ iPbv (ms‡KZmn 3wU †_‡K 1wU) 10 b¤^i †gvU = 30 b¤^ieûwbe©vPbx cÖkœ:sïay e¨vKiY Ask †_‡K 20wU cÖkœ _vK‡e me KqwU cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e| 1×20=20 me©‡gvU = 50 b¤^i

mKj K¬vm †U‡÷i cÖ‡kœi aviv I gvbeÈbmKj wmwU cixÿvi gvbeÈb welq wkÿK KZ…©K wba©vwiZ n‡e|

mKj Aa©-evwl©K I evwl©K cixÿvi cÖ‡kœi aviv I gvbeÈb1| m„Rbkxj cÖkœ 07wU 7×10=702| eûwbe©vPwb cÖkœ 30wU 1×30=30 me©‡gvU : 1001| m„Rbkxj cÖkœ tM`¨ †_‡K 3wU, c`¨ †_‡K 3wU Ges Avb›` cvV 3wU K‡i †gvU 6wU m„Rbkxj cÖkœ _vK‡e| M`¨ I KweZvsk n‡Z Kgc‡ÿ 02wU K‡i †gvU 4wU cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e|2| eûwbe©vPbx cÖkœ t30 wU eûwbe©vPbx cÖkœ (M`¨ †_‡K 16wU, c`¨ †_‡K 14wU Ges Avb›` cvV †_‡K 6wU) cÖkœ _vK‡e| me KqwU cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e|

welq: evsjv wØZxq cÎEPT-1 EPT-2

e¨vKiY Ask:1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.2, 4, 4.1, 4.5, 4.6, 4.8

wbwg©wZ Ask:mvivsk I mvig©g: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8

fve-m¤cÖmviY: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5Av‡e`bcÎ: K, LwPwV: K, L

cÖeÜ iPbv: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.8

e¨vKiY Ask:5, 5.1, 6, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 7, 7.1, 8, 8.1, 10, 10.2, 10.4

wbwg©wZ Ask:mvivsk I mvig©g: 2.4, 2.5, 2.9, 2.10

fve-m¤cÖmviY: 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10

Av‡e`bcÎ: M, NwPwV: M, N

cÖeÜ iPbv: 5.9, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.14

CT-1 CT-2 CT-3 CT-4e¨vKiY Ask:1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1

e¨vKiY Ask:3.2, 4, 4.1, 4.5

e¨vKiY Ask:4.6, 4.8, 5, 5.1, 6, 6.2, 6.3

e¨vKiY Ask: 7, 7.1, 8, 8.1, 10, 10.2, 10.4

Page 4: Bangladesh International School & College · 6 Eight Eight 7 Syllabus for Half Yearly Examination: 1. English For Today: Unit (1-5) 2. Unseen Passage for practices. 3.Grammar items:

6 Eight 7Eight

Syllabus for Half Yearly Examination:1. English For Today: Unit (1-5)2. Unseen Passage for practices.3. Grammar items:

a) Uses of suffixes and prefixes.b) Uses of Articles.c) Changing sentence-Voice, Sentences (Interrogative, Affirmative,

Negative, Exclamatory, Vice versa)d) Speech (Direct to indirect) Passage narration.e) Punctuation and Capitalization.

4. Guided Writing:i. Dialogue.

a) About the necessity of tree plantation.b) About preparation for JSC examination.c) How to learn English.d) Buying a pair of shoes.e) Importance of learning English.f) With bookseller for buying a book.g) Bad effects of smoking.h) With a doctor about health problems.

ii. Formal/Informal: E-maila) Write an e-mail to your invited friend postponing the event.b) Write an e-mail to the co-ordinator of a fund raising event to be a

volunteer for the event.c) Write an e-mail to your friend describing your aim in life.d) Write an e-mail to your friend describing the prize giving ceremony

of your school.e) Write an e-mail to your friend thanking for birthday gift.f) Write an e-mail to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant

success in the JSC Examination.g) Write an e-mail to your friend describing the picnic you attended.h) Write an e-mail to your younger brother advising him to be sincere

and attentive to his studies.i) Write an e-mail to your friend describing what you intend to do

after JSC examination.j) Write an e-mail to your cousin wishing happy birthday to him.

iii. Paragraph: a) Our National Flagb) A Winter Morningc) The Importance of Learning Englishd) Tree Plantatione) A Tea Stallf) Traffic Jam

Subject: EnglishList of Books:

1. English for Today - NCTB2. English Grammar &Composition - NCTB3. Advanced Learner’s Communicative English Grammar and

Composition- Chowdhury and Hossain

Syllabus of Class Test: 18 < 21. English for Today : Unit 1-32. Grammar:

a. Suffixes and Prefixesb. Changing Sentences: Voice, Sentences (Interrogative, Affirmative,

Negative,Exclamatory, vice versa)c. Speech (Direct to indirect) Passage narration.

3. Paragraphs:a. Our National Flagb. A Winter Morningc. The Importance of Learning English

4. Dialogues:a. Write a dialogue between two friends about the necessity of tree

plantation.b. Write a dialogue between two friends about preparation for JSC

examination.c. Write a dialogue between two friends about how to learn English.

5. Formal/Informal: E-mailsa. Write an e-mail to your invited friend postponing the event.b. Write an e-mail to the co-ordinator of a fund raising event to be a

volunteer for the event.c. Write an e-mail to your friend describing your aim in life.

Marks Distribution for Class Test 11.Gap Filling (without clues)/ Cloze test (with clues)/Matching 052. Uses of Suffixes and Prefixes/Changing sentences /Speech 103. Guided writing: Paragraph/Dialogue/E-mails (No option) 10

Total = 25

Page 5: Bangladesh International School & College · 6 Eight Eight 7 Syllabus for Half Yearly Examination: 1. English For Today: Unit (1-5) 2. Unseen Passage for practices. 3.Grammar items:

8 Eight 9Eight

iii. Paragraphs: a) Your School Libraryb) A Book Fairc) A Street Beggard) Life of a farmere) Your Favorite Teacherf) A Day Laborerg) Your Visit to a Book Fairh) Computeri) Mobile Phonej) A Street Hawker

Marks Distribution for Half-Yearly &Annual ExaminationPart-A (reading test- 20 Marks)

Seen passage Question: 1-3

1. Multiple choice question 1×07 = 072. Short Question answer 2×04 = 083. Gap Filling (Without clues) 1×05 = 05

Part-B (reading-25 Marks) Unseen passage Question: 4,5,6,7 & 8

4. Information transfer 1×05 = 055. True/False 1×05 = 056. Close test with clues 0.5×10 = 057. Close test without clues 1×05 = 058. Matching 1×05 = 05

Part-C (Grammar-25 Marks) 9. Uses of Suffixes and prefixes 0.5×10 = 0510. Uses of articles 0.5×10 = 0511. Changing sentences 1×05 = 0512. Speech (Direct to Indirect) passage narration = 0513. Punctuation and capitalization = 05

Part-D (Guided writing: 30 Marks) 14. Dialogue 1015. Formal/Informal :e-mail 1016.Paragraph 10

Total = 100N.B: Number of units may be changed in accordance with the new text book.

g) A Rainy Dayh) A Street Accidenti) A School Magazinej) Load Shedding

Syllabus for Annual Examination:1. English For Today: Unit (6-9)2. Unseen Passage practice.3. Grammar items:

a) Uses of suffixes and prefixes.b) Uses of Articles.c) Changing sentence :Voice, Sentences( Interrogative, Affirmative,

Negative, Exclamatory)d) Speech (Direct to indirect) passage narration.e) Punctuation and Capitalization.

4. Guided Writing:i. Dialogues.

a) About your aim in life.b) About your hobbies.c) Advantages and disadvantages of village life and city life.d) Necessity of physical exercise.e) Importance of reading newspaperf) Benefits of early risingg) e. Merits and demerits of mobile phone

ii. Formal/Informal: E-mail.a) Write an e-mail to your friend telling him about the importance of

learning English.b) Write an e-mail to your friend thanking him for hospitality.c) Write an e-mail to your friend describing the annual sports of your

school.d) Write an e-mail to your friend describing your preparation for the

JSC Examination.e) Write an e-mail to your friend inviting him to join a picnic.f) Write an e-mail to your friend inviting him to join your birthday

party.g) Write an e-mail to your friend consoling on his mother’s/ father’s

death.h) Write an e-mail to your friend inviting him to attend the wedding

ceremony of your elder sister.i) Write an e-mail to your Headmaster for a transfer certificate.j) Write an e-mail to your Head master arranging a study tour/an


Page 6: Bangladesh International School & College · 6 Eight Eight 7 Syllabus for Half Yearly Examination: 1. English For Today: Unit (1-5) 2. Unseen Passage for practices. 3.Grammar items:

10 Eight 11Eight

Subject: Bangladesh and Global StudiesEPT-1 EPT-2

Chapter-1: Colonial Age and the Liberation War of BengalChapter-2: The Liberation War of BangladeshChapter-3: Cultural Change and Development of BangladeshChapter-4: Description of Archaeological Heritage of Colonial AgeChapter-5: Socialization and DevelopmentChapter-6: Economy of BangladeshChapter-7: Bangladesh: State and Government System

Chapter-8: Disasters in BangladeshChapter-9: Population and Development of BangladeshChapter-10: Social Problems of BangladeshChapter-11: Minority Ethnic Groups of BangladeshChapter-12: Natural Resources of BangladeshChapter-13: Bangladesh and Various Regional and International Associate OrganizationChapter- 14: Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

CT-1 CT-2 CT-3 CT-4Chapter-1: Colonial Age and the Liberation War of Bengal Chapter-2: The Liberation War of BangladeshChapter-3: Cultural Change and Development of Bangladesh

Chapter-4: Description of Archaeological Heritage of Colonial AgeChapter-5: Socialization and DevelopmentChapter-6: Economy of BangladeshChapter-7: Bangladesh: State and Government System

Chapter-8: Disasters in BangladeshChapter-9: Population and Development of BangladeshChapter-10: Social Problems of Bangladesh

Chapter-11: Minority Ethnic Groups of BangladeshChapter-12: Natural Resources of BangladeshChapter-13: Bangladesh and Various Regional and International Associate OrganizationChapter- 14: Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

Pre Test: Full Syllabus Test: Full Syllabus

1st model Test: Full Syllabus2nd model Test: Full SyllabusFinal model Test: Full Syllabus

Subject: MathematicsEPT-1 EPT-2

Arithmetic: Ex: 1, 2.1, 2.2 and examples.Algebra : Ex: 4.1 to 4.4, 7 and examples.Geometry: Theorem: 1 to 5, Construction: 1 to 4, Exercise: 8.1, 8.2 (1 to 15)Statistics: Ex: 11 (1 to 16) and examples.

Arithmetic: Ex: 3, Repeat- Ex: 2 and examples.Algebra : Ex: 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, Repeat- Ex: 7 and examples.Geometry: Chapter: 9, 10, 8 (Construction) 5 to 7, Ex: 9, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 8.2 (15 to 24)Statistics: Ex: 11 (17 to 21) and examples.

Test Examination: The whole book.

CT-1 CT-2 CT-3 CT-4Arithmetic: Ex: 1Algebra : Ex: 4.1 to 4.2

Arithmetic: Ex: 2.1,2.2Algebra : Ex: 4 to 4.4,7Theorem: 1- 5 Ex:8.1,8.2 Statistics: Ex:11 (1 to16)Construction (1-4)

Arithmetic: Ex: 3Algebra : Ex: 5.1 to 5.2Geometry: Chapter: 9, Ex: 9Statistics: Ex:11 (17 to21)

Arithmetic: Ex: 2,3Algebra : Ex: 6.1 to 6.2 &7Geometry: Chapter: 8,10, Ex: 10.1-10.3,8.2(15-24)Statistics: Ex:11 (17 to2

Pre Test: Full Syllabus Test: Full Syllabus

1st model Test: Full Syllabus2nd model Test: Full SyllabusFinal model Test: Full Syllabus

Marks distribution (CT)

1. Creative questions-02: 10x2=202. M.C.Q-5: 1x5=5 Total = 25

Marks distribution (Half Yearly and Annual Examination):

1. Creative question (7 questions attend out of 11) 10x7=702. M.C.Q-30 1x30=30 Total = 100

Page 7: Bangladesh International School & College · 6 Eight Eight 7 Syllabus for Half Yearly Examination: 1. English For Today: Unit (1-5) 2. Unseen Passage for practices. 3.Grammar items:

12 Eight 13Eight

Marks distribution (CT)1. Creative questions-02 :10x2=202. M.C.Q-5 :1x5=5 Total = 25

Marks distribution (Half Yearly and Annual Examination):1. Creative question (7 questions attend out of 11) :10x7=702. M.C.Q-30 1x30=30 Total = 100

Subject: Islam and Moral EducationEPT-1 EPT-2

Cahpter-1: Aqaid:

Chapter-2: Ibadat:

Chapter-5:Ideal lives: (Hazrat Sulaiman (A), Hazrat Musa (A), Hazrat Isa (A), The great prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sm).)

Chapter-3: The teachings of Quran Majid & Hadith

Chapter-4: Akhlaq:

Chapter-5:Ideal lives: (Hazrat Ayisha (Ra), Hazrat Umer Ibn Abdul Aziz (R), Hazrat Rabiya Basri) (R).)

CT-1 CT-2 CT-3 CT-4Cahpter-1: Aqaid:

Chapter-5:Ideal lives: (Hazrat Sulaiman (A))

Chapter-2: Ibadat:

Chapter-5:Ideal lives: (The great prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sm).)

Chapter-3: The teachings of Quran Majid & Hadith

Chapter-5:Ideal lives: (Hazrat Ayisha (Ra).)

Chapter-4: Akhlaq:

Chapter-5:Ideal lives: (Hazrat Umer Ibn Abdul Aziz (R))

Pre Test: Full Syllabus Test: Full Syllabus

1st model Test: Full Syllabus2nd model Test: Full SyllabusFinal model Test: Full Syllabus


Marks distribution (CT)

1. Creative Questions-02: 10x2=202. M.C.Q-5: 1x5 =05 Total = 25

Marks distribution Term Exam:

1. Creative Questions (7 questions attend out of 11) 10x7=702. M.C.Q-30 1x30=30 Total = 100

Subject: ScienceEPT-1 EPT-2

Chapter-1: Classification of Animal KingdomChapter-2: Growth and Heredity of living organism.Chapter-3: Diffusion, Osmosis and Transpiration.Chapter-6: The structure of AtomsChapter-7: The earth and the GravitationChapter-8: Chemical Reaction Chapter-9: Electric circuit and current electricity

Chapter-4: Reproduction in plants.Chapter-5: Coordination and Secretion Chapter-10: Acid, Base and SaltsChapter-11: LightChapter-12: Outer space and satellitesChapter-13: Food and NutritionChapter-14: Environment and the ecosystem

CT-1 CT-2 CT-3 CT-4Chapter-1: Classification of Animal Kingdom

Chapter-6: The structure of Atoms

Chapter-7: The earth and the Gravitation

Chapter-2: Growth and Heredity of living organism.Chapter-3: Diffusion, Osmosis and Transpiration.Chapter-8: Chemical Reaction Chapter-9: Electric circuit and current electricity

Chapter-4: Reproduction in plants.Chapter-5: Coordination and Secretion Chapter-10: Acid, Base and SaltsChapter-14: Environment and the ecosystem

Chapter-11: LightChapter-12: Outer space and satellitesChapter-13: Food and Nutrition

Pre Test: Full Syllabus Test: Full Syllabus

1st model Test: Full Syllabus2nd model Test: Full SyllabusFinal model Test: Full Syllabus

Page 8: Bangladesh International School & College · 6 Eight Eight 7 Syllabus for Half Yearly Examination: 1. English For Today: Unit (1-5) 2. Unseen Passage for practices. 3.Grammar items:

14 Eight 15Eight

Subject : Buddhist & Moral EducationEPT-1 EPT-2

Chapter-1: The Principles of Equality of Gautama Buddha Chapter-2: Vandana (Adoration)Chapter-3: Sila (Precept)Chapter-4: Charity Chapter-5: Suttas and Moral Teachings Chapter-6: Parami

Chapter-7: Rituals and Ceremonies Chapter-8: Biographies Chapter-9: Jataka.Chapter-10: The sacred places for the Buddhist Chapter-11: Contribution of the aristocrats in the Buddhist Religion Emperor kaniska

Marks Distribution for Class Test:1. Creative Question 10× 2 =202. M.C.Q 1×5 =5 Total =25

Marks Distribution and question pattern for Half Yearly and Annual Examination:

1. Creative Question : 7 (Out of 11) 10×7=702. M.C.Q Question : 30 1×30=30 Total = 100

Subject: Agriculture StudiesEPT-1 EPT-2

Chapter-1: FullChapter-2: Full Chapter-4: Full

Chapter- 3Chapter- 5Chapter- 6

CT-1 CT-2 CT-3 CT-4Chapter-1: FullChapter-2: l

Chapter-2: lChapter-4: Full

Chapter-3: FullChapter-5:l

Chapter-5: Chapter-6: Full

Pre Test: Full Syllabus Test: Full Syllabus

1st model Test: Full Syllabus2nd model Test: Full SyllabusFinal model Test: Full Syllabus

Marks Distribution for Class Test:1. Creative questions (2) : 10×2 = 20 Marks2. Practical (5) : 5×1= 05 Marks Total= 25 marks

Marks distribution (CT)1. Creative questions-02 :10x2=202. M.C.Q-5 :1x5=5 Total = 25

Marks distribution (Half Yearly and Annual):1. Creative question (7 questions to be answered out of total 11): 10x7=702. M.C.Q-30 :1x30=30 Total = 100

Subject: Hindu religion and Moral ScienceEPT-1 EPT-2

Cahpter-1: Nature Of GodChapter-2 : The ScriptureChapter-5 : Worship Of Gods-Goddesses (Lesson: 1-6)Chapter-6 : Moral Teachings In Religious Stories.Chapter-7 : Ideal Biographees, Shri Krishna, Shri Harichand Thakur, Swami Vivekananda, Thakur Nigamananda.

Cahpter-3 : The Nature And Belief Of HinduismChapter-4 : Daily Practice (Nitya Karma) And Seat Of Meditation (Yoga Sana)Chapter-5 : Worship Of Gods-Goddesses (Lesson: 7–14)Chapter-7 : Ideal Biographees (Thakur Anukul Chandra, Mother Anandamayee, Shrila Bhakti Vedanta Swami Probhupada.Chapter-8 : Hinduism And Moral Values

Test Exam: Whole text book.

Marks distribution (CT)1. Creative questions-02 :10×2=202. M.C.Q-5 :1×5=5 Total = 25

Marks distribution (Half Yearly and Annual):1. Creative question (7 questions attend out of 11) :10×7=702. M.C.Q-30 :1×30=30 Total = 100

Page 9: Bangladesh International School & College · 6 Eight Eight 7 Syllabus for Half Yearly Examination: 1. English For Today: Unit (1-5) 2. Unseen Passage for practices. 3.Grammar items:

16 Eight 17Eight

Subject: Information and Communication TechnologyEPT-1 EPT-2

Chapter-1 (Full)Chapter-2 (Full)Practical: Chapter-4

Chapter-3 (Full)Practical: Chapter-4 (Revision) and Chapter-5

CT-1 CT-2 CT-3 CT-4

Chapter-1 (Full) Chapter-2 (Full) Chapter-3 (Full) Chapter-2 (Full)

Chapter-3 (Full)Pre Test: Full Syllabus Test: Full Syllabus

1st model Test: Full Syllabus2nd model Test: Full SyllabusFinal model Test: Full Syllabus

Test exam: Whole book.Marks distribution - CT:1. Short question (3 out of 5) 5x3=152. M.C.Q-10: 1x10=10 Total = 25

Marks distribution (Half Yearly and Annual):1. Short question (5 out of 8): 5x5=252. M.C.Q-25: 1x25=25 Total = 50

Subject: Physical EducationClass Test EPT-1 EPT-2

1st Class Test1. Chapter- 1

2nd Class Test2. Chapter- 4

Chapter-3: Introduction to health science and health service.Chapter-5: Sports for life (lesson- 1,2,3,4)

Chapter-2: Scouting, Girl guiding and Bangladesh Red Crescent SocietyChapter-5: Sports for life (Lesson- 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

Marks distribution (Half Yearly and Annual):1. C.W + H.W: 20x1=202. Practical: (30 Marks) Participation in the (Games & Sports): =20 Skill on the games & sports : =10 Total: 50

Marks Distribution and questions pattern for Half Yearly and Annual Examination

1. Creative question: 4 (Out of 4) 10×4=402. Home Work: 202. Practical: 40 Total = 100Test Examination: Full syllabus recommended by NCTB. Marks distribution and question pattern according to the board.

Subject: Home ScienceEPT-1 EPT-2

Group–A : Chapter-1 and 2Group–B : Chapter-4 and 5Group–C : Chapter-8 and 9Group–D : Chapter-12 and 13

Group–A : Chapter-3Group–B : Chapter-6 and 7Group–C : Chapter-10 and 11Group–D : Chapter-14 and 15

CT-1 CT-2 CT-3 CT-4Group–A: Chapter-1 and 2Group–B: Chapter-4 and 5

Group–C: Chapter-8 and 9Group–D: Chapter-12 and 13

Group–A: Chapter-3Group–B: Chapter-6 and 7

Group–C: Chapter-10 and 11Group–D: Chapter-14 and 15

Pre Test: Full Syllabus Test: Full Syllabus

1st model Test: Full Syllabus2nd model Test: Full SyllabusFinal model Test: Full Syllabus

Marks Distribution for Class Test:1. Creative questions (2) : 10×2 = 20 Marks2. Practical (5) : 05 Marks Total= 25 marks

Marks Distribution and questions pattern for Half Yearly and Annual Examination

1. Creative question: 4 (Out of 4) 10×4=402. Home Work: 202. Practical: 40 Total = 100

Test Examination: Full syllabus recommended by NCTB. Marks distribution and question pattern according to the board.

Page 10: Bangladesh International School & College · 6 Eight Eight 7 Syllabus for Half Yearly Examination: 1. English For Today: Unit (1-5) 2. Unseen Passage for practices. 3.Grammar items:

1Nine18 Eight

Subject: Work and Life Oriented EducationEPT-1 EPT-2

Chapter-1: Intellectual labour, Physical labour and self explanationChapter-2: Our work done by others

Chapter-3: Our education and work

Theoretical Question pattern: Creative question, Multiple choice question, Short question, Word meaning, Making sentences, Fill in the blanks etc.

Marks Distribution for Half Yearly and Annual Examination1. Creative Question (3 out of 4) 10×3=302. M.C.Q - 20 1×20 =20 Total =50

Marks distribution for CT:1. Short questions : 102. Drawing and Colouring : 15

Total = 25

Marks Distribution for Half Yearly and Annual Examination:1. Short Type Questions 5×2 =102. Multiple Choice Question 10×1 =103. Drawing and Colouring Scenery 10×1 =104. Design Drawing 10×1= 105. Practical copy =10 Total = 50

Bangladesh International School & CollegeNirjhor, Dhaka Cantonment

Syllabus 2020Class – IX (National Curriculum)

BOOK LIST FOr - 2020Ser Subject Name of Book remarks1. Bangla 1st paper gva¨wgK evsjv mvwnZ¨ (9gI 10g †kÖwY) : RvZxq

wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© KZ©„K wba©vwiZgva¨wgKevsjvmncvV (9gI 10g †kÖwY) : RvZxqwkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© KZ©„K wba©vwiZ

2. Bangla 2nd paper evsjvfvlvie¨vKiY (9gI 10g †kÖwY) : RvZxqwkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© KZ©„K wba©vwiZiPbv m¤¢vi (9gI 10g †kÖwY) : RvZxqwkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© KZ©„K wba©vwiZ

3. English-1st paper English For Today (For Class-IX & X) by NCTB

4. English 2nd paper English Grammar and Composition :(Class-IX & X) by NCTB

Advanced Learner’s Communicative English Grammar and Composition (For Class IX & X) By Chowdhury&Hossain(Optional)

5. Secondary Mathematics(Class-IX & X)

Secondary Mathematics (Class-IX & X) by NCTB

Higher Mathematics

Higher Mathematics (Class-IX & X) by NCTB (English Version)

6. Bangladesh and Global Studies

Bangladesh and Global Studies (Class-IX & X) by NCTB (English Version)

7. Science Science (Class-IX & X) by NCTB (English Version)

8. Information and Communication Technology

Information and Communication Technology (Class-IX & X) by NCTB (English Version)

9. Islam and Moral Education

Islam and Moral Education (Class VIII) By NCTB(English Version)

10. Hindu Religion and Moral Education

Hindu Religion and Moral Education (Class-IX & X) by NCTB (English Version)