barnaby goes to london

Hello everyone. So far I have been to Blackpool, Wales and Paris. I have travelled by car and train. Today I am going to show you what happened when I went to London.

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Post on 07-Nov-2014




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Barnaby visits the Queen


  • 1. Hello everyone. So far I have been to Blackpool, Wales and Paris. I have travelled by car and train. Today I am going to show you what happened when I went to London.
  • 2. I left the train station in Chester Three hours later I arrived in London
  • 3. The train went very fast. But I did have a lovely sandwich..
  • 4. When we go there my family were very excited. We were looking forward to seeing lots of famous places. Especially because we were going to go on the London Underground railway system. We had to make sure we did not get lost.
  • 5. We saw some famous bridges.
  • 6. And some famous buildings
  • 7.
  • 8. Big Ben
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. And then The Queen wanted to meet me.. Hello Barnaby. Hello Queen. How are you? Fine thank You.
  • 12. Come and have look round my little house.
  • 13. SMALL!
  • 14. Cor blimey! It is a bit posh
  • 15. I have had a lovely day but it is time to go home.
  • 16.