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Barry Pumphouse Project: Presentation to RTPI Cymru Conference 9 th June 2016: Mark White MRTPI – Major Projects Manager (Vale of Glamorgan Council); Jon Hurley MRTPI – Associate Director (WYG)

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Barry Pumphouse Project:

Presentation to RTPI Cymru Conference 9th June 2016:

Mark White MRTPI – Major Projects Manager (Vale of Glamorgan Council);Jon Hurley MRTPI – Associate Director (WYG)

Barry Pumphouse: Background & Context

Part 1 of Presentation: Mark White – Major Projects Manager (Vale of Glamorgan Council)

Barry Pumphouse: Grade 2 Listed Property

• GRADE 2 LISTED former industrial property;

• BUILT IN 1880s to generate hydraulic power for Barry’s historic coal port;

• Local HISTORIC LANDMARK structure;

• Important to Barry’s industrial heritage & LOCAL SENSE OF PLACE.

Barry No.1 Dock 

1923 Aerial Photo 


Barry Pumphouse: Waterfront Barry Location

• Located at BARRY WATERFRONT –comprehensive regeneration area;

• 190 acres of brownfield land alongside Barry No.1 Dock – new homes, retail outlets, open spaces and new highway infrastructure.


Barry Island Seaside Resort

Town Centre

Barry Pumphouse: Centrepiece of Innovation Quarter

• Centrepiece of the Innovation Quarter – west end of Waterfront;

• 19-acres VOGC owned former industrial land;

• Joint Venture b/t VOGC & Welsh Govt;

• Master Planned mixed use urban quarter;

• £30m of devts clustered around Pumphouse – the centrepiece of the IQ;

• Further developments in the pipeline…

Skills Centre Pumphouse

Business Services Centre 

Primary Care Centre

Restored 1880s Goods Shed/Tourist Railway

Premier Inn/Brewers Fayre

No.1 Dock


Negotiations ongoing –Commercial/Leisure Development Site

Barry Pumphouse: Derelict & at Risk (2009)

• Derelict historic structure – on Buildings at Risk Register in 2009;

• Eyesore - Blighting Waterfront;

• Liability to VOGC;

• Challenging property to find a viable new use.

Barry Pumphouse: External Restoration to Save Property (2010/11)

• 2010/11 - VOGC & Welsh Govt jointly funded £1.6M external restoration;

• Aim – to save the property:

o Reinstated the Welsh Slate Roof;

o Repaired brick elevations;

o Addressed contamination –asbestos, arsenic paint, lead paint.

External Restoration byJohn Weavers (Contractor) &Acanthus Holden Architects

Barry Pumphouse: External Restoration Completed (Dec 2011)

• Dec 2011 - External Restoration Works Contract completed;

• Saved from dereliction;

• NEXT CHALLENGE –bringing the vacant property back into beneficial use…

• VOGC and Welsh Govtdecided to market the property – seek private investors to convert the property.

Barry Pumphouse: Marketing & Disposal (2012/13)

• 2012/13: MARKETED Property (Savills);


Set out KEY INFORMATION assisting bidders prepare Financial Bids & Outline Concepts;


Emphasised importance of DESIGN QUALITY & of “fitting “ in with the IQ MASTER PLAN;

Encouraged EARLY PRE PLANNING NEGOTIATIONS with Devt Management & Conservation officers ;


o Consult the DCFW; and

o agree a LOCAL REGENERATION BENEFITS ACTION PLAN – aimed at maximising economic, environmental and social benefits.

Developer: DS Properties selected with their Design Team (Oct 2013):

• Architects: EWA Architects;

• Planning Consultants: WYG…

Barry Pumphouse: Delivering the Mixed Use Concept

Part 2 of Presentation: Jon Hurley – Associate Director (WYG)

Barry Pumphouse: DS Properties’ Mixed Use Concept

Mixed Use Concept – to creatively convert the Pumphouse into a sustainable mix of uses:

– 15 no. Live/Work Units (on a new mezzanine);

– 3 no. commercial units (ground floor);

– Formal public open space in form of a Pedestrian Plaza;

– On site parking.

Proposed  Ground Floor Commercial Uses

Proposed  1st Floor Live/Work/Residential Units

Barry Pumphouse: Planning & Design Challenges

• Main planning & design challenges:

– Listed Status;– Differing levels;

• Initial proposals discussed with LPA at pre-app meeting (February 2014);

• Designs prepared/submitted to Design Commission for Wales (May 2014);

• Design Review issues raised by DCfWwere addressed such as:

– Deleted proposed vertical glazed circulation drum;

– Steel walkway introduced .

Barry Pumphouse: Final Scheme

Final scheme - submitted August 2014 for Planning and Listed Building Consent

Barry Pumphouse: Planning, Design & Development Process – 18 months!

• 18 month timescale -significant achievement for a listed building;

• Planning Permission & LBC - granted October 2014;

• Restoration & redevelopment worksfinished - August 2015;

• First Live/Work/residential occupants moved -November 2015.

• All commercial units occupied by March 2016.

Barry Pumphouse: Completion of Plaza

• New major public open space, framed by the two wings of the existing building;

• Landscape design emphasises this space and gives flexibility for the plaza to be used for any number of activities.

Barry Pumphouse: Completion of 15 no. Live/Work Units

• All purchased by parties from Cardiff & Vale;

• 40% business;• 60% residential.

(as Nov 2015)

Academy Coffee (opened Dec 2015)Circa 16 jobs (Full and Part Time)

Barry Pumphouse: Commercial Uses

Hang Fire Southern Kitchen (opened March 2016) 23 new jobs(Full and Part Time)

Snap Fitness (opened March 2016) Circa 10 jobs (Full and Part Time)

Barry Pumphouse (2016): A Landmark Historic Property brought back to life!