basic data-structures-v.1.1

Lists, Stacks, Queues, Trees, Hash Lists, Stacks, Queues, Trees, Hash Tables Tables Basic Data Basic Data Structures Structures

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Basic types of data structures. Implementation in Java.


  • 1. Lists, Stacks, Queues, Trees, Hash Tables Basic Data Structures
  • 2. Contents
    • Abstract Data Types (ADT)
    • Lists ArrayList Class
    • Stacks Stack Class
    • Queues Queue Class
    • Trees Terminology and Types
    • Dictionaries HashMap Class
  • 3. Abstract Data Types
    • An Abstract Data Type (ADT) is a data type together with the operations, whose properties are specified independently of any particular implementation
      • ADT are set of definitions of operations (like the interfaces in Java)
      • Can have several different implementations
      • Different implementations can have different efficiency
  • 4. Basic Data Structures
    • Linear structures
      • Lists: Variable-size
      • Stacks: LIFO (last in first out) structure
      • Queues: FIFO (first in first out) structure
    • Trees
    • Dictionaries (maps)
      • Contain pairs (key, value)
      • Hash tables: Unordered lists which use a hash function to insert and search
  • 5. What Is a List?
  • 6. The List ADT
    • List is linear data structure (container) that contains a sequence of elements (objects)
      • Has variable size
      • Objects are arranged linearly
    • Can be implemented in several ways
      • Statically (using array)
      • Dynamically (linked implementation)
      • Using the ArrayList class
  • 7. Static and Linked Lists
  • 8. Static List
    • Implemented by an array
      • Provide direct access by index
      • Usually has limited capacity
        • Resizing is slow operation
      • Slow insert and deletion
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 7 18 14 L 5 2 33 47 3
  • 9. Linked List
    • Dynamic (pointer-based) implementation
    • Different forms
      • Singly-linked and doubly-linked
      • Sorted and Unsorted
    • Singly-linked List - each Object has value and next fields
    11 next 7 next 18 next 14 next head null
  • 10. Linked List (2)
    • Doubly-linked List - each Object has value , next and prev fields
    11 next prev head tail 7 next prev 18 next prev 14 next prev null null
  • 11. Using the ArrayList class
  • 12. The java.util.ArrayList Class
    • Implements the list data structure using an array whose size is dynamically increased as needed
      • Allocates in advance buffer space for new elements (for better performance)
    • Insertion methods:
      • add(Object) adds an object at the end
      • add (index , Object) inserts an object to the list at a specified position
    • size() returns the number of elements
  • 13. The ArrayList Class
    • Deletion methods:
      • remove(Object) removes the first occurrence of a specific object
      • remove( index) removes the element at the specified position
      • clear() removes all elements
    • Other supported methods:
      • c ontains() , t oArray()
  • 14. The ArrayList Class(2)
    • ArrayList can contain any data type
      • Elements are added directly
      • Typecasting is required when extracting elements unless we use Generics
      • Converting to array
    List list = new ArrayList(); list. a dd(5); // Add integer value list. a dd("some string"); // Add string value int firstElement = ((Integer)(list.get(0))).intValue(); String secondElement = (String)list.get(1); Integer[] arr = list.toArray(new Integer[list.size()]);
  • 15. What are Generics
    • Generics are classes or interfaces that can be instantiated with a variety of types
      • They have 1 or more formal type parameters
      • When using a generic you specify an actual type
    List list = new ArrayList(); String s = new String(" li1 "); list.add(s); list.add(5); // This will cause compile time error Specifies that String is actual type of this List 5 is not a String
  • 16. Primes[n..m] Example
    • Find all prime numbers in a specified interval
    public static ArrayList getPrimes(int start, int end) { List primesList = new ArrayList(); for (int num = start; num 0) { String personName = stack.pop(); System.out.println(personName); } }
  • 30. Live Demo Using the Stack class
  • 31. Matching Brackets Example
    • We are given an arithmetical expression with brackets that can be nested. We want to extract all parts of the expression that are closed in brackets.
      • Example: 1 + (3 + 2 - (2+3) * 4 - ((3+1)*(4-2)))
      • Result:
        • (2+3)
        • (3+1)
        • (4-2)
        • ((3+1)*(4-2))
        • (3 + 2 - (2+3) * 4 - ((3+1)*(4-2)))
  • 32. Matching Brackets Solution with a Stack String expression = "1 + (3 + 2 - (2+3) * 4 - ((3+1)*(4-2)))"; Stack stack = new Stack(); for (int i = 0; i < expression.length(); i++) { char ch = expression.charAt(i); if (ch == '(') { stack.push(i); } else if (ch == ')') { int startIndex = (int) stack.pop(); String contents = expression.substring(startIndex, i + 1); System.out.println(contents); } }
  • 33. Live Demo Matching Brackets
  • 34. What is a Queue?
  • 35. The Queue ADT
    • FIFO (first in first out) structure
    • Elements inserted at tail (enqueue)
    • Elements removed from head ( dequeue )
    • Useful in many situations
      • Processing jobs, print queues, messages
    • Can be implemented in several ways
      • Statically (using array)
      • Dynamically (using pointers)
      • Using the LinkedList class
  • 36. Static Queue
    • Static (array-based) implementation
      • Queue has limited (fixed) capacity
      • Implement as a circular array
      • Maintain Q.Capacity and Q.Length
      • Has head and tail variables, pointing
      • to the head and the tail
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 7 18 14 Q head tail
  • 37. Linked Queue
    • Dynamic (pointer-based) implementation
      • Each object has value and next fields
      • Dynamically create and delete objects
    11 next 7 next 18 next 14 next head tail null
  • 38. Using the LinkedList class
  • 39. The LinkedList Class Overview
    • Implements the queue data structure using a doubly-linked list
    • Major methods:
      • offer(object) adds an object to the end of the queue
      • poll() removes and returns the object at the beginning of the queue
      • peek() returns the object at the beginning of the queue without removing it
  • 40. The LinkedList Class More Methods
    • Other methods:
      • size() gets the number of elements contained in the queue
      • clear() removes all elements from the queue
      • contains(object) determines whether given element is in the queue
      • toArray () converts the queue to array
  • 41. Examples Using the LinkedList class
  • 42. Queue Example
    • Using offer () and poll () methods
    public static void main(String[] args) { Queue queue = new LinkedList(); queue.offer("Message One"); queue.offer("Message Two"); queue.offer("Message Three"); queue.offer("Message Four"); queue.offer("Message Five"); while (queue.size() > 0) { String msg = queue.poll(); System.out.println(msg); } }
  • 43. Live Demo Using the LinkedList class
  • 44. Sequence N, N+1, 2*N
    • We are given the sequence:
      • S = N, N+1, 2*N, N+2, 2*(N+1), 2*N+1, 4*N, ...
    • Write a program to find the first index of given number P
    • Example: N = 3, P = 16
      • S = 3, 4, 6, 5, 8, 7, 12, 6, 10, 9, 16, 8, 14, ...
      • Index of P = 11
    +1 *2 +1 *2 +1 *2
  • 45. Sequence Solution int n = 3; int p = 16; Queue queue = new LinkedList(); queue.offer(n); int index = 0; while (queue.size() > 0) { index++; int current = queue.poll(); if (current == p) { System.out.println("Index = " + index); return; } queue.offer(current + 1); queue.offer(2 * current); }
  • 46. Live Demo Sequence N, N+1, 2*N
  • 47. Definition, Types of Trees What is Tree?
  • 48. Trees
    • Terminology
      • Node, edge, root, child, children, siblings, parent, ancestor, descendant, predecessor, successor, internal node, leaf, depth, height
    17 15 14 9 6 5 8 Height = 2 Depth 0 Depth 1 Depth 2
  • 49. Binary Trees
    • Binary trees: most used form
      • Each node has at most 2 children
    10 17 15 9 6 5 8 right child left subtree root left child
  • 50. Binary Trees Traversals
    • Traversal can be done in pre-order, in-order and post-order
    • Pre-order: left, root, right 6, 9, 12, 17, 19, 25
    • In-order: root, left, right 17, 9, 6, 12, 19, 25
    • Post-order: left, right, root 6, 12, 9, 25, 19, 17
    17 19 9 6 12 25
  • 51. Binary Search Trees
    • Binary search trees are ordered
    • A binary tree in which binary-search-tree property holds:
      • For each node x in the tree
        • All the elements of the left subtree of x are x
        • All the elements of the right subtree of x are > x
    • Binary search trees can be balanced
      • Balanced trees has low height
  • 52. Binary Search Trees
    • Example of binary search tree
    • If the tree is balanced, adding, searching, and deletion operations take approx. log( n ) steps
    17 19 9 6 12 25
  • 53. What is a Dictionary (Map)?
  • 54. The Dictionary (Map) ADT
    • The ADT "dictionary" maps key to values
      • Also known as "map" or "associative array"
      • Contains a set of (key, value) pairs
    • Dictionary ADT operations:
      • ADD(key, value)
      • FIND_BY_KEY(key) value
      • DELETE(key)
    • Can be implemented in several ways
      • List, array, hash table, balanced tree, ...
  • 55. What is a Hash Table?
  • 56. Hash Table
    • A hash table is an array that holds a set of (key, value) pairs
    • The process of mapping a key to a position in a table is called hashing
    0 1 2 3 4 5 m-1 ... ... ... ... T h( k ) ... ... ...
  • 57. Hash Functions and Hashing
    • A hash function maps keys to positions
      • It is denoted by h
    • The hash table has m slots, indexed from 0 to m-1
    • For any value k in the key range and some hash function h
    • h( k ) = i
    • 0 i < m
    0 1 2 3 4 5 m-1 ... ... ... ... T h( k ) ... ... ...
  • 58. Mapping Functions
    • Perfect hashing function (PHF)
      • h(k) : one-to-one mapping from each key k to integers in [ 0 , m -1 ]
    • The PHF maps each key to a distinct integer within some manageable range
    • Finding a perfect hashing function is in most cases impossible
    • More realistically
      • Hash functions h(k) map most of the keys onto unique integers, but not all
  • 59. Collisions in Hash Tables
    • Collision is the situation when different keys can have the same hash value
      • h(k 1 ) = h(k 2 ) for k 1 k 2
    • When the number of collisions is sufficiently small, the hash tables work quite well (fast)
    • Several collisions resolution strategies
      • Chaining in a list, re-hashing, using the neighboring slots (linear probing), ...
  • 60. Collision Resolution - Chaining h( "Pesho" ) = 4 h( "Lili" ) = n-1 h( "Kiro" ) = 2 h("Mimi") = 1 h("Ivan") = 2 null T 0 1 2 3 4 5 n-1 null ... null chaining Kiro Ivan collision null Mimi null Lili null Pesho null
  • 61. Using the Hash Map class
  • 62. The Hash Map Class Overview
    • Implements the ADT dictionary as array dynamically increased as needed
    • Contains a collection of key-and-value pairs arranged by the hash code of the key
    • Collisions are resolved by chaining
    • The Hash Map class relies on
      • Object. h ashCode() method for calculating the hash codes of the elements
      • Object. equals( ) method for comparing elements
  • 63. The Hash Map Class Major Operations
    • Major operations:
      • put (key , value) adds an element with the specified key and value into the hash table
      • remove(key ) removes the element with the specified key from the hash table
      • get(key ) returns element by key
      • clear() removes all elements from the hash table
  • 64. The Hash Map Class More Operations
    • More operations:
      • size() returns the number of elements
      • c ontains Key (key ) determines whether the hash table contains given key
      • c ontainsValue(value) determines whether the hash table contains given value
      • keySet( ) returns a set of the keys
      • values() returns a collection of the values
  • 65. Examples Using the HashMap Class
  • 66. Hashtable - Example Map studentsMarks = new HashMap(); studentsMarks.put("Ivan", 4); studentsMarks.put("Peter", 6); studentsMarks.put("Maria", 6); studentsMarks.put("George", 5); int peterMark = studentsMarks.get("Peter"); studentsMarks.remove("Peter"); System.out.println("Is Peter in the hash table: " + studentsMarks.containsKey("Peter")); for (Map.Entry studentMark : studentsMarks.entrySet()) { System.out.printf("%s --> %d%n", studentMark.getKey(), studentMark.getValue()); }
  • 67. Live Demo Using the HashMap Class
  • 68. Counting Words in a Text String s = "Welcome to our Java course. In this " + "course you will learn how to write simple " + "programs in Java"; String[] words = s.split("[ ,.]"); Map wordsCount = new HashMap(); for (String word : words) if (!"".equalsIgnoreCase(word)) { int count = 1; if (wordsCount.containsKey(word)) count += wordsCount.get(word); wordsCount.put(word, count); } for (String word : wordsCount.keySet()) System.out.printf("%s --> %d%n", word, wordsCount.get(word));
  • 69. Live Demo Counting Words in a Text
  • 70. Summary
    • ADT are defined by list of operations independent of the implementation
    • The basic data structures in the computer programming are
      • List ArrayList class in Java
      • Stack Stack class in Java
      • Queue LinkedList class in Java
      • Trees can be binary, balanced, search trees, etc.
      • Dictionaries Hash Map class in Java
  • 71. Basic Data Structures Questions?
  • 72. Exercises
    • Write a program that reads from the console a sequence of positive integer numbers. The sequence ends when the number 0 is entered. Calculate and print the sum and average of the elements of the sequence. Use the ArrayList class.
    • Write a method that finds the longest subsequence of equal numbers in given array. Use the ArrayList class.
    • Write a program that reads N integers from the console and reverses them using a stack. Use the Stack class.
  • 73. Exercises (2)
    • We are given the following sequence:
    • S 1 = N;
    • S 2 = S 1 + 1;
    • S 3 = 2*S 1 + 1;
    • S 4 = S 1 + 2;
    • S 5 = S 2 + 1;
    • S 6 = 2*S 2 + 1;
    • S 7 = S 2 + 2;
    • ...
    • Write a program to print its first 100 elements for given N. Use the LinkedList class.
    • Example: N=2
    • Sequence: 2, 3, 5, 4, 4, 7, 5, 6, 11, 7, 5, 9, 6, ...
  • 74. Exercises (3)
    • Write a program that reads a sequence of integers ending with 0 and sorts them in an increasing order. Use the ArrayList class.
    • Write a program that finds in a given array of integers how many times each of them presents. Use Hash Map and ArrayList .
      • Example: array = {3, 4, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 2}
      • 2 2 times
      • 3 4 times
      • 4 3 times
  • 75. Exercises (4)
    • Write a program that removes from a given sequence all negative numbers.
    • Write a program that removes from a given sequence all the numbers that present in it odd number of times. Example:
      • {4, 2, 2, 5, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 5, 2} {5, 3, 3, 5}
    • By definition the majorant of an array is a value that occur in the least half of the elements of the array. Write a program to find the majorant of given array (if any). Example:
      • {2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 3} 3
  • 76. Exercises (7)
    • Write a program that counts how many times each word from a given text presents in it. The casing differences should be ignored. The result words should be ordered by their number of occurrences in the text. Example:
    • is 2
    • the 2
    • this 3
    • text 6
    This is the TEXT. Text, text, text THIS TEXT! Is this the text?
  • 77. Exercises (5)
    • We are given numbers N and M and the following operations:
      • N = N+1
      • N = N+2
      • N = N*2
    • Write a program that finds the shortest sequence of operations from the list above that starts from N and finishes in M
      • Example: N = 5, M = 16
      • Sequence: 5 7 8 16
  • 78. Exercises (6)
    • We are given a labyrinth of size N x N. Some of its cells are empty (0) and some are full (x). We can move from an empty cell to another empty cell if they share common wall. Given a starting position (*) calculate and fill in the array the minimal distance from this position to any other cell in the array. Use "u" for the unreachable cells. Example:
    0 0 0 x 0 x 0 x 0 x 0 x 0 * x 0 x 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x x 0 0 0 0 x 0 x 3 4 5 x u x 2 x 6 x u x 1 * x 8 x 10 2 x 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 x x 10 4 5 6 x u x