basic health nurturing ideas - sonnewald natural foods · 2014. 4. 25. · by dr. james balch and...

BASIC HEALTH NURTURING IDEAS The following I. a compilation of gen8l1l1 bMlc Ideas to help you generate good health and help prevent future health challenges. PI .... feel free to apply any or all of th... basic prinCiples to your current health program and . I.t us lenow how you'" doing. 1. Get more oxygen in your bloodstream by doing the following: Exeroise at least 30 minutes 3-4 times per week, more is better (adds oxygen, helps to keep our bodies flexible, our minds clear, and helps to relieve stress). Deep breathing • Sing Spend more time in the country around trees and breath deeply • Supplement Oxygen (ask us where it is) Run air purifiers If you Smdke, please atop today anyway that you canl 2. Drink at least % your body weight, in ounces, of clean water dailyl If you choose distilled •.. please add :t % teaspoon trace minerals per gallon. Other nutritional beverages include the following: herb teas (caffeine free), fresh fruit and vegetable juices (please dilute fruit juices 50%. they contain much too much naturaJ sugars). any of the green drinks (Barley Green, Kyo Green, etc.). 3. Take time each day to bEt stiH - meditate, pray or just sit quietly. Helps reduce stress. 4. Get at least 6-8 hours of deep, sound sleep each night It is dwing the night that your body repairs and rebuilds itself. Restful sleep is aitJcaJ to good health. 5. Clean up your dietl PI ..._ eliminate the foIlovving from your diet (they are all health destroyersI): ® All refined sugars white, ' brown. com syrup, etc. ® An, Chemicals· preservatives, additives, herbicides, pesticides, synthetic fertilizers. ® Artificial aweeteners (use Stevia, a natural sweet herb, instead) ® All refined wheat flour - any white ftour products, bread. cookies, etc. ® All hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats - found In many processed foods. . .® Margarine (please use a little butter instead) ® All fried foods like french fries, doughnuts, etc - highly heated fats are killersl ® All carbonated beverages· soda. ® Pasteurized and/or homogenized dairy products except butter or yogurt. ® All black teas (they are fennented) ® Coffee (even decaf) ® Alcohol ® Chocolate (too much caffeine, hydrogenated fats and sugar)

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Page 1: BASIC HEALTH NURTURING IDEAS - Sonnewald Natural Foods · 2014. 4. 25. · by Dr. James Balch and Phyllis Balch. • Look up each symptom and cross reference them. • Nutritional

BASIC HEALTH NURTURING IDEAS The following I a compilation ofgen8l1l1 bMlc Ideas to help you generate good

health and help prevent future health challenges PI feel free to apply any or all of th basic prinCiples to your current health program andIt us lenow how you doing

1 Get more oxygen in your bloodstream by doing the following bull Exeroise at least 30 minutes 3-4 times per week more is better (adds oxygen helps

to keep our bodies flexible our minds clear and helps to relieve stress)

bull Deep breathing bull Singbull Spend more time in the country around trees and breath deeply bull Supplement Oxygen (ask us where it is) bull Run air purifiers bull If you Smdke please atop today anyway that you canl

2 Drink at least your body weight in ounces of clean water dailyl If you choose distilled bull please add t teaspoon trace minerals per gallon Other nutritional beverages include the following herb teas (caffeine free) fresh fruit and vegetable juices (please dilute fruit juices 50 they contain much too much naturaJ sugars) any of the green drinks (Barley Green Kyo Green etc)

3 Take time each day to bEt stiH - meditate pray or just sit quietly Helps reduce stress

4 Get at least 6-8 hours of deep sound sleep each night It is dwing the night that your body repairs and rebuilds itself Restful sleep is aitJcaJ to good health

5 Clean up your dietl PI_ eliminate the foIlovving from your diet (they are all health destroyersI)

reg All refined sugars ~ white brown com syrup etc reg An Chemicalsmiddot preservatives additives herbicides pesticides synthetic

fertilizers reg Artificial aweeteners (use Stevia a natural sweet herb instead) reg All refined wheat flour - any white ftour products bread cookies etc reg All hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats - found In many processed foods

reg Margarine (please use a little butter instead) reg All fried foods like french fries doughnuts etc - highly heated fats are killersl reg All carbonated beveragesmiddot soda reg Pasteurized andor homogenized dairy products except butter or yogurt reg All black teas (they are fennented) reg Coffee (even decaf) reg Alcohol reg Chocolate (too much caffeine hydrogenated fats and sugar)

8 Create a clean Internal (colon) environment - good elimination is critical to good health Please make sure to eliminate at least once dally preferably 23 times Use a colon cleanser if necessary Create a clean external environment as weill Pay attention to what you are putting on yourself into the air etc

7 Follow these healthy eating guidelines bull Eat organic foods whenever possible bull Eat a high percentage (50 or more) of your diet using raw live foods Raw foods

have live enzymes that are essential to life Cooking kills enzymes I bull Eat fresh whole food ( Example eat com not com chips) bull Eat a wide variety of foods Eat 8 broad diet of 25-50 different foods Instead of the

same 10-12 food items each week bull Rotate foods - example eat potatoes once a week not every other dayl bull Eat in moderation eat when hungry stop when fulU bull Avoid all foods that you may be allergic to bull Try to eat a more alkaline diet (most fruits and vegetables are elkaUne)

The ideal ratio is 8000 alkaline 20 acidic foods (addic includes meats grains processed foods presa1ption drugs etc)

bull A good rule of thumb is to eat GOltfs food rather than mans food Example fish is GOltfs food fish sticks are mans food

8 Add some basiC supplements (all natural Ingredients) to your health program bull Multi-vitaminminerai daily bull Major minerals (calciummagnesiumpotassium etc) bull Trace minerals bull Food andor digestive enzymes bull Essential Fatty Acids - the good fats - flax (ii fish oils evening primrose oil etc

9 Find out your blood type and read Eat Right 4 Your Type by Dr Peter J OAdamo After reading this book fine tune your diet based on your blood type

10 If you wish to address more of your current symptoms bull Get a good reference book such 8S Prescription for Nutritional Healing

by Dr James Balch and Phyllis Balch bull Look up each symptom and cross reference them bull Nutritional common denominators may be good things to try

Our best advice to anyone is to take responsibility for your own health and well being And remember food Is the fuel for the body dont put junk in your enginel It is important that we educate ourselves about our bodies ourmiddotnutrition and our heaHh Read Read Read your health Is your assignment bull become an expert bull

SONNEWALD NATURAL FOODS 4796 Lehman Road Spring Grove PA 17362 0 (717) 225-3825 wwwsonnewaldorg Hrs TmiddotWmiddotTh 10-6 F 10-9 Sat 8-5 Form 148

Page 2: BASIC HEALTH NURTURING IDEAS - Sonnewald Natural Foods · 2014. 4. 25. · by Dr. James Balch and Phyllis Balch. • Look up each symptom and cross reference them. • Nutritional

8 Create a clean Internal (colon) environment - good elimination is critical to good health Please make sure to eliminate at least once dally preferably 23 times Use a colon cleanser if necessary Create a clean external environment as weill Pay attention to what you are putting on yourself into the air etc

7 Follow these healthy eating guidelines bull Eat organic foods whenever possible bull Eat a high percentage (50 or more) of your diet using raw live foods Raw foods

have live enzymes that are essential to life Cooking kills enzymes I bull Eat fresh whole food ( Example eat com not com chips) bull Eat a wide variety of foods Eat 8 broad diet of 25-50 different foods Instead of the

same 10-12 food items each week bull Rotate foods - example eat potatoes once a week not every other dayl bull Eat in moderation eat when hungry stop when fulU bull Avoid all foods that you may be allergic to bull Try to eat a more alkaline diet (most fruits and vegetables are elkaUne)

The ideal ratio is 8000 alkaline 20 acidic foods (addic includes meats grains processed foods presa1ption drugs etc)

bull A good rule of thumb is to eat GOltfs food rather than mans food Example fish is GOltfs food fish sticks are mans food

8 Add some basiC supplements (all natural Ingredients) to your health program bull Multi-vitaminminerai daily bull Major minerals (calciummagnesiumpotassium etc) bull Trace minerals bull Food andor digestive enzymes bull Essential Fatty Acids - the good fats - flax (ii fish oils evening primrose oil etc

9 Find out your blood type and read Eat Right 4 Your Type by Dr Peter J OAdamo After reading this book fine tune your diet based on your blood type

10 If you wish to address more of your current symptoms bull Get a good reference book such 8S Prescription for Nutritional Healing

by Dr James Balch and Phyllis Balch bull Look up each symptom and cross reference them bull Nutritional common denominators may be good things to try

Our best advice to anyone is to take responsibility for your own health and well being And remember food Is the fuel for the body dont put junk in your enginel It is important that we educate ourselves about our bodies ourmiddotnutrition and our heaHh Read Read Read your health Is your assignment bull become an expert bull

SONNEWALD NATURAL FOODS 4796 Lehman Road Spring Grove PA 17362 0 (717) 225-3825 wwwsonnewaldorg Hrs TmiddotWmiddotTh 10-6 F 10-9 Sat 8-5 Form 148