basic introduction to elasticity ted mitchell. these slides identify the 3 basic uses of price...

Basic Introduction to Elasticity Ted Mitchell

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Basic Introduction to Elasticity

Ted Mitchell

These slides identify

• The 3 basic uses of price elasticity• The basic definition of elasticity• The 3 basic types of price elasticity• Original Point Elasticity• Average point Elasticity• Arc Elasticity• The Flaw in Basic Approximation of Elasticity

Elasticity comes in many flavors

• Advertising Elasticity• Coupon Elasticity• Sales Force Call Elasticity, etc., etc.• The Best Known Flavor is Price Elasticity, Eqp

aka Demand Elasticity

Price Elasticity = -1

Price per Unita/2b





Maximum Revenue

-0.5 -0.75 -1 -1.25 -1.5 -1.75

Revenue looks like R = aP - bP2




-0.5 -0.75 -1 - 1.25 -1.5 -1.75Price Elasticity

Optimal price, Pr = a/2b

Sample Price Elasticities

• Restaurant meals -2.3• Foreign travel, long-run - 4.0• Airline travel, long-run -2.4• Fresh green peas -2.8• Automobiles, short-run -1.2 to - 1.5• Chevrolet automobiles -4.0• Fresh tomatoes -4.6

Three Classic Uses of the Elasticity Index

• 1) for comparing the sensitivity of changes in a variables across situations using different units of measure (e.g., apple and orange markets)

• 2) for estimating the consequences of making a change in one variable (price) on another variable (quantity sold)

• 3) for estimating the direction a variable (price) should be changed if an outcome (revenue) is to be maximized

1) Comparing Sensitivities

• Most economists use the term elasticity to discuss the sensitivity of a change in one variable (price) to a change in another variable (quantity sold).

• The price elasticity of the apple market in the USA is Eqp = -1.6 and the price elasticity of the orange market in Spain is Eqp -2.5

• The orange market is more sensitive to price changes than the apple market.

2) Calculating consequences of a price change

• The price elasticity of the apple market in the USA is Eqp = -1.6 and the price elasticity of the orange market in Spain is Eqp = -2.5

• Elasticity of -1.6 means that a 1% change in price will cause a 1.6% change in the quantity of apples that are sold

• Elasticity of -2.5 means that a 1% change in price will cause a 2.5% change in the quantity of oranges that are sold

• The two can be compared because elasticity is an index and an index is unit neutral.

3) Elasticity indicates the direction for improved revenues

• for a change in price to increase revenue• If the elasticity is between 0 and -0.99 then a

increase in price increases revenues• If the elasticity is more negative than -1.0 then

reduce the price to maximize utility• If elasticity is -0.1 then you have the price that

maximizes revenue

If my elasticity is calculated as -0.5 then I should raise my price to get more revenue




-0.5 -0.75 -1 - 1.25 -1.5 -1.75Price Elasticity

Increase price if elasticity is - 0.50

Point Elasticity of Price is defined as

• The ratio of the percentage change in quantity sold to the percentage change in price from one period to another

• Point Elasticity of Price = %∆Q/%∆P• Percentage change in price = (P2-P1)/P1• Percentage change in quantity = (Q2-Q1)/Q1• Point Eqp = (∆Q/Q)/(∆P/P)

You often see Point Elasticity

• Point Eqp = (∆Q/Q)/(∆P/P) • Written as• Point EQP = P(∆Q)/Q(∆P)• To avoid writing multiple ratios• Note the approximation to impact analysis • Impact of quantity change = I∆Q = P(∆Q)• Impact of price change = I∆P = Q(∆P)

Elasticity is easy

• If you know the details of the demand curve • Q = a-bP• Then using calculus to find the point elasticity,

Eqp, is straight forward• Eqp = -bP/(a-bP)• and very accurate


• You don’t know the details of demand curve!• You have only observations of last period and

the current period• You are making an approximation to the point


Price per UnitP1=$5



Q1 = 2,500



Q2 = 3,000 X

P2 =$4

Price per UnitP1 = $5



Q1 = 2,500



Q2 = 3,000 X

P2 = $4

Demand Curve=Q = a-bP

Price per UnitP1 = $5



Q1 = 2,500



Q2 = 3,000 X

P2 = $4

Area = Revenue = P x Q

There are many different ways

• to calculate elasticity. They all depend on what value is used as the denominator in the percentage changes

• 1) Original Point Elasticity is the classic• 2) Average Elasticity is to avoid the flaw in

point calculation• 3) Arc Elasticity is a better way to avoid the the

flaw in point

Point Elasticity

• 1) Point Elasticity = percentage change from the original quantity divided by the percentage change from the original price, Point Eqp = (%∆Qoriginal)/(%∆Priceoriginal)

• Perfect: if you use calculus to find the slope at a point

• Flawed in its Approximation: You get two different numbers depending on which is considered the original point

Calculating Point Elasticity from the Original Point

Original point

New point Change from original

%∆ based on original point

Quantity, Q 3,000 2,500 ∆Q= -500 %∆Qoriginal =500/3,000 =0.1667 =16.67%

Price, P $4 $5 ∆P = $1 %∆Poriginal =-$1/$4 =-0.25 = 25%

Revenue $12,000 $12,500 ∆R= $500

Point Price Elasticity = (%∆Qoriginal)/%∆Poriginai) Point Price Elasticity = 16.67%/25% = -0.67

Price per Unit $5






3,000 X


Elasticity at the original point = -


-0.5 -0.75 -1 -1.25 -1.5 -1.75

Elasticity at the original point on the demand curve

The Flaw in Point Elasticity

• A calculation of Elasticity at the original point is Eqp = -0.667

• implies an increase in price would increase revenue

• BUT my price is now at the optimal $5 price and any increase would decrease my revenue

Price per Unit $5






3,000 X


Elasticity at the point = -0.667

-0.5 -0.75 -1 -1.25 -1.5 -1.75

Elasticity at the point = -1.0

Average Elasticity

• To avoid the flaw in point elasticity• 2) Average Elasticity = average percentage

change from the average quantity divided by the average percentage change from the average price, Average Eqp = (%∆Qaverage)/(%∆Priceaverage)

For the Exam: know Arc Elasticity

• A better way of avoiding the flaw• Arc elasticity for marketing managers is

calculated by using the Minimum of the two choices for the denominator in the % changes

• 3) Arc Elasticity = percentage change from the minimum quantity divided by the percentage change from the minimum price, Arc Eqp = (%∆Qmin)/(%∆Pricemin)

Period 1 Period 2 Change %∆ based on minimums

Quantity, Q 3,000 2,500 ∆Q= -500 %∆Qmin =500/2,500 =0.20 =20%

Price, P $4 $5 ∆P = $1 %∆Pmin =-$1/4 =-0.25 = 25%

Revenue $12,000 $12,500 ∆R= $500

Arc Price Elasticity = %∆Qmin/%∆Pmin Arc price Elasticity = 20%/25% = -0.8

Period 1 Period 2 Change %∆ based on minimums

Quantity, Q 3,000 2,500 ∆Q= -500 %∆Qmin =500/2,500 =0.20 =20%

Price, P $4 $5 ∆P = $1 %∆Pmin =-$1/4 =-0.25 = 25%

Revenue $12,000 $12,500 ∆R= $500

Arc Price Elasticity = %∆Qmin/%∆Pmin Arc price Elasticity = 20%/25% = -0.8

Period 1 Period 2 Change %∆ based on minimums

Quantity, Q 3,000 2,500 ∆Q= -500 %∆Qmin =500/2,500 =0.20 =20%

Price, P $4 $5 ∆P = $1 %∆Pmin =-$1/4 =-0.25 = 25%

Revenue $12,000 $12,500 ∆R= $500

Arc Price Elasticity = %∆Qmin/%∆Pmin Arc price Elasticity = 20%/25% = -0.8

Period 1 Period 2 Change %∆ based on minimums

Quantity, Q 3,000 2,500 ∆Q= -500 %∆Qmin =500/2,500 =0.20 =20%

Price, P $4 $5 ∆P = $1 %∆Pmin =-$1/4 =-0.25 = 25%

Revenue $12,000 $12,500 ∆R= $500

Arc Price Elasticity = %∆Qmin/%∆Pmin Arc price Elasticity = 20%/25% = -0.8

Period 1 Period 2 Change %∆ based on minimums

Quantity, Q 3,000 2,500 ∆Q= -500 %∆Qmin =500/2,500 =0.20 =20%

Price, P $4 $5 ∆P = $1 %∆Pmin =-$1/4 =-0.25 = 25%

Revenue $12,000 $12,500 ∆R= $500

Arc Price Elasticity = %∆Qmin/%∆Pmin Arc Price Elasticity = 20%/25% = -0.8

Price per Unit $5






3,000 X


Elasticity at the point = -0.667

Elasticity at the point = -1.0

Arc Elasticity = -0.8

With the Arc Elasticity the starting point is irrelevant

• There is no such thing as an ideal measure of arc elasticity

• Many Economists like to use the averages of the two points to have an average denominator

• Marketing managers like using the minimum values for denominators because it is consistent with Impact Analysis

Sample exam questions

What are the Three Classic Uses of Elasticity?

• 1) for comparing the sensitivity of changes in a variables across situations using different units of measure (e.g., apple and orange markets)

• 2) for estimating the consequences of making a change in one variable (price) on another variable (quantity)

• 3) for estimating the direction a variable (price) should be changed if an outcome (revenue) is to be maximized

Exam Question #1

• If the car market has a price elasticity of -2.5 and the housing market has a price elasticity of -1.7, then which one is more sensitive to a price change?

• A) the car market• B) the housing market• C) not enough information to know?

Exam Question #1

• If the car market has a price elasticity of -2.5 and the housing market has a price elasticity of -1.7, then which one is more sensitive to a price change?

• A) By definition the car market is correct• B) the housing market• C) not enough information to know?

Three Classic Uses of the Elasticity Index

• 1) for comparing the sensitivity of changes in a variables across situations using different units of measure (e.g., apple and orange markets)

• 2) for estimating the consequences of making a change in one variable (price) on another variable (quantity)

• 3) for estimating the direction a variable (price) should be changed if an outcome (revenue) is to be maximized

Exam Question #2

• If the price elasticity in your market is -2.5 and you decrease your price by 2%, then you can expect your sales volume to increase by 5%. True or False?

• True• False

Exam Question #2

• If the price elasticity in your market is -2.5 and you decrease your price by 2%, then you can expect your sales volume to increase by 5%. True or False?

• True is correct• %∆Q = (Elasticity of Price) x (%∆P)• %∆Q = (-2.5) x (-2%) = 5% increase in quantity

Three Classic Uses of the Elasticity Index

• 1) for comparing the sensitivity of changes in a variables across situations using different units of measure (e.g., apple and orange markets)

• 2) for estimating the consequences of making a change in one variable (price) on another variable (quantity)

• 3) for estimating the direction a variable (price) should be changed if an outcome (revenue) is to be maximized

Exam Question #3

• If the price elasticity of your market is -2.75, then an increase in your selling price will decrease your revenue. True or false?

• A) True• B) False

Exam Question #3

• If the price elasticity of your market is -2.75, then an increase in your selling price will decrease your revenue. True or false?

• A) True is the correct answer• B) False

Price Elasticity = -1

Price per Unita/2b





Maximum Revenue

-0.5 -0.75 -1 -1.25 -1.5 -1.75

Price Elasticity = -1

Price per Unita/2b





Maximum Revenue

-0.5 -0.75 -1 -1.25 -1.5 -1.75

Less Revenue

Revenue looks like R = aP - bP2




-0.5 -0.75 -1 - 1.25 -1.5 -1.75Price Elasticity

Optimal price, Pr = a/2b

We remember that the price

• That maximizes revenueis the first derivative of the revenue function

• R = P(a-bP)• R = aP – bP2

• dR/dP = a – 2bP• Set equal to zero to solve for the optimal price• a - 2bP = 0• P = a/2b

Convenient to consider price elasticity constant in the current region





Q = a-bPQ = kPe

e is the price elasticityand it is same for every price

k is a scaling constant