basic inventory setup labs

Oracle Applications: Inventory Practical Lab Exercises  Basic Inventory Setup Labs

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8/13/2019 Basic Inventory Setup Labs 1/48

Oracle Applications: Inventory Practical Lab Exercises 

Basic Inventory Setup Labs

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These labs were prepared for the purpose of demonstrating basic Inventory functions. They were developedto assist an applications support analyst by:

• Providing an introduction to navigating through Inventory application forms

• Listing initial step by step instructions for data entry within the Inventory application to familiarize

a support analyst with the features and functions of common Inventory movements andapplication maintainance

• Demonstrating various support tips for Oracle pplications! while performing common form

functions such using the "List of #alues$ feature! submitting concurrent re%uests! and general&ystem dministrator functions '&ystem dministrator (esponsibility)

• Performing common inventory functions that all customers perform! such as defining andmaintaining items! issuing and receiving stoc* 'items) into inventory! and performing stoc* 'item)replenishment.

• (einforcing Inventory concepts and functional issues that were discussed during class lectures

•  s a source of reference for future support issues that may arise

+eel free to do these labs as often as you want.

,-periment! change an item attribute! initialize a cycle count in a different fashion or define items withgreater inventory controls. If some of the terms mentioned here are unfamiliar to you! before the wee* is out!they may ust become part of your daily vocabulary while wor*ing in the support environment.

(emember/ don0t be afraid to ma*e a mista*e! 1O2 are here to learn.

The Labs can be performed on any release instance that has the #ision Demonstration Database installed.3owever! several of the labs may not be able to be completed due to the fle-ibility of implementing Oracle pplications. ,-amples would be

4 Different item attribute settings4 Different organization parameters4 Data that may not e-ist

&hould you have any %uestions! please contact .If you find any inconsistencies within this document! please email .

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Table Of Contents


Suggested Reference aterial

LAB ! Setup" Inventory StructuresLAB # Setup" $nits of easure

LAB % Setup" Ite& Attribute Control

LAB ' $sing Status Codes

LAB ( $sing Categories and Category Sets

LAB ) Ite& Te&plates * Ite&s Copy

LAB + Ite&s" Relations,ips- Cross References-

anufacturer.s Part /u&bers

LAB 0 Ite& Catalog 1roups

LAB 2 Perfor&ing Ite& Searc,es

LAB !3 Inventory Controls 4 $sing Stoc5 Locators

LAB !! Inventory Controls 4 Ite& Revisions

LAB !# Inventory Controls 4 $sing Lot Control

LAB !% Inventory Controls 4 $sing Serial /u&bers

LAB !' Creating Custo& Transaction Sources6Types

LAB !( Perfor&ing Inventory Transactions

LAB !) Processing Return aterial Aut,ori7ations 8RA9

LAB !+ Perfor& Receiving Transactions 8Purc,asing9

LAB !0 I&ple&enting ABC Analysis

LAB !2 I&ple&enting Cycle Counting

LAB #3 P,ysical Inventories

LAB #! Perfor&ing #nd :ay Cycle Counting

LAB ## Initiali7ing Forecasts and Forecasts Sets

LAB #% $sing Reorder Point Planning for replenis,&ent

LAB #' $sing in;a< Planning for replenis,&ent

LAB #( Available to Pro&ise 8ATP9

APPE/:I= A /avigation >ot ?eys

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LAB ! Inventory Structures

/OTE" For all labs- t,e value @== denotes t,e student initials or firstna&e

 ; Application /avigation pat,

 4 Button

 4 enu navigation pat,

Log on to Oracle pplications.

2ser: 6userid7Password: 6password7

(esponsibility: Inventory or 8anufacturing! #ision Operations '2&)

9. reate ;ew Organizations

Inventory Setup Organi7ations Organi7ations

,nter Organization ;ame '==;organi7ation!)

Type: Plant

Location: 894 &eattleInternal or ,-ternal: Internal


<. reate a Location for this Inventory Organization

  Inventory Setup Organi7ations Locations

,nter Location ;ame:==;Location!

Description: 6enter description7

 ddress Details T=,nter ddress

&hipping Details T=Ta*e all defaults

Other Details T=;o information to enter 

,nter Organization lassification

 Inventory Setup Organi7ations Organi7ations&elect "Inventory Organization$

&elect enabled


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lic* on the "Others$ button.

Enter t,e Accounting Infor&ation

,nter &et of =oo*s! Legal ,ntity! and Operating 2nit > '#ision Operations)


Enter Inventory Infor&ation

,nter thefollowing:Organization ode > D===

Item 8aster Organization > ision Operations

alendar ? ision3!

osting 8ethod > Standard

Transfer to @L > :etail

,nter 8aterial ccount and other accounts

&erial ;umber uni%ueness > it,in inventory ite&s 

In the Others T=,nter all the re%uired accounts



B. Define &ubinventories


lic* on the ";ew$ button;ame: ==;subinvDescription:==;8your /a&e9

Locator ontrol: At Ite& Level

/ote" Accept all ot,er field defaults

Create at least t,ree subinventories


LAB # $nits of easure

9. Define a 2nit of 8easure class and new base 2nit of 8easure '2O8) for your 2O8 class. This new base2O8 will then be used as a default for items you will be defining in later labs.

  Setup>Units of Measure>Classes dd a new 2O8 lass

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;ame: ==;GTHDescription: == Guantity=ase 2nit: ==;Eac,2O8: E==&ave 'trl &)

Note: By entering XX-Each in the base unit field, you have effectively just defined a new UOM.

<. dd < non4base units of measure for you new 2O8 class! ==;Gtylic* on the "2nit of 8easure$ button ''if you are at the ;avigator! then chose

Setup>Units of Measure>Conversions

Notice that your base unit already has a conversion defined for it - Since this is a base unit,the conversion rate will always have a to relationshi! with itself.

 dd a new 2O8 lass

;ame: ==;:o7en  2O8: :==  Description: ==;:o7en;ame: ==;1ross  2O8: 1==  Description: ==;1ross


B. dd conversion rates between your base unit of measure and your < non4base units of measure.  lic* on the "onversions$ button 'if you are at the ;avigator! then chose

Setup>Units of Measure>Conversions dd conversions between your base unit and non4base units.

hoose your non4base unit of measure for ==;:o7en! and enter the appropriate conversion rate:

  4 2se List of #alues 'LO#) icon and select ==;:o7en! OR  4 2se the CTRL L 5ey to display LO# and select ==;:o7en! OR 4 ,nter a partial value and t,e use t,e Dtab 5ey to display the LO# and select ==;:o7en

  Enter t,e conversion rates for do7en ; !# dd another 2O8 onversion

hoose your non4base unit of measure for ==;1ross! and enter the appropriate conversion rate:  4 2se List of #alues 'LO#) icon and select ==;1ross! OR  4 2se the T(L L *ey to display LO# and select ==;1ross! OR  4 ,nter a partial value and t,e use t,e Dtab 5ey to display the LO# and select ==;1ross

  Enter t,e conversion rates for gross ; !''


LAB % Ite& Attribute Controls

 9. Determine the attribute group name and the control level '8aster C Organization) of the following attributes

settings for your Organi7ation 8==;organi7ation!9"

  Setup>Items>ttribute Controls

  ttribute ;ame @roup ;ame ontrolled t:


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<. Define your item ==;ite&! in t,e &aster organi7ation you created 8==;organi7ation!9"

  Items>Master Itemsuery enter '+99).Eey in item number: ==;ite&! OR  

,nter a partial value and the wildcard character 'F) ?GG4F and then use the down arrow *ey until item  XX-item! is dis!layed in the ite" na"e field 

uery run 'trl +99)

+rom the "8ain$ region get the Item &tatus code. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 

+rom the alternative regions choose the appropriate region to display and then record the values of thefollowing item attributes 'if the bo- is chec*ed! consider the attribute @Enabled or set to @Hes/ ifunchec*ed! consider the attribute "/OT enabled or set to @/o).

Attribute ALT Region alue



B. Determine the actual item attribute values for item ==;ite&!" in t,e organi7ation created

  Items>Organization ItemsItem: ==;ite&!

lic* then "+ind$ buttonAttribute ALT Region alue


LAB ' Status Codes

9. Define a new &tatus ode for your items. Items that will be defined using this status code will always havethe following attributes enabled:

• =e allowed to be placed on a =ill of 8aterial

• =e available to be the purchasing module

• &toc*able in Inventory

• =e transactable in Inventory

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  Setup>Items>Status Co#es;ame: ==;Status

  Description: == y ne status 'Tab to move to each attribute. lic*ing on the 3,E =OG sets the attribute control value>1,&.)

  =O8 llowed  Hes=uild in HIP /o

  ustomer Orders ,nabled /o

  Internal Orders ,nabled /o  Invoice ,nabled /o  Transactable  Hes  Purchasable  Hes  &toc*able  Hes

<. Define a new item called ==;ite&.

  Items>Master Items 

;ame: ==;ite&Description: == ; y ite&

  lic* on the "&pecial$ 8enu

lic* on "opy +rom$Template: "Purchased Item$ 'use the LO# icon OR 2se the CTRL L *eys OR  ,nter a partial value and press the tab to display a list to chose from)


lic* on "pply!$ then "Done$&ave 'trl &)

 Determine some of your item attributes.

  +rom the menu! chose &pecial 7 +ind ttributes$ O(hoose the appropriate attribute group from the lternative (egion! and write down the values for thefollowing item attributes:

1roup Ite& Attribute alue




O(D,( ,;T(1 ustomer Orders ,nabled AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 

  Internal Orders ,nabled AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 



B. hange the "Item &tatus$ item attribute from its current value to your new status code! ==;Status+rom the "8ain$ region put your cursor on the Item &tatus fieldlic* on the icon for List of #alues OR 2se the CTRL L *eys OR ,nter a partial value and press the tab to display a list to chose from)hoose ==;Status&ave

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In the Order ,ntry alternative region try to change the "ustomer order ,nabled$ item attribute bac* to"yes$. Hhat happened and why did it happen


In the HIP alternative region! change the item attribute "HIP LLOH,D$ to be ;ot ,nabledHhat happened and why did it happen


;ame 9 of the < ways discussed during class lecture that will enable you to update these < attributes.



J. ssign your new item to &eattle 8anufacturing '89).&ave

  Items>Organization Items

+rom the organizational item form! lic* on the "&pecial$ 8enulic* on "Item costs$Item: ==;ite&

  lic* the +ind buttonHhen the Item cost &ummary form appears!

lic* the #osts button1ou may receive a forms error pop up bo- stating:

"$%M-&'()': *uery caused no records to be retrieved

lic* o*

OR 1ou will have a default record for cost element>material overhead and subelement>

Purchasing 4 delete this record! select KOE0! and then save the transaction and add the following:

ost ,lement: ATERIAL&ubelement: aterial=asis: Ite&(ate or mount: (


+ou can also navigate to the te" #osts for" by:

  CostsIte& Costs

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LAB (   Categories and Category Sets

 E/S$RE HO$ ARE I/ Organi7ation Seattle anufacturing

9. Define B new categories

  Setup>Items>Categories>Categor$ Co#es

lic* on the ";ew$ button&tructure ;ame: Ite& categoriesategory: 'lic* on the ",dit$ icon to open the Item ategories *ey fle-field window)+amily: ==;des5 lass: ==;bron

lic* on the "OE$ buttonDescription: ==;bron des5Tab to the ne-t line! and add your second category code

&tructure ;ame: Ite& categoriesategory: ==;c,airbron

Description: ==;bron c,air 

Tab to the ne-t line! and add your third category code 'use either method above for data entry)

&tructure ;ame: Ite& categories+amily: ==;car  lass: ==;bronDescription: ==;bron car 


<. Define a ategory &et and include your B new category codes as the only valid categories you can usewhen you assign items to your category set.

  Setup>Items>Categories>Categor$ Sets;ame: ==;SETDescription: 6last na&e7 Ite&s Set+le- &tructure: Ite& Categoriesontrolled at: Organi7ation levelDefault ategory: F 6tab7 'choose one of your categories you defined),nforce List of #alid ategories > 1es


B. dd your remaining < categories to you category set! so that when you update an item with your categoryset! they will be the only categories you can choose from:

lic* on ategories field below K,nforce List of #alid ategories0.Hait for the hourglass to change bac* to a cursor pointer.

Notice that the default category you entered for your #ategory Set has been !laced in the valid list. /hisis because the default category for a category set "ust be a valid category whenever you assignyourcategory set to an ite".

 Add a ne category code to your category set:

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,nter a F and then use the 6tab7 to display LO# for category code combinations. hoose one of thecategory code combinations you ust defined! 'e-cept the default of course) and then repeat this step asecond time to chose your other category code you defined.


J. ssign one of your category codes to your item ==;ite&

lic* on the "ssign$ button

Item: ==;ite&ategory: 2se F and then 6tab7 *ey and then c,oose a category code 


LAB ) Ite& Te&plates * Ite& Copy

9. reate an item template with attributes enabled.


lic* on the ";ew$ buttonTemplate: ==;sellDescription:  ==;ite&s for sale&elect the appropriate @roup from the alternative region.

@roup Attribute  alue8ain Primary 2O8 ==;Eac,

2ser Item Type Finis,ed 1oodItem &tatus ==;Status

&aveInventory Inventory Item  Hes

ycle ount ,nabled  Hes&ave

osting osting ,nabled  HesInventory sset  Hes&aveOrder ,ntry ustomer Ordered  Hes

ustomer Orders ,nabled  Hes&ave

<. Define a new item using your template

  Items>Master Items

Item: ==;ite&#Description: Created fro& &y te&plate

lic* on the "&pecial$ 8enulic* on "opy +rom$Template: ==;sell

lic* on "pply$ then "Done$&ave

3ow did the item attribute "2ser Item Type$ under the 8ain alternative region get set to K+inished @ood0


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Is your new item able to be purchased AAAAAAAA  HhyCHhy not


an you disable the Kcosting enabled0 item attribute for this item AAAAAAAAAAAAA HhyCHhy not

 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Increase the operating functionality of your item by updating the item attributes that enable an item to bepurchased.

,ither applies the "Purchased Item$ Template! OR  update the appropriate item attribute.


Hhy did the item attribute "2ser Item Type$ under the 8ain alternative region change from K+inished@ood0 to Purchased Item


B. ssign your new item to &eattle 8anufacturing '89) and =oston 8anufacturing '8<) organizations.

T,en assign your category set to your item in both organizations. ,ither do this from the masterorganization! then from the special menu! organization assignment! org attributes button! and when theorganization items form appears! use the special menu! categories/ O( use the organization items form!then the special menu! categories! OR  use the category sets form! "ssign$ button and assign yourcategory set to both organization items. If you need help! please as*. lso! update the frozen cost for

item ==;ite&# in org 89! &eattle 8anufacturing. If you need help with this step! see Lab J! step M.


J. Define another item by copying item ==;ite&#. This item will have the e-act same attributes enabled

that item ==;ite&# has enabled

  dd a new record

Item: ==;ite&%Description:  ite& copied fro& ==;ite&#

lic* on "&pecial$ 8enulic* on "opy +rom$Item: ==;ite&#

8/ote" Ensure t,at you are only copying an ite&- and t,at t,e te&plate field does not ,ave a value9

lic* on "pply$ then "Done$&ave

M. ssign your new item to &eattle 8anufacturing '89) and =oston 8anufacturing '8<) organizations.T,en assign your category set to your item in both organizations. If you need help! please see step Bof this lab.&ave

N. 1ou are going to copy an e-isting item and apply a template at the same time. Does the copy item occurfirst or does the template get applied before the item is copied

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'3int: you must have a value in the template field and the item field on the copy pop4up window. If you arenot sure of the answer! try defining a new item and applying a template and copying another item)


LAB + Ite& Relations,ips

9. Define a substitute relationship between ==;ite&# and ==;ite&%. 4 ,nsure you are in the 8aster

Organization! #9

  Items>Item Relationships

lic* on ";ew$ button

+rom Item: ==;ite&#To Item: ==;ite&%Type: Substitute(eciprocal:  Hes&ave

<. Define a customer cross4reference type and assign one of your items to the type.

  Items>Cross References

 Type: ==;<ref Description: ==;include in set&ave

lic* on "Assign$ buttonItem: ==;ite&

   pplicable to all organizations: :O /OT C>EC? BO=Org:   !

  #alue: ==;bron setDescription: Include in set&ave

B. Define a new 8anufacturer to the system.  Items> Manufacturers& 'art (umbers>)$ Manufacturers

 8anufacturer: ==;$SA Parts

  Description: ==;anufacturer &ave

J. ,nter the 8anufacturer0s Part ;umbers for your items: ==;ite& and ==;ite&#.

  Items>Manufacturers& 'art (umbers>)$ Items

lic* on "/e$ button8anufacturer: ==;$SA Parts

  dd the following information:

 8anufacturer Part Item $SA;==3!   ==;ite&

 $SA;==3#  ==;ite&#&ave

NO/0: 1+ou can also navigate to this sa"e for" by2:  

Items> Manufacturers& 'art (umbers>)$ Manufacturers

uery manufacturer if not listed! then clic* the button Parts =utton

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LAB 0 Ite& Catalog 1roups

9. Define a new item catalog group with J descriptive elements. This catalog will be used to captureadditional information that you would li*e to search for when generating purchase orders or to search foritems with similar characteristics 'descriptive elements)

  Setup>Items>Catalog *roups

;ame: ==;Auto&obile  Description: ==;auto

lic* on the "Details$ button and add the following catalog se%uences 

&e% ;ame Description (e%. Description Default! Type Type Hes Hes

# a5e a5e Hes Hes% odel odel Hes Hes' Color Color Hes Hes


<. Define < new items ==;an and ==;Car- and assign your catalog group! ==;Auto&obile to these items.

  Items>Master Items;ame: ==;Car Description: ==;y auto&obile

  lic* on the "&pecial$ 8enulic* on "opy +rom$

Template: "==;sell$ 'use the LO# icon! T(L L! or enter a partial value and press the tab to display a listto chose from)

lic* on "pply!$ then "Done$


Item: ==;anDescription: ==;ot,er 

lic* on the "&pecial$ 8enulic* on "opy +rom$Item: ==;Car 

lic* on "pply!$ then "Done$


lic* on the "&pecial$ 8enulic* on atalog

atalog @roup: ==;Auto&obile

;ame #alueType an8a*e >onda8odel Odyssey SEolor  Silver 

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lic* on "2pdate Description$ button&avelose Item atalog window

Notice that the ite" descri!tion for XX-+an has been u!dated to include the additional descri!tiveele"ents fro" the catalog grou!. +ou should see 33-My other.4an.5onda.Odyssey S0.Silver 

<. ;ow! perform the same catalog assignment for item ==;Car ! changing the values for the catalog groupdescriptive elements to the information below! but :O /OT $P:ATE :ESCRIPTIO/.

,ither use the Kup *ey0 to get to the previous record OR uery entry '+99)Item: ==;Car OR  a partial value and wildcard '==)and then press the tab *ey to display a list to choose fromuery run 'trl +99)

lic* on the "&pecial$ 8enulic* on atalog

atalog @roup: ==;Auto&obile

;ame #alueType ' :oor 8a*e >onda8odel Accord LEolor  Red

&avelose Item atalog window

Notice that the ite" descri!tion for XX-Car has NO/ been u!dated to include the additional descri!tiveele"ents fro" the catalog grou!. t still reads 33-My auto"obile, but the descri!tive ele"ents are still attached to the ite" for searching, since the iyte" catalog was assigned to the ite".

 LAB 2 Ite& Searc,es

Perform various item searches to familiarize yourself with form functionality

9. 2se the Item &earch form to find substitute parts for item ==;ite&#.

  Items>Item Search  Organization: !

lic* on alternative region and choose "Item (elationship$Type: & and then the 6tab7 *ey OR  clic* t,e and select K&ubstitute0

Item: ==;ite&#

lic* on "+ind$ button to view search resultsHas anything returned after you clic*ed the "+ind$ button0 AAAAAA HhyCHhy not AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 

<. 2se the Item &earch form to find the cross4reference part for item ==;ite& within organization !

  Items>Item Search  Organization: !

,nsure alternative region has "ross (eferences$ displayedross (eference Type: ==;<ref #alue: ==;bron set

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lic* on "+ind$ button to view search results

Has anything returned after you clic*ed the "+ind$ button0 AAAAAAA HhyCHhy not AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 

B. 2se the Item &earch form to find the cross4reference part for item ==;ite& within organization #.  Organization: #  lic* o* after the following message appears:

  PP4QM9RS: hanging organization will clear associated %ueries,nsure alternative region has "ross (eferences$ displayedross (eference Type: ==;<ref #alue: ==;bron set

Did the system allow you to enter value:  ==;bron set JJJJJJJJ 


J. 2se the 8anufacturer0s Part ;umbers form to find a manufacturer for part ==;ite&#

  Items>Manufacturers& 'art (umbers>)$ Items

Item: ==;ite&#

  lic* on "+ind$ button to view search results

Has anything returned after you clic*ed the "+ind$ button0


M. 2se the 8anufacturer0s Part ;umbers form to find parts manufactured by ==;$SA Parts

  Items>Manufacturers& 'art (umbers> )$ Items8anufacturer: ==;$SA Parts

lic* on "+ind$ button to view search results O(

  Items>Manufacturers& 'art (umbers>)$ Manufacturers

Hith cursor placed on 8anufacturer: ==;$SA Parts- clic5 t,e Parts button

N. 2se the Item &earch form to find items that have specific descriptive elements for your catalog group!==;Auto&obile  within organization !

Organization: !  lic* o* after the following message appears:  PP4QM9RS: hanging organization will clear associated %ueries

,nsure alternative region has "Item atalog$ displayedatalog: ==;Auto&obilePress the tab *ey;ame: 8a*e #alue: >onda;ame: 8odel #alue: Accord LE

lic* on "+ind$ button to view search results

Has anything returned after you clic*ed the "+ind$ button0 AAAAAAAAAAAAA 


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S. 2se the Item &earch form again to find items that have a specific descriptive element for your cataloggroup! ==;Auto&obile  within organization !

Organization: !  lic* o* after the following message appears:  PP4QM9RS: hanging organization will clear associated %ueries

,nsure alternative region has "Item atalog$ displayedatalog: ==;Auto&obile

Press the tab *ey;ame: 8a*e #alue: >onda


LAB !3 Inventory Controls" Ite& Locators

9. Hhat is the organization level locator control option for Seattle anufacturing '89) or your organization==;organi7ation!K



<. Hhat is the locator control option for each of the following subinventories in the &eattle 8anufacturing'89) organization


lic* on the "Open$ buttonuery ,nter '+99);ame: Engineer  OR  your subinventories,nter a partial value with a wildcard 'Eng) or your subinventories



uery ,nter '+99);ame: Restricted OR  ,nter a partial value with a wildcard 'Res)uery (un 'trl +99)


 re there any locators defined for this subinventory AAAAAAAAAA 


B. Define an item that uses locator control so you can trac* specific %uantities of this item in specific locationsin your subinventory

  Items>Master Items

Item: ==;trac5Description: Locator Controlled ite&

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lic* on "&pecial$ 8enulic* on "opy +rom$Template: Purc,ased Ite&

lic* on "pply$ and then "Done$

lic* on the lternative (egion: Inventory  Locator ontrol: :yna&ic Entry

&ave ssign your new item to &eattle 8anufacturing '89) and =oston 8anufacturing '8<) organizations.T,en assign your category set to your item in both organizations. If you need help! please refer toLab N! step B.

J. Define N specific locations 'locators) within your subinventory. This will be a two step process to show auser 

< of the B different methods that stoc* locators can be defined to the Oracle Inventory pplication.

  Setup>Organizations>Stoc, ocators  ,nsure you have switched organizations 'if necessary)

lic* on the ";ew$ button

lic* on the ",dit$ icon to pop the stoc* locator *ey fle-field and enter the following three segment values(ow (ac* =in Description &ubinventory

Locator: == !3! == !3! Locator ==;subinv

lic* on the icon.Locator: ==!3#== !3# Locator ==;subinv

Notice that you did not need to use the fle6field !o! u! bo6 to enter a locator - %e"e"ber, you si"!lyneed to 7now the fle6field structure and seg"ent se!arator defined 1if "ulti!le seg"ents2 for 7ey entry 

 lic* on the ",dit$ icon to pop the stoc* locator *ey fle-field and enter the following three segment values

 == !3% == !3% Locator ==;subinv

&ave and close the stoc* locators window

Notice that you had to enter a specific  subinventory for each locator entered - re"e"ber, locatorsare subinventory s!ecific.

 M. Define your last B stoc* locators for your subinventory.

  Setup>Organizations>Subinventorieslic* the "+lashlight$ icon and select subinventory ==;subinv OR  run a %uery for subinventory ==;


lic* on the "Locators$ button! and enter the following stoc* locators:

 (ow (ac* =in Description

Locator: == !3' == !3' Locator  Locator: == !3( == !3( Locator  Locator: == !3) == !3) Locator  

&ave and return to the ;avigator.

  Notice that the subinventory auto"atically defaulted for each locator entered - this is because you aredefining stoc7 locators while using the Subinventories for", for a s!ecific subinventory.

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N. 2se the 8iscellaneous Transaction! 8iscellaneous (eceipt to receive MQ dozen units of item==;ite&

%ransactions>Miscellaneous %ransactionDate: 'Accept default)Type: iscellaneous Receipt 'use T(L L! "List of #alues$ icon! or type in a partial value)

lic* on the "Transaction Lines$ button  Item: ==;ite&

&ubinventory: ==;subinv2O8: :==uantity: (3

 ccount: 6,nter account7&ave

S. #erify that the system performed you unit of measure conversion correctly for you receipt transaction foritem ==;ite&

  On-han#" vailabilit$>On-han# .uantitiesOrganization: !

Item: ==;ite&lic* on "+ind

Hhat is the Total uantity for your item! ==;ite&K  AAAAAAAAAAAA 

Is this value correct AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 


. 2se the 8iscellaneous Transaction! 8iscellaneous (eceipt to receive <Q units of your locator controlleditem. If you need help! refer to step N.

  %ransactions>Miscellaneous %ransactionDate: 'Accept default)Type: iscellaneous Receipt Item: ==;trac5&ubinventory: ==;subinvLocator: ==!3+==

Did the system accept this locator AAAAAA HhyCHhy ;ot


uantity: #3  ccount: 2se the T(L L *ey or clic* the LO# icon 4 type in K80 then clic* KOE0&ave

R. Define another item that is under restricted locator control . If you restrict subinventories! you must definethe subinventory 'ies) the item is restricted to prior to performing a transaction with this item. If you restrict

an item to specific locators! you must define the subinventory 'ies)Clocator's) the item will be restricted to!prior to performing a transaction with this item. &ince you have already defined N locators for ==;subinv you can use these locator combinations to restrict your item to.

  Items>Master ItemsItem: ==;trac5Jr Description: Ite& restricted to specific subinv and pre;specified locator

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lic* on the "&pecial$ 8enulic* on "opy +rom$Template: "Purchased Item$lic* on the alternative region and choose "Inventory$Locator ontrol: Prespecified(estricted &ubinventories:  Hes(estricted Locators:  Hes


9Q. ssign your item to &eattle 8anufacturing '89) A/: assign your category set to the new item in org 89.


99. To specify which subinventories and locators item ==;trac5Jr can use in organization 89! place youcursor on org 89! and clic* the "Org ttributes$ button

lic* on the "&pecial$ 8enulic* on "Item &ubinventories$

  Place cursor on the &ubinventory field and enter&ubinventory: ==;subinv

Place cursor on the Locators field and add the following:Locator: ==!3( ==


If cursor is not on a blan* line under subinventory field! place cursor on the &ubinventory field and enter&ubinventory: F1IPlace cursor on the Locators field and add the following:Locator: ==!3) ==


+ou have just restricted ite" XX-trac,/r  to 8 s!ecific subinventory-locator co"binations for all

"ove"ent and adjust"ent transactions within organi9ation Seattle Manufacturing 1M2

9<. 2se the 8iscellaneous Transaction 8iscellaneous (eceipt to receive B units of item ==;trac5Jr Date: 'Let default to todayUs date)Type: 8iscellaneous (eceipt 'use T(L L or "List of #alues$ icon to find value)

lic* on the "Transaction Lines$ buttonItem: ==;trac5Jr &ubinventory: Stores



  &ubinventory: ==;subinv  Locator: F 6tab7 to open fle-field 'select one of your restricted locators)  uantity: %

 ccount: 2se the T(L L *ey or clic* the LO# icon 4 type in K80 then clic* KOE0


9B. ;ame < of the B ways you can define stoc* locators to the Oracle Inventory pplication.


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LAB !! Inventory Controls" Ite& Revision

9. Hhat is the default starting revision for the &eattle 8anufacturing '89) organization

Setup>Organizations>'arameterslic* on the alternative region: (ev! Lot! &erial

&tarting (evision: AAAAAAAA 

%e"e"ber, this is the default revision that will be added to all ite"s you assign to the SeattleManufacturing 1M2 organi9ation, regardless of value for the ite" attribute %evision #ontrol 

<. dd an item that is revision controlled! where you must specify a specific revision whenever performing amovement or adustment transactions.

  Items>Master ItemsItem: ==;revisionDescription: Revision Controlled ite&

lic* on "&pecial$ 8enulic* on "opy +rom$Te&plate" ==;sell

lic* on "pply$ and then "Done$&elect alternative region 4 Inventory

(evision ontrol: Enable by c,ec5ing. t,e revision control c,ec5bo<&ave

B. ssign your new item to &eattle 8anufacturing '89) and =oston 8anufacturing '8<) organizations.

T,en assign your category set to your item in both organizations. If you need help! please refer to Lab N!step B.


J. Define a second revision for item ==;revision

  Items>Master Items(e%uery item ==;revision if necessary

lic* an the "&pecial$ 8enulic* on "(evisions$

lic* on the icon to add an other revision(evision Description ,ffective Date  B  #nd revision  $se todayMs date


M. 2se the 8iscellaneous Transaction! 8iscellaneous (eceipt to receive < units of item ==;revision revisionA! and 9Q units of  ==;revision revision B into subinventory ==;subinv

Date: TodayUs date  Type: 8iscellaneous (eceipt

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  Item: ==;revision  (ev: A  &ubinventory: ==;subinv  uantity: #  ccount: 2se the T(L L *ey or clic* the LO# icon 4 type in K80 then clic* KOE0


;ow! perform your 8iscellaneous (eceipt of 9Q units of  ==;revision revision B into ==;subinvItem: ==;revision

  (ev: B


Is (evision = a valid revision for this item AAAAAAAAAAAA 


If revision = is not valid for this item! is it possible to enable it AAAAAA 




0ither clear the current record and u!date the revision for ite" XX-revision" or just acce!t the default revisionto co"!lete the "iscellaneous recei!t 

  &ubinventory: ==;subinv  uantity: !3

  ccount: 2se the T(L L *ey or clic* the LO# icon 4 type in K80 then clic* KOE0


LAB !# Inventory Controls" Lot Control

9. Hhat are the lot number uni%ueness and lot generation control options for the &eattle 8anufacturing '89)organization

  Setup>Organizations>'arameterslic* on the alternative region "(ev! Lot! &erial$


@eneration: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA   <. Define an item that utilizes Lot ontrol! and always has a shelf life e-piration date of <QQ days.

Item: ==;#33 lotDescription: LotNS,elf life controlled ite&Template: Purc,ased Ite&

lic* on the alternative region "Inventory$

Lot ,-piration ontrol: &helf  life days

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  &helf life days: #33Lot ontrol: Full Control&tarting Prefi-: ==&tarting ;umber: 3333!


B. ssign your new item to &eattle 8anufacturing '89) and =oston 8anufacturing '8<) organizations.Then assign your category set to your item in both organizations. If you need help! please refer to Lab N!step B.


J. 2se the 8iscellaneous Transaction form to receive <Q units of item ==;#33 lot into your subinventory

Date: TodayMs dateType: iscellaneous Receipt

Item: ==;#33 lot&ubinventory: ==;subinv,nter Lot V: B33==33

Has the e-piration date filed automatically populated AAAAAAAAAAAAAA 

3ow does the system *now when your item0s lot will e-pire AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 

Is there a way to allow a user to specify the ,GT e-piration date for a particular item if the item is lotcontrolled AAAAAAA 3ow


uantity: #3 ccount: 2se the T(L L *ey or clic* the LO# icon 4 type in K80 then clic* KOE0


M. (eceive another M units of item ==;#33 lot into subinventory ==;subinv- allowing the systemto partially generate lot numbers for you.

Item: ==;#33 lot&ubinventory: ==;subinvuantity: (

 ccount: 2se the T(L L *ey or clic* the LO# icon 4 type in K80 then clic* KOE0

lic* on the "LotC&erial$ button  Hith the cursor placed in the Lot field! enter 

Lot ;umber: ==Lot==

uantity: BPress the TAB *ey ticeuantity: 9Press the TAB *ey ticeuantity: 9

lic* on the "Done$ button&ave

Notice that as you tabbed out of the lot field, the lot nu"bers that were added to the syste" wereseuential values, based u!on the settings in the organi9ation !ara"eters for" and the ite" attributes set

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for the organi9ation ite"s, and that the first lot nu"ber generated by the syste" ca"e fro" the ite" attributesstarting !refi6 and nu"ber, for your ite",  XX-011 lot  

N. If you were complete another receiving transaction for item XX-011 lot  in organization 89" what would thene-t lot number generated by the system be  1 3int: Hhat is the lot generation set to for 89)


LAB !%   Inventory Controls: Ite& Serial nu&bers

9. Hhat are the serial number uni%ueness and generation control options for the &eattle 8anufacturing '89)organization


lic* on the alternative region "(ev! Lot! &erial$

&erial ontrol 2ni%ueness: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA  


<. Define an item that is under predefined serial number control. If you do not have any system4generatedserial numbers for this item! you will not be able to perform any transactions utilizing this item.

  Items>Master Items

Item: ==;serialJpDesc: Predefined Serial /u&bersTemplate: ==JSell

lic* on the alternative region: Inventory

&erial @eneration: Predefined&tarting Prefi-: ==&tarting ;umber: 3333!


B. ssign your new item to &eattle 8anufacturing '89) and =oston 8anufacturing '8<) organizations! or yourorganization GG4organization9.T,en assign your category set to your item in these organizations. If you need help! please refer to Lab N!step B.&ave

J. Define another item that is under serial number control! using the option at receipt:

Item: ==;serialJr Desc: &erial numbers entered at receipt

lic* on the "&pecial$ 8enulic* on "opy +rom$Item: ==;serialJp

lic* on the alternative region: Inventory

&erial @eneration: At Receipt

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&tarting Prefi-: A==&tarting ;umber: 3333!


M. Predefine <Q serial numbers for item ==;serialJp! so you will be able to perform transactions utilizing thisitem.

  O(-2(3" +I)II%4>*E(ER%E SERI (UM)ERS 

Item: ==;serialJpuantity: #3

lic* on the "&ubmit$ button! then K;o0 to submit another re%uest 48onitor your concurrent re%uest id: '+rom the 8enu! chose 3elp 7#iew my re%uests

lic* on the "3elp$ 8enulic* on "#iew my re%uests$

lic* on the "+ind$ button or use the single re%uest functionWWWWDO ;OT proceed to step M until your concurrent re%uest has completed normally

N. Perform a 8iscellaneous (eceipt to receive M units of item ==;serialJp and MQ units of item ==;serialJrinto your subinventory

%ransactions>Miscellaneous %ransactionDate: TodayMs dateType: iscellaneous Receipt&ource: 8your na&e9

 ccount: 6enter account information7

lic* on the "Transaction Lines$ button

Item: ==;serialJp&ubinventory: ==;subinvuantity: !

lic* on the "LotX&erial$ button

lic* on the "List of #alues$ icon 'T(L L)

lic* the "+ind$ buttonhoose the first available serial number 

lic* on the "Done$ button

  dd new record OR use the T(L and DOH; arrow *ey

Item: ==;serialJp&ubinventory: ==;subinvuantity: '

Clic5 on t,e @LotNSerial button

it, your cursor in t,e Serial nu&ber field- type @ and t,en ,it t,e tab 5ey4

Notice how you now have a list of values i""ediately, as o!!osed to having to clic7 the ;O4 buttonand then hit the $ind< button as in the !revious e6a"!le

C,oose t,e first available serial nu&ber  4

Notice how the syste" calculates the to serial nu"ber based u!on the transaction uantity and the factthat the serial nu"ber entry "ode radial button is set to =%anges< - if you wanted to enter serial nu"bersthat were not seuential, change the serial nu"ber entry "ode radial button to =ndividual<, and then youcan select individual serial nu"bers.

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lic* on the "Done$ button&ave

;ow! perform your 8iscellaneous (eceipt to receive MQ units of item ==;serialJr

Item: ==;serialJr &ubinventory: ==;subinv

uantity: #

lic* on the "LotX&erial$ buttonlic* the "Individual$ radial button&erial ;umber: ==33==&erial ;umber: ==3!==

lic* on the "Done$ button  dd new record OR use the T(L and DOH; arrow *ey

Item: ==;serialJr &ubinventory: ==;subinvuantity: '0

lic* on the "LotX&erial$ button

&erial ;umber: 3!==22


Hhy didn0t you manually have to enter an account for these transactions


Notice that you were able to enter s!ecific serial nu"bers individually or by s!ecifying a starting nu"ber.

S. #erify that the system updated your serial number statuses for item ==;serialJp and ==;serialJr 

  On-han#" vailabilit$>Serial (umbersItem: ==;serialJp

lic* the "+ind$ button(eview the status for your serial numbers for item ==;serialJp ; toggle to alt region "&tatus$ and reviewour serial numbers you ust received.

uery ,nter '+99)Item: ==;serialJr uery (un 'trl +99)

(eview the status for your serial numbers for item ==;serialJp ; toggle to alt region "&tatus$ and reviewyour serial numbers you ust received.

LAB !' Creating Custo& Transaction Sources6Types

reate custom transaction source types and transaction types to trac* your donations to charity. It is yourcompanyUs practice to set aside inventory in a Kspare0 subinventory and then issue it to a local charity once

a year. 1ou will need to perform a "subinventory transfer$ to move the stoc* from your subinventory to thecharity 'donation) subinventory! and then perform an "issue from stores$ to ship your items to the charity.

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Set up a ne subinventory in organi7ation ! called ==;:onate ; refer to lab !- step '- if you are ,avingtrouble

<. Define a new transaction source type.

  Setup>%ransactions>Source %$pes;ame Description #alidation Type==;C>ARITIES   ==Ms C,arity Transactions   /one&ave

B. Define < new transaction types for your transaction source type ==;C>ARITIES


  2nder atl region "User >efined $! add a < new transaction types.

;ame Description &ource ction==;>OL:;C>ARITH   >old for C,arity Inventory Subinventory Transfer ==;ISS$E;C>ARITH  Issue to C,arity Inventory Issue fro& stores&ave

J. reate < new Transaction (eason odes to trac* all your charity movement transactions in yourorganization

  Setup>%ransactions>Reasons dd a record;ame Description==;:O/ATIO/   :onate to C,arity==;C>ARITH;>OL:   >old for C,arity&ave

M. 1ou ust received a call from your supervisor informing you that the company is going to donate 9 item tocharity. 2se the &ubinventory Transfer transaction to transfer 9 unit of item ==;ite& from your

subinventory into the subinventory ==;:onate.

  %ransactions>Subinventor$ %ransfer 

Date: TodayUs dateType: ==;>OL:;C>ARITH&ource: 'your name)

lic* on the "Transaction Lines$ buttonItem: ==;ite&&ubinventory: ==;subinvTo &ubinv: ==;:onateuantity: !(eason: ==;C>ARITH;>OL:


M. ;ow! perform your issue to a charity.

  %ransactions> Miscellaneous %ransaction

Date: TodayMs dateType: ==;ISS$E;C>ARITH&ource: 1oodill

lic* on the "Transaction Lines$ buttonItem: ==;ite&&ubinventory: ==;:onateuantity: !

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 ccount: 2se the T(L L *ey or clic* the LO# icon 4 type in K80 then clic* KOE0(eason: ==;:O/ATIO/  


LAB !( Perfor&ing Inventory Transactions

9. Perform a 8iscellaneous Transaction to receive S different items into your subinventory. If you are havingproblems! refer to one of the previous labs 'lab 9Q thru 9J)

  'This will be in preparation of our Physical Inventory and ycle ount labs)Date: TodayUs dateType: 8iscellaneous (eceipt&ource: 'your name)

 ccount: 6enter account information7

Item &ubinventory Loc Lot &erial ty

GG4Item ==;subinv 9Q

GG4<QQ lot ==;subinv 9M

GG4serialAr  ==;subinv 9

GG4trac* ==;subinv 9QGG4<QQ lot ==;subinv <

GG4trac*Ar  ==;subinv 9Q

GG4serialAp ==;subinv B

If you cannot find an item listed above! then simply select another classmates similar item',g. If you cannot find 3%;serialJr- then loo* for 3#;serialJr  or 3';serialJr ).

I8PO(T;T 4 when you save your S transaction lines watch for missing inventory controls such asmissing lots! serial number! locators. 'C$RSOR is nor&ally placed on line in error after a save isperfor&ed). Provide the additional information re%uired to complete transaction processing.


<. The =oston 8anufacturing '8<) has ust notified you that it is short 9Q pieces of ==;ite&. &ince you havealready received MQQ into your subinventory in 89! use the Inter4organization Transfer to send 9Q of themto =oston 8anufacturing.

  %ransactions>Inter-organization %ransfer 

Date: TodayMs dateTo Org: Boston anufacturingType: Inventory intransit s,ip&entontainers: !&ource: 8your na&e9&hipment ;umber: ==222,-pected (eceipt Date: Today.s :ate

lic* on UUTransaction Lines$ buttonItem: ==;ite&

an you use this item  JJJJJJJJJJ HhyCHhy ;ot 

 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ lear the current Inter4organization Transfer information and return to the ;avigator! from the master

items window! assign item ==;ite& to 8<4 =oston 8anufacturing

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B. 2se the Inter4organization Transfer to send 9Q units of ==;ite& to =oston 8anufacturing.

  %ransactions>Inter-organization %ransfer 

Date: TodayMs dateTo Org: Boston anufacturingType: Inventory intransit s,ip&entontainers: !

&ource: 8your na&e9&hipment: ==222,-pected (eceipt Date: Today.s :ate

&ubinventory: ==;subinvTo &ubinventory: StoresTab to uantity: !3

Hill there be any transfer charges AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA   Hhat will they be AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 

 Is the information correct AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 


J. The Inventory 8anager in =oston 8anufacturing has been notified that the intransit shipment has arrived.hange organizations to =oston 8anufacturing and do a receipt transaction for shipment number==2222

  C,ange organi7ation ; RP

lic* on the "hange Organization$ button! then lic* on =oston 8anufacturing '8<)! then lic* o*lose windows and return to the ;avigator.

(eceive the intransit shipment for =oston 8anufacturing.

  %ransactions>Receiving>Receiptslic* on the &hipment ;umber and enter ==222

lic* on the "+ind$ button

lose the (eceipt 3eader Hindow after it is returned

lic* on the c,ec5 bo< to the far left 'in front of the %uantity field) for your interorg transfer.hange the %uantity field to !3 'If need be)


M. Deliver the shipment GGRRR to =oston 8anufacturing! subinventory Stores.

  %ransactions>Receiving>Receiving %ransactions

lic* on the "+ind$ button

lic* on the c,ec5 bo< in front of the %uantity field and then tab to verify subinventory> Stores


N. #erify your receiving transaction by viewing the transactions

  %ransactions>Receiving>+ie5 Receiving %ransactions  1ou can use either of the following fields to limit your search! or any combination you wish:

&ource Type: Internal&upplier: Seattle anufacturing 8!9&hipment ;umber: ==222Item: ==;ite&

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Is you receipt listed AAAAAAAAAAAA 

S. #erify your On 3and uantity is available for transactions.

  On-han#" vailabilit$>On-han# .uantities

Item: ==;ite&&ubinventory: Stores

lic* on the "+ind$ buttonIs you On hand uantity correct AAAAAAAAAAA ty AAAAAAAAAAAA 

LAB !)   Return aterial Aut,ori7ations 8RA.s9

,nsure you are in organization &eattle 8anufacturing ? 89

9. (eceive an (8

  %ransactions>Receiving> Returns

&elect "ustomer$ T=

lic* on the "+ind$ button

(8 ;umber: &elect (8 ;umber from List of #alues 'LO#)

<. (eceive the inspected %uantity into inventory

  %ransactions> Receiving> Returns

lic* on "+ind$ =utton  (8 ;umber 'List of #alues T(L L or enter your (8 number)

lic* on the "Transaction Lines$ buttonLine number: 'List of #alues T(L L or enter your (8 number)&ubinventory: 3!;Subinvuantity: 'enter %uantity you Inspected)(eason: O8Pdamage

If you receive the message:  "The currently entered (8 %uantity receipt %uantity is greater than the total (8 %uantity- Yust clic* OE 4 1O2 are allowed to over4receive (80s)


LAB !+ Receiving Transactions

9. 1ou will be doing one PO receiving transaction/ a "&tandard$ receipt! which re%uires a receipt to be enteredinto the system before items can actually be placed 'received) into inventory.

  hange organizations to &eattle 8anufacturing '89) and perform the receipt transaction.

  %ransactionsReceivingReceiptsPurchase Order: 23==

lic* on the "+ind$ buttonlose the "(eceipt 3eaderUU windowlic* on the c,ec5 bo<! which is left of the uantity fieldTab to the &ubinventory field: Stores &ave

<. The &tandard PO line is now ready to be delivered to Stores subinventory.

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  %ransactions>Receiving>Receiving %ransactions

&ource Type: Supplier Purchase Order: 23==

lic* on the "+ind$ buttonlic* on the hec* bo- left of the %uantity field.

Tab to subinventory: Stores&ave

B. hec* the results of your transactions by viewing the transaction history and then verify the on hand%uantities.

  %ransactions>Material %ransactions

 ccept the default datesTab to the subinventory field and enter: Stores

lic* on the "+ind$ buttonThe first view is of the location information.lic* on the alternative region: "Transaction Type$

Hhat does the source field represent AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 

Does it change for different types of transactions AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 

On-han#" vailabilit$>On-han# .uantitiesItem: AS!02'+&ubinventory: Storeslic* on the "+ind$ buttonIs the %ty correct AAAAAAAAAA If you had not delivered your standard line into a subinventory! would you be able to view the on hand%uantity here AAAAAAAAAAAA 


Hhat menu path would you use to find receiving transactions


Lab !0  BC Analysis 

9. Define B = classes to use for your = compilation. '0nsure you are in organi9ation M)

   )C Co#es>)C Classeslic* on the icon to add a new class! OR use the down *ey to get to the first blan* line! or use the mouse and place your cursor on the first blan*

linelass ;ame: ==;Class A

Description: y class A ite&s

lic* on the icon to add a new class! or use the down *ey to get to the ne-t blan* linelass ;ame: ==;Class BDescription: y class B ite&s

lic* on the icon to add a new class! or use the down *ey to get to the ne-t blan* linelass ;ame: ==;Class CDescription: y class C ite&s&ave

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<. K(an*0 or se%uence the items in your subinventory by =current on hand uantity< 

   )C Co#es>)C Compiles

lic* on the ";ew$ button;ame: ==;COPILEDescription: ==Ms Co&pileontent &cope: Subinventory &ubinventory: ==;subinv 

#aluation &cope: Subinventoryriterion: Current on ,and uantityost type: Fro7en

lic* on the "ompile$ button

lic* on the "OE$ button for the caution pop up bo-: PP4QM<QR: oncurrent re%uest ----- submitted


lic* on the "OE$ button for the caution pop up bo-: PP4QM<QR: oncurrent re%uest ----- submitted

lic* on the "3elp$ 8enulic* on "#iew my re%uests$

lic* on the "+ind$ button

,nsure re%uest "= D,&,;DI;@ #L2, (,PO(T$ completes with a status of K;ormal0:

lic* on the "#iew Output$ button to view the "= Descending #alue (eport$ ,-it file

Notice the seuence nu"bers that have been assigned to each ite". /hese seuence nu"bersgenerated are based u!on the co"!ile o!tions you chose - =current on hand uantity< and s!ecificsubinventory. /he lowest seuence nu"ber 12 has been assigned to the ite" in your subinventory

with the highest on hand uantity, and the highest seuence nu"ber 162 has been assigned to the ite" inyour subinventory with the lowest on hand uantity./his co"!ile will then be used to assign your ite"s to s!ecific ?B# class within an ?B# grou! youwill be defining.

lose all windows and return to the ;avigator B. reate an = group for your ==;COPILE ! assign your = classes to this group! and then assign your

items to your = classes. This = group will automatically have all items that were compiled by thesystem when you generated your = compile because you are lin*ing your = group to your compile.

   )C Co#es>)C ssignment *roupslic* on the icon to add a new group name@roup ;ame ompile ;ame==;1RO$P ==;COPILE&ave 'trl &) 4

Note: Ma7e sure the cursor is highlighting +OU% new grou! na"e before !roceeding 

lic* on the "@roup lasses$ button to add your = classes to your groupPriority lass ;ame! ==;Class A# ==;Class B% ==;Class C&ave 'trl &) lose window = group class ssignments window.

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lic* on the "ssign Items$ button to assign items within your compile to the specific = classes youlin*ed to your = group.lass &e%==;Class A #

  ==;Class B %  ==;Class C K

Hhat was the se%uence number assigned to ==;Class CK  AAAAAAAAAA 

Hhy was this se%uence number assigned to ==;Class CK 


 re there other ways 'besides assigning se%uence numbers to = classes) to assign items from an =compile to an = group



oncurrent program "Define = ssignments$ is then initiated 4 wait until this re%uest completesnormally before proceeding.

oncurrent re%uest id AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA lic* on the "3elp$ 8enulic* on "#iew my re%uests$

lic* on the "+ind$ button or use single re%uest and enter your re%uest id

Hhen the re%uest Define = assignments completes normally! close the = ssign Items windowand reuery your ?B# ?ssign"ent grou!

lic* on the "2pdate items$ button to change the system generated item4class assignments! beacuseyou would li*e to can change one of the items assigned to lass to lass =

3ighlight the item you wish to change classes for! and simply update the class by entering a new value or

by using the LO# icon to select a new class 'while your cursor is in the class field)&ave

Lab !2   Cycle Counting

1 Define a cycle count header and initialize it with the = compile group! ==;1RO$P ,nableunscheduled entries. pprove out of tolerances only and choose the daily option for running the utomatic&cheduler.

  Counting>C$cle Counting>C$cle Counts

lic* on the ";ew$ button;ame: ==;CHCLE;CO$/TDescription: ==Ms Cycle Count

 dustment ccount: 2se the T(L L *ey or clic* the LO# icon 4 type in KP,0 then clic* KOE0

ount &ubinventories: Specific&ubinventory: ==;subinv

 lternative (egion: ontrol! &copeLate Days: !2nscheduled ,ntries:  HesDisplay &ystem ty:  Hes

 utomatic (ecounts: Clic5 t,e c,ec5 bo< ;8a-imum: !

 lternative (egion: &erial ontrol! &chedule&erial ontrol Option ultiple Per Reuest

 uto &chedule: Clic5 t,e c,ec5 bo<

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+re%uency: :ailyount Zero uantity: Clic5 t,e c,ec5 bo<&ave 'trl &)

 lternative (egion: dustments! = pproval (e%uired: If out of Tolerance

  ty ( ( dust. #alue ( (

  3itX8iss !3 !3

 = Initialization  @roup: ==;1RO$P  Option: 8Re9 Initiali7e

&ave 'trl &)Hrite down your concurrent re%uest id AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 'OE)

lic* on the "3elp$ 8enulic* on "#iew my re%uests$

lic* on the "+ind$ or use the single re%uest option

Hhen your concurrent re%uest id has completed with a status of ;ormal! close the re%uest window andcontinue to the ne-t step

,ile t,e Cycle Count ,eader for& is displayed- reuery your cycle count you ust created

<. 2pdate your cycle count with your = classes

lic* on "lasses$ button! and update your counts per year for each class

;ame ounts per year pproval #arianceXuantity F==4Class A ##( #==;Class B +(==;Class C (3&ave

J. Initiate the cycle counting functionality for your cycle count! so you can begin performing daily cyclecounts.

lic* on "&pecial$ 8enu&elect "Perform +ull ycle ount$ 4 This is a re%uest set composed of B concurrent programs.lic* on the Parameters field for eac, reuest to get the popup window for parameter inputs;ame Parameters@en. uto&ched ycle ;ame: ==;CHCLE;CO$/T

  @en. ycleount(eg. ycle ;ame: ==;CHCLE;CO$/T  ycle ount Listing ycle ;ame: ==;CHCLE;CO$/T  Ensure t,at you c,ec5 t,e save. bo< for t,is report O/LH

lic* on the "&ubmit$ button! then clic* no to submit another re%uest

lic* on the "3elp$ 8enulic* on "#iew my re%uests$

lic* on the "+ind$ or use the single re%uest option

Hhen the program name 1L, O2;T LI&TI;@ has completed normally! then

lic* on the "#iew Output$ buttonThe #+#;0 #OUN/ ;S/N@ contains items that must be counted within 9 day of the scheduler being

run! due to you setting the Late Days option to 9.

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;ote: If you have data on the output of the report you have successfully generated an Uutomatic ycleountU process. If the previous step was successful! close all windows and return to the ;avigator. If not!please as* for assistance.

M. ,nter cycle count entries for your cycle count! ==;CHCLE;CO$/T  'Aee! the uantities reasonable)

  Counting>C$cle Counting>C$cle Count Entriesycle ount:  ==;CHCLE;CO$/T

lic* on the "+ind$ button+ind all open count re%uests > HES,nter %uantities:8/ote" if you c,ange t,e region to @Adust&ents you can see t,e syste& generated uantity9

,nter several counts out of tolerance and ma*e the rest of the counts entered match the system %uantity.+or counts entered that are Kout of tolerance0! enter at least one count that will allow the system to bypassthe tolerance %ty at the header level! but not the lass ') level 'item classes are shown on lower portionof the cycle count entries screen)'ie..if system %uantity>MQ! then enter count %ty of MJ/ this %uantity variance will pass the header leveltolerance of or 4MF! but not the class tolerance of or 4<F.

+or serial items that appear on your cycle count! after entering a count for that item! clic* the K&erial0

button and clic* the "ll Present$ button if you do not want to perform an adustment! otherwise! 6unclic,7  thepresent chec*bo- 'to enter an adustment) If you do not clic* the "&erial$ button prior to moving from the countfield! a pop up not will appear informing you to

"Please enter the serial number details for this re%uest$

Once you have entered a count for each item on the cycle count entries form!&ave 'trl &)

lic* then "O*$ button when the note "dustments processed$ window appears.

N. pprove! reect or recount your cycle count entries for your cycle count/ GG;CHCLE;CO$/T

  Counting>C$cle Counting>pprove Counts

ycle ount: ==;CHCLE;CO$/T

lic* on "+ind$ button  uery counts pending approval only /O

Notice counts that were entered which "atched syste" uantities are tagged as =a!!roved< and thatcounts

that are =out of tolerance< are auto"atically set to a status of =recount<. f a count is within tolerance but not the sa"e uantity that the syste" has, then status of the adjust"ent is a!!roved due to the cyclecount o!tion for a!!roval being set to =f out of tolerance< - f you set this o!tion to =?lways<, then each

countwithin tolerance but not the sa"e uantity as the syste", you would either need to a!!rove, reject orrecount the ite" 1if recounts were allowed2. f you do not have any counts with an a!!roval status ofrecount, then you do not have to !erfor" ste!s and C of this lab..

S. (ecount any of your cycle count items that have a status of Krecounted0

  Counting>C$cle Counting>C$cle Count Entriesycle ount:  ==;CHCLE;CO$/T

lic* on the "+ind$ button+ind all open count re%uests > HES,nter %uantities:


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. pprove! reect or recount your cycle count entries for your cycle count/ ==;CHCLE;CO$/T

  Counting>C$cle Counting>pprove Counts

ycle ount: ==;CHCLE;CO$/T

lic* on "+ind$ button  uery counts pending approval only /O

Notice the counts just entered for recount have the a!!roval o!tion set to =None<. /his is doing to the fact that auto"atic recounts were enabled for your cycle count, and the "a6i"u" nu"ber of recounts was setto . f you had entered 0 for the "a6i"u" nu"ber of recounts, then the action for recounted ite"s thatwere recounted and still not with tolerances would still be set to %ecount< 1until "a6i"u" nu"ber forrecounts is reached2

 LAB #3 P,ysical Inventories

hange organizations to &eattle 8anufacturing '89)

I8 Define a physical inventory to count LL items within your subinvnetory.

  Counting>'h$sical Inventor$>'h$sical Inventories

lic* on ";ew$ button

;ame: ==;PI Description: ==Ms PIDate: TodayMs date

 pproval region 

(e%uired: If out of tolerance  Tolerances

ty ( (  #alue !3 !3

ount &ubinventories

lic* "&pecific$  '&ubinventory) ==;subinv

"llow Dynamic Tags$ should be chec*ed 1es

lic* on "&napshotU button concurrent re%uest id AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

lic* on the "3elp$ 8enulic* on "#iew my re%uests$

lic* on the "+ind$ or use the single re%uest option

Hhen your "+reeze physical inventory$ re%uest has completed with a status of ;ormal! close the re%uest

window and return to the ;avigator.

<. @enerate both blan* and default tags for physical inventory ==;PI.Blan7 tag infor"ation

  Counting>'h$sical Inventor$>%ag *eneration;ame: ==; PITag Type: Blan5&tarting tag: ==333!;umber of tags" %

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;otice how the ending tag number is automatically generated based upon the number of tagsre%uested. Hrite down your ending tag nu"ber .,nding tag number: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 

lic* on the "@enerate$ button

lic* on the "3elp$ 8enu

lic* on "#iew my re%uests$lic* on the "+ind$ or use the single re%uest optionHhen the program name @,;,(T, P31&IL I;#,;TO(1 T@& has completed normally! generateyour default  tag information

>efault tag infor"ation;ame: ==; PITag Type: Blan5&tarting tag: This information should already be displayed- If not! then enter your ending tag number 9- 'eg. If your ending tag number was GGQQQJ! then enter GGQQQM)Digit Increment" this information should also default 4 if not enter  33!!!!

If above information defaulted correctly! then you should simply have to place your cursor in the "&tartingTag number field and then hit the "Tab$ to allow system to complete the default information

lic* on the "@enerate$ button

lic* on the "3elp$ 8enulic* on "#iew my re%uests$

lic* on the "+ind$ or use the single re%uest optionHhen the program name @,;,(T, P31&IL I;#,;TO(1 T@& has completed normally! proceed

to the ne-t step.

B. ,nter tag counts for physical inventory GG4PI.

  Counting>'h$sical Inventor$>%ag Counts

;ame: ==;PIlic* on the "+ind$ button

  uery all e-isting tags: HES

1our blan* tags will be displayed first. +or your first blan* tag! enter the following information for an itemyou found in your subinventory! but that was not accounted for when the snapshot was ta*en.

Item: AS!333!&ubinventory ==;subinvty: !33

&ince this was the only item you found in your subinventory that was not included in the snapshot! voidthe remaining < blan* tags:

#OID: C,ec5 bo<

  ,nter %uantities for all your remaining tags! entering any count you wish.&ave

J (un the Physical inventory missing tag listing

  Reports>)C an# Counting &ingle re%uest lic* O*(e%uest ;ame: P,ysical Inventory issing Tag Listings;ame: ==;PI

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Once the re%uest has completed! verify on the report output that you see:Nu"ber of Missing /ags: ' 

lic* on the "3elp$ 8enulic* on "#iew my re%uests$

lic* on the "+ind$ or use the single re%uest option

3ighlight your re%uest! andlic* on the "#iew (eport$ button to ensure you see Nu"ber of Missing /ags: ' 

M pprove all of the adustments

  Counting>'h$sical Inventor$>pprove #9ustments

;ame: ==;PI

lic* on "+ind$ button  uery out of tolerance adustments only HES

9) 1ou 82&T approve! reect or void ,#,(1 tag

<) 1ou should always run the Physical Inventory dustment (,PO(T before running the adustmentsprogram to be assured that every thing loo*s reasonable.

lic* on "pprove ll$ button

N. Launch the adustments program:

  Counting>'h$sical Inventor$ >'h$sical Inventories

uery your physical inventory. Hith your cursor on your physical inventory!

lic* on the "&pecial$ 8enulic* on "Launch dustments$

 ccount: 2se the T(L L *ey or clic* the LO# icon 4 type in KPh0 then clic* KOE0

lic* on "Launch dustments$

Lab #! #nd :ay Cycle Counting

9. 1our manager has ust notified you that you will need to count a new item daily. 8anually add that item toyour ycle ount! which was not included in your original = compile! and place that item in the controlgroup.

  /his additional count is considered a Manual entry, not an unscheduled entry.

  Counting>C$cle Counting>C$cle Countsuery enter '+99)

  Eey in: == uery run 'trl +99)

lic* on the "Open$ button

lic* on the "Items$ button

lic* on the icon to add a new class! OR

lic* on ",dit$! and &elect K;ew record0

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lass: ==;Class AItem: AS!333!ontrol @roup: C,ec5 Bo<&ave

<. ;ow initiate the cycle counting 'autoscheduler) for Day < of your cycle count.

lic* on "&pecial$ 8enu

&elect "Perform +ull ycle ount$ 4;ame Parameters@en. uto&ched ycle ;ame: ==;CHCLE;CO$/T

  @en. ycleount(eg. ycle ;ame: ==;CHCLE;CO$/T  ycle ount Listing ycle ;ame: ==;CHCLE;CO$/T

Ensure t,at you c,ec5 t,e save. bo< for t,is report O/LH

lic* on the "&ubmit$ button! then clic* no to submit another re%uest

lic* on the "3elp$ 8enulic* on "#iew my re%uests$

lic* on the "+ind$ or use the single re%uest optionHhen the program name 1L, O2;T LI&TI;@ has completed normally

lic* on the "#iew Output$ button to see what items need to be counted. 

;ote: If you do not have data on the output of the report! please as* for assistance.

B. ,nter several preapproved cycle count entries and then enter the remainder of your items to be countedfor your cycle count! ==;CHCLE;CO$/T .

Drea!!roved counts are not subject to any cycle count tolerances establishedE whatever count ty isentered on the cycle count entry for" is auto"atically a!!roved.

  Counting>C$cle Counting>C$cle Count 

ycle ount:  ==;CHCLE;CO$/T

lic* on the "&pecial$ 8enu&elect ,nter Preapproved ounts,nter a count for one of your items that is unreasonable 4 If your system %uantity is MQQ! then enterin a count %uantity of MQ!QQQ.&ave 'trl &)lose the ycle ount ,ntries form.

J. (eview the pproval action of the count you ust entered.

lic* on the "pprovals$ button

;otice the pproval ction for this item is Kpproved0 even though the count %uantityentered e-ceeded the cycle count tolerances established. This was a preapproved count

lose the ycle ount pprovals form.

M. ,nter the remaining count %uantities for your items.

lic* on the "ounts$ button

 8/ote" if you c,ange t,e region to @Adust&ents you can see t,e syste& generated uantity9

,nter you count %uantities for your items.

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+or serial items that appear on your cycle count! after entering a count for that item! clic* the K&erial0button and clic* the "ll Present$ button if you do not want to perform an adustment! otherwise! Kun clic*0the present chec*bo- 'to enter an adustment) If you do not clic* the "&erial$ button prior to moving fromthe count field! a pop up not will appear informing you to

"Please enter the serial number details for this re%uest$

Once you have entered a count for each item on the cycle count entries form&ave

lic* "OE$ button for dustments processed window

B. pprove! reect or recount your cycle count entries for your cycle count/ GG;CHCLE;CO$/T

  Counting>C$cle Counting>pprove Counts

ycle ount: ==;CHCLE;CO$/T

lic* on "+ind$ button  uery counts pending approval only /O

If you do not have any counts that have a status of recount! then s*ip the step J and step M

J. (ecount any of your cycle count items that have a status of Krecounted0

  Counting>C$cle Counting>C$cle Count Entriesycle ount:  ==;CHCLE;CO$/T

lic* on the "+ind$ button+ind all open count re%uests > HES,nter %uantities:


M. pprove! reect or recount your cycle count entries for your cycle count/ GG;CHCLE;CO$/T

  Counting>C$cle Counting>pprove Counts

ycle ount: ==;CHCLE;CO$/T

lic* on "+ind$ button  uery counts pending approval only /O

;otice the counts ust entered for recount have the approval option set to ";one$. This is due to the factthat automatic recounts were enabled for your cycle count! and the ma-imum number of recounts was setto 9. If you had entered # for the ma-imum number of recounts! then the action for Krecounted items0 thatwere recounted and still not with tolerances would still be set to K(ecount$ 'until ma-imum number forrecounts is reached)

LAB ## Forecast and Forecast Sets

9. Define an item! which will have a general planning method of reorder point planning. ,nter the appropriate

item attributes! which enable the ,O and reorder points to be calculated. 'Planning method! lead times!order cost! carrying cost)

  Items>Master ItemsItem: ==;reorder Desc: For testing reorder point planning

lic* on the "&pecial$ 8enulic* on "opy +rom$Template: Purchase Item

lic* on "pply$ and "Done$

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lic* on the alternative region: "@eneral Planning$Inventory Planning 8ethod > "Reorder Point$ 'pop list)ost:Order>)  'fi-ed dollar amount to place the order regardless of %uantity)

  arrying> !(  'the annual carrying cost to stoc* one unit of the item)&ource Type: Supplier 

lic* on the alternative region "PSNRP$,nsure that planning method is set to: ";ot Planned$+orecast ontrol: /one

lic* on the alternative region "Lead Ti&es$Preprocessing Leadtime: ! 'number of days re%uired to place a purchase order)Processing Leadtime: ! 'number of days to procure the item)Postprocessing Leadtime: ! 'number of days to deliver a "Purchased Item$ into inventory)


 ssign to &eattle 8anufacturing '89) and =oston 8anufacturing '8<) organizations. T,en assign yourcategory set to the new item in both organizations.


<. reate a +orecast (ule to use when you generate your +orecast in step M.

  Setup>Rules>:orecast ;ame: ==;H RuleDescription: y forecasting rule=uc*et Type: ee5sInclude&ales Order shipments: hec* bo<Issues to HIP: :o /OT C,ec5 bo<8iscellaneous Issues: C,ec5 bo<Inter4org Transfers: C,ec5 bo<+orecast: Focus


B. 8anually load the safety stoc* %uantity for item ==;reorder 

  'lanning>Safet$ Stoc,s

lic* on ";ew$ button

Default Item: ==;reorder ,ffective Date: Today.s :ateuantity: !33


J. reate a forecast and forecast set! which will be used by the reorder point4planning lab to calculate the,O for your reorder point planned item.

  'lanning>:orecast>Sets dd a forecast set+orecast &et: ==;FC;SET Desc: ==Ms FCSET=uc*et type: ee5sLevel: Ite&onsume:  Hes

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Outlier 2pdate: !33 =ac*ward Days: %+orward Days: %&ave

+orecast  Description==;FC ==.s Forecast&ave

lic* on the "+orecast Items$ button

Item: ==;reorder  'rest of information will default)

';ote: 1ou should receive a pop up note bo-:Harning: This item is not planned

Yust clic* o* 4 This warning message is letting the user *now that the item is ;OT 8(P or 8P& planned.  1ou can still plan for this item using (eorder Point Planning.

lic* on "Detail$ button

=uc*et Date ,nd Date ;o. of =uc*ets urrent Original

ee5s TodayMs date % &o fro& today 8accept default9 %338defaulted9

Hhat happened when you tried to put in today0s date




M. @enerate your forecast.


  +orecast ;ame: ==;FC  +orecast (ule: ==;H Rule  &election: Specific Inventory Ite&  Item: ==;reorder   ategory &et: ==;SET  &pecific ategory: 8blan59  Overwrite: All entries  &tart Date: Accept default  utoff Date: Accept default

lic* on "&ubmit re%uest$ button

  This forecast will be used for the (eorder Point lab.

J. Hhat are the two types of forecasts Oracle Inventory can generate for you 


 LAB #%  Reorder Point Planning

9. (un the (eorder Point Planning report to see if its time to replenish item ==;reorder 

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  'lanning>Reor#er 'oint 'lanning 

P(8,T,(&:Item selection: Ite&s under reorder point(estoc*: /o+orecast: ==;FC9st &ort: Categoryategory &et: ==;SET

/ote" accept all ot,er default para&eters

lic* on "OE$ button

lic* on the "&ubmit (e%uest$ buttonHrite down the concurrent re%uest id AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA clic* ";o$

lic* on the "3elp$ 8enulic* on "#iew my re%uest$

lic* on the "+ind$ or use the single re%uest option

Hhen the program "(eorder Point planning$ has completed with a status of ;ormallic* on the "#iew Output$ button to view your report

If there is no data on the report output! when assigning item GG4reorder  to your child organization!did you also add your category set and category code combination that was used as an input parameter for the

(OP reportHas the item attribute under @eneral Planning for planning method set to "(eorder Point Planning$Has the item attribute under 8P&X8(P Planning for planning method set to ";one$

If there is no data on the report output! as* for assistance before proceeding to ne-t step.

<. ;ow! perform a 8iscellaneous (eceipt transaction in organization 89 for item ==;reorder  for a %uantity ofMQ! and then rerun the (OP report again. '2se the same input parameters used when first running the

report)If you need help performing a miscellaneous transaction! see labs R thru 9J.

Did the reorder %ty change AAAAAAAA ty AAAAAAA  Is the value correct AAAAAAAA 

H31CH31 ;OT


LAB #'  in;a< Planning

9. Define an item! which will be min4ma-! planned. &et appropriate values to allow running the minXma- reportfor either the whole organization or for specific subinventories/ ==;subinv and F1I

  Items>Master Items

Item: ==;&in&a<Desc: For testing &inN&a< planning report

lic* on the "&pecial$ 8enuTe&plate" ==;sell

lic* on "pply$ and "Done$

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lic* on the alternative region "@eneral Planning$Inventory planning 8ethod "8in48a-$ 'pop list)

  8in48a- %uantities:  8inimum: (3  8a-imum: (33

Order uantity

8inimum: (3  8a-imum: #(3

ostOrder: (arrying: (

&ource: Supplier +i-ed Order uantity: (3

lic* on the alternative region "PSNRP$Planning method: /ot Planned+orecast ontrol: /onePegging: /one

lic* on the alternative region "Lead Ti&es$Preprocessing Leadtime: ! 'number of days re%uired to place a purchase order)Processing Leadtime: ! 'number of days to procure the item)Postprocessing Leadtime: ! 'number of days to deliver a "Purchased Item$ into inventory)


<. ssign to &eattle 8anufacturing '89).Hhen the organizations items form is returned! notice all item attribute values entered at the master leveldefault to the child org 4these item attribute values at the organization level are use# 5hen runningthe min;ma< for the entire organization)

Then assign your category set to your item in &eattle 8anufacturing. ,ither do this from the masterorganization! then from the special menu! organization assignment! org attributes button! and when theorganization items form appears! use the special menu! item categories/ O( use the organization itemsform! then the special menu! item categories! OR use the category sets form! ssign button. nd assignyour category set to both organization items. If you need help! please as*.


If you >AE /OT assigned your category set to item ==;&in&a< from the organization window within themaster items form! then navigate to the organization items window 'Items7Organization Items) and

perform step B. If you have assigned you category set to item ==;&in&a< from the organizationwindow within the master items form! :O /OT close the Organization ssignment window! continue on.

lic* on the "Org ttributes$ button 'ensure your cursor is on the correct organization '89) prior to do this)

B. ,stablish min4ma- parameters for running the report by subinventor$ .

lic* on the "&pecial$ 8enu  lic* on "Item &ubinventories$

&ubinventory 8in48a- Planning 8in ty 8a- ty==;subinv Hes #( (33

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lic* on the alternative region "&ourcingUUType: Supplier  'pop list)lic* on the alternative region "Lead TimesUU

Preprocessing Leadtime: !Processing Leadtime: ! Postprocessing Leadtime: ! 

&ubinventory 8in48a- Planning 8in ty 8a- ty

F1I Hes !33 #(3

lic* on the alternative region "&ourcingUUType: Supplier  'pop list)lic* on the alternative region "Lead TimesUU

Preprocessing Leadtime: !Processing Leadtime: ! Postprocessing Leadtime: ! 


;ote: these values entere# at the subinventor$ level are use# 5hen running the min;ma< for thespecific organization;subinventor$ specifie# )

lose all windows and return to the ;avigator.

J. (un the 8in48a- Planning report to see if it is time to replenish item ==;&in&a< in ==;subinv

  'lanning>Min-Ma< 'lanning 

Planning Level: Subinventory&ubinventory: ==;subinvItem &elect: Ite&s under &ini&u& uantityategory &et: ==;SET(estoc*: /o

8/ote" accept all ot,er default values9

lic* on the "OE$ buttonlic* on the "&ubmit (e%uest$ button 4 clic* ";o$

lic* on the "3elp$ 8enulic* on "#iew my re%uest$

lic* on the "+ind$ or use the single re%uest option

Hhen the program "8inC8a- Planning$ has completed with a status of ;ormal

lic* on the "#iew Output$ button to view your report

Is there a suggested reorder %uantity on the report output for your item AAAAAAAAA3ow 8uch AAAAAAAA 

Is the %uantity correct AAAAAAAA 

H31CH31 ;OT


M. ;ow! perform a 8iscellaneous (eceipt transaction in organization 89 for item ==;&in&a<- subinventory F1I a %uantity of SM! and then rerun the min4ma- report again for specific subinventory.

If you need help performing the transaction! see labs R thru 9J.

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'+or the report! use the same input parameters used in step J! e-cept change subinventory ==;subinv to 'subinventory F1I)

Is there a suggested reorder %uantity on the report output for your item AAAAAAAAA3ow 8uch AAAAAAAA Is the %uantity correct AAAAAAAA 

H31CH31 ;OT


N. (un the min4ma- for the entire organization to see if there are any items that need to be replenished.

  'lanning>Min-Ma< 'lanning 

Planning Level: Organi7ationItem &elect: Ite&s under &ini&u& uantityategory &et: ==;SET(estoc*: /o8/ote" accept all ot,er default values9

Is there a suggested reorder %uantity on the report output for your item AAAAAAAAA

3ow 8uch AAAAAAAA Is the %uantity correct AAAAAAAA 


S. (o5" perform a Miscellaneous Issue transaction in organization 89 for item ==;&in&a<- subinventory F1I for a %uantity of BQ! and then rerun the min4ma- report again for the entire organization.'2se the same input parameters used in step N of this lab.

Is there a suggested reorder %uantity on the report output for your item AAAAAAAAA3ow 8uch AAAAAAAA Is the %uantity correct AAAAAAAA 

H31CH31 ;OT


. ;ow! rerun the min4ma- report again for the entire organization! allowing the system to generatere%uisitions or purchase orders.

Planning Level: Organi7ationItem &elect: Ite&s under &ini&u& uantityategory &et: ==;SET(estoc*:  Hes8/ote" accept all ot,er default values9

At t,is point- please do not continue to t,e ne<t step until all reuisitions ,ave been i&ported intot,e Purc,asing &odule

R. ;ow! rerun the min4ma- report again for the entire organization

Planning Level: Organi7ationItem &elect: All &in;&a< planned ite&s ategory &et: ==;SET(estoc*: /o&upply uttoff Date: ! &ont, fro& today

Modified by: Edgar Arroyo 45 Revision: B

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8/ote" accept all ot,er default values9

Is there a suggested reorder %uantity on the report output for your  item AAAAAAAAA3ow 8uch AAAAAAAA Is the %uantity correct AAAAAAAA H31CH31 ;OT


Is the supply %uantity correct AAAAAAAA H31CH31 ;OT


Lab #( Available to Pro&ise 8ATP9

9. reate an TP rule which you can run to chec* availability of item==;ite&.

  Setup>Rules>vailable to 'romise

;ame: ==;ATP;R$LEonsumption:

  =ac*ward > Hes  +orward > Hes

 ccumulate avail. > Hes

Infinite &upply > 2ser Defined Time fenceDays > 9M

 ccept all other defaults&ave

<. Perform an TP in%uiry for item ==;ite&.

  On-han#" vailabilit$>vailable to 'romise

hange the Default TP rule to: ==;ATP;R$LE ccept all other defaults

lic* on the "Item$ button

Item: ==;ite& TP rule: ==;ATP;R$LETab to re%uired %uantity: !3333

Tab to re%uired date: TodayMs datelic* on the "#iew (esults$ button

lic* on the "Open$ button to view results presented in another format.

Modified by: Edgar Arroyo 46 Revision: B

8/13/2019 Basic Inventory Setup Labs 48/48

Appendix ANavigation Function (Hot) eys

!"n#$ion %ey